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Roger W. Mitchell
MITCHELL, W. Roger, 88, of Mechanicsville, went to be with the Lord, Wednesday, February 22, 2023. he was preceded in death by his sister, Barbara Vanlandingham; and is survived by his wife of 65 years, Gay P. Mitchell; sons, Glenn Mitchell (Mandy) and cary Mitchell (Greta); granddaughter, riley Mitchell; great-nephew, ryan shipman; brother, aubrey Mitchell (Brenda); as well as several nieces and nephews. roger received a B.s. degree from Virginia Tech in 1956, which led many other family members to follow him there, including his brother, two sons, two daughter-
From 4 in-laws, one niece, two granddaughters and one great-nephew. he enjoyed a distinguished 35-year career as an educator in hanover county schools, retiring from Lee-davis high school, where he built an award winning FFa program. he also built a revered young Farmer’s program for the local agricultural community and was awarded a honorary american Farmer degree in 1975. he served the community through the Washington & henry Masonic Lodge #344, aF & aM and the hanover ruritan club for over 60 years each. he earned numerous awards for his service in the ruritan club. he loved Virginia Tech and Lee-davis sports and is a honorary member of the Lee-davis sports hall of Fame. Most notably, he led his community and family as an exemplary husband, father, grandfather, educator, mentor and patriarch. The family receives friends from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. saturday at the Mechanicsville chapel of the Bennett Funeral home, 8014 Lee-davis rd. services were held 3 p.m. sunday, February 26, 2023, in the auditorium of Mechanicsville high school. Interment will be private. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the hanover ruritan club or the Lee-davis sports hall of Fame.
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“Living With Black Bears in Virginia” presented by Virginia Master naturalists, riverine chapter partnered with the Virginia dept. of Wildlife resources and hosted by doswell ruritan c lub will be held 7 p.m. at 16433 Washington highway in doswell. dWr receives a high number of “nuisance” calls from Virginia residents regarding problems with black bears. This free educational program provides information on how to prevent negative encounters and property damage due to black bears.
The Independence ruritan club will be hosting an all you can eat Benefit Breakfast, from 6:45 to 9 a.m., for h anover s afe Place at The ruritan Building, located behind Independence christian church, 14033 Independence road (off route 54, west of ashland). Breakfast includes: salt herring fillets, scrambled eggs, bacon, spiced apples, cornbread, grits, coffee, and orange juice, just $11. for adults. For more information call 804-798-5171 or contact dave at e-mail: wdtoney@mindspring.com.
SUNDAY, MARCH 12 a Blood drive will be held at from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at s hady Grove United Methodist church located at 8209 shady Grove road in Mechanicsville. you must schedule an appointment with the red cross at redcrossBlood.org.
Mechanicsville aar P c hapter 5407 will meet from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at First Union Baptist c hurch, 6231 Pole Green road, Mechanicsville, Va 23111. rachel Lawson with alzheimer’s association Greater richmond chapter will be the speaker. a Blood drive will be held at from 1 to 5 p.m. at Gethsemane church of christ located at 5146 Mechanicsville Turnpike in Mechanicsville. you must schedule an appointment with the red cross at redcrossBlood.org.
THURSDAY, MARCH 16 a monthly Blood drive will be held at from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) located at 7168 Flag Lane in Mechanicsville. you must schedule an appointment with the r ed cross at redcrossBlood.org.
THURSDAY, MARCH 23 civil air Patrol, hanover squadron, is hosting an Open h ouse from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fairfield Presbyterian church, 6930 cold harbor road in Mechanicsville. explore what caP’s fantastic program has to offer for youths, ages 12 — 21 in the cadet program; as well as for adults who care about america and want to serve in training the next generation of Leaders for a merica. Observe and participate in h o nor guard and co lor guard, aerospace, search and rescue, d rill, and Leadership demonstrations, with many hands-on activities for all ages. come out and see for yourself how you, too, can be a part of the Us air Force auxiliar y, civil air Patrol. For more information, contact Lt. Brandy Lambert-stevens at brandy.lambert-stevers@vawg. cap.gov, visit https://vawg.cap. gov/units/hanover or on Facebook (hanover composite squadron-civil air Patrol).
SATURDAY, APRIL 15 a ‘decade of the 60’s reunion’ for all alumni of hermitage high s chool for the classes of 1960 through 1969 will be held from 4 to 9 p. m. at richmond east Moose Lodge Ballroom, 7167 Flag Lane in Mechanicsville. Music, food, plenty of tables, chairs, memories and old friends. c ash bar, casual attire. The event is limited to 400 attendees. The cost is $25 per person. To reserve your spot, make out your check to hhs 60’s reunion and mail to: hhs 60’s reunion, 7330 staples Mill rd. #249, henrico, Va 23228. Please include your full name and address and which year you graduated. For more information, contact sue halsey cox (class of ‘66) 804-3879182 or suecox3@yahoo.com. Or contact dale Morris (class of ‘64) at 804-897-7452 or brendale68@ yahoo.com.
Bring your family and join us as we celebrate spring, the shearing of the sheep and fiber production at Patrick h enry’s scotchtown! The program is growing and this year organizers have so much more to enjoy! The festival will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at scotchtown, located at 16120 chiswell Ln, Beaverdam. acivities to enjoy throughout the day will include a ribbon cutting and presentation of the new floorcloth for the manor house hall; sheep shearer dave from delly’s delights
Farms will be here answering all your questions; members from clothos handspinners guild will be on-site demonstrating the process of wool production; antique carriage and wagon display; rMc archaeology active dig; sheepdog herding demonstrations; open house tours; a children’s activities area; demonstrations in the hearth kitchen featuring scotchtown’s spring garden; over 40 local crafters, vendors and community organizations; and food trucks. The open-house tour and fiber festival programs are both included at $10 for students, $12 for senior/aaa/Military, and $15 for General admission. Preservation Virginia members are $12 and children 6 and under are free. Purchase tickets at https://www. eventbrite.com/e/scotchtown-fiber-festival-tickets-494234557867.
THURSDAY, APRIL 27 a monthly Blood drive will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) located at 7168 Flag Lane in Mechanicsville. additional dates are May 23, June 20, July 27, aug. 24, s ept. 26, Oct. 19, n ov. 24 and d e c. 26. yo u must schedule an appointment with the red cross at redcrossBlood.org.
VFW Post 9808 will hold a s hred-It ev ent on from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at 7168 Flag Lane in Mechanicsville. This event is for members and community residents. Please come and share the date with your family and friends. Please note that no binders or boxes are allowed.
Please see CALENDAR, Page 12
Hcps Honors National Board Certified Teachers
hanover county Public schools is incredibly proud of its newly pinned and renewed national Board cer tified teachers, who were honored during a special ceremony on Feb. 22. The division congratulates these outstanding educators for their hard work, dedication and professionalism.
Ffa Members Team Up With Hanover Ruritans

Last week was national FFa Week and to celebrate, members and advisers of the Mechanicsville high school FFa chapter partnered with the hanover ruritans to complete a service project, clearing out and mulching beds to help welcome visitors to Mechanicsville.