Throneburg and Good seek 5th District seat

Celebrating Hanover Halloween

5th congressional district now includes portions of Hanover County following redistricting in 2021. It is currently represented by Congressman Bob Good, who was elected in 2020 and is seeking a second term. Good is opposed by challenger Josh Throneburg.
A few words about why you decided to seek or continue public service. What motivates you to serve and why are

you seeking election or re-election?
Good: I served four years on the Campbell County Board of Supervisors from 2015 to 2019. I was asked by

friends and neighbors to run for county supervisor in 2015 because we had a chance to flip our board to a conservative majority. And I answered that call essentially and served four years; I did not intend to run again, I thought I was finished with politics. And then in 2019, I again had
ODHF honors local veterans with a D.C. trip to remember
By Christina Amano Dolan EditorLocal veterans were
Old Dominion Honor Flight (ODHF)


of police escorts,
war memorials and
Hanover County offers free caregiver expo and resource event on
Contributed Report
In honor of National Family Caregivers month, Hanover County Department of Community Resources, Senior Connections (the Capital Area Agency on Aging), Hanover Council on Aging and Hanover County Parks & Recreation are partnering to host a free Caregiver Expo and Resource Event on Wednesday, Nov. 9, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Hanover Arts & Activity Center, located at 500 S. Center Street, Ashland, VA 23005. The Expo will include presentations by the Social Security Administration; Senior
Connections: The Capital Area Agency on Aging, the Hanover Department of Social Services and Alzheimer’s Association of greater Richmond. In addition, there will be approximately 20 exhibitors, door prizes, giveaways, refreshments and more. You will also be able to get your flu shot or COVID-19 vaccination. For more information, contact Hanover County Department of Community Resources at volunteer@ or 804365-4300.
Information submitted by Tom Harris, communications specialist for Hanover County.

Reception at Hanover Museum of History & Culture draws large crowd
fromVCUSchoolofDentistry.Hethenwenton tocompleteaone-yearAEGDresidencyatEast CarolinaUniversityandiscurrentlypursuinga fellowshipintheAcademyofGeneralDentistry. Heenjoyscooking,fishing,spendingtimeatthe beach,andtravelingwithhiswife.

A reception for the expanded “Leaders & Legacy: Women of Hanover” exhibit at the Hanover Museum of History & Culture drew a large and enthusiastic crowd on the evening of Oct. 13.

The exhibit recognizes women from all walks of life who made their mark on both the county's and country’s history and culture from the 1600s to the present day.

Leaders & Legacy begins with the story of Cockacoeske, who was called “the Queen of the Pamunkey” by English leaders. She ruled that tribe for 30 years after the death of her husband, Totopotomoi, and in 1677 signed a treaty with Great Britain which united several tribes and made the Pamunkey Indians subjects of the King of England. That treaty gave the tribe hunting rights and permanent ownership of land including parts of what would become Hanover County.
Among the other women featured are Martha Ann Fields, who lived on what is now
the County Complex property as an enslaved person with her children and escaped across the Chickahominy to freedom, as well as Lois Chenault and Nina Peace, who were the first women elected to office in Hanover. Plus, there are a number of entrepreneurs, educational leaders and women who profoundly
Ashland PD makes arrests in child neglect/abuse case
Contributed Report
The Ashland Police Department (APD) has arrested two individuals charged wtih child neglect and abuse.
On Saturday, Oct. 15, at approximately 12:10 a.m., APD officers were dispatched to a motel in the 800 block of England Street for a medical emergency involving a 2-year-old child. Upon arrival the child was discovered alone in the motel room in medical distress. APD officers began life saving measures until Hanover Fire/EMS personnel arrived on scene. The child was immediately transported to VCU Medical Center and listed in critical condition. On Thursday, Oct. 20, the child was pronounced deceased.
APD will continue to keep the family of the child in their thoughts during this difficult time. Investigators have been and will continue working closely with the Hanover
County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office and Child Protective Services. This is an ongoing and active investigation.

Danielle Tulloss, age 21 of Fredericksburg, and Raequan Gilliens, age 24 of Ashland, were arrested without incident in relation to the case. Tulloss and Gilliens were charged with child neglect and abuse.

The Ashland Police Department would like to thank everyone involved thus far with this investigation; staff at VCU Medical Center, Hanover Commonwealth’s
Attorney’s Office, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Virginia, Child Protective Services Unit of the Hanover Department of Social Services and the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office.
Anyone with information about this case should contact the Ashland Police Department at (804) 798-1227 or leave a tip at Anyone providing a tip can remain anonymous.
Information submitted by Chip Watts, public information officer for the Ashland Police Department.
| Crime, Accidents, Fire & Rescue

HanoverSeniorRidesneedsvolunteerdriversandridecoordinatorsto helpSeniorsanddisabledpersonswhocannolongerdrive.Thisservice givesseniorsthemobilitytheyneedtoliveindependently.

Ourvolunteerdriversusetheirownvehiclestotakeseniorstomedical appointments,togroceryshoppingandforpersonalbusiness.Driversare paid50centspermiletoreimburseforthecostofgas.

TheHanoverSeniorRidesprogramisoperatedinMechanicsvilleby (MCEF)MechanicsvilleChurchesEmergencyFunctionsandinAshland by(ACES)AshlandChristianEmergencyServices.
ContactustoseehowyoucanhelpourseniorsatMCEForACES. MCEF(804)357-9360(


July 15

Driving after forfeiture of license was reported in the 7400th block of LeeDavis Road/Mechanicsville Turnpike, Mechanicsville.
Grand larceny, $500 or more, not from a person was reported in the 8300th block of Timberlake Green Drive, Mechanicsville.
Grand larceny, $500 or more, not from a person was reported in the 5400th block of Muzzle Court, Mechanicsville.
Assault and battery on a family member was reported
in the 14400th block of Mountain Road, Glen Allen.
July 16
Use of profane, threatening language over public airway was reported in the 13000th block of Mountain Road, Glen Allen.
Identity theft with intention to defraud, up to $200 was reported in the 12800th block of Mount Hermon Road, Ashland.
Assault and battery on a family member was reported in the 9200th block of Hanover Crossings Drive,
Simple assault was reported in the 7200th block of Bell Creek Road, Mechanicsville.

Petit larceny, building was reported in the 7400th block of Bell Creek Road, Mechanicsville.
Concealment of pricealtered merchandise, $500 or more was reported in the 11500th block of Lakeridge Parkway, Ashland.
Hit and run with attended property damage more than $1,000 was reported
Saturday, Nov. 5
The Community Salt Fish Breakfast will be held from 8 to 10 a.m. at Enon UMC, 6156 Studley Road, Mechanicsville, VA 23116. The buffet includes: salt fish, corn cakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, grits, hash browns, sausage gravy, biscuits, waffles, apples, beverages and fellowship. Adults $10 and ages 6 and under free, with all profits going to Missions.
The Ashland Beekeepers Association will host a free seminar on Pollinators, Honey Bees & You from 10 to 11 a.m in Ellis
Hall at First Baptist Church in Ashland. Anyone interested in learning how to help all pollinators and what it takes to start keeping honey bees is invited to attend. Visit for more information.
The Pocahontas Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society is pleased to welcome Kaity Bevenour, an ecological horticulturalist and the owner/operator of Parallel Nursery, a sustainable plant nursery in Richmond, specializing in growing species from the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast U.S. Bevenour will be discussing her entrepreneurial journey with Parallel and the exploding native plant industry. This hybrid meeting (live or via Zoom) is free and open to the public. The live meeting will be at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Kelly Center. The meet and greet starts at 6:30 p.m., followed by the presentation at 7 p.m. and a short business meeting. The chapter serves several cities and counties, including Goochland, Hanover, King William and Powhatan. Membership in a chapter is available to anyone who joins the Virginia Native Plant Society. For more information, visit the
state website:

Barbara Johnson from Red Apron Pottery is hosting an event at Books and Beads and More, located at 8106 Mechanicsville Turnpike Mechanicsville, from 2 to 4 p.m. for Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. Since November is National Juvenile Diabetes Month, this is the perfect time to support such a great cause. She will provide clay at the store for visitors to cut out and paint an ornament. Johnson is accepting $10 or a donation for each ornament, and all proceeds will benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Sunday, Nov. 6
Black Creek Baptist Church, 6289 McClellan Road in Mechanicsville, will have a special Veterans Day Celebration at 10:15 a.m. during a morning worship service to honor all veterans. There will be a special speaker that day – guest speaker Col. John Miller will present Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pins; Pastor Stephen will give a brief sermon; and the Mechanicsville High School JROTC will provide the Color Guard. The church asks the community to pass the word to any veterans so they can be recognized and thanked for their service.
Tuesday, Nov. 8
Mechanicsville AARP Chapter 5407 will meet from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at First Union Baptist Church, 6231 Pole Green Road, Mechanicsville, VA 23111.
Friday, Nov. 11
Hanover County’s six solid waste convenience centers will be closed in observance of Veterans Day. Hanover County government offices also will be
closed that day in observance of Veterans Day. Branches of the Pamunkey Regional Library will be open.
Heritage Green Assisted Living and Memory Care is hosting a special ceremony to recognize military veterans for their service at 11 a.m. at 7080 Brooks Farm Road, Mechanicsville. The public is welcome. American Legion Post 175 will present the folding of the flag and POW remembrance, followed by a special pinning ceremony. Bring an unexpired canned good for donation to the Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions for admission. Face masks are required, and other safety protocols are in place. Seating is limited. RSVP by Nov. 8 by calling: 804-746-7370.
Saturday, Nov. 12
The Independence Ruritan Club will be hosting an all-youcan-eat Salt Fish Breakfast from 6:45 to 8:45 a.m. to benefit the Hanover Interfaith Free Clinic. Breakfast will include salt herring fillets, scrambled eggs, bacon, spiced apples, cornbread, grits, coffee and orange juice and will cost $11 for adults. The Ruritan Building is located behind Independence Christian Church, 14033 Independence Road (off Route 54, west of Ashland). For more information, call 804-798-5171 or contact Dave by e-mail: wdtoney@
Chickahominy Falls Art Guild’s Holiday Art Sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Woodside Farms of VA, LLC located at 10455 Cedar Lane in Glen Allen.
Monday, Nov. 14
The Harmony at Hanover Independent and Assisted
| News, Updates & Listings
Fax submissions to calendar to 344-8746, email to events@mechlocal. com, or mail to 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd., Mechanicsville VA 23116. Deadline is 1 p.m. Thursday for the following week’s issue. Calendar announcements cannot be taken by phone. We reserve the right to edit all items submitted to The Mechanicsville Local.
Living is hosting a Veterans Day Program from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., located at 8203 Meadowbridge Road in Mechanicsville, and will feature the Mechanicsville High School JROTC and The American Legion Post 175. A buffet lunch will be served after the program.
Saturday, Nov. 19
Church of the Redeemer’s 41st Annual Craft Bazaar will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 8275 Meadowbridge Road, Mechanicsville, across from Memorial Regional Medical Center, and will feature over 120 craft vendors, a bake sale, Santa Claus, Santa Shop, $1 donation/door prize, and a raffle including a Gift Card Tree, TV, Oculus Quest 2 VR and more. Bring a can of nonperishable food for a bonus door prize ticket. Also serving breakfast and lunch. For more information, visit: https://www.
Walnut Grove Baptist Church, located at 7046 Cold Harbor Road in Mechanicsville, is hosting a Reunion Tour featuring gospel music artists Ivan and Josh Parker and The Harvesters Quartet. The doors open at 4 p.m. and performances begin at 5 p.m. $15 donations per person will be accepted at the door. For more information, call 804-350-1422.
Sunday, Nov. 20
BSA Troop 503 is celebrating its 25th anniversary at the Church of the Redeemer, located at 8275 Meadowbridge Road in Mechanicsville, from 2 to 5 p.m. in Genesis Hall. Join the troop for an evening of
remembering the troop’s history, adventures and accomplishments. RSVP at https://tinyurl. com/2ajj9388 or https:tinyurl. com/mt55p4u4 so they can get an accurate headcount for meal planning.

Friday, Dec. 2 to Sunday, Dec. 4
Catholic Church of the Redeemer, located at 8275 Meadowbridge Road in Mechanicsville, is celebrating its 15th annual “No Room at the Inn exhibit” with a weekend of events to raise money to build affordable houses in Haiti and support Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions. A Gala Preview will be held on Friday from 7 to 10 p.m. and invites adults to an evening of food, beverages, live and silent auctions, and music. Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 at the door. All ages are invited on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets for Saturday and Sunday are $5 for adults and $1 for 18 and younger. For more information, visit: or call the church at (804) 746-4911, extension 222.
The Mechanicsville Library located at 7461 Sherwood Crossing Place in Mechanicsville will feature the Lee Artists Association. “New Directions in Art.” The artwork will be on display through Nov. 30.
Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions One Stop
visitation room unveiled at Hanover Department of Social Services

family visitation room for families in crisis, children needing immediate placement, family visitations, intake interviews and more was unveiled on Monday, Oct. 24, at the Hanover Department of Social Services building.

The space creates a safe, age-appropriate and fun environment that elevates a challenging experience into one that is uplifting.
Children could be in this room for a few hours or overnight.
The new space was put together by a team of 17 community partners including New Community Church, which was responsible for coordination and fundraising, and Shabby Shea Creations, which designed the room.
“If you have to go to Social Services and have an interview with us and that kind of stuff, it’s kind of scary and intimidating,” Social Services administrative assistant Amy Taylor said. “So, having it be a place that’s a little bit more open and warm and fun makes it less intimidating.”
“We cannot thank our community partners enough for their contributions of time,

money, services
said Sheila M. Crossen-Powell, director of Hanover County Social Services. “They have provided some of our most vulner-

families with

3400th block of I-295 S, Mechanicsville.
Information submitted by Shelby Walker, multimedia communications specialist for Hanover County.
was reported in the 7200th block of Courtland Farm Road, Hanover.
in the 6500th block of Mechanicsville Turnpike/ Sujen Court, Mechanicsville.
July 17
Possession of a Schedule I or II controlled substance was reported in the
Use of profane, threatening language over public airway was reported in the 10100th block of Windy Knoll Drive, Mechanicsville.
Grand larceny from auto was reported in the 9000th block of Pole Green Park Lane, Mechanicsville.
Grand larceny from auto

Assault and battery on a family member was reported in the 7300th block of Brandy Creek Drive, Mechanicsville.
DWI: First offense was reported in the 7000th block of Mechanicsville Turnpike, Mechanicsville.
The immeasurable value of thanking our veterans
By Christina Amano Dolan EditorGrowing up outside of Washington, D.C., visiting its plethora of museums and memorials was a common occurrence throughout my childhood through school field trips and family visits.
But those visits to the national war memorials always carried their own significance, as even before truly learning of their nature as a child, seeing them through my relatives’ eyes gave me another snapshot of the past – the relatives who would pause at a name written on the wall and remember a fallen friend.
Before my grandfather passed away, my father and uncle took him to the World War II Memorial for the first time. This visit has been recounted by my father throughout my life, as he fondly remembers the array of strangers that approached his father, asked for his story and thanked him for his service.
Above all, he remembers the glint of excitement in his father’s eyes, who served in the U.S. Marine Corps throughout
World War II. Even decades after his service in a vastly different world, a simple “thank you” from a passing stranger lifted his spirits beyond recognition.
This memory came to mind when speaking with Steve Combs of Old Dominion Honor Flight (ODHF), one of the many Honor Flight Network “Hubs” across the country that honor the nation’s veterans with an all-expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C. As Combs spoke of his passion for the nonprofit’s mission of saying “thank you” in powerful ways, I began to recall my parents’ teachings of “the why” behind these memorials’ existence.
Speaking with Ronnie Rust, a Vietnam War veteran and participant of the ODHF trip, offered an especially powerful snapshot of “the why.”
Rust’s enthusiasm for the day was apparent, as he affectionately recalled the warmth that enveloped the trip, with community members, the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office, Hanover Fire-EMS and more offering a heartfelt “farewell” and “welcome back” display to the buses. The word “celebrity” even came to his mind, as showers of people saying “thank you” fol-
lowed the veterans throughout their journey – whether in the form of a Virginia State Police escort to their first destination or in the hand-baked cookies provided by Covenant Woods.
Rust had never seen anything like it – particularly after serving in a war that was widely condemned by the American public at the time. His return home was a period deprived of the welcome home parades and gratitude of previous generations.
But this day brought instances of appreciation in every shape and size. Upon boarding the bus for their journey back home, Rust was handed an envelope reminiscent of his days in the service when letters sent from back home were like a “pot of gold” to a homesick soldier.
Upon returning home after his trip, Rust opened the envelope to find handwritten thank you notes from children across the country for his service.
“I just couldn’t believe it,” Rust said, adding that even small tokens of appreciation hold an immeasurable value – one that brought the comforting reminder that the world has changed.
Above all, these tokens of gratitude and appreciation
Unintended consequences sometimes have the greatest impact
By Jim Ridolphi Contributing ColumnistYou hear it all the time. It’s the little things that have the biggest influence on our lives. I’m not sure that works all the time, but one certainly can’t discount the impact of seemingly insignificant events in our lives.
Perhaps it’s that philosophy that
prompted someone to say, “it’s the small stuff that counts . . . . and it’s all small stuff.”
One fictional example that comes to mind seems seasonally appropriate – a frightful broadcast that debuted on October 30, 1938, capturing a nation and evoking fears that sent some seeking professional help.
Orson Welles’ radio dramatiza-
tion of “War of the Worlds” relayed a tale of horror involving an attack of alien killer machines that seemed by all indications primed to destroy our planet. While the best and latest weaponry had no effect on the invading machines, the smallest detail eventually thwarted the invasion.
It seems the killer machines had an immunity to the smallest form of
bacteria, and the invading microbes eventually destroyed the menace — the smallest of earth’s inhabitants destroying its largest enemy.
A recent story reminded me of just how important the things we take for granted are to our futures; and how events happening many miles away can impact all of us.
Experts in Central Florida are
scrambling to rescue or replace millions of honey bees destroyed or displaced by Hurricane Ida. One expert surmised thousands of hives were lost in the storm and resulting flooding, threatening many of the state’s crops. According to the University of Florida, more than 380,000 registered bee hives were destroyed either by hurricane strength winds or the floods that followed.
Surviving bees are now starving due to the lack of vegetation in the area, much of it blown away from the winds. Some groups in the state are providing containers of syrup for beekeepers to distribute to assist the displaced honey bees.
Representative Tom Haynie
Cindy Adams
So, how does the lack of honey bees in Central Florida affect a semi-retired columnist in Virginia? It’s no mystery that the lack of bees equates to a loss of harvest for farmers which leads to higher prices for all of us at the grocery
CRLC Easement increases protection of property along Totopotomoy Creek

Contributed Report

Two Hanover County residents are dedicated to leaving their land in better condition than when they found it. On Sept. 21, Capital Region Land Conservancy recorded a conservation easement on 12.65 acres owned by a couple who have been living in the Pine Slash community for 31 years. Their forested property in the Henry District of Hanover County, which gracefully slopes down to Totopotomoy Creek, will forever remain undeveloped so that it continues to provide wildlife habitat and water quality protection for the creek and surrounding wetlands.
Totopotomoy Creek is an east-flowing tributary of the Pamunkey River. The Pamunkey River and its tributaries support extensive and diverse freshwater wetlands, marshes and forests, including globally rare plant species,

making the protection of the property so important. The easement protects the wetland and creek areas by restricting harmful activities such as tree harvesting, building construction, and regrading. The forest community on the property protects water quality in this tributary to the Pamunkey River and provides a wide range of wildlife habitat for everything from salamanders, great blue herons and egrets to populations of deer and turkey.
Importantly, the property falls within the Watershed Impact Model, a scientific model developed by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, to help establish priority locations for conservation, restoration or implementation of best management practices, where the goal is to maintain or improve water quality and/ or aquatic ecological integrity. The model helps identify

November programs at Mechanicsville area branch libraries

Contributed Report

Atlee Branch Library
Atlee Bridge Group at the Atlee Branch Library. Tuesdays, Nov 8, 15, 22, & 29, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ages 18 & up. Every Tuesday the Atlee Bridge Group meets to play Social Rubber Bridge. All levels welcome, from beginner to expert.

Mother Goose Storytime at the Atlee Branch Library. Wednesdays, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30, 10 to 10:30 a.m.
Mother Goose is a Storytime for children age 6 to 24 months and their caregivers to have fun with nursery rhymes, sing-
ing and reading.
Toddler Storytime at the Atlee Branch Library. Wednesdays, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30, 10:45 to 11:15 a.m. Enjoy a Storytime of books, music and fun, for toddlers ages 2-3 and their caregivers.
Fun & Games at the Atlee Branch Library. Wednesdays, Nov. 2 & 16, 1 to 4 p.m. Ages 18 & up. Meet up with friends and have a great time with card and board games.
Teen Advisory Board (TAB) at the Atlee Branch Library. Thursday, Nov. 3, 5 to 6:30 p.m. Ages 12-18. Teens, join the Atlee Library's Teen Advisory Board to play
games, eat snacks and share ideas about teen needs at the library and in the community. We meet the first Thursday of the month. Participation with Teen Advisory Board programs and activities can earn teens service credit hours.
Book Club for Kids at the Atlee Branch Library. Friday, Nov. 4, 1 to 2 p.m. For ages 8-12. Join the inaugural Atlee Kid's Book Club to read and discuss “Magic Tree House #1: Dinosaurs before Dark.” Registration is required.
Hanover Master Gardeners' Home Gardening Series at the Atlee Branch Library. Saturday, Nov. 5, 10:30 a.m. to
Farmers depend on the tiny creatures for the watermelons, peaches, nectarines, squash, plums and other fruits produced
Continued from pg. 7
where conservation easements such as this one are expected to have the greatest impact on water.
Equally important, this easement lies within the study area of the Totopotomoy Creek Battlefield as determined by the Civil War Sites Advisory Commission’s 1993 Report on the Nation’s Civil War Battlefields. In May of 1864, after two days of fighting, over 2,300 soldiers had died. Preserving this property adds to the over-
Continued from pg. 2
in the Sunshine State annually, and the impact of the lost bees could affect all of those harvests. Some beekeepers in the state have predicted a 30% loss in their hives. No one is sure how that translates in the form of lost productivity.
Now, admittedly, it’s not a War of the
all ability to interpret the local battlefield landscape.
The property is a healthy mixed pine hardwood forest that slopes to the lower flat wetland area near the creek that is populated with species like loblolly pines and red maple. The owners want the property to remain forested which is part of the easement conditions.
“Our belief is that it is our duty to leave it better than we found it. We believe that long after we are gone, the forest that we have loved for so long will be in good care. All our relatives in
Worlds situation, and beekeepers have recovered from other hurricanes with little effect on produce prices nationwide. But, the lack of bees does represent an example of just how interconnected our world is and how our survival often hinges on the the smallest portions of our universe.
nature will work together to provide the many benefits that we’ve enjoyed,” said the landowners.
“Through the process of recording conservation easements, I have worked with many landowners. The most rewarding of these experiences is when the people with whom I am working are dedicated conservationists whose primary goal is to have left the land in as good or better condition than they found it,” said CRLC land conservation manager Jane Myers. “This is certainly the case for these landowners.”
example of how we have begun to tell all the stories here in Hanover,” said Angela Kelly-Wiecek, the chair of the Hanover County Board of Supervisors and the representative of the Chickahominy District. “We want to encourage more cultural experiences like this one because they create broader understanding, better community engagement and, ultimately, they help us form good public policy.”
“All these people together tell the story of Hanover County,” said Anne G. Cross, curator of the exhibit. “I am honored to have been a part of this.”
The Hanover Museum of History & Culture is located at 7496 County Complex Road in the Hanover County Government Complex. “Leaders & Legacy: Women of Hanover” is expected to run at least through the end of this year. The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, and by special appointment. Call 804365-7150 or email for more information.
Information submitted by Tom Harris, communications specialist for Hanover County.
Covenant Woods celebrates opening of onsite dental clinic

The floss was cut to the entrance of Covenant Woods’ first ever onsite dental clinic last month, marking the ceremonial opening of the longawaited space that will offer full-service dental care to residents and staff.

Named in honor of the clinic’s champion and primary donor, the Dr. Gordon Prior Dental Clinic announced its official opening at a “floss cutting” ceremony on Friday, Oct. 21. The ceremony was joined by Prior’s family, other financial donors, Covenant Woods’ staff, and representatives from the Hanover Chamber of Commerce.
Prior, who cut the floss alongside his family, said, “Where there’s a need, there’s

a way. And God always finds a way.”
“Dr. Prior and his family have been instrumental in making this whole thing come about, but also in just their support and their expertise,” said Laurie Ursiny, director of philanthropy at Covenant Woods.
Prior, who is a Covenant Woods resident and retired dentist, was the first to come forward and identify a crucial need for onsite dental services for residents – particularly those who have difficulty accessing dental services outside of campus.

“He is a strong proponent of dental health and takes opportunity to help share with others the benefits of dental health and is always willing to provide information and collaborate,” said Carrie Davis,
Covenant Woods administrator.
Davis said Prior began working with staff around eight years ago to identify an available space onsite, which posed a challenge for several years prior to the campus’ eventual expansion. After delays posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, conversations surrounding the dental clinic ensued and an available space was identified within the healthcare neighborhood.
This new addition expands upon a growing initiative within the Covenant Woods community to bring accessible, high-quality care to residents.
The Covenant Woods’ full-service clinic is now in its third month of operation after opening on Sept. 1. The health clinic offers appointments with local physicians who offer a
personalized level of support, appointments with local specialists, urgent care services available 24/7 through EMC Medical Center, nurse practitioners who respond onsite when needed for residents, and full service medical evaluation, testing, lab work, and prescriptions through EMC Medical Center.
“We have not had the ability for such a turnkey operation onsite for our residents from a medical perspective, specifi-
CUSTALOW, Carl "Lone Eagle," crossed over on Oct. 24, 2022, at the age of 78. Carl "Lone Eagle" was born to the late Chief Webster, "Little Eagle" and Mary Lee "White Feather" Custalow on the Mattaponi Indian Reservation in King William County, Va. Carl was predeceased by his parents; two brothers, Dr. Linwood Custalow and Ryland Custalow; and two sisters, Shirley Custalow McGowan and Delores Custalow Salmons. Carl believed it was important to have purpose in life. His purpose had much to do with strengthening and protecting the Mattaponi River, the Reservation and the thousands' year old culture of his people. He left home at the age of 14 to further his education.


He graduated from Freeman High School, and earned a degree from the University of Richmond. He retired from State Farm Insurance after 32 years of service. He returned to the Reservation to live and was elected assistant Chief in 1993 and Chief 2003 until 2012. Carl is survived by his sons, Todd Custalow (Danielle) and Chad Custalow; brother, Leon (Helen); his sisters, Eleanor Custalow Cannada (Alton), Edith Custalow Kuhns and Debbie Custalow Graciano (Rick); sister in-law, Barbara Custalow (Linwood's wife); grandson, Connor Custalow; and many nieces and nephews. There will be a private ceremony for immediate family. The family is being served by the Bennett Funeral Home, Mechanicsville Chapel.
JONES, Ann Elizabeth Diehrich, 85, of Mechanicsville, Virginia, went to be with our Lord Oct. 18, 2022, in her true home, peacefully. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ernest “Skip” Jones; brother, Jack Diehrich and grandson, Danny Brittle. She is survived by her brother, William Diehrich; sister-inlaw, Charlette Diehrich; her two sons, Mark and Matthew Brittle; her grandchildren, Matthew Brittle Jr., Heather Brittle, Stephanie Brittle-Tyree; her great-grandchildren, Jacob Marshall and Danny Tyree. Ann was a member of several churches and volunteer groups over the many years of her life when living in Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama and Puerto Rico. She enjoyed arts, crafts, instruments, dancing, singing and mostly reading to the young children up until the age 83. Her love was boundless and freely given. She was never known to utter a single negative word about others; instead choosing to focus on other strengths and positive qualities. Ann’s kindness was infectious, bringing joy to everyone that crossed her path. She was a passionate historian and artist, sharing her gifts with not only her kids, grandkids, but also children of any town she was in through reading programs and costume presentations. Her love for others truly changed lives, no matter how dire it looked, she always seemed to
find the light where no others could. Ann had a faith of God like no other and truly looked forward to reaching the other side, the heavens and be with all her loved ones and friends that preceded her. She had a love for her family that was beyond reproach and was the glue that held everyone together. Her precious life and soul will be dearly missed by all.
Death Notices & Funerals

MITCHELL, Mr. Samuel David, 75, fell asleep in death on Oct. 26, 2022. He was preceded in death by his dear wife, Joan. He is survived by his son, Jonathan (Jennie); daughter, Tia Winder (Lynyrd); three grandchildren, Anthony, Nathan, Brenna; brothers, Jim (Shirley), Dan (Brenda), and Mike (Sandra); and his sister, Jane Watkins (Rodney); many nieces, nephews, cousins; and uncle, Kenneth (Anna). His memorial service will be held on Nov. 5 at 5 p.m. at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, 2737 Hungary Spring Road, Henrico Va. 23294
husband, Gary Jenkins. He is survived by is grandchildren, Jacob Rose, Chandler Rose and Lecie Jenkins; his mother, Clara Pinion; and his older brother, Edward Pinion. He is also survived by his three sisters-in-law and their families, Pattie Matthews, Peggy And Michael Davy, Linda Elliott and Jo Wilson. A Celebration of Life is scheduled for Nov. 26 at 2 p.m., at Pocahontas State Park in the Swift Creek Hall. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to: Virginia Association for Parks (VAFP), P.O. Box 9205, Norfolk, Va. 23505.
PINION, Michael Glenn, 67, passed away suddenly on Oct. 14, 2022, at his home in Mechanicsville, Virginia. He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Deborah Jeannine Elliott Pinion; his two daughters, Jennifer Pinion Rose, Emily Pinion-Jenkins and her

WUERTZ, Norma W., 85, of Mechanicsville, Va., "Mom," "Grandmom," "Ms. Norma," "Firecracker Granny" and "Aunt Norma." Known by many names, Norma will be greatly missed. Born on the Fourth of July, her personality matched her birthdate. Those who knew her described Norma as positive, energetic, loving, feisty, spunky and a firecracker! Norma passed away

peacefully on Oct. 22, 2022. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jacob Truman Wuertz; parents, Lucy and Carl Jacoby; brother, Eddie Semran. Born 1937 in Newark, N.J., she graduated from Weequahic High School. She tried her hand at several careers, ultimately retiring as a timekeeper at Ancora Psychiatric Hospital, N.J. Norma had a heart for advocacy and served in several offices in the Clerical Workers of America Union prior to retiring. She is survived by her daughter, Christina Molenkamp (Rusty); son, Stephen Andreini (Beth); grandson, Matthew Molenkamp (Anya); granddaughter, Erin Costides (Dustin); stepgranddaughter, Kali Bramble; great-grandsons, Michael and Alex Molenkamp; nieces, Donna Semran (John) and Wendy Webster. Norma enjoyed 25 years post-retirement, spending time with family, socializing with neighbors and attending outside events and going to the Moose Lodge. Her favorite activities were going to church, playing golf, solving crossword puzzles, watching old westerns and driving around in her red Honda. A special joy was spending time with the family dog, Ameila. Funeral services will be planned later, where her ashes will be laid to rest at Oak Grove Cemetery in Hammonton, N.J. If someone wishes to honor Norma's life, contributions in her name to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital may be made. Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at www.woodyfuneralhomeatlee. com for the Wuertz family.

Commonwealth releases new unclaimed property program

Governor Glenn Youngkin recently announced that Virginia Department of the Treasury Unclaimed Property Division has launched their new KAPS program and website to manage the administration, reporting and claiming of unclaimed property. This new user-friendly website makes it easier for citizens to identify and more quickly claim their unclaimed property.

“The Commonwealth’s new website and system streamline the claims process which allows us to expedite the return of unclaimed funds to the rightful owners,” said Youngkin.

Virginia’s consumer protection law requires businesses to turn unclaimed property over to the state, relieving the business of the financial liability. Virginia holds unclaimed property as the custodian until the rightful owner, or heir, files a claim. Unclaimed property can be dormant or inactive

accounts such as securities or investments, bank accounts, unpaid wages, money from insurance policies, tangible property, etc. Since this program was created in 1961, over $1 billion in unclaimed property has been returned to citizens.
Treasury’s new KAPS program is utilized by over 30 states and provides complete management for the entire unclaimed property process from reporting to the successful payment of claims to citizens. The new website instantly creates claims and allows claimants to securely upload their documents from any smartphone or computer. It also has a fast-track processing feature that will expedite any claims that can be quickly verified by the system. Outreach efforts to inform Virginians about unclaimed property include annual newspaper inserts distributed throughout the Commonwealth, collaborations with organizations and media, Treasury’s website,
remote call events and proactive mailings.
“Our mission is to protect the property of our citizens and return these assets to the rightful owner,” said Secretary of Finance Stephen Cummings. “This public service comes at no cost to citizens and returns millions each year to our citizens.”
Be aware of unauthorized fee-based services and always make sure to work with Treasury department to claim your unclaimed property through our website www. This website allows individuals to search the Commonwealth’s unclaimed property database and begin the claim process immediately.

“One in four Virginians has unclaimed property so we encourage all Virginians to search our free website for their unclaimed property,” said Virginia Treasurer David Richardson. “There is no dead line, and no fees will be charged to claim your property.”
Events at the Hanover Tavern
Wednesday, Nov. 2: Heritage Music Series: When & If will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Hanover Tavern and will feature live music. Reservations are recommended.

Saturday, Nov. 5: A Paranormal Investigation will be held at the Hanover Tavern from 8:15 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. and will feature a five-site paranormal investigation of the tavern, Historic Courthouse, Old Stone Jail, the Clerk’s Office and Library. The cost is $50 per person.
Ongoing weekly: The Sabotuer! Escape Room Challenge will be held weekly at the Hanover Tavern featuring a 1942 detective-themed escape room adventure. The cost is $25 per person. For available times and ticket purchasing, visit the tavern’s website: www.
For more information on these events or others, visit the tavern’s website or call: 804537-5050 x24.
friends and neighbors come and ask if I would be willing to run for Congress. We had a new Republican member of Congress who would train the trust of the voters in the 5th district and was not a conservative as he referred himself to be, and so I was asked to challenge him in a primary (and) decided to do so. These were prayerful decisions, both times by my wife and I, with a willingness to serve but certainly not pursuing it ambitiously or selfishly, but just more of a willingness to serve to make a difference for our community and for our country.
Throneburg: As a minister and a person who cares deeply about community, I have always been really driven by the desire to serve. But I have two young daughters, and as politics has gotten sharper and more divided and the climate prognosis has become increasingly pessimistic, I began to worry more about the world my girls are going to inherit. My main concern is the existential threat
that climate change poses: I’m running in part to advocate for policy change that would put thousands of Virginians to work creating and manufacturing cutting-edge green energy technology, rebuilding our infrastructure, and helping redress air and water pollution. Also, I’m part of a multi-racial family and a citizen of a town that is still grappling with the effects of the Unite the Right rally, and because of that, I am keenly aware of the challenges we still face in making sure our society is fair and just for all. And finally, because I grew up in a small town in a farming community, I’m very aware of the unique challenges that rural communities face and the unique solutions that will be required if we are all going to rise together.
What is your experience (What qualifies you for this position)?

Good: I’m the incumbent congressman and was first elected in 2020, and I'm running for reelection onto my
second term. I ran in 2020 as a true conservative, and I have done what I said I would do. I have fought for the things that I said were the priorities, which was our border and immigration policies to rein in our federal spending and to fight against the reckless increase of our national debt. And then also, I wanted to be on the edlabor committee to battle in the education arena, K to 12, as well as college campuses. And I have prioritized those three with legislation that I've sponsored in Washington. My team and I have provided outstanding constituent services where we've resolved over 3,000 cases in my first term. Constituents of the 5th District who needed help from their federal government reached out to our office, and we've recovered over $14 million for our constituents that was owed to them by agencies, the federal government that they weren't able to resolve on their own. We had to intervene and help them. And we've conducted over 400 mobile office meetings, where we bring the congressional office to their current 23 cities and counties
that I represent to make it convenient for them on a monthly basis. In addition, we responded to 55,000 inquiries to our office, contacts we’ve received from constituents. We responded in writing to over 55,000 constituents that have reached out to our office with concerns, questions, feedback that they've given us. Those would be what I would say are the qualifications for reelection.
Throneburg: I am an ordained minister and prior to entering public life, I was the lead minister at a church. This provided me with a unique window into the challenges that people face, the things that they often bear quietly in public life but which weigh them down in private. I also got to see people’s joys firsthand and was witness to the things that people really need to thrive: work that fulfills them and pays their bills, happiness and security for their family, a healthy and safe community to live in.
I’ve also been a small business owner, which gave me insight into our current economic conditions: the chal-

lenges we all face from rising inflation, the realities of the worker shortage, the childcare crisis and the continuing difficulties with access to healthcare. It was also a lesson in the ways we overregulate and overtax small businesses while under-regulating and undertaxing multinational corporations.
What are some of the primary issues affecting your district and how do you intend to address them?
Good: Well, I think that the primary issues affecting our district are the issues that are affecting Americans all across the country. First and foremost, it’s economic issues, kitchen table issues, the decreased purchasing power for citizens of the 5th district as a result of Democrat policies in Washington and the massive spending that has caused record inflation that we haven't experienced in 40 years to have groceries, housing, utilities, gas, essential things that everybody has to buy. Those prices that went up on average
of 14% since Biden took office, but actually more than that for those essential items – gas, groceries, housing, car prices – are up even more. And that's just crushing regular income, fixed income, seniors and college students and so forth. That along with the energy policies in general where this administration has declared war on American energy and fossil fuels and petroleum, which has caused gas prices to double. And I suspect they're going to go up again significantly after the election. And in addition to the utility prices going up so much, which is going to make it really hard and people are very concerned about it as they're already being squeezed. Real wage is going down, as they're already being squeezed, they’re concerned about the utility prices that are forecast to go up 30-40% from last year. So I would say those along with the rise in crime as a result of the undermining of our police. We’ve got police shortages, law enforcement shortages all over the district and all over Virginia.
cally for our independent residents,” said Davis, who commented on how the full service medical clinic has been a great success since its inception.
The Dr. Gordon Prior Dental Clinic continues this model of providing high-

quality care to residents within the same area, which will offer greater comfort to residents who have trouble leaving campus for dentist appointments.
“From the comfort standpoint, there are individuals that, you know, whether it’s vision loss or maybe some cognitive loss, it is very difficult to go out into different buildings
for medical treatment,” said Davis, adding that the clinic’s location on campus will offer greater comfort to residents who are already familiar with the area.
“It is an opportunity for residents to have any of their dental needs met literally on campus, which reduces the need to coordinate additional transportation for those that require wheelchair or other type of assistive devices,” Davis added. “But it also allows residents to have their support team of nurses and nursing assistants available to assist with that process and to be able to participate in receiving any ongoing recommendations from the dentist directly and help incorporate that into the resident’s plan of care.”
They will additionally open the dental clinic’s services to staff, as they oftentimes have difficulty scheduling appointments outside of work.
The new clinic will be led by Dr. Mimi Park, a Mechanicsville dentist, and her team.
“We're definitely excited about partnering with a dentist in the immediate area, because it's always great to be able to work with other local providers,” Davis said.
Despite a slight hiccup in accumulating needed dental equipment, Prior was able to accumulate enough needed funding from other residents to help push the project through its final stage.
“The residents came through and we were able
to purchase the final equipment we needed because of their support and generosity… Without them, it would still not be a reality,” Ursiny said.
Now, the space is supplied with all new equipment to provide any needed dental services, including digital X-Rays.
Ursiny and Davis said the new dental clinic will place dental health at the forefront for residents, as many may prioritize other health care needs due to finances, lack of accessibility or other barriers.
“Oral health is definitely a big component to overall health,” Davis said. “It does impact our overall ability not just for nutrition, but it has been found to impact our cognition as well. So it’s definitely
a big wellness push.”
“As a life plan community, we strive to offer services for our residents at all levels of care, and this will just enhance that and be one extra service that we're able to provide for our community,” Ursiny said. “And like Carrie said, we're fortunate that also in the future, it will be able to provide service not only to our full campus of residents, but our staff as well.”
With residents excited for the new addition to the community, Davis said all appointments for this month and next are already fully-booked.
For more information on the Covenant Woods dental clinic, health clinic and other available services, visit the website,
back” brigade in honor of their service.
The trip, which took place on Oct. 22, marked the third ODHF mission and offered veterans from the Richmond and Newport News areas a free, jam-packed day of site seeing and ceremonies with provided transportation and meals.
“It really is all about taking the vets to D.C. – at no charge to the veteran – to see the memorials that were built to honor their service and sacrifice, and to say thanks on behalf of the nation for their service,” said Steve Combs, ODHF vice president.
ODHF operates under the Honor Flight Network, which is a national network of independent “Hubs” working together to honor the nation’s veterans with an all-expenses paid trip to the nation’s memorials. With the first Honor Flight launched in 2005 with pilots flying World War II veterans to Washington, D.C., the idea quickly caught on and Hubs began to sprout up around the country, with this year marking the 250,000th veteran flown through the program.
The ODHF Hub was founded in 2019 and launched its first mission in November 2019. After several delayed trips due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they were able to conduct their second mission in April 2022.
ODHF Mission 3 had two departure points, with two buses travelling out of Newport News and two buses departing from the American Legion Post 175 in Mechanicsville. Out of the 84 passengers on the two Richmond-area buses, 18 were from Hanover County, Combs said.
Combs said it was “really a community attraction,” as Hanoverians gathered in the

morning to send off the veterans in style. The Hanover County Sheriff’s Office assisted with stopping traffic for the buses; the Mechanicsville High School NJROTC cadets lined flags on the route as veterans boarded the buses; community members stood along the road to wave farewell signs as the buses pulled out of Mechanicsville; and Virginia State Police offered a police escort all the way up to Quantico – their first destination of the day.
The four buses together visited the National Museum of the Marine Corps, the World War II Memorial, Korean War Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial, and the Changing of the Guard ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery before making a final stop for dinner at American Legion Post 320 in Spotsylvania.
Every veteran is paired with a volunteer Guardian who serves as their personal escort for the day. Photographers, EMTS and other ODHF team members are also on-hand throughout missions, with snacks and a boxed lunch provided on the bus throughout the day.
“The Changing of the Guard ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery is probably the highlight of everyone’s day,” Combs said.
Honor Flight Hubs are awarded a special privilege by Arlington National Cemetery for their buses to drive up to the amphitheater, which is in front of where the ceremony is held, and for special seating to accommodate for veterans in wheelchairs.

Although the tomb guards are traditionally not allowed to speak during the ceremony, they always scuff their heels as a special salute to Honor Flight
veterans, Combs said. Visitors during the trip were also able to speak with the guard that was on duty.
Jim Wright, a Mechanicsville resident who was a participant on the Mission 3 trip and served for 30 years in the military, said his first viewing of the ceremony was particularly memorable.
“I enjoyed it because I guess the solemnness of it and the precision in which they performed it – very professional, and it was kind of a heartwarming event,” Wright said.
“It can be a very emotional day for the veterans, and for the Guardians and for team members like me,” Combs said.
He said another moving visit was to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, as a majority of participants were Vietnam War veterans.
“We go to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and for some of the vets they’ve maybe never been, or they go and they’re finding the names of buddies that were lost in
Vietnam,” Combs said.
ODHF Mission 3 participant and Vietnam War veteran Ronnie Rust, a Hanover County resident who had never before seen the memorial, placed a rose on the name of a fallen friend that was printed on the wall.
Rust’s most memorable experience of the day was their arrival back home. Hanover Fire-EMS welcomed the veterans back with an American flag flying from a ladder truck as family members waved signs and cheered.
“It made you feel like you were actually appreciated because, at the time, the Vietnam War was not the most well-liked conflict that the United States has been involved in,” Rust said.
Combs said he has received a number of emails from veterans commenting on how much the return home meant to them.
“We of course make a big point to say thank you, and some of the vets will say, ‘No
one’s ever said thank you for your service. No one has said welcome home.’ And that’s what we do,” Combs said.
Wright and Rust encourage interested community members and veterans to try applying for an upcoming ODHF Mission, as it offers a worthwhile and educational experience for all.

“It’s a very interesting tour because it kind of gives you an insight of why you are a veteran and, you know, what’s behind you being a veteran,” Wright said. “So it is a worthwhile trip for a veteran.”
Rust said it is an especially meaningful experience for younger generations to learn sides of history that they may never learn in school.
“You just got to talk about it – that’s how we remember,” Rust said.
Combs encourages any interested veteran who served in uniform from World War II to the Vietnam War along with interested community
The MechanicsvilleHanover Halloween at Atlee Library

Left to right, Liyana Mirzai poses as a fairy princess. Rumi Mirzai poses in his policeman costume. Anne-Marie Parrish and Jackie Palmer of the Atlee Branch Library dressed for the night’s festivities. Jonathan, Emmanuel and Ethan Robinson bring “spooky” to a new level with their scary clown, jester and pancake stack costumes. Below, children visitors of all ages have some fun posing in their array of costumes.

nThroneburg: Our district is one of the largest in Virginia, roughly the size of the state of New Jersey, and it’s incredibly diverse, containing some cities, some suburban areas and some very rural areas: as a consequence, different parts of the district have different challenges. However, as a whole, the district suffers from underinvestment: the current representative has brought $0 in federal spending back to the district and has voted against several much-needed bills to bring necessary funding to the area. Many of our district’s small towns are hollowing out, in part because they are supported by small and family farms that can’t make ends meet. We have significant infrastructure problems across the district, not just roads and bridges, but also things like broadband and crumbling school buildings. I have plans for that, which you can see here: and here: https:// I’d also like to see a major investment in our schools: I’m a public school parent, and I know that our schools are not as well-resourced as we’d like to see. I’ve proposed a number of policies to address that: making sure that education is lifelong and includes universal pre-K and free community college, supporting our teachers and ensuring that our best minds can join the teaching profession, and creating a federal program to help rebuild and reconfigure
our schools (explained in more detail here:
We also face the same challenges as the rest of the country: rising costs, sticker shock at the pump and at the grocery store, wages that don’t cover our bills and the cost of housing. Overall, we need to manufacture more in the U.S. and do more to ensure that our industries are competitive: outsourcing of everything has made us too dependent on the international supply chain, and loose regulation around conglomeration in the past two decades has meant that industries no longer compete like they used to, which means that everyone pays more and only a handful of shareholders benefit. Our district is particularly wellpoised to be a hub for green technology, green manufacturing, and the production of renewable energy: we already see it happening across the area, it just needs to be scaled up. And finally, we have a worker shortage in almost every industry and also need to make sure that people can get back to work, which means making sure we have a family-friendly economy that allows people to work while parenting and in some cases, caring for elderly or disabled family members.
Are there any other pressing issues that the county is currently facing that you would like to address?
Good: The needs for Hanover County that are rela-

Hanover Ruritan honors Vidunas for outstanding service as traffic engineer

Sulsers celebrate 59th anniversary
Norman and Mary Sulser of Mechanicsville celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary of Oct. 26. They have three sons, Dennis, Chris and Brian, and three grandsons, Brandon, Connor and Grant. Norman served on the Hanover County School Board for 16 years and Mary served on the Hanover County Community Service Board for eight years. The Sulsers enjoyed their travels to all 50 states and 14 countries in Europe.

Hunter celebrates 80th birthday

Contributed photo Hanover Ruritan Club’s speaker for its October meeting was Joseph E. Vidunas, traffic engineer for Hanover County. He spoke to the club about road improvements taking place and roundabouts. While a number of drivers don’t like roundabouts, they save lives as they slow the traffic down and lessen the number of accidents, Vidunas said. He was selected by the club’s business and profession committee in appreciation for his outstanding service to the citizens of Hanover County in his role as transportation engineer. Vidunas is shown receiving his award from Ann Jewell, Hanover Ruritan Club president.
1 p.m. Learn about a variety of home gardening topics from Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardeners. This session’s topic is "The Oaks of Hanover.” Learn about the stately historical trees right in your backyard.
Fall Leaf Table Place Holders at the Atlee Branch
Library. Saturday, Nov. 5, 2 to 3:30 p.m. Make beautiful and unique placeholders for the holiday table. Participants will be able to make up to six different place holders. Registration is required.
Preschool Storytime at the Atlee Branch Library. Mondays, Nov. 7, 14, 21, & 28, 10 to 10:30 a.m. Enjoy books, music, fingerplays and much more at pre-
school Storytime, for ages 3-5 with a caregiver.

Atlee Book Group at the Atlee Branch Library. Wednesday, Nov. 9, 11 a.m. to noon. Join in-person or on Zoom for a lively book discussion on "Bittersweet" by Colleen McCullough. Pick up a copy of the book at the Atlee Branch
Contributed photo Ursula Hunter and family would like to wish her husband of 58 years, Clarence T. Hunter Sr., a happy 80th birthday that was celebrated on Oct. 20. This Hanover native, who proudly served 22 years in the U.S. Army with two tours in Vietnam, epitomizes the idea of a father.
Town of Ashland partners with Connected Solutions Group to launch free Wi-Fi
The Town of Ashland is thrilled to announce the launch of a free Wi-Fi network now available to residents, visitors and businesses in historic downtown Ashland.

The network, created in partnership with Connected Solutions Group LLC (CSG), officially launched on Monday, Oct. 24 with a ribbon cutting in front of Ashland Town Hall. Vice Mayor John Hodges, Council members Dan McGraw and Kathy Abbott, CSG’s CEO Michael Pittman, and town staff were present at the event.
CSG is a national leader in wireless hardware deployment and services. This exciting project was made possible thanks the Town’s ongoing relationship and involvement with the Virginia Innovation Partnership Corporation (VIPC), a nonprofit created
Ashland Library hosts Tattoo 101 with Ashland Tattoo Company
The Ashland Branch Library hosted a Tattoo 101 program on Oct. 20 featuring Liz Mercer and Tommy Wiseman of the Ashland Tattoo Company, who offered attendees a fascinating presentation on the history, science and art of tattooing. From Otzi the Iceman 4,000 years ago to the present day, humans have chosen to mark their skin with tattoos for a number of reasons - to honor someone, to mark a significant milestone or achievement, or simply to enjoy the decoration of their skin with art. During the program, participants learned how the tools of the trade have evolved over the years; how early tattoo artists such as Sailor Jerry, Lyle Tuttle and Ed Hardy continue to influence the craft today; and how the Commonwealth of Virginia has some of the strictest certification requirements for both tattoo artists and tattoo shops in the country. Through sharing their knowledge, skill and passion for tattooing, Mercer and Wiseman showed that though the tools and the times have changed, they and other tattoo artists still respect and honor the tradition of tattooing and are proud to share it with others.



Patrick Henry High School (PHHS) students, faculty and community members welcomed all ages to a Friday evening “PHamily Halloween Trunk or Treat” event. A large crowd of Hanoverians flocked to the PHHS parking lot to trick or treat while visiting an array of Halloween trunks, stands and activities organized by various PHHS students, faculty and other community participants.
Continued from pg. 14 CANDIDATES
tive to the federal level are the same as they are for the other three. It will be 24 cities and counties in the new 5th district, with part of Hanover County being one of those. So, what I will focus on is what I've just talked about. And, by the way, interest rates have went from 2-3% on mortgages to 6-7%, with the prediction that the federal government is going to raise them another 75 basis points very soon. That's crushing the ability of so many families, so many individuals to purchase homes. The average mortgage is going to be up 50-75% from a year ago. That is real economic inflation to Americans, to Virginians, to citizens of the 5th District, and that's a direct result of federal policy. What's crushing citizens right now is federal policy caused directly by the Biden-Pelosi policies in Washington. And that's the same for the eight new cities and counties I’m picking up, as well as those I currently represent.

Throneburg: My opponent calls climate change “a hoax,” but it is having pronounced and serious effects on our district right now. Communities are faced with increasingly severe storms and can’t handle the rising maintenance costs from downed trees and power lines and damaged public property. Farmers are being hit with unseasonable heat and cold, drought, flooding, and changes in soil Ph. Landlords are trying to address a rise in mold and flooding and tenants are struggling with housing costs and unlivable conditions. We must move past the debate on whether or not climate change exists and get to work undoing the damage it’s already causing. Our dependence on fossil fuels has also made us vulnerable to overseas fossil fuel production controlled by enemies of the U.S. We need to make more of our energy here, and we need more of it to come from renewable
sources. The 5th District doesn’t sit on oilfields, but we could harness the power of sun, wind and geothermal energy to both provide for our energy needs and create great jobs right here in Virginia.

Our nation also faces significant challenges to our democratic institutions, and addressing those will be another principal priority for me. I’ve laid out those challenges and how I hope to address them here: https://joshforvirginia. com/issues/strengthening-ourdemocracy/.
Any other comments you would like to include for our readers?

Good: What I’ve really focused on is our border. In addition to the economic issues of particularly spending, inflation and the crime issues, but connected to that is the border issue. You've had 5 million illegals invading our country helped by the Biden administration in the first two years of his term, bringing record amounts of fentanyl into the country – 300 deaths a day now from fentanyl poisoning. That's contributing to crime in the country as well as, again, illegal drugs, dangerous illegal drugs in the country. And these policies are making every town a border town, every state a border state, and Virginia is actually being impacted as well as the 5th District. So that's another issue of great distinction between me and my opponent. My opponent favors the open border, he does not favor limiting the invasion at the border at all. He would be another vote for the BidenPelosi policies at the border.

Throneburg: I hope readers will take a look at our website at to see where I stand on the issues that matter to them and to ask questions. I believe that you should campaign like you plan to govern and we try to be quick, responsive and transparent.

Continued from pg. 6
brought a sense of peace to Rust and his fellow veterans, and they spoke of the trip with surely the same glint in their eyes as my grandfather – a man who, toward the end of his life, smiled as he shared his story with eager listeners and found peace in their “thank you.”
So consider these snapshots of “the why” behind these memorials and why the Honor Flight Network has spent 17 years working toward their meaningful vision: “A nation where all of America’s veterans experience the honor, gratitude, and community of support they deserve,” as displayed on the national website.
Consider joining in this powerful initiative in any shape or size – whether by volunteering to assist a veteran in an Honor Flight trip, making a donation to the nonprofit online or even by asking a veteran their story.
Because every “thank you” has the potential to hold immeasurable value to a veteran.
For more information on ODHF, visit For more information on the Honor Flight Network, visit https://
members to apply for the free trip as a veteran or a Guardian. Guardians are asked to make a $100 contribution to cover some of the trip’s expenses, which is additionally supplemented with community donations.
They are currently accepting veteran and Guardian applications for their Mission 4 trip scheduled for April 22, 2023, through the ODHF website, which provides both an easy online application and a printable PDF copy with mailing information. They operate on a first come, first served basis, with World War II veterans prioritized. They already have between 25 to 30 veterans who have applied for Mission 4.
Combs said while they have not yet run out of seats, the maximum number of veterans they can take per bus is around 24. If they run out of seats, applicants will be prioritized for the next mission.
He offered final remarks on why he enjoys participating in ODHF as a team member.
“My reward… is the smiles, the tears, and just the chance to say, ‘Thank you,’” Combs said.
For more information on ODHF, to apply for an upcoming mission, or to donate, visit the website:
Hanover High School presents ‘Footloose’
by the Commonwealth to support innovation, opportunity and job creation in Virginia.
“We’ve been discussing the deployment of free public Wi-Fi in our historic downtown for years,” said Matt Reynal, Ashland’s deputy town manager. “We recognize that it will attract even more people to the Center of the Universe and help support our tourism economy.”
The downtown Wi-Fi network project was also undertaken to better support and meet the needs of business owners.
Reynal added, “Our downtown businesses, especially our restaurants and
The cast of Hanover High School’s “Footloose”

Contributed Report
The Local
Hanover High School, located at 10307 Chamberlayne Road in Mechanicsville, is presenting a series of showings for their production of
Shop (MCEF OSS) is open for food, clothing and linens from 9:30 to 11 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and
cafés, have been telling us for some time that their existing internet service was not sufficient to run their point of sales systems while also providing free Wi-Fi to their customers. Our hope is that the Town-sponsored free downtown Wi-Fi network will take some of the burden off those businesses and provide a valuable service to our visitors and this community.”
The network hubs are housed in four locations: Town Hall (121 Thompson St), Ashland/Hanover Visitor Center (112 N. Railroad Ave.), Ashland Theatre (205 England St.), and the Ashland Police Station (601 England St.).
Utilizing CSG’s partnerships with Verizon, Aura, and Cradlepoint, the hubs were strategically built and positioned to
Mechanicsville Local November 2, 2022
production is preparing to get toes tapping later this month.
“Footloose” this month:
Thursday, Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 18 at 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 19 at 7 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 20 at 2 p.m.
The public is welcome to attend.
from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday at 7235 Stonewall Parkway in Mechanicsville (rear parking lot). The shop is available for residents in the 23111 and 23116 zip codes with identification and proof of residency.
help provide the most coverage across the historic district. Depending on network usage and performance, additional hubs may be added in the future.
“As a lifelong Richmond native and a huge fan of Ashland, I was truly honored that our organization was tapped to assist with something as exciting as providing a town-wide Wi-Fi network with Verizon wireless backhauled,” Michael Pittman, CSG’s CEO, said. “It’s such a wonderful town that I visit regularly with my family and helping to bring it forward with technology and provide this service is very rewarding.”
To log on to the Town’s free downtown Wi-Fi network, simply enter the coverage zone and select “Town of Ashland – Guest WIFI” to get started.
Tickets are $8, $6 for students K-12, and free for children under 5.
Tickets will be sold at the door or can be purchased online at www.
Walnut Grove Baptist Church will be conducting Free Adult English Classes (ESL) and Citizenship Classes (Passing the Test) Wednesday mornings with open enrollment through May 17, 2023. Classes
will meet from 9 to 10:30 a.m at 7046 Cold Harbor Road, Mechanicsville, VA 23111. For more information, contact the church office at (804) 746-5081 or contact Frank at wgbcinfo@
Library Circulation Desk while supplies last. Registration is required. This program is presented in-person and hosted virtually through Zoom. The meeting link will be sent to the email registered one day before the event occurs. If you don't receive your reminder email, contact the library.
Teen Movie Night: Jurassic Park at the Atlee Branch Library. Thursday, Nov. 10, 5 to 7:30 p.m. Ages 12-18. Celebrate
the beginning of “Dinovember” with the classic horror film “Jurassic Park.”
Chickahominy Colored Pencil Artists at the Atlee Branch Library. Friday, Nov. 11, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ages 18 & up. Join the Chickahominy Colored Pencil Artists at a monthly meeting to share ideas, techniques and skills in using colored pencils. Bring individual supplies and projects and enjoy a time to sketch and make new friends. This is not an instructional class.
Yellow Jackets stifle Generals’ options
By Rob Witham for The LocalLEXINGTON – The tapestry being woven by the 135th edition of Randolph-Macon College Football is beginning to come together. If the Yellow Jackets can continue on this road, it could turn out to be a Picasso.
Making on-the-fly defensive adjustments to Washington and Lee’s triple option offense, RandolphMacon kept the Generals out of the end zone for over 43 minutes, scoring 28 unanswered points to vanquish last year’s Old Dominion Athletic Conference (ODAC) champions 35-21 on Saturday, Oct. 29 at Wilson Field in Lexington.
With the victory, Randolph-Macon improved to 5-0 in ODAC play, and 8-0 overall for the second time in school history, matching the start of the historic 1968 team. Dating back to last October, the Yellow Jackets have won 14 consecutive games.
The first period unfolded as if a track meet was breaking out, as Washington and Lee (3-2, 5-3) marched 70 yards on just five plays, scoring on a 6-yard run by quarterback Stephen Murrin for a 7-0 edge.
The Yellow Jackets responded with a 79-yard drive, capped by a 23-yard touchdown pass from Drew Campanale to David Wallis, but the Generals answered with a classic triple option drive, taking 15 plays, going 80 yards, and chewing over eight minutes off the clock to
lead 14-7 early in the second period.
“They did a couple of things that we hadn’t seen, and obviously with an offense like that you can’t prepare for everything,” noted RandolphMacon head coach Pedro Arruza. “So, we had to make a couple of adjustments ingame. The players and our staff did a nice job adjusting.”
It doesn’t hurt to have offensive firepower. Ten seconds after the Generals’ second score, Campanale fired a missile downfield to Wallis, who raced 75 yards for the gametying touchdown.
“Man, we knew we’d have to be aggressive, we’d have to throw the ball…take our shots down the field, and we did that,” Arruza said.
The afternoon’s turning point came when the Yellow Jackets earned their first defensive stop on a Generals third down near midfield, forcing a punt. Washington and Lee had converted on their first five third down plays. The Yellow Jackets took 12 plays, a second shy of eight minutes and took advantage of a key pass interference penalty in the end zone to score on a 1-yard Campanale run for a 21-14 lead.
The Generals churned 175 yards of offense on their first three drives, but only 178 in the game’s final 43 minutes.
“It was a great performance by our kids, but I’m going to tell you right now, everybody in this program put a ton into this,” Arruza explained. “I said to our guys last week that when we win this game, everybody’s
got to realize that every single player played a part.”
Randolph-Macon seized control early in the third quarter, scoring on a 2-yard Campanale run set up by a 55-yard Wallis reception for a 28-14 lead. Campanale finished the day 11-of-12 for 213 yards and the two scoring throws to Wallis, who had seven catches for 195 yards in total.
Nick Hale, who rushed for 84 yards, scored on the first play of the fourth to extend the lead to 35-14. The Generals ended the scoring on another 6-yard run by Murrin with 27 seconds left.
Defensively, Cade Jones flew around the field, leading Randolph-Macon with 12 tackles, while Erik Harris added 11, Owen Arruza nine, and Ricky Thompson and

Daniel Eliasek six tackles each. There were no sacks of Murrin, but three timely tackles for loss from Jones, Jackson Deaver, and Jacob Hutchinson to help quell the Generals.
The Yellow Jackets control their own destiny with two ODAC games to go. The first assignment is to defeat Ferrum when the Panthers come to Ashland on Saturday, Nov. 5 for Senior Day.
With “The Game” against Hampden-Sydney looming on the horizon, fans may be buzzing about it, but be assured the players are only interested in the Panthers.
“We’ll be ready to go,” Arruza opined. “Once we got some of the kinks out at the beginning of the year, our kids have been pretty mature. We’ll be ready to go. I don’t doubt that for one minute.”
Patrick Henry nearly upsets Varina in overtime

42 minutes of gameplay on Friday, Oct. 28 at Patrick Henry High School, the Patriots had an upset on their minds.
Up by two scores and with a defense that was largely holding the visiting Varina offense in check, Patrick Henry needed to continue that trend to hand the Blue Devils their first loss of the season.
However, a score by Varina’s Myles Derricott with 6:53 left in the game started a 20-0 run for Varina that ended in a 27-21 overtime loss for the Patriots.
“It was a war,” Patrick Henry coach Ken Wakefield said. “Nobody probably expected it because we didn’t play well last week. But, the kids showed a lot of resiliency and a lot of heart coming out here and going toe-to-toe with those guys. We fell a little short tonight, but as a program, we got better.”
Offensively, Gracyn Ross set the tone for the Patriots’ (5-4) offense. Ross led all performers with 263 all-purpose yards and three touchdowns.
The first came two plays into the second quarter when Patrick Henry’s Grayson Johnson found Ross running open in the Blue Devils secondary and hit him in stride for a 53-yard touchdown connection and a 7-0 lead.
Ross found paydirt again on the first play of the second half, when he found a crease and went 74 yards for a quick 14-0 lead.
The Johnson-Ross connection was alive and well again in the fourth quarter when Ross beat his defender for a 79-yard catch-and-run for a 21-7 lead
at the time.
“What can you say?” Wakefield said about Ross’s performance. “Every week is gutty. Everyone knows he’s going to get the ball and he still makes plays. He left his heart out there tonight. Hats off to him and hats off to the offensive lineman up front.”
Patrick Henry also displayed stifling defensive play against a stout Blue Devils offense. Varina didn’t score in the entire first half, with drives ending in turnover on downs or punts.
Following Derricott’s touchdown and a three-and-out by the Patriots offense, the defense stepped up once again as they stopped a Derricott run on fourth-and-1 for another turnover on downs and handed the ball back to the offense on their own 27-yard-line with 3:55 left in the game and the Blue Devils with just one timeout.
While the offense did burn most of the clock, and Varina’s last timeout, it had to punt the ball back to Varina with 39 seconds remaining in the game. A good runback by the
Blue Devils set them up at the Patrick Henry 45 and on the first play, Derricott found his receiver for a 44-yard connection to the Patriots 1-yard-line.
Tae’mon Brown scored his second of three touchdowns with 21 seconds to go in the game to tie it at 21.
The Patriots were able to move the ball in the waning seconds of regulation, but no further scoring occurred and the game went to overtime.
In overtime, Patrick Henry began with the ball, but was unable to gain any ground
against Varina. A fumbled snap on third down set up a field goal attempt on fourth down that was no good.
The Blue Devils needed just two plays in overtime to win it, as Brown scored from 2 yards out for the win.
“Sometimes in losses, you get better,” Wakefield said. “We learned a lot about ourselves and I’m excited for next week. (Varina) just made one more play. They’re a good football team. We’re going to learn from this and we’re going to get better.”
Patrick Henry completes its regular season schedule on Nov. 4 at home in the Tomato Bowl against Mechanicsville.
Wakefield said his team will have to put this tough loss behind them quickly to prepare for their cross-town rivals.
“We know they’re tough,” he said. “Records kind of go out the window at that point. Those guys are buying in and playing hard. We expect nothing less than a good football game. We just have to focus on us and everything will take care of itself.” or (804) 402-7701. The classes are free but students are asked to purchase the books required for the class.
The men of Mechanicsville United Methodist Church will be preparing and selling Brunswick stew again this year for $10 a quart. They strongly encourage you to preorder your stew by calling the church office at 804-746-5118. Church office hours are Tuesday - Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30p.m. Pick-up will be on Saturday, Nov. 12 from 8 to 10 a.m. Stew not sold in the preorders will be available for purchase on Saturday morning along with delicious baked goods prepared by the women of the church. The women of the church will also be selling their fabulous baked goods on
Saturday morning! Contact the church office with any questions.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Ashland Campus, located at 11515 Ashcake Road in Ashland 2 miles west of U.S. 1, holds its church service at 5 p.m. with Pastor Rev. Dr. Roy Minnix. Visit or call 804-270-9626.
All Souls Episcopal Church celebrates Holy Eucharist Rite II at 9:15 a.m. at Messiah Lutheran Church at 8154 Atlee Rd. in Mechanicsville. A nursery will be available for infants and toddlers. Katherine G. Dougherty is the Deacon in charge of All Souls. Visit
A Healing and Recovery SS Class meets at 9 a.m. at the
Walnut Grove Baptist Church at 7046 Cold Harbor Rd. in Mechanicsville. The class is for adults 18 and over and is an extension of the NorthStar community that also meets at 6 p.m. Fridays at the church. The Christian 12 Steps and Biblical wisdom are the basis of study and discussion to learn about God’s place in our lives. All are welcome. Contact 804-7465081 or contact Craig Simpson at
Outside the Walls, a Narcotics Anonymous group, meets from 6 to 7 p.m. in the lobby of the Pamunkey Regional Jail at 7240 Courtland Farm Rd. in Hanover. Contact John Shinholser, McShin president, at 804-249-1845. The website is
The Hanover Concert Band rehearses from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. every Tuesday, mid-January through mid-December, at the Hanover Arts and Activities Center at 500 S. Railroad Ave. in Ashland, just south of U.S. 54. Membership is open to anyone who can read music and play a non-string instrument. High school students are welcome with parents’ permission. Visit or call 804-789-0536.
The American Legion Post 175, located at 8700 Bell Creek Road in Mechanicsville, holds a “Meet and Greet, Coffee and Donut” event from 9-11 a.m. every Tuesday for the community and perspective members to meet members and learn about what they do for the community. Visit http://www.
Hanover Rotary meets from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Roma’s Restaurant at 7240 Bell Creek Rd. in Mechanicsville. Due to the pandemic, contact President Penny at pennyguiles43@gmail. com for current meeting at Roma’s or Zoom connection information.
The Ashland Rotary Club meets weekly at noon at the Iron Horse Restaurant at 100 S. Railroad Ave. in Ashland. For more information, contact Steve Dunham at 804-496-6093 or
Meetings are held at 7 p.m. at Shalom Baptist Church at 8116 Walnut Grove Road Mechanicsville. For more information, call 804-366-6524 or email
New Highland Baptist Church hosts open basketball gym time for adults in the Christian Life Center (CLC) starting at 7:30 PM. The church is located at 9200 New Ashcake Road in Mechanicsville. Use the side back entrance to enter. Contact Jeff Fitzgerald at with any questions.
Overcomers Outreach & Women’s Codependency is a Christ-centered anonymous support program offering hope and healing for recovering alcoholics, addicts and their
Civil Air Patrol, Hanover Squadron, meets Thursdays, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fairfield Presbyterian Church, 6930 Cold Harbor Road, in Mechanicsville. CAP is an awe-
BlackCreekBaptistChurch, 6289McClellanRoad SundaySchool-9:00a.m. SundayWorship-10:15a.m. AdultBibleStudy&YouthGroup Wed.nightsat6:00p.m. Pastor,StephenKendrick orcall(804)781-0330
BroadusMemorialBaptist 804-779-2700
Modern11:15,BibleSchoolat 9:00,10:15,&11:15. RickRaines,SeniorMinister; ChrisSantasiere,AssociateMin-
Ellenberger,YouthMinister; AshleySears,Children’sDirector
WednesdayeveningPrayer Meeting,6:30pm. Churchphone:746-2788
WorshippingonSundays! In-person&onFacebook! 5351PoleGreenRd. Mechanicsville,23116 PhilPeacock,Pastor SundaySchool9a.m. Worship10a.m. 3407KingWilliamRd. Aylett,23009 JeffPoythress,Pastor Worship9:30a.m. SundaySchool10:30a.m.
CoolSpringBaptistChurch 9283AtleeStationRd. Forinfo,activities&worship timesvisit orcall746-0800
FellowshipCommunityChurchof Mechanicsville After10yearsatHanoverHigh Schoolwehavepurchasedour ownbuilding.Wecontinueto teachtheWordofGodand watchforthemiraculous. JoinusSundaymornings9:45am at8505BellCreekRoad,SuiteK.
GraceUnitedFamilyChurch "WhereGraceUnitesUs" 7252BeulahChurchRoad (HistoricBeulahChurch) Mechanicsville,23111
Sundays,10:30AM& Wed.Dinner,Study,Prayer: 6:00-8:00p.m. Forinfo,call335-6728
"LoveGod,Learn theBible,CareforPeople" GlennHawkins,Pastor
MechanicsvilleBaptistChurch 8016AtleeRd. Office:746.7253 Worship inperson andLiveStreamedonYouTube &Facebook onSundaysat8:30&11:00a.m. WednesdayNightSuppersat 5:00p.m. andBibleStudyat6:00p.m. Findusonthewebat
NewBethesdaBaptistChurch 9019NewBethesdaRd.779-2101 CalebBittler,Minister SundaySchool9:30AM, Worship10:45AM BibleStudy/Prayer Youth&Childrenactivities 6:30pm,Wednesday
NewHighlandBaptistChurch 550-9601,9200NewAshcakeRd,9:15AMBible Study,10:30AMWorshipInPerson&online.Rev.LarryFrakes
ShalomBaptistChurch 8116WalnutGroveRd. Office:746.7737
Worshipinperson andLiveStreamedonYouTube &Facebook onSundaysat8:30&11:00a.m WednesdayNightSuppersat 5:30p.m. andBibleStudyat6:15p.m. Findusonthewebat
WalnutGroveBaptistisaChurch committedtofollowingJesus& lovingpeople.Youcanfindusat wgva.church7046ColdHarborrd
LebanonUnitedMethodist Church 8492PeaksRoad,746-0980 SarahSealand,Pastor WorshipInPersonandon FacebookLive: 10:00ameachSunday 9:00amSundaySchool Formoreinfo,checkusoutat
MechanicsvilleUnitedMethodist Church 7356AtleeRoad746-5118 ReverendAmyDunn,pastor 10aminpersonworshipor Facebooklive@MechUMC ChildrensandYouthPrograms CubScoutsPack517
ShadyGroveUnitedMethodist 8209ShadyGroveRd. atthecornerofMeadowbridge Rd.,Mechanicsville,804-746-9073
In-personWorshipSundaysat 8:15,9:45,&11:15a.m., Onlineat9:45a.m. Programsforallages. Rev.WayneSnead,Pastor
ChurchoftheRedeemer 8275MeadowbridgeRoad 746-4911
Masscelebratedon Saturday5:30PM Sunday8:00&10:00AM
The Mechanicsville Local November

Continued from pg. 18
Family Storytime at the Atlee Branch Library. Saturday, Nov. 12, 11 to 11:30 a.m. Enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and much more, for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.
Skype A Scientist: Dinosaurs at the Atlee Branch Library. Saturday, Nov. 12, 11 a.m. to noon. Ages 3-12. Speak with a paleontologist and learn all about dinosaurs, fossils, and what local dinosaurs you would have found in the Hanover/ Ashland area.
CoderDojo at the Atlee Branch Library. Saturday, Nov.
12, 2 to 4 p.m. Ages 11-18. Learn how to build a game, website or program at a CoderDojo workshop. No prior experience is required.
Hula Dancing Class at the Atlee Branch Library. Wednesday, Nov. 16, 10:30 a.m. to noon. Ages 18 & up. Exercise your brain and body while learning about hula dancing and culture at the Atlee Branch Library.
Page Turners Book Club at the Atlee Branch Library. Thursday, Nov. 17, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Ages 18 & up. An in-person, lively book discussion on "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" by Mark
Haddon. Participants can place the book on hold and pick it up at the Atlee Branch Library. New members are always welcome.
Atlee Anime Club at the Atlee Branch Library. Thursday, Nov. 17, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Ages 12-18. Join the Atlee Library Anime Club to meet teens with similar interests and watch cool shows.
Hanover Master Gardeners' Home Gardening Series at the Atlee Branch Library. Saturday, Nov. 19, 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Learn about a variety of home gardening topics from Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardeners.
This session's topic is "The Necessity and Practice for Good Soils.” Learn how to improve the one aspect of your land that impacts all the flora and fauna of your garden. Topics change each session.
Call 804-559-0654 or visit the library at 9212 Rutlandshire Drive for more information.

Branch Library
Mother Goose Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Tuesdays, Nov. 8, 15, 22, & 29, 10 to 10:30 a.m. Mother Goose is a Storytime for children age 6 to 24 months and their caregivers to have fun
with nursery rhymes, singing and reading.
Toddler Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Tuesdays, Nov. 8, 15, 22, & 29, 10:45 to 11:15 a.m. Enjoy a Storytime of books, music and fun for toddlers ages 2-3 and their caregivers.
Preschool Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Thursdays, Nov. 3, 10, & 17, 10:45 to 11:15 a.m.
Enjoy books, music, fingerplays, and much more at preschool Storytime, for ages 3-5 with a caregiver.
Genealogy Class at the Mechanicsville Branch Library.

Todd’sLawnCare LeafRemoval CallTodd804-366-3628or804-366-8185

OverstreetEnterprise&LandscapeLLC Landscaping,Irrigation,Concrete, Patio,Brickwork,TreeWork,Grading, TopSoil,Drainage&Gravel. Call804-337-1281forfreeest
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Friday, Nov. 4, 10:30 a.m. to noon. Ages 18 & up. Interested in genealogy but don't know where to start? Join a brief introduction to Pamunkey Regional Library's genealogy databases: Ancestry Library Edition and HeritageQuest! Registration is required. Tabletop Gaming at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Saturday, Nov. 5, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ages 18 and up. Join the library for a fun session of tabletop games. Activities range from tabletop RPGs (roleplaying games), board games and more.
Hula Dancing Class at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Mondays, Nov. 7, 14, 21, & 28,
GuyStinchfieldPainting&Repair Int./Ext.Painting,Carpentry,Drywall Repair,PressureWashing,Wallpaper Removal.Lic/Ins.20yrsexperience Refereneces.FreeEst.804-439-7700
PCTRemodeling Exterior/InteriorPainting. Licensed/Insured.264-9352
Gary’sPlumbing RepairService.Lic./Ins. 218-1467
PaulBrownPlumbing-inBusiness Since1983.NewResidential,Light Commercial,Renovations,Additions& Service.Wedoitall!SeniorCitizen Discounts.Forfreeestimate,746-5030
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some program for youth, ages 12- 21, as well as for adults who care about young people and want to help train America’s next generation of Leaders. You’ll find cadet life exciting if you enjoy Flying, Leadership Training, Model Rocketry, Earning Rank & Awards, and much more. For more information, visit You can also call or email Capt James Wright at 804-551-3354 or
The Building Bridges group of Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. The group’s mission is to bring a message of hope and recovery to those suffering from addiction issues. They meet on Fridays from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Mechanicsville United Methodist Church, 7356 Atlee Road in Mechanicsville. Visit
Second Mondays
The WEB of Hope meets from 10 a. m. to noon at the Black Creek Baptist Church at 6289 McClellan Road in Mechanicsville. It is one of several groups in the Richmond area that crochets, knits, sews,
and quilts gifts for the American Red Cross to distributed to those in need. Since its inception, the WEB has donated over 153,000 gifts locally, nationally and globally. If you can make it, the WEB can use it. There are so many organizations in need of help. Call Laurie Wagner at 804-781-0338.
Third Mondays
Alzheimer’s/Dementia support group for caregivers and others who want to help and encourage those who have loved ones with dementia illnesses meets at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of each month on Zoom. For more information, contact Jennifer Bean at 804559-2805 or the church office at 804-746-9073.
The Hanover County Community Services Board meets at 6:30 p.m. at 12300 Washington Hwy. in Ashland.
Fourth Mondays
The FeedMore Mobile Food Pantry will be distributing food from 10 to 11 a.m. at the First Shiloh Baptist Church at 8150 Walnut Grove Rd. in Mechanicsville. Contact Heather at hshaheen96@gmail. com.
The Atlee Ruritan Club meets every fourth Monday
at Hillcrest Baptist Church on Rt.301. Meetings, that include dinner and a program, begin at 6:30 p.m. Ruritan is a national community service organization dedicated to fellowship, goodwill, and community service. The Atlee Club welcomes both men and women. To learn more about the club’s mission and reserve your spot for dinner, call (804) 789-9365.
Second Tuesdays
The Mechanicsville Fellowship Club meets each month (excluding July and Aug.) at 10:30 a.m. in Room G110 of Shady Grove United Methodist Church at 8209 Shady Grove Rd. in Mechanicsville. Bring a covered dish and join in with a group celebrating faith, fellowship, friends and fun. Meetings are cancelled if Hanover County Public Schools are two hours late or cancelled due to inclement weather. To register, call the church at 804-746-9073. For more information, call Janet Lewis at 804-398-8947.
The Hanover County Historical Society will be conducting free tours of the Old Hanover Courthouse on the Historic Courthouse Green from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every second Tuesday through December. The address is
13182 Hanover Courthouse Road in Hanover. For more information, visit http://www.
Third Tuesdays
The Hanover Ruritan Club meets on the third Tuesday of each month, at Walnut Grove Baptist Church with dinner at 6.30 p.m. Ruritan is a national organization dedicated to improving communities and building a better America through fellowship, goodwill and community service. The first Ruritan Club was chartered May 21, 1928, in Holland, Virginia. Ruritan has grown throughout the United States of America, and in doing so has become. “America’s Leading Community Service Organization”. Membership in Ruritan is an honor and privilege. To learn more about Ruritan, how to become a member, request a membership application or with questions, please call, 746-5728 or by letter to, Hanover Ruritan, P. O. Box 625, Mechanicsville, VA 23111. To be a guest of the club, call the numbers listed above. Hanover Ruritan welcomes both men and women.
Second Wednesday
Hanover Community Services Board says if you are
a family member or friend of someone who has a mental illness, you are not alone. There is support. Hanover Community Services Board offers a family support group on the second Wednesday of every month from 7p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Bell Creek location, 8475 Bell Creek Road in Mechanicsville. Facilitators Rebecca Strader and Heidi Brown invite you to attend this group that follows NAMI principles of confidentiality, respect, empathy and support to one another. No sign up or registration is required. Contact Rebecca at 804-3656746 or Heidi at 804-365-6769.
Third Thursdays
The Ashland Museum holds Trivia Night on the third Thursday of each month at Origin Beer Lab, 106 S. Railroad Ave., Ashland, 6pm. Free, no reservations needed. Follow us on instagram (@ashlandmuseum) or facebook. For information, email or call 804368-7314.
Fourth Monday
10:30 a.m. to noon. Ages 16 & up. Exercise your body and brain while learning about hula dancing and culture at the library. Wear clothing to dance in easily.
Doc Talk for Seniors at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Monday, Nov. 7, 1:30 to 3 p.m. Ages 18 & up. If you are a senior or the family member of a senior, join the library for a Doc Talk from a medical professional. The topic will be “Flu Season, COVID-19, and Allergies.”
Teen Advisory Board (TAB) at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Friday, Nov. 11, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Ages 12-18. Teens, join the Mechanicsville Library's Teen Advisory Board to play games, eat snacks and share ideas about teen needs at the library and in the community. The board meets the second Friday of the month and participation with Teen Advisory Board programs and activities can earn teens service credit hours.
Mechanicsville Book Club at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Wednesday, Nov. 16,
11 a.m. to noon. Ages 18 & up. Bring ideas for discussion and escape to a world of pure imagination.
Senior Bingo at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2 to 3:30 p.m. Ages 55 & up. Need to get out and do something that's both fun and relaxing? Stop by the library for a game of Senior Bingo.
80s Trivia Night at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Thursday, Nov. 17, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Ages 18 & up. Want more 80s nostalgia? Join the library
for a fun night of trivia.
Mindful Meditation Class at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Friday, Nov. 18, 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ages 18 & up. Want more self-awareness, clarity and focus in your life? Need a calm, relaxing environment to have fun and feel more grounded? Participate in mindful meditation exercises, presented by Lynette Kent, licensed meditation teacher.
Anime Club at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Friday, Nov. 18, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Ages 12-18. Join
Second Thursday
The Hanover-Ashland TRIAD meets the second Thursday of each month at 1:30 p.m. at the new Atlee Library, 9212 Rutlandshire Drive, Mechanicsville. The Hanover-Ashland TRIAD is a program that focuses on providing information to seniors to improve their quality of life. The Hanover-Ashland TRIAD is a joint venture involving the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office, Ashland Police Department, AARP, Hanover County governmental agencies, human services agencies, civic groups and seniors themselves.
The Atlee Ruritan Club meets every fourth Monday at Hillcrest Baptist Church on Route 301. Meetings, that include dinner and a program, begin at 6:30 p.m. Ruritan is a national community service organization dedicated to fellowship, goodwill and community service. The Atlee Club welcomes both men and women. To learn more about the club’s mission and reserve a spot for dinner, call (804) 7899365.
Last Saturday
January through October, The American Legion Post 175 hosts a “Community Breakfast” from 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. The breakfast is open to the public and is located at 8700 Bell Creek Road, Mechanicsville.
the Mechanicsville Library Anime Club to meet teens with similar interests and watch some cool shows.
Family Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Saturday, Nov. 19, 11 to 11:30 a.m. Enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and much more, for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.
Teen Trivia: Hamilton, An American Musical at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Saturday, Nov. 19, 2 to 3 p.m. Ages 12 - 18. An
The Mechanicsville Local
afternoon of Jeopardy-style Trivia on everyone's favorite musical.
Adult Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Wednesday, Nov. 23, 10:45 to 11:45 a.m. Ages 18 & up. If you are, or are the caregiver of, an adult who would enjoy the lively reading of picture books and lighthearted stories, join the library for Adult Storytime.
Call 804-746-9615 or visit the library at 7461 Sherwood Crossing Place for more information.
EZCONVENIENCELLC/7-ELEVEN,INC.Trading as:7-ELEVEN34021B6340Mechanicsville Turnpike,Mechanicsville,Hanover,VA.23111.
Theaboveestablishmentisapplyingtothe VIRGINIAALCOHOLICBEVERAGECONTROL (ABC)AUTHORITYforaWineandBeerOff Premiseslicensetosellormanufacturealcoholicbeverages. EzatAbrahim,ManagingMember
Datenoticepostedatestablishment: 10/28/2022
NOTE:ObjectionstotheissuanceofthislicensemustbesubmittedtoABCnolaterthan 30daysfromthepublishingdateofthefirstof .govor(800)552-3200.
Emailusat or
PleasetakenoticethatonSeptember8th, 2022,StephanieBallard,byCounsel,pursuant toSection64.2-2304oftheCodeofVirginia, 1950,asamended,filedaPetitionwiththe HanoverCountyCircuitCourtseekingaDeterminationofDeathforherhusband,Michael HenleyBallard.
AHearingwillbeheldonthismatteron January3rd,2023@9:00amintheHanoverCounty CircuitCourt.
StephanieBallard By:CounselJasonL.Shaber,EsquireVSB#96186 Dankos,Gordon&Tucker,P.C. 1360E.ParhamRoad,Suite200 Richmond,Virginia23228 Telephone:(804)377-7427 Facsimile:(804)262-8088 CounselforPetitioner
Notice is hereby given that theHanover CountyBoard of Supervisors

NoticeisherebygiventhattheHanoverCountyPlanningCommissionhasset Thursday,November17,2022,at6:00P.M., intheBoardRoomoftheHanoverCounty GovernmentBuildingatHanoverCourthouse,Hanover,Virginia,astheday,date,time,and placeforapublichearingtoconsiderthefollowingcases,atwhichpubliccommentswill beaccepted:
Request(s)torezonefromA-1,AgriculturalDistrict,toAR-6(c),AgriculturalResidential Districtwithconditions,onGPIN7789-73-4998,consistingofapproximately25.4acres, andlocatedontheeastlineofCheroyRoad(StateRoute659)approximately250feet northofitsintersectionwithCheroyWoodsLane(StateRoute270).Thesubjectproperty isdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasAgricultural.Theproposedzoning amendmentwouldpermitthecreationoffour(4)buildinglotsforagrossdensityofone(1) dwellingunitper6.35acres.(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Beaverdam
Request(s)anamendmenttotheproffersapprovedwithrezoningrequest,C-39-02(c),Frank andAnnaVolo,onGPIN8724-49-0864,consistingofapproximately1.0acre,zonedB-2(c), CommunityBusinessDistrictwithconditions.Thepropertyislocatedonthesouthlineof MechanicsvilleTurnpike(U.S.Route360)westofitsintersectionwithBrashierBoulevard (privateroad).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapas Commercial.(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Mechanicsville
Request(s)anamendmenttotheproffersandconceptualplanapprovedwithrezoning requestC-9-07(c),Am.1-09,HopkinsProperties,L.C.,etal.,onGPINs7787-35-4726, 7787-35-6891,7787-36-4155,7787-36-4548,and7787-36-1918,consistingof approximately22.6acres,zonedB-3(c),GeneralBusinessDistrictwithconditions. ThepropertyislocatedonthenortheastquadrantoftheintersectionofWashingtonHighway (U.S.Route1)andSlidingHillRoad(StateRoute656).Thesubjectpropertyisdesignated ontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasCommercial.Theproposedzoningamendment wouldpermittwoadditionalentrancesandmodifytheroadwayimprovementsshownon theconceptualplan.(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:SouthAnna
CopiesoftheabovecasesmaybereviewedinthePlanningOffice,Mondaythrough Friday,betweenthehoursof8:30a.m.and5:00p.m.pleasecontactthePlanningOffice oryoumayalsogoto
NoticeisherebygiventhattheHanoverCountyBoardofSupervisorshasset Wednesday,November9,2022at6:00P.M., orassoonthereafterastheBoard’sconsiderationofthe administrativeagendapermits.IntheBoardRoomoftheHanoverCountyGovernmentBuildingatHanoverCourthouse,Hanover,Virginia,astheday,date,time,andplaceforapublic hearingtoconsiderthefollowingcases,atwhichpubliccommentswillbeaccepted:
Request(s)aSpecialExceptionPermitinaccordancewithSection26-21.25oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinancetopermitanaccessoryfamilyhousingunitonGPINs 8811-80-2849(part)and8811-81-2025(part),consistingofapproximately0.49acres,zonedA-1,AgriculturalDistrict,andlocatedonthewestlineofHanoverQuarterRoad (StateRoute728)approximatelyone(1)milenorthofitsintersectionwithNormansBridgeRoad(StateRoute614).(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Beaverdam
Request(s)anamendmenttotheproffersapprovedwithrezoningrequestC-2-04(c),CF Investments,L.P.,etal.,on GPIN7787-54-5339,consistingofapproximately5.69acres,zoned B-3(c),GeneralBusinessDistrictwithconditions,andlocatedonthenorthlineofKingsAcresRoad(StateRoute835)approximately350feeteastofitsintersectionwithLakeridge Parkway(StateRoute782).Theproposedzoningamendmentwouldamendtheprofferrelatedtosignage.(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:SouthAnna
Request(s)aSpecialExceptionPermitinaccordancewithSection26-338oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinancetopermitasigntallerthanpermittedonGPIN7787-54-5339, consistingofapproximately5.69acres,zonedB-3(c),GeneralBusinessDistrictwithconditions,andlocatedonthenorthlineofKingsAcresRoad(StateRoute835)approximately 350feeteastofitsintersectionwithLakeridgeParkway(StateRoute782).(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:SouthAnna
Request(s)torezonefromB-3,GeneralBusinessDistrict,andR-1,Single-FamilyResidentialDistrict,toRM(c),Multi-FamilyResidentialDistrictwithconditions,onGPINs8705-84-2275, 8705-84-4273,8705-84-6144,8705-84-3039,8705-83-4904,8705-83-4862,and8705-84-9046,consistingofapproximately8.46acres,andlocatedonthesoutheastquadrantof MeadowbridgeRoad(StateRoute627)andShadyGroveRoad(StateRoute640).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasMulti-Family.Theproposed zoningamendmentwouldpermitthecreationof120apartmentunitsforagrossdensityof14.2dwellingunitsperacre.(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Chickahominy REZ2022-00010,7147MECHANICSVILLETURNPIKE,L.L.C.
Request(s)torezonefromB-1(c),NeighborhoodBusinessDistrictwithconditionstoRM(c),Multi-FamilyResidentialDistrictwithconditions,onGPIN8714-77-2332,consistingof approximately6.5acres,andlocatedonthesouthlineofMechanicsvilleTurnpike(U.S.Route360)approximately350feeteastofitsintersectionwithMeadowDrive(StateRoute 1120).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasMulti-Family(8to15dwellingunitsperacre).Theproposedzoningamendmentwouldpermitthe creationof144age-restrictedapartments.ThisdevelopmentwillshareaninternalroadthatprovidescrossaccesswiththeCambridgeSquareApartments(GPIN8714-87-1189).The totalnumberofdwellingunitsforbothdevelopmentswillbe351unitson26.2acresforagrossdensityof13.4unitsperacre.(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Mechanicsville PLEASENOTETHATTHISCASEHASBEENREMANDEDBACKTOTHEPLANNINGCOMMISSION.THISPUBLICHEARINGWILLNOTBEHELD.
Request(s)toamendCUP-5-06,inaccordancewithSection26-20.11oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinance,toreducetheareaoftheConditionalUsePermitfrom23.1acresto 19.6acresonGPIN8725-04-0233(part),zonedA-1,AgriculturalDistrict,andlocatedontheeastlineofLee-DavisRoad(StateRoute643)atitsintersectionwithLaurelMeadow SchoolRoad(StateRoute9239).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasSuburbanGeneral(1.5to3dwellingunitsperacre).(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Henry
Request(s)aConditionalUsePermitinaccordancewithSection26-20.11oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinancetopermitafirestationonGPIN8715-84-9477,consistingof approximately3.49acres,zonedA-1,AgriculturalDistrict,andlocatedontheeastlineofLee-DavisRoad(StateRoute643)atitsintersectionwithLaurelMeadowSchoolRoad (StateRoute9239).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasSuburbanGeneral(1.5to3dwellingunitsperacre).(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Henry
AnOrdinancetoamendtheHanoverCountyCode,Chapter26,ZoningOrdinance,Article5,SiteDesignRegulations,Division8,RegulationsforSpecificUses,andArticle3,District Regulations,toaddprovisionsregulatingtheinstallationanduseofbatteryenergystoragesystems.(PUBLICHEARING)
CopiesoftheabovecasemaybereviewedinthePlanningOffice,MondaythroughFriday,betweenthehoursof8:30a.m.and5:00p.m.,pleasecontactthePlanningOfficeoryoumay alsogoto
The Mechanicsville Local November 2, 2022 25

TheCircuitCourtfortheCityofRichmond,Virginia,inthecasestyledDavid Lynnv.RichmondRocketAutoSales,Inc.,andGaryHigginbotham(CaseNo.CL21-2531)(the“Case”),enteredanOrder(the“DissolutionOrder”)datedSeptember14,2022,providingfor,amongotherthings,thedissolutionofRichmondRocketAutoSales,LLC(the“Company”),theappointmentofWilliamA.Broscious,LiquidatingTrustee(the“LiquidatingTrustee”)astheliquidatingtrusteeforthe Company,andthedirectionthattheLiquidatingTrusteeliquidatetheassetsof theCompanyandwinduptheaffairsoftheCompany.
PursuanttoVirginiaCode§13.1-1049.2,anypersonholdinga“claim”against theCompany(a“Claimant”)shouldpresenttotheLiquidatingTrusteea“confirmationofclaim”describingtheclaimbytype,amount,dateincurred,and grounds.A“claim”isdefinedas:(a)arighttopayment,whetherornotsuchright isreducedtojudgment,liquidated,unliquidated,fixed,contingent,mature, unmatured,disputed,undisputed,legal,equitable,secured,orunsecured,against theCompany;or(b)arighttoanequitableremedyforbreachofperformanceif suchbreachgivesrisetoarightofpayment,whetherornotsuchrighttoanequitableremedyisreducedtojudgment,fixed,contingent,mature,unmatured,disputed,undisputed,legal,equitable,secured,orunsecured,againsttheCompany.
AClaimantmayobtainaconfirmationofclaimformfromtheLiquidatingTrustee bymakingawrittenrequestaddressedtotheLiquidatingTrusteeattheaddress intheimmediatelyfollowingparagraph.
ThedeadlineforsubmittingaconfirmationofclaimisMarch15,2023at5:00 p.m.(EasternStandardTime)(the“BarDate”)–anypersonwitha“claim”against theCompanymustsubmitonorbeforetheBarDateacompletedandsignedconfirmationofclaimform(togetherwithsupportingdocumentation).TheconfirmationofclaimshouldbesubmittedtotheLiquidatingTrusteeasfollows:WilliamA. Broscious,LiquidatingTrustee,P.O.Box71180,Henrico,Virginia23255.

TheLiquidatingTrusteewillnotifyeachClaimantthathassubmittedaconfirmationofclaimwhethertheCompanyadmitsordoesnotadmittheclaim.Inthe eventtheCompanydoesnotadmitaclaim,thentheclaimwillbebarredunless theClaimantcommencesaproceedingtoenforcetheclaimbeforetheearlierof theexpirationofanyapplicablestatuteoflimitationsorthree(3)yearsafterthe publicationdateofthisnotice.

you’re normally content acting on a whim, but this week you may want to plan
about what to accomplish.
considering a situation, remember there is more than meets the Taurus. Dig a little deeper and you may uncover the truth. Remember to ask the right questions.
you have an entire team rallying in your corner this week. You can use a little extra support. All you need to do is speak up and others will come to your aid.
Few things escape your notice, Cancer. However, this week something may just sneak by you. Don’t fret too much, as it’s not really vital. But try to focus better.
There’s a million things going on in your life this week, Leo. You need to zero in on one or two tasks and get down to business; otherwise, you can easily get overwhelmed.
Virgo, listen to your heart this week. It will not guide you astray. You have some soul-searching to do right now to uncover some answers you have been seeking.
Don’t let others bring you down, Libra. Focus and maintain a positive attitude and you can do just about anything you set your mind to this week. Start making plans.
A big change is coming your way, Scorpio, and you’ve never been more ready. Adopt a receptive mindset and await all of the excitement that is coming your way.
Keep your eyes on the prize, Sagittarius. You are so close to the end result right now, so just a little more patience is needed. You’ll discover some surprising things.
There’s not much more you can add to a situation, Capricorn. When communication fails, it’s difficult to overcome obstacles. A relationship may come to an end.
Aquarius, when you put your hope in someone you can trust, the positive outcome shouldn’t be too surprising. Close friends and family will help out.
There’s so much that you are eager to learn, so why not enroll in a class or take up a new hobby, Pisces? You can continue your education.