The Mechanicsville Local – 11/18/2020

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Vol. 36, No. 34 | Richmond Suburban News | November 18, 2020

Name, class size top online issues By Jim Ridolphi for The Mechanicsville Local


ASHLAND -- The Hanover County School Board had originally planned to approve a name for the county’s recently instituted online school at last week’s meeting, but members decided not to take action on the pending name assignment. An item on the action agenda requiring a vote was removed and

placed in the information section of the agenda, allowing the panel an additional 30 days to consider the action. That did not prevent a school naming committee to present its final recommendation for the new name, a process that began last month and included input from students, teachers and administrators. Nancy Disharoon, director of Accreditation and Accountability,

outlined a timetable utilized to reach a final recommendation and announced the committee had decided on the name Hanover County Online School as its final choice. After the committee was formed on Oct. 13, online students were asked to submit suggestions. Each class narrowed those selections to one and six names were

Suit dismissed regarding Wegmans proposed site By Jim Ridolphi for The Mechanicsville Local HANOVER — Hanover Circuit Court Judge Overton Harris has dismissed a lawsuit filed last summer by five Hanover County citizens regarding the proposed Wegmans

Distribution Center slated for the Ashcake and Sliding Hill Road area. The suit outlined 12 specific complaints, many of them centered on the process by which the project was approved, noise and quality

see ONLINE, pg. 9

LOVE artwork pays tribute to Hanover County’s 300 years ASHLAND -- The Hanover Youth Service Council has unveiled a life-sized LOVE artwork, now on display at the Department of Community Resources Office at 12310 Washington Hwy. in Ashland within the Hanover Human Services Center. Created as part of a state and local partnership to promote travel and tourism, the artwork is an extension of the

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50-year-old “Virginia is for Lovers” brand, one of the most beloved and iconic slogans in the world. The Hanover Celebrating 300 Years sign is one of more than 200 giant LOVE letters, called LOVEworks, in towns and cities across the Commonwealth. “Virginia is for Lovers is about doing the things you

see SUIT, pg. 2

Photo courtesy of Brian Capaldo

The group involved with the LOVE artwork representing Hanover County’s 300 years of history are shown in front of the Department of Community Resources Office in Ashland.

see LOVE, pg. 7

Wrap up your gift list at Books, Beads, & More where we have something for everyone! Shop Small and Make a Difference at the November 28th SUPER SALE! • One of a kind jewelry • Local artists • Books, CDs, DVDs • Store wide discounts • Locally owned and operated Still open & providing a safe place to shop • Social distancing & curbside pickup

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