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From 19 the day will include a ribbon cutting and presentation of the new floorcloth for the manor house hall; sheep shearer dave from delly’s delights Farms will be here answering all your questions; members from clothos handspinners guild will be on-site demonstrating the process of wool production; antique carriage and wagon display; rMc archaeology active dig; sheepdog herding demonstrations; open house tours; a children’s activities area; demonstrations in the hearth kitchen featuring scotchtown’s spring garden; over 40 local crafters, vendors and community organizations; and food trucks. The open-house tour and fiber festival programs are both included at $10 for students, $12 for senior/aaa/ Military, and $15 for General admission. Preservation Virginia members are $12 and children 6 and under are free. Purchase tickets at https://www. eventbrite.com/e/scotchtown-fiberfestival-tickets-494234557867.
THURSDAY, APRIL 27 a monthly Blood drive will be held