7 minute read
Incident Reports
Aug. 2
Driver not reporting accident with damage, $250, was reported in the 11000th block of Washington
Highway, Ashland.
Conspiracy to obtain money/ etc. under false pretenses, larceny, $200, was reported in the 6000th block of
Mechanicsville Turnpike,
Carrying concealed weapon, first offense was reported in the 6600th block of Cold Harbor Road, Mechanicsville.
Driver not reporting accident with damage, $1,000, was reported in the 2400th block of Westwood Road,
Assault and battery on a family member was reported in the 7000th block of Wilt
Lane, Mechanicsville.
Aug. 3
Grand larceny building was reported in the 14900th block of Mountain Road, Glen Allen.
Receiving stolen goods was reported in the 10400th block of Washington
Highway, Ashland.
Driver not reporting accident with damage, $250, was reported in the 7200th block of Bell Creek Road,
Eluding police, failure to stop: attempt to escape/ elude was reported in the 3700th block of Mechanicsville Turnpike, Mechanicsville.
Petit larceny, $500, not from person was reported in the 13100th block of Ashland
Road, Ashland.
Driver not reporting accident with damage, $250, was reported in the 8100th block of Atlee Road,
| Crime, Accidents, Fire & Rescue
see INCIDENTS, pg. 4 Back

Continued from pg. 1 services and to identify programs that can serve as models for other counties,” Errico said.
As the program enters its 19th year, VACO received 102 entries and 19 counties were selected for this year’s awards.
Programs qualify for the awards according to a number of criteria including how the program offers innovative solutions to a problem or situation. Inter-governmental or private sector cooperation is also considered and programs must provide a model for other counties.
The Sheriff’s Office was recognized for its continued participation in the SHIELD Program, a comprehensive approach to community policing that connects police departments globally to seek innovative solutions to nagging problems.
“The SHIELD Program started with a conversation with the New York City Police Department, and that conversation led to the NYPD changing the way in which they operated their SHIELD Program,” Hines said noting that program had previously focused on interactions with VIPs and government officials.
Hines had a different vision for the program in Hanover.
The cooperative program quickly evolved to a global initiative
“We are now a global network of law enforcement com-

Jim Ridolphi/TheLocal
The Hanover County Community Services Board (CSB) received an Achievement Award from the Virginia Association of Counties (VACO) at last week’s Board of Supervisors meeting. The group was recognized for a program that provides mental health assistance to fi rst responders in partnership with Hanover Fire/EMS. Those recognized are pictured and include, from left: (fi rst row)Phyllis Errico, General Counsel for VACO, Ivy Sager, CSB Director, Firefi ghter/medic Kevin Mills, Laura Robertson Adolescent Development Specialist, Firefi ghter/Medic Craig Bodette, Lt. E. J. Ivie, Martha Lambert, Coordinator of Behavioral Health. Also pictured in second row, from left, are Battalion Commander Greg Martin, Board of Supervisors Chair Sean Davis and Fire Chief Jethro Piland.
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see VACO, pg. 4
10173ChamberlayneRoad Mechanicsville,Va23116 www.BalducciRealty.com
Continued from pg. 3
Aug. 4
DWI: first offense was reported in the 11300th block of Ashcake Road/
Elmont Road, Ashland. Breaking and entering building to commit larceny/ assault and battery/etc. (conspiracy) was reported in the 11000th block of
Leadbetter Road, Ashland.
Failure to stop for a school bus with flashing lights was reported in the 11200th block of Washington Driver not reporting accident with damage, $1,000, was reported in the 7500th block of Right Flank Road,
Driver not reporting accident with damage, $1,000, was reported in the 7000th block of Mechanicsville Turnpike,
Identity theft with intent to defraud, $200, was reported in the 7400th block of Bell
Creek Road, Mechanicsville.
Assault and battery on a family member was reported in the 5500th block of Pole
Green Road, Mechanicsville.

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Continued from pg. 3 munities sending information to their communities around the world,” Hines said.
Captain Terry Sullivan of the Sheriff’s Office has been elected as President of the Global SHIELD Network.
“I couldn’t be prouder of my agency,” Hines said. “But, more importantly , I couldn’t be more proud of this community, the Board of Supervisors and our county administration,” he added.
The sheriff said the SHIELD program is one of many innovative programs in the county designed to serve an engaged community.
“Hanover County is a unique place, and because of that uniqueness, we’re able to serve our community better and I want to thank all of you for that,” he concluded.
Errico also presented an Achievement Award to the county’s Community Services Board (CSB) for a resiliency program that assists first responders called the Hanover County Fire/EMS Resiliency Initiative.
“This initiative involves providing support to first responders who have a high level of stress and trauma in their everyday jobs,” Errico said.
CSB Director Ivy Sager said the initiative has been “a labor of love for the past two years.”
“It has been an honor to help build a program designed to enhance the capacity of local clinicians to be able to better address the mental health needs of our first responders,” Sager said.
Sager said the effort has expanded during the past two years, and more support is available due to training programs and additional clinicians coming on board.
“This group of clinicians have already provided valuable assistance and information to our first responders,” she said. “As relationships with clinicians continue to grow, we are confident that the benefits of this program will be felt not only by the individual first responder but by their families, colleagues and the community,” she added.
Sager said working with Hanover Fire/EMS has been a privilege and honor and recognized Chief Jethro Piland for his leadership regarding this issue.
Continued from pg. 2
our school. We are truly thankful to call you great Gators!”
Pole Green Elementary School PTA President Stephanie Beardslee added, "It is an honor to be recognized as a National PTA School of Excellence. We are fortunate to have such strong support and positive relationships with our parents, school, and community. Our commitment remains to enrich the lives of our students and families through learning and family centered activities. PGES PTA is committed to inclusion and welcoming of all families in our community. A special thank you to Mrs. Kristin Arnoldi for all of her work on this project. Great Gators Truly Accomplish Great Things and we are honored to be a part of this philosophy at our school.”
The Bell Creek Middle School PTA provided clothing and food needs for families throughout last school year as well as personal protective equipment kits for students, among other things.
“This recognition serves as a reflection of the PTA’s hard work and commitment to excellence in our school and community,” said BCMS Principal Dr. Quentin Ballard. “We are bulldog proud of the PTA officers, subcommittee chairs, parents, staff members, and community members who joined and supported the collective efforts of the PTA.”
“Receiving this award, in the most difficult PTA year many of us have ever known, means the world to us. We realized our mission and vision of working together for ALL Children and becoming Better Together,” said Pat Jordan, the immediate past president of the BCMS PTA. “I am grateful for the teamwork shown by our team as we pulled together to make all of this happen in the toughest PTA year I've ever known.”
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