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From 22
Family storytime at the cochrane rockville Branch Library. Friday, March 3, 10, 24 and 31, 10:30 to 11 a.m. enjoy a fun time with books, singing, rhymes and more. Family storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.
First Friday Films at the cochrane rockville Branch Library. Friday, March 3, 4 — 6 p.m. round up the neighborhood crew and catch a
From 15 brightest “stars” to emerge from twilight. Venus will move higher on the sky as the month progresses, Jupiter lower. Mars is high to the south, almost at zenith at sunset. It crosses the meridian at about 7 p.m. and sets at 3 a.m. Saturn returns to predawn twilight late in the month.
Our overhead view at midmonth, roughly three hours after sunset, finds the view toward zenith remarkably empty of bright stars. Castor and Pollux are perhaps the closest, high to the west and above Orion. Jupiter is near Aldebaran in Taurus, and is actually brighter than this bright star. Lower and to the southwest we see Sirius for what should be our last chance until its return
From 15 full-length feature film the first Friday of every month! next winter. Ursa Major is inverted, with the “Big Dipper” asterism high to the northeast. This is a good time to check out the middle star in the “handle.” It’s actually a complex binary with its two brightest constituents Mizar and Alcor close enough that you may have difficulty resolving them without binoculars. A better telescope reveals that each of these is also binary. The end star in the handle is called Alkaid, yet another Arabic name. On a clear moonless night, binoculars may enable you to see the Whirlpool Galaxy, also known as M51 for its place in Charles Messier’s catalog of objects not to be confused with comets. It will be found about 5 degrees above and to the right of Alkaid. You should be able to pick it out with binoculars, while a larger telescope will give you a sense for
When the additional signage and other measures failed to stem the number of accidents—five more occurred in 2022, after those steps were taken—local leaders decided that a threeweek test closure would be the best path forward.
With the crossing blocked by large barrels from Nov.
Travel in a Post-covid World at the cochrane rockville Branch Library.
Tuesday, March 7, 6:30 — 7:30 p.m. The travel industry is booming but booking that trip has changed in a post covid world! “how can I get the most for my travel dollar?” and “do I really need that travel insurance?” Before you book that flight, come to the rockville branch and get your questions answered by stella capocelli carter, president of Tour Plan International Ltd.
14 of last year to Dec. 5, the accident rate dropped to zero. Even better, most of the feedback coming from residents was positive.
Town staff continued to meet with business owners to see how the town could help mitigate any impact on local businesses in the shopping center, but the data was hard for local officials to ignore. The matter was deferred on Jan. 3 to allow staff to gather more read 2 rover at the cochrane rockville Branch Library. Thursday, March 16, 4:30 — 5:30 p.m. Grades K-2. read 2 rover provides comfort and motivation for beginning readers as they read aloud to colby or Pepper, our therapy dogs. space is limited. call the rockville Branch at 804-749-3146 or visit the library for more information to register for this rewarding program! submitted by carolyn Garner, adult public services coordinator. why it’s called the whirlpool, but your best view will be to find a deep image on line. The bright spiral arms tracing out regions of star formation may be the byproduct of a near collision with its companion galaxy. This spiral structure was first noted by the Earl of Ross with his 72-inch telescope in 1845. We now know that a massive black hole lies at the core of M 51, much as a four million solar mass black hole occupies the center of our own Milky Way. information, and in the meantime another accident occurred on Jan. 13.
If readers have questions about astronomy in particular (or science in general) that you would like covered in one of these columns, feel free to contact me at gspagna@rmc.edu. (I have retired from RandolphMacon College but will continue these columns and use of that email address for the foreseeable future.)
As Jennings pointed out, the crossing would not meet safety standards today. With the matter concluded, officials asked last week that the crossing be blocked off once again and remain closed until it can be permanently closed off. Signage will be placed at the location to warn drivers of the change.