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Life's worth coaching for
The COVID-19 pandemic has spun a web of worry, weaving anxiety into many facets of life and exposing vulnerabilities, forcing us to confront thoughts and emotions on the daily. For a country that traditionally keeps passions and feelings on the down low with ‘yeah, nah’ type attitudes, drawing our inner selves to the surface isn’t an easy feat. But, given the new age of unknown we’re navigating, embracing the positives and reducing the anxiety begins by connecting to your true authentic self.
“You can approach life from two places: fear-based and love-based, but not both,” explains renowned New Zealand life coach, Dawn Kiddie. “A lot of us are in fight or flight mode all the time. So, when you uncover what’s important to you, and get to know who you really are – and recognise what’s not working for you – you’re better equipped to deal with adversity.”
All pieces of the pie
Resetting our defaults and exposing the inner critic, gifts freedom not just to excel in one part of your life but all of it. “Life is a synergy – if you’re failing in one area, or feeling sad about another, it’s going to have a circular effect. Our key areas are career, finance, relationships and health – and the work we have to do in each of these areas will be different for all of us,” says
Dawn. “A life coach will show you where to look, not what to see.” And, what near two years of uncertainty has waged key. “What does Christmas mean to you, what is it that you look forward to the most? Family? Presents? Relaxation? Realistically you may not get to see all your family, or guarantee a shipment of presents – so what are the alternatives now you can put in place that will bring that joy – ZOOM, homemade gifts? Don’t just say I’m looking forward to a break – a break to do what? Be specific – get a bit selfish.”
on our mental health and wellbeing – according to the Mental Health Foundation survey conducted at the end of 2020 following a year of living through the pandemic, a quarter of New Zealanders currently have poor levels of mental and emotional wellbeing, including nearly a third of women – it’s also gifted opportunity to re-evaluate our sense of self.
“Self-limiting beliefs keep you stuck in life. Research suggests that these ideas develop in our childhood, and if they aren't unlearned, they can continue for a lifetime,” says Dawn. “You’ve got to determine what your story means to you.”
Channel your focus
With Christmas on the horizon – and COVID-19 question marks still hanging heavy – staying strategic about connecting to your real self is
Better laneways
Everyone can do with some coaching in life, says Dawn. “Why did Michael Jordan, one of the greatest basketball players of all-time need a coach? So, he could get better. It’s the same for us all.” And, like the ever-changing way of the world, life coaching too is keeping pace. Alongside her face-to-face coaching sessions, Dawn and her business partners are opening online doors that we all stand to benefit from. “It’s a first-of-its kind online life coaching platform – globally nothing compares – covering all the key areas of life, with programmes tailored to each individual’s life position – clients can move between the segments of the pie, ticking off goals as they journey along. Not everyone wants to participate in face-to-face group or individual sessions – or can with COVID restrictions – 98% of us fear public speaking more than death. So, by taking the life coaching platform to a whole new personalised experience online, we’re in reach of everyone.”