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Atlee Library to host book sale Feb. 23-25
The Friends of the Atlee Library in Mechanicsville are preparing for their next book sale on Feb. 23 to 25. Library book sales are a great opportunity for the community to support the library and purchase gently used books, CDs and DVDs at a fraction of their original cost. All proceeds for the sale go to support the library and its programs.
Among the items for sale you will find both paperback and hardback books, covering many topics, from classics to popular fiction, and from cookbooks to books for young adults and children. This is a great opportunity for teachers to add to their classroom collections and for readers to revisit series from popular authors.
The book sale will be held at the Atlee Library at 9212 Rutlandshire Drive in Mechanicsville on Thursday, Feb. 23 from 4 to 8 p.m.; Friday, Feb. 24, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Saturday, Feb. 25 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. On Saturday, there will be a popular bag sale! Buyers can purchase a grocery bag full of books for $5. (It is helpful if you bring grocery bags with you). Payment for books can be by cash or check.
The Friends of the Atlee Branch Library is a nonprofit organization comprised of members of the public who are advocates for the library, its staff and the community. They would love to have you join them! Book sales are conducted several times a year, with all proceeds benefiting the Atlee Branch Library.

For more information, call the library at 804-5590654.
Exciting thingsare happening!
Dr.DanNuckolstoour MechanicsvilleOffice.
Dr.DanNuckolswasraisedonhisfamily’scowandpumpkinfarm inGretna,VA.HegraduatedfromtheCollegeofWilliam&Mary withadegreeinBiologybeforeobtaininghisDoctorateofDental SurgeryfromVirginiaCommonwealthUniversity.Afterdental school,hecompletedanAdvancedEducationinGeneralDentistry residencyattheveteran’shospitalinSanAntonio,TX. Helikesbeinginvolvedinthecommunityandhasparticipated inmanydentalservicetripsinVirginiaandabroad.Hisfocusis providingcomprehensivecarebybuildingtrustingrelationships withhispatientsfirst. Dr.Nuckolsenjoyshiking,running,reading,andmostimportantly spendingtimewithhiswife(Alaxandra)anddog(Byrdie).
Speak Up Club Spreads Kindness
The speak up Club at Chickahominy Middle school helped spread kindness last week with uplifting messages chalked on the sidewalks outside the school Well done, Chargers!