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Rotary Club of Hanover holds fifth grade essay contest
safety background checks, boosting job opportunities for Virginians, among many other accomplishments. He truly is dedicated to making life better for all of us.”
The New Moon Bash includes a dinner and cocktail party. The Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen is spacious, with plenty of seating and great acoustics.
“Our New Moon Bash Organizing Committee has been working together for many years and it’s sure to be a great event. In addition to our speaker, we are especially excited about the new venue,” said John Suddarth, the chair of the HDC’s New Moon Bash Organizing Committee.
For more information on tickets, go to https://secure.actblue. com/donate/hanover-democratic-committee-new-moonbash-2023.
Contributed Report
The Rotary Club of Hanover County is sponsoring the seventh annual Essay Contest for interested fifth grade students in Hanover County. The topic of the contest is “Rotary’s FourWay Test and What It Means to the Conduct of My Daily Life.”
The Rotary four-way test consists of 24 words that can help us create an attitude and atmosphere in which to better relate, share and implement ideas.
These four questions encourage us to apply principles of both of truth, justice and caring regard for our neighbors in our relationships with others. The Four Way Test asks us to consider these questions when making decisions about what we think say or do:
1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will be beneficial to all concerned?
All fifth grade students in Hanover County (public, private and homeschooled students) are eligible to participate in the Rotary Club of Hanover essay contest. Essays will be judged on content, organization and style. The first-place winner will receive $100. Second place will receive $75. Third place will receive $50. Winners will be honored at a meeting of the club.
The essay must be the original work of the student submitting the essay for competition team writing and the use of work written by other sources, even if footnoted, is not authorized.
Entrants may pick up instruc- tions and cover sheets at the Hanover County branches of the Pamunkey Regional Library System, find them on the Hanover Rotary website www.hanoverrotary.org or by emailing HRCEssayContest@gmail.com. All entries must be postmarked or e-mailed by Wednesday, March 31 and can be submitted by mail to Hanover Rotary Club, PO Box 6451, Ashland, VA 23005, emailed to HRCEssayContest@ gmail.com or uploaded to http:// bit.ly/HRCEssayContest2023.
The e-mail may be sent by teacher, parent or student document and must include the cover sheet and essay in one document be saved in Word format with student first and last name. We look forward to reading the essay entries of Hanover County fifth graders.