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Corn planting is underway despite reports of an abnormally dry April
March was eighth driest month on record for state
Contribute Report
Higher temperatures in early April led to abnormally dry, moderate drought conditions across Virginia.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s April 9 crop progress report found that 93% of topsoil moisture in Virginia was adequate, and 6% was short on soil moisture. Additionally, 12% of subsoil moisture was short and 88% was adequate.
Lynchburg experienced
Patricia Sims Slack
the highest average departure from normal temperatures, with an average high of 73 degrees, which is almost 7 degrees above normal.
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s U.S. Drought Monitor, 51.4% of Virginia experienced abnormally dry conditions, and 20% had moderate drought as of April 11. March was the eighth driest month on record with 1.8 inches in total precipitation—down almost 2 inches from normal, U.S. Drought Monitor reported.
Despite historically dry
SLACK, Patricia Sims, 89, went to be with the lord, Monday, april 17, 2023. she was preceded in death by her parents, J stuart and lois ligon sims; sister, Harriet Miller; and her husband of 45 years, William e slack. pat is survived by her children, Bill slack (Tara), Jan downer (Mike) and Craig slack; four grandchildren, Kathy and Chris slack and Mike and Brian downer; and six great-grandchildren. she was a longtime volunteer with the red Cross and went to new york City to assist after 9/11. pat was a 60 year member of Mechanicsville Baptist Church. The family will receive friends from 10 to 11 a.m., with services beginning at 11 a.m., saturday, april 22, 2023 at Mechanicsville Baptist Church, 8016 atlee rd., Mechanicsville, Va. 23111. interment will be private. The family would like to thank pat’s Cool Well neighbors for their help and support. in lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Mechanicsville Baptist Church. bennettfuneralhomes.com conditions, Virginia corn growers have been busy preparing their fields for planting. Since the first week of April, 5% of the state’s corn had been planted, according to the USDA report.

The southeast region of the U.S. is generally considered “water rich,” but droughts are not uncommon. Drought conditions can develop rapidly when a lack of rain and high temperatures combine to quickly increase the loss of water from the landscape through evapotranspiration, according to NOAA’s Drought Information System.
David Edward Green
While soil nutrients are not lost during a drought, heavy rainfall after a dry period can wash away heavy clay that carries valuable nutrients and topsoil, according to Virginia Cooperative Extension.
Extension advises homeowners to incorporate organic matter into clays and other soil types to improve soil structure, mulch to conserve moisture and control soil splashing, or use trickle irrigation near the base of plants to reduce runoff. For more tips on nutrient management at home, visit ext.vt.edu.
GREEN, David Edward, was born in richmond, Va. on January 8, 1951. He peacefully joined our Creator on april 2, 2023. david was predeceased by his father, Harris. He is survived by his mother, Mary Green of richmond, Va.; brother, Carlton Green of richmond; daughter, leslie a . powers of richmond, debra stoll of Warrenton, Va., sherri Johnson (Mark) of Midlothian, Va., John powers of Oak ridge, Tenn. and Billy Green of richmond, Va. He was a proud grandfather of six grandchildren and one greatgranddaughter. He also helped raise Capri and angela Green. david ran a successful roofing and painting business, Green’s roofing, for over 20 years. david was a family man who enjoyed vacationing at the beach and never missed a chance to watch the dallas Cowboys and wrestling! The family gives Hospice of Virginia, VCU and everyone else who cared for david their greatest gratitude. david’s remains rest with the Cremation society of Virginia. in memory of david, the family will gather late spring at

SUNDAYS all souls episcopal Church celebrates Holy eucharist rite ii at 9:15 a.m. at Messiah lutheran Church at 8154 atlee rd. in Mechanicsville. a nursery will be available for infants and toddlers. Katherine G. dougherty is the deacon in charge of all souls. Visit www.allsoulsva.org. a Healing and recovery ss Class meets at 9 a.m. at the Walnut Grove Baptist Church at 7046 Cold Harbor rd. in Mechanicsville. The class is for adults 18 and over and is an extension of the northstar community that also meets at 6 p.m. Fridays at the church. The Christian 12 steps and Biblical wisdom are the basis of study and discussion to learn about God’s place in our lives. all are welcome. Contact 804-746-5081 or contact Craig simpson at craigwgbc@ gmail.com.
Outside the Walls, a narcotics anonymous group, meets from 6 to 7 p.m. in the lobby of the pamunkey regional Jail at 7240 Courtland Farm rd. in Hanover. Contact John shinholser, Mcshin president, at 804-249-1845. The website is http:// www.mcshin.org.
MONDAYS a Grief support Group through Griefshare will be starting on Monday, May 1, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Meadowbridge sda Church, 7400 antique lane, Mechanicsville, Va 23116. This is a 13-week session cycle and you are welcome to begin attending at any point in the cycle. The group will provide help and encouragement to those mourning the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. let us help you on your journey from mourning to Joy! There is a registration fee of $25 to help cover the cost of the workbook, which is paid at the church (you can pay in increments if need be so don’t let that stop you from coming). register at www.griefshare.org searching for us by entering the zip code 23116. refreshments will be provided. For more information, reach out to the program director, Beth dyakon at 804-304-1165.

The Hanover Concert Band rehearses from 7 to 9 p.m. every Tuesday, Our rehearsals are now from 7-9 pM, mid February through our annual Christmas concert at the Hanover arts and activities Center at 500 south Center street in ashland, just south of U.s. 54. Membership is open to anyone who can read music and play a non-string instrument. High school students are welcome with parents’ permission. Visit www.hanoverconcertband.org or call 804-789-0536.
The american legion post 175, located at 8700 Bell Creek road in Mechanicsville, holds a “Meet and Greet, Coffee and donut” event from 9-11 a.m. every Tuesday for the community and perspective members to meet members and learn about what they do for the community. Visit http://www.post175.org/.
Hanover rotary meets from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at roma’s restaurant at 7240 Bell Creek rd. in Mechanicsville. due to the pandemic, contact president penny at pennyguiles43@gmail. com for current meeting at roma’s or Zoom connection information.
The ashland rotary Club meets weekly at noon at the iron Horse restaurant at 100 s railroad ave. in ashland. For more information, contact steve dunham at 804-4966093 or sandrdunham@yahoo.com.
Overcomers Outreach & Women’s Codependency is a Christ-centered anonymous support program offering hope and healing for recovering alcoholics, addicts and their families. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. at shalom Baptist Church at 8116 Walnut Grove road Mechanicsville. For more information, call 804-366-6524 or email mjfaith1@gmail.com.
new Highland Baptist Church hosts open basketball gym time for adults in the Christian life Center (ClC) starting at 7:30 pM. The church is located at 9200 new ashcake road in Mechanicsville. Use the side back entrance to enter. Contact Jeff Fitzgerald at jkfitzgerald@comcast.net.
Civil air patrol, Hanover squadron, meets Thursdays, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fairfield presbyterian Church, 6930 Cold Harbor road, in Mechanicsville. Cap is an awesome program for youth, ages 12- 21, as well as for adults who care about young people and want to help train america’s next generation of leaders. you’ll find cadet life exciting if you enjoy Flying, leadership Training, Model rocketry, earning rank & awards, and much more. Visit hanover.vawg.cap.gov or contact Capt James Wright at 804-551-3354 or james.wright@vawg.cap.gov.