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T.J. Jennings also received the annual Heins “Dedication to Duty” award for receiving the highest number of peer recognition cards for 2022. This award is named after retired director Phil Heins, who served as director of the department for over 30 years.
Several personnel were also recognized for their years of service: Shannon Harrell, Kelley Jones, Crystal Rager, Danielle Ross, and Lisa-Monique Streeter for five years; Casey Lawrence and Robert “Eddie” Eacho for 20 years; Becky Newcomb for 25 years and Cheryl Buchanan for 30 years.
The Department also recognized Communications Officer Kendal Marable for her outstanding performance utilizing the department’s automated dispatch protocols and for having the highest annual combined scores for 2022 of 9.61% out of 10.
The formal recognition ceremony was held at the

Emergency Communications Building on April 13. W. Canova Peterson, IV, chair of the Hanover County Board of Supervisors (Mechanicsville District), read and presented Cheryl Buchanan, director of the Public Safety Emergency Communications Center with a proclamation honoring the Hanover Public Safety Communications Officers for their dedication, service, and sacrifice during National Telecommunicator’s Week. Each year the board of supervisors establishes the second week in April as Hanover County Emergency Communications Officer Week.
Peterson, representing the board, praised all Hanover County Emergency Communications personnel for their service, noting the stress and demands placed on them each and every day, along with the great job they do for the citizens of Hanover County.
Also in attendance were
Enjoydelicious,fineSoutherncuisine,frontporchcocktails andliveentertainment.Entertowinraffleprizes,andfindout how youcansaveonselectapartmentsthisspring! RSVP on the Board during this time. I have also had the pleasure of working with three great superintendents – Dr. Stewart Roberson, Dr. Jamelle Wilson, and Dr. Michael Gill – as well as many dedicated senior staff members and administrators. My greatest pleasure during my tenure was visiting the classrooms, being with our children, and watching them light up with excitement when they learned something new.”
He added: “Dr. Roberson introduced a slogan to us that said, ‘Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing’ and the main thing is the young
Hanover County Board of Supervisor members Sean Davis (Henry District) and Michael Herzberg (Cold Harbor District); county administrator John Budesky; deputy county administrator Jim Taylor; Sheri Skipper, representing the Commonwealth’s Attorney Office; county attorney Dennis Walter; Ashland Police Department Captain Marie Kemp; Chief Jethro Piland; Asst. Chief Chris Anderson, and Battalion Chief Wade Sanders of Hanover Fire/EMS; Col. Dave Hines (Sheriff), Lt. Col. Thomas Woody, Major Ricky Dandridge and Major Jud Flagg of the Hanover Sheriff’s Office, as well as various department heads and County personnel. For more information about Hanover County Public Safety Emergency Communications, contact Charlie Udriet, deputy director of emergency communications, at (804) 3656311.
—Submitted by Hanover County people of Hanover County. I have found that to be the best advice I have received as a School Board member, and I hope I have succeeded in applying it to my decisions over the years. Our school division is second to none, and I am appreciative of our talented and devoted leaders, faculty, and staff who work tirelessly to ensure we remain exceptional.”
Appointed to the school board in 1995, Axselle has served as chairman nine times and vice chairman four times.
“We are grateful for Mr. Axselle’s dedicated service to the students, families, and staff of Hanover County Public Schools for the past 28 years,” said Hanover County school su- perintendent Michael Gill. “His passion for education, the betterment of our students, and upholding our longstanding Tradition of Excellence is evident. On behalf of Hanover County Public Schools, we wish Mr. Axselle a joyful and restful retirement.”
The Hanover County Board of Supervisors is scheduled to hold a public hearing today on the nominations for the Beaverdam District School Board representative as well as the Henry District School Board representative.
Saturday May 6
The a rc of Hanover at s hady Grove United Methodist Church will hold a picnic from 12:30-2:30 at 8209 shady Grove Road in Mechanicsville in the picnic shelter. Churchmembers will host a summer picnic of fun, food and fellowship. RsVP to diane at 804-798-2400 or info@thearcofhanover by april 28.

Hanover County is working with residents, businesses, landowners and other community members to update its Comprehensive Plan. Called “ e nvision Hanover,” the plan is the county’s long-range vision of Hanover over the next 25 years, addressing land use, housing, economic development and natural resources. It also provides guidance on where growth may be appropriate throughout the county and what that growth should look like. Hanover residents’ feedback will shape the Comprehensive Plan and decisions regarding growth, preservation and public investment for years to come. Based upon the feedback received, the project team has been working to identify key concepts related to land use, economic development and historic resources. Residents will be able to share their ideas by participating with an in-person meeting or webinar, depending upon their schedules. The Hanover Board of supervisors will hold public work sessions on the Comprehensive Plan on May 10. The current schedule calls for the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing on the proposed update in august, with the board’s public hearing to take place a month later. For information on the planning process, and how you can participate, visit www. envisionhanover.com. you can also follow the process on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
The 38th a nnual s hrimp and suds Feast will be held from 4:30 to 8 p.m. at Kings dominion Pavilion. enjoy, spiced shrimp (two servings) unlimited golden beverage and soft drinks. dance to “That dog Bite” see old friends make new ones! Fundraiser to benefit deserving youth and charitable endeavors. sponsored by the Rotary Club of Hanover. Ticket purchase online at HanOVeR ROTaRy ORG Or at atlantic Union Bank branches in Caroline and Hanover county and nuckols Rd.location. Tickets MUsT be purchased in advance! For additional information and sponsorship questions call Janice at 570-574-1481.
The Kiwanis Club of a s hland will hold its 2nd annual KarWanis Car show from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at ashland Junction shopping Center, 167 Junction drive, ashland Va 23005. Rain date is sunday, May. 14. The show is open to all interesting automobiles, regardless of age and make. Multiple classes will be judged on cleanliness and condition with trophies awarded. dash plaques will be given to the first 50 cars registered. Registration is $15 in advance, $20 day of show. Go to: http://www.karwanis. com. spectator admission is free. The Kiwanis Grillmasters will be serving up great food and there will be music and prize drawings. all proceeds support the Kiwanis mission to “serve the Children of Our Community.” Questions? Message at https://m.facebook.com/ ashlandvakiwanis/
If you think you may have a drinking problem, aa can help. Visit aarichmond.org for meeting info in Hanover County and other areas or call the 24 hour hotline: 804-355-1212.
The Hanover County sheriff’s Office will be hosting its 14th annual senior Citizens Police academy. The senior Citizens Police academy will take place through June 20. The academy will be held every Tuesday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. at The Montpelier Community Center, located at 17203 sycamore Tavern Lane, Montpelier, Va 23192. There will be no cost for the participants. Class size will be limited to the first 30 seniors who register. The program will be available to people 55 years of age or older who are residents, business owners or county employees. applicants must also be willing to submit to a background check. This academy is designed to give participants an inside look into law enforcement with the Hanover County sheriff’s Office. Interested seniors are urged to download an application at http://www.hanoversheriff.com/199/senior-CitizensPolice-academy or contact deputy evan Povar at (804) 365-3363 for an application or additional information. also, the application needs to be notarized. The deadline to apply is March 10, 2023.