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What's on
what's on events
Bay of Plenty Kitchen Takeover: Christmas in the Caribbean
4 November – 18 December A secret location, Tauranga CBD kitchentakeover.co.nz/caribbean-christmas
Whakatane Late Night Christmas Shopping
2 December The Strand, Whakatane whakatane.com/events/epic-late-nightchristmas-shopping
Whānau Mārama: New Zealand International Film Festival
2 December Rialto Cinema, Tauranga nziff.co.nz/2021/tauranga/
Waste Free Living Workshop
2 December The Orchard Church, Te Puke eventfinda.co.nz
Salmonella Dub "Return To Our Kowhai" Spring Tour 21
3 December Trustpower Baypark Arena, Mt Maunganui eventfinda.co.nz
Kinloch Market
4 December Kinloch Domain, Taupō facebook.com/KinlochMarket/
BNZ Women in Business Christmas Charity Event
9 December Cadera Mexican Bar & Restaurant, Ōhope
Hotel California: The Eagles Experience
11 December Great Lake Centre, Taupō eventfinda.co.nz
Turangi Christmas in the Park
11 December Tongariro School, Turangi facebook.com/ChristmasInTheParkTurangi/
Tauranga's Christmas in the Park
11 December Coronation Park, Mt Maunganui facebook.com/ taurangaschristmasinthepark/
Omokoroa Market
18 December Omokoroa Settlers Hall, Tauranga eventfinda.co.nz/2021/pahoia-markets/ bay-of-plenty
Sunny Side up Children's Film Festival
20 December The Historic Village, Tauranga omorikuratau.com/carols
Omori Kuratau Christmas Carols
24 December Omori Kuratau Town Hall, Omori/ Kuratau facebook.com/ChristmasInTheParkTurangi/
Mahon's Amusement
26 December – 10 January Tongariro North Domain, Taupō mahonsamusements.co.nz
Le Currents
27 December Riverside Park, Taupō lecurrents.co.nz
Valvoline Superstock Charity Invitational
27 December TWS Paradise Valley Speedway, Rotorua eventfinda.co.nz
29 December – 30 December Awakaponga MX track, Awakaponga whakatane.com/events/summercross
Summer Festival Raceday and Harcourts Taupō Cup
30 December Taupō Race Track, Taupō tauporacingclub.co.nz
New Year’s Eve Celebration and Fireworks
31 December Riverside Park, Taupō
BANGERZ – Forget the 2020s, NYE Bash 2021
31 December Our Place, Tauranga eventfinda.co.nz
Fishing Competition
1 – 2 January Lake Taupō
Blindspott – R.I.P. Tour
2 January Soper Reserve, Mt. Maunganui eventfinda.co.nz
The Beach Ball with BROODS
4 January Digger McEwen Motorcross Track, Taupō eventfinda.co.nz
Whakatāne January Touch Tournament
7 January Rex Morpeth and Rugby Park, Whakatāne whakatane.com
Waikato River Trails Summer Sizzler Run/Walk
8 January Mangakino Lake Front Reserve, Lake
Maraetai, Mangakino wrtsummersizzler.com
NZ Jet Sport Tour
15 – 16 January Mangakino Lake Front Reserve, Lake
Maraetai, Mangakino nzjetsport.org.nz
2022 Orangetheory Epic Swim
15 – 16 January Lake Taupō, Taupō eventfinda.co.nz
Do you have an event to list?
Email the team at hello@henrymagazine.nz to showcase your Autumn event in the next edition of henry.
15 – 16 January Kinloch Domain, Taupō facebook.com/
Tauranga Fringe Festival 2022
15 January The Incubator Creative Hub , Tauranga eventfinda.co.nz
Taupō Junior & Mini Masters Golf
19 – 21 January Taupō Golf Course, Taupō sporty.co.nz/taupojuniorgolfclub
Taupō Historic GP Celebrating Ford
22 – 24 January Bruce McLaren Motorsport Park brucemclarenmotorsportpark.com
Hydro Thunder/ Thunder on the Great Lake
28 – 30 January Lake Taupō, Taupō gphydroplane.co.nz
National Under 25 Dressage Champs
28 – 31 January National Equestrian Centre, Taupō nzequestrian.org.nz
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac & Stevie Nicks Tribute Show
29 January Finn's Bistro and Beer Garden, Taupō eventfinda.co.nz
Speed Works Events – Round Four
29 – 30 January Bruce McLaren Motorsport Park, Taupō eventfinda.co.nz
Farming Like Grandad & Country Fair
30 January SH30 Kawerau (opposite Military Rd),
Whakatane whakatane.com
4 – 5 February National Equestrian Centre, Taupō equifest.co.nz
Annual Catfish Cull
5 February Motuoapa Marina, Motuoapa spearfishingnz.co.nz
Ray White Charity Garage Sale
5 February Railway Park, Ngongotaha, Rotorua facebook.com/Ray-White-Rotorua-
Omori Kuratau Waitangi Weekend Market
5 February Omori Kuratau Town Hall, Omori/
Rotorua Home & Garden Show 2022
11 February Energy Events Centre , Rotorua homeandgardenshow.co.nz
Waikato Show Hunter Summer Show
11 – 13 February National Equestrian Centre, Taupō facebook.com/
Walking Stars
12 February Herries Park, Tauranga walkingstars.org.nz
Beer Appreciation Day Riverside
12 February Riverside Park, Taupō beerappreciationday.co.nz
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Rewrite Your Skin’s History
The proven way to visibly rejuvenate your skin Advertorial
Introducing the latest microneedling technology on the market – the Dermapen4™. A solution delivered by Diamond Laser Medispa, providing the ultimate in skin needling with unsurpassed confidence, safety and outstanding patient results. Safer than ever – featuring an anti-contamination mechanism, revolutionary needle cartridge design and increased speed to keep the needles from dragging – Dermapen is the only microneedling device with a dedicated scar setting, making it suitable for surgical, burn, stretch marks and post-acne scars. How does it achieve lasting results? It stimulates the body’s own natural collagen to rejuvenate skin and improve wrinkles, lines and other imperfections. Read on to find out about the most popular treatments . . .
Enlarged Pores
Enlarged or ‘open’ pores can result in a visibly uneven skin surface, causing make up application to appear patchy or blotched in appearance. Enlarged pores are typically more visible on the nose, cheeks and chin regions, and are common amongst those who have suffered from acne or problematic skin conditions such as blackheads.
Dermapen microneedling treatments effectively and safely reduce enlarged pores. The skin’s own natural wound healing response is activated, producing and distributing new collagen – essentially plumping up and tightening the appearance of the enlarged pores and making them smaller.
Fine Lines & Wrinkles
As we age, we accrue fine lines and wrinkles – especially across the face – with pollution and lifestyle habits taking their toll on our skin. Dermapen treatments are the safe, natural alternative to fight the ageing process. They can commence on the onset or before fine lines take hold – a prejuvenation technique – requiring two-to-three clinical treatments to achieve a noticeable difference.
Acne & Problematic Skin
combination of genetics, hormone changes, health, stress and/ or environmental factors. Hormones can stimulate excess sebum (or oil) production, and in turn, excess oil, dry skin and debris combined can become trapped in the pore. If the pore becomes blocked, the acne bacteria can cause inflammation and make the skin more susceptible to other bacteria. Dermapen microneedling regenerates the affected area by stimulating the production and distribution of collagen. The result is an overall improvement in the appearance of problematic skin breakouts, black/whiteheads, acne reduced and minimised scarring.
Stretch Marks & Cellulite
Stretch marks are a type of scar that occurs when rapid tearing of the dermis stretches collagen fibres. Cellulite occurs when fat deposits push through
the connective tissue beneath the skin. Both these conditions can affect all skin types, conditions and colours, males and females. The Dermapen process

encourages the production and distribution of new collagen that progressively remodels the stretch mark scar and cellulite area, whilst greatly reducing its appearance.
Scarring is a natural part of the healing process and can be categorised into three main categories.
1 Dark and light scars – these superficial scars generally heal and are barely visible within three-to-six months. 2 Raised scars – commonly occur on bendable areas of the skin (back, knees and elbows) and result from the stretching of wound edges while healing. Keloid scars tend to grow outside the border of the initial injury, and can become large, painful or itchy. 3 Indented scars – are the most common scar type and are often seen on the face (where acne has been present). This is caused when not enough scar tissue has formed and therefore does not match up with the surrounding skin. The new Dermapen dedicated scar treatment function can assist in the treatment of most types of scarring on various parts of the body. Rejuvenating fractional micro channels are formed in the skin that actively break up existing scar tissue. This encourages the production and distribution of new collagen that works to build healthy, thicker and firmer skin in the scarred region.
You will notice much smoother and even skin tone and texture.
Hyperpigmentation is the discolouration of skin caused by internal physical factors and/ or external factors, these include hormonal changes, sun exposure, skin type, trauma and the skins natural ageing process. Presenting as areas of uneven skin tone, darkness, age spots or freckles, pigmentation occurs when excess melanin (skin pigment) has been stimulated. Dermapen treatments are highly effective for treating pigmentation. The treatment delivers up to 1,920 fractional microchannels per second into the skin to promote a more balanced and normalised cellular function. As melanocytes (pigment producing cells) are directly targeted, a repair and corrective process encourages an even skin tone, creating a radiant appearance.