Christina Amano Dolan/The Local Hanover County Attorney Dennis Walter offers an overview of the process of removing appointed public officers from office to the Board of Supervisors and citizens.
By Christina Amano Dolan Editor
By Christina Amano Dolan Editor
Vol. 39, No. 4 | Richmond Suburban News | September 21, 2022 DELIVER TO: Postal Mechanicsville,PatronVA23111 Prsrt. Standard U.S. POSTAGE Mechanicsville,PAIDVAPermitNo.141 STOPS AT EVERY HOME IN TOWN

CEAB’s stated mission is “to guide and advise the Hanover County School Board on poli-

CEAB has up to 25 members who meet monthly as a group and as needed in smaller groups that focus on policy, communication and membership. As stated in the committee’s bylaws, members are nominated by the advisory board and approved and appointed by the school board to two-year terms.
School board to reorganize equity advisory board

S cantoSchedulea T o u r Iwouldrecommend Harmonytoothersand infactIalreadyhave. ” “ —DaughterofCurrentResident ASSISTEDLIVING|MEMORYCARE 804.212.2682 INDEPENDENTLIVING|ASSISTEDLIVING 804.420.9798

Several citizens attend Hanover County School Board’s Sept. 13 meeting to voice their opinions on the board’s Community Equity Advisory Board during the evening’s public input portion.

HCPS will explore opportunities that promote equity and cultural competence, to include parent and community outreach and input.”
Christina Amano Dolan/The Local
Sr. shares stories of his personal experiences as a former Hanover County student and retired Hanover County educator, assistant principal and administrator.
The Hanover County Board of Supervisors recently had a lengthy discussion about the complex process of removing an appointed public officer in light of recent allegations that an unnamed school board member had violated federal student privacy laws and other
Supervisors discuss removal process following allegations against school board member

see SUPERVISORS, pg. 14 Black Heritage Society presents history of Hanover schools
Christina Amano Dolan/The Local Harold Stills
The Hanover County Black Heritage Society hosted the second installation of the organization’s fall Historical Guest Speaker Lecture Series last week, inviting community members to listen to historic accounts of the county’s rich African American history within its school system.
The Historical Guest Speaker Lecture Series, which is hosted at Pamunkey Regional Branch Libraries and virtually, was introduced in February of this year
surrounding the future of the Hanover County School Board’s Community Equity Advisory Board (CEAB) was at the forefront of last week’s school board meeting, with several citizens calling for its dismantling during the public input portion of the evening.
By Christina Amano Dolan Editor
CEAB was first established in late 2018 in response to the HCPS Long Range Plan 20172023, which states the goal: “By fall of 2019,

see SCHOOL pg. 9 see HERITAGE, pg. 9

2 The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022

RICHMOND—Governor Glenn Youngkin announced last week that Pennsylvania-based Lutron Electronics, the trusted global leader in lighting control, automated shading solutions and intelligent fixtures, will invest $28.3 million

Electronics is pioneering lighting

INSIDE 5 ELECTION Important dates for Nov. 8 General Elections 13 ASHLAND Ashland officers receive state recognition ALSO… The Local Pick: Incident ClassifiedsChurchSportsObituariesCalendarReports........3....................4...............10................15-17....................20.........21-26 12 COMMUNITY Gladys celebratesThrockmorton90thbirthday BPES spotlights new book vending machine Photos and information courtesy of Hanover County Public Schools Battlefield theirtheresource,launchmachine.shoppedthirdFunraisedpurchasedmachine,new(BPES)ElementaryParkSchoolreceivedabrandbookvendingwhichwaswithmoneyfromtheBPESRun.Lastweek,gradeBobcatsfromthenewAspartoftheofthisnewschoolallstudentsatschoolaregettingownbook. BruceBlackwell StateLicensed HomeInspector #3380000220NRS “YourHomeisMyBusiness” P.O.Box67 Powhatan,VA23139 (804)921-8367 CelebratingOur100 YearAnniversary Weareheretomeetyourstone andbronzememorialneeds. AtA.P.GrapponeandSons,Inc., wearealwaysstrivingfor excellenceinourwork. 1104S.RandolphSt.,P.O.Box5666,Richmond,VA23220 804-358-9174 Excitingthingsarehappening! 2979RiverRoadW. Goochland,VA23063 (804)556-2530 25S.NansemondSt. Richmond,VA23221 (804)359-5041 7516RightFlankRd., Mechanicsville,VA23116 (804)746-1300 Welookforwardtomeetingyourdentalhealthneeds. WearealwayshereforYOU Pleasewelcome Dr.JohnCollietoour MechanicsvilleOffice. Dr.Colliecompletedhisundergraduatedegree atHampden-SydneyCollegeandgraduated fromVCUSchoolofDentistry.Hethenwenton tocompleteaone-yearAEGDresidencyatEast CarolinaUniversityandiscurrentlypursuinga fellowshipintheAcademyofGeneralDentistry. Heenjoyscooking,fishing,spendingtimeatthe beach,andtravelingwithhiswife. Lutron Electronics to build manufacturing facility, creating 200 jobs in Hanover County Contributed Report The Local see LUTRON, pg. 12

to build a manufacturing facility in Hanover County. The 145,000-square-foot facility in Ashland will increase the company’s manufacturing capacity and create approximately 200 new“Lutronjobs.

June 30
Trespassing after being forbidden to do so was reported in the 8000th block of Mechanicsville Turnpike, infamilyAssaultTavernthemalfunctionCausingMechanicsville.Drive/WonderlandblockwasAssaultTurnpike,blockwassignatureObtainingMechanicsville.blockwasmerchandise,ConcealmentCircle,7300thoffenseincapacitatedAbuse,County,MountaininmonumentDestructionMechanicsville.ofproperty,wasreportedthe13000thblockofRoad/HenricoGlenAllen.neglectofadult,firstwasreportedintheblockofHiddenLakeMechanicsville.ofprice-altered$500ormorereportedinthe8300thofBellCreekRoad,moneyorbyfalsepretensesreportedinthe7000thofMechanicsvilleMechanicsville.onpolice,firerescuereportedinthe8000thofEllersonStationLane,acomputerwasreportedin13100thblockofWaltonsRoad,Montpelier.andbatteryonamemberwasreportedthe9300thblockofLaurel
Information submitted by David Johnston, public information officer for Hanover FireEMS.
Petit larceny, less than $500, not from a person was reported in the 7400th block of Bell Creek Road, CreditMechanicsville.cardfraud, less than $200 in six months was reported in the 10200th block of Ashcake Road, UseAshland.ofprofane or threatening language over a public airway was reported in the 12000th block of Hanover Courthouse Road, Hanover.
June 27
Simple assault was reported in the 16000th block of Theme Park Way, Doswell.
Driver not reporting accident with damage less than $250 was reported in the 6500th block of Studley Road, Mechanicsville.
Grand larceny from auto was reported in the 7200th block of Garden Park Lane, Mechanicsville.
The Office of the Fire Marshal has completed their investigation. The cause of the fire is considered accidental and electrical in nature.
Simple assault was reported in the 8300th block of Devils Den Lane, Mechanicsville.
June 29
barn fully-involved with fire. Bystanders reported multiple horses trapped inside, and one had escaped with minor burns, which were treated. Unfortunately, nine horses are deceased as a result of the fire. No civilian or firefighter injuries wereCrewsreported.operated on the scene
Petit larceny, parts was reported in the 7400th block of Atlee EludingMechanicsville.Road,police:Failure to stop, attempting to escape/ elude police was reported in the 5500th block of Pole Green Road, Mechanicsville. with intent to damage was reported in the 8300th block of Shady Grove Road, Mechanicsville.
Driver not reporting accident with damage more than $250 was reported in the 10100th block of Lewistown Road, or signature by false pretenses
Entering property with intent to damage was reported in the 8400th block of LeeDavis Road, Mechanicsville.
Driver not reporting accident with damage up to $1,000 was reported in the 7500th block of Cold Harbor Road/New Hunter Road, AssaultMechanicsville.andbattery on a family member was reported in the 12100th block of W Patrick Henry Road,
Public swearing or intoxication was reported in the 9000th block of Chamberlayne
Assault and battery on a family member was reported in the 16000th block of Theme Park Way, Doswell.
Grove Road, Mechanicsville.
The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022 3
Possessing forged coin or bank notes, 10 or more was reported in the 10100th block of Kings Dominion Boulevard, Doswell.
see SHERIFF’S, pg. 8
June 26
in a defensive mode due to the fire conditions upon their arrival. Additionally, due to the location of the incident, this scene was a rural water operation, utilizing multiple high-capacity tankers from Hanover Fire-EMS.
Grand larceny, parts was reported in the 7200th block of Mechanicsville Turnpike,
SimpleAshland.assault was reported in the 10000th block of Stags Leap Drive, PetitMechanicsville.larceny,less than $500, not from a person was reported in the 7400th block of Pole Green Road, TrespassingMechanicsville.after being forbidden to do so was reported in the 8300th block of Meadowbridge Road, Mechanicsville.
Hanover Fire-EMS completes investigation into barn fire
June 28

| Crime, Accidents, Fire & Rescue
At approximately 2:49 p.m. on Sept. 9, Hanover Fire-EMS responded for the report of a barn fire at 15549 Stone Horse CreekCrewsRoad.arrived to find a
The seventh Annual Hanover AutumnFest presented by Anton Paar will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Hanover Tavern, 13181 Hanover Courthouse Rd, in Hanover and feature onsite smoked pork, turkey and beef brisket, Brunswick stew, side dishes and fresh pies from Hanover Tavern’s restaurant. In addition, there is local craft beer and wine, live music by the Anvil Brothers and Coleman & Fuller, as well as games and activities for the kids. Children’s activities include pumpkin decorating, petting zoo, hay slide, face painting, outdoor scavenger hunt, magic show and kids’ crafts. Admission is free and open to the public
Thursday, Oct. 13
Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions One Stop Shop (MCEF OSS) is open for food, clothing and linens from 9:30 to 11 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday at 7235 Stonewall Parkway in Mechanicsville (rear parking lot). The shop is available for residents in the 23111 and 23116 zip codes with identification and proof of residency.
learn about God’s place in our lives. All are welcome. Contact 804-746-5081 or contact Craig Simpson at craigwgbc@gmail.
Sunday, Sept. 25
The Community Salt Fish Breakfast will resume from 8 to 10 a.m. at Enon UMC, 6156 Studley Road, Mechanicsville, VA 23116. The Buffet includes salt fish, corn cakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, grits, hash browns, sausage gravy, biscuits, waffles, apples, beverages & fellowship. Adult admission is $10 and ages 6 and under are free, with all profits benefiting Enon UMC
Thursday, Oct. 6
Saturday, Oct. 15
Lutheran Church is seeking vendors for their 2022 Fall Craft Sale. This event will be rain or shine and held at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 8100 Shady Grove Road in Mechanicsville, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Vendors will need to bring their own table, chair and tent and cannot sell food or quilts. Vendor spaces offered will be outside and are limited to a first come/first serve basis. The cost to rent
The Hanover Concert Band rehearses from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. every Tuesday, midJanuary through mid-December, at the Hanover Arts and Activities Center at 500 S. Railroad Ave. in Ashland, just south of U.S. 54. Membership is open to anyone who can read music and play a nonstring instrument. High school students are welcome with parents’ permission.”aRoad175,orwww.hanoverconcertband.orgVisitcall804-789-0536.TheAmericanLegionPostlocatedat8700BellCreekinMechanicsville,holds“MeetandGreet,Coffeeandeventfrom9-11a.m.Tuesdayforthecommu-andperspectivemembersmeetmembersandlearnwhattheydofortheVisithttp://www.
see CALENDAR, pg. 7
23086. Topics of discussion will include changes in VA policy and processes, Health Care Eligibility/ Caregivers Program, Women’s Veterans Program, Burial and Memorial Benefits. Veterans who are interested in filing a claim must bring DD-214 and a recent VA decision letter. All military veterans, spouses and dependents are encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Lonnie O. Pierce, Sr. at: 410-991-5871 or ajplop@
Studley Community Festival will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Salem Presbyterian Church, 5394 Studley Road in Mechanisville.
Saturday, Oct. 1
The Veterans Administration (VA) and Disabled American Veterans (DAV) will conduct a VA Claims Clinic and Benefit Information Session from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the NAACP King William Branch, located at 694 Sharon Road, Suite K, King William, VA,
NAACP presents a free Community Health Fair at Pole Green Park from 10 to 4 p.m. and will feature free health assessments, line dancing, karate, hip hop dancercize, vendors and games for children.St.Paul
The men of Mechanicsville United Methodist Church will be preparing and selling Brunswick stew again this year for $10 a quart. They strongly encourage you to preorder your stew by calling the church office at 804-746-5118 starting and Recovery
on Oct. 3. Church office hours are Tuesday - Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30p.m. Pick-up will be on Saturday, Nov. 12 from 8 to 10 a.m. Stew not sold in the preorders will be available for purchase on Saturday morning along with delicious baked goods prepared by the women of the church. The women of the church will also be selling their fabulous baked goods on Saturday morning! Contact the church office with any questions.
SS Class meets at 9 a.m. at the Walnut Grove Baptist Church at 7046 Cold Harbor Rd. in Mechanicsville. The class is for adults 18 and over and is an extension of the NorthStar community that also meets at 6 p.m. Fridays at the church. The Christian 12 Steps and Biblical wisdom are the basis of study and discussion to
| News, Updates & Listings
4 The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022
All Souls Episcopal Church celebrates Holy Eucharist Rite II at 9:15 a.m. at Messiah Lutheran Church at 8154 Atlee Rd. in Mechanicsville. A nursery will be available for infants and toddlers. Katherine G. Dougherty is the Deacon in charge of All Souls. Visit www.
the Walls, a Narcotics Anonymous group, meets from 6 to 7 p.m. in the lobby of the Pamunkey Regional Jail at 7240 Courtland Farm Rd. in Hanover. Contact John Shinholser, McShin president, at 804-249-1845. The website is http://www.mcshin. org.
Enon United Methodist Church is hosting a “Homecoming” celebrating 185 years at 10:30 a.m. More information is available at 804746-4719 or
Fax submissions to calendar to 344-8746, email to events@mechlocal. com, or mail to 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd., Mechanicsville VA 23116. Deadline is 1 p.m. Thursday for the following week’s issue. Calendar announcements cannot be taken by phone. We reserve the right to edit all items submitted to The Mechanicsville Local.
Walnut Grove Baptist Church will be conducting Free Adult English Classes (ESL) and Citizenship Classes (Passing the Test) Wednesday mornings with open enrollment through May 17, 2023. Classes will meet from 9 to 10:30 a.m at 7046 Cold Harbor Road, Mechanicsville, VA 23111. For more information, contact the church office at (804) 746-5081 or contact Frank at wgbcinfo@comcast. net or (804) 402-7701. The classes are free but students are asked to purchase the books required for the class.
The Ashland Strawberry Faire’s annual membership meeting will be held at 10 a.m. at the Ashland Branch Library and will be followed by the Faire’s Board of Directors meeting at 10:30 a.m., which is also open to the public. For more information, cominfo@ashlandstrawberryfaire.emailorcall804-997-1946.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Ashland Campus, located at 11515 Ashcake Road in Ashland 2 miles west of U.S. 1, holds its church service at 5 p.m. with Pastor Rev. Dr. Roy Minnix. Visit or call 804270-9626.
Shady Grove United Methodist Church Women in Faith is hosting their annual Bazaar and Craft Show from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and is seeking vendors. To become a vendor, contact 804-543-9973, 804218-2072 or 804-370-0649 for more information. Deadline for acceptance is Oct. 1.
Saturday, Oct. 8
Enjoy a family-oriented festival for the Studley community to meet and have a good time. There will be local craft, food vendors, a bouncy house and hay rides to a pumpkin patch. A historical exhibit will be on display about the local history of Studley. Live music will also be provided and those who attend are invited to bring their own musical instrument and join the group!
The Hanover NAACP will host a Citizens Community meeting with Hanover County Sheriff Hines at the Mechanicsville Branch Library from 6 to 7 p.m. All are welcomed at this event to ask questions of Hines and to get a better understanding of law enforcement in Hanover.
a 9’x16’ space is $25. Vendors should contact Debbie Harris at to sign up or call the church office at tion11:30workshop“UnderstandingMechanicsville,AtleeChurch,Cool804-427-7500.SpringBaptistlocatedat9283StationRoadinishostinganDementia”from10a.m.toa.m.Formoreinforma-call804-789-5510.
The Hanover NAACP will host a Citizens Community meeting with Hanover County Sheriff Hines at the Montpelier Center from 6 to 7 p.m. All are welcomed at this event to ask questions of Hines and to get a better understanding of law enforcement in Hanover.
Friday, Sept. 23
Hanover Rotary meets from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at
Saturday, Sept. 24
On Wednesday, Nov. 9 at 1 p.m. the Electoral Board will hold the canvass meeting to ascertain

In-person absentee and vote by mail ballots are available beginning Sept. 23. You may request your vote by mail ballot or visit the Voter Registration and Elections Office in the Wickham Building at Hanover Courthouse from 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday – Friday. In addition, the office will be open on Sunday, Sept. 25 from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.; Saturday, Oct. 29 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.; and Saturday, Nov. 5 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. to cast an in-person absentee ballot. Curbside voting is available during early voting hours.
The first recruiting event will be held at Cool Spring Elementary School, located at 9964 Honey Meadows Road, on Sept. 28 from 6 to 7 Thep.m.second recruiting event will be held at Laurel Meadows Elementary School, located at 8248 Lee Davis Road, on Oct. 4 from 6 to 7 p.m.Ifyou have any questions or are unable to attend either of these recruiting events, email
Saturday, Nov. 5 is the last day to vote an inperson absentee ballot.
Friday, Oct. 28 is the final day you can request an absentee ballot by mail. Your request must be received by your General Registrar by 5 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 7 at 2 p.m. is the cut-off for voting an emergency-only absentee ballot in the Voter Registration and Elections Office.
Ballot drop off stations:
Your ballots can be dropped off beginning Friday, Sept. 23 through Tuesday, Nov. 8 until 7 p.m. These ballot drop off stations are located at the Wickham building of the Hanover County Government Complex and on Election Day in all polling locations.
The Hanover County Voter Registration and Elections Office is in the Wickham Building, Room 119, of the Hanover County Government Complex. The phone number is (804) 365-6080.
The Girl Scouts of the Commonwealth of Virginia invites all girls in grades K-12 to join them for fun, hands-on Girl Scout activities and to learn more about how to become a member of Girl Scouts.
Tuesday, Nov. 8 is Election Day. Polling locations will be open from 6 a.m. until 7 p.m. or call 804-7460590 x316.
Local Girl Scouts hosting recruiting events NowlocatedatMemorialRegionalMedicalCenter, 8266AtleeRd.,MOBII,Suite226,MechanicsvilleVA Call804-256-3020tomakeanappointment. ChandlerEyeCareSpecialistsPC D.AlanChandler,MD “PERSONALIZEDCAREFORYOUR EYESANDYOURVISION” VA’sLargestShow foroutdoorenthusiasts! seeyouthere! •225+Vendors •ProductDemos &Seminars •FunKids’Activities •LiveMusic •DeliciousFood •ShowSpecials •PrizeDrawings&more! rainor shine! justsomeofour2022 “don’tmiss” events... Experience Trailer admission& parkingfree forthe wholefamily! fun f 8am-6pm8am-5pm formore details scanthiscode orvisit:
The e-mail address is

Metro Creative Services

You can register to vote, update your information, and request an absentee ballot online at

Important dates for Nov. 8 General Election
Contributed Report The Local
Contributed Report The Local
the election results and to rule on Provisional ballots cast. Monday, Nov. 14 at 12 p.m. (noon) is the deadline to cure your absentee ballot.
For more information, visit the website,; visit the Facebook page, @comgirlscouts; or Instagram page, @girlscoutsofva.
The Hanover County Office of Voter Registration and Elections is committed to helping all eligible registered voters maintain the ability to cast a ballot in the upcoming Nov. 8, 2022, General Election.
Monday, Oct. 17 is the deadline to register or make changes to your voter registration in time for the General Election. Check your voter registration to make sure it is correct.
Girl Scouts are able to travel abroad with their troops; two-thirds of the women in Congress are Girl Scouts; there are two official campsites exclusively for Girl Scout use; activities to earn badges range from life skills to STEM adventures; and Girl Scouts gives girls the courage to fail and keep trying, tools to create an independent future, and the power to do good in the world.
Fun facts about becoming a Girl Scout:
The Electoral Board will reconvene on Monday, Nov. 14 at 1 p.m.

Information submitted by Tom Harris, communications specialist for Hanover County.
The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022 5

By Jim Ridolphi Contributing Columnist
For eight months following 9/11, that chapel stood as a place of rest and refuge for the multitude of ground zero
Duringpolicy.the Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting on May 11, 2022, Superintendent Dr. Gill gave a briefing on the status of the new school. He and Shawn Dowdy, the repre-
rated and he and members of our new country’s Congress worshiped in that very church.
Trivett carried listeners to what he found most inspiring of his venture, as his tour began in lower Manhattan at St. Paul’s Chapel. The chapel was built in 1776 and stands as the oldest surviving church building in Manhattan.
This chapel has since been transformed into a beacon of hope and remembrance, with an “avalanche” of photos, flowers, teddy bears, notes and more covering its metal fence. According to Trivett, they added 400 more fence points to that area that all stand covered with tributes – “tributes left to honor, to mourn and to encourage.”
Virginia and Queen Elizabeth II: A special relationship
Fax: (804) 344-8746 E-mail:
6 The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022 OPINION | The Local Views
While I was no older than an infant on this day, the remembrance of 9/11 has served as a solemn, painful memory since I could remember – whether from listening to accounts of the day by my parents who worked in Washington, D.C., hearing of family friends who lost a loved one or the weight of each name read aloud at Hanover County’s 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony earlier this month – a list of the fallen that seemed to never end.
21 years now, the country and world have paused for a day in September to honor the commitment to never forget. For many, that commitment is one that can never be waived, as the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, remains engrained in the hearts and minds of those who watched its atrocities unfold.
a story that called for the recollection of everything I knew about that painful day and those who lived it, but then asked us to look beyond all that was lost that day to cherish what was found.“As you listen to my comments, at the same time in the back of your mind, I’d like you to be reflecting a bit on what resilience means to you,” said Trivett.
“And survive it has,” Trivett said.
A large sycamore tree on the northwest corner of the chapel toppled from the debris and ash that rained from the skies on 9/11.“Though fallen, the sycamore’s canopy shielded St. Paul’s,” Trivett said. “Miraculously, not one of those old windows were broken – even when everything seemed to collapse to Earth.”
jockeyed for position to get a better view of royalty.
pg. 8
In 1776, the British captured the city and burned a quarter of it to the ground after winning the battle of Long Island. Despite this, 13 years later, George Washington was inaugu-
The rear of the chapel faces Church Street – less than 100 yards from the site of the World Trade Center.
As a young child, I had envisioned Jamestown as a developed national historical site with many attractions, but was sorely disappointed with the sparse surroundings along the James River.The highlight of the trip was the
LETTERS Reader Views
Send letters to: The Mechanicsville Local 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd. Mechanicsville, Va. 23116
From the
and Her Royal Highness seemed to have a genuine affection for the Commonwealth.Earlyinher tenure, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip visited Jamestown and Williamsburg to honor the 350th anniversary of the founding of the first English colony in the New World.According to reports, more than 25,000 Virginians welcomed the roy-
We got a brief glimpse of the queen and her husband as she greeted the throngs of visitors who waved and
As the community, first responders and leaders gathered on that beautiful, sunny morning of Friday, Sept. 9 to honor the fallen in a powerful way, there was one story shared by Ashland Mayor Steve Trivett that made an indelible impression. It was
© 2022 Richmond Suburban Newspapers. All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. CAC Audited Circulation: 31,156.
Phone – (804) 746-1235 Editor – (804) 212-6266 free – (877) 888-0449 Fax – (804) 344-8746
The Local welcomes your signed letters to the editor on topics of interest to Mechanicsville residents. Letters must include your address and a daytime telephone number. We reserve the right to edit letters. We do not guarantee that every letter received will be published. Letters reflect the opinions and positions of the writers and not The Mechanicsville Local.
Editorial & Business Office and Mailing Address: 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd. Mechanicsville, VA 23116
He recounted the day he toured the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City last month, adorned with “plantings, stones, artifacts – everything all together moving, solemn and inspiring.”
als to the newly formed Jamestown Festival Park.
As a 7-year-old, I had little appreciation for the importance of the visit, but I could sense a special feeling of excitement as my father and mother loaded us into our old Plymouth for the ride to Jamestown.
Dear Editor, This letter is to comment on and to offer guidance to the Hanover School Board in the naming of the new elementary school that will replace Clay and Gandy elementary schools. First and most importantly, it is the school board`s stated policy that new schools will not be named after persons. Therefore, I offer my comments and suggestion for naming this new school.This new facility is not a facelift or modernization of an existing facility; it is a new school. Therefore to continue the use of any existing name for this new facility violates existing school board
Queen Elizabeth II visited more than 117 countries during her 70-year reign as England’s monarch. Due to the immense demands on her time, a return visit to any of those destinations wasVirginiaunusual.was fortunate to host the queen on three separate occasions,
see VIRGINIA, pg. 20
Remembering the fallen sycamore that saved the chapel on 9/11
see LETTERS pg. 8
Publisher Joy Monopoli Managing Editor Laura McFarland Editor Christina Amano Production Manager Denine D’Angelo Sports Editor David Lawrence Sales Representative Tom Haynie Classifieds Cindy Adams
By Christina Amano Dolan Editor
Students interested in applying for the HYSC should review the application and Hanover County HYSC Bylaws on the County’s website. The application and bylaws can be found at: under the Department of Community Resources; Youth Service Updates tabs. The direct link is:,HYSCviaemailatmtlindsay@hanover-orcall804-365-4180.ThedeadlinetoapplicationsisFriday,Oct.7.
Continued from pg. 4
members must be able to balance their current obligations with the responsibilities that come with being a council member. Members are expected to attend monthly meetings and participate in at least 50 hours of community service each year. Meetings are scheduled the first Monday of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Projects will vary each month. Members are highly encouraged to develop and lead their own service projects. Prior volunteer or leadership experience is not a requirement.

The Mechanicsville Local
Roma’s Restaurant at 7240 Bell Creek Rd. in Mechanicsville. Due to the pandemic, contact President Penny at for current meeting at Roma’s or
Report all exposures to animals (usually bites and scratches) to your doctor and the local healthEnjoydepartment.wildlife from a distance – do not feed or encourage wild animals such as raccoons, skunks, or foxes to visit your premises.
Potential exposures to a rabid animal include bites, scratches or contact with saliva by open wound or eyes, nose and/or mouth. Anyone having information regarding any exposure to this animal in the days leading up to Sept.10, 2022, should contact the Hanover Health
Department at (804) 365-4313. Exposures also include direct contact between your pet and the rabid animal. After hours, contact the Hanover County Animal Control at (804) 365-6140.
see CALENDAR, pg. 10
New members for the Hanover Youth Service Council are being sought
Rabies is a fatal but preventable disease carried by mammals that is endemic to the area.
Information submitted by Tom Harris, communications specialist for Hanover County.
The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022 7 Call 1-800-485-1013 orvisit foryourfreebrochure. AveryPointhasitall—stylishapartmenthomes, resort-styleamenities,andhealthandwell-being services.We’reintheideallocation,closeto shopping,dining,andentertainment. ShortPump AveryPointIs OpeningThisFall! SHORTPUMP’SNEWEST SENIORLIVINGCOMMUNITY 426404_ML
Contributed Report
Rising eighth grade through 11th grade students who live in Hanover and/or attend a Hanover school are eligible. Youth representatives from each middle and high school are encouraged to apply. In addition, HYSC would like to see community representatives apply from private and home school programs. Their goal is to engage youth from the entire county with diverse experiences and backgrounds.Serving on HYSC is a time commitment, and
The Mechanicsville Local
Contributed Report
The Hanover Youth Service Council (HYSC) is currently seeking members for its 2022-2023 membership term. The Hanover Youth Service Council is a youth-led service organization that strives to make a difference in the greater Hanover community. The council is sponsored by Hanover County’s Department of Community Resources. The goal of the program is to bring together students from throughout Hanover County who demonstrate a strong commitment to the values of leadership and community service.
The District would like to remind all citizens to follow these three important rabies prevention guidelines:Vaccinate your pets.
Raccoon tests positive for rabies virus
Steve Dunham at 804-4966093 or sandrdunham@yahoo. com.Overcomers Outreach & Women’s Codependency is a Christ-centered anonymous support program offering hope and healing for recovering
The Chickahominy Health District would like to notify the residents in the areas located near Honey Meadows and Deer Run Subdivisions between Tazwell Green Drive and Deer Stream Drive, off Atlee Station Road, that a raccoon has tested positive for the rabies virus. The raccoon is deceased.
The Ashland Rotary Club meets weekly at noon at the Iron Horse Restaurant at 100 S. Railroad Ave. in Ashland. For more information, contact
Zoom connection information.
Continued from pg. 3
If you have questions or want to report your information, email or call 804-365-6263. It is a 24/7 septic voicemail line.
Information submitted by Tom Harris, communications specialist for Hanover County.

Contributed Report
8 The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022 Continued from pg. 6 LETTERS Forsubscriptioninformation ordeliveryquestionscontact: MichelleWall 804-775-2711 8460TimesDispatchBlvd., Mechanicsville,VA23116 HYLTON’STRANSMISSIONSERVICE Automatic*Standard*Clutches *Rebuild*Repair*Exchanges LocatedinMechanicsville,VASince1992 804-730-0001 Weworkwith4different companiestofindthelowest insurancerateforyou. Call804.737.8498today forafreequote. StevePowersInsuranceAgency Auto • Home • Life representing Wedotheshopping. Youdothesavings. 630257-01
Continued from pg. 6
Additional(RMA). information about the CBPA and an FAQ about the septic tank

school board to choose which policies to follow and which to ignore is not good governance, it is indefensible and it reeks of hypocrisy.Inkeeping with the current naming protocol, I suggest that the new facility be named Ashland Elementary School. That name should offend no one and would recognize the community that it serves – like a number of other similarlylocated schools.
County offers updated information on septic systems
empty after evacuation, the image of congressmen and senators joining hands to sing “God Bless America” was the evening’s chapel of the fallen sycamore tree, and it is an image that my parents will never forget.
Pumping your septic system is not mandatory if you are outside of a CBPA; however, pumping and inspecting your septic system may extend its life.
was reported in the 7200th block of Brandy Branch Mill Road, IssuingMechanicsville.badchecks,$200 more was reported in the 9100th block of Ivy Springs Place, BreakingMechanicsville.andentering into an occupied house to commit a misdemeanor was reported in the 7100th block of Sunset

ty schools and will pay for this new construction. Your voice counts. I urge you to weigh in on the naming of this new school. School Board members’ emails and phone numbers are found on the Hanover County Public Schools website. Contact them and remind them of the naming policy. Ask them to approve a name for this new elementary school that honors the entire community that it serves.AllenHanoverBurnetteCounty
If you wish to avoid pumping out your septic tank, a sewage handler can inspect the system and certify it does not need to be pumped. You can also install a Virginia Department of Health (VDH) approved plastic filter. Plastic filters require ongoing maintenance. Contact the Virginia Department of Health for more information about these filters.
united American resilience won that war,” he added. “That little chapel has been a witness to resilience across the years again and again. And the sycamore’s resilience, even in falling, it Trivett’sserved.”powerful words invited a swarm of images of this resilience – ones that have shaped my understanding of that day throughout my life. The resilience of the first responders who climbed thousands of stairs to never again make it back home. The resilience of those who watched as the skies were swallowed by ash and returned to work just days later. The resilience of those who, stuck in their cars on the highway next to
tank was pumped out or inspected. You will also need to confirm that your drain field is not located in the CBPA or alternatively, that your system has an approved plastic filter.
The resilience of those who resolved to hope again – to look at that toppled sycamore tree and see the chapel tucked safely beneath its canopy, offering the very image of resilience that has coursed through this country’s veins since the very beginning.Evenas the Pentagon’s smoke lingered in the air and the Capitol’s streets stood
pump-out program can be read on the County’s website at: www.hanovercounty. gov under the Department of Public Works > Areas of Responsibility.
To my fellow Hanoverians: Your tax dollars fund the coun-

So I invite you to recall what images of resilience appear when looking toward this painful day, and to look at these powerful displays of resilience as inspiration to strengthen your own.
State law requires septic tanks located in the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas (CBPA) be pumped out at least once every five years. The Department of Public Works monitors compliance of these state requirements for Hanover County. The program requires reporting updated information about your septic tank to the county. The Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area (CBPA) also includes Resource Protection Areas (RPA) and Resource Management Areas
To comply with requirements, you will need to provide the county with your name, address and the date your septic
To even suggest that the new facility is a continuation of the existing Gandy facility is disingenuous at best. While the new school is sited on the existing site of the Gandy school, it replaces the academic structure in size, capacity, footprint and appearance.
“Resilience – is it only about individual strength, strategy or endurance? I had previously thought that,” he said. “And yes, we all do need resilience within, but beyond that resilience within there is so much“Considermore.”in 1776: Yes, the British won that battle, but
recovery workers. Firefighters, police officers, rescue and construction workers gathered at St. Paul’s for food, rest, comfort and prayer along with volunteers from “all walks of life doing what they could to help shoulder, with all of us, the weight of it all,” he said.
When the new structure replacing the Clay and Gandy elementary schools is dedicated, I request that the existing school board policy prohibiting the naming of schools after people be respected. For a

More powerfully, picture that fallen sycamore tree and remember how even in the face of painful loss, there is always hope to be found in that little chapel that still stands today.
my father as smoke from the Pentagon bled into the skies, ran from their cars down to make it home to their families. The resilience of the country as, in the aftermath of such atrocities, neighbors held the hands of neighbors and republicans held the hands of democrats along the Capitol steps.
sentative for the engineering firm, Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates, repeatedly referred to it as a “new” school no less than nine times. Even the minutes of the BOS recognize this new facility as being a new school. In fact, there is explicit recognition that this facility is a new school; the visual presentation made at the meeting was titled “Hanover County Public Schools New Elementary School.”
The Local
Ikenberry moved to pause the work of CEAB pending additional deliberations by the school board to determine how to best serve the needs of all students. The motion carried with unanimous approval.
White is the pastor of Providence Baptist Church in Aylett and co-author and copublisher of “Eastern Hanover County Churches, Schools, & Organizations: A Brief History from A Black Perspective,” which was written in 1985 with
in response to the COVID19 pandemic. After receiving positive feedback from participants and the libraries, the Hanover County Black Heritage Society entered into another partnership with the
“The idea of equity is trying to restore that balance, where we look to people and we say instead, ‘Yeah, I’d trade because it doesn’t determine where my child will go,” Berdan added. “It doesn’t determine which doors are open to them, which people smile or turn away, or who slanders them at school board
“And yeah, that’s not real-
School board members Steven Ikenberry, representative of the Cold Harbor District, and Bob May, vice chair and representative of the South Anna District, brought forth CEAB
Berdan said equity is summarized by the question of asking any parent of a straight, white, well-off student, “Would you allow or want your child to be treated like a black student, poor student, gay student, trans student? Would you want people to look at them the way they look at those students? Would you like them to have the opportunities those students have and nothing more?”
guidance,” May said.
For more information on CEAB, visit the
for discussion in last week’s meeting as liaisons of the committee. From working closely with the committee, Ikenberry and May identified a need for restructuring in order to achieve the committee’s goals.
ly representative of Hanover County. But when you think about it, where else in HCPS does the board have access to a group of volunteer parents from different groups… backgrounds, different races, different religions, immigrant status, languages?” Neumann said. “That’s what CEAB actually was meant to be.”
He clarified that the proposed “pause” to CEAB’s operations will be as brief as possible. He said he and May will
ceptions, questions, controversy… especially the concept of equity.”Berdan clarified his definition of equity, which is not a specific political agenda or movement but a “simple downhome concept” like kindness, decency, liberty and freedom. He additionally clarified that equity does not mean “flat equality” and is a different word entirely.
Continued from pg. 1 HERITAGE Continued from pg. 1 SCHOOL see HERITAGE pg. 11 WEWANTTOBEYOURPLUMBER 746-5853 804-270-0330 OfficesinMechanicsville, InnsbrookandMidlothian SpecialistsInFamilyEyeCare

Ikenberry highlighted how the school board adopted CEAB from the superintendent’s committees around 18 months ago and has had little to no structural change, which has had a negative effect on CEAB’s efficiency and functionality, he Ikenberrysaid.suggested a restructuring to the committee in order to establish a more productive relationship with the school board.
matters.”During the Sept. 13 meeting, several citizen speakers voiced their opposition to the committee, including Jack Dyer of the Beaverdam District, who said the advisory board “has been problematic” since the beginning.
Alicia Neumann, the former chairperson of the Community Equity Advisory Board, speaks on behalf of the committee during the public input portion of the Sept. 13 meeting.
Dyer and others labeled the advisory board as misrepresenting a “majority of Hanover County,” which Dyer said is comprised of citizens with “conservative values and principles” that “define equity in real life terms as being a product of seizing opportunity and working hard to achieve equity… and rejects teaching applications of socialism in our schools or into our “Thelives.”word equity is the key word, which defines what the left wants to do and what its goals are,” said Charlie Hogue of the Ashland District. “Instead of equity meaning being fair and impartial, the left now defines it as the government treating people differently in order to achieve equal“Equityresults.” in education means the death of exceptionalism,” Hogue added. “Please abolish the Community Equity Advisory Board.”
Aliciameetings.’”Neumann, the former chairperson of CEAB, said the committee has been made up of administrators, hard-working parents, business owners and faith leaders in the community and parents of children in the school district. She said a majority of the committee’s members have been people of color.
Kiri Berdan, a resident of Beaverdam and recentlyappointed CEAB member, said the committee “has been the subject of a lot of miscon-
She additionally said there has been a lack of engagement with the committee by the school board and was unaware that CEAB was a topic of discussion at last week’s meeting.
Photos by Christina Amano Dolan/The Local Cold Harbor representative Steven Ikenberry and South Anna representative Bob May, liaisons of the Community Equity Advisory Board, discuss the committee’s need for reorganization.
Last week’s presentation was an encore of the series’ first installation, “Early AfricanAmerican Schools in Hanover County,” and was hosted at the
cies and practices surrounding equity, inclusion and access in both internal and external
engage with existing CEAB members prior to or during the school board’s Oct. 21 fall work session to bring forth a solution. The board will likely workshop the matter further during the same work session.
Citizen Mark Kyllingstad voices his opposition to the school board’s Community Equity Advisory Board during the public input portion of the Sept. 13 meeting.

Neumann said she made an effort as chair to organize the meetings so that they could accomplish more work more efficiently, establish bylaws to develop a “fair and impartial” way to judge applicants who sign up for the committee, and engage with May and Ikenberry as frequently as possible.
May echoed Ikenberry’s suggestions, mentioning how the school board did not receive an annual report or recommendation from CEAB this year along with the school board’s other advisory committees.

Pamunkey Regional Library to present a full slate of robust presentations throughout September and October.
“We need to consider putting a pause and wait for now to give us an opportunity to … figure out exactly what we want to do and give some
Atlee Branch Library on the evening of Sept. 7. The featured speakers of the evening were the Rev. Dr. Evans C. White Jr. and Harold Stills Sr. who shared first-hand oral histories and perspectives from their extensive history within the county’s school system.
The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022 9

help us run the Faire, and – as a bonus –we are a fun group of people!" said board member Dani Stockwell.
more information, call 804366-6524 or email mjfaith1@
Christian Life Center (CLC) starting at 7:30 PM. The church is located at 9200 New Ashcake Road in Mechanicsville. Use the side back entrance to enter. Contact Jeff Fitzgerald at with anyCivilquestions.AirPatrol, Hanover
There are many volunteer opportunities available, including vendor registration, vendor check-in, food and booth judges, grounds set-up, Kid Zone helpers, clean-up and more.
Next year’s Faire is scheduled for Saturday, June 3, 2023, on the campus of Randolph-Macon College.
GREINER, Susan Burnette, 74, of Mechanicsville, passed away Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022. She was retired from the DMV. Survivors include her husband, Robert Greiner; sister, Beverly Benson (Bobby); numerous nieces and nephews and her loving and caring neighbors.The famiy will receive friends from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2022 at Affinity Funeral

Proceeds from the Faire go back to the community in the form of nonprofit support and scholarships for Hanover County Public Schools, the Hanover Center for Trades and Technology, and Randolph-Macon College.
10 The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022
ed. Interment will be private. Email any photos to share at her service to: chelrieevans@ In lieu of flowers, Winnie asked that donations be made in her honor to the scholarship fund created in her father’s memory. Donate online at www.chesapeake. edu/donate (Designation is the John E. “Bunny” Mears Scholarship Fund, In Tribute of Winnie Mears Southworth); checks made out to the Chesapeake College Foundation with the memo: “John E. ‘Bunny’ Mears,” and put a note in the envelope letting them know it’s in her memory. Mail to Chesapeake College Foundation, P.O. Box 8, Wye Mills, Md. 21679. An online guestbook is available at https:// obituaries/winniemears- southworth/. Notices &
Funerals see CALENDAR, pg. 25
This year is the 41st Anniversary of the Ashland Strawberry Faire, and the Faire Committee is recruiting more volunteers.“The heartbeat of the Faire is our volunteers, and we can always use more people to help us,” said Sharon Chidsey, president of the Ashland Strawberry Faire Board of Directors.
The Faire supports local nonprofits by reducing their booth fees and offering these groups an opportunity to raise funds. In addition, nonprofit groups who help run the Faire receive funds through a “Grants for Work” program.
Service Mechanicsville Chapel, 8074 Mechanicsville Turnpike, Mechanicsville, Va. 23111.
The Faire is a nonprofit organization working in partnership with the Kiwanis Club of Ashland.
Squadron, meets Thursdays, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fairfield Presbyterian Church,
For more information, email info@ or call 804997-1946.
A graveside service will follow at 3 p.m. at Forest Lawn Cemetery, Richmond, Va. Online guestbook is available at andingand(Jenna);Allanson(Nancy);herBarbaraFrankElsieband,precededaway83,,NormaPoole,ofMechanicsville,passedonSept.12,2022.Shewasindeathbyherhus-JamesMcManus;parents,andMikeWehr;brother,Jr.;sisters,FayCridlinandLee.Sheissurvivedbyson,WilliamNealAllansongrandchildren,MelissaandJaceAllansonandnumerousniecesnephews.Normawasalov-wife,mother,grandmotherfriend.Shelovedflowers,
McMANUSSOUTHWORTH –Whypre-planyourfuneral?–Peaceofmind: pre-planningtakestheburdenofmaking importantdecisionsoffofyourlovedonesduringadifficulttime. –Whypre-payyourfuneral?–Financialassurance: pre-paymentofyourfuneralthrough BennettFuneralHomewillrenderthecostsassociatedwithyour finalexpensesinflationproof. –WhyBennettfuneralhome?–Longevity: BennettFuneralHomehasbeenlocallyownedand operatedsince1897.Foroveracentury,Richmondershaveturned touswithtrustandconfidenceintheirtimeofneed. Forafree,noobligationconsultation, calloneofourfourconvenientlocations: Servingallfaithssince1897 CharlesD.Morehead,president Central 3215CutshawAve 359-4481 Mechanicsville 8014LeeDavisRd 746-8665 West 11020WestBroadSt 270-6321 Chesterfield (OffWinterpockRoad) 14301AshbrookPkwy 639-4975 Ashland Strawberry Faire is recruiting volunteers for 2023 Contributed Report The Local Continued from pg. 7 CALENDAR

Baptist Church hosts open basketball gym time for adults in the
"We can use many different skills to
SOUTHWORTH, Winnie Mears, died peacefully at her home in Mechanicsville, Va., on Sept. 9, 2022, at 78 years old. Winnie always provided love and support to her family and friends. Throughout her life, she advocated for the rights of people with disabilities. She sprinkled kindness and laughter wherever she went. Survivors include Richard Southworth (spouse); Teresa Parr (daughter); Mark Southworth (son); Michelle

gardening, her pets and spending time with her friends with a glass of wine. She was a longtime member of Redeemer Catholic Church. The family received friends from 9 to 10 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 17, at the Mechanicsville Chapel of the Bennett Funeral Home, 8014 Lee Davis Rd., where a service was held at 10 a.m. Interment followed in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Online condolences may be registered at
Evans (daughter); Julian Parr (son-in-law); Emma Parr (grandchild); Daniel Parr (grandchild); Rachel Parr (grandchild); Rhiannon Lutz; Charlotte Cain (sister); Buster Mears (brother); and Phyllis Boone (sister). She was preceded in death by John “Bunny” Mears (father); Mae Ellen Brown Mears (mother); and Ellen Welch (sister). Winnie is from Centerville, Md. Her biological mother died when she was young. She grew up in the home of Verna Crowl (aunt) James Crowl (uncle) and Jane Milliken (cousin). She maintained close relationships with her biological father and his second wife, Barbara Mears and her siblings. A Celebration of Life will be held at 11 a.m. on Oct. 8 at Grayhaven Winery in Goochland, Va. Casual, nice and colorful attire is suggest-
alcoholics, addicts and their families. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. at Shalom Baptist Church at 8116 Walnut Grove Road Mechanicsville. For
The annual membership meeting is on Friday, Sept. 23 at 10 a.m. at the Ashland Branch Library and will be followed by the board of directors meeting at 10:30 a.m., which is also open to the public.Since 1982, this nonprofit community festival has brought people of all ages to play, enjoy strawberries, visit friends, listen to music, see animals and shop for unique items and special treats - rain or shine. Best of all, the Faire is free.
myself and my wife to pull this information together.”
Despite these restrictions, he highlighted how the teachers within the schools brought quality education to their students.Displaying a photograph of the newly-built John M Gandy School that White himself attended in childhood, he looked to the audience and said he recognized fellow classmates among the crowd.
“And you matriculated well, and you esteem yourself, and you demonstrate your proficiency and your ability to… be more than what somebody else thought you would never be,” WhiteThesaid.Hanover schools for black students were comprised of a single teacher who taught several grades, subjects and even generations, White said. He additionally described how
He shared an April 1950 newspaper report on the selection of the name “John M Gandy” for a new high school for black children. The then-Hanover County Board of Supervisors went on record to abandon public schools if integration was enforced in the county, he said.
the help of his wife, Rose B. White.White shared his years of extensive research in compiling the novel and overall inspiration behind the written work, which was rooted in his own experiences of growing up in the“Mycounty.aimtonight is not to bash heads or to rehash old memories just to stir up anger and resentment and ill feelings, but it’s to… give some insights on the experiences that I encountered, that I have matriculated through the education system here in Hanover County,” he said.
“As I’m looking at the audience tonight, you all are of the age bracket that you can remember some of these types of things in your own personal life and in your own community,” White said. “These are the type of things that inspired
White shared other newspaper clippings and photographs of segregated schools throughout time, such as a 1930s photograph of the original Pole Green School and its modest student body, which included a few of White’s family members. He pointed out that every child pictured was barefoot.Hementioned other challenging conditions that he similarly faced as a young student, including how he and others used any schoolbooks they could find, which were often “hand me downs at best.”
“The teachers were respected by everyone,” he said. “The teaching profession was, and I hope it still is, an honorable institution that people want to get involved with to better their offspring in their own community.”Stills offered a different perspective to attendees from his own childhood limitations as a black student in Hanover schools.“You will also hear me talk about a way of life that was introduced to me in the home, and that was to comply and conform,” he said.
Christina Amano Dolan/The Local Dr. Evans C. White Jr., pastor of Providence Baptist Church in Aylett and co-author and co-publisher of “Eastern Hanover County Churches, Schools, & Organizations: A Brief History from A Black Perspective,” gives a presentation on his book to attendees.
see HERITAGE, pg. 13
classrooms operated under a stricter regime, including daily personal hygiene inspections conducted by teachers.
The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022 11
CompleteTraditionalFuneralService withBasicCasket Startingat $3,995**PlusTax CremationPackages Startingat$1,295 MemorialService&CremationPackage Startingat$1,995 REMOTEARRANGEMENTSAVAILABLE FAMILYOWNED&OPERATED INCREASINGLYPREFERRED MEMORIESAREFOREVER Theservicesand facilities youdeserve ataprice thatmakessense. ServingtheRichmondMetroAreaand SurroundingCounties FromTwoConvenientLocations 2720EnterpriseParkwayRichmond,VA 8074 MechanicsvilleTurnpike MechanicsvilleVA 804-477-3136• Continued from pg. 9 HERITAGE

He said he and Rose were inspired to share stories of those who lived through the county’s history through studying the evolution of its school system.

Attendees filter into the Hanover County Black Heritage Society featured presentation on Sept. 14 titled “Early African-American Schools in Hanover County” at the Atlee Branch Library.

Stills said he began school in the 1950s and recalled when
Christina Amano Dolan/The Local
This book club favorite was the 2020 winner of the American Fiction Award in the coming of age category, a finalist for the 2021 Eric Hoffer Award, and a finalist for the 2021 Montaigne Medal for thoughtprovoking books.
Continued from pg. 2
see LUTRON, pg. 14
Thank you for Your patience when I’ve had a time with doubt, Just seemed no matter how I tried That nothing would work out. Then, Lord, I’ve found that you were there
vodcast "Growing Up Bookish." She is a member of James River Writers and the Women's Fiction Writers Association. For more information, check out her website at:
Then, Lord, there were those trying times, When my world fell apart, Your calm and precious presence
Books, Beads & More presents book signing with Mary Helen Sheriff
Loved ones and friends wished Gladys Throckmorton a happy birthday and congratulations on her 90th birthday on Saturday, Sept. 17. Throckmorton has been a Mechanicsville resident since 1969.In honor of her birthday, Throckmorton offered a clipping of one of her favorite poems that she read aloud in church years ago. The author of the poem, Martha Marsh, was in contact with Throckmorton for years.
Mary Helen Sheriff will be signing copies of her women’s fiction, “Boop and Eve’s Road Trip.”
Merrick. “The Commonwealth of Virginia is proud to support the company’s expansion and strengthen our long-term corporate“Wepartnership.”lookforward to continuing our relationship with the Hanover County community and further supporting our global customers with increased manufacturing capacity,” said Lutron President Ed Blair.
Books, Beads & More will host a book signing at 8106 Mechanicsville Turnpike on Saturday, Sept. 24 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. featuring local author Mary HelenSheriffSheriff.will be signing copies of her women’s fiction, “Boop and Eve’s Road Trip.” The novel released in October of 2020 to rave reviews.
A former teacher, Sheriff lives in Henrico County. She serves as an author, marketing coach, the CEO of Bookish Road Trip, a blogger, and the host of the

So I’ll just say Thank You again, That’s ‘bout all I can do, No matter how I’d try to pay I’m still in debt to You.”
“I am thrilled by the fantastic news of Lutron Electronics’
And for the tough spots too. ‘Cause in the valleys I have learned I can count on you.
The Mechanicsville Local

But I just could not see, How you were working through it all To show Your will to me.
“Lutron has been a fixture here in Hanover County, Virginia for many years. It is exciting to see them invest in a manufacturing facility in our industrial park along Lakeridge Parkway and to have quality jobs created for the citizens of Hanover County and the Greater Richmond Region,” said Faye Prichard, Ashland District Representative
Kirkus Reviews declares “Boop and Eve’s Road” a “heartwarming trek through the South as grandmother and granddaughter uncover secrets held for generations as well as confront family issues, all while having a little fun . . ."

In addition to hosting local authors, Books, Beads & More stocks quality used books, music and videos. It also carries a beautiful selection of hand crafted jewelry by Kelly Hagan and offers other arts and crafts by local artisans.
Contributed photo
“Now, Lord, I just came here to talk with you About some things today. Don’t have a special problem, but, Just thought I’d stop and say How very much I love you, Lord You have been so good to me. How many times You have made a way, When I, no way could see. How many times you have held me up When it seemed I would fall. You seemed to always be right there To hear me when I call.
I’ve thanked you – oh, so many times I’m free from inbred sin, And though the battles come to me, No turmoil is within. And thanks, Lord for the “Mountain tops”,
technology in the 21st century, developing innovative products that save energy and set the company apart from its competitors,” said Youngkin. “We are proud that Lutron is growing its presence in Hanover County with a new manufacturing operation and creating 200 high-quality jobs that will boost Virginia’s economy and our robust manufacturing sector.”“AsLutron Electronics expands its domestic and global reach, a Hanover County manufacturing location offers the strategic location, infrastructure and workforce needed to accommodate continued growth,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Caren
Contributed Report The Mechanicsville Local
Contributed Report
Brought assurance to my heart. Lord, I could go just on and on, And thank You o’er and o’er, No matter how long I would be, There always would be more.
for the Hanover County Board of Supervisors. “Due to our favorable business climate and low cost to do business, we continue to see significant growth in the cultivation of our existing businesses, which we recognize are the backbone of our“Lutron’scommunity.”nearly $30-million investment into a new manufacturing center is amazing news for Hanover County and Virginia,” said Senator Ryan McDougle. “Lutron’s investment in Hanover is testament to the pro-business environment our county and state have worked so hard to create. We owe thanks to Lutron for this expanded commitment, which will bring 200 new jobs to Hanover.”
12 The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022 | CelebrationsBusinessEducation&Community
Just want to thank you, Lord, again For saving me from sin, For helping me to know for sure Your Presence dwells within. For leading and directing me And helping me to see That I should still go farther on And sanctified must be.
in Brock Commons, located at 304 Henry Street, Ashland, on the Randolph-Macon College campus. It is free and open to the public.
Photo courtesy of Ashland Garden Club Students participate in Ashland Garden Club’s Roots & Shoots conservation program at Henry Clay Elementary School.

The Hanover Tavern presents 7th annual Hanover AutumnFest
The fall season kicks off on Saturday, Sept. 24 with the seventh annual Hanover AutumnFest presented by Anton AutumnFestPaar. is the Hanover Tavern Foundation’s signature community event of the year. The tavern grounds become the backdrop for a day of food, family fun and live music from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
| Also serving the communities of Montpelier, Beaverdam, Rockville and Doswell
“So that is why I was very careful of the role I played, because I didn’t want to besmirch my entire
see OFFICERS pg. 25
Continued from pg. 11
see HERITAGE, pg. 21
Photo courtesy of Erin Schrad of VACP
On Sept. 13, VACP presented the 19 Virginia law enforcement officers and one K-9 from Arlington County, Ashland, Big Stone Gap, Bridgewater College, Colonial Heights, Covington, Marion, Martinsville, Norton, Roanoke, and Virginia State Police agencies with the association’s highest honor: the Award for Valor. The awards were presented during the VACP Awards Banquet at the 97th Annual VACP Conference held at the
Hotel Roanoke in Roanoke, Virginia.TheAward for Valor recognizes a law enforcement officer who, in the line of duty, performs an act of extraordinary heroism while engaged with an adversary at imminent personal risk.
To open the exhibition, Miriam Green will profile Mary Beirne, daffodil specialist and the first Ashland Garden Club president, on Thursday, Sept. 22 at 7 p.m. Beirne lived at Rhodeen on North Center Street in Ashland and cultivated daffodils on her 14-acre property. This HistoryTalk will be in the SunTrust Theater
For information on these and other events, contact the Ashland Museum by emailing, calling 804-3687314, or visiting the website, ashlandmuseum. org.
Contributed Report The Local
“In life, you have to strike the right balance between the job that you do and the role that you play,” he said. “And I will admit that there have been times in my career that I was so busy playing the role that I perhaps neglected to do the job that I could very well have done. But there is a reason for that.”
He said he recognized at an early age that when “a black person will do… a bad thing, he takes the entire race, but a white person can do something bad and he is an anomaly.”
local craft beer and wine, live music by the Anvil Brothers and Coleman & Fuller, as well as games and activities for the kids. Children’s activities include pumpkin decorating, petting zoo, hay slide, face painting, outdoor scavenger hunt, magic show and kids' crafts. Admission is free and open to the Proceedspublic.from this event benefit Hanover Tavern Foundation with a mission to preserve, interpret and utilize Historic Hanover Tavern as an historic, educational, community and cultural resource center for the enjoyment of all.
Two Ashland Police Department (APD) officers were among 19 Virginia law enforcement officers and one K-9 that received the 2022 Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police & Foundation (VACP) Awards for Valor.

This week the Ashland Museum welcomes the arrival of fall with an exhibition celebrating the Ashland Garden Club’s 100 years of stimulating the knowledge and love of gardening among amateurs. For Ashland’s Fourth Friday on Sept. 23, the club’s civic landscaping, conservation education and Historic Garden Week in Virginia work will be highlighted. It will be on display at the Ashland Museum, located at 105 Hanover Avenue, Ashland, through January 2023 and will also feature special flower arrangements.
The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022 13
The Local
Police Department hold their 2022 VACP Awards for Valor at the 97th Annual VACP Conference.
there was a single desk per classroom.“If you get that desk early in the morning, when you went to recess and you came back, everything had been moved, and you no longer had that desk,” he said. “That’s how things were.”
He spoke of his journey to becoming a Hanover County educator, assistant principal and administrator in human resources, and how he learned a powerful lesson in realizing his role as an educator within a changed cultural setting.Stills said he was the first black faculty member at Mechanicsville High School, which was named Lee-Davis at the time, and after five years of teaching, was eventually promoted to the position of assistant principal. Aiming to teach the same principles of compliance and conformity that guided his education, he saw a pushback from black students. After meeting with them to establish a solution, the students taught him the necessity of “moving the Stillsneedle.”saw this necessity throughout his career while facing similar roadblocks as those in his childhood. He shared how he came to “move the needle” away from his teachings of compliance and conformity and began fighting for change, mentioning several quotes that he developed over the course of his long career.
Ashland officers receive state recognition
Contributed Report The Local
On Wednesday, Sept. 21, the Hanover County Black Heritage Society with the Pamunkey Regional Library and the Museum will offer a program “Genealogy 101: An Introduction to African-American Genealogy” presented by Bessida Cauthorne White, Esq. This program will be at the Ashland Library at 7 p.m. and is free and open to the public.
Lt. Grant Bonistalli and Officer Jennifer Beyers of the Ashland
The event features onsite smoked pork, turkey and beef brisket, Brunswick stew, side dishes and fresh pies from Hanover Tavern's restaurant. In addition, there is
Staff Report
Also in the coming week, the museum will offer a guided walking tour of historic Woodland Cemetery on Tuesday, Sept. 27 at 6 p.m. Details and reservations are at
The Ashland Museum transitions into fall with flowers
forms of Duringmisconduct.theAug.24 board of supervisors meeting, supervisors entered into a closed session to discuss the removal of appointed public officers. Chair Angela Kelly-Wiecek then requested that Hanover County Attorney Dennis Walter present a detailed overview of the process in last week’s open session, which took place on Sept. 14.
“While I mentioned up front that five to 10 days is what state code provides, I have not seen any cases where the trial happened five to 10 days later,” Walter said. After reaching out to the circuit court recently, he found that it would take approximately three to six months before a two-day jury trial could be conducted, he said.
Once the petition is filed with the circuit court, the court would issue a ruling requiring the officer to show cause why he or she should not be removed from office.
He outlined other procedural issues with the removal process, mentioning how most cases of removal proceedings are unsuccessful, which is typically due to some procedural defect, insufficient evidence of misconduct or because the official in question decides to resign.Courts in Virginia follow the “clear and convincing” standard of proof in these cases, he said.
14 The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022
Hunter-Jordan suggested that Axselle did not issue the same treatment to other speakers who spoke off-topic during the meeting, as Kersey was the only citizen removed from the board
Continued from pg. 1
“Weroom.would like to have that addressed so that we can have a consistent way of communicating with all of the representatives of Hanover County,” Hunter-Jordan said.
The Local reached out to Kelly-Wiecek for a comment on the next steps in the process if the board moves forward with the investigation. She had not responded at press time.
Walter said the board is still receiving information on the allegations but should consider a number of factors concerning the conduct of school board meetings, including if the rules are being applied in a “viewpoint neutral standard,” if a school board member makes comments based on whether or not they agree with the citizen speaker, if conduct has discouraged public comment and if it has a “chilling effect” on certain viewpoints.

“The officer must have done something that constitutes either neglect of duty, misuse of office or incompetence in the performance of duties, and that neglect of duty, misuse of office or incompetence has to have a material adverse effect upon the conduct of office,” he said.
the board room during the public input portion of the meeting. Kersey, who spoke in opposition of the Hanover Patriots group in attendance, was cut off by Axselle, who stated that she must speak of the policy in question before she was eventually escorted out of the room by security.
The next Hanover Board of Supervisors meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 28.
which is why maintaining our positive business climate is so very important. Thank you, Lutron Electronics, for choosing Hanover County!”
“It’s more than just you have a little bit more evidence, but it isn’t beyond a reasonable doubt,” he said. “It has to be convincing.”
“The allegations basically here are that a school board member disclosed personal information about a student or student records without that student’s consent. That disclosure violates the provisions of FERPA,” he said. He added that allegations include the use of the school board member’s personal email account to disclose the Walterinformation.saidtheboard has requested additional information to see how much they can determine as to “what happened, when it happened and what that conduct actually entailed.”Hecontinued, saying allegations surrounding public input at meetings include how speakers and attendees of school board meetings have been treated and how the board has responded to actions taken by non-speakers,
The return date is within five to 10 days and would be served to the officer with a copy of the petition. The case would be heard on that return date unless there is good cause for continuance or postponement to a later day in the term, as stated in the code.
Continued from pg. 12
ligent lighting fixtures for residential and commercial applications. Headquartered in Coopersburg, PA, the compg.
Walter noted how supervisors have received a “number of comments” and questions regarding their role in appointing school board members and actions taken by school board members after appointment.
“To remove somebody, at least here in Virginia, requires a very, very good reason for doing so,” he said. “They are not based on policy decisions.”
As outlined in Section 24.2234 of the state code, a removal proceeding for an appointed officer must be brought by the authority who appointed that officer. Because the supervisors are the appointing author-
The Hanover County School Board is comprised of representatives of the county’s seven magisterial districts appointed to staggered fouryear terms by the board of supervisors.Walterdiscussed the process of removal of an appointed public officer as outlined in the Code of Virginia. He said while there are no specific statutory requirements for the board of supervisors when they receive allegations, they have certain moral obligations, such as determining the validity of the allegations.
Walter said recent allegations against the school board member in question surround improper conduct, which requires two components to form the basis for removal per the state code.
Although supervisors have heard from many residents desiring the removal of a particular school board member based on individual votes on issues or school operations in general, those are not appropriate grounds to seek removal of a school board member, Walter pointed out.
$28.3 million expansion to the current manufacturing facility in Hanover County,” said Delegate Buddy Fowler. “This expansion will create 200 new jobs for Hanover residents and helps confirm the fact that
Hanover County and Virginia is a great place to do business. Keeping the businesses we have is just as important as attracting new investment,
During the Aug. 24 board of supervisors meeting, Hanover NAACP President Pat Hunter-Jordan referenced an incident that occurred during the Aug. 16 school board special meeting, which was held as an extended public comment period on a thenproposed Hanover County Public Schools (HCPS) policy that would require a case-bycase review of transgender and non-binary students who request access to facilities that align with their gender identity. The policy was eventually adopted by the school board on Aug. During30. the meeting, Axselle requested that the onsite sheriff’s deputy escort citizen Wendy Kersey out of
“So each case falls or rises on its facts – both as to what
ity for school board members, a majority of the board of supervisors members must sign a “penalty of perjury” with the petition, meaning a majority of the board believes that the information contained in the petition is true “to the best of their knowledge.”
FERPA governs student records and the protection of those records and applies to all educational agencies, whether public or private. It prohibits federal funding of schools that have either a policy or a practice that permits the release of students’ education records without a parent’s written consent, or if the student is over 18, the student’s consent.
He emphasized the importance of proving “some harm or injury” to the school board’s operations as a result of the accused officer’s misconduct.
The presentation was informational and required no action by supervisors. The board of supervisors never named the school board member they were discussing.
“The allegations that are out there I think are serious enough to continue to investigate, and I continue to remain ready to help the board out in that information-gathering role,” Walter said.
Law enforcement officers are present during school board meetings to “ensure something really bad doesn’t happen,” and they are generally not enforcers of public bodies and should not be commanded by the chairman or another school board member, WalterAlthoughsaid. the board of supervisors never named the school board member they were discussing, several citizen speakers spoke during the same meeting’s citizen’s time and the Aug. 24 meeting to voice disapproval of the conduct of the school board chairman and long-standing representative John Axselle.
Christina Amano Dolan/The Local Ashland Supervisor Faye Prichard asks Walter a series of questions regarding other possible options for removing a public officer and other policy questions for clarity.
such as “folks who are holding signs, those who break out in spontaneous applause or booing… sometimes there are comments that are made from the dais about what will happen if the speaker doesn’t change what they’re saying… and sometimes that involves the possibility of asking law enforcement to get involved. “
A family-owned company founded in 1961, Lutron Electronics manufactures lighting controls, automated shading solutions and intel-
the officer has done, but also what the impact is on that public body,” he Althoughsaid.the name of the accused school board member was not stated during the meeting, Walter said allegations of improper conduct have surrounded a possible disclosure of student records in violation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and misconduct in school board meetings, specifically referencing the public input portion.
Dave Lawrence/The Local
Above, Atlee’s Courtney Mudd passes the half-way point of the anchor leg in the girls championship race in the RVA Relays at Pole Green Park Saturday night. Mudd’s 8:40 split wrapped up a third-place finish for the Raiders. Right, Hanover’s Ellie Agustin brings the Hawks home for a seventh-place finish, also in the girls championship race.

In the championship races, Mechanicsville’s boys —
The Patrick Henry quintet of Landon Morris, Thomas Leff, Jameson Tobin, Marcus Parrish and Andrew Senfield finished 23rd overall in the boys championship race.
Raider runners head pack at RVA Relays
In a cross country relay, rather than all runners tackling a 5-kilometer course, teams of five compete relay style with each individual running 2.5-kilometer legs. Atlee’s championship race quintet of Jake Stanley, Patrick Allen, Carson Echard, Travis Albon and Josh Haley finished in 38:10, behind Patriot (37:32), Glen Allen (37:59) and Mentor (38.02).
With a fourth-place finish in the boys championship race, a win in the ‘B’ race and a thirdplace in the ‘C’ race, Atlee’s boys won the overall team championship.The Raider girls excelled as well, finishing third in the girls championship race.
Hanover head cross country coach Rich Firth. “We had some good performances as a team.”Mechanicsville and Patrick Henry both held their own against the field, which included teams from all over the state as well as from other states.
The Raider quintet of James Mulcahy, Owen Guest, Ashton Shultz, Justin Patterson and Christan Schultz won the boys ‘B’ race in 41:10. Atlee’s ‘C’ team of Jack Halferty, Braden Silveria, Jace Gourley, Mason Lahrman and Jonah Willard finished third in that race in 43:33.
Atlee’s Raider boys led the way at the RVA Relays at Pole Green Park Saturday. The great depth of the Raider boys cross country team gave them advantage in the team title stakes.
The performance overall was unexpected given the fact that the Relays were just the second competition for the Raiders this“Iseason.was really pleased with how our teams ran and competed,” said Atlee head cross country coach Neil Mathews. “We haven’t raced but, you know, one time this year at this point. So that being the second time we’ve been out there competing, we competed very well and I was just thrilled with how both teams did.”
but we didn’t know we were going to do what we did last night.”Hanover’s girls likewise finished in the top 10 of their championship race. The Hawks — Hannah Clarke, Adelynn Carpenter, Alli Crytser, Bella Faudale and Ellie Agustin — finished seventh in 45:30.
By Dave Lawrence Sports Editor
“It went pretty well,” said Mechanicsville head cross country coach Joey Wingo. “I was happy with both my boys team and my girls team. We ran faster than last year in both ‘A’ relays and we placed higher — and then, you know, each of the individual runners all had their best time in the RVA relays compared to the previous year. So I was very pleased with that. It was a good day.”
Addison Crow, Teagan Gilhooly, Sarah Bland and Courtney Mudd finished third in 44:41 behind Deep Run (44:20) and Western Albemarle (44:27).
“Our girls’ numbers aren’t quite all the way there but we’re getting close,” Mathews said. “Our team ran very strong and as a team really surprised us. We knew we were pretty solid,
Connor Butchyk, Curtis Fox, Josh Gray, Carter Smith and Jack Standridge — finished 19th in 29:38. The Mustang girls team of Andi Darko, Sara Hale, Ines Hon Delcourt, Abby Hughes and Reese Osborn finished 32nd in 53:04.
“They had fun,” said
The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022 15 UPCOMING 23EVENTS092022Sports Prep football: atAtleePatrick Henry 7:00 p.m. Prep 7:00atArmstrongfootball:Hanoverp.m.23092022 | Youth, High School, College, Recreational & Professional
Dave Lawrence can be reached at
Atlee’s girls championship team of Amelia Waggoner,
Patrick Henry’s tandem of quarterbacks, Jayden Brown and Grayson Johnson, performed well combining for 19-of-23 passes for 245 yards. Brown was 12-of-15 for 185 yards and two touchdowns — a 28-yard connection with Jeremiah Graham and a 14-yard strike to Gracyn Ross.Johnson connected on 7-of8 passes for 60 yards. He also ran for a touchdown.
PH — Williams 20 fumble return (kick failed)
PH — Williams 3 run (Crabbe kick)
DR: Taylor 3-34, Patel 3-21, Dube 1-6, Kaltsounis 1-8; PH: Ross 11-138, Grant 3-63, Sylvia 2-11, Roose 2-25, Keck 1-8.
Shamar Williams was the Patriots’ workhorse on the ground. Williams finished with 13 carries for 77 yards. He scored one touchdown on
DR: Taylor 15-12, Taber 7-(minus 5), Kaltsounis 1-0; Gauch 4-(minus 26); PH: Ross 2-36, Williams 13-77, Sylvia 2-9, Johnson 4-27, Brown 5-(minus 6), Johnson 5-21.
PH — Ross 31 run (kick failed)
Rebels rough up Raiders
Above, (2).GracynfromformgetsWilliamsShamarPatrickFriday.39-0theDavariRun’sdodges(7)JeremiahHenry’sPatrickGrantartfullyDeepBehrad(12)inPatriots’victoryLeft,Henry’s(3)helpintheofablockteammateRoss
Two-way connections HENRICO — The connec-
PH — Grant 28 pass from Brown (Crabbe kick)
Raider quarterback Brooks Hollins led the team offensively, running for a touchdown and completing 18-of-31 passes for 148 yards and three interceptions. J.J. Lewis rushed 20 times for 82 yards and a touchdown, and Bryce Bucholz had nine carries for 36 yards and another touchdown.ScottHolmes was Hollins’
PH — Johnson 2 run (run failed)
The team never gave its visitor, Deep Run a chance as Patrick Henry rolled to a 39-0 walloping of the Wildcats FridayThenight.Patriots amassed more than 400 yards total offense. Still, they have plenty to work on.

“We’ve still got a lot to fix, but it’s always better to have a lot to fix after a loss,” said Patrick Henry head football coach Ken Wakefield. “Penalties at the wrong times, turnovers — stuff that we’ve got to clean up, but like I said, we’ll take it, learn from it and continue to get
Deep Run 0 0 0 0 — 0 P. Henry 13 13 0 13 — 39
Patriots rebound with shutout of Wildcats
favorite receiving target, catching seven passes for 64 yards. Dave Lawrence can be reached at
By Dave Lawrence and Rob Witham Mechanicsville Local
ASHLAND — Patrick Henry’s football team knew it had some work to do after a close loss to Glen Allen on Sept. 9. The Patriots clearly put forth some effort to correct their mistakes last week.
Ross led all receivers with 11 catches for 138 yards.
a 3-yard run and another on a 20-yard fumble return.
Dave Lawrence/TheLocal
After Sahnow had thrown two touchdown passes to Elrod in the first half of Hanover’s 41-24 victory Friday night, the offense flipped the script, as Elrod threw a scoring pass to Sahnow, as the combination outdueled Mills Godwin quar-
RICHMOND — Atlee gained traction at times, but not enough to overcome host Douglas Freeman Friday night.

DR: Gauch 8-16-69-0; PH: Brown 12-15-185-0, Johnson 7-860-0.
this Friday when the Hawks welcome surprising Armstrong, who, at 2-1, upset Goochland 26-14 Friday night. The following week, defending Class 4 state champion Varina comes to Hanover to close out September. Both games kick at 7 p.m.
PH — Ross 14 pass from Brown (Crabbe kick)
Thebetter.”Patriots scored 13 points in three different quarters, starting with the first. From their first score, the Wildcats were on their back foot, and the Patriots made it clear who was in charge.
terback Daniel Viener to pull away in the second half for a victory.Key to shutting the door down on the Eagles were consecutive defensive plays by Zach Tyler, who, on a delayed blitz, sacked Viener to force a third down-and-24 situation. On that play, Tyler, in coverage, intercepted Viener near midfield, returning the ball to the Mills Godwin 11 to set up another score.Grady Fahed continued his top notch defensive play with eight tackles, four of them for losses. Peyton Seelmann had 16 carries for 82 yards and a touchdown.Hanover (3-0) now enters Capital District play at home
tion between Beau Sahnow and Cole Elrod works both ways.
16 The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022
Sophomore D.J. Cone’s first carry this season went for 25 yards and a Yellow Jacket score with 2:25 left in the third period which began a 21-0 spurt that put the Knights away for good. Quarterback Drew Campanale’s play continues to impress. He went 14-of-19 for 198 yards and the scoring pass to Marinella.
Yellow Jackets 3-0, but still have much to learn
The scoreboard read 26 rather than 28 due to two blocked extra point attempts in the first half. Randolph-Macon
Their defense is stingy against the run, allowing 96 yards over three games — just 62 yards to Southern Virginia University in Saturday’s 47-20 victory. Their offense, guided by two quarterbacks who didn’t take a snap for the Yellow Jackets in 2021, is averaging 45 points and 500 total yards per game.But the Yellow Jackets, preseason favorites in the ODAC, were expected to win their three non-conference games, and win big. Now, the seven-week sprint known as conference play is on the horizon. The good news coming out of Saturday’s victory was the ability to get reps to players far down the depth chart, key experience for critical situations down the road.
R-MC — Chatmon 2 run (Graham kick)
SVU: Wood 12-44, Nelson 4-11, Shumway 7-10, Lanktree 2-(minus 3); R-MC: Clarke 13-78, Hale 8-57, A. Ihle 7-40, Pennington 8-38, Cone 2-28, Chatmon 4-9, Highter 1-2, Campanale 4-(minus 1), Deaver 1-(minus 12).
early. I don’t know how good we are. Our guys know we need to get better, and this is a good opportunity to do that.”
Randolph-Macon junior running back Kwesi Clarke (25) leaves Southern Virginia defensive back Alex Sewell in his wake as he rumbles 19 yards for his second touchdown of the second quarter in the Yellow Jackets’ 47-20 victory Saturday afternoon at Day Field. Clarke carried the ball 13 times for 78 yards and the two touchdowns as Randolph-Macon improves to 3-0.
Even the defense got points on the board when Knights quarterback Colten Shumway was hit near the goal line, the ball knocked away by Wade Grubbs. Jacob Hutchinson pounced on the football in the end zone for a touchdown.
By Rob Witham for The Local
The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022 17
— Boxley 64 pass from Shumway (Brown kick)
R-MC — Clarke 20 run (kick failed)
SVU — Brown FG 36 R-MC — Marinella 7 pass from Campanale (K. Ihle kick)
That schedule only gets tougher. A trip to Danville for Randolph-Macon’s first conference game against Averett is on
R-MC — Cone 25 run (Graham
— A. Ihle 1 run (Graham SVUkick)
Andrew Ihle impressed, too, completing both of his passes for 41 total yards while rushing seven times for 40 additional yards, including a 1-yard touchdown run that ended a 12-play drive to open the second half.
Back, though, to the original question. Who are the 2022 Randolph-Macon Yellow Jackets?“There’s been some frustration in the way we’ve played these first three games, you know,” Arruza said. “We’ve got a good group of guys, but it’s
SVU: Shumway 16-25-224-1, Audette 0-1-0-0; R-MC: Campanale 14-19-198-0, A. Ihle 2-2-41-0, Lenard 2-8-8-0.
Joel Klein for The Local
SVU 3 10 7 0 — 20
SVU — Shumway 6 run (Brown
The Guilford game on Oct. 1 is part of Family Weekend at Randolph-Macon. Kickoff is set for 1 p.m.

“I thought they were pretty dialed in. We had our best week of practice,” said RandolphMacon head coach Pedro Arruza. “I think we played hard. I don’t think we played well. We’ve got some things to clean up.”The Knights were able to hit multiple big plays against the Yellow Jacket defense, including a 64-yard touchdown pass in the third period which brought Southern Virginia, down 19-13 at halftime, back within six points at 26-20.
R-MC 0 19 21 7 — 47
Rob Witham can be reached at
SVU — Brown FG 39
Oct. 8, followed by a home date with an improved Bridgewater team that also uses two talented signal
R-MC — Clarke 19 run (kick failed)
(3-0) allowed three quarterback sacks, while JoJo Marinella, who had a touchdown reception in the second quarter, fumbled a punt that was recovered by the Knights and turned into a fieldHowever,goal. the offense scored on six-of-nine possessions. Kyle Ihle’s only punt of the day went 61 yards and was downed by the special teams at the 1-yard line. Four different Yellow Jackets scored rushing touchdowns, including two by Kwesi Clarke of 20 and 19 yards in the second quarter.
ASHLAND — Camp is behind them. They hold two home wins and a successful road trip to Washington, D.C. Now, on their bye week, preparing for Old Dominion Athletic Conference play, one question hovers over the RandolphMacon College football program?Who are they?
That opportunity is this Saturday’s bye, which is the case for all eight ODAC teams. So when conference play begins on Oct. 1, each conference member must line up seven consecutive Saturdays, starting with the Yellow Jackets’ game at Day Field against Guilford.’sback-to-back trips to Shenandoah and Washington and Lee, the team that cost the Yellow Jackets an NCAA bid lastWeseason.may not know precisely who the Yellow Jackets are as we enter October, but, surely, we will know when the month comes to a close.
— Team 17 pass from Schaeffer (Graham kick)
SVU: Washington 6-101, Boxley 2-69, Pope 1-15, Wood 1-7, Howard 1-6, Lanktree 1-6, Johansson 1-6, Nelson 1-5, Jones 1-5, Francois 1-4; R-MC: Wallis 3-80, Clarke 1-34, Mayfield 3-25, Bowman 2-24, Clemmons 2-24, Marinella 3-24, Hunt 1-15, Pennington 1-13, Campbell 1-8, Chatmon 1-0.

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18 The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022

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The Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with Hanover County to secure the project for Virginia. Youngkin approved a $250,000 grant from the Commonwealth’s Opportunity Fund to assist Hanover County with the project. Funding and services to support Lutron Electronics’ employee training activities will be provided through the Virginia Jobs Investment Program.
NewBethesdaBaptistChurch 9019NewBethesdaRd.779-2101 CalebBittler,Minister SundaySchool9:30AM, Worship10:45AM BibleStudy/Prayer Youth&Childrenactivities 6:30pm,Wednesday
RickRaines,SeniorMinister; ChrisSantasiere,AssociateMinister;SethWortman,Associate Minister;TracyThomas,Worship &MusicMinister;BillNicol,AssociateWorshipMinister;Davis Ellenberger,YouthMinister; AshleySears,Children’sDirector
The queen’s party departed early the next morning for Washington and a visit with President Dwight Eisenhower, and we made it to our home in Richmond. It was a visit my parents would recall for years. My sister and I were less impressed as we were probably too young to appreciate the importance of the queen’s visit.
My friend and neighbor passed away in 2012, but the story survives and seems appropriate for this sad week in royal history.
I was fortunate to meet John late in his life as a neighbor. His kindness was immediately evident as he often left goodies on my doorstep for my three small children.
3407KingWilliamRd. Aylett,23009 JeffPoythress,Pastor Worship9:30a.m. SundaySchool10:30a.m.
Worship:Sun.10:30AM SundaySchool@9:15AM
tour of one of the tiny replica vessels that carried the colonists across the Atlantic to this tiny spur of land along the James River.
BlackCreekBaptistChurch, 6289McClellanRoad SundaySchool-9:00a.m. SundayWorship-10:15a.m. AdultBibleStudy&YouthGroup Wed.nightsat6:00p.m. Pastor,StephenKendrick orcall(804)781-0330
"LoveGod,Learn theBible,CareforPeople" GlennHawkins,Pastor
WalnutGroveBaptistisaChurch committedtofollowingJesus& lovingpeople.Youcanfindusat wgva.church7046ColdHarborrd
ShadyGroveUnitedMethodist 8209ShadyGroveRd. atthecornerofMeadowbridge Rd.,Mechanicsville,804-746-9073
Masscelebratedon Saturday5:30PM Sunday8:00&10:00AM
LebanonUnitedMethodist Church 8492PeaksRoad,746-0980 SarahSealand,Pastor WorshipInPersonandon FacebookLive: 10:00ameachSunday 9:00amSundaySchool Formoreinfo,checkusoutat
Queen Elizabeth returned to the area in 1976 to commemorate the nation’s bicentennial celebration and again visited Williamsburg and other portions of the state, including Charlottesville.Yearsafterthat visit I spoke with a man who served on the greeting committee at University of Virginia and he recalled his experiences that day as he accompanied the queen from the airport to the campus.
John Herring served as director of Newcomb Hall on the campus for decades and was involved in many aspects of campus life.
As they progressed along the route, John attempted to ignore the piercing odor not unfamiliar to Virginians, the smell of a skunk.
COME&SEE! Allinfoat:
John’s immense dedication to the arts allowed him to welcome numerous artists and musicians to the campus as he managed and produced the University’s Artist Series.
FairfieldPresbyterianChurch 6930ColdHarborRd.,23111 8:45&11:00amservices
20 The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022

EVANGELICALFRIENDS INDEPENDENTBAPTIST INDEPENDENTCHRISTIAN NAZARENE PRESBYTERIAN SEVENTH-DAYADVENTIST SOUTHERNBAPTISTSOUTHERNBAPTISTSOUTHERNBAPTIST LUTHERANUNITEDMETHODIST ROMANCATHOLIC MECHANICSVILLECHURCHES Toadvertise, emailusat orcallusat (804)746-1235 Call746-1235tofindout aboutadvertisewithThe Localinprintandonline! Toadvertise, emailusat orcallusat (804)746-1235 Wedding announcement and engagement submissions For information on submitting an engagement or wedding, contact Cindy Adams at 804-775-4616 or email:
Worship in person andLiveStreamedonYouTube &Facebook onSundaysat8:30&11:00a.m. WednesdayNightSuppersat 5:00p.m. andBibleStudyat6:00p.m. Findusonthewebat
MeadowbridgeSeventh-Day AdventistChurch 7400AntiqueLaneMech., SaturdayServices: SabbathSchool,9:45am. WorshipService,11am. WednesdayeveningPrayer Meeting,6:30pm. Churchphone:746-2788 meadowbridgesdachurch@gmai
ReverendAmyDunn,pastor 10aminpersonworshipor Facebooklive@MechUMC ChildrensandYouthPrograms CubScoutsPack517
ChurchoftheRedeemer 8275MeadowbridgeRoad 746-4911
One of our last conversations involved that momentous trip in 1976 and his role in the visit. As a member of the team who officially welcomed the queen at the Albermale Airport, he recalled his brief encounter with royalty.
In the U.S. alone, Lutron products save an estimated 10 billion kWh of electricity, or approximately $1 billion in utility costs per year. The company’s early inventions – including the first solid-state electronic dimmer invented by Lutron founder, Joel Spira, are housed within the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History archives in Washington, D.C.
MechanicsvilleBaptistChurch 8016AtleeRd. Office:746.7253
Continued from pg. 6
GethsemaneChurchofChrist 5146MechanicsvilleTurnpike SundayAMWorshipServices (Checkwebsitefortimes) 804-779-2044
HanoverEvangelicalFriends 6420MechTrnpk.804-730-9512,
CoolSpringBaptistChurch 9283AtleeStationRd. Forinfo,activities&worship timesvisit orcall746-0800
5351PoleGreenRd. Mechanicsville,23116 PhilPeacock,Pastor SundaySchool9a.m. Worship10a.m.
GraceUnitedFamilyChurch "WhereGraceUnitesUs" 7252BeulahChurchRoad (HistoricBeulahChurch) Mechanicsville,23111
BroadusMemorialBaptist 804-779-2700 1Churchin2Locations
AdventCommunityChurch Mechanicsville,8079StudleyRd, (804)746.0895or746.0279
Sundays,10:30AM& Wed.Dinner,Study,Prayer: 6:00-8:00p.m. Forinfo,call335-6728
FellowshipCommunityChurchof Mechanicsville After10yearsatHanoverHigh Schoolwehavepurchasedour ownbuilding.Wecontinueto teachtheWordofGodand watchforthemiraculous. JoinusSundaymornings9:45am at8505BellCreekRoad,SuiteK.
NewHighlandBaptistChurch 550-9601,9200NewAshcakeRd,9:15AMBible Study,10:30AMWorshipInPerson&online.Rev.LarryFrakes
MechanicsvilleUnitedMethodist Church 7356AtleeRoad746-5118
According to his account, the queen was curious and asked about the origin of the unique odor to which John explained, “That’s a Virginia skunk, Your Majesty,” he said.
Continued from pg. 14
StPaulLutheranChurch(LCMS) 427-7500 ∂ 8100ShadyGroveRd, Rev.RodneyBitely,Pastor;Sun. Sch.9:15am,Worship10:30am
Worshipinperson andLiveStreamedonYouTube &Facebook onSundaysat8:30&11:00a.m WednesdayNightSuppersat 5:30p.m. andBibleStudyat6:15p.m.
ShalomBaptistChurch 8116WalnutGroveRd. Office:746.7737
On the trip from the airport to the campus, thousands lined up along Route 29 to greet Queen Elizabeth.
HomeofAtleeChristianAcademy&HopeNowCounseling. info&
It’s just a small part of the legacy left behind of a relationship a queen enjoyed with Virginia, a state fortunate to receive her visits several
FairmountChristianChurch, 559-8070 6502CreightonRd. SundayAMWorshipTraditional 8:00&10:15,Contemporary9:00, Modern11:15,BibleSchoolat 9:00,10:15,&11:15.
pany offers more than 15,000 energy-saving products, sold in 100+ countries.
Another pavilion featured the original version of the Magna Carter, a loaner from the queen.Later that day, the queen was received at the College of William and Mary by 6,000 fans gathered on the lawn of the Wren Building.
In-personWorshipSundaysat 8:15,9:45,&11:15a.m., Onlineat9:45a.m. Programsforallages. Rev.WayneSnead,Pastor
WorshippingonSundays! In-person&onFacebook!
The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022 21

Tree&ShrubPruning,Removals, StumpGrinding.Health/RiskAssessments.Insured.FreeEstimates. 804-779-2170

CertifiedArboristandMDLTE 804-730-0600
He urged listeners to remember another quote: “That which confounds you, confronts you.”
PaulBrownPlumbing-inBusiness Since1983.NewResidential,Light Commercial,Renovations,Additions& Discounts.Forfreeestimate,746-5030

within the community.
“If you find yourself being confronted with something often, that is that thing that you need to conquer, that is the thing that you need to improve
race because of something that I may have done,” he added.
Grinding.Ifit’streework wedoit!Insured.FreeEst. BBBTHANKYOU!!! MC/VISA/Discover.
WindowWashing-Res.&Comm. Totalexteriorhousecleaning DiscountsforSeniors,Military& FirstResponders.Licensed&Insured. VETERANOWNEDBUSINESS! CARPENTRY CHIMNEYCLEANING CONCRETE&BRICK DRIVEWAYS ELECTRICAL FENCING GENERALREPAIR GENERALCONTRACTORS GUTTER HOMEREPAIR HOUSEWASHING LAWNCARE PAINTING PLUMBING ROOFING STUMPREMOVAL TILE TREESERVICE TREESERVICE WINDOWS HOMEIMPROVEMENTSPECIALISTS Emailusat or Do you have a news tip, story idea or phototo submit? E-mail Christina Amano Dolan at or call (804) 212-6266 OBITUARY SUBMISSIONS Call 804-643-4414, ext. 3 Email: Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue.
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Continued from pg. 13 HERITAGE AffordableHomeRepairs Carpentry,Roofing,Siding, ReplacementWindows,Gutters &Decks.Lic/Ins.BBBA+Rating! JimMartin,804-347-3812 HanoverChimneySweeps Servingareasince1981.Ins. Chimney&GutterCleaning. 746-1056 Bernard’sConcreteServices Concrete,RetainingWalls,Pavers, Brick,Sidewalks.Install&repair. FreeEstimates.Licensed&Insured. References.CallorText804-874-9184 GradingandGravelDriveways GrandIMPROVEMENTS,LLC

TreeRemoval,Trimming,Stump Grinding,etc.NoJobtooBIGor small.Lic/Ins.FreeEstimates.
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FreeEstimate Mechanicsville: 804-559-4144 NorthernNeck: 804-435-4044 Website: TheLocalsChoiceWinner2017-2020
The Atlee Branch will additionally host the Oct. 19 installation, “Digitizing and Preserving Historical Documents,” from 7 to 8 p.m.
Both presenters and audience members discussed a need for more black educators within the school system. Many audience members pulled from their own experiences as educators and offered other ways to “move the needle Audienceforward.”member Clara Scott
The next installation of the Hanover County Black Heritage Society’s Historical Guest Speaker Lecture Series is “Genealogy 101: Climbing Your Family Tree – An Introduction to African American Genealogy” and will be held at the Ashland Branch Library today, Sept. 21, from 7 to 8 p.m. The same presentation will be held at the Atlee Branch Library on Oct. 12 from 7 to 8 p.m.
ResidentialRoofing&Repair Specialists.Lic/Insured GAFMasterEliteContractor BBB/FreeEstimates 804-672-0540 Roofing-AllTypesofInstallation& Repair.40+yearsofexperience. Licensed/Insured.BBBA+Rating! JimMartin804-347-3812 STUMPGRINDING 804-387-5797 Mechanicsville PCTRemodeling Tile/Kitchens&Baths FreeEst.Licensed&Insured. Call264-9352 24HourEmergencyStormService Trimming,Topping, Tree&StumpRemoval.Firewood. Lic.&Ins./Res.&Comm804-937-3671 WilliamA.SilvaJr.,Owner/Operator Bernard’sTreeService TreeRemoval,StumpGrinding,Landscaping,Cleanout,Mulching,Planting &More!FreeEst.Licensed&Insured
Stills concluded the discussion by emphasizing how “the needle moves both ways,” encouraging everyone to be open to all perspectives in order to truly bring about progressive change
PayitForwardTreeServiceTree,Lawn&HandymanServ. StormDamage,StumpGrinding &LogSplitting.CreditCards Acct.FreeEst.Ins.804-387-3434

said educators must listen to their young students, their wants and needs, and be “persistent” in bringing about change based on their feedback. Other audience members emphasized the importance of participating in local elections and local government.
For more information on these installations and others, visit the Pamunkey Regional Library website:,visitthewebsite: 804-229-0381 Call804-840-9993,forFreeEst. Exterior/InteriorPainting. Licensed/Insured.264-9352
upon,” he said. “And so the idea here in these presentations is not so much to talk about the past – we’ve got to address the present and the future.”
DavidsonRoofingCo. References.CallorText804-874-9184

Gary’sPlumbing RepairService.Lic./Ins. 218-1467
THEGRAVELTEAM.COM RVAPAVING Commercial&ResidentialAsphalt Paving.SealCoating,Repair,Crack Filling,&Restriping.ClassA.Lic&Ins.
Request(s)aSpecialExceptionPermitinaccordancewithSection26-175.1oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinancetoallowachilddaycarecenteronGPIN8704-74-4460,consistingof approximately0.76acres,zonedM-2,LightIndustrialDistrict,andlocatedontheeastlineofElmDrive(StateRoute1108)approximately350feetsouthofitsintersectionwithEagleDrive (privateroad).(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Mechanicsville
Request(s)aSpecialExceptionPermitinaccordancewithSection26-336oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinancetopermitastructuretallerthanpermittedonGPIN7787-47-6301, consistingofapproximately25.95acres,zonedM-1(c),LimitedIndustrialDistrictwithconditionsandR-5(c),Multi-FamilyResidentialDistrictwithconditions,andlocatedonthewestlineof LakeridgeParkway(StateRoute782)approximately0.39milesnorthofitsintersectionwithSlidingHillRoad(StateRoute656).(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:SouthAnna
NoticeisherebygiventhattheHanoverCountyBoardofSupervisorshasset Wednesday,September28,2022at6:00P.M., orassoonthereafterastheBoard’sconsiderationofthe administrativeagendapermits,intheBoardRoomoftheHanoverCountyGovernmentBuildingatHanoverCourthouse,Hanover,Virginia,astheday,date,time,andplaceforapublichearing toconsiderthefollowingcases,atwhichpubliccommentswillbeaccepted:
Request(s)aSpecialExceptionPermitinaccordancewithSection26-334.2oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinancetopermitatemporarysalestraileronGPINs7796-94-6872, 7796-95-4087,and7796-95-8003,consistingofapproximately8.34acres,zonedR-1,Single-FamilyResidentialDistrict,andlocatedonthesouthlineofAtleeRoad(StateRoute638)atits intersectionwithHollycroftCourt(StateRoute2329).(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Chickahominy
Request(s)torezonefromR-1,Single-FamilyResidentialDistrict,toB-2(c),CommunityBusinessDistrictwithconditions,onGPINs8705-53-2068and8705-52-4989,consistingof approximately1.57acres,andlocatedontheeastlineofMeadowbridgeRoad(StateRoute627)approximately700feetnorthofitsintersectionwithAtleeRoad(StateRoute638).Thesubject propertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasCommercial.Theproposedzoningamendmentwouldallowforthedevelopmentofathree(3)unitretailstripcenterthatincludes asingledrive-throughrestaurant.(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Mechanicsville
Request(s)anamendmenttotheproffersandconceptualplanapprovedwithrezoningrequestC-20-04,Am.1-15,TLHunt,L.L.C.,onGPIN8706-24-3693(part),consistingofapproximately 1.05acres,torezonefromB-1(c),NeighborhoodBusinessDistrictwithconditions,toB-2(c),CommunityBusinessDistrictwithconditions,andlocatedonthewestlineofChamberlayneRoad (U.S.Route301)approximately450feetnorthofitsintersectionwithRutlandshireDrive(StateRoute2320).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasSuburban General(1.5–3dwellingunitsperacre).Theproposedzoningamendmentwouldpermitarestaurantwithadrive-throughintheproposedB-2District.(PUBLICHEARING) Magisterial District:Chickahominy
Request(s)torezonefromB-1(c),NeighborhoodBusinessDistrictwithconditionstoRM(c),Multi-FamilyResidentialDistrictwithconditions,onGPIN8714-77-2332,consistingofapproximately 6.5acres,andlocatedonthesouthlineofMechanicsvilleTurnpike(U.S.Route360)approximately350feeteastofitsintersectionwithMeadowDrive(StateRoute1120).Thesubject propertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasMulti-Family(8to15dwellingunitsperacre).Theproposedzoningamendmentwouldpermitthecreationof144age-restricted apartments.ThisdevelopmentwillshareaninternalroadthatprovidescrossaccesswiththeCambridgeSquareApartments(GPIN8714-87-1189).Thetotalnumberofdwellingunitsforboth developmentswillbe351unitson26.2acresforagrossdensityof13.4unitsperacre.(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Mechanicsville
Request(s)torezonefromR-1(c),Single-FamilyResidentialDistrictwithconditions,B-2(c),CommunityBusinessDistrictwithconditions,andB-O(c),BusinessOfficeDistrictwithconditions, toB-3(c),GeneralBusinessDistrictwithconditions,onGPINs8714-57-1638,8714-47-9589,8714-47-8592,8714-47-8443,8714-47-9308,8714-47-9457,8714-57-0448,and 8714-57-0592,consistingofapproximately1.61acres,andlocatedonthesouthlineofMechanicsvilleTurnpike(U.S.Route360)atitsintersectionwithBellCreekRoad(StateRoute642).The subjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasCommercial.Theproposedzoningamendmentwouldallowforanautomatedcarwash.(PUBLICHEARING) Magisterial District:Mechanicsville
Request(s)torezonefromA-1,AgriculturalDistricttoAR-6(c),AgriculturalResidentialDistrictwithconditionsonGPIN7799-56-6779,consistingofapproximately11.54acres,andlocated ontheeastlineofMechumpsCreekLane(privateroad)approximately0.25milesnorthofMountHermonRoad(StateRoute656).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLand UsePlanMapasAgricultural.Theproposedzoningamendmentwouldpermitthecreationofoneadditionalbuildinglotforfamilyforagrossdensityofone(1)dwellingunitper5.77acres. (PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Beaverdam
22 The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022
CopiesoftheabovecasemaybereviewedinthePlanningOffice,MondaythroughFriday,betweenthehoursof8:30a.m.and5:00p.m.,pleasecontactthePlanningOfficeoryoumayalso goto
Failuretoreceiveabilldoesnotrelievetheownerofpenaltyandinterestif paymentisnotmadebytheduedate.Taxbillsaresenttoownersofrecord onJanuary1,2022;therefore,ifpropertywasconveyedbyyouin2022,you shouldforwardthebilltothenewowner.Ifyoupurchasedaparcelduring 2022,contacttheTreasurer’sofficetohaveacopyofthetaxbillforwarded toyou.
Questionsandcommentswillbeacceptedpriortoandfollowingthemeeting andeveryeffortwillbemadetoaddressquestionsreceivedpriortothemeeting duringthepresentation.Questionsandcommentsregardingtheroadproject shouldbesubmittedtopublicworks@hanovercounty.govormailedtotheDept. ofPublicWorks,P.O.Box470,Hanover,VA23069.Pleasereference“Lewistown Rd/AshcakeRdIntersectionImprovements”inallcorrespondence.Comments willbereceiveduntil5:00PM,October6th,2022tobeincludedinthepublic record.QuestionsregardingtheAirportshouldbedirectedtoCharlesSobritoat’swebsiteformore informationatthefollowinglink:”.
The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022 23 LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS Wanttopromoteyourbusinesstoover28,000Households? PlaceYourAdHere! Call746-1235 oremail foradvertisinginformation.


HanoverCountyensuresnondiscriminationandequalemploymentinall programsandactivitiesinaccordancewithTitleVIandTitleVIIoftheCivil RightsActof1964.Anyonerequiringspecialassistancetoattendand participateinthismeetingmaycontacttheDept.ofPublicWorksat (804)365-6181orTTY/
Thepurposeofthismeetingistopresentthepreliminaryroadwaydesign includingtheroadalignmentandtheintersectionlayoutearlyinthe developmentoftheprojecttoallowthepublictohaveearlyinputinthe designprocess.RightofWayneedshaveNOTbeenfullyassessedat thistime.Inaddition,theCountywillprovideanoverviewoftheHanover CountyAirportandachancetoaskquestionsabouttheAirport.
Ifyouare65yearsoldorover,orarepermanentlydisabled,youmay qualifyforrealestateTaxRelief.Thereareveryspecificcriteriawhichmust bemet,includingresidingonthepropertyforwhichyouareapplying.You mustapplyfortaxreliefeachyearbetweenJanuary1andMarch1withthe CommissioneroftheRevenue’soffice.Forquestions,phone804-365-6128 or804-730-6128.
Adiagramofthepreliminaryroadalignment,plansandotherexhibitscanbe viewedontheDept.ofPublicWorkswebpageunder“QuickLinks”atthe followinglink:
HanoverCountywillholdaninformationmeetingonMonday,September 26th,2022,from5:30PMto7:00PMattheHanoverCountyAirportTerminal Buildinglocatedat9500SlidingHillRoad,Mechanicsville,Virginia,toholda citizeninformationmeetingonpreliminaryroadwayplansfortheproposed improvementsfortheLewistownRd/AshcakeRdintersectionandprovidean overviewoftheHanoverCountyAirport.
Noticeisherebygiventhat theHanoverCountyBoardof Supervisorshasset Wednesday, September28,2022at6:00P.M., intheBoardRoomoftheHanover CountyAdministrationBuildingat HanoverCourthouse,7516County ComplexRoad,Hanover,Virginia, astheday,date,time,andplacefora RegularBoardMeeting.
M.ScottMiller,Treasurer HanoverCounty
Noticeisherewithgiventhatallsecondhalf2022HanoverCountyreal estatetaxesaredueandpayableonorbeforeOctober5,2022.Anyone owningpropertywhohasnotreceivedabillandwhoserealestatetaxesare notprocessedbytheirMortgageCompanymaygoon-linetohttps://taxes. hanovercounty.govtopay,reviewand/orprinttheirbill(s),ormaycallthe HanoverCountyTreasurer’sOfficeat804-365-6050or804-730-6050.
Announcements YARD&ESTATESALES Business& ServiceDirectory CLEANING&HOUSEKEEPING ResidentialHAULING forRent ApartmentReferral ServicesPolicy Apartmentreferralservicecompaniesselllists ofavailableapartments forrentinyourarea. Pleasereadcontracts thoroughlytoensure thatyouunderstandand agreetoalltheterms andthecancellation policyofthecontract. ROOMMATES Recruitment GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL INSTALLATION&REPAIR CLASSIFIEDS PLACEYOURADTODAY (804)746-1235ext.2 FAX:(804)344-8746 BUSINESS&PROFESSIONALDIRECTORY Call746-1235tofindout aboutupcoming opportunitiesto advertisewithTheLocal inprintandonline! Askhowyoucanreachover 63,000householdsin Mechanicsville,Powhatan, GoochlandandChesterfield! ADVERTISE 100%SatisfactionGuaranteed PriceMatchGuarantee 15%OFF ANYSERVICECALL Installs&Service—Residential&Commercial DuctCleaning•AirQualityTesting•TanklessWaterHeaters 804-784-4354• FamilyOwnedandOperatedSince1974 Roofing StandardRoofingCo. 746-5110 Hotline837-7240 Nojobtoosmall-alltypesofroofing FREEEstimatesLicensed/Insured ShortonCash? Becomeanindependentcontractor,deliverycarrier QUALIFYFORA $1,500SIGNINGBONUS Benefitsofthispart-time,contractopportunitywiththe RichmondTimes-Dispatchteam: • Manageyourownschedule andfreeupmostofyourday; workonly3-4hoursbetween1-6a.m.daily •Excellentsupplementalincome– Earnupto $1,800permonth AllyouneedisadependablevehicleandavalidVirginiadriver’s licenseforconsideration. Signingbonusisforalimitedtime,sodon’tmissout.

HillElectrical,Incishiring Electricians&Helpers. DriversLicense&own TransportationRequired. Call804-746-3122 (804)649-6872tolearnmore.
24 The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022

quietneighborhood.Privatebedroom/ bathroom&useofkitchenandlaundry room.Mustbeneat,clean,honest& drug-free.$700/month.Fordetailscall 804-512-6236
L&LCleaningServices-Wecreate Call804-347-4943or804-746-8653

23116 -MilestoneCommunityYardSale Sat.,9/24,8amtonoon.Rainorshine. SlidingHill&NewAshcakeRds.Enter MilestoneDr.orRidgebrookDr. COMMUNITYYARDSALE HANOVERGROVE SATURDAY,SEPTEMBER24 7:00AM-NOON LOOKFORSIGNSINYARDSFOR EACHFAMILYPARTICIPATING!
Hauling-AllTypesofLightHauling Trash-Brush-Junk-CleanOut GaragesandSheds-Etc. ReasonablePrices.

FREETIMEforbusypeople! Recurringservice,deepcleans, movingcleans&one-timecleans Calltodaytoschedule! Bonded&Insured. AccreditedA+RatingBBB!
For more information on the VACP Awards for Valor recipients or the VACP in general, visit the
Information submitted by Tom Harris, communications specialist for Hanover County.
Preschool Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Thursdays, Sept. 22, & 29, 10:45 to 11:15 a.m. Enjoy books, music, fingerplays and much more at preschool storytime. For ages 3-5 with a caregiver.Mechanicsville Book Club at the Mechanicsville Branch Library.
The Local
Wednesday, Sept. 21, 11 a.m. to noon. Ages 18 & up. Bring ideas for discussion and escape to a world of pure imagination.
District Court process in both Hanover and Caroline. They recruit, train and supervise competent volunteers dedicated to representing the needs of abused and neglected children, as well as other children involved in juvenile dependency proceedings. CASA promotes safe, permanent homes for all children and seeks to educate the community about the needs of abused and neglected children.
Adult Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Wednesday, Sept. 28, 10:45 to 11:45 a.m. Ages 18 & up. You’re never too old to listen to a good story. If you are, or are the caregiver of, an adult who would enjoy the lively reading of picture books and lighthearted stories, join the library for Adult Storytime.STEAM Challenges at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Friday, Sept. 30, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Teens (ages 12-18) & Tweens (ages 8-11) are invited for an afternoon of STEAM challenges including marshmallow cannons, constellation cups and bridge building.
Atlee Branch Library
Toddler Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Tuesday, Sept. 27, 10:45 to 11:15 a.m. Enjoy a Storytime of books, music and fun for toddlers ages 2-3 and their caregivers.
Hanover CASA program seeking volunteers
The FeedMore Mobile Food Pantry will be distributing food from 10 to 11 a.m. at the First Shiloh Baptist Church at 8150 Walnut Grove Rd. in Mechanicsville. Contact Heather at hshaheen96@
Second Tuesdays
Continued from pg. 10 CALENDAR see CALENDAR, pg. 26
The WEB of Hope meets from 10 a. m. to noon at the Black Creek Baptist Church at 6289 McClellan Road in Mechanicsville. It is one of several groups in the Richmond area that crochets, knits, sews, and quilts gifts for the American Red Cross to distributed to those in need. Since its inception, the WEB has donated over 153,000 gifts locally, nationally and globally. If you can make it, the
Second Mondays
Ages 18 & up. Every Tuesday the Atlee Bridge Group meets to play Social Rubber Bridge. All levels welcome, from beginner to expert.
office at 804-746-9073.
In-Person Programs
Comic Book Keychains at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Saturday, Sept. 24, 11 a.m. to noon. Ages 18 & up. In honor of National Comic Book Day on the 25th, stop by the library to create your own comic book keychain using Jenga blocks.
The Mechanicsville
The Building Bridges group of Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. The group’s mission is to bring a message of hope and recovery to those suffering from addiction issues. They meet on Fridays from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Mechanicsville United Methodist Church, 7356 Atlee Road in Mechanicsville. Visit
The CASA program is currently accepting applications for our next training class. Those interested or seeking more information can contact Melanie Baker of the Department of Community Resources at (804) 365-4296 or at
Due to the suspect’s possession of a knife and to prevent the possibility of an additional assault, Bonistalli discharged his taser. Once the uninjured suspect was taken into custody and the butcher knife was secured, the officers quickly refocused their attention to locating and assessing the female’s condition. They located her upstairs in the residence with significant injuries. They were able to address her injuries alongside the Hanover Fire-EMS Department and have her transported to the emergency room.Both officers used their extensive training and exercised excellent de-escalation techniques and decisionmaking skills to safely take the suspect into custody. The VACP is proud to honor Ashland Lieutenant Grant Bonistalli and Officer Jennifer Beyers with the 2022 Award for Valor.”
“On Sept. 9, 2021, Bonistalli and Beyers responded to a domestic situation at an apartment involving an assault with injuries. The officers knocked at the door several times before an adult male answered the door. While the male remained behind a screen door, Bonistalli observed something in his hand. When asked what he was holding, the suspect stated, ‘a newspaper.’ The officers continued to speak with the suspect, who was not compliant with the officers’Uponrequests.further observation, Bonistalli observed a knife inside of the rolled-up newspaper and asked the suspect several times to place the knife upon the ground. The suspect began to back up, failing to comply with officer commands.Concerned for the safety of the victim inside, Bonistalli and Beyers entered the apartment where they challenged the suspect to drop the knife. The suspect turned toward
WEB can use it. There are so many organizations in need of help. For more information, call Laurie Wagner at 804-7810338.
Contributed Report
the rear of the apartment. Not knowing where the victim was located and concerned for the victim’s safety, officers pursued the suspect further into the apartment.
The Hanover County Community Services Board meets at 6:30 p.m. at 12300 Washington Hwy. in Ashland.
Atlee Bridge Group at the Atlee Branch Library. Tuesday, Sept. 27, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
a beautiful nature leaf rubbing to kick off the fall season. Local artisan Angel Zhao will teach how to create a unique piece of art to display in your home for years to come and an original greeting card. Have twice the fun and bring a friend. Registration is required at event/9349457.
Upcoming programs at Mechanicsville area libraries
Leaf Rubbing Craft/Art at the Atlee Branch Library. Saturday, Sept. 24, 1 to 2 p.m.Create
Lt. Grant Bonistalli and Officer Jennifer Beyers received this distinction for their heroic actions in the following incident, as noted on the VACP website:
The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022 25
3354 or james.wright@vawg.
Third Mondays 804-559-2805tion,onthirdnesseslovedandandsupportAlzheimer’s/Dementiagroupforcaregiversotherswhowanttohelpencouragethosewhohaveoneswithdementiaill-meetsat7p.m.ontheMondayofeachmonthZoom.Formoreinforma-contactJenniferBeanatorthechurch
6930 Cold Harbor Road, in Mechanicsville. CAP is an awesome program for youth, ages 12- 21, as well as for adults who care about young people and want to help train America’s next generation of Leaders. You’ll find cadet life exciting if you enjoy Flying, Leadership Training, Model Rocketry, Earning Rank & Awards, and much more. For more information, visit hanover.vawg.cap. gov. You can also call or email Capt James Wright at 804-551-
Fourth Mondays
meets every fourth Monday at Hillcrest Baptist Church on Rt.301. Meetings, that include dinner and a program, begin at 6:30 p.m. Ruritan is a national community service organization dedicated to fellowship, goodwill, and community service. The Atlee Club welcomes both men and women. To learn more about the club’s mission and reserve your spot for dinner, call (804) 789-9365.
Do you want to make a difference in the life of a child? If so, consider becoming a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA).Hanover CASA volunteers advocate for the best interests of children involved in the Juvenile and Domestic Relations
Ruritan Club
Continued from pg. 13
In-Person Programs
Mechanicsville Branch Library
Mother Goose Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Tuesday, Sept. 27, 10 to 10:30 a.m. Mother Goose is a Storytime for children age 6 to 24 months and their caregivers. Have fun with nursery rhymes, singing and reading.
The Mechanicsville Local
Second Wednesday Hanover Community Services Board says if you are a family member or friend of someone who has a mental illness, you are not alone. There is support. Hanover Community Services Board offers a family support group on the second Wednesday of
The Mechanicsville Local
Failure to appear on a felony charge was reported in the
The Ashland Museum
Last Saturday
National Park Service to commemorate Battles of Fort Harrison and New Market Heights
The Hanover-Ashland TRIAD meets the second Thursday of each month at 1:30 p.m. at the new Atlee Library, 9212 Rutlandshire Drive, Mechanicsville. The Hanover-Ashland TRIAD is a program that focuses on providing information to seniors to improve their quality of life. The Hanover-Ashland TRIAD is a joint venture involving the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office, Ashland Police Department, AARP, Hanover County governmental agencies, human services agencies, civic groups and seniors themselves.
For more information about the park, visit or find them on Facebook at www.facebook. com/RichmondNPS.
Fort Harrison was the first of Richmond’s battlefields to be preserved in the 1920s, and recent land preservation has occurred nearby at New Market Heights. Richmond National Battlefield Park and the
Third Thursdays
26 The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022
In late September, 1864, Federal forces made a surprise assault on the Richmond defenses. In two separate battles at New Market Heights and Fort Harrison, they broke through Confederate lines. The battles here
Facilitators Rebecca Strader and Heidi Brown invite you to attend this group that follows NAMI principles of confidentiality, respect, empathy and support to one another. No sign up or registration is required. Contact Rebecca at 804-365-6746 or Heidi at 804-365-6769.
holds Trivia Night on the third Thursday of each month at Origin Beer Lab, 106 S. Railroad Ave., Ashland, 6pm. Free, no reservations needed. Follow us on instagram (@ ashlandmuseum) or facebook. For information, netashlandmuseum@comcast.emailorcall804-368-7314.
Contributed Report
Concealment of pricealtered merchandise, less than $500 was reported in the 7400th block of Bell Creek Road, Mechanicsville.
if you’ve been targeted. media.AARPadvocatesorgToMagazinetiontheinformation,atoqualityallowingbyindividualsfillment.cialfocusmattersnitiesworkstheColumbia,,likethemonatwww.facebook.andfollow@onTwitteratwww.AARPisthenation’slarg-nonprofit,nonpartisandedicatedtoAmericans50oldertochoosehowtheyastheyage.Withnearly38membersandofficeseverystate,theDistrictofPuertoRico,andU.S.VirginIslands,AARPtostrengthencommu-andadvocateforwhatmosttofamilieswithaonhealthsecurity,finan-stabilityandpersonalful-AARPalsoworksforinthemarketplacesparkingnewsolutionsandcarefullychosen,high-productsandservicescarrytheAARPname.AstrustedsourcefornewsandAARPproducesnation'slargestcircula-publications,AARPTheandAARPBulletin.learnmore,
The Hanover Ruritan Club meets on the third Tuesday of
Be a fraud fighter: If you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam.The
CALENDAR Fellowship Club meets each month (excluding July and Aug.) at 10:30 a.m. in Room G110 of Shady Grove United Methodist Church at 8209 Shady Grove Rd. in Mechanicsville. Bring a covered dish and join in with a group celebrating faith, fellowship, friends and fun. Meetings are cancelled if Hanover County Public Schools are two hours late or cancelled due to inclement weather. To register, call the church at 804-746-9073. For more information, call Janet Lewis at 804-398-8947.
AARP Virginia fraud alert: ‘Let it go…to voicemail’
On Saturday, Sept. 24, Richmond National Battlefield Park and the American Battlefield Trust will commemorate the Battles of Fort Harrison and New Market Heights. Rangers and volunteers will offer tours of Fort Harrison exploring the park’s early history, and the Trust will conduct its first-ever tour of newly preserved land at New Market Heights. The
each month, at Walnut Grove Baptist Church with dinner at 6.30 p.m. Ruritan is a national organization dedicated to improving communities and building a better America through fellowship, goodwill and community service. The first Ruritan Club was chartered May 21, 1928, in Holland, Virginia. Ruritan has grown throughout the United States of America, and in doing so has become. “America’s Leading Community Service Organization”. Membership in Ruritan is an honor and privilege. To learn more about Ruritan, how to become a member, request a membership application or with questions, please call, 746-5728 or by letter to, Hanover Ruritan, P. O. Box 625, Mechanicsville, VA 23111. To be a guest of the club, call the numbers listed above. Hanover Ruritan welcomes both men and women.
Second Thursday
altered merchandise, less than $500 was reported in the 7400th block of Bell Creek Road, Mechanicsville.
Continued from pg. 8
2 p.m.: Ranger-led walking tour 3 p.m.: Presentation on the early preservation of the battlefield and the Civilian Conservation Corps
7500th block of County Complex Road, Hanover.
Federal Trade Commission data from last year show that the telephone was the source for more than a third of reported scams. Reported losses were nearly $700 million, with a median loss of $1,200. That’s a lot of phone fraud. Thanks to criminals, we can’t rely on Caller ID, so our best defense is letting calls go to the machine. This gives you the opportunity to listen to messages with intent and with time to consider its validity.Sodon’t forget that you have a superpower -- one that can protect you from the IRS scam, the Medicare scam, the grandparent scam or dozens of other impostor scams by letting them go to voicemail.
permanently changed the military situation for the rest of the war, as Federal troops now had a secure foothold just outside of Richmond. Fourteen African American soldiers earned the Medal of Honor for their actions at New Market Heights.
Contributed Report
AARP Fraud Watch Network is a free resource for all. Learn how to proactively spot scams or get guidance
Continued from pg. 25
Activities for the day include: 10 a.m.: Ranger-led walking tour
The Hanover County Historical Society will be conducting free tours of the Old Hanover Courthouse on the Historic Courthouse Green from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every second Tuesday through December. The address is 13182 Hanover Courthouse Road in Hanover. For more information, visit
11 a.m.: Presentation on the early preservation of the battlefield and the Civilian Conservation Corps 1 p.m.: Car caravan tour from Fort Harrison to New Market Heights led by the American Battlefield Trust
public is encouraged to take advantage of this special opportunity to learn about battlefield preservation, past and present. All programs are free and begin at the park’s Fort Harrison unit, located at 8621 Battlefield Park Road, Richmond.
Third Tuesdays
every month from 7p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Bell Creek location, 8475 Bell Creek Road in Mechanicsville.
Fourth Monday
Court, ConcealmentMechanicsville.ofprice-
Assault and battery on a family member was reported in the 6300th block of Queens Lace Circle, Mechanicsville.
When it comes to combatting scams, we all have the same superpower. The single most effective way to avoid scam calls is to let your answering machine or voicemail screen calls for you. It’s a power we all have, but unfortunately, it’s not a power we all use.
January through October, The American Legion Post 175 hosts a “Community Breakfast” from 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. The breakfast is open to the public and is located at 8700 Bell Creek Road, Mechanicsville.
American Battlefield Trust are excited to partner together to educate the public about these battlefields and their preservation history.
In the event of inclement weather, updates will be posted to the park’s Facebook page. For more information about the event, contact Ranger Bert Dunkerly at
The Atlee Ruritan Club meets every fourth Monday at Hillcrest Baptist Church on Route 301. Meetings, that include dinner and a program, begin at 6:30 p.m. Ruritan is a national community service organization dedicated to fellowship, goodwill and community service. The Atlee Club welcomes both men and women. To learn more about the club’s mission and reserve a spot for dinner, call (804) 789-9365.
circle could open up this week and expand your prospects even further. Use the new connections to get out of the house more than ever before.
Sagittarius, this week you may find that one day you are calm and collected, and the next you are all riled up. Find a balance between them both to get through the days.
Teaching what you know to others is a continuous theme for you this week, Aries. You want to impart wisdom any way that you can and you’ll have the opportunity to do so.
Your desire for excitement could lead you on a wild goose chase, Scorpio. You may find that it’s not excitement you need, just a change of scenery. Book a trip.
A turning point in your love life may come this week, Leo. It may hit you in a most unexpected way. Even a relatively simple gesture may sway your
The Mechanicsville Local September 21, 2022 27 FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT WRITE & EDIT WORD SEARCH HOROSCOPES CROSSWORD PUZZLE THISWEEK’SANSWERS 09/21-09/22 CLUES ACROSS 1. Crops sown in winter in India 5. Nursemaids in East Asia 10. Investigates 12. Treated like a child 14. About religious belief 16. Widely exclamationused 18. Car mechanics group 19. Not good 20. Indigenous people of Alberta 22. Everyone has one 23. Fencing sword 25. Soaks 26. The human foot 27. Of she 28. Erythrocyte (abbr.) 30. Soldiers 31. Energy, style and enthusiasm 33. Playwright O’Neill 35. Stone parsley 37. Small stones 38. Gas descriptor 40. Monetary unit of Samoa 41. Jeans manufacturer 42. NHL great Bobby 44. Cool! 45. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! 48. Winged 50. Partner to ‘oohed’ 52. Defensive nuclear weapon 53. Coated 55. Furry household friend 56. Chinese underlyingprincipletheuniverse 57. Prefix meaning ‘within’ 58. Makes easier 63. Transferred property 65. Branched 66. Hillsides 67. Abba __, diplomatIsraeli CLUES DOWN 1. Eggs in a female fish 2. Military mailbox 3. Unit to compare power levels 4. Line on a pointsconnectingmapsimilar 5. One who accepts 6. Partner to cheese 7. Ancient Greek sophist 8. About hilus 9. 10.SoutheastWhereactors ply their trade 11. Beloved Philly sandwich 13. Intend 15. Talk excessively 17. Bronx cheers 18. Drain 21. Renews 23. Monetary unit in Asia 24. Relative effectivenessbiological(abbr.) 27. Carthaginian statesman 29. Aged 32. Mauna __, Hawaiian volcano 34. Firearm 35. Consolation 36. An island in the north Atlantic 39. Pitching statistic 40. Disconsolate 43. A part of a river where the current is very fast 44. Call it a career 46. Behave in a way that degrades someone 47. Health insurance 49. Recommend 51. Baltic peninsula 54. Father 59. After B 60. Bar bill 61. Doctors’ group 62. 2,000 lbs. 64. Equal to one quintillion bytes
An unexpected financial windfall could come your way this week, Libra. While it could be tempting to spend all this extra money right away, save some for a rainy day.
Even the best plans can use a little tweaking from time to time. Go with the flow, Aquarius. Enjoy this more laid back approach and consider taking it more often.
Pisces, a professional change will happen soon. All that hard work you have been putting in is sure to pay off in the weeks ahead.
life may seem confusing this week, Gemini. It may wax and wane from fevered passion to apathy. Rough patches are not unusual and you need to see this through.
Capricorn, though making sudden changes in your life seems like a good idea, it’s best to take some time mulling things over before you dive into any new situations.
Taurus, you’ll finally gain greater control over your thoughts this week when someone close to you helps you see the bigger picture. Now you can focus on important
Cancer, a change in routine is necessary. Lately you may have been feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities, so take time to figure out what you need to do.