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07 20
2022 GRAL swimming: Pebble Creek at The Federal Club 6:00 p.m.
07 20
2022 GRAL swimming: Milestone at Bell Creek 6:00 p.m.
| Youth, High School, College, Recreational & Professional
County players dominate All-State team
By Dave Lawrence Sports Editor
MECHANICSVILLE — Throughout the 2022 baseball season, Hanover County’s teams largely dominated the area in terms of individual statistics and the win/loss column. After the season came to a close with Hanover High School winning the Virginia High School League Class 4 state championship, county teams started to dominate postseason honors.
When the VHSL announced the Class 4 All-State team last month, county players were named to nine of the 28 possible positions. One Hanover player, Seth Keller, was also named Player of the Year. The Hawks’ head coach, Tyler Kane, was named Coach of the Year.
Keller, one of five Hanover players earning All-State honors, made the first team at pitcher and shortstop. He and teammates Owen Deshazo, Levi Huesman, Cannon Peebles and Charlie Rohr all earned first team honors.
Kane was proud of everyone who made it, even players from Hanover’s cross-county rivals, Atlee’s Landon Scott and Gunnar Stromberg and Mechanicsville’s Aaron Maxie.
“It was all very well deserved. I mean the numbers speak for themselves,” Kane said. “They faced some really good arms fall season and their stats, you know, were up there with the best in the state. It was awesome — a really good representation from our county. It speaks volumes for the county as a whole.”
Dave Lawrence/The Local
Hanover’s baseball team, shown here celebrating after winning the 2022 Virginia High School League Class 4 state championship in June, placed fi ve players on the VHSL Class 4 All-State fi rst team list this year. Coach Tyler Kane was named Coach of the Year.
Each All-State team consists of 14 positions: three pitchers, five infielders (one catcher, one first baseman, one second baseman, one third baseman and one shortstop), three outfielders, one designated hitter and two At-Large (or utility) players. Players must make their respective first-team All-Region teams to qualify for All-State consideration.
Keller was joined as first team pitcher by Huesman. Peebles was named to the first team at catcher, Deshazo at second base, and Rohr as At-Large player. Atlee’s Scott made the first team at outfielder.
Scott’s teammate, Stromberg, was named to the second team at third base, while Mechanicsville’s Maxie made the second team at first base.
Kane said he doesn’t remember seeing one county dominate All-State honors as Hanover County has this year.
“I haven’t seen it in the new format. Obviously when it was the old Central Region — triple A, double A, single A — it wasn’t like this,” Kane said. “I don’t remember a time where there was this much representation (from one county).”
Both Kane and Atlee head coach Michael Morris credited the support and development opportunities available to county players — especially the Atlee, Mechanicsville, and Ashland Little Leagues — for producing so many talented players.
“Baseball in the county … has always been very good baseball and very good talent,” Morris said. “Those Little League environments and that sense of community was so important. … They get that sense of hometown pride that can’t be replicated in a travel ball environment. It’s like playing for your high school and your community and things of that nature. Atlee and Mechanicsville and Ashland Little Leagues embody that and continue to be strong Little Leagues and feeder pro-
VHSL Class 4 All-State Team
Player of the Year: Seth Keller (Hanover) Coach of the Year: Tyler Kane (Hanover)
First Team
P: Seth Keller (Hanover) P: Levi Huesman (Hanover) P: Nick Bell (James Wood) C: Cannon Peebles (Hanover) 1B: Breckin Nace (Jefferson
Forest) 2B: Owen Deshazo (Hanover) 3B: Nate Brookshire (Millbrook) SS: Seth Keller (Hanover) OF: Landon Scott (Atlee) OF: Jalen Greenidge (Monacan) OF: Cayden Suchy (Dominion) DH: Evan Stanley (Loudoun
County) Util: Charlie Rohr (Hanover) Util: James Meenan (Western
Second team
P: Mike Harpster (EC Glass) P: Jerrod Jenkins (Millbrook) P: Peyton Smith (Jefferson
Forest) C: Evan Mace (Jefferson Forest) 1B: Aaron Maxie (Mechanicsville) 2B: Hunter King (Salem) 3B: Gunner Stromberg (Atlee) SS: Bodie Pullen (James Wood) OF: Brody Bower (James
Wood) OF: Cayedon Jones (Hampton) OF: Mason Hatcher (Halifax) DH: Frankie Engel (Grafton) Util: Tyler Black (Churchland) Util: Zach Turk (Dominion)
grams. …
“All-Star summers and the fences being lined with aunts and uncles and everything is the closest emulation to high school.”
Dave Lawrence can be reached at dlawrence@mechlocal.com.
Upcoming programs at Mechanicsville area branch libraries
Atlee Branch Library
In-Person Programs
Outdoor Family
Storytimes Monday July 25, 10:30 to 11 a.m. and Tuesday, July 9, 4 to 4:30 p.m.
Join the library for an outdoor, all ages story time. Bring a blanket to enjoy some fun songs, rhymes and books. Register at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com/ to be notified prior to the program if it is canceled due to weather.
Atlee Bridge Group at the Atlee Branch Library, Tuesday, July 26, 10 a.m. to 1p.m.
Ages 18 & up. Every Tuesday the Atlee Bridge Group meets to play Social Rubber Bridge. All levels welcome, from beginner to expert.
Hula Dancing Class
Wednesday, July 20, 10:30 a.m. to noon. Ages 18 and up.
Join the library to exercise your brain and body while learning about hula dancing and culture
PageTurners Book Club
Thursday, July 21, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Ages 18 and up.
Join the library for an inperson, lively book discussion. Title and author to be announced. Pick up a copy of the book while supplies last
Atlee Anime Club
Thursday, July 21, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Ages 12 to 18.
Join the Atlee Library Anime Club. Meet teens with similar interests and watch cool shows.
Funeral Planning for
Consumers Saturday, July 23, 2 to 3 p.m. Ages 18 and up.
Learn how to plan a lovely funeral for a loved one you can afford and how to avoid surprise bills.
Jack's Jungle Trailer
Tuesday, July 26, 1 to 2 p.m.
Welcome to Jack's Jungle, the traveling jungle zoo. Step into Jack's very own jungle trailer and see and learn about the fascinating 28 animals, in their enclosures, on the inside. There will also be animals outside of the trailer to touch and hold under supervision.
Genealogy: Discover Your
Roots Tuesday, July 26, 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Learn how to start researching your family tree using library resources including the Ancestry Database. Proficiency using a computer mouse, keyboard and internet required. Registration required at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com/event/9182396.
Experience Virtual Reality
Saturday, July 30, 1 to 2:30 p.m. Ages 18 and up. Use a smart phone to experience virtual reality. Class will require you to download an app to your phone.
Call 804-559-0654 or visit the library at 9212 Rutlandshire Drive for more information.
Mechanicsville Branch Library
In-Person Programs
Outdoor Family
Storytimes Thursday, July 21, 10:30 to 11 a.m.
Join the library for an outdoor, all ages story time. Bring a blanket to enjoy some fun songs, rhymes and books. Register at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com to be notified prior to the program if it is canceled due to weather.
Hula Dancing Class
Monday, July 25, 10:30 a.m. to noon. Ages 16 and up.
Exercise your body and brain while learning about hula dancing and culture at the library. Wear clothing to dance in easily. Registration required at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com/.
Mechanicsville Book Club
Wednesday, July 20, 11 a.m. to noon.
Ages 18 and up. Bring ideas for discussion and escape to a world of pure imagination.
see PROGRAMS pg. 25
6420MechTrnpk.804-730-9512, friendlychurch.org Worship:Sun.10:30AM SundaySchool@9:15AM
AdventCommunityChurch Mechanicsville,8079StudleyRd, (804)746.0895or746.0279 Worship/Children’schurch10am adventcommunitychurch.com
FairmountChristianChurch, 559-8070 6502CreightonRd.
SundayAMWorshipTraditional 8:00&10:15,Contemporary9:00, Modern 11:15, Bible School at 9:00,10:15,&11:15. Rick Raines, Senior Minister; ChrisSantasiere,AssociateMinister;SethWortman,Associate Minister;TracyThomas,Worship &MusicMinister;BillNicol,AssociateWorshipMinister;Davis Ellenberger,YouthMinister; AshleySears,Children’sDirector fairmountcc.org
GethsemaneChurchofChrist 5146MechanicsvilleTurnpike SundayAMWorshipServices (Checkwebsitefortimes) 804-779-2044 BillWines,SeniorMinister www.gethsemanechristians.org
TruthBaptistChurch,627-2170 COME&SEE! Allinfoat: www.truthbaptistchurch.com StPaulLutheranChurch(LCMS)
427-7500 ∂ 8100ShadyGroveRd,
saintpaul-lcms.com Rev.RodneyBitely,Pastor;Sun. Sch.9:15am,Worship10:30am
HomeofAtleeChristianAcademy&HopeNowCounseling. info&more:www.hopenow.cc
FairfieldPresbyterianChurch 6930ColdHarborRd.,23111 8:45&11:00amservices www.fairfieldpcusa.org
MeadowbridgeSeventh-Day AdventistChurch 7400AntiqueLaneMech., SaturdayServices:
WednesdayeveningPrayer Meeting,6:30pm.
Churchphone:746-2788 meadowbridgesda.org meadowbridgesdachurch@gmai l.com
Call746-1235tofindout aboutupcoming opportunitiesto advertisewithTheLocal inprintandonline!
BlackCreekBaptistChurch, 6289McClellanRoad SundaySchool-9:00a.m. SundayWorship-10:15a.m. AdultBibleStudy&YouthGroup Wed.nightsat6:00p.m. Pastor,StephenKendrick www.blackcreek.org orcall(804)781-0330
804-779-2700 www.BroadusChurch.org
WorshippingonSundays! In-person&onFacebook!
5351PoleGreenRd. Mechanicsville,23116 PhilPeacock,Pastor SundaySchool9a.m. Worship10a.m.
3407KingWilliamRd. Aylett,23009 JeffPoythress,Pastor Worship9:30a.m. SundaySchool10:30a.m.
CoolSpringBaptistChurch 9283AtleeStationRd. Forinfo,activities&worship timesvisit www.coolspring.org orcall746-0800
Toadvertise,emailusat sales@mechlocal.com
FellowshipCommunityChurchof Mechanicsville
After10yearsatHanoverHigh Schoolwehavepurchasedour ownbuilding. Wecontinueto teach the Word of God and watchforthemiraculous.
JoinusSundaymornings9:45am at8505BellCreekRoad,SuiteK. www.fellowshipcc.com
7252BeulahChurchRoad (HistoricBeulahChurch) Mechanicsville,23111
Sundays,10:30AM& Wed.Dinner,Study,Prayer: 6:00-8:00p.m.
"LoveGod,Learn theBible,CareforPeople"
MechanicsvilleBaptistChurch 8016AtleeRd. Office: 746.7253 Worshipinperson andLiveStreamedonYouTube &Facebook onSundaysat8:30&11:00a.m. WednesdayNightSuppersat 5:00p.m. andBibleStudyat6:00p.m. Findusonthewebat mechanicsvillebaptist.org
NewBethesdaBaptistChurch 9019NewBethesdaRd.779-2101 CalebBittler,Minister SundaySchool9:30AM, Worship10:45AM BibleStudy/Prayer Youth&Childrenactivities 6:30pm,Wednesday www.newbethesda.org
550-9601,9200NewAshcakeRd newhighland.org,9:15AMBible Study,10:30AMWorshipInPerson&online.Rev.LarryFrakes
ShalomBaptistChurch 8116WalnutGroveRd. Office:746.7737 Worshipinperson andLiveStreamedonYouTube &Facebook onSundaysat8:30&11:00a.m WednesdayNightSuppersat 5:30p.m. andBibleStudyat6:15p.m. Findusonthewebat shalombaptist.net
WalnutGroveBaptistisaChurch committedtofollowingJesus& lovingpeople.Youcanfindusat wgva.church7046ColdHarborrd

NewHopeBaptist -Locatedat 5452SpotsleeCircle,Mech.Sunday school 9:45 am, Morning worship 10:30 am, afternoon 1pm,WednesdayPrayer&Bible study7:30pm.L.RonaldStaley, Pastor.Formoreinfo321-2110.
www.sovereigngraceinmechanicsville.org UNITEDMETHODIST
LebanonUnitedMethodist Church 8492PeaksRoad,746-0980 R.SpencerBroce,Pastor WorshipInPersonandon FacebookLive: 10:00ameachSunday www.facebook.com/LebUMC 9:00amSundaySchool Formoreinfo,checkusoutat www.lebanonumc.org MechanicsvilleUnitedMethodist Church 7356AtleeRoad746-5118 ReverendAmyDunn,pastor 10aminpersonworshipor Facebooklive@MechUMC ChildrensandYouthPrograms CubScoutsPack517 www.mechumc.org ShadyGroveUnitedMethodist 8209ShadyGroveRd. atthecornerofMeadowbridge Rd.,Mechanicsville,804-746-9073 shadygroveumc.org
In-personWorshipSundaysat 8:15,9:45,&11:15a.m., Onlineat9:45a.m. Programsforallages. Rev.WayneSnead,Pastor info@shadygroveumc.org