6 minute read
Mechanicsville man killed in crash
Contributed Report
Virginia State Police are investigating a singlevehicle crash that killed a Mechanicsville man on I-295 in Hanover County.
At 11:50 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 28, state police responded to a singlevehicle crash on the exit
JAN. 9
Obtaining money or signature by false pretenses was reported in the 8300 block of elizabeth ann drive, Mechanicsville.
Identity fraud use of identifying information to defraud was reported in the 14300 block of Medley Grove Lane, doswell.
Identity theft to defraud less than or equal to $200 was reported in the 6100 block of Pond Grass road, Mechanicsville.
Credit card fraud less than $200 in 6 months were reported in the 7200 block of Cold Harbor road, Mechanicsville.
simple assault was reported in the 10000 block of Learning ramp from I-295 to Pole Green Road in Hanover County.
A 2011 Ford Flex driven by Daniel Edward Houck, 41, of Mechanicsville, ran off the roadway to the right and struck a tree. Houck succumbed to injury at the scene. He was wearing his seatbelt. s ubmitted by s gt. Jessica b s hehan, public information officer for d ivision 1, r ichmond.
Speed is thought to be a factor in this crash.
This crash remains under investigation.
Black Creek Fellowship Center (old f irehouse building)All pre orders or walkup orderscan be pickedupbetween2-3pm.
Lane, Mechanicsville.
Obtaining money or signature by false pretenses was reported in the 7200 block of bell Creek road, Mechanicsville.
Grand larceny building was reported in the 8200 block of atlee road, Mechanicsville.
Grand larceny building was reported in the 10200 block of Washington Highway, Glen allen.
embezzlement less than $200 was reported in the 10100 block of Lewistown road, ashland.
JAN. 10
Violation of a protective order (general) was reported in the 7000 block of I-295 n, Mechanicsville.
s ale, distribute marijuana more than 1/2 oz. less than or equal to 5 lbs. was reported in the 7000 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike and bell Creek road, Mechanicsville.
Grand Larceny Parts was reported in the 9000 block of shady Grove road, Mechanicsville.
a ssault and battery on a family member was reported in the 11400 block of ashcake road, ashland.
Identity theft, financial loss more than $200 was reported in the 7000 block of Mill Valley road, Mechanicsville.
Concealment of price-altered
Please see SHERIFF'S, Page 11
Script and lyricsby AdamTob in Musicby DeborahWicksLa Pu ma

Adapted fromtheb oo kwrittenby Chelsea Cl in to n and illustratedby Al ex and raBoiger
BasedonChelseaClinton’sbestsellingbook, joinfourthgraderNaomiinthispowerfulmusical asshetimetravelstomeetfemaletrailblazers HarrietTubman,Dr.VirginiaApgar,RubyBridges, FlorenceGriffithJoyner,andSoniaSotomayor.

The men of Mechanicsville united Methodist Church will be preparing and selling brunswick stew again this year. For $10 a quart, enjoy some of the most delicious brunswick stew in the area. The group strongly encourages those interested to preorder their stew, which became available on Jan. 9, by calling the church office at 804-7465118, emailing mechumc@comcast. net or placing your order through the website, mechumc.org. Include name, phone number and number of desired quarts. Prepayment is required for all orders over 6 quarts.
Church office hours are Tuesday — Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Pick-up will be on saturday, Feb. 11 from 8 to 10 a.m. stew not sold in the preorders will be available for purchase on saturday morning. The women of the church will also be selling their fabulous baked goods on saturday morning. Contact the church office with any questions.
The studley ruritan Club’s famous “super bowl Chili” will be available for pick up at the studley store/Post Office (on the corner of studley and Williamsville roads) starting at 9 a.m. on saturday, Feb. 11. Order early before it sells out, and stock up your freezer for the cold winter ahead. The price is $9 per quart. Proceeds go to benefit the community. Call douglas newcomb at 804-730-0570 or any studley ruritan member.

The Independence ruritan Club will be hosting an all you can eat benefit b reakfast, from 6:45 to 8:45 a.m. at The ruritan building located behind Independence Christian Church, 14033 Independence road (off route 54, west of ashland) for The arc of Hanover. breakfast includes: salt herring fillets, scrambled eggs, bacon, spiced apples, cornbread, grits, coffee, and orange juice, just $11. for adults. For more information, call 804-798-5171 or contact dave at e-mail: wdtoney@ mindspring.com.
Mechanicsville aarP Chapter 5407 will meet from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at First union baptist Church, 6231 Pole Green road in Mechanicsville. They will be doing Chapter business: budget, yearly calendar, fundraising and other items.
THURSDAY, FEB. 16 stories from the COTu Podcast with barclay duPriest will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Center for Performing arts in blackwell auditorium, 205 Henry street in ashland. The reception will be from 6:30 to 7 p.m., and conversation from 7 to 8 p.m. While there is no charge for this event, barclay requests that you consider a gift of $25 to benefit r-MC athletics in memory of her son, Tad. For reservations and donation visit https://www. rmc.edu/alumni/alumni-events/ an-evening-with-barclay-dupriest.
Civil air Patrol, Hanover squadron, is hosting an Open House from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fairfield Presbyterian Church, 6930 Cold Harbor road in Mechanicsville. explore what CaP’s fantastic program has to offer for youths, ages 12 — 21 in the cadet program; as well as for adults who care about america and want to serve in training the next generation of Leaders for america. Observe and participate in Honor guard and Color guard, aerospace, search and rescue, drill, and Leadership demonstrations, with many hands-on activities for all ages. Come out and see for yourself how you, too, can be a part of the us air Force auxiliary, Civil air Patrol. For more information, contact Lt. brandy Lambert-stevens at brandy. lambert-stevers@vawg.cap.gov, visit https://vawg.cap.gov/units/hanover or on Facebook (Hanover Composite squadron-Civil air Patrol).
SATURDAY, APRIL 15 a ‘decade of the 60’s reunion’ for all alumni of Hermitage High school for the classes of 1960 through 1969 will be held from 4 to 9 p. m. at richmond east Moose Lodge ballroom, 7167 Flag Lane in Mechanicsville. Music, food, plenty of tables, chairs, memories and old friends. Cash bar, casual attire. The event is limited to 400 attendees. The cost is $25 per person. To reserve your spot, make out your check to HHs 60’s reunion and mail to: HHs 60’s reunion, 7330 staples Mill rd. #249, Henrico, Va 23228. Please include your full name and address and which year you graduated. For more information, contact sue Halsey Cox (class of ‘66) 804-387-9182 or suecox3@yahoo. com. Or contact dale Morris (class of ‘64) at 804-897-7452 or brendale68@yahoo.com.
Hanover County is working with residents, businesses, landowners and other community members to update its Comprehensive Plan. Called “envision Hanover,” the plan is the county’s long-range vision of Hanover over the next 25 years, addressing land use, housing, economic development and natural resources. It also provides guidance on where growth may be appropriate throughout the county and what that growth should look like. Hanover residents’ feedback will shape the Comprehensive Plan and decisions regarding growth, preservation and public investment for years to come. based upon the feedback received, the project team has been working to identify key concepts related to land use, economic development and historic resources. These preliminary ideas will be introduced at a series of events scheduled in January and February. residents will be able to share their ideas by participating with an in-person meeting or webinar, depending upon their schedules. The public participation in-person meetings (presentation + open house, all from 6 to 7:30 p.m.): Thursday, Jan. 26, Montpelier Center for arts and education; Monday, Jan. 30, red barn at Chickahominy Falls; Thursday, Feb. 2, Mechanicsville Library; Thursday, Feb. 9, berea baptist Church (rockville). Webinar only: Monday, Feb. 6, (6 to 7 p.m.) — log-in information to be posted. The county will also offer these “stop and chat” events in which community members can informally chat with project team members on the following days, locations and times: Wednesday, Feb. 1, (11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.), atlee Library; Tuesday, Feb. 7, (11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.),
Please see CALENDAR, Page 8 is just to keep getting it bigger and bigger and being able to give back and help kids because they can’t always help themselves,” she said.
The Give Kids A Smile program, launched nationally in 2003, provides underserved children with free oral health care, according to the American Dental Association’s website. Each year approximately 6,500 dentists and 30,000 dental team members volunteer at local GKAS events to provide free oral health education, screenings, preventive and restorative treatment to over 300,000 children.
Before she bought the Mechanicsville practice from her father in January 2022, Soltanian said she volunteered with various “Give Kids A Smile” events in dental school and found them hugely rewarding, especially watching community members come together with this common goal. She was incredibly excited so many people close to her felt that same pull.
Dr. Crystal Joyce, who owns Bloom Dental of Chesterfield, was on hand to volunteer at the event for the second year in a row. When Soltanian invited her, she readily agreed “for the kids.”

“A lot of them don’t have access or resources to get to a dental office regularly, so for us to be able to give something away for free and educate parents and show them what it is supposed to be like every six months … it is hopefully getting them ingrained that this is something that should be routine,” Joyce said.
Joyce noted that the parents she dealt with were open to what she had to say about the health of their children’s mouths and what might help them moving forward. Even