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David Hines seeks reelection as sheriff

Contributed Report
Col. David R. Hines, who currently serves as Hanover County Sheriff, has announced his intention to seek reelection.

Hines said he has had the privilege of serving as Hanover County’s sheriff since September 2010 and he is continually appreciative of the outpouring of love and support his office receives from the community.
“It has been an honor to serve Hanover County for nearly 40 years. I am extremely proud of our record of excellent service, being internationally as well as state accredited, being fiscally responsible, and being committed to the safety of our citizens,” he said. “The foundation of our crime prevention strategy has been, and always will be, the trust and support of those we serve.”

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Hanover County enjoys the lowest crime rate in the metro Richmond area, Hines said. The sheriff’s office believes this is due to its community policing based approach of building strong partnerships throughout the Hanover community. The office’s partnerships with neighbor hood watch, business watch and worship watch programs have paved the way for this unprecedented success. “Our philosophy has always been rooted in the understanding that we are only successful with the trust of our community.”
Recently, Hines was honored to be recognized as the “National Officer of the Year” by the American Legion. He accepted this award on behalf of the Hanover community and the entire sheriff’s office. An achievement such as this is only possible because of the support that the sheriff’s office continues to receive each day, he said. Also, in the past five years, Hanover deputies have had more than one and a half million citizen contacts. As a result of those contacts, the personnel received over 3,000 commendations for excellent service and only four founded citizen complaints; none of which were bias or racially motivated, he
From 10
hanover county is working with residents, businesses, landowners and other community members to update its comprehensive Plan. called “envision hanover,” the plan is the county’s long-range vision of hanover over the next 25 years, addressing land use, housing, economic development and natural resources. It also provides guidance on where growth may be appropriate throughout the county and what that
Although measuring past performance is important, this announcement is more about what the community will continue to accomplish together in the future. Hines is once again seeking the office of Sheriff for Hanover County in the upcoming election.
“Alongside the hardworking men and women of the sheriff’s office, I look forward to continuing my service with the citizens of Hanover County and building upon our successes,” Hines said. “Our mission of reducing crime through problemsolving tactics, coupled with our shared values, provides the right combination to maintain and improve the quality of life in Hanover County for years to come.”
Hines thanked his wife, Pat, and children, Reed and Sarah-Grace, for their encouragement. He also thanked citizens for their support of the sheriff’s office during his years of service and asks for “your continued support as together we meet the challenges of tomorrow.” growth should look like. hanover residents’ feedback will shape the comprehensive Plan and decisions regarding growth, preservation and public investment for years to come. Based upon the feedback received, the project team has been working to identify key concepts related to land use, economic development and historic resources. These preliminary ideas will be introduced at a series of events scheduled in January and February. residents will be able to share their ideas by participating with an in-person meeting or webinar, depending upon their schedules.