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Exhibit honors musicians
Borne out of isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, the project started as a tribute to a single well-known Richmond musician, Herbert “Debo” Dabney III, who died in April 2020. Coles got online, found a photo of Dabney, and created a portrait of the late
During his presentation of the fiscal year (FY) 2024 county administrator’s proposed budget and updated Five-Year General Fund Financial Plan on Wednesday, Feb. 15, Budesky laid out the county’s proposed budget, looking at the numbers but also placing a heavy focus on the services tied to those numbers, especially in the priority areas of education, public safety and human services.
Budesky unveiled a $679 million proposed budget, up $64.3 million (10.5%) from FY2023. Funding for the FY2024 General
Fund, which accounts mostly for local funds, is proposed at $354.8 million budget, which represents a $33.2 million (10.3%) increase over the FY2023 budget.
The budget Budesky presented to the board maintains Hanover’s longstanding real estate tax rate of 81 cents per $100 of assessed value.
However, the primary driver of the increase in local revenues the county is expecting is a projected increase in general property taxes of $25.9 million that is fueled by higher assessed values for real property, Budesky said. He pointed out that the county’s median assessment value is seeing an 11.6% increase.
Because of that, Budesky committed staff to work with the board of supervisors to provide relief to county residents, although what that path forward will look like is still to be decided. He said the county already provides $22 million in