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TheCountyofHanover,Virginiaproposestoincreasereal propertytaxlevies.
1.AssessmentIncrease:Totalassessedvalueofrealproperty, excludingadditionalassessmentsduetonewconstruction orimprovementstoproperty,exceedslastyear’stotal assessedvalueofrealpropertyby11.6percent.
2.LoweredRateNecessarytoOffsetIncreasedAssessment: Thetaxratewhichwouldlevythesameamountofrealestate taxaslastyear,whenmultipliedbythenewtotalassessed valueofrealestatewiththeexclusionsmentionedabove, wouldbe$0.73per$100ofassessedvalue.Thisratewillbe knownasthe“loweredtaxrate.”
3.EffectiveRateIncrease:TheCountyofHanoverproposesto adoptataxrateof$0.81per$100ofassessedvalue.Thisis thesameasthe2022taxrate.Thedifferencebetweenthe loweredtaxrateandtheproposedratewouldbe$0.08per $100,or9.9percent.Thisdifferencewillbeknownasthe “effectivetaxrateincrease.”Individualpropertytaxesmay, however,increaseatapercentagegreaterthanorlessthan theabovepercentage.
4.ProposedTotalBudgetIncrease:Basedontheproposed realpropertytaxrateandchangesinotherrevenues,the totalbudgetoftheCountyofHanoverwillincrease10.5% fromthatoflastyear.TheGeneralFundbudgetisincreasing by10.3%fromthefiscalyear2023budget.
APublicHearingontheincreaseandtheproposedtax ratelistedabovewillbeheldonWednesday,April5,2023,at 6:15p.m.intheBoardRoomoftheHanoverCounty AdministrationBuilding,7516CountyComplexRoad, Hanover,Virginia.
Theoptionsavailableforprovidingwrittenororalstatements arepostedontheCountywebsite:www.hanovercounty.gov. Relatedinformationisavailableforpublicinspectiononline andanyregularworkingdaybetweenthehoursof8:30a.m. and5:00p.m.intheOfficeoftheCountyAdministrator, 7516CountyComplexRoad,Hanover,Virginia,phonenumber (804)365-6005.
Local Calendar
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 a Blood drive will be held at from 1 to 6 p.m. at Pebble creek homeowners association located at 6069 Green haven drive in Mechanicsville. you must schedule an appointment with the red cross at redcrossBlood.org.
THURSDAY, MARCH 2 richmond area speleological society will meet at 7 p.m. at the atlee Library located at 9212 rutlandshire drive. come hear about caving (spelunking) and how to join future trips to enjoy Virginia caves. They have trips for all ages and experience levels. For more information, visit the website, rass.caves.org.
The community salt Fish Breakfast be held from 8 to 10 a.m. at enon UMc, 6156 studley road in Mechanicsville. The Buffet includes: salt fish, corn cakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, grits, hash browns, sausage
From 1 provides the reports to parents and encourages them to take an active role in their children’s education.
“We must empower students, parents and teachers with timely, actionable and tailored data, as well as the tools and training to use that data to address learning gaps together,” said Virginia secretary of education Aimee Rogstad Guidera. “This transformational effort uses data as a flashlight to change conversations, decisions, actions and, most importantly, results.”
To Hanover County Public Schools’ assistant superintendent Jennifer Greif, the program seemed like a good fit from the beginning.
Essentially, “the state was looking for divisions that were interested in what we describe as co-building an airplane in mid-flight,” Greif says. “And we felt we had some good capacity to do this work.”
Bridging the Gap offers school divisions the oppor- gravy, biscuits, waffles, apples, beverages, & Fellowship. adults $10, ages 6 and under free with all profits going to Missions.
TUESDAY, MARCH 7 a Blood drive will be held at from 1 to 6 p.m. at honey Meadows homeowners association at 10004 Meadow Pond drive in Mechanicsville. you must schedule an appointment with the red cross at redcrossBlood.org.
This March the Pocahontas chapter of the Virginia native Plant society is moving the meeting date to accommodate a very talented traveling guest, alonso abugattas. The chapter meeting will take place at 7 p.m. March 8 at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden in the robbins auditorium. abugattas will present “ethnobotany, Floral Folklore and Gardening for Wildlife.” ethnobotany is the study of how people relate to tunity to hone in on specific subject matters, and in both of Hanover’s participating schools the chosen subject was math. and use plants in their lives, be it food, medicine, tools, and so many other ways. Learn about plant folklore and how people used locally native and commonly available plants in their lives and historically. The natural history of various plants will be discussed, along with some additional references to find out more about the various native plants that will be the focus of this presentation. how these and many other plants can be used in our gardens and landscapes, and how they relate to wildlife will be discussed, with time for questions. a Zoom meet and greet and Lewis Ginter gathering starts at 6:30 p.m. a short business meeting will follow the speaker. For more information, visit the state website, http:// vnps.org/.
Using the data gleaned from prior testing, as well as the student growth assessment testing completed at the beginning of the year, teachers were able to see where individual students needed more support, and then offer “very precise remediation,” Greif explained.
Describing it as “going a little bit backward,” Greif said teachers have been able to look back and figure out exactly where a student got off track. They then work to fine-tune those skills.
As Greif explained, a teacher might notice that a student is lagging behind in math and ultimately figure out that the student may not have developed the ability to understand numbers—what she referred to as “number sense.” Addressing that issue will allow the student to overcome what had been a roadblock and ultimately find success at the next level of math.
Please see CALENDAR, Page 10
While the approach may be new, HCPS assistant superintendent Chris Whitley noted last week that the school division has always worked hard to identify and support students who needed extra help.
What’s different now, he and Greif agree, is the ability to use the data to figure out how to most effectively meet those needs.
Greif said she is also particularly excited about the fact that Bridging the Gap places a particular emphasis on working with families and helping parents play a more significant role in helping their children succeed.
“That was one of the biggest selling points for us,” Greif said.
Asked if there were plans to continue the program in the future, and to expand it to other schools, Greif confirmed both could be possibilities.
“We entered into this knowing that we wanted to scale it,” Greif said. “We didn’t come to it expecting it would be a short term solution.”
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