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OPINION On a day celebrating press freedom, a note of thanks
Today, May 3, marks World Press Freedom Day, an international observance created by the United Nations and celebrated annually as a reminder of the critical role that a free press plays around the world.
In honor of this occasion, I’d like to thank all of you, our readers, for the opportunity to continue covering the news and events that mean the most to you.
Over the many years that I’ve had the privilege to work in the field of community journalism, I’ve been able to cover a wide variety of events, some of which might have not have made the front pages of any major metro daily. Yes there have been big stories, for sure, but also many that wouldn’t matter much to those living outside the bounds of this county. For every plane crash (don’t worry, the pilot walked away just fine) and titillating political scandal there have been a dozen spelling bees and church bazaars. For every major court case there have been three times as many little league championships, chili cook-offs and runaway cows. No, my expense report at the end of the month doesn’t include airline tickets or miles logged covering breaking international news. But I don’t consider my role any less important because it’s closer to home (as a matter of fact, for many community journalists, it is home).
When I say I have loved my job, that doesn’t quite cover it. In fact, I have delighted in it. The reason? People let me and my colleagues know every single day that our work matters to them.
Plenty of things have changed in the media world over the past few decades, and sometimes it can feel as though the noise of so many competing voices can be deafening. I like to think that in our pages you can find the news delivered without any particu- lar agenda or slant because our guiding principle is simple: If it’s important to you, it’s important to us.
Today, on World Press Freedom Day, and every day, it remains our mission to do whatever it takes to uncover, document, and celebrate all of the things that make this community what it is.
It is our privilege to serve this community, and we look forward to doing it for many years to come.