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Avery Point Is NOW OPEN!
Welcometovibrantliving atAveryPoint,℠ the highlyanticipatednewEricksonSeniorLiving®managedcommunity NOWOPENinShort Pump. Discoverthecarefreelifestyleyou deserveina location you’lllove!
•Experiencethebeautyandprivacyofourlush, 94-acrecampus.
•Choosefromavarietyof spacious, modern apartmenthomes
•Enjoy resort-style amenities likeapool,fitness center,andmultiplerestaurants.
•Benefitfromon-siteservicesto enhanceyour health andwell-being dr. nekki soltanian had plenty of staff, friends and family volunteer for her “Give Kids a smile” event on Feb. 4. shown are: back row left to right, are brian Knapik, Chaney Hambrick, Jon dyke, sam soltanian, Leonardo Medina, nester Febres; front row, Mash soltanian, Heidi Knapik, Jennifer dyke, dr. Crystal Joyce, dr. nekki soltanian, Heidy Garcia. tips like talking about how the foods they eat impact tooth and gum health or a simple reminder about having their children’s – and their own – teeth cleaned every six months will hopefully lead to greater awareness and overall health.

“We are not treating them like they are less or they don’t know. We are just here to help and this is what you should be expecting to do every six months. The parents are super open to it. They want to learn; they just need someone to take the time to tell them this is what you are supposed to do,” Joyce said.
Hopefully, the day brightened a number of people’s outlook on dentistry, she added, pointing to the cheerful atmosphere and decorations.
“It is kind of lighthearted and fun for people to come into. It makes the environment a little more relaxing. There are a lot of different sounds and smells that aren’t super fun, but I think the décor kind of eases things and makes it a little more of a fun experience. The kids love everything,” she said.
Discovervibrantsenior livinginShortPump!
Call 1-800-485-1013 orvisit
AveryPointCommunity.com for yourFREEbrochure.