6 minute read
Th ursday, July 21
Join the Ashland Museum for a night of questions and answers at the monthly Trivia Night at 6 p.m., located at Origin Beer Lab, 106 S. Railroad Avenue, Ashland. No reservations are needed. For more information, email ashlandmuseum@comcast.net or call 804-368-7314.
Saturday, July 23
The Sunday School Class (Joy Class) at Compass Christian Church is manning a lemonade stand in the Village of Mechanicsville right next to the Produce Stand. This is sponsored by Anthem to benefit MCV Children’s Hospital. They will be there between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Visit the website: givechfrichmond.org for donations and leave the note: Compass Christian Church Joy Class.
Sunday, July 24 – Th ursday, July 28
Mechanicsville Baptist Church is hosting a Monumental Vacation Bible School from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Family Life Center for pottytrained preschoolers age three through rising sixth graders. Register online at mechanicsvillebaptist.org or call the church office at 804-746-7253.
Saturday, July 30
Local author Sara Condrey will be holding a book signing at Books Beads and More, located at 8106 Mechanicsville Turnpike, Mechanicsville, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Condrey is the author of 16 books in various genres including children’s books, thriller, horror and light romance.
Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions One Stop Shop (MCEF OSS) is open for food, clothing and linens from 9:30 to 11 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday at 7235 Stonewall Parkway in Mechanicsville (rear parking lot). The shop is available for residents in the 23111 and 23116 zip codes with identification and proof of residency.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Ashland Campus, located at 11515 Ashcake Road in Ashland 2 miles west of U.S. 1, holds its church service at 5 p.m. with Pastor Rev. Dr. Roy Minnix. Visit www.trinityrichmond.net or call 804-2709626.
All Souls Episcopal Church celebrates Holy Eucharist Rite II at 9:15 a.m. at Messiah Lutheran Church at 8154 Atlee Rd. in Mechanicsville. A nursery will be available for infants and toddlers. Katherine G. Dougherty is the Deacon in charge of All Souls. Visit www. allsoulsva.org.
A Healing and Recovery SS Class meets at 9 a.m. at the Walnut Grove Baptist Church at 7046 Cold Harbor Rd. in Mechanicsville. The class is for adults 18 and over and is an extension of the NorthStar community that also meets at 6 p.m. Fridays at the church. The Christian 12 Steps and Biblical wisdom are the basis of study and discussion to learn about God’s place in our lives. All are welcome. Contact 804-7465081 or contact Craig Simpson at craigwgbc@gmail.com.
Outside the Walls, a Narcotics Anonymous group, meets from 6 to 7 p.m. in the lobby of the Pamunkey Regional Jail at 7240 Courtland Farm Rd. in Hanover. Contact John Shinholser, McShin president, at 804-249-1845. The website is http://www.mcshin. org.
The Hanover Concert Band rehearses from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. every Tuesday, midJanuary through mid-December, at the Hanover Arts and Activities Center at 500 S. Railroad Ave. in Ashland, just south of U.S. 54. Membership is open to anyone who can read music and play a nonstring instrument. High school students are welcome with parents’ permission. Visit www. hanoverconcertband.org or call 804-789-0536.
The American Legion Post 175, located at 8700 Bell Creek Road in Mechanicsville, holds a “Meet and Greet, Coffee and Donut” event from 9-11 a.m. every Tuesday for the community and perspective members to meet members and learn about what they do for the community. Visit http://www. post175.org/.
Hanover Rotary meets from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Roma’s Restaurant at 7240 Bell Creek Rd. in Mechanicsville. Due to the pandemic, contact President Penny at pennyguiles43@gmail.com for current meeting at Roma’s or Zoom connection information.
Th ursdays
The Ashland Rotary Club meets weekly at noon at the Iron Horse Restaurant at 100 S. Railroad Ave. in Ashland. For more information, contact Steve Dunham at 804-4966093 or sandrdunham@yahoo. com.
Overcomers Outreach & Women’s Codependency is a Christ-centered anonymous support program offering hope and healing for recovering alcoholics, addicts and their families. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. at Shalom Baptist Church at 8116 Walnut Grove Road Mechanicsville. For more information, call 804-3666524 or email mjfaith1@gmail. com.
New Highland Baptist Church hosts open basketball gym time for adults in the Christian Life Center (CLC) starting at 7:30 PM. The church is located at 9200 New Ashcake Road in Mechanicsville. Use the side back entrance to enter. Contact Jeff Fitzgerald at jkfitzgerald@comcast.net with any questions.
Civil Air Patrol, Hanover Squadron, meets Thursdays, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fairfield Presbyterian Church, 6930 Cold Harbor Road, in Mechanicsville. CAP is an awesome program for youth, ages 12- 21, as well as for adults who care about young people and want to help train America’s next generation of Leaders. You’ll find cadet life exciting if you enjoy Flying, Leadership Training, Model Rocketry, Earning Rank & Awards, and much more. For more information, visit hanover.vawg. cap.gov. You can also call or email Capt James Wright at 804-551-3354 or james. wright@vawg.cap.gov.
The Building Bridges group of Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. The group’s mission is to bring a message of hope and recovery to those suffering from addiction issues. They meet on Fridays from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Mechanicsville United Methodist Church, 7356 Atlee Road in Mechanicsville. For more information, visit rvana.org.
| News, Updates & Listings
Fax submissions to calendar to 344-8746, email to events@mechlocal. com, or mail to 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd., Mechanicsville VA 23116. Deadline is 1 p.m. Thursday for the following week’s issue. Calendar announcements cannot be taken by phone. We reserve the right to edit all items submitted to The Mechanicsville Local.
Second Mondays
The WEB of Hope meets from 10 a. m. to noon at the Black Creek Baptist Church at 6289 McClellan Road in Mechanicsville. It is one of several groups in the Richmond area that crochets, knits, sews, and quilts gifts for the American Red Cross to distributed to those in need. Since its inception, the WEB has donated over 153,000 gifts locally, nationally and globally. If you can make it, the WEB can use it. There are so many organizations in need of help. For more information, call Laurie Wagner at 804-7810338.
Th ird Mondays
Alzheimer’s/Dementia support group for caregivers and others who want to help and encourage those who have loved ones with dementia illnesses meets at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of each month on Zoom. For more information, contact Jennifer Bean at 804-559-2805 or the church office at 804-746-9073.
The Hanover County Community Services Board meets at 6:30 p.m. at 12300 Washington Hwy. in Ashland.
Fourth Mondays
The FeedMore Mobile Food Pantry will be distributing food from 10 to 11 a.m. at the First Shiloh Baptist Church at 8150 Walnut Grove Rd. in Mechanicsville. Contact Heather at hshaheen96@ gmail.com.
The Atlee Ruritan Club meets every fourth Monday at Hillcrest Baptist Church on Rt.301. Meetings, that include dinner and a program, begin at 6:30 p.m. Ruritan is a national community service organization dedicated to fellowship, goodwill, and community service. The Atlee Club welcomes both men and women. To learn more about the club’s mission and reserve your spot for dinner, call (804) 789-9365.
Second Tuesdays
The Mechanicsville Fellowship Club meets each month (excluding July and Aug.) at 10:30 a.m. in Room G110 of Shady Grove United Methodist Church at 8209 Shady Grove Rd. in Mechanicsville. Bring a covered dish and join in with a group celebrating faith, fellowship, friends and fun. Meetings are cancelled if Hanover County Public Schools are two hours late or cancelled due to inclement weather. To register, call the church at 804-7469073. For more information, call Janet Lewis at 804-3988947.
The Hanover County Historical Society will be conducting free tours of the Old Hanover Courthouse on the Historic Courthouse Green from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
see CALENDAR pg. 22