The Mechanicsville Local – 05/27/2021

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Gill: grads will move inside for ceremonies Staff Report ASHLAND – Based on Governor Northam’s decision to lift all COVID-19 mitigation measures, including physical distancing requirements and capacity limits, as a result of declining COVID-19 cases and increasing vaccination rates, Dr. Michael Gill, superintendent of Hanover County Public Schools, has announced that all four graduation ceremonies will be held indoors in the Farm Bureau Building at the Meadow Event Park. “We will still hold two ceremonies each on Friday, June 18, and Saturday, June 19,” Gill said. By hosting the ceremonies indoors, he said it will allow the school division to provide: a more controlled environment, including air see INSIDE, pg. 10

Vol. 37, No. 7 | Richmond Suburban News | May 26, 2021

Holiday being observed virtually


ANOVER -The public is invited to watch the Hanover County Virtual Memorial Day Ceremony that will be released on Monday, May 31. This year’s pre-recorded ceremony features an introduction from the Hanover Veteran’s Committee chairman, George Navas, and a speech from guest speaker Dr. Clay Mountcastle, director of the Virginia War Memorial located in Richmond. The committee arranged a special moment of remembrance in honor of John J. Monaghan Jr., a Hanover County native who served, protected, and sacrificed during the Vietnam War. The Gold Star family of John J. Monaghan Jr. -- his brother, Jerry Monaghan, and his nephew, John J. Monaghan II -- were invited to participate in this year’s

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Smithson: Be aware of parking on election day By Melody Kinser Managing Editor

File photo/Jim Ridolphi

Record crowds fought the heat to celebrate those who have fallen in service to their country at the 2019 Hanover Veterans Memorial Day. The annual Memorial Day ceremony is sponsored by the Hanover Veterans Committee and Hanover County Parks and Recreation.

Memorial Day Ceremony. Jerry Monaghan honored his brother during the wreath laying ceremony and was escorted by Tom Rummel, captain of the Honor

Guard and member of the American Legion Post 175, and Herb Melson, captain of the Honor Guard and member of the VFW Post 9808. Taps were played by

Edward Baggett, member of the Honor Guard and the American Legion Post 175. Visit www.facebook. see HOLIDAY, pg. 4

HANOVER – General Registrar/Director of Elections Teresa “Teri” Smithson is advising voters planning to cast a ballot in the June 8 Democratic Primary Election about possible parking issues since Hanover County Public Schools will still be in session SMITHSON for the 2020-2021 year. “Historically, the primaries were always held the second see ELECTION, pg. 4

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