A beloved Mechanicsville coffee shop is looking to bring its local charm and creative flavors to the hearts of communities across Hanover and beyond. Little Bean Coffee Co., located at 7032 Mechanicsville Turnpike, announced the beginning of the business’ franchising last week. Additionally, the coffee shop has assumed a new name: Rivers Edge Coffee Company. The shop first opened in May 2020 and has quickly become a hub of activity in Mechanicsville. Offering the savory flavor of locally-roasted coffee and a bustling menu of special latte creations, the thriving business has significantly grown from its humble beginnings as a family-run coffee cart. Owner Jett Odle said his journey toward creating the perfect cup first began with a Christmas present from his wife, Morgan, who see COFFEE, pg. 8 see VFW, pg. 9
Vol. 38, No. 52 | Richmond Suburban News | August 17, 2022 DELIVER TO: Postal Mechanicsville,PatronVA23111 Prsrt. Standard U.S. POSTAGE Mechanicsville,PAIDVAPermitNo.141 STOPS AT EVERY HOME IN TOWN S cantoSchedulea T o u r Iwouldrecommend Harmonytoothersand infactIalreadyhave. ” “ —DaughterofCurrentResident ASSISTEDLIVING|MEMORYCARE 804.212.2682 INDEPENDENTLIVING|ASSISTEDLIVING 804.420.9798 26, that navigates through each episode of the “Band of Brothers” television show in honor of its 20th anniversary. Attendees can additionally enjoy dinner prepared by the post’s chef and explore an array of World War II artifacts on display while listening to fascinating presentations by a series of speakers.
By Christina Amano Dolan Editor Christina Amano Dolan/The Local The Hanover County School Board meeting room reached full capacity on Aug. 9 with both supporters and opponents of a proposed HCPS transgender bathroom and locker room policy and 40 registered citizen speakers.see HCPS, pg. 15
By Christina Amano Dolan Editor
Little Bean Coffee Co. announces franchising, adopts new name
By Christina Amano Dolan Editor
VFW Post keeps World War historyII alive Christina Amano Dolan/The Local Mary Ann Smith’s booth at VFW Post 9808’s latest ‘Band of Brothers’ event featured in-depth accounts and artifacts from the Battle of the Bulge along with her father’s legacy. The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) 9808 Post members are wrapping up their “Band of Brothers” screenings at the end of the month, inviting community members of all ages to experience the award-winning series while learning the compelling stories of those who lived through its history.The VFW Post has held a series of events every Tuesday, beginning on July Last week’s Hanover County School Board attracted a wave of supporters and opponents of a proposed Hanover County Public Schools (HCPS) bathroom and locker room policy for transgender and non-binary students. Lisa Seward, the school board attorney, presented the proposed policy to the board at its Aug. 9 meeting. “As the board knows, there
Proposed HCPS bathroom policy draws citizen scrutiny

2023 Hanover Master Gardener Training
Master Gardeners are public educators who provide education to the citizens of Hanover and surrounding counties. Training is offered annually for those wishing to become a Master Gardener. Training includes a minimum of 50 classroom hours, followed by 50 hours of volunteer service in approved activities that benefit Hanover County.
Contributed photo
The 2023 training classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Hanover Extension Office in Ashland (13015 Taylor Complex Lane). Internet access is required by class participants. An open house will be held on Tuesday,
Cool Well’s mysterious peacock identified by owners
The Cool Well Community’s mysterious visitor, who was published in The Local’s Aug. 3 edition, has been identified by the peacock’s owners, who are seeking the community’s assistance in bringing the lost explorer home. ‘We were very surprised to open up our copy of Mechanicsville Local… to see a photo of our missing peahen, Hazel, on the Community Page,’ wrote Sandy Heezen of Sweetwater Farm in Hanover. ‘We have been tracking her all across Hanover ever since she and her sister lost their way from our farm during a storm last month, so we were happy to learn that she is alive and well and making lots of friends in the Cool Well neighborhood.’ Heezen said the sisters seem to be travelling in different directions, as the other hen was last seen in the Hanover Courthouse area moving north. ‘We are so grateful for the kind officers at Hanover County Animal Control and to all of our thoughtful neighbors who have called in when they spot them perching on their roof or staring in their kitchen window,’ Heezen wrote. ‘These two are actually very fast and also quite savvy, so we have not had any luck catching them so far ...But at least all is not lost, as we have met a bunch of really nice people along the way!’ Heezen requests anyone who spots Hazel or her sister to send over a note on their farm page: addedcatchiftwotheirAnimalfacebook.comSweetH20farmHanover@orcontactHanoverControltoupdatethemonwhereaboutstohelpbringthesistershome.‘And,bytheway,anybodyhasanytipsonhowtoapeacock,weareallears!’Heezen.
2 The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 INSIDE 13 COMMUNITY Atlee HS wins national patriotic field design contest 14 ASHLAND Ashland community picnic a summer evening success ALSO… The Local Pick: Incident Reports........3 Opinion ClassifiedsSportsCelebrationsCalendarObituaries......................6...............10....................4...........14................16-17.........18-22 www.facebook.com/mechlocal 16 SPORTS Harvick makes it two Cup wins in a row see TRAINING pg. 13
Contributed Report The Mechanicsville Local BruceBlackwell StateLicensed HomeInspector #3380000220NRS “YourHomeisMyBusiness” P.O.Box67 Powhatan,VA23139 bruce@thehousegeek.com www.thehousegeek.com (804)921-8367 Forsubscriptioninformation ordeliveryquestionscontact: MichelleWall 804-775-2711 email:mwall@timesdispatch.com 8460TimesDispatchBlvd., Mechanicsville,VA23116 Excitingthingsarehappening! 2979RiverRoadW. Goochland,VA23063 (804)556-2530 25S.NansemondSt. Richmond,VA23221 (804)359-5041 7516RightFlankRd., Mechanicsville,VA23116 (804)746-1300 Welookforwardtomeetingyourdentalhealthneeds. elroddunhamdentistry.net WearealwayshereforYOU Pleasewelcome Dr.JohnCollietoour MechanicsvilleOffice. Dr.Colliecompletedhisundergraduatedegree atHampden-SydneyCollegeandgraduated fromVCUSchoolofDentistry.Hethenwenton tocompleteaone-yearAEGDresidencyatEast CarolinaUniversityandiscurrentlypursuinga fellowshipintheAcademyofGeneralDentistry. Heenjoyscooking,fishing,spendingtimeatthe beach,andtravelingwithhiswife.

Petit larceny, parts was reported in the 10200th block of Kings Dominion Boulevard, Doswell. Petit larceny, less than $500, not from a person was reported in the 11100th block of Mechanicsville.blockreportedSimpleMechanicsville.ofreportedaAssaultMechanicsville.MarshallinSimpleMechanicsville.blockwasvehicle,UnauthorizedDrive,blockreported$200CreditDrive,10300thdefraudidentifyingIdentityMechanicsville.blockwas$500,PetitAshland.WinSimpleMechanicsville.MechanicsvilleinSimpleRoad,blockwaswithDriverHighway,WashingtonAshland.notreportingaccidentdamageupto$1,000reportedinthe10300thofChamberlayneMechanicsville.assaultwasreportedthe7000thblockofTurnpike,assaultwasreportedthe12400thblockofPatrickHenryRoad,larceny,lessthannotfromapersonreportedinthe9500thofPlateauPlace,fraud,useofinformationtowasreportedintheblockofTarletonMechanicsville.cardfraud,lessthaninsixmonthswasinthe13100thofLuckBrothersAshland.useofaboatoranimalreportedinthe8200thofRichfoodRoad,assaultwasreportedthe7700thblockofArchDrive,andbatteryonfamilymemberwasinthe9100thblockCardinalCreekDrive,assaultwasinthe9200thofLinneysCourt,
family member
The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 3 SHERIFF ’S REPORTS | Crime, Accidents, Fire & Rescue see SHERIFF’S, pg. 21 June 13
June 15 Grand larceny, auto theft was reported in the 4200th block of Crown Hill Road, ConcealmentMechanicsville.of pricealtered merchandise, less than $500 was reported in the 7400th block of Bell Creek Road, Mechanicsville. Driver not reporting accident with damage up to $1,000 was reported in the 19300th block of Beaver Dam Road, ConcealmentBeaverdam. of pricealtered merchandise, $500 or more was reported in the 7200th block of Bell Creek Road, Mechanicsville. Driver not reporting accident with damage up to $1,000 was reported in the 7200th block of Bell Creek Road, forbidden to do so was reported in the 4100th block of Old Church Road, DriverMechanicsville.notreporting accident with damage less than $250 was reported in the 4500th block of Market Road, AssaultMechanicsville.andbattery a was reported in the 7400th block of Ewell
Making threats to extort money was reported in the 7400th block of Pebble Lake Drive, Mechanicsville. Assault and battery on a family member was reported in the 6100th block of Green Haven Drive, Mechanicsville. June 14 Simple assault was reported in the 9100th block of Chamberlayne threateningUseMechanicsville.Road,ofprofaneorlanguage over a public airway was reported in the 11800th block of North Lakeridge Parkway, PetitAshland.larceny, parts was reported in the 11500th block of Air Park Road/ Lewistown Road, Ashland. Possession of a Schedule I or II controlled substance was reported in the 11400th block of PetitMechanicsville.MechanicsvilleinSimpleMechanicsville.blockreportedorDumpingRoad,10000thlicenseDrivingLane,blockwaswithDriverMechanicsville.ChamberlayneinSimpleAshland.blockreportedPetitHighway,WashingtonGlenAllen.larceny,partswasinthe11200thofLeadbetterRoad,assaultwasreportedthe9100thblockofRoad,notreportingaccidentdamagelessthan$250reportedinthe13800thofProvidenceGraceAshland.afterforfeitureofwasreportedintheblockofSlidingHillAshland.trashonhighwayprivatepropertywasinthe7300thofFordAvenue,assaultwasreportedthe7000thblockofTurnpike,larceny,shoplifting was reported in the 16500th block of Mountain Road, DestructionMontpelier. of property, monument was reported in the 8100th block of Vanguard Drive,MechanicsvilleinfromlicenseOperatingCourt,blockreportedtoIdentityMechanicsville.WoodbridgeMechanicsvilleinthanpropertyHitMechanicsville.Drive,andrunwithattendeddamagemore$1,000wasreportedthe6300thblockofTurnpike/Road,theftwithintentiondefraud,upto$200wasinthe11900thofShamrockFarmsGlenAllen.vehicleafterwasrevokedaDWIwasreportedthe8100thblockofBy/ElmMechanicsville.
ObstructingMontpelier.blockreportedUnlawfulMechanicsville.blockwasPetitMechanicsville.blockwasGrandMechanicsville.Road,larceny,buildingreportedinthe6500thofTammyLane,larceny,shopliftingreportedinthe7400thofBellCreekRoad,bodilyinjurywasinthe14400thofCanterburyRoad,justicewith WEWANTTOBEYOURPLUMBER 746-5853 VirginiaHMohn FinancialAdvisor 8101VanguardDr Suite200 Mechanicsville,VA23111 804-789-0719 Callorvisityourlocalfinancialadvisortoday. *AnnualPercentageYield(APY)effective08/10/2022.CDsofferedbyEdwardJonesarebank-issuedandFDIC-insuredupto $250,000(principalandinterestaccruedbutnotyetpaid)perdepositor,perinsureddepositoryinstitution,foreachaccount ownershipcategory.Pleasevisitwww.fdic.govorcontactyourfinancialadvisorforadditionalinformation.Subjecttoavailability andpricechange.CDvaluesaresubjecttointerestraterisksuchthatwheninterestratesrise,thepricesofCDscandecrease.If CDsaresoldpriortomaturity,theinvestorcanloseprincipalvalue.FDICinsurancedoesnotcoverlossesinmarketvalue.Early withdrawalmaynotbepermitted.Yieldsquotedarenetofallcommissions.CDsrequirethedistributionofinterestanddonot allowinteresttocompound.CDsofferedthroughEdwardJonesareissuedbybanksandthriftsnationwide.AllCDssoldbyEdward JonesareregisteredwiththeDepositoryTrustCorp.(DTC). FDI-1867K-A©2022EDWARDD.JONES&CO.,L.P.ALLRIGHTSRESERVED. > edwardjones.com| MemberSIPC CompareourCDRates Bank-issued,FDIC-insured 2.706-month Minimumdeposit $25,000 %APY* 3.352-year Minimumdeposit $25,000 %APY* 3.455-year Minimumdeposit $25,000 %APY* force was reported in the 9500th block of Kings Charter Drive, Ashland. June 16 Grand larceny, shoplifting was reported in the 6400th block of oralteredConcealmentTurnpike,MechanicsvilleMechanicsville.ofprice-merchandise,$500morewasreported in the 6400th block of Mechanicsville Turnpike, FailureMechanicsville.toappear on a misdemeanor charge was reported in the 7500th block of County Complex Road, BurningHanover.or destroying personal property was

The McShin Foundation is holding its 18th annual Recovery Fest from 12 to 5 p.m. at Hanover Courthouse Ruritan Club, 13497 Hanover Quarter Road, Hanover. The festival will feature an ice cream truck, music, people’s choice BBQ cook off, kid’s activities, special speakers, KCBS BBQ cook off, cornhole tournament, vendors, gold chipping contest and The Local Cup coffee truck. Contact honesty@mcshin.org for more information. Friday, Sept. 16Saturday, Sept. 17
The Catholic Church of the Redeemer, located at 8275 Meadowbridge Road in Mechanicsville, is hosting its 25th Annual Giant Indoor Yard & Bake Sale for Haiti from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday and from 7 a.m. to noon on Saturday. All proceeds benefit their ministry with Haiti. To donate, volunteer or for more information, Haiti-Ministryhttp:www.churchredeemer.org/visit: Sunday, Sept. 25 Enon United Methodist Church is hosting a “Homecoming” celebrating 185 years at 10:30 a.m. More information is available at 804-7464719 or enonumc.org.
Saturday, Oct. 1 St. Paul Lutheran Church is seeking vendors for their 2022 Fall Craft Sale. This event will be rain or shine and held at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 8100 Shady Grove Road in Mechanicsville, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Vendors will need to bring their own table, chair and tent and cannot sell food or quilts. Vendor spaces offered will be outside and are limited to a first come/ first serve basis. The cost to rent a 9’x16’ space is $25. Vendors should contact Debbie Harris at Saintpaul.sec@gmail.com to sign up or call the church office at 804-427-7500. Ongoing Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions One Stop
4 The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 see CALENDAR, pg. 12
| News, Updates & Listings
Fax submissions to calendar to 344-8746, email to events@mechlocal. com, or mail to 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd., Mechanicsville VA 23116. Deadline is 1 p.m. Thursday for the following week’s issue. Calendar announcements cannot be taken by phone. We reserve the right to edit all items submitted to The Mechanicsville Local.
The Mechanicsville Tea Party will be meet at 7 p.m. at Freedom Services Training, 6701 Cold Harbor Road in Mechanicsville. It is located directly across from Dollar General and near the traffic circle at Cold Harbor Road and Creighton Road. This month Rich Snyder from the John Birch Society will present a short video about a topic currently in the news and then lead a group discussion afterwards. As always, meetings are open to the public. If you have any questions, contact Glenn Baker at 804-752-8389. If he does not answer, leave a message and he will return your call.
Thursday, Aug. 25 – Saturday, Aug. 27 Friends of the Atlee Branch Library are hosting a series of lobby book sales in the lobby of the library, located at 9212 Rutlandshire Drive, Mechanicsville. Thursday’s book sale will be held from 4 to 8 p.m., Friday’s book sale will be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday’s book sale will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Contact the library with any questions at: (804) 559-0654.
Wednesday, Aug. 31 Walnut Grove Baptist Church in Mechanicsville is hosting a free COVID-19 vaccine clinic conducted by Chickahominy Health District from 4 to 7 p.m. at the church, located at 7046 Cold Harbor Road in Mechanicsville. All doses will be available for ages 6 months and up. They will be providing free test kits and all vaccines are free. Walk-ins are welcome. Contact Frank Antkievicz with any antkie1942@gmail.com.questions: Friday, Sept. 9 Saturday, Sept. 10 St. Ann’s Catholic Church Yard Sale will be held from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 105 S. Snead Street, Ashland, VA 23005 (Inside - Rain/Shine). Proceeds will benefit familes in crisis. Saturday, Sept. 10
Tuesday, Aug. 16
Thursday, Aug. 25 Hanover NAACP is hosting a Town Hall with the Ashland Police Department and Chief Aronhalt at the Hanover Arts & Activities Center, 500 Center Street in Ashland, from 6 to 7 p.m. to answer any questions from the community on policing; hear any changes residents would like to see; find out how the community can support its officers; and find out how to reduce gun violence in the community.

The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 5 www.homemakersva.com RICHMOND:1516KogerCenterBlvd|MECHANICSVILLE:7424BellCreekRd 50%OFF SAVEUPTO LARGEIN-STOCKSELECTION!

6 The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 OPINION | The Local Views Editorial & Business Office and Mailing Address: 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd. Mechanicsville, VA 23116 © 2022 Richmond Suburban Newspapers. All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. CAC Audited Circulation: 31,156. Phone – (804) 746-1235 Editor – (804) 212-6266 Toll free – (877) 888-0449 Fax – (804) 344-8746 Online: richmond.com/community/mechanicsville-local WE WANT TO PUBLISH YOUR ISSUE-DRIVEN LETTERS The Local welcomes your signed letters to the editor on topics of interest to Mechanicsville residents. Letters must include your address and a daytime telephone number. We reserve the right to edit letters. We do not guarantee that every letter received will be published. Letters reflect the opinions and positions of the writers and not The Mechanicsville Local. Send letters to: The Mechanicsville Local 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd. Mechanicsville, Va. 23116 Fax: (804) 344-8746 E-mail: news@mechlocal.com Publisher Joy Monopoli .........................................jmonopoli@RSNVA.com Managing Editor Laura McFarland ....................lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com Editor Christina Amano Dolan........................cdolan@mechlocal.com Production Manager Denine D’Angelo .................................ddangelo@mechlocal.com Sports Editor David Lawrence .................................dlawrence@mechlocal.com Sales Representative Tom Haynie ............................................thaynie@mechlocal.com Classifieds Cindy Adams ...........................................cadams@mechlocal.com see STORIES, pg. 8 see COW CHIP, pg. Stories of the largest war in history are known throughout the world – with a plethora of World War II documentaries, movies and TV shows adding to what is known about both its horrors and inspiring stories in the history books and first-hand accounts of the people who lived through it. My grandfather served as a marine in the war and shared stories throughout my childhood that offered a deeper understanding of such a tumultuous time. But even with all the war movies, documentaries and TV shows watched and history lessons received, there are always heroes with stories still left to learn. Last Tuesday, VFW Post 9808 continued its showings of the “Band of Brothers” series. Jim Triesler, the event’s featured speaker, offered attendees a fascinating and compelling presentation of the World War II medical personnel tasked with saving lives in the midst of the Battle of the Bulge. Specifically drawing from the stories shared by field hospital nurses Rose Young and Kate Nolan, along with discovered letters from a field hospital medic, Triesler introduced attendees to the chaos that erupted just an hour away from the front lines of this tremendous battle.
Cow chip throwing championship offers unique sports experience
From the editor
Nolan told Triesler that because their tents were stationed so close to the front lines, they had an “incredibly high” survival
By Christina Amano Dolan Editor
Learning World War II stories still compelling
The town hosting the event, Beaver, Oklahoma, prides itself as the Cow Chip Throwing Capital of the World, an event Google describes more vividly that I could. “Every year in Beaver, Oklahoma, the Official World Championship Cow Chip Throwing Contest determines just who can chuck a dried cow turd the furthest,” the search descriptionAsreads.Imentioned earlier, the event has history and the one I watched was the latest version of the event first held in Each1969.year about 100 contestants sign up to receive two chances at infamy by tossing dry cow manure as far as soon-to-be-torn rotator cuffs allow. But honestly, it wasn’t the competition that allowed me to temporarily drop the remote. The commentators were fully loaded to deliver a steady stream of poo innuendo as they described each toss. An expert explained that licking your fingers assures better grip, which seems to be perfectly acceptable before the first toss, but I’m not sure about the secondOneswipe.contestant had a unique quirk before each toss, planting a kiss on each un-launched turd. “He likes to kiss his dung,” the announcer said, his voice not displaying a hint of a giggle. Now, as you might imagine, cow droppings are aerodynamically unpredictable and some of the tosses well missed the landing area, and hit, wait for it, a crowd of spectators gathered to watch the competition. “That one hit an elderly man in
By Jim Ridolphi Contributing Columnist Saturday nights sure aren’t what they used to be around here. Fifty years ago, I’d be on the second day of a birthday celebration that had no end in sight; but this particular Saturday on the day following my birthday I found myself searching for a good movie or other entertainment on television. I stopped the channel search at something that is surely a statement of just how starved America is for competitive sports events. At first I thought the tease at the bottom of the screen must be mistaken; but, it had my attention at “National Cow Chip Throwing Championship.”Now,forthose who think this is just some Johnny Come Lately invention from the period of a COVIDincarcerated public, think again. Turns out the event is an annual event that has enormous support in the midwest.
One of the most compelling pieces of Triesler’s presentation was learning of the many sacrifices medical personnel of field hospitals made 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Time was a luxury that these nurses and medics could not afford, and they often only had three hours to set up their tents near the constantly-moving front lines. Too often the wounded would arrive before staff was prepared, so medical personnel prioritized setting up the medic tents first before their own and slept on the ground – amidst Europe’s coldest winter in 30 years. According to accounts by Nolan, no one would take a break until every last patient was out of surgery and the wounded stopped coming in. From another account, nurses would carry a sandwich in one hand while treating the wounded with the other. The hospitals would constantly move with their vast amount of equipment, traveling along with the front lines while administering shots of penicillin to the wounded every three hours.Triesler shared a snapshot of this grueling, behind-thescenes battle through discovered letters by World War II medic Jack King. While King wrote his mother a series of letters that masked the reality of his everyday life, hoping to appease her worries, one of his letters offered a glimpse of his emotional and physical exhaustion. “You get pretty damn tired of it 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” he wrote his mother. “I’d give a month’s pay tonight to have a date, go dancing, to a show or do something that’s near normal for a change.” But perhaps the most compelling words of King’s letters was his assurance that they didn’t have it all that bad when, of course, a mountain of evidence would make an outsider think differently. But maybe in the midst of the many atrocities of the war, they, hopefully, could feel a sense of comfort knowing that they were saving lives.
The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 7 ToddRogersRodneyChenault DeaneCheatham ProudlyServing Mechanicsville For30Years! GoHTR.com CindyOverton TheRexSullivanTeam FrankieShockley 804-887-0640 Frankies@htrsi.com MichelleGarcia 804-677-2210 Michelleg@htrsi.com RexSullivan 804-651-8958 Rexs@htrsi.com RCIBuilders1+acrelotsinHanover Highdistrict,highspeedinternet,10lots availablenow.Startinginthe 700’s. 906PaleMoonDr.GlenAllen,VA23059 3bedrooms/2.5Bathrooms/$319,950 locatedinthepeacefulgolffrontcommunity ofVillagesattheCrossings. 138WoodruffDrive 2,572sqft,4Bedrooms,2.5Baths, 7.56Acres. $425,000. 00CrownHillRoad 40.18Acres,SingleFamilyhomeor Recreation, $499,000. 00SimpkinsForest 21.42Acres,potentialuses,SingleFamily HomeorRecreation, $275,000. MikeChenault TylerFleming 804-397-0411 Tylerf@htrsi.com JohnBowden 804-339-4464 Jbowden@htrsi.com ElenaMartinez 804-298-5159 ElenaM@htrsi.com DionneHawkins-Burley 804-677-6757 CyndiWyattBlake 804-357-6848 C.B.Southward 804514-6000 JoshuaChampagne 804-512-1385 SkylerAllen 804-432-4135 KenRohle 804-730-8340 DylanPearson 804-833-1910 DillonPearson 804-370-5733 SamLocklear 804-244-0697 AbbyAllen TowneFirstMortgage 804-517-0592 PamWood 804-513-8842 AudreyKidd TowneFirstMortgage 804-814-2820 DonaldRozell 804-305-0894 TommySibiga 804-551-1702 DanielleBerberich 804-363-5973 JasonCollier 804-912-3515 ToddRogers 804-569-1534 ToddR@HTRSI.com CyndiWyattBlake 804-357-6848 cyndib@htrsi.com TommySibiga 804-551-1702 TommyS@htrsi.com David“Berb”Berberich 804-514-3135 icalledberb@gmail.com BuildonYourLotorOurs, David“Berb”Berberich icalledberb@gmail.com DonaldRozell 804-305-0894•DonaldR@HTRSI.com 7427FullviewAve.,Mech.,Va23111 2bedroom1bath.HeatPump.NewRoof, NewWindows. Listedat200,000. SOLDIN1DAY 10309WancheseWay Over2700sfinKingsCharter.One ofAtlee’sfavoriteneighborhoods withtonsofamenitiesincludingTWO neighborhoodpools.Comingsoon toKingsCharter.Greatpricefora tonofspace.The2cargaragehas beenfinishedoffintoanextrabonus/ recroom.Veryprivatebackyard. $399,950. SOLDFAST!

“People want to own coffee shops because they are there these wonderful community hubs… But the actual nuts and bolts of owning and operating a coffee shop is really, really tricky,” Odle said. “That’s where Micah and I realized that we have we have an opportunity to help people… We can marry this passion of ‘I want to own my community’s coffee shop’ with the knowledge that [we] have built of how to do that in a way that you aren’t going to go out of business immediately.”
The process of roasting coffee is “very knowledge intensive,” Odle said, acknowledging how opening up a coffee shop can be tricky to navigate alone.
On any given day, Odle said he could walk into his shop for just an hour and see “no less than 10 people” that he knows on a first-name basis. “Every time that we talked about expansion, we ran into this issue of how in the world can we replicate what we’ve done here and not give this element up and not give up the ability to be incredibly engaged with your community?” Odle said. After a careful search, they came across a franchise consulting group that offered an opportunity to maintain the shop’s small town-feel in an innovative way, he “Wesaid.realized that we can use this really cool thing called franchising to help people become coffee shop owners in their own community,” Odle said.
I’m sure profound appreciation for these heroes was felt by every listener in the room at the conclusion of his presentation. As the “Band of Brothers” screening followed with Triesler’s words fresh in the audience members’ minds, perhaps they could experience the show with an added perspective – one that envisioned the field hospital and its hardworking staff that stood waiting off-screen to try to save the protagonists.
Later moving to his wife’s hometown of Mechanicsville after learning of her pregnancy, he decided to try his hand at opening up his very own coffee company. Recruiting help from his brother, Micah, the pair opened up a coffee cart in Memorial Regional Medical Center in 2018. After about a year of learning the mechanisms of running the business, the brothers decided to officially open a full-sized shop and onsiteTheroaster.Little Bean name began spreading throughout the community after the shop’s opening, including its appearance in local businesses such as The Lazy Cow Ice Cream Parlor and the neighboring Graham’s Ice Cream shop. With business booming, the shop outgrew its roasting space and expanded into a bigger roasting facility nearby.
STORIES gifted a home coffee roaster. Being a longtime coffee lover, he eagerly picked up green coffee beans from a local shop in Colorado and “promptly smoked the whole house out.”
Continued from pg. 6
Continued from pg. 1 COFFEE
The pair aims to teach those interested in opening up a coffee shop how to make the perfect latte, the functions of marketing
Contributed photo Brothers Jett and Micah Odle have built their coffee business, Little Bean Coffee Co., together into a thriving, community staple in Mechanicsville. see COFFEE, pg. 12
rate of the soldiers that came under their care. “Hopefully you now can appreciate more how those soldiers felt,” Triesler said. “Those nurses would walk in a room, and they would light that room up because they meant that much to our soldiers.”
8 The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 EXPERIENCE AveryPoint Ifyou’relookingforvibrant,maintenance-free living,looknofurtherthanAveryPoint.We’rethe newdestinationforseniorlivingopeningsoonin ShortPump. WHATSETS AVERYPOINT APART? •Choose fromavarietyofstylishfloorplans tosuiteveryneedandbudget. •Experience resort-styleamenitieson ourbeautiful94-acrecampus. •Enjoy anextraordinarylocationjustmiles fromShortPumpTownCenter. •Discover affordablevalue—propertytaxes, maintenance,andmostutilitiesareincluded. •Stay healthyandfitwithahostofhealthand well-beingservices. Tomeettheoverwhelmingdemand,we’re addingabrand-newresidencebuilding, LanghamTerrace.Newhomesareselling quickly.Don’twaittolearnmore! Seewhattheexcitementisallabout! Call 1-800-485-1013 todayforyour free brochure. THE NEW DESTINATIONFORSENIORLIVING
Jett Odle said he would love to transform the new facility into a roasting retail space in the future, offering limited release beans, coffee grinders, brewers and more while revealing the roasting process to customers. “One of my favorite things in the world is to show people who haven’t seen raw coffee what it actually looks like,” Odle said. “… It’s an almost plasticky bean, smells kind of like agriculture… and you throw it into this beautiful machine that turns it into the coffee that we all know andFromlove.”“day one,” Odle said he and Micah knew they wanted to build a larger business. “The whole reason that we chose to open a coffee shop is because we love the engagement and the level of familiarity that you get … there’s just something really, really special about being your area’s coffee shop,” Odle said. “One of the reasons that we haven’t opened another shop yet is we knew the day we open a second shop, we lose a little bit of that magic.”

The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 9 Continued from pg. 1 VFW see VFW, pg. 15
Christina Amano Dolan/The Local Community members visit VFW Post 9808 to enjoy dinner, conversation and discover the intricate history behind the ‘Band of Brothers’ TV series. Right, J.C. Wood shares his father’s award-winning collection of photographs taken during the war along with his history as a member of the 19th Fighter Squadron, 318th Fighter Group.
“I think they really enjoy seeing the artifacts,” Seifert said. “It’s kind of like getting to go to a museum. And you can touch the items and talk to someone, you know, hear the stories behind the Throughoutitems.” the series of events, local historians and second generation World War II veterans featured booths filled with World War II memorabilia and educated attendees on the history behind them.
“The Malmedy massacre is a very, very significant piece of history,” Seifert said. “And it’s one thing just to read about it, but then to meet someone who is part of that history and learn how much she sacrificed is very significant.”
Al Barnes, a Virginia National Guard command historian, featured a booth of World War II artifacts courtesy of the Virginia National Guard. Barnes was the featured speaker at the first
J.C. Wood showcased his father, John Wood’s, collection of photographs from the late 1940s to late 50s while working for The Richmond News Leader. After the war, Wood worked for The Richmond Times-Dispatch as a photographer. Among the several items on display was a photo album that showcased Wood’s extensive collection of work, including discovered hand-written Virginia Press Association awards received for photography in 1949. John Payne shared his family’s extensive history in the war by highlighting their individual stories at each event. Last Tuesday, his booth highlighted his uncle, James Earl Loving, who boarded the “USS Pinkney” vessel during the war. With photographs and details of the ship on display, Payne shared his uncle’s story of surviving the ship’s explosion after it was struck by a low-flying kamikaze plane. “It killed 19 Americans when it hit, but he said most of them survived because they were at the other end of the ship watching a movie,” Payne said. Nearby, Mary Ann Smith featured her abundant collection of the Battle of the Bulge artifacts, which was the greatest battle fought on land by the U.S. Army and the allied forces of Belgium, Canada and Great Britain. Smith, who is the president of the Battle of the Bulge Association Crater Chapter, offered her wealth of knowledge on the battle from years of extensive research along with her father’s legacy. Smith’s father, Pvt. James Coates, served in the 285th field artillery observation battalion and was among the fallen in the Battle of the Bulge Malmedy massacre. According to Smith, 186 U.S. Army prisoners of war were killed by German soldiers on Dec. 17, 1944, near the city of Malmedy, Belgium. Smith’s father was among the soldiers found preserved on the field after three weeks of Smith’ssnow.collection of artifacts showcased her lifelong journey of uncovering her father’s story, with her booth featuring his American flag, social security card, dog tags, newsletters that documented his battalion, a photograph of where he was buried, a collection of POW letters and more.
Bob Seifert, one of the organizers of the events and VFW member, said attendance grew from the first showing and included a number of returning visitors and attendees of all ages. Seifert said from the beginning that he received only positive feedback from visitors.

10 The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 ISABELLA FRANCESCA OBITUARIES | Death Notices & Funerals DOLLY TALLEY
FRANCESCA, Isabella "Sweet Bella" Marie, 11, went to Glory surrounded by her family on Sunday, Aug. 7, 2022. She was preceded in death by her grandfather, Dr. Jerome "Jerry" D. Gorman; and her grandmother, Abbey "Grandma Abbey" Francesca. She is survived by her loving parents, Mike and Chrissy Francesca; siblings, Olivia and Jake; grandparents, Donna "Hannah" Gorman and Tony "Grandpa Tony" Francesca; 23 aunts and uncles and way too many cousins to count. A Mass of Christian Burial was held at noon on Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022 at St. Bridget Catholic Church, 6006 Three Chopt Rd. A Celebration of Life reception immediately followed Mass at the Tuckahoe Woman's Club, 4015 Dover Rd. In lieu of flowers, the family would like you to complete a "random act of kindness" in honor of Sweet Bella. If you would like to make a memorial contribution, please send to ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation, 5211 W. Broad St., Ste. 100, Richmond, Va. 23230 or Connor's Heroes, P.O. Box 5512, Richmond, Va. 23220.
SCOTT, Charlotte Ann (Allen), "Nanny, Mother, Mama," 87, of Mechanicsville, passed away on Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2022. Charlotte was preceded in death by her husband of nearly 66 years, Everett; her parents, Orie and Estelle Allen; and three siblings, Kyle, John "Buddy" and Patricia "Pat." Charlotte is survived by her devoted son, Gene and his wife, Margaret; two special grandchildren, Corey and Melissa (Chris); and her sweet grandchild, Maddi, all of Mechanicsville; as well as her sister-in-law, June Allen; brother-in-law, Barry Bibb and families. She retired after more than 40 years working at various grocery stores, most often in the meat department. She spent time time working for Koslows, Food Town and Ukrops, in which she retired from in 1996. Charlotte enjoyed decorating for each holiday, her kitties and most importantly, spending time with her family. The family received friends from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 16 at the Mechanicsville Chapel of the Bennett Funeral Home, 8014 Lee-Davis Rd., where services were held at 12 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 17 at Interment Signal Hill Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Hanover Fire and EMS.
Continued from
RUSSELL, Charles Curtis, 81, of Mechanicsville, passed away on Aug. 2, 2022. He was preceded in death by his son, Curt. He is survived by his loving wife of 59 years, Joan; daughter, Wyndi Munn (Bill); two grandsons, Jonathan Munn (Leah) and Russell Munn homes.com.registeredOnlinethedonationsCemetery.lowwithRd.,Church,1812familyAlabamatofamily,A.T.W.theerannephews.Beth);brother,great-granddaughter,(Danielle);Mara;LarryRussell(MaryandseveralniecesandCharleswasavet-oftheU.S.Navy.HewasownerandPresidentofInc.Charleslovedhistraveling,especiallyItalyandrootingfortheCrimsonTide.Thewillreceivefriendsfromto1p.m.onThursday,Aug.atWalnutGroveBaptist7046ColdHarborMechanicsville,Va.23111,agravesideservicetofol-at1p.m.intheChurchInlieuofflowers,maybemadetoAmericanCancerSociety.condolencesmaybeatbennettfuneral-
TALLEY, Dolly Evelyn, of Mechanicsville, passed away on Aug. 8, 2022. She is survived by her loving husband, Edward L. Talley; son, Glenn Talley (Mary Ann); grandchildren, Joe (Rebekah), Abigail, Delaney, Wyatt (Kathy), Braylen, Tucker, Weston, Megan (Greg), Garrett and Grayson; brother, J.B. Smith; and sister, Edith Bruce. A graveside service was held at 11 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 12 at Gethsemane Church of Christ Cemetery, 5146 Mechanicsville Turnpike. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 6704, Hagerstown, Md. 21741. Online condolences may be registered at bennettfuneralhomes.com. a lawn chair, but he’ll be ok,” one of the announcers said. Honestly, I’m not sure who was doing the play by play and who did the Anothercolor. toss goes astray and a small child races to pick up the souvenir and reacts like a kid at a Cubs game who just caught a foul ball. “She won’t forget today and she has a souvenir to remind her,” the excited announcer exclaims.Each competitor displayed a unique style since I’m sure there’s no manual on how to pitch, careful with the spelling there, a cow turd. The winner was an unassuming looking guy who chucked his first attempt more than 100 feet, easily claiming this year’s title. It’s far short from the 188 foot record toss recorded years ago. The new winner was crowned and the town celebrated with an annual festival, a five 5K run and the crowning of this year’s Cow Chip King andForQueen.fear of overly offending some readers, I won’t offer details on some of the items offered at the Bake Sale that were displayed as the event wrapped up for the year. I’m thinking this may be the only time in my life I get to witness this Oklahoma tradition, and I hope I’ve provided the respect it deserves. The parting video of the festival was a shot from a drone that revealed the festival was located adjacent to a farm where a herd of cows grazed and were seemingly unaffected by the human rituals taking place just across the street. I couldn’t help but wonder they must have been thinking. pg. 6 CHIP
ROBERT JUSTIS CelebratingOur100 YearAnniversary Weareheretomeetyourstone andbronzememorialneeds. AtA.P.GrapponeandSons,Inc., wearealwaysstrivingfor excellenceinourwork. 1104S.RandolphSt.,P.O.Box5666,Richmond,VA23220 804-358-9174
JUSTIS, Robert "Bob" Franklin, of Mechanicsville, Va., entered his heavenly home in peace on Aug. 11, 2022. He was a pastor in the VA Conference of the United Methodist Church for 25 years. He had a loving, compassionate heart and a great sense of humor. He is survived by his loving wife of 43 years, Carol; sister, Jackie Bowen (Art); son, Thomas (Misty); daughter, Rebekah Justis; grandchildren, Kimberly, Zach and Elizabeth; two aunts, Marion Pastore and Sue Justis; as well as numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. He was preceded in death by his father, Joseph Franklin Justis; and mother, Ruth Johnson Justis; and a brother, Joseph Melvin Justis. The family is so appreciative of the love and care he received during his stay at Elizabeth House. A visitation will be held Thursday, Aug. 18, 2022 from 10 to 11 a.m. at Mechanicsville UMC, 7356 Atlee Road, with a Celebration of Life following at 11 a.m. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Mechanicsville UMC, RCHC 5101 Cox Road, #225, Glen Allen, Va. 23060 or Elizabeth House 3590 Mountain Road, Glen Allen, Va. 23060. Online condolences may be registered at bennettfuneralhomes.com.

Chickahominy Health District’s monkeypox
vaccine interest form now available online
The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 11 CompleteTraditionalFuneralService withBasicCasket Startingat $3,995**PlusTax CremationPackages Startingat$1,295 MemorialService&CremationPackage Startingat$1,995 REMOTEARRANGEMENTSAVAILABLE FAMILYOWNED&OPERATED INCREASINGLYPREFERRED MEMORIESAREFOREVER Theservicesand facilities youdeserve ataprice thatmakessense. ServingtheRichmondMetroAreaand SurroundingCounties FromTwoConvenientLocations 8074MechanicsvilleTurnpikeMechanicsvilleVA2720EnterpriseParkwayRichmond,VA804-477-3136•www.affinityfuneralservice.com Animal Control investigates alleged cruelty to livestock On Tuesday, Aug. 9, Animal Control Officers executed a search warrant for alleged cru elty to agricultural animals in the 6600 block of Mattawan Trail in M Hanoverechanicsville.Co unty Animal Control with the assistance of the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office, Caroline County Animal Control, Dinwiddie County Animal Control, Sussex County Animal Control, Old Dominion Veterinary Services and volunteers assisted with the removal of 10 pigs, seven goats, four sheep, two horses, one mule pony, two cows and 59 chickens. Hanover County Animal Control discovered roughly 23 dead livestock animals as well as numerous dead chickens on the property. All rescued animals are in custody of Hanover County Animal Control and are being housed at numerous facilities to get the proper attention and veterinary care. Hanover County Animal Control is continuing to investigate this incident and charges are pending. Evidence collected will be sent to a state lab to determine cause of death. Hanover County Animal Control will continue to work with the Hanover County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office during this investigation. Hanover County Animal Control is incredibly thankful for the support of the other localities, Virginia Attorney General’s Office and volunteers assisting with this operation. This operation would not be possible without their quick action and providing their own resources to remove and transport the animals to a safe location. Information submitted by Kerri O’Brien, director of communications and community engagement for Hanover County. Contributed Report
The Mechanicsville Local
Advertise in The Local Call 746-1235 for details.
Starting today, individuals who live or spend time in the Chickahominy Health District can complete an interest form for the monkeypox vaccine, JYNNEOS. The district will begin to vaccinate individuals who may be at higher risk of monkeypox exposure. In order to gauge community interest and to determine who might be at higher risk, they have created an optional survey interest form for community members. Interested individuals can fill out this form following the link:
tact. Anyone can get and spread monkeypox. Close contact includes touching skin lesions, bodily fluids, or clothing/linens that have been in contact with an infected person. Spread can also occur during prolonged, face-to-face contact, as well as sexual or intimate contact. At present, the highest risk activity is having sex with multiple or anonymous partners. “We are fortunate to have a vaccine available that can prevent monkeypox,” said Alex Neal, senior epidemiologist for the Chickahominy Health District. “While supplies are currently limited, we are prioritizing individuals with the highest risk factors. In addition to vaccination, there are other ways to stay safe, for example, avoiding skin-to-skin contact with another person’s rash or lesions, and frequently washing your hands with soap andChickahominywater.” Health District includes Charles City, Goochland, Hanover and New KentForcounties.moreinformation, please visit: www. vdh.virginia.gov/monkeypox Local
Contributed Report The

Hanover County Administrator John A. Budesky announced last week the appointment of Catey Dickensheets to serve as Hanover County’s director of human resources. Dickensheets, a long-time Hanover County resident, officially begins her new role Sept. Dickensheets1. most recently served as the human resources director at the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), a role she has held for the past three years. She began her career in the public sector in 2013 at the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) serving in several human resources management positions. At VDOT, she progressed in her career to become the human resources assistant division administrator. Previously, Dickensheets worked at local Fortune 500 companies, Dominion Energy and Capital One. She has worked in Human Resources for over 25 years and brings expert level experience in talent acquisition, labor and employee relations, data analytics and change management. “Catey has a proven track record of helping government attract, recruit and obtain talented employees,” Budesky said. “We are excited about the vast experience, knowledge and creativity she will bring to the team.”“I have been a resident of Hanover County for 20 years and am very much looking forward to working and serving in the community in which I live,” said Dickensheets. “I am excited about getting out and meeting fellow Hanover County employees, understanding what their roles are within the county and listening to them about their needs and how human resources can assist them - whether that means answering a question about benefits, assisting with applying for a position or coaching a new ofwherefromDickensheetsmanager.”graduatedPennStateUniversity,sheearnedaBachelorSciencedegreeinlaborand industrial relations, and Virginia Commonwealth University, where she obtained a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in human CATEYHanoverDICKENSHEETSCountyHumanResourcesDirector see DICKENSHEETS, pg. 13
Sundays All Souls Episcopal Church celebrates Holy Eucharist Rite II at 9:15 a.m. at Messiah Lutheran Church at 8154 Atlee Rd. in Mechanicsville. A nursery will be available for infants and toddlers. Katherine G. Dougherty
a business
The Mechanicsville Local Miller announces upcoming retirement as county treasurer
Hanover County Treasurer Scott Miller has announced that he will not seek re-election in 2023. His current term ends Dec. 31, 2023, and he plans to retire at that time. He will be 66 years Althoughold. interested citizens have always been able to challenge the incumbent, Miller is announcing his retirement now in order to fully open the campaign process to individuals that may have some attraction in the position of treasurer. He is in his seventh term as county treasurer and has served in the position for over 26 years. Upon taking office, Miller began to professionalize the office. In 1996, no employee had an advanced education. Now over half of the staff is comprised of college graduates. Staff members attend formal training administered by the University of Virginia and are better prepared to explain the duties of the treasurer and the supporting laws. Delinquent tax collection rates were improved with over 99.5% of all tax levies collected. An advanced investment program was implemented to safely obtain the best rates of return on county funds. Miller helped to eliminate the annual car decal and got the board of supervisors to move all major tax due dates away from the December holiday season. Miller also led the statewide charge to implement life-dog licenses. He worked closely with Hanover County’s Commissioner of Revenue to bring DMV services to the county courthouse.
ing@riversedgecoffee.com.franchising,beyondconnectivitywardmembers.connectionshasowningallactivities…ifup.whereer’sbecome,”phoredge.”at“alltheitingMechanicsvilleInfluencedMechanicsville.bythetraditionofvis-theriver,Morganofferedname“RiversEdge”becausethegoodthingsthathappentheriverstartsontheriver’s“Ithinkitservesasameta-forwhatLittleBeanhasOdlesaid.“Theriv-edgeisthisgatheringpointwegettogetherandmeetAndthenfromthere,evenweallgoonanddoseparateeventually,youwillcomebacktotheriver’sedge.”ThemostenjoyablepartofacoffeeshopforOdlebeenformingmeaningfulwithcommunityHesaidhelooksfor-tospreadingthisjoyoftocommunitiestheboundsofhisown.Formoreinformationaboutcontactfranchis-Continued from pg. 8 COFFEE
Dickensheets to lead county human resources
–Whypre-planyourfuneral?–Peaceofmind: pre-planningtakestheburdenofmaking importantdecisionsoffofyourlovedonesduringadifficulttime. –Whypre-payyourfuneral?–Financialassurance: pre-paymentofyourfuneralthrough BennettFuneralHomewillrenderthecostsassociatedwithyour finalexpensesinflationproof. –WhyBennettfuneralhome?–Longevity: BennettFuneralHomehasbeenlocallyownedand operatedsince1897.Foroveracentury,Richmondershaveturned touswithtrustandconfidenceintheirtimeofneed. Forafree,noobligationconsultation, calloneofourfourconvenientlocations: Servingallfaithssince1897 CharlesD.Morehead,president www.BennettFuneralHomes.com Central 3215CutshawAve 359-4481 Mechanicsville 8014LeeDavisRd 746-8665 West 11020WestBroadSt
639-4975 and sales,
Contributed Report
The Mechanicsville Local see CALENDAR, pg. 18 Continued from pg. 4 CALENDAR Shop (MCEF OSS) is open for food, clothing and linens from 9:30 to 11 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday at 7235 Stonewall Parkway in Mechanicsville (rear parking lot). The shop is available for residents in the 23111 and 23116 zip codes with identification and proof of residency. Saturdays Trinity Lutheran Church, Ashland Campus, located at 11515 Ashcake Road in Ashland 2 miles west of U.S. 1, holds its church service at 5 p.m. with Pastor Rev. Dr. Roy Minnix. Visit www.trinityrichmond.net or call 804-270-9626.
SCOTT MILLER Hanover County Treasurer 270-6321 Chesterfield (OffWinterpockRoad) 14301AshbrookPkwy running and, ultimately, “the soul of a business” – how to become for their own community what Little Bean Coffee Co. has become for Mechanicsville, he said. “So we can provide them the Rivers Edge name, we can provide them the Rivers Edge drinks, we can provide them all the know-how that they need in order to make their business work… then they get to be the ones who are engaging with their community on a really intense level the way that Micah and I do,” Odle said. In order to eventually franchise outside of the state of Virginia, Little Bean Coffee Co. had to assume a new name. While the original name holds a sentimental significance to Odle, as he named the shop after the nickname he gave his daughter, his wife came up with a name that pays homage to the shop’s roots in
12 The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 Contributed Report

“Any time our students can get recognized at a local or higher level for the work they do is a big deal for our program,” said Marc Moran, the agriculture and horticulture instructor at AHS. “It makes it even more special that this award was judged not just by our community, but by people all over the country.” Moran said that his program tries to put together a patriotic display every year and challenges his students to develop something new for the design each year, which led to this year’s winning design. “I am very proud of the students and all the hard work they put into our fields and the things they do behind the scenes to make sure our student athletes have a playing surface that is environmentally responsible with the high level of safety, playability and aesthetically pleasing,” said Moran, who has taught at Atlee since 1999.
Atlee High School (AHS) of Hanover County Public Schools (HCPS) has the top patriotic field design in the United States, a national competition has determined. Atlee’s patriotic turf grass design for the 2021-2022 homecoming football game won this year’s Stars and Stripes contest from the Sports Field Management Association. The competition included designs from both the K-12, collegiate and professional levels.
The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 13 | CelebrationsBusinessEducation&Community
Continued from pg. 2
The Sports Field Management Association is the nonprofit, professional association for men and women who manage sports fields worldwide. Its members oversee facilities at schools, colleges and universities, parks and recreational facilities and professional sports stadiums. Information submitted by Chris Whitley, assistant superintendent of Hanover County Public Schools. Ruritan graduatesHCPS
The Mechanicsville Local
The Atlee Ruritan Club awarded two college scholarships at their July meeting. Shelby Currie, who graduated from Atlee High School, plans to attend J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College. Evan Dauksys, a Patrick Henry High School graduate, plans to attend Coastal Carolina University.
Club awards
“Mr. Moran takes the school division’s motto of ‘A Tradition of Excellence’ very seriously, and he continues to enhance and build upon this very strong tradition,” Wheeler said. “We are extremely fortunate to have someone with his level of experience, expertise and professionalism leading the way for our students.”
An aerial view shows the award-winning patriotic turf grass design at Atlee High School. Oct. 4 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Extension Office to learn more about the program and to meet current Master Gardeners. Visit the VCE Hanover website (https:// hanover.ext.vt.edu) or the Hanover Master Gardener Association website (https:// hanovermastergardeners.org/) for additional information and a link to the application form. If you wish to improve your gardening knowledge without the class time and volunteer commitment, consider the Home Gardening Series (HGS) sessions. HGS session will be in person at the Atlee Library. Schedule will be posted on both websites reference above. If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, contact Laura Maxey NayHanover Unit at 804-752-4310 during business hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. to discuss accommodations five days prior to the event. *TDD 800-828-1120
TRAINING resources management. Dickensheets holds a Professional Human Resources (PHR) Certification, Society for Human Resource Management Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) designation and is a certified Six Sigma Black Belt and a graduate of the Virginia Executive Institute (VEI). Dickensheets lives in Western Hanover with her husband and daughter. Information submitted by Kerri O’Brien, director of communications and engagement for Hanover County. Continued from pg. 12
AHS Principal Dr. John Wheeler said the school is “incredibly excited to see Marc Moran recognized for his continued pursuit of excellence both in the classroom and on the fields of Raider Nation.”
Atlee High School wins national patriotic field design contest
Contributed Report
Photo courtesy of Hanover County Public Schools
Contributed photo

The Town of Ashland recently hosted a community picnic inviting Ashlanders of all ages to mingle with residents, enjoy refreshments, participate in games and jump in the refreshing Carter Park Pool.
Town of Ashland’s community picnic a summer evening success
The event, organized by the Town of Ashland’s Community Engagement and Parks and Recreation Departments, was first dreamt up by Gloria Arnold, a long-time Ashland resident, who proposed the idea to Martha Miller, the town’s community engagement manager.
Contributed Report The Mechanicsville Local Photos courtesy of Martha Miller Above, The Ashland Police Department stopped by the Town of Ashland’s community picnic to mingle with visitors and shoot some hoops with children. Town of Ashland officials also stopped by and enjoyed the picnic’s local cuisine. Below, the Ashland Kiwanis Club grilled up hotdogs in the spirit of a community cookout. Visitors gathered under the Carter Park and Pool pavillion to play a round of Ashland Bingo for the chance to win some free prizes.
“We definitely plan to do some version of this event next year, perhaps on Town Hall lawn with the new pavilion for music and entertainment!” said Miller.
A Beer Pairing Dinner will be held at the Hanover Tavern, 13181 Hanover Courthouse Road, on Friday, Aug. 19 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The dinner will feature four courses. The cost is $50 per person and reservations are required. To make a reservation, call 804-537-5050 Heritage Music Series: Danny Jams at the Hanover Tavern on Wednesday, Sept. 7 from 6 to 8 p.m. The event will feature live music on the patio and $7.49 burgers. Reservations are recommended. To make a reservation, call 804537-5050.Oktoberfest Beer Dinner at the Hanover Tavern on Friday, Sept. 9 at 6:30 p.m. The event will feature Oktoberfest beers, German food and live music. The cost is $40 per person. Reservations are required. To make a reservation, call 804-537-5050. Haunted Tavern Tour at the Hanover Tavern on Thursday, Sept. 15 at 8 p.m. The event will feature a guided ghost tour of the historic tavern. The cost is $10 per person. To register or for more information, visit the tavern’s website: www. hanovertavern.org.HanoverAutumnfest presented by Anton Paar at the Hanover Tavern on Saturday, Sept. 24 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The family festival will feature food, beer, games, crafts and a petting zoo. The event is free admission. Speaker Series: In Sickness and in Health: The Marriage of Patrick Henry and Sarah Shelton at the Hanover Tavern on Thursday, Sept. 29 at 7 p.m. Author Mark Couvillon will discuss his newest book. The event is free admission. Reservations are appreciated and can be made by calling 804-537-5050.
Hanover Tavern’s upcoming fall programs embrace the spooky, delectable
It was held on Saturday, Aug. 6 at Carter Park andThePool.event, which intended to span from 4 to 7 p.m., featured free pool admission, hot dogs from the Ashland Kiwanis Club, barbeque from Around the Table, Mexican paletas from Los Regios Dulceria y Neveria, ice cream sundaes from Sweet Sharae’s, a beer and wine garden organized by the Hanover Arts & Activities Center, Ashland-themed bingo, piñata, lawn games, basketball, soccer, giveaways, and live music courtesy of DJ Melvin Gates.
According to Miller, the event drew a crowd of around 200 visitors over the course of 90 minutes. Several residents intended to attend around 5:30 p.m. for dinner, but the evening’s weather unfortunately “took a turn” on the gathering and cut the festivities short. Despite the storm cutting the night short, Miller said the first community picnic was a great success while it lasted. “I believe it was a success because it provided an opportunity for those in our community who may have never experienced Carter Park pool since the renovation to check it out and cool off on a hot day,” Miller said. “It also created opportunities for Town staff, members of Council and Ashland Police officers to socialize and connect with the community in a less formal way, something we hope to do more of in the future.”
14 The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 ASHLAND/ WESTERN HANOVER | Also serving the communities of Montpelier, Beaverdam, Rockville and Doswell

For more information on the upcoming “Band of Brothers” event and the Post in general, visit the website: https://vfwpost9808.com/ or email: contact@vfwpost9808.com with any questions. Christina Amano Dolan/The Local John Payne features his family’s history at the post’s ‘Band of Brothers’ events, highlighting his uncle, James Earl Loving, who miraculously survived a kamikaze attack while aboard the USS Pinkney. have been numerous full-discussion meetings and in-depth conversations about this topic over the last year and a half,” Seward said. The policy was drafted with the help of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a conservative Christian legal advocacy group that has served as legal guidance in review of the current HCPS “equal educational opportunities”
Continued from pg. 1 HCPS Advertise in The Local Call 746-1235 for details.
Seward clarified that the proposed policy will not require that all listed documentation must be submitted before a request is considered.Ifarequest is denied, the student and their parent or guardian may re-submit their request if the “student’s circumstances materiallyThechange.”public input portion of the meeting yielded a crowd of 40 registered speakers. The board room was packed with citizens wearing shirts and holding signs expressing support and opposition of the proposed policy, including “Protect Every Kid” signs held by its supporters and “Every Kid Includes Trans Kids” signs held by opponents. Many citizens voiced their opposition to the proposed policy, arguing that the policy is not inclusive enough and further isolates transgender and non-binary students.
“You are oppressing the already-oppressed,” said Dana Clark of the Chickahominy District. Clark was among the speakers who criticized the proposed process as a “colossal waste of time, resources and money.” She also suggested that the policy’s language has “offensive” implications, including the use of the word “profess” that may suggest falsity. “It’s my child’s realty. It’s not false,” Clark said. “That at least needs to be stricken.”
Currently, students have access to restrooms, locker rooms and changing facilities that corresponds to their biological sex. Any student may access single-user facilities in school common areas or, upon request, in the nurse’s office or other limited-access areas of the school.The policy proposes that if a student who identifies as transgender requests access to restrooms that align with their gender identity but not their sex, the following process will be used to evaluate each request on a case-bycaseFirst,basis.the student and their parent or legal guardian must submit a written request to the principal of their school. School administration will receive all relevant information, which may include a statement from the student that specifies their gender identity and how they have “consistently, persistently and insistently expressed that identity”; signed statements from the student’s physician, therapist or licensed counselor verifying a diagnosis of gender dysphoria or that the student “consistently and authentically” expresses a binary gender identity; statements from the student’s parent or guardian; the student’s disciplinary or criminal records; information related to the privacy and safety of other students, and any other relevant information. School administration may request a meeting with the student and parent or guardian to discuss the request and solicit additional information.Afterall relevant documentation is submitted, the principal of the school will provide a written summary of the request, along with supporting documentation, to the school board for review at its next regularly-scheduled monthly business meeting. Each request and relevant information will remain confidential, and the school board members will provide their decision in writing to the parent or guardian of the student.
“I want to see a more inclusive policy that protects transgender children instead of criminalizing them,” said Shannon Spiggle of the Mechanicsville District. “This policy says nothing about how these children will be protected but instead talks about the unneeded paperwork and hoops they have to go through just to use the bathroom.”
The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 “Band of Brothers” event and gave a presentation on the U.S. Army, their training and build up prior to World War II, which perfectly led into the screening of episode one that featured the formation and training of Easy Company. “Every one of these events, we have a historian come in and talk about something leading up to the episode, and then we all watch the episode on the big screen,” Barnes said.
Kristin Stevens said she believed the drafted policy is “well-intentioned but completely the wrong delivery.”
“While you’re focusing on checking all those boxes, you seem to forget that there are actual students who this policy affects,” Stevens said. “Those students are someone’s child, sibling and friend… this policy demonizes and dehumanizes our transgender and non-binary students.”
Last Tuesday’s event featured episodes five and six with Jim Triesler, education director at Virginia War Memorial and historian for the Battle of the Bulge Association, offering a presentation on the untold stories of World War II field hospital nurses and medics. Triesler used stories and photographs shared by World War II field nurses Rose Young and Kate Nolan along with discovered letters written by medic Jack King to present the grueling, everyday lives of the war’s medical personnel. “When we watch these videos, they’re fantastic videos,” Triesler said, describing the plethora of TV shows, movies and documentaries on the war. “But how often do you see the person get wounded and then disappear from the screen, and you have no idea about the stress and the preparation and the timing that it was taking the medical personnel to save these lives?” Seifert, along with attendees, said he learned a lot more about the war from their featured speakers. The presentations were a crowd favorite among attendees and offered a greater understanding of the history behind each “Band of Brothers” episode. He shared what he found most enjoyable from hosting the events.“Knowing that you’re keeping this history alive and introducing people to it – some people for the first time – and just providing a nice evening of entertainment for people,” Seifert said. He said the events have “definitely been a success” as the first of its kind for the post and plans are underway to organize similar events
“You also imply that my child is a degenerate,” Clark furthered. “Not only does he have to explain transgenderism to you, not only do I have to support it, but somehow we’re to give you personal, invasive information from our medical provider or therapist to also support who he is… just to use a bathroom.”
Thequarterly.finalscreening of episode 10 will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 30 and will feature Al Barnes as the guest speaker. Barnes’ presentation will surround the occupation of Germany after World War I and World War II. Doors will open at 5 p.m. and an $8 dinner will be served until 6:30 p.m. Admission is free.
Kristin Holte of the Cold Harbor District was among those who spoke in favor of the proposed policy. “The majority of Hanover County supports parental rights and safe bathrooms for all students, and this policy does both of those things,” Holte said. “I cannot stress the importance of protecting the bodily privacy and safety of each student.”
Thepolicy.drafted policy states HCPS’ commitment to “ensuring that school facilities are safe and adequately protect student privacy.”
The draft additionally states that a student and their parent or guardian “may request access to locker rooms and changing facilities that correspond to the student’s professed gender identity” through the same process and may include additional considerations by the board involving any factors relevant to “preserving student privacy and safety.”
Continued from pg. 9 VFW
“I wish to thank the board for respecting Hanover values and continue to stand against model transgender policies that undermine parental rights,” Holte added. The public input portion reached its hour limit after the 17th speaker. The school board was scheduled to hold a separate meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 16 to give the remainder of registered speakers and others the opportunity to address the board. That meeting occurred after press time. The school board is holding a meeting on Aug. 30 to vote on the proposed policy.

Prep golf: Glen Allen, Atlee at Dominion Club 2:00 p.m.
Prep golf: Varina, Patrick Henry at Hanover C.C. 1:00 p.m.
17082022 |
16 The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 UPCOMING 18EVENTS082022Sports
Dave Lawrence/The Local Kevin Harvick takes the checkered flag to win the Federated Auto Parts 400 at Richmond Raceway Sunday. The win was Harvick’s second straight Cup Series win this season and his 60th in 778 Cup Series races in his career.
NASCAR driver Kevin Harvick performs a burnout at the finish line after winning Sunday’s Federated Auto Parts 400 at Richmond Raceway.
By Dave Lawrence Sports Editor RICHMOND — The first half of August is part of the dog days of summer. For Kevin Harvick, this August is proving to be a very good dog for the NASCAR Cup Series veteran. On Aug. 7 at Michigan International Speedway, Harvick snapped a 65-race losing streak with a victory in the FireKeepers Casino 400. Sunday afternoon, Harvick made it two wins in a row by claiming the checkered flag in the Federated Auto Parts 400 at Richmond Raceway. It was Harvick’s 60th Cup Series win in 778 career races at NASCAR’s top tier. He is now 10th all-time in Cup Series career wins. “It feels pretty neat,” Harvick said of the win. “I have a hard time putting things into perspective because I’ve just done this for so long. I think when you have Dale Jarrett and Kyle Petty talking about, ‘Do you remember that first time when you won in Atlanta? Does that seem like a long time ago?’ It does to me, and I’m like, ‘Yep, I agree, it’s been a long time.’ “I think when you look back at just everything that’s happened, that seems like just ages ago. I guess it was.”
Youth, High School, College, Recreational & Professional Bud Kraft/Times-Dispatch
Harvick makes it two Cup wins in a row
The 46-year-old’s first Cup Series win was in the Cracker Barrel Old Country Store 500 at Atlanta Motor Speedway on March 11, 2001, three weeks after the death of his Richard Childress Racing predecessor, Dale Earnhardt Sr., in an accident at the Daytona 500. Harvick said he appreciated all the support he’s received over the “Iyears.think as you look at the last 10 years, nine years at Stewart-Haas Racing and then you go back to RCR, I’ve just been very fortunate to work with a lot of great people and been able to drive some fast cars and go to Victory Lane a whole bunch of times,” Harvick said. “It’s been a lot of fun.” Harvick had to battle to get to the front of the pack. Eight other drivers also led the race at times, with Joey Logano leading the most with 222 laps. Ross Chastain led 80 and Harvick 55 — including the final 48. Denny Hamlin led 22, followed by Kyle Larson (11), Ricky Stenhouse Jr. (6), Cole Custer (2) and Ryan Blaney and Chase Elliott with oneHarvickapiece. overtook Logano on lap 334. He was briefly caught by Hamlin (who finished fourth) on lap 341, then reclaimed the lead for good on lap His353. lead was not secure, however. He had to hold off Christopher Bell (who finished second) and Chris Buescher see HARVICK, pg. 17

Obrimah’s body was found about 1:24 p.m. Saturday. Obrimah was an all-state performer in his senior year. He anchored the Raiders’ champion 4x200-meter relay team and finished second in the 300meter dash in the Virginia High School League Class 4 indoor state championships at Liberty University on Feb. 28-March 1. He was also part of the Raiders’ fifth-place 4x400 relay team in thatObrimahmeet. finished fifth in the 200 dash and was a member of Atlee’s sixth-place 4x100 relay team at the VHSL Class 4 outdoor state championships at Liberty University in June. According to Milestat. com, in indoor track and field Obrimah was ranked 22nd in Virginia and 74th nationally in the 300, 111th in the state and 211th nationally in the 500, and 87th in the state and 845th nationally in the 55 hurdles. In outdoor track and field, Obrimah was ranked 40th in Virginia and 1,243rd nationally in the 200, 63rd in the state and 2,210th nationally in the 300 hurdles and 64th in the state and 2,700th nationally in the 100.The Hanover County Sheriff’s Office is requesting the public’s assistance with the death investigation. Citizens are urged to contact the sheriff’s office at (804) 365-6140 or the Metro Richmond Crime Stoppers at (804) 780-1000. Tips can also be submitted through the “P3 Tips” app for their mobile device. Both Crime Stoppers methods are anonymous.TheGoFundMe account for Obrimah’s family can be found at https://gofund.me/b9ed6a49 Dave Lawrence can be reached at dlawrence@mechlocal.com. from pg. 16
The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 17
By Dave Lawrence Sports Editor MECHANICSVILLE — Hanover County police are investigating the death of a former Atlee athlete whose body was found by a citizen at Atlee’s football stadium Saturday afternoon.Efeoghene Oluwatosin Obrimah, better known as “Efe,” was a star of the Raiders’ indoor and outdoor track and field teams. He graduated in 2022.According to the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office, Obrimah’s body was found on the ground near the football stadium’s pressbox. A GoFundMe account has been set up to help his family. “If you ask anyone who knew him, Efe was one of the hardest-working people they knew,” said the introduction to the GoFundMe page. “He never complained about anything and put his head down and got to it. Efe was smart and funny and caring and made everyone around him smile. … More than all, Efe was beyond humble despite all of his accomplishments.”Lt.James Cooper, public information officer for the sheriff’s office, said investigators are working with the Medical Examiner’s Office to determine the cause of death. “We are shocked and saddened by this tragic news,” Hanover County Public Schools said in statement on its Facebook account. “We send our deepest and sincerest condolences to the Obrimah family for their devastating and unimaginable loss. While the Sheriff’s Office has deemed the football stadium safe to reopen, the stadium will remain closed for a period of one week out of respect for Efe and the Obrimah family. Thank you, HCSO, for your care and commitment in handling this tragedy.”
Former Atlee track and field star found dead
Joel Klein for The Local Former Atlee athlete Efe Obrimah (right) duels with Patrick Henry’s Shamar Williams in the finals of the 100-meter dash in the Region 4B outdoor track championships at Atlee on May 25. Obrimah was found dead at the Raiders’ stadium Saturday. (third) for the win. Part of the problem down the stretch was mental. Harvick missed a shift or two that allowed Bell and Buescher to close in. “I missed a couple early in the race, too,” Harvick said of the missed shifts. “There’s just a lot going on with the rhythm of — when I started shifting, I was only shifting on the front straightaway and not on the back straightaway. When you just start running lap after lap after lap, sometimes you just get a little goofed up.” Harvick was feeling the heat behind him. “I thought we had fended off [Buescher] pretty well,” Harvick said. “Then they told me that [Bell] was coming, and I’m like, ‘Oh, man, usually when you’re coming on new tires there’s no defense for that.’ That’s why I was a little bit frustrated with myself with the not-shifting part on the front straightaway because I gave up a big chunk. It should have never been that close. Just a lapse in my attention span, I guess, would be the best way to put it.” Saturday night in the Camping World Truck Series playoff race, winner Chandler Smith dominated the final two stages — including the final 175 laps — to win the Worldwide Express 250. Dave Lawrence can be reached at dlawrence@mechlocal.com.

HanoverEvangelicalFriends 6420MechTrnpk.804-730-9512, friendlychurch.org Worship:Sun.10:30AM SundaySchool@9:15AM AdventCommunityChurch Mechanicsville,8079StudleyRd, (804)746.0895or746.0279
Continued from pg. 12 CALENDAR see CALENDAR
TruthBaptistChurch,627-2170 COME&SEE! Allinfoat: www.truthbaptistchurch.com
18 The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022
StPaulLutheranChurch(LCMS) 427-7500 ∂ 8100ShadyGroveRd, saintpaul-lcms.com Rev.RodneyBitely,Pastor;Sun. Sch.9:15am,Worship10:30am HOPECOMMUNITYCHURCH HomeofAtleeChristianAcademy&HopeNowCounseling. info&more:www.hopenow.cc FairfieldPresbyterianChurch 6930ColdHarborRd.,23111 8:45&11:00amservices www.fairfieldpcusa.org
7400AntiqueLaneMech., SaturdayServices: SabbathSchool,9:45am. WorshipService,11am. WednesdayeveningPrayer Meeting,6:30pm. Churchphone:746-2788 meadowbridgesda.org meadowbridgesdachurch@gmai l.com BlackCreekBaptistChurch, 6289McClellanRoad SundaySchool-9:00a.m. SundayWorship-10:15a.m. AdultBibleStudy&YouthGroup Wed.nightsat6:00p.m. Pastor,StephenKendrick www.blackcreek.org orcall(804)781-0330 BroadusMemorialBaptist 804-779-2700 www.BroadusChurch.org 1Churchin2Locations WorshippingonSundays! In-person&onFacebook! 5351PoleGreenRd. Mechanicsville,23116 PhilPeacock,Pastor SundaySchool9a.m. Worship10a.m. 3407KingWilliamRd. Aylett,23009 JeffPoythress,Pastor Worship9:30a.m. SundaySchool10:30a.m. Makingeachoneawitness! CoolSpringBaptistChurch 9283AtleeStationRd. Forinfo,activities&worship timesvisit www.coolspring.org orcall746-0800 FellowshipCommunityChurchof Mechanicsville After10yearsatHanoverHigh Schoolwehavepurchasedour ownbuilding.Wecontinueto teachtheWordofGodand watchforthemiraculous. JoinusSundaymornings9:45am at8505BellCreekRoad,SuiteK. www.fellowshipcc.com GraceUnitedFamilyChurch "WhereGraceUnitesUs" 7252BeulahChurchRoad (HistoricBeulahChurch) Mechanicsville,23111 Sundays,10:30AM& Wed.Dinner,Study,Prayer: 6:00-8:00p.m. Forinfo,call335-6728 "LoveGod,Learn theBible,CareforPeople" GlennHawkins,Pastor MechanicsvilleBaptistChurch 8016AtleeRd. Office:746.7253 Worship inperson andLiveStreamedonYouTube &Facebook onSundaysat8:30&11:00a.m. WednesdayNightSuppersat 5:00p.m. andBibleStudyat6:00p.m. Findusonthewebat mechanicsvillebaptist.org NewBethesdaBaptistChurch 9019NewBethesdaRd.779-2101 CalebBittler,Minister SundaySchool9:30AM, Worship10:45AM BibleStudy/Prayer Youth&Childrenactivities 6:30pm,Wednesday www.newbethesda.org NewHighlandBaptistChurch 550-9601,9200NewAshcakeRd newhighland.org,9:15AMBible Study,10:30AMWorshipInPerson&online.Rev.LarryFrakes ShalomBaptistChurch 8116WalnutGroveRd. Office:746.7737 Worshipinperson andLiveStreamedonYouTube &Facebook onSundaysat8:30&11:00a.m WednesdayNightSuppersat 5:30p.m. andBibleStudyat6:15p.m. Findusonthewebat shalombaptist.net WalnutGroveBaptistisaChurch committedtofollowingJesus& lovingpeople.Youcanfindusat wgva.church7046ColdHarborrd NewHopeBaptist -Locatedat 5452SpotsleeCircle,Mech.Sundayschool9:45am,Morning worship10:30am,afternoon 1pm,WednesdayPrayer&Bible study7:30pm.L.RonaldStaley, Pastor.Formoreinfo321-2110. www.sovereigngraceinmechanicsville.org LebanonUnitedMethodist Church 8492PeaksRoad,746-0980 SarahSealand,Pastor WorshipInPersonandon FacebookLive: 10:00ameachSunday www.facebook.com/LebUMC 9:00amSundaySchool Formoreinfo,checkusoutat www.lebanonumc.org MechanicsvilleUnitedMethodist Church 7356AtleeRoad746-5118 ReverendAmyDunn,pastor 10aminpersonworshipor Facebooklive@MechUMC ChildrensandYouthPrograms CubScoutsPack517 www.mechumc.org ShadyGroveUnitedMethodist 8209ShadyGroveRd. atthecornerofMeadowbridge Rd.,Mechanicsville,804-746-9073 shadygroveumc.org In-personWorshipSundaysat 8:15,9:45,&11:15a.m., Onlineat9:45a.m. Programsforallages. Rev.WayneSnead,Pastor info@shadygroveumc.org ChurchoftheRedeemer 8275MeadowbridgeRoad 746-4911 www.churchredeemer.org Masscelebratedon Saturday5:30PM Sunday8:00&10:00AM PRESBYTERIAN EVANGELICALFRIENDS INDEPENDENTBAPTIST INDEPENDENTCHRISTIAN NAZARENE SEVENTH-DAYADVENTIST SOUTHERNBAPTISTSOUTHERNBAPTIST SOUTHERNBAPTIST SOVEREIGNGRACEBAPTIST LUTHERANUNITEDMETHODIST ROMANCATHOLIC MECHANICSVILLECHURCHES Toadvertise,emailusat sales@mechlocal.com Call746-1235tofindout aboutupcoming opportunitiesto advertisewithTheLocal inprintandonline! ADVERTISE
The Ashland Museum will be open for Ashland Fourth Fridays through September.
Ashland Museum’s fall programming schedule starts in September Contributed Report
The Hanover Concert Band rehearses from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. every Tuesday, mid-January through mid-December, at the Hanover Arts and Activities Center at 500 S. Railroad Ave. in Ashland, just south of U.S. 54. Membership is open to anyone who can read music and play a non-string instrument. High school students are welcome with parents’ permission. Road175,orwww.hanoverconcertband.orgVisitcall804-789-0536.TheAmericanLegionPostlocatedat8700BellCreekinMechanicsville,holds a “Meet and Greet, Coffee and Donut” event from 9-11 a.m. every Tuesday for the community and perspective members to meet members and learn about what they do for the community. Visit http://www. post175.org/. Wednesdays Hanover Rotary meets from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Roma’s Restaurant at 7240 Bell Creek Rd. in Mechanicsville. Due to the pandemic, contact President Penny at pennyguiles43@gmail. com for current meeting at Roma’s or Zoom connection information. Thursdays The Ashland Rotary Club meets weekly at noon at the Iron Horse Restaurant at 100 , pg. 19
Worship/Children’schurch10am adventcommunitychurch.com FairmountChristianChurch, 559-8070 6502CreightonRd. SundayAMWorshipTraditional 8:00&10:15,Contemporary9:00, Modern11:15,BibleSchoolat 9:00,10:15,&11:15. RickRaines,SeniorMinister; ChrisSantasiere,AssociateMinister;SethWortman,Associate Minister;TracyThomas,Worship &MusicMinister;BillNicol,AssociateWorshipMinister;Davis Ellenberger,YouthMinister; AshleySears,Children’sDirector fairmountcc.org GethsemaneChurchofChrist 5146MechanicsvilleTurnpike SundayAMWorshipServices (Checkwebsitefortimes) 804-779-2044 BillWines,SeniorMinister www.gethsemanechristians.org
The museum’s speaker series HistoryTalks returns in September with a talk by Miriam Green on Mary Beirne, a longtime Ashlander known for growing and hybridizing daffodils. Jan Meck, author of “The Life & Legacy of Enslaved Virginian Emily Winfree,” will speak on Oct. 28 about this remarkable lady. The museum will wrap up with Barclay DuPriest on Dec. 1 talking about Hercules Mulligan, a Revolutionary War hero who spied for George Washington. Details on the HistoryTalks series will be available in August. In September, the Ashland Museum will open an exhibit celebrating the Ashland Garden Club’s 100th anniversary. Be sure to come by the museum to look at the creative work and special projects this group has done. They will also offer a guided walking tour of Woodland Cemetery on Tuesday, Sept. 20, and Tuesday, Sept. 27 and a holiday guided walking tour in December. The Ashland Museum is located at 105 Hanover Avenue in the freshly painted building with new black-and white stripe awnings. In addition, they’ve refreshed the interior of the building. Come by and see the new look. For information on the Ashland Museum and our events, visit the website ashlandmuseum.org, email ashlandmuseum@comcast.net or call 804-368-7314.
The Mechanicsville Local is the Deacon in charge of All Souls. Visit www.allsoulsva.org. A Healing and Recovery SS Class meets at 9 a.m. at the Walnut Grove Baptist Church at 7046 Cold Harbor Rd. in Mechanicsville. The class is for adults 18 and over and is an extension of the NorthStar community that also meets at 6 p.m. Fridays at the church. The Christian 12 Steps and Biblical wisdom are the basis of study and discussion to learn about God’s place in our lives. All are welcome. Contact 804-7465081 or contact Craig Simpson at craigwgbc@gmail.com.OutsidetheWalls, a Narcotics Anonymous group, meets from 6 to 7 p.m. in the lobby of the Pamunkey Regional Jail at 7240 Courtland Farm Rd. in Hanover. Contact John Shinholser, McShin president, at 804-249-1845. The website is http://www.mcshin.org. Tuesdays
MeadowbridgeSeventh-Day AdventistChurch

Book signing for children’s author Syeda Shah Contributed Report
The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 19 AffordableHomeRepairs Carpentry,Roofing,Siding, ReplacementWindows,Gutters &Decks.Lic/Ins.BBBA+Rating! JimMartin,804-347-3812 HanoverChimneySweeps Servingareasince1981.Ins. Chimney&GutterCleaning. 746-1056 Bernard’sConcreteServices Concrete,RetainingWalls,Pavers, Brick,Sidewalks.Install&repair. FreeEstimates.Licensed&Insured. References.CallorText804-874-9184 RVAPAVING Commercial&ResidentialAsphalt Paving.SealCoating,Repair,Crack Filling,&Restriping.ClassA.Lic&Ins. Call804-840-9993,forFreeEst. AffordableElectricalInstallations Foryourhomeorbusiness. Lic./Ins.BBB746-4350 www.mallory-electric.com BLSElectrical SpecializinginResidential Service,NewResidential andalsoLEDLighting. AffordablepricingLic/Ins. 804-397-5478oremailat BLSELECTRICAL.LLC@gmail.com DannyElectric SpecializinginResidential Service.Professionalworkthat youcanafford!Lic/Ins. DannyHinton,804-640-5044 **FenceScapes**559-8797 CustomWood,Chain-Link, Vinyl,OrnamentalAluminum. www.fencescapesllc.com GoodNeighborFenceInc Customwood,Aluminum, Vinyl,Chainlink&repairs Goodneighborfencing.com A+BBB…Angie’sList 804-737-4664 HomeMaintenance&Repairs Veteranoperated. Over30yearsexperience CallDave,804-874-4774 Purcell Construction CustomBuilder HunterPurcell 804-972-2215 www.PurcellConstruction.Biz CustomRenovations&Homes ∂ Additions ∂ ChurchRenovations ∂ Decks ∂ Porches∂ Siding ∂ Windows ∂ Barns ∂ Ramps ∂ InsuranceClaims ∂ Renovations&MORE!ClassA License&Insured ∂ 38yrsexp ∂ A+RatingwiththeBBB&Angie’s List. Don’tMove...Improve! GutterSpecialist SeamlessGutters,Guards,Cleanings& Repairs,21yrs.exp.Lic/Ins.FreeEst. StrongholdConstruction804-218-1136 HerringHomeImprovementWindows,Decks,Sheds,Repairs Licensed&Insured.Call537-5755 ABROWN’SHOUSEWASHING ROOFSTAINSREMOVAL 804-937-8351 AffordableQualityWash Homes,decks,sidewalks,etc 804-550-2345 ServingHanoverfor25years HANOVERHANDYSERVICES LowPressurePowerwashing GutterCleaningLic.&Ins.Call363-8393 www.hanoverhandy.com GroundKeepersLawnCare Your#1Choice GrassCutting•Trimming•Hedges TreeWork•Mulching•Aerating• Seeding•FREEEst.•ReasonableRates RickCustalow,804-517-3321 LAWNCAREPLUS- Complete LawnCare&Landscaping LEAFREMOVAL WeofferCurbside&FullService LeafRemoval! FullyLic/Ins. FreeEstimates 730-2367 PoleGreenLawnCare,LLC. Providingmowing,hedgetrimming, andmulchingservices. PleasecallortextJarrod804-514-8214 GuyStinchfieldPainting&Repair Int./Ext.Painting,Carpentry,Drywall Repair,PressureWashing,Wallpaper Removal.Lic/Ins.20yrsexperience Refereneces.FreeEst.804-439-7700 PCTRemodeling Exterior/InteriorPainting. Licensed/Insured.264-9352 Gary’sPlumbing RepairService.Lic./Ins. 218-1467 PaulBrownPlumbing-inBusiness Since1983.NewResidential,Light Commercial,Renovations,Additions& Service.Wedoitall!SeniorCitizen Discounts.Forfreeestimate,746-5030 30+YearsofLocalExperience FinancingOptionsAvailableNOW!! Residential&Commercial Repairs,StormDamage,StandingSeam Metal&Copper,GutterInstallation ClassA Licensed-FullyInsured CallUsTodayForYour FreeEstimate Mechanicsville: 804-559-4144 NorthernNeck: 804-435-4044 Website: https://mrcva.com TheLocalsChoiceWinner2017-2020 DavidsonRoofingCo. ResidentialRoofing&Repair Specialists.Lic/Insured GAFMasterEliteContractor BBB/FreeEstimates 804-672-0540 www.davidsonroofing.com Roofing-AllTypesofInstallation& Repair.40+yearsofexperience. Licensed/Insured.BBBA+Rating! JimMartin804-347-3812 STUMPGRINDING 804-387-5797 Mechanicsville PCTRemodeling Tile/Kitchens&Baths FreeEst.Licensed&Insured. Call264-9352 24HourEmergencyStormService Trimming,Topping, Tree&StumpRemoval.Firewood. Lic.&Ins./Res.&Comm804-937-3671 WilliamA.SilvaJr.,Owner/Operator Bernard’sTreeService TreeRemoval,StumpGrinding,Landscaping,Cleanout,Mulching,Planting &More!FreeEst.Licensed&Insured References.CallorText804-874-9184 PayitForwardTreeServiceTree,Lawn&HandymanServ. StormDamage,StumpGrinding &LogSplitting.CreditCardsAccepted.FreeEst.Ins.387-3434 TreeRemoval,Trimming,Stump Grinding,etc.NoJobtooBIGor small.Lic/Ins.FreeEstimates. Tree&ShrubPruning,Removals, StumpGrinding.Health/RiskAssessments.Insured.FreeEstimates. 804-779-2170 CertifiedArboristandMDLTE Tree&StumpRemoval ∂ Lot Clearing ∂ BrushRemoval Topping&Trimming InsuredFreeEstimates 804-730-0600 Trimming&TakeDowns.Stump Grinding.Ifit’streework wedoit!Insured.FreeEst. BBBTHANKYOU!!! MC/VISA/Discover. EXTERIORHOUSECLEANINC 804-550-0313 WindowWashing-Res.&Comm. Totalexteriorhousecleaning DiscountsforSeniors,Military& FirstResponders.Licensed&Insured. VETERANOWNEDBUSINESS! CHIMNEYCLEANING TILE TREESERVICE TREESERVICE CARPENTRY GUTTER CONCRETE&BRICK DRIVEWAYS ELECTRICAL FENCING GENERALREPAIR GENERALCONTRACTORS WINDOWS HOMEREPAIR HOUSEWASHING LAWNCARE PAINTING PAINTING PLUMBING ROOFING STUMPREMOVAL HOMEIMPROVEMENTSPECIALISTS Emailusat news@mechlocal.com or sports@mechlocal.com Books, Beads & More, located at 8106 Mechanicsville Turnpike, will hold a book signing on Sept. 17 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. featuring author Syeda Mleeha Shah and her newly-released children’s book, “Peace in My World.” “This is the place/where I want to grow./Peace in my world/ is from head to toe,” Shah“Peacewrote.in My World” unites readers of all ages in an exploration of the meaning of peace. Take a journey to the beautiful world of “‘Peacepeace.in My World’ is a compelling children's book with beautiful illustrations and heart-capturing words,” said Gloria M. Degaetano, founder and CEO of the Parent Coaching Institute and Parent Coach International. “Told in rhyme, it is easy to read to youngsters and easy for them to remember and evenShahsing.”is dedicated to promoting peace among young children through her arts and literature. Shah is an early childhood educator and an artist residing in Richmond. “Peace in My World” is her very own dream, and she hopes that children from around the world will join her in this amazing journey of finding peace.
The Mechanicsville Local Author, Syeda Mleeha Shah S. Railroad Ave. in Ashland. For more information, contact Steve Dunham at 804496-6093 or sandrdunham@ yahoo.com.Overcomers Outreach & Women’s Codependency is a Christ-centered anonymous support program offering hope and healing for recovering alcoholics, addicts and their families. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. at Shalom Baptist Church at 8116 Walnut Grove Road Mechanicsville. For more information, call 804366-6524 or email mjfaith1@ gmail.com. New Highland Baptist Church hosts open basketball gym time for adults in the Christian Life Center (CLC) starting at 7:30 PM. The church is located at 9200 New Ashcake Road in Mechanicsville. Use the side back entrance to enter. Contact Jeff Fitzgerald at jkfitzgerald@comcast.net with anyCivilquestions.AirPatrol, Hanover Squadron, meets Thursdays, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fairfield Presbyterian Church, 6930 Cold Harbor Road, in from pg. 18 CALENDAR, pg. 20

Henrico.HanoverassignedHeTroopers.Stateofgenerationofgraduatethe136thVirginiaPolicehasbeentoand LosRegiosDulceriayNeveriaLLC.Tradingas: LosRegiosDulceriayNeveria,109ASouth WashingtonHwy,Ashland,Hanover,Virginia 23005-2206. Theaboveestablishmentisapplyingtothe VIRGINIAALCOHOLICBEVERAGECONTROL (ABC)AUTHORITYforaConvenienceGrocery Store:BeerandWineOffPremiseslicenseto sellormanufacturealcoholicbeverages. TeresaLopez/Owner Datenoticepostedatestablishment: 08/08/2022 NOTE:ObjectionstotheissuanceofthislicensemustbesubmittedtoABCnolaterthan 30daysfromthepublishingdateofthefirstof tworequirednewspaperlegalnotices.Objectionsshouldberegisteredatwww.abc.virginia .govor(800)552-3200.
Mechanicsville. CAP is an awesome program for youth, ages 12- 21, as well as for adults who care about young people and want to help train America’s next generation of Leaders. You’ll find cadet life exciting if you enjoy Flying, Leadership Training, Model Rocketry, Earning Rank & Awards, and much more. For more information, visit hanover.vawg.cap.gov. You can also call or email Capt James Wright at 804-551-3354 or james.wright@vawg.cap.gov. Fridays The Building Bridges group of Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. The group’s mission is to bring a message of hope and recovery to those suffering from addiction issues. They meet on Fridays from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Mechanicsville United Methodist Church, 7356 Atlee Road in Mechanicsville. Visit rvana.org. from pg. 19 CALENDAR
Virginia graduates new VSP trooper assigned to Hanover Report
Arrest made in homicide case where woman’s body found by road COBLE
The Local Clayton Ander Linville is a
Contributed photo
DISTRICTCOURTOFHANOVER CommonwealthofVirginia, inreKingWilliamTaylor CaseNo:JJ-34395 v. GeraldAntioneTaylor
TheobjectofthissuitistoterminatetheresidualparentalrightsofGeraldAntioneTaylor, fatherofKingWilliamTaylor,achild,D.O.B. 11/01/2014,borntoDiandraLashaTaylor.Residualparentalrightsarethoserightsremainingwiththeparentaftertransferoflegalcustodyorguardianshipoftheperson,including,
20 The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 Contributed Report The Local On Thursday, July 21, deputies responded to the intersection of Winns Church Road and Greenwood Road in reference to the body of a female that was located on the side of the roadway. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner positively identified the female as Raquiah Paulette King, 20, of Hampton, Virginia. After an extensive investigation involving multiple agencies, investigators with the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office were able to quickly identify a suspect in this case. On Thursday, Aug. 11, Emmanuel Dewayne Coble, 27, of Hampton, was arrested in Hampton and charged with First Degree Murder and Use of a Firearm in the Commission of a Felony. Coble was transferred to Hanover County and arraigned.The Hanover County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank their law enforcement partners from the Hampton Police Department, Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) and the Virginia State Police for their assistance in this investigation, which ultimately led to Coble’s safe apprehension.“Iamincredibly proud of the diligence of our investigators and our law enforcement partners which led to the arrest of Emmanuel Coble. This arrest is the first step in bringing justice to Raquiah King and her family. We are also grateful for the assistance from our Hanover Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office, as they have been working alongside us throughout this investigation. We will continue to work closely with them to ensure a successful prosecution,” said Sheriff Colonel David R. Hines. Information submitted by Lt. James Cooper, information officer for the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office.
On Friday, Aug. 12, the Commonwealth graduated its 136th generation of Virginia State Troopers. The 18 new troopers were presented their diplomas during commencement exercises at 10 a.m. at the State Police Training Academy located at 7700 Midlothian Turnpike in Chesterfield County. “The 136th has completed one of the toughest law enforcement academies in the country and are now joining a long line of distinguished troopers,” said Colonel Gary T. Settle, Virginia State Police Superintendent. “2022 marks the 90th anniversary of the Virginia State Police and these new troopers will forever be part of our valued history. We are proud to have them as part of the Virginia State Police family.” The new troopers have received more than 1,300 hours of classroom and field instruction in more than 100 different subjects, including deescalation techniques, strategies to assist people in mental health crisis, ethics and leadership, fair and impartial policing, constitutional law, emergency medical trauma care, and public and community relations. The members of the 136th Basic Session began their 28 weeks of academic, physical and practical training at the Academy Jan. 26, 2022. The new troopers will report to their individual duty assignments. For their final phase of training, each trooper will spend an additional six weeks paired up with a Field Training Officer learning his or her new patrol area. Clayton Ander Linville of Richmond has been assigned to Hanover and Henrico.
TheobjectofthissuitistoterminatetheresidualparentalrightsofDiandraLashaTaylor, motherofKingWilliamTaylor,achild,D.O.B. 11/01/2014,borntoDiandraLashaTaylor.Residualparentalrightsarethoserightsremainingwiththeparentaftertransferoflegalcustodyorguardianshipoftheperson,including, butnotlimitedto,therightofvisitation,consenttoadoption,therighttodeterminereligiousaffiliationandtheresponsibilityforsupport. ItisORDEREDthatDiandraLashaTaylorappearattheabove-namedCourtandprotecthis orherinterestsonorbefore September14, 2022at10:00A.M. SusanWood,Clerk VIRGINIA: INTHEJUVENILEANDDOMESTICRELATIONS
butnotlimitedto,therightofvisitation,consenttoadoption,therighttodeterminereligiousaffiliationandtheresponsibilityforsupport. ItisORDEREDthatGeraldAntioneTaylorappearattheabove-namedCourtandprotecthis orherinterestsonorbefore September14, 2022at10:00A.M. SusanWood,Clerk LegalNotices LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALNOTICES LEGALNOTICES ABCLICENSES PublishedWednesdays... ...Onlineeveryday! www.mechlocal.com facebook.com/mechlocal whoareleastabletohelpthe CountySocialServicesA visory ency’ssernowintheirseventhyearon bytheHanoverCounty ofchair,sai Needforhelpgrows Schooldistrict againexpectsfull accreditation yMelo ol. Localteentaking talentstoTexas CheeringonAtlee Schoolswilla percentfullaccre Theakston,co specialist,theaccre inaryinfor ofE icatesthe onSept.1 iniaAssociationof Countiesastherecipient Thecountywashonore forthestatewi erHanoverCounty Countya inistrator,an CountyreceivesVACohonor SocialServicesofficersdiscussbenefits,demand PublicNotice Noticeisherebygiventhat theHanoverCountyBoardof Supervisorshasset Wednesday, August24,20222:00P.M., inthe BoardRoomoftheHanoverCounty AdministrationBuildingatHanover Courthouse,7516CountyComplex Road,Hanover,Virginia,astheday, date,time,andplacefora Regular BoardMeeting.

MagisterialDistrict:SouthAnna CUP2021-00015,AMERESCO Request(s)aConditionalUsePermitinaccordancewithSection26-20.12oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinancetopermitasolarfacilityonGPINs 8745-57-0797and8745-57-7359,consistingofapproximately32.2acres(CUParealimitedto22.67acres),zonedA-1,AgriculturalDistrict,andlocatedon thenorthlineofPeppertownRoad(StateRoute723)approximately1,300feeteastofitsintersectionwithBeattiesMillRoad(StateRoute634).Thesubject propertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasAgricultural.(PUBLICHEARING)
MagisterialDistrict:ColdHarbor CPA2021-00001,HICKORYHILLII,L.L.C. Request(s)toamendtheComprehensivePlanforHanoverCounty,Virginia,adoptedFebruary14,2018,pursuanttoSections15.2-2204,15.2-2223through 15.2-2232oftheCodeofVirginia,1950,asamended.TheproposedamendmentwillbeachangetotheadoptedComprehensivePlanasfollows: GeneralLandUsePlanMap–AnamendmenttochangethelandusedesignationfromCommercialandPlannedBusinesstoCommercial,Suburban General(1.5-3dwellingunitsperacre),andSuburbanHigh(3-7dwellingunitsperacre)intheareagenerallybetweenProvidenceChurchRoad(State Route662)andEastPatrickHenryRoad(StateRoute54)justsoutheastofWoodsideLaneandtheTownofAshlandboundary.(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Beaverdam REZ2021-00014,HICKORYHILLII,L.L.C. Request(s)torezonefromA-1,AgriculturalDistrict,toRS(c),Single-FamilyResidentialDistrictwithconditions,RM(c),Multi-FamilyResidentialDistrictwith conditions,andB-2(c),CommunityBusinessDistrictwithconditions,onGPINs7880-92-1335(part)and7880-81-6802,consistingofapproximately52.03 acres,andlocatedonthenorthlineofEastPatrickHenryRoad(StateRoute54)atitsintersectionwithProvidenceChurchRoad(StateRoute662).Thesubject propertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasPlannedBusinessandCommercial(pendingconcurrentrequestCPA2021-00001tochangethe GeneralLandUsePlanMaptoSuburbanGeneral(1.5-3dwellingunitsperacre),SuburbanHigh(3-7dwellingunitsperacre)andCommercial).Theproposed zoningamendmentwouldallow24.24acrestoberezonedtoRS(c)fordevelopmentof72townhomes,atadensityof2.97dwellingunitspergrossacre, 18.73acrestoberezonedtoRM(c)fordevelopmentof131townhomesatadensityof6.99dwellingunitspergrossacre,and9.06acrestoberezoned toB-2(c)forthreespeculativecommercialpadsites.Therewouldbeatotalof203residentialunitsforanoveralldensityof4.72dwellingunitsperacre. (PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Beaverdam CUP2022-00001,ASHCAKEROADLANDFILL,INC. Request(s)toamendCUP-8-87,Am.1-16,inaccordancewithSections26-20.15and26-20.26oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinance,whichpermitted aconstructiondebrislandfillandborrowpitonGPINs7798-08-2072,7798-08-7416,7798-18-4218,7798-09-5472,and7798-29-6304,consistingof approximately232.45acres,zonedA-1,AgriculturalDistrict,andlocatedonthenorthlineofAshcakeRoad(StateRoute657)atitsintersectionwithJohnson TownRoad(StateRoute755).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasAgriculturalandSuburbanGeneral(1.5-3dwelling unitsperacre).Thisamendmentincludesaplantoclosetheexistinglandfillareaandconverttheborrowpitareatoanewlandfillarea.(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Beaverdam
Wednesday,August24,2022at6:00P.M., orassoonthereafterastheBoard’s considerationoftheadministrativeagendapermits,intheBoardRoomoftheHanoverCountyGovernmentBuildingatHanoverCourthouse,Hanover,Virginia, astheday,date,time,andplaceforapublichearingtoconsiderthefollowingcases,atwhichpubliccommentswillbeaccepted: REZ2021-00017,KINGSACRES,L.L.C.(FORMERLYCHARLESHENRYKING)
Request(s)torezonefromA-1,AgriculturalDistrict,toM-1(c),LimitedIndustrialDistrictwithconditions,onGPIN7787-58-4811,consistingofapproximately 5.0acres,andlocatedonthewestlineofLakeridgeParkway(StateRoute782)approximately850feetsouthofitsintersectionwithTimberRidgeDrive(State Route1311).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasLimitedIndustrial.Theproposedzoningamendmentwouldallowfor developmentofawarehousewithofficespace.(PUBLICHEARING)
reported in the 7300th block of Ford Stalking:Mechanicsville.Avenue,Typenotclear from record was reported in the 8200th block of Willdosh Court, Mechanicsville.blockwasGrandMechanicsville.blockreportedDWI:Mechanicsville.blockreportedaAssaultofreportedPetitAshland.blockreportedPetitofreportedtoIdentityMechanicsville.theftwithintentiondefraud,upto$200wasinthe14400thblockSavageCourt,GlenAllen.larceny,partswasinthe9900thofLickingholeRoad,larcenyfromautowasinthe10400thblockCobbsRoad,GlenAllen.andbatteryonfamilymemberwasinthe9300thofSummerOakDrive,Firstoffensewasinthe5300thofPoleGreenRoad,larceny,autotheftreportedinthe6400thofCreightonRoad, June 17 Petit larceny, parts was reported in the 7400th block of Antique Lane, PetitMechanicsville.larcenyfrom auto was reported in the 7000th block of Mechanicsville Turnpike, OtherMechanicsville.forgerywriting was reported in the 7500th block of County Complex Road, GrandHanover.larceny from auto was reported in the 12000th block of Harley Club Drive, ConcealmentAshland. of price-altered merchandise, less than $500 was reported in the 7400th block of Bell Creek Road, ConcealmentMechanicsville.of price-altered merchandise, less than $500 was reported in the 7400th block of Bell Creek Road,Mechanicsville.Continued from pg. 3
CopiesoftheabovecasemaybereviewedinthePlanningOffice,MondaythroughFriday,betweenthehoursof8:30a.m.and5:00p.m.,pleasecontactthe PlanningOfficeoryoumayalsogotohttps://www.hanovercounty.gov/697/Board-of-Supervisors-Upcoming-and-Archivformoreinformation.
The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 21 PUBLICNOTICE
22 The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 L&LCleaningServices-Wecreate FREETIMEforbusypeople! Recurringservice,deepcleans, movingcleans&one-timecleans Calltodaytoschedule! Bonded&Insured. AccreditedA+RatingBBB! 804-305-4068LLCleans.com AdministrativeAssistant(part-time) MechanicsvilleBaptistChurchseeksan AdministrativeAssistant(25hoursper week)forthechurchoffice.Theideal candidatemustbeahighschoolgraduateandwouldberesponsibleforgeneralofficeduties,whichincludesansweringphonecalls,generatingchurch publicationsusingavarietyofsoftware applications,andperformingbasicaccountingfunctions. Pleasesendresumesorinquiriesto personnel@mechanicsvillebapti st.org HillElectrical,Incishiring Electricians&Helpers. DriversLicense&own TransportationRequired. Call804-746-3122 SecludedStudioApartment,allutilities includedoffShadyGroveRoad.Very brightwithaskylight,lotsofstorage, W/Dincluded.Nearallinterstates. $850/month.Call804-404-3992 4-bedrooms,3-bath,3-cargarage on1acreinMechanicsville.$3,000 permonth+$3,000securitydep. www.leaseAMansion.com Smallgroup#5ChristianHunters seekingpropertyfor2022-2023 Season.Rent,LeaseorWork. Nodogs&NoSundays. Replayat804-266-4732 Business& ServiceDirectory CLEANING&HOUSEKEEPING Residential forRent ApartmentReferral ServicesPolicy Apartmentreferralservicecompaniesselllists ofavailableapartments forrentinyourarea. Pleasereadcontracts thoroughlytoensure thatyouunderstandand agreetoalltheterms andthecancellation policyofthecontract. APARTMENTSUNFURN. HOUSESUNFURNISHED HUNTING&FISHINGPLACES Recruitment ADMIN.&OFFICEWORK HEALTHCARE INSTALLATION&REPAIR CLASSIFIEDS PLACEYOURADTODAY (804)746-1235ext.2 FAX:(804)344-8746 orclassifieds@mechlocal.com BUSINESS&PROFESSIONALDIRECTORY Call746-1235tofindout aboutupcoming opportunitiesto advertisewithTheLocal inprintandonline! ADVERTISE Call746-1235tofindout aboutadvertisewithThe Localinprintandonline! IBUYGOLFCARTS BESTCASHOFFER 804-443-5066 EOE Forfulljobdescriptions andtoapplyvisit www.gpcsb.org YOURNEWCAREER STARTSHERE! NOWSEEKING: DIRECTSUPPORT PROFESSIONAL(DSP) INHOMESUPPORT SPECIALIST VAN TRANSPORTATION DRIVERS ShortonCash? Becomeanindependentcontractor,deliverycarrier QUALIFYFORA $1,500SIGNINGBONUS Benefitsofthispart-time,contractopportunitywiththe RichmondTimes-Dispatchteam: • Manageyourownschedule andfreeupmostofyourday; workonly3-4hoursbetween1-6a.m.daily •Excellentsupplementalincome– Earnupto $1,800permonth AllyouneedisadependablevehicleandavalidVirginiadriver’s licenseforconsideration. Signingbonusisforalimitedtime,sodon’tmissout. ContactusNOWatRichmond.com/Carriersor (804)649-6872tolearnmore. 100%SatisfactionGuaranteed PriceMatchGuarantee 15%OFF ANYSERVICECALL Installs&Service—Residential&Commercial DuctCleaning•AirQualityTesting•TanklessWaterHeaters 804-784-4354• www.hh-heatingcooling.com FamilyOwnedandOperatedSince1974 Roofing StandardRoofingCo. 746-5110 Hotline837-7240 Nojobtoosmall-alltypesofroofing FREEEstimatesLicensed/Insured

Concerns about finances could have you holding back on all spending, including important purchases, Sagittarius. A professional can help you establish a budget.
Frustrationsf with finances may have you feeling poorly at the moment, Pisces. Some news at work could provide the relief you need.
Libra, it is important to define boundaries between work and home life this week, especially as you explore remote working opportunities or a promotion.
Scorpio, your close relationships could benefit from some increased conversation this week. Small talk is a start, but dig into topics that are meaningful to you and your partner.
The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 23 FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT TRAFFIC SAFETY WORD SEARCH HOROSCOPES CROSSWORD PUZZLE THISWEEK’SANSWERS 08/17-08/18 CLUES ACROSS 1. Influential Swedish, Belgian clan 6. Swiss river 9. Nocturnal S. American rodent 13. Like coagulated milk 14. Lima is its capital 15. Lying down 16. Jai __, sport 17. Egyptian statesman 18. Napoleon Dynamite’s uncle 19. Renovated 21. Chadic language 22. 18-year period 23. Beverage container 24. Natural logarithm 25. The ‘mecca’ of basketball 28. A way to darken 29. Mackerels 31. Actor Pitt 33. Places to buy seafood 36. True firs 38. Neither 39. Fencing sword 41. Italian pastas 44. Island nation close to the U.S. 45. Begets 46. Resembles a pouch 48. __ student, learns healing 49. Sodium 51. Indicates position 52. The world has one 54. Partner to pains 56. Photographer 60. Chew the fat 61. Culture of the British Iron Age 62. Weaverbird 63. Advice or counsel 64. Asian nation 65. Brought on board 66. German river 67. Airborne (abbr.) 68. Leaf-footed bug genus CLUES DOWN 1. Mark left behind 2. Cry weakly 3. Ancient region in modern Syria 4. Farewell 5. Blue grass state 6. Genus of mosquitoes 7. S. Israeli city 8. You can get stuck in one 9. One who mistrusts others unjustifiably 10. First month of ancient Hebrew calendar 11. Tigers legend Fielder 12. Make more attractive 14. Horses 17. Slight projection in typefaces 20. Male parent 21. Jack and Jill are two 23. After B 25. Licensed for Wall Street 26. Missile with about 600-mile range 27. Goddesses 29. A day kids love 30. Oily secretion 32. One-tenth of a meter 34. A father’s male child 35. One point east of southeast 37. Silk garments 40. Cool! 42. The color of anger 43. Trade profession 47. It can get you around 49. Mother-of-pearl 50. Hurt 52. Legendary slugger Hank 53. Polio developervaccine 55. Incline from vertical 56. Sea creature 57. Actress Kate 58. Affirmative votes 59. Nothing 61. Pie _ __ mode Aries, now could be a good time to map out your financial future. You’re riding a professional wave and your finances will benefit significantly from your hard work.
Cancer, if you are feeling frustrated at work, you may want to address your feelings with friends this week. They may be able to provide a fresh perspective on the situation. Don’t take anything for granted this week, Leo. Even seemingly mundane events can have a significant impact on both your present and your Explorefuture.creative outlets, Virgo. They may be just what you need right now to calm your mind and work through some of the problems that have been tough to solve lately.
Capricorn, life may be challenging this week, and attempts to get ahead could be thwarted. You may just have to hunker down a little longer and work harder. Set up your living space to ensure you feel peaceful and calm at all times, Aquarius. This can improve your overall mood and benefit your long-term health.
Taurus, you can be a strong and formidable advocate for any cause you choose to support. Figure out what ideas you want to align with this week and voice your support. This week you may start out feeling like the life of the party. But you may run out of steam as the week winds down. Plan light activities for the weekend, Gemini.
24 The Mechanicsville Local August 17, 2022 ERAWillBuyYourHouse&CloseInAsLittleAs30Days! Contactustoseeifyourhousequalifies ERAEXPRESSSELL (804)559-4644 or contact@erawoodyhogg.com Onelevellivingonoveranacreofland. 3bedroomsand2updatedfullbaths. Enjoyacozylivingroom,spacious familyroomandrefreshedkitchenwith NEWappliances.Youhaveaccesstoa privatebackdeck;whichmakesforgreat entertaining.Ormakesureyouenjoy coffeeonyourfrontporchifyouprefer. Onecargarageprovidesamplestorage space.Propertyalsohasnewcarpetand freshpaint. $239,950 CallKrisBoykinw/WoodyHoggTeam 804-986-7891 3bedrooms,21/2baths;butespeciallyexcitedtohave afirstfloorprimarybedroomwithabeautifultray ceiling,largeclosetandspaciousprimarybath!Your kitchenopensupintoanice,cozylivingroomwitha three-sidedgasfireplacealongwithamorningroom thatgivesgreatnaturallightandabeautifulviewof yourbackyard.Andtoreallyenjoyyourmorning coffee,stepoutbacktoyourpatiospace.Head upstairstothetworemainingbedrooms,onefull bathandagreatloftthatoverlooksyourdownstairs livingareaandcontinueswiththeviewsofyouryard. Thelofthasendlesspossibilitiesbutcanbeutilized askidsspace,craftareaorreadingnook.Doorways areabitwiderandwheelchairaccessibleaswell. PleasecallKrisBoykinwith WoodyHoggTeam 804-986-7891 COUNTRYLIVING INKINGWILLIAM NEWLISTINGIN HONEYMEADOWS CONTRACTPENDING LOOKINGFOR ACAREERCHANGE? WeOfferTraining andLeads PleaseCallBradleyBoykin804-427-5104 toScheduleanInterview! CallMelinda804-427-5103 “SEEYOUR HOUSEHERE” THEVILLASATROSEHILL Lovelyhomeinoneof HanoverCounty’sfinest Seniorcommunities. Beautifulcornerlotw/ maturelandscaping& irrigationsystem.Totally maintenancefreehome. Charmingcoveredfront porchforrelaxingand sippingacooldrinkinthe eveningorenjoyingyour morningcoffee.Open livingroomleadsintothe kitchenanddiningarea. The3-sidedgasfireplaceprovidesgreatambiance.Fencedbackyardw/patio andanautomaticawning.Kitchenhasgasstove,dishwasher,andrefrigerator, alargepantryw/pulloutshelves&amuchneededlazySusan.1stfloor primarybedroomw/anensuiteandalargewalkincloset.Homeofficeorden withdoubleglassFrenchdoors(Caneasilyberepurposedasa2nd1stfloor bedroomw/fullbathbesideit).2ndfloorhasanotherbedroomandbath-Perfect forguests.Walkinatticwithstorage,UtilityRoomhaswasher&dryerthat conveys,builtinironingboardandacabinetforstorage.Alreadywiredfor ADTalarmsystem.AllthisandaWHOLEHOUSEGENERATOR!Youdon’t wanttomissthisone!!! $460,000 CallWoodyHogg804-357-0969