Spring Issue 2012
Harry A. Miller Club News Photos courtesy of John Hollansworth Jr.
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Indy Car M et, Milw a u ke e
Millers at Milwaukee Event Includes Celebration of 100 th Anniversary of Vanderbilt Cup Race
here is still time to enter your car in the 18th annual Millers at MilwaukeeVintage Indy Car Event! We already have a strong roster of impressive cars, but there is still room for a few more! An exciting weekend of activity has been planned, with six hours of track time on both Friday, July 6 and Saturday, July 7. The complete event schedule is printed on page 2.
have to put Milwaukee in your travel plans for this July. There is always an incredible group of vintage Indy cars on the famed Milwaukee Mile, with friendly members who are truly passionate about their cars and willing to share their stories!
A special addition this year includes recognition of the 1912 Vanderbilt Cup Race and a celebration of the 100th anniversary of this historic gathering! This premier race took place on the streets of Milwaukee, and has become the most celebrated and prestigious road course race of the early 20th Century. Vanderbilt Cup races were held from 1904 to 1916. We have invited all Vanderbilt Cup era cars to participate in our event! 1912 Vanderbilt Cup Race In 1903, one year before the first Vanderbilt Cup race was held, automobile racing began at the Wis. State Fairgrounds Speedway, now known as The Milwaukee Mile! As you’re undoubtedly aware, the Milwaukee Mile is the oldest continuously operated auto race track in the world! For those members who may not own a car, you
Lenore by June 15 so that your name and sale items can be included in the track program. The Crowne Plaza West is once again the host hotel for our gathering. Make sure to contact the hotel ASAP, if you need to make room reservations. The block of rooms is released June 6, and then they are available on a first come, first served basis. Call 414-475-9500 and state that you are with the Millers at Milwaukee – Harry Miller Club group. Rates are reduced at $114 per night.
A special “Welcome to Milwaukee” social is planned for entrants on Thursday, July 5 at the hotel, from 5:30 until 7 p.m. The annual Banquet and Silent Auction will also be held in the first floor ballroom at the Photo courtesy of Howard Kroplick Crowne Plaza on Friday, July 6. Some owners even share a ride around the Reservations are required for both events, track! Vendors are invited to participate in and can be made by returning the RSVP the weekend event and display their race form sent to all entrants. If space is available, car related treasures. This year, there is a non-entrant members may make banquet vendor’s fee of $35 which includes one pit reservations. The cost is $50 per person. pass! Miller car entrants, however, are able Please e-mail Lenore at harrymillerclub@ sbcglobal.net to make your reservation. to set up a table in the vendor’s area at no charge. We ask that all vendors contact Continued on page 2