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Annual list helps define who we are
is to reach out to the Hanover County office of Virginia Cooperative Extension for help with any issues you might be having (the office also offers numerous garden-related workshops throughout the year). Through the Extension Office, residents can also access help from local Master Gardeners, members of the local community with special training in horticulture who volunteer their time to share their knowledge with the community.
For more information on the Hanover Extension Office, visit www.hanover.ext.vt.edu or call (804) 752-4310.
As for me, I think this might be the year I finally see the light and ask for help as I go about getting my garden started. Will this be the year my flower beds and vegetable plants finally flourish? Time will tell—but I’m ready to get growing.
Do you have a garden project you’re particularly proud of, or a tip you’s like to share? Send it to news@mechlocal.com and we’ll include it in an upcoming issue.
Sports Editor Robby Fletcher ...........................
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Because we must have lists for almost everything possible in our everyday lives, the Library of Congress designates 25 songs or sounds each year that make up a prestigious list of artists, songs and recordings that, as a society, we deem worthy of national recognition.
Since 2000, the Library’s National Recording Registry has documented and cataloged some of the nation’s most memorable songs and memorialized many of our most famous sounds.
It’s not all about music, either. The collection includes sounds of coverage from 9-11 and other significant sounds from history including coverage of Hank Aaron’s historical 715th home run as described by legendary sports caster Milo Hamilton.
The collection includes the earliest known recording of jazz pianist James Johnson’s “Harlem Strut” and other famous tidbits of sound including a conversation with Robin Williams.
“The National Recording
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send letters to: The Mechanicsville-ashland local 8460 Times-dispatch Blvd. Mechanicsville, Va. 23116 Fax: (804) 344-8746 e-mail: editor@mechlocal.com
Registry reflects the diverse music and voices that have shaped our nation’s history and culture through recorded sound,” said Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden in an NPR article last year.
To those who think the list has too much of a high-browed tone, with entries like Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin” and Queens’ “Bohemian Rhapsody,” there’s something on the list for everyone. The Wu-Tang Clan’s “Enter the Wu-Tang” joined the exclusive catalog last year.
This year’s list, announced earlier this month, also includes a wide variety of artists and genres including Madonna, Daddy Yankee, Mariah Carey, The Police and Led Zeppelin just to name a few.
Even the Super Mario Brothers theme was tapped for recognition on this year’s list, a first for video game themes.
One of the more puzzling selections from this year’s list is John Lennon’s “Imagine,” a title I would have thought should have been added years ago.
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