MV Agusta Catalog

Page 1

Dear mister Gary Kohs, i frequenti contatti personali che da anni tratteniamo, ci permettono di considerarla persona facente parte della storia della “Meccanica Verghera-Agustaâ€?. Ci siamo domandati quali siano state le motivazioni che l’hanno indotta a collezionare una cosĂŹ completa serie di moto, di una marca italiana con una breve storia nel panorama motoristico del dopoguerra.

culla di storia, arte ed intraprendenza. Esaltare, nella sua collezione di moto MV, il concetto che queste non sono solo motocicli, ma arte e meccanica ci inorgoglisce. Sicuramente lei incarna questi sentimenti che non solo l’hanno portata alla ricerca delle moto, ma che hanno mosso il desiderio, perseguito e raggiunto, di far conoscere la storia commerciale e sportiva dell’Agusta. Un ringraziamento di cuore per la realizzazione di questo catalogo e i complimenti per l’impegno dedicato.

Il Direttore del Museo Agusta Dott. GianLuigi Marasi


Dear Gary Kohs, It has been a long time since we have been in touch, and this project allows us to consider you as a person belonging to the history of “Meccanica Verghera-Agusta�. We have often wondered what the reasons were that allowed you to put together such a complete collection of bikes that belonged to an Italian factory, along with a short story in the postwar motorbike history.

initiative. In your collection of MV bikes, you stress the fact that these are not simply motorbikes, but a meeting of art and machine, which makes us very proud. We are sure that you personify those feelings that not only brought you to hunt for every single bike, but raised the desire, which has been fully achieved, to share the commercial and racing history of MV Agusta. My heartfelt thanks for this catalog and congratulations for your involvement in this initiative.

The Agusta Museum Director Dott. GianLuigi Marasi


La storia della moto italiana nel dopoguerra attraverso la produzione della “Meccanica Verghera� Un’introduzione di Enrico Sironi e Dario Paganini, dal Museo MV Agusta.

La “Meccanica Vergheraâ€? viene fondata il 12 febbraio 1945 all’interno della “Costruzioni Aeronautiche Giovanni Agustaâ€? di Cascina Costa con l’obiettivo prezioso di professionalitĂ delle sue maestranze, dopo la sospensione delle attivitĂ lavorative imposta alle aziende aeronautiche italiane. Altrettanto certa (e la storia recente ne è la prova) era la volontĂ della famiglia Agusta di ritornare a pieno titolo a occuparsi di attivitĂ aeronautica, appena le risoluzioni politiche internazionali avrebbero tolto le limitazioni !"#$%&'* %+ ' nella prima versione del logo, per poi evidenziarsi in forma stilizzata di colore /0 3 del Mondo. Anche la decisione di riconvertire temporaneamente l’Azienda in unitĂ produttiva di sistemi per il trasporto leggero non è casuale; le testimonianze del tempo e tutta l’azione di Domenico Agusta negli anni a seguire avvalorano infatti una sua spiccata passione motociclistica. % 678/ piccolo ed economico motore a scoppio per un impiego versatile: industriale e motociclistico, come si ricava dai documenti dell’archivio tecnico della MV. Un’idea che viene interrotta dagli eventi bellici che vedono l’Italia occu nell’ottobre del 1945 viene presentato il prototipo: prendono avvio la produzione del motociclo MV 98 cc a 2 tempi e 2 velocitĂ con telaio del tipo rigido e l’organizzazione della rete di vendita con lo studio della campagna


pubblicitaria per far conoscere la nuova casa motociclistica in un contesto di mercato nel quale sono presenti marchi italiani e stranieri con consolidata storia commerciale e sportiva. Ăˆ sempre di Domenico Agusta l’idea che si mostrerĂ vincente e alla quale rimarrĂ fedele negli anni: presentarsi al via di ogni manifestazione agonistica, ritenendola un ottimo veicolo pubblicitario di immediata visibilitĂ per via delle numerose gare che frequentemente si svolgevano sul territorio nazionale. All’audacia dell’iniziativa, allo sforzo dei tecnici e al coraggio dei piloti viene in premio il 6 ottobre del 1946 la prima vittoria alla prima partecipazione, subito bissata sette giorni dopo. % > ? @ la MV è rimasta fedele in tutti gli anni della sua 6700 All’importanza della partecipazione alle competizioni, che ha permesso di far conoscere nalare - per la parte commerciale - il contributo economico determinante negli anni Cinquanta %&'* % B produzione comprendeva ciclomotori, motocicli di piccola e media cilindrata e mezzi di trasporto leggeri a 2 e a 4 tempi. Erano mezzi utilitari ma robusti, impiegati soprattutto come mezzi di lavoro o per recarsi sul posto di lavoro. La svolta Negli anni Sessanta, grazie al migliorato tenore economico, l’automobile viene preferita come mezzo di locomozione popolare e la moto


diventa sempre piĂš un mezzo di svago. Domenico Agusta asseconda la nuova tendenza mettendo sul mercato i modelli che questo richiede (anche se non sempre economicamente produttivi). # FHJ /HJ cc. La MV provoca il mercato presentando la 600 cc a 4 cilindri, derivata dal motore Campione del Mondo, riprendendo una proposta presentata nel 1950 con la sigla R19 che presentava la caratteris ! + CosĂŹ come veniva programmata la produzione secondo il gusto della clientela, altrettanto avveniva nella sezione “Competizioniâ€?. In questo campo i tempi venivano dettati dalla concorrenza sempre piĂš agguerrita e per rimanere al vertice dopo la prima strepitosa affermazione mondiale del 1952 tutta l’Azienda (dirigenza, tecnici e maestranze) era al servizio del Reparto Corse per mettere a disposizione dei grandi piloti del team MV moto altamente performanti e vincenti. Q

/0 " " %&'* % motociclistica e aeronautica. T 67HF primo Mondiale, con l’acquisizione della licenza per la costruzione degli elicotteri americani


WTBB$3XYZXY% QX[ %&'* % 3 3 Z 6706 !* + \ * ] "#$%&'* % 3 3 Non sappiamo cosa avrebbe inventato, quale idea rivoluzionaria i suoi tecnici avrebbero dovuto materializzare per tenere testa alla concorrenza commerciale e sportiva. 3 %6J7 %&'* %

* !"#$%&'* %+ patrimonio di famiglia. Enrico Sironi 67HF 6700 ' "#$%&'* %] 670F tore progettista, coordina l’attività di progettazione e sviluppo dei motori da competizione. Prosegue

% %&'* % elicotteristiche. 677F 3 " % "X X3Q3BQ* Q3%

Dario Paganini % 6708 67^/ Y Y * _ _` *j/ * Z T 67^F 67^8 B Q " % componenti dell’elicottero. Oggi in Azienda si occupa di Software per il controllo e l’elaborazione dati. Z " % T * sezione motociclistica.


The Post-War History of the Italian Motorcycle An introduction by Enrico Sironi and Dario Paganini, from the MV Agusta Museum.

“Meccanica Verghera� was founded on February 12th 1945 as a part of the “Costruzioni Aeronautiche Giovanni Agusta� of Cascina Costa, after the aeronautics industry companies were forced to suspend their activity at the outset of the valuable skills their workers had acquired. The Agusta family was determined to return to aeronautics activities as soon as international political resolutions cancelled the restrictions imposed upon the Italian aviation industry at the conclusion of the Second World War. The visual ! " # $%& '()* '+ ' the logo and is later substituted by the stylized light blue graphic that was soon to become the icon of the 37-time World Champion motorbike manufacturer. The decision itself to temporarily convert the company into a factory produc " / ' "


' beginning of 1943 he came up with the design and construction of a small and inexpensive 2-stroke engine, to be used in industrial and motorbike production, as shown in the documents of the MV technical archive. ' 0 6 " 8:;< " %& := >? >? motorcycle MV produced. A sales network was organized and an advertising campaign conceived to introduce the new motorbike factory in a market where Italian and foreign brands had long been available.


Domenico Agusta had another idea that proved successful: he wanted to take part in every motorcycle race. He was convinced that this would be a great marketing vehicle with an immediate result in visibility due to the several motorcycle competitions that were organized in Italy. 6 " B 8:;B %&E days later. MV was faithful to its philosophy (production and competition) until the end of the company’s activity in 1977. Taking part in racing was essential to make the factory famous outside Italy’s borders, but it is also important to say that in the 1950’s the economic " '()* ' Early production models included mopeds, smallor medium-engine motorbikes and 2- or 4-stroke models. They were versatile and solid machines, used primarily as transport and commercial vehicles.

The Turning Point In the 1960’s, thanks to the improved Italian economy, automobiles became the favored means of transportation, while the motorcycle started representing a vehicle for more frugal transportation. Domenico Agusta supported the new trend of producing models that responded to the market demand


(not all of them were economically productive). Twocylinder 250cc and 350cc engines were designed. MV pushed the motorcycle market by presenting the 4-cylinder 600cc, derived from the World Championship engine, and developed a model presented in 1950 and R8: U " X # " in the “Competition� branch. To remain on the po 8:<> Company would work at the “Race Department� to ensure that the great MV race team piloted competitive motorbikes. Winning 37 World Championships had positive results for the entire AGUSTA motorcycle and aeronautics industrial activity. 8:<[ \ Agusta purchased the Bell Corporation helicopter manufacturing licenses, allowing the wings to return to the Agusta in the skies of Cascina Costa. Unfortunately in February 1971, “Signor Domenico�, as he was nicknamed in the factory, suddenly died. Without his guidance, MV-Agusta of Cascina Costa started fading.


{ '8 : ' of the 1960’s, and is still technologically advanced today. Were he still alive, we are certain that the MV-Agusta marque would have remained a family heritage.

Enrico Sironi | * %&?' E 6 8:<>}8:~~ 8:~> 0 signer, coordinating the design of racing engines. Following that post, he was assigned to the Technical Area of Agusta working on the design of helicopter transmissions. Since 1992, Sironi has been in charge as “Conservatore Museo Agusta� (Museum Curator Agusta) at Cascina Costa for the motorbike division of AgustaWestland.

Dario Paganini Dario Paganini joined MV Agusta in 1974, and worked in the service department as an electrician, focusing on the Sikorsky SH3D helicopter. He graduated from Perito Elettrotecnico in 1982, and in 1984 ` " X % /

# ' { % ' | * motorcycle department.


Acknowledgements It’s said that no man is an island, and no book is a solo effort. Any published work is a team effort, and what you’re holding in your hands is no exception. We would like to thank the individuals and organizations that make this august gathering, and tome, a reality. First and foremost, warmest thanks to Gary Kohs, the Collection Founder. In no particular order: Laura Antoniolli, Mike Kaptuch, John & Ingrid Klomp – Investment Bikes, Peer, Belgium, Nedo Macchia, Giorgio Giorgetti, Loreno Cirri, Giovanni Castiglioni, Claudio Castiglioni, Enrico Sironi & Dario Paganini – Museo GLA Agusta, Cascina Costa, Italy, Dott. GianLuigi Marasi, Silvia " ` € *  j € 3 * ` ‚ _ ` ƒ

Words and photography by David Newhardt Copyright Š 2012 by Mecum Auction, Inc. Mecum Auction, Inc. retains sole copyright to this book.

6780 7^ * !/ # +

pg. 1

67H/ˆH8 125 Bialbero Grand Prix Racer


678^ 6FH F !/ # + /

67H8 60H 3* ! # +

pg. 29

67HJ 6FH !3+ *

pg. 5

67H8 60H 3** ! # +



125 CSL Scooter




67HJ 6FH 3& *

pg. 9

67H8 60H 3* 6


67H6 6FH !3+

pg. 11



67HF 6HJ 3& *


67HH 6FH Y



150 Sport “E�

pg. 15


pg. 41


150 Sport “Super� Lusso


67H‡ 60H 3**ˆH# !* +


67H/ 6HJ * !T+ B

pg. 19


Ciclomotore 48cc

pg. 45

67H/ 6FH !" +

pg. 21


125 “Superpullman�


67H/ 6FH !X +


67H0 60H 3* T %W

pg. 49

67H/ 6FH TB

pg. 25

67H0 60H " 3*&

pg. 51

„ [

* Not available at time of photography.

125cc “Pullman� 1a serie

125 Rapido Sport

“Pullman� 2a serie

67H^ 6FH Y % > Y%@


67‡8 & &


67H^ 60H 3* ! # +

pg. 55

67‡8 6FH & B

pg. 81


Raid 250cc



Germano Sport 1a serie


67H7 !X +

pg. 59


150 RS

pg. 85


pg. 61

67‡H F/H


67‡J F/H



pg. 89

67‡J 6FH YTB !3 +

pg. 65

67‡‡ 3 & F

pg. 91



67‡‡ B ` F


67‡6 77 3 !& +

pg. 69

67‡0 6FH Y 6 „

pg. 95

67‡6 /JJ Y !" +



600 Roadster Four


67‡F 3 6F8 & B



250 B

pg. 99




250 Bicilindrico B Scrambler

pg. 101


6706 6FH * & B$*

Chicco Scooter

150cc “Centauro� 2a serie *

Liberty Sport

67‡/ 77 3 * „ [

* Not available at time of photography.

Germano Sport 2a serie


6706 /HJ W Š * 6

pg. 105

6777 Â 8 0HJ X

pg. 129

6706 0HJ * 830H 6




670F 6FH & B$* 3

pg. 109

FJJ/ W * X 0HJ


670F 0HJ 830H F

pg. 111



670F /HJ *


2006 F4 1000R “Bonneville�


670F /HJ Š * T

pg. 115

FJJ0 Â 8 6JJJ /6FY !W



670/ Z Y Q " _


670/ 0HJ &

pg. 119

670H /HJ * Q

pg. 121

670H 6FH * !T+


670H 0HJ * %

pg. 125

670‡ /HJ Q & „


6700 "#ˆX 3 ` Z W _

pg. 128

„ [

* Not available at time of photography.

1947 98 S “3 VelocitĂ â€? Serial # 5225

Engine # 5141

B 7^ * !/ # + onore tra i modelli da competizione di Cascina Costa: fu infatti in assoluto la prima vera MV da corsa. Mentre il modello di serie Milano nel novembre del 1946, il modello da corsa super sport, potenziato, aveva giĂ fatto il suo debutto sulle piste, vincendo la # 6/ ottobre 1946. La MV 98 vinse 41 gare di velocitĂ e 20 gare fuori strada tra il 1946 e il 1949, consolidando cosĂŹ la fama della casa motociclistica MV Agusta. Completamente restaurata e catalogata nel registro storico MV Agusta con il numero #5225, è probabilmente uno degli unici due modelli di cui si conosca l’esistenza e rappresenta l’introduzione alla storia dell’azienda.

The 98 S “3 speeds� has a place of honor among the competition models of Cascina \ %& standard model was introduced to the public at the Milan Motorcycle Show in November, 1946, the upgraded super sport race model had already made its track debut, winning its & U 6 " 13, 1946. The MV 98 would go on to win 41 road races and 20 off-road races between 1946 and 1949, solidifying the MV Agusta as a motorcycle manufacturer that was here to stay. Fully restored and registered with the MV Agusta History Log, #5225 is believed to be one of just two models known to exist, and represents the introduction of a legacy.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ Displacement: 98 cc Bore x stroke: 49 x 52 mm 3 ] 0]6 Z Š ˆ * ] H jZ ˆ H8JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ]

Carburettor: 20 mm carburetor Q ] `Š Lubrication: 12% mixture Starting: pushstart or kickstart Primary drive: Gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch & �] / Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Single beam double cradle tubular steel frame Front suspension: mechanical telescopic fork Rear suspension: guided telescopic wheel  _ ] 6/J

_ Rear brake: 120 mm side drum brake Front tire: 2.50x19 “ Rear tire: 2.50x19 “ Wheels: spokes _] 6/ Length: 1960 mm Width: 610 mm Wheelbase: 1210 mm Weight: 65 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 6JJ _


1948 125 2 Tempi “3 VelocitĂ â€? da competizione Serial # 656360

Engine # 7004

Concorrente del modello stradale dal quale deriva, questa moto da competizione era dotata di un motore monocilindrico appositamente progettato per la versione da corsa 7 3# 3 incrociato e un pistone piatto, il motore aveva maggior potenza rispetto a quello del modello precedente. Gare di motoleggere erano diventate piuttosto frequenti dopo la seconda guerra mondiale e MV era in prima linea. Vinse il suo primo Gran Premio il 12 settembre 1949 a Faenza con una 125 pilotata da Franco Bertoni. Nel 1950 la MV accumulò oltre 50 vittorie con la 125, con piloti come Attolini, Ubbiali, Galante e Alquati. La produzione completa di 125 fu di 2.000 esemplari. Questa versione da competizione è una delle uniche due rimaste.

Concurrent with the road bike, and based R ƒ ? single-cylinder engine and head to generate : {X ?# ! # " " its predecessor. Light motorcycle racing had become very popular following WW II, and MV was at the forefront. The company won ( X ! * " 8> 8:;: at Faenza, with a 125 ridden by Franco Bertoni. In 1950, MV accumulated more than 50 victories with the 125, with riders such as Attolini, Ubbiali, Galante, and Alquati. Total production of the 125 was 2,000 units. This race version is one of the only two in existence.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ ] 6F/ H W � _ ] H/ � H‡

Compression ratio: 8.5:1 Z Š ˆ * ] 7 jZ ˆ ‡7JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ]

Carburettor: 25 mm carburetor Q ] `Š Lubrication: 12% mixture Starting: pushstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch & �] / Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Single beam double cradle tubular steel frame Front suspension: parallelogram steel tubes Rear suspension: guided telescopic wheel Front brake: 160 mm side drum brake Rear brake: 160 mm side drum brake Front tire: 2.50x21� Rear tire: 2.50x21� Wheels: spokes _] 68 Length: 2000 mm Width: 610 mm Wheelbase: 1260 mm ’ ] 0J “

Prestazioni / Performance ] 6FJ _


1950 125 Turismo “C� Serbatoio cromato Serial # 17598/3

Engine # 17584-3

MV Agusta raggiunse numeri altissimi con la 125 “C�, con un picco di circa 20.000 esemplari prodotti. Dal telaio in tubi e lamiera di acciaio saldati, al motore a 2 tempi, entrambi

8 6FH !3+ ” • contribuĂŹ a rafforzare la posizione di MV sul mercato. Mentre la sospensione anteriore era ancora del tipo a parallelogramma, quella posteriore impiegava il piĂš moderno forcel 3 H 3# “Câ€? poteva arrivare alla velocitĂ massima di ^J _ ˆ posteriore era comodo per il trasporto di B 6FH a 228.000 Lire.

MV Agusta ramped up mass production with the 125 “C� model, with a run of approximately 20,000 units built. From its all-new pressed and tubular steel frame and new 2-stroke engine to its 4-speed gearbox, it was a popular lightweight motorcycle that strengthened MV’s place in the market. While the front suspension retained its Girder fork construction, the rear suspension utilized a swing-arm with mechanical 5 HP could urge the Turismo “C� to a top speed of 51 mph, and the parcel rack above the rear fender was an ideal place to strap down valuables. The 125 Turismo was sold for 228,000 lira ($365) new.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ ] 6F/ H W � _ ] H/ � H‡

Compression ratio: 6:1 Z Š ˆ ] H jZ ˆ 8^JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ]

3 ] 60

Q ] `Š Lubrication: 6% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Closed tubular steel cradle frame Front suspension: girder forks Rear suspension: swingarm with mechanical shocks  _ ] 6/J

Y _ ] 6/J

Front tire: 2.50x19� Rear tire: 2.50x19� Wheels: spokes _] 6F Length: 1910 mm Width: 620 mm Wheelbase: 1280 mm Weight: 85 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] ^J “ ˆ 3 ] /0 “ ˆ


1950 125 CSL Scooter Serial # 24106/9

Engine # 24149

3 nell’Italia del dopoguerra, gli scooter divennero via via un mezzo di trasporto diffuso ed accessibile. La MV si presentò in questo " 1949 e nel 1950 introdusse il modello CSL (C Super Lusso). Il telaio tubolare e la carrozzeria integrale incorporavano un condotto per l’aria che, passando attraverso un tunnel centrale rispetto alla pedana, arrivava al motore. Per un miglior raffreddamento, il motore era dotato di una ventola installata sul volano magnete. Il motore a 2 tempi monocilindrico, 6F/ ‡]6 permetteva alla ruota posteriore di raggiungere una potenza di 5 CV con un cambio a 4 marce. La produzione di questo modello si attesta a circa 2.500 esemplari.

With the scarcity of rare materials in postwar Italy, scooters soon emerged as a popular, and affordable, mode of transportation. MV entered the scooter market at the Milan Trade Fair in 1949, and in 1950, introduced the CSL model (C Super Lusso). With its tubular and pressed steel step-through frame and non-stressed body panels, it incorporated a forced air cooling duct that ran down the middle of the foot-rest platform to provide cooling air to the engine. For better cooling, the engine was equipped with a fan installed # >? ? cylinder engine displaced 123cc, and its 6:1 compression ratio helped generate 5 HP to the rear wheel via a 4-speed transmission. Production of this model was 2,500 units.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ ] 6F/ W � _ ] H/ � H‡

Compression ratio: 6:1 Z Š ˆ ] H jZ ˆ 8^JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: forced air ]

3 ] 60

Q ] `Š Lubrication: 6% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis $ Front suspension: stub axle trailing link Rear suspension: swingarm with mechanical shock Front brake: 125 mm drum Rear brake: 125 mm drum  ] / HJ�6J+ Y ] / HJ�6J+ Wheels: disc _] 0 B ] 670J

Width: 690 mm Â’ ] 6/JJ

Weight: 88 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] ^J “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ


1950 125 CGT Scooter Serial # 53191/2

Engine # 53224/3

Q 3& !%+ !& + & $ rismo. Lo scooter fu presentato al salone di Ginevra inizialmente con il nome “Popolare�, – ![ + 3& La meccanica era la stessa del CSL ma mancavano i pannelli posteriori a copertura del motore. La parte anteriore dello scooter utilizzava essenzialmente i medesimi componenti del CSL. Con il motore a vista il risparmio, in termini di costi, era considere 3& 60H JJJ B molto competitiva rispetto alla concorrenza. Con una potenza di 6 CV e un cambio a 4

3& ^J _ ˆ acciaio, il peso era di 86 kg.

The CGT is an evolution of the “A� series scooter, the ‘GT’ standing for Gran Turismo. The scooter debuted at the 1950 Geneva *

$X + $Â… +

\( It has the same engine layout as a CSL, but without body panels to cover the powerplant. The front portion of the scooter used essentially the same components as the CSL. With the exposed engine, the cost savings were " \( 8~< ` making it very competitive with its rivals. With 6 horsepower and four gears, the CGT could attain 80 Km/h. With its pressed steel frame, the CGT weighed 86 Kg.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ ] 6F/ W � _ ] H/ � H‡

Compression ratio: 6:1 Z Š ˆ ] ‡ jZ ˆ 8^JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: forced air ]

3 ] 60

Q ] `Š Lubrication: 6% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Pressed steel step-through frame Front suspension: trailing link Rear suspension: swingarm with mechanical shock Front brake: 125 mm drum Rear brake: 125 mm drum  ] / HJ�6J+ Y ] / HJ�6J+ Wheels: disc _] 0 B ] 670J

Width: 690 mm Â’ ] 6/JJ

Weight: 86 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] ^J “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ


1951 125 Turismo “C� Serial # 022909/12

Engine # 21610

La 125 “Câ€? era prodotta in due versioni, differenti tra loro per equipaggiamenti. En color rosso brillante o nero. Con questo modello MV fece un salto di qualitĂ : i rivenditori del marchio MV divennero sempre piĂš affollati e il pubblico dimostrava di apprezzare i miglioramenti apportati facendo aumentare le vendite. Ciò permise a MV Agusta di dedicarsi con grande impegno alle competizioni. Se la vendita di moto da strada non avesse raggiunto tali risultati, una squadra corse dal \

Two versions of the 125 “C� were available, Turismo and Sport. They differed in certain equipment. Both were available in bright " model, MV made what Italians call “un salto di qualita� (a leap forward in quality). The " " # %& ' dealers, appreciated this improvement. Sales were strong, allowing MV Agusta to pursue sales of the road-going motorcycles, the high



Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ ] 6F/ H W � _ ] H/ � H‡

Compression ratio: 6:1 Z Š ˆ ] H jZ ˆ 8^JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ]

3 ] 60

Q ] `Š Lubrication: 6% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Closed tubular steel cradle frame Front suspension: girder forks Rear suspension: swingarm with mechanical shocks  _ ] 6/J

Y _ ] 6/J

Front tire: 2.50x19� Rear tire: 2.50x19� Wheels: spokes _] 6F Length: 1910 mm Width: 620 mm Wheelbase: 1280 mm Weight: 85 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] ^J “ ˆ 3 ] /0 “ ˆ


1952 150 CGT Scooter Serial # 57641/10

Engine # 200751

Nel 1952, MV Agusta produsse la versione 6HJ * 3& autostrade italiane. Come per il modello 125, il motore monocilindrico a due tempi era a vista e veniva raffreddato direttamente senza dover ricorrere alla ventola. La versione 150 utilizzava una trasmissione a 4 velocitĂ , la stes 6FH 3& ^H _ ˆ Q era pratico e lo scudo anteriore proteggeva pilota e abiti da eventuali macchie. Con un / 6JJ _ $ 0 poteva godersi ben due ore di divertimento sul proprio scooter prima di rimanere a secco. Fu prodotto in circa 1.000 esemplari.

For 1952, the MV Agusta factory produced a 150cc version of the CGT Scooter, intended for use on Italian Motorways. Like the 125, the engine was exposed, and the single-cylinder, 2-stroke engine was cooled by direct air without a cooling fan. Like the 125 CGT, the 150 utilized a 4-speed transmission, allowing for a top speed of 85 Km/h. The rear luggage box was a handy feature, and the mudguard kept the riders clothes unsullied. With a fuel consumption rate of 3 liters per 100 km, and a fuel tank capacity of 7 liters, a rider could enjoy more than two hours of "

' ! 1,000 units were produced.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ Displacement: 151.5 cc Bore x stroke: 59 x 56 mm Compression ratio: 6:1 Z Š ˆ ] H H jZ ˆ /HJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ] Š Carburettor: 20 mm carburettor Q ] `Š Lubrication: 6% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis $ Front suspension: trailing link Rear suspension: swingarm with mechanical shock Front brake: 125 mm drum Rear brake: 125 mm drum  ] / HJ�6J+ Y ] / HJ�6J+ Wheels: disc _] 0 B ] 670J

Width: 690 mm Â’ ] 6/JJ

Weight: 86 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] ^H “ ˆ 3 ] /H “ ˆ


1952 150 Sport “E” Serial # 91352/21

Engine # 302019SS

Fino al 1951 non vi fu l’obbligo di targa per le motociclette di potenza inferiore a 125cc e ciò contribuì alla diffusione delle motoleggere. Quando in quell’anno venne abolita l’esenzione, crebbe il mercato per i motori più potenti. Era il periodo in cui MV acquisiva sempre più esperienza in gare di regolarità e di conseguenza iniziò a costruire moto adatte ad ogni tipo di terreno. Con assetto fuoristrada e sospensioni rinforzate, freni a tamburo centrali in lega leggera, questa

6JJ _ grazie ad un potente motore monocilindrico 9 CV a 2 tempi raffreddato ad aria. Il motore stesso aveva una funzione strutturale per il telaio, così da mantenere il peso al minimo. Le sospensioni anteriori montavano la forcella a parallelogramma in acciaio, mentre quelle posteriori utilizzavano il forcellone oscillante con ammortizzatori meccanici. Nel 1952 il prezzo variava dalle 200.000 alle 240.000 Lire.

Until 1951, Italian motorcycles up to 125cc did not have to be registered, making them very popular. When the exemption disappeared in 1951, the market for stronger engines grew. As MV gained more experience in trials competition, they built bikes that could hold their own on all types of terrain. With its extra ground clearance, a reinforced suspension, and light alloy central drum brakes, this bike could reach 100 Km/h, thanks to its beefy 9 horsepower single cylinder, 2-stroke air-cooled engine. The engine case was used as a structural element in the frame, keeping weight to a minimum. The front suspension used a pressed steel parallelogram fork, while the rear suspension utilized a swingarm with mechanical shock absorbers. Prices in 1952 ranged from 200,000 to 240,000 Lira.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ Displacement: 148 cc Bore x stroke: 56 x 60 mm 3 ] 0 H]6 Z Š ˆ ] ^ H jZ ˆ ‡8JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ]

Carburettor: 20 mm carburettor Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: 5% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: pressed steel parallelogram fork Rear suspension: swingarm with mechanical shocks  _ ] 6F/ H

Y _ ] 6F/ H

Front tire: 2.50x19� Rear tire: 2.50x19� Wheels: spokes _] 68 Length: 1910 mm Width: 620 mm ’ ] 6F0J

Weight: 92 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 6JJ “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ


1952 150 Sport “Super� Lusso Serial # 034978/3

Engine # 201704SS

MV Agusta produceva diverse motociclette con alto potenziale nel settore sportivo ma le moto da competizione erano delle vere rarità . Quando una moto da competizione veniva costruita, si applicava al motore una targhetta in ottone. Nella versione Lusso, questa 150 SS era prodotta con una forcella anteriore telescopica idraulica e un forcellone posteriore oscillante con ammortizzatori idraulici. I freni erano di dimensioni superiori rispetto al modello Sport !T+] – 6/J




La versione Lusso aveva una sella imbottita piĂš lunga, che permetteva al pilota di assumere una posizione piĂš sportiva mentre era alla guida. Il motore era lo stesso della Sport “Eâ€? e generava una potenza di 9 CV a 6.500 giri al minuto. Nonostante non avesse una potenza eccessiva, il peso limitato di 92 kg conferiva al veicolo un’ottima maneggevolezza. Nella foto si presenta con alcune varianti “Corsaâ€?

While MV Agusta built many motorcycles with sporting potential, actual factory-built race bikes were rare machines. When the factory constructed racing machines, they ! " Lusso trim, this 150 SS was equipped with a front telescopic hydraulic fork, and a rear swingarm with hydraulic shock absorbers. The brakes were enlarged from the Sport $|+ 8[ 180mm, while the rear was enlarged from 8[ 8< ` with a longer seat cushion, allowing the rider to assume a more sporting stance while on the vehicle. The engine was the same as the Sport “E� in that it generated 9 horsepower at 6500 rpm. Though the bike didn’t have an excess of power, it only weighed 92Kg, giving it nimble handling. The model included in this collection was also produced in some different “Race� versions.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ Displacement: 148 cc Bore x stroke: 56 x 60 mm 3 ] 0 H]6 Z Š ˆ ] 7 H jZ ˆ ‡HJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ]

3 ] /J

Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: 5% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 180mm drum Rear brake: 150mm drum Front tire: 2.50x19� Rear tire: 2.50x19� Wheels: spokes _] 68 Length: 1910 mm Width: 620 mm ’ ] 6F0J

Weight: 92 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 6JJ “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ


1953 150 Sport “E� Lusso Serial # 021884/10

Engine # 205740

Nel 1950 la nuova MV Agusta 150 veniva versione Sport. La 150 Sport era il modello base: con 6 CV arrivava ad una velocitĂ di 90 km orari. Il carburatore era Dellorto mentre per la parte elettrica venivano impiegati componenti Marelli. PoichĂŠ la potenza era bassa in proporzione a quella del modello superiore, i freni a tamburo in lega della 150 Sport erano di dimensioni inferiori: sia gli 6F/ H mm. Il telaio era in tubi e lamiera stampata e il motore ne era parte integrante. La sospensione anteriore era a forcella telescopica mentre quella posteriore utilizzava un forcellone oscillante con ammortizzatori idraulici.

In 1950, the new MV Agusta 150 was produced in the Turismo and Sport versions. The 150 Sport was the entry-level bike, and was rated for 6 horsepower, giving the machine a top speed of 90 Km/h. Carburetion was Dellorto, while the electrical system used Marelli components. Because of the lower power relative to upper-range 150’s, * E "

" and rear alloy drums measured 123.5mm. The frame was a combination of tubular and pressed steel, and the engine was used as a structural member. The front suspension was a telescopic front fork, while the rear suspension utilized a swingarm with hydraulic shock absorbers.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ Displacement: 148 cc Bore x stroke: 56 x 60 mm Compression ratio: 6:1 Z Š ˆ ] ^ H jZ ˆ ‡8JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ]

3 ] F0

Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: 5% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 180 mm drum Rear brake: 150 mm drum  ] F 0HÂ?67+ Y ] F 0HÂ?67+ Wheels: spokes _] 68 Length: 1910 mm Width: 620 mm Â’ ] 6F0J

Weight: 92 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 7J “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ


1953 125 “Monoalbero� da competizione Serial # 150007

Engine # 150189

La MV 125cc Monalbero era una moto da corsa in libera vendita per il mercato privato. La regolamentazione italiana prevedeva che le moto destinate alla Formula Sport avessero un unico albero a camme superiore, da cui la denominazione “Monoalberoâ€?. In alcune corse (per esempio il “Motogiro d’Italiaâ€?) il regolamento rese obbligatori gli equipaggiamenti necessari per la circolazione su strada come clacson, silenziatore e impianto luci, cosĂŹ che le moto potessero partecipare a competizioni di lunga distanza con passaggio su strade pubbliche. Il motore sviluppava 6‡ 3# 6J /JJ 6HJ _ ˆ  67‡/ /7J Q tubi di acciaio, la sospensione anteriore con forcella telescopica e unico ammortizzatore idraulico e quella posteriore con forcellone oscillante e ammortizzatori idraulici. La 125 era una moto da competizione robusta e destinata a durare.

The MV 125 CC Monoalbero was an overthe-counter racer for privateers. Italian regulations required that Formula Sport bikes have only a single overhead camshaft, thus its designation, “Monoalbero�. In some races (such as the “Motogiro d’Italia�), the

" " with a set of “street legal� components, such as a horn, silencer, and a light so that it could compete over public roads on long distance races. The high revving engine developed 16 horsepower at 10,300 rpm, and would achieve a top speed of 150 km/h. It earned more than 390 wins through 1963. The frame was made up entirely of tubular steel, and with its telescopic fork front suspension using hydraulic shocks, and a swingarm rear suspension with hydraulic shocks, the 125 racer was a rugged, durable racer.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 6F/ H W � _ ] H/ � H‡

Compression ratio: 9.2:1 Z Š ˆ * ] 6H jZ ˆ 6J/JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: single overhead cam - 2 valve 3 ] F0

Ignition: magneto Lubrication: dry sump Starting: kickstart or pushstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular steel frame Front suspension: telescopic fork with hydraulic shock Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 180 mm drum brake Rear brake: 150 mm drum brake Front tire: 2.00x19� Rear tire: 2.50x19� Wheels: spokes _] 68 Length: 1980 mm Width: 610 mm Wheelbase: 1250 mm ’ ] 0H “

Prestazioni / Performance Speed: 150 kph


1953 125 “Ovunque� Serial # 78409

Engine # 78397

Nel 1951 la lotta per la conquista della leadership del mercato italiano nel segmento moto era al culmine. La MV era determinata a \ nacque l’�Ovunque�, la cui principale caratteristica era il telaio formato da un unico tubo di largo diametro. Mentre il blocco motore e la testata erano simili a quelli dei modelli a quattro marce, per l’�Ovunque� si era optato per un cambio a tre marce comandato da una manopola girevole sul manubrio. La sospensione posteriore era piuttosto semplice: un forcellone oscillante a due bracci di cui il motore era parte integrante e un solo ammortizzatore idraulico. Ne furono prodotte due versioni: l’O51, con un tubo di scarico e l’O52, caratterizzato da un sistema a due tubi di scarico. Fu un mezzo popolare e la produzione fu di circa 10.000 unità .

By 1951, the battle for the Italian scooter market was at a fevered pitch. MV was " result was the “Ovunque� (“Everywhere�). The main characteristic of the “Ovunque� is the single beam frame, constructed of large diameter tubing. While the engine used the same block and head similar as four-speed models, the “Ovunque� used a three-speed transmission with a twist-grip gear selector on the handlebars. The rear suspension was used the engine as an integral part, as well as a single hydraulic shock absorber. Two ver " 6<8 exhaust, and the O52, that utilized a double exhaust system. A popular seller, production was approximately 10,000 units.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ ] 6F/ W � _ ] H/ � H‡

Compression ratio: 6:1 Z Š ˆ ] H jZ ˆ 8HJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ]

3 ] 60

Q ] `Š Lubrication: 6% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch & �] / Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis $ Front suspension: trailing link Rear suspension: swingarm integrated with engine Front brake: 125 mm drum Rear brake: 125 mm drum  ] / HJ�^+ Y ] / HJ�^+ Wheels: disc _] 0 B ] 6H0J

Width: 690 mm Wheelbase: 1240 mm ’ ] 0‡ “

Prestazioni / Performance ] ^J “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ


1953 125 TEL Serial # 034234/25

Engine # 27613

B 6FH ” inizia la sua produzione con la 125 “C� nel 1949. Il motore a 2 tempi sviluppava una po H H 3# ^H _ ˆ Il telaio era misto, in tubi nella parte anteriore e in lamiera stampata in quella posteriore. Caratteristica essenziale di questa nuova versione sono le sospensioni: la forcella anteriore di tipo telescopico meccanica e gli

6FH TB assetto piĂš comodo e un maggiore controllo ad ogni velocitĂ . Questo modello costituiva il

] 787 67H/ ne produssero 40.000 esemplari.

8:<[ 8>< |` 8>< $\+ 1949. The single-cylinder, 2-stroke engine generated 5.5 HP, and the top speed was 85 Km/h. The frame was constructed of a mix of a tubular front and pressed steel rear components. The primary characteristics of sion, which included a mechanical telescopic front fork, and rear hydraulic shock absorbers working with a swingarm. This improvement gave the sporty 125 TEL a more comfortable ride, and improved control, at all speeds. This model was the backbone of %& ' 8:;: 8:<[ 40,000 examples were built.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ ] 6F/ H W � _ ] H/ � H‡

Compression ratio: 6:1 Z Š ˆ ] H jZ ˆ 8^JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ]

3 ] 60

Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: 6% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Closed tubular steel cradle frame Front suspension: telescopic mechanical fork Rear suspension: swingarm with mechanical shocks  _ ] 6F/ H

Y _ ] 6F/ H

Front tire: 2.50x19� Rear tire: 2.50x19� Wheels: spokes _] 6F Length: 1910 mm Width: 620 mm ’ ] 6F0J

Weight: 85 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] ^J “ ˆ 3 ] /0 “ ˆ


1953/54 125 Bialbero Grand Prix Racer Serial # MV*100008*

Engine # 100036

Negli anni ’50 le moto delle squadre italiane si distinguevano per la capacitĂ di ottenere alta potenza da motori piccoli. La 125 Bialbero Grand Prix ne era un ottimo esempio. Nonostante la cilindrata non fosse elevata, "# con una doppia camma sulla testata comandata da una cascata di ingranaggi, che 6/ 3# 10.000 giri al minuto. Un modello simile nel 67H/ Q " il pilota Leslie Graham. Su una 125 Bialbero Grand Prix Racer, Carlo Ubbiali vinse 5 titoli mondiali dal 1955 al 1960. La Grand Prix, con continue evoluzioni tecniche, gareggiò 67HJ 67‡8 0

/8 & Z 6JH & T all’occhiello della collezione ed è interessante sia per la sua storia che per il fatto di

Extracting considerable power from a diminutive engine was a keynote of Italian race teams in the 1950’s, and the 125 Twin Cam Grand Prix Racer is a superb example of this talent. Despite its small displacement, %&E chain-driven dual overhead camshaft system, coaxing 13 HP from the powerplant at a screaming 10,000 rpm. A model similar to this one won the iconic Isle of Man T.T. in 1953 at the hands of Leslie Graham. Riding a 125 Twin Cam Grand Prix Racer, Carlo Ubbiali won 5 World Championships from 1955 to 1960. This Grand Prix, with continuous technical improvements, took part into competitions from 1950 to 1964, winning 7 world factory races, 34 Gran Premio and 105 races. It is the crown jewel of the collection and is remarkable for both its history and the fact that is survives to this day.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 6F/ H W � _ ] H/ � H‡

Compression ratio: 9.5:1 Z Š ˆ * ] 67 H jZ ˆ 66 7JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: double overhead cam - 2 valves Carburettor: 25 mm carburetor Ignition: magneto Lubrication: dry sump Starting: pushstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 190 mm double drum brake Rear brake: 150 mm Front tire: 2.50x19� Rear tire: 2.50x19� Wheels: spokes _] 6H B ] 670J

Width: 610 mm Wheelbase: 1250 mm ’ ] 0^ “

Prestazioni / Performance ] FJJ _


1954 175cc CS “Disco Volante� Serial # 404393/36

Engine # 470764SS

Il desiderio del mondo giovanile era di ci cittadini, utilizzando motocicli di serie con caratteristiche sportive. Opportuni interventi tecnici sul motore e sulla ciclistica permettevano di rendere piĂš performante il motociclo, dando al giovane centauro la possibilitĂ di mettere alla luce il suo talento. Q 60H 3* 60H 3** a costi contenuti, a queste trasformazioni. I successi sportivi ottenuti hanno favorito la progettazione e produzione di una vera moto ] 60H 3** ˆ H# nata dalla stampa “Squaloâ€? per il suo aspetto aggressivo.

Young people had a strong desire to compete in races on city circuits, using production street bikes imbued with sporty characteristics. The engines and frames were the motorcycles, allowing the talent of the rider to shine. Models 175 CS and 175 CSS were ideal for this treatment, especially in light of their low cost. The success of these vehicles prompted MV to build a pure racing motorcycle, the 175 CSS/5V, a machine dubbed “Squalo� (Shark) for its aggressive appearance.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 60F / Bore x stroke: 59.5 x 62 mm 3 ] 0]6 Z Š ˆ ] 6F H jZ ˆ ‡^JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: single overhead cam Carburettor: 22 mm carburettor Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic “EARLESâ€? and hydraulic shocks Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 180 mm drum Rear brake: 150 mm drum  ] F 0HÂ?67+ Y ] F 0HÂ?67+ Wheels: spokes _] 68 Length: 1895 mm Width: 620 mm Wheelbase: 1280 mm Weight: 110 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] X 6FJ “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ


1954 175cc CSS “Disco Volante� Serial # 405743/5

Engine # 450010/SS

GiĂ dal 1950 era chiaro che il tipico cliente MV aveva una forte inclinazione per la guida sportiva. Per soddisfare questa attitudine dei propri acquirenti, gli ingegneri di MV iniziarono a disegnare superbe moto sportive che però si allontanavano sempre di piĂš dall’idea di veicolo utilitario. La produzione 60H * >3**@ – nel luglio del 1954. Il motore aveva il richiamo delle valvole con molle a spillo, accensione e volano a magnete con ruttore sulla sinistra, presa per il contagiri, forcella anteriore “EARLESâ€? con due ammortizzatori idraulici

F 0H$67 Q lorto SS25 e la capacità del serbatoio era di 14 litri. Una moto del genere era una rarità già a quei tempi e lo è ancora di piÚ oggi.

As the 1950’s rolled on, it was clear that the typical MV Agusta customer possessed a proclivity towards sport riding. To satisfy this buyer preference, MV engineers tended to design motorcycles that were superb sport bikes, but weren’t ideal commuting vehicles. Production of the handsome 175 Supersport (CSS) started in July, 1954, and its engine neto volano ignition with a trembler on the left, a rev-counter drive, an “EARLES� front fork, and 2.75-19 tires. A Dellorto SS25 unit handled carburetion, and fuel capacity was 14 liters. Such a bike was rare in its day, and is much rarer today.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 60F / Bore x stroke: 59.5 x 62 mm Compression ratio: 8.2:1 Z Š ˆ ] 6H jZ ˆ ^^JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: single overhead cam Carburettor: 25 mm carburettor Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: “Earlesâ€? type fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 180 mm drum Rear brake: 150 mm drum  ] F 0HÂ?67+ Y ] F 0HÂ?67+ Wheels: spokes _] 68 Length: 1895 mm Width: 620 mm Wheelbase: 1280 mm Weight: 112 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 6/H “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ


1954 125cc “Pullman� 1a serie Serial # 502720/-20

Engine # 502355

Quando MV Agusta presentò la “Pullmanâ€? al secondario salone di Bruxelles nel gennaio del 67H/ 3 tata a produrne un paio di migliaia di unitĂ e poi avrebbe abbandonato il modello. Per la fortuna di MV, la “Pullmanâ€? ebbe un successo straordinario. Con la comoditĂ di uno scooter, le caratteristiche di una motoleggera seria e un prezzo competitivo, il pubblico reagĂŹ alla “Pullmanâ€? come se non avesse aspettato altro. Le gomme di grossa sezione conferivano alla moto un aspetto originale ma le caratteristiche rimanevano abbastanza semplici. Nel telaio della “Pullmanâ€?, tubolare e robusto, era stato inserito il gruppo trasmissione dello scooter “Ovunqueâ€?. La sospensione anteriore era una forcella telescopica tradizionale, mentre quella posteriore era oscillante montata insieme al motore con due bracci integrati , ammortizzatore centrale idraulico e due laterali a molleggio meccanico. Il comando delle marce, girevole, era sul manubrio. A seconda degli allestimenti era messa in vendita tra le 155.000 e le 6‡/ JJJ B

When MV Agusta debuted the “Pullman� at the second-tier Brussels Show in January, 1953, it was assumed that the company would make a couple of thousand and then the model would fade away. Fortunately for MV, the “Pullman� was a roaring success. With the comfort of a scooter, the look of a serious light motorcycle, and priced aggressively, the public took to the “Pullman� like a long-lost relative. Balloon tires gave it a “Big-Bike�

" $6 + E into the “Pullman�’s simple, rugged, tubular frame. The front suspension was a conventional telescopic fork, while the rear was a swingarm arrangement built into the engine with two integrated arms, a hydraulic central shock absorber and two lateral mechanic shock absorbers. The transmission was a twist-grip gear selector on the handlebars. Depending on options, the price range was 155,00 to 163,000 Lira.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ ] 6F/ H W � _ ] H/ � H‡

Compression ratio: 6:1 Z Š ˆ ] H jZ ˆ 8HJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ]

3 ] 60

Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: 6% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch & �] / Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Steel single beam frame Front suspension: telescopic mechanical fork Rear suspension: swingarm integrated with engine. Second series with two hydraulic shocks. Â _ ] 6F/ H

Y _ ] 6F/ H

 ] / HJ�6H+ Y ] / HJ�6H+ Wheels: spokes _] 6/ Length: 1850 mm Width: 620 mm Wheelbase: 1250 mm Weight: 85 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 0H “ ˆ 3 ] 8J “ ˆ


1954 175cc CST 1a serie Serial # 403525

Engine # 403525T

B 3* 60H al Motosalone di Milano nel 1952, fu la prima 60H 8 a catena, camma in testa, valvole inclinate Y 60 ferivano alla moto un aspetto potente ma Q una potenza di 8 CV e fu il primo 4 tempi ad essere prodotto in serie. Nello stesso anno seguÏ la versione con ruote da 19’’ e sella [ 67H‡ 60H 3* B [ anni di produzione furono immessi sul mercato circa 6.000 esemplari.

First seen at the 1952 Milan Motosalone, the 8~< \* 8~< %& 4-speed gearbox and a chain-driven single overhead camshaft valvetrain system. It also used helical valve springs. It’s 17-inch wheels gave the bike a powerful and reliable appearance. The engine was rated at 8 HP, ;? %& to go into volume production. Also released the same year was a version equipped with 19-inch wheels and a long seat. In 1956, the 175 CSTL was released, and it wore some of the same aesthetic features. Approximately 6,000 examples were built over the motorcycle’s three-year production run.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 60F / Bore x stroke: 59.5 x 62 mm 3 ] 0]6 Z Š ˆ ] ^ jZ ˆ HFJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: single overhead cam Carburettor: 18 mm carburettor Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic mechanical fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 180 mm drum Rear brake: 150 mm drum  ] / HÂ?60+ Y ] / HÂ?60+ Wheels: spokes _] 68 Length: 1920 mm Width: 620 mm Â’ ] 6/JJ

’ ] 6J/ “

Prestazioni / Performance ] 6JJ “ ˆ 3 ] 8J “ ˆ


1954 125 Rapido Sport Serial # 617516

Engine # 617517

Nella metĂ degli anni ’50, i motori a due tempi iniziavano a passare di moda mentre quelli a 4 tempi si diffondevano sempre piĂš. Nel 1954 MV scommise su questa tendenza con la 125 Rapido Sport, derivata dal mod 67H^ Q con rapporto di compressione di 9:1, era 0 H 3# 6JJ _ ˆ Q culla aperta in tubi; la scatola del motore diventava quindi parte integrante del telaio. Di colorazione interamente rossa, era dotata di un freno anteriore a tamburo di 150mm di diametro.

In the middle of the 1950’s, 2-stroke motorcycle engines were falling from favor, and 4-strokes were gaining followers. MV capitalized on this by releasing the 125 Rapido Sport in 1954. It was derived from the Turismo model. This model stayed in pro 8:<= ? cylinder, 9:1 compression ratio, air-cooled ~ < {X to propel the motorcycle up to 100 Km/h. The engine was mounted in a open tubular duplex cradle, essentially turning the casing into a frame structural member. It was painted entirely red and had a 150mm drum front brake. A strong, durable machine, it injected excitement into a bread and butter motorcycle.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 6F/ ‡ Bore x stroke: 54 x 54 mm Compression ratio: 8.5:1 Z Š ˆ ] ^ jZ ˆ ‡JJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 18 mm carburettor Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic mechanical and hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 150 mm drum Y _ ] 6F/ H

 ] F 0H�6^+ Y ] F 0H�6^+ Wheels: spokes _] 6F Length: 1860 mm Width: 620 mm Wheelbase: 1285 mm Weight: 102 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 7H “ ˆ 3 ] 8^ “ ˆ


1955 125cc TR Serial # 606875

Engine # 606907

B 6FH Y 67H8 67H^ circa 40.000 esemplari. Il prezzo variava dalle 180.000 alle 200.000 Lire, a seconda del modello e dell’anno di produzione. La Y > Y@ completamente in tubi, anche nella parte posteriore. Questa caratteristica fu però 67H8 6FH Y costruita con un telaio a elementi posteriori in lamiera scatolata, secondo lo schema oramai consolidato per la Casa. La motocicletta era verniciata di nero con il serbatoio rosso. Erano in molti a pensare che un motore a quattro tempi fosse piĂš apprezzabile di un umile motore a due tempi e fu per questo motivo che MV adottò un motore a 125cc monocilindrico a quattro tempi che generava una potenza di 6.5 CV a 6.000 giri al minuto. B 7J _ ˆ 6F Q consumo di 2 litri ogni 100 km permetteva cosĂŹ anche lunghi spostamenti.

The 125 TR was produced from 1954-1958 in about 40,000 units. Prices varied from 180,000-200,000 Lire ($288-$320), depending on the model and year of production. ! R (TR) had a fully tubular frame, even at the rear. This feature was soon abandoned. In 1954 the 125 TR was built with box section rear frame components following the pattern established for other models. The bike was usually painted black with a red fuel tank. Many people felt that a four-stroke engine " ? thus MV installed a 125cc single-cylinder, four-stroke engine that generated 6.5 HP at 6,000 rpm. Maximum speed was 90 Km/h, and with a fuel tank capacity of 12 liters and a consumption rate of 2 liters per 100 km, long-distance rides were easily possible.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 6F/ ‡ Bore x stroke: 54 x 54 mm Compression ratio: 8.5:1 Z Š ˆ ] ‡ H jZ ˆ ‡JJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 16 mm carburettor Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic mechanical and hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks  _ ] 6F/ H

Y _ ] 6F/ H

 ] F 0HÂ?6^+ Y ] F 0HÂ?6^+ Wheels: spokes _] 6F Length: 1860 mm Â’ ] H/J

Wheelbase: 1285 mm Weight: 102 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 7J “ ˆ 3 ] 8^ “ ˆ


1956 “Pullman� 2a serie Serial # 525710

Engine # 526520

Nel 1956 la “Pullman� nella versione con comando cambio a pedale, esce di produzione. Questa versione, apparsa nel entrata in produzione nel 1954, presentava, oltre al nuovo comando cambio, una coppia di ammortizzatori idraulici che escludeva quello centrale. Si trattava di una

\ e lo scooter. Con il motore a vista, un forcellone posteriore oscillante, ruote e copertoni di ampio diametro, aveva tutta l’aria di essere una moto di grossa cilindrata. Il semplice telaio in tubi e una coppia di poggiapiedi però, la rendevano una moto adatta al pubblico degli scooteristi. A prima vista poteva sembrare la ricetta perfetta per un disastro economico ma in realtĂ MV riuscĂŹ a venderne un buon numero e il mercato accolse la “Pullmanâ€? con entusiasmo. La velocitĂ

0H _ ˆ era questa la ragione per prendere in considerazione una “Pullmanâ€?. Acquistarne una era il modo piĂš veloce e accessibile per entrare nella famiglia delle MV. Nelle due versioni ne furono costruite F0 JJJ

1956 was the last year of production of the pedal operated “Pullman�. This version, started in 1954, presented, together with the new gear transmission system, a pair of hydraulic shock absorbers that excluded the central one. The “Pullman�, was an affordable, simple, and comfortable bike that blurred the line between scooter and motorcycle. With its exposed engine, rear swingarm, and large diameter wheels and tires, it embraced the full-sized motorcycle look. Yet its minimalistic tubular frame and dual foot rests spoke to the scooter crowd. At "

" a sales disaster, but in fact MV sold a considerable number. The market embraced the “Pullman� enthusiastically. Though it had a top speed of just 75 Km/h, sheer speed was $X

+E " it was a superbly affordable way to enter the MV Agusta family. 27,000 units were built of the two versions.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ ] 6F/ H W � _ ] H/ � H‡

Compression ratio: 6:1 Z Š ˆ ] H jZ ˆ 8HJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ]

3 ] 60

Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: 6% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch & �] / Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Steel single beam frame Front suspension: telescopic mechanical fork Rear suspension: swingarm integrated with engine. Second series with two hydraulic shocks. Â _ ] 6F/ H

Y _ ] 6F/ H

 ] / HJ�6H+ Y ] / HJ�6H+ Wheels: spokes _] 6/ Length: 1850 mm Width: 620 mm Wheelbase: 1250 mm Weight: 85 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 0H “ ˆ 3 ] 8J “ ˆ


1956 175cc CSS/5V “Squalo� Serial # 410031/5V

Engine # 450390/5V


60H “Squaloâ€? era alloggiato in un telaio derivato direttamente dalle moto da corsa della Casa. Altre caratteristiche tipiche della “Squaloâ€? erano l’accensione a magnete esterno invece che a volano e la forcella a triangolo “Earlesâ€? con molle scoperte. La moto era derivata da un prototipo che, pilotato da B FF 1954 al suo debutto, quando aveva ancora l’accensione a volano magnete con ruttore sulla sinistra. I freni a tamburo in lega erano fondamentali per l’epoca, da 180mm per quelli anteriori e 150mm per quelli posteriori. Anche la velocitĂ massima era importante: 6HJ _ ˆ media delle moto MV Agusta. Nel 1955 un kit DOHC fu approvato dalla Casa e poteva quindi essere acquistato liberamente ed installato dal proprietario della moto.

The “Squalo�’s (Shark) 175cc single-cam engine was housed in a frame derived directly from MV Agusta’s racing bikes. Some of the features unique to the “Squalo� included ! # ignition system, and an Earles fork of the triangular type with exposed springs. The bike was developed from a prototype that, in the hands of Libanori, won its debut at Trento on the 22th of July, 1954, when it was still # % trembler on the left side.. Finned alloy brake drums were substantial for the day, with 180 mm used in the front, 150 mm in the "

8< Kph was well above the normal MV Agusta range. In 1955, a DOHC kit was approved by the factory and could be obtained over the counter and installed by the owner.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 60F / Bore x stroke: 59.5 x 62 mm Compression ratio: 9:1 Z Š ˆ * ] 6‡ jZ ˆ ^^JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: single overhead cam with timing chain Carburettor: 25 mm carburetor Ignition: magneto Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 5 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular steel frame Front suspension: telescopic “EARLES� and hydraulic shocks Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 180 mm drum brake Rear brake: 150 mm drum brake Front tire: 2.50x19� Y ] F 0H�67+ Wheels: spokes _] FJ Length: 1900 mm Width: 610 mm ’ ] 6F/J

Weight: 95 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 6HJ _


1956 Ciclomotore 48cc Serial # 801574

Engine # 801618

Nel 1955 la MV Agusta aveva in produzione un modello che poche case motociclistiche avrebbero preso in considerazione: il Ciclomotore. Dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale la richiesta di mezzi di trasporto a basso costo era alta e anche se i piccoli motori ausiliari che si applicavano alle biciclette garantivano un certo risparmio, non erano però altrettanto pratici. Fabbriche di ciclomotori apparvero quindi in breve tempo ma la maggior parte delle grandi case motociclistiche si tenne alla larga da questo piccolo veicolo. La MV sorprese quindi i propri rivali con la produzione del Ciclomotore 48cc. Il telaio monotrave in lamiera stampata, il motore a due tempi e un cambio a tre marce gli davano il via libera sui colli della campagna italiana. Bisogna dire che il motore a 2 CV, unito ad un peso di 42 kg poteva arrivare ad HJ _ ˆ 07 JJJ B di tutti.

In 1955, MV had a product in its line that few “real� motorcycle manufacturers would \ % Š

ing WWII, the demand for dirt-cheap transportation was intense, and while micromotors clipped onto a bicycle met the intention of affordable, it wasn’t practical. Scores of moped builders appeared virtually overnight, but most of the bigger bike makers shied away from the diminutive’s market. MV surprised its competitors by releasing the 48CC Ciclomotore, and its pressed-steel beam frame, two-stroke engine and three-speed gearbox allowed it free reign over the hilly Italian countryside. Granted, its 2 HP engine could coax only 50Km/h from the 42 kg bike, but with a price of just 79,000 Lire ($127), virtually anyone could afford to be on wheels.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ ] 80 ‡ W � _ ] /^ � 8F

Compression ratio: 6:1 Z Š ˆ * ] F jZ ˆ H8JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ]

Carburettor: 12 mm carburetor Q ] `Š Lubrication: 5% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: Gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch & �] / Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Frame: pressed-steel beam Front suspension: leading links Rear suspension: plunger box Front brake: drum 96 mm Rear brake: drum 96 mm Front tire: 2.25x20� Rear tire: 2.25x20� Wheels: spokes & _] / B ] 60^J

Â’ ] 06J

Wheelbase: 1160 mm Weight: 45 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 8J “ ˆ 3 ] ‡H “ ˆ


1956 125 “Superpullman� Serial # 902430

Engine # 902401

Reduce dal successo di vendita della “Pullmanâ€?, nel 1956 MV introdusse la “Superpullmanâ€?. La nuova moto riproponeva la stessa formula della “Pullmanâ€? originale e cioè semplicitĂ ed economia ma era piĂš orientata verso le moto “normaliâ€?. Il telaio era in lamiera stampata formato da due semigusci saldati elettronicamente che sostenevano il motore; il diametro delle gomme era quello tradizionale; il motore era monocilindrico a due tempi con una potenza di 6 CV a 4 velocitĂ . Con queste caratteristiche la Superpullman raggiungeva 0H _ ˆ B sizione di guida si avvicinava di piĂš a quella di una moto di grossa cilindrata che a quella di uno scooter e le sospensioni garantivano una giuda confortevole. Il prezzo, 145.000 Lire, era contenuto e inferiore a quello della “Pullmanâ€?. Anche le vendite però, non raggiunsero quelle del modello precedente. Ne vennero prodotte / JJJ stimasse la MV.

Playing off of the sales success of the “Pullman�, MV introduced the “Superpullman� in 1956. The new bike had the same formula $X

+ economy, but it leaned more heavily towards a “normal� motorcycle. Using a pressedsteel frame built with two electrowelded half-shells from which the engine was cantilevered and traditional diameter wheels, the 6 HP 2-stroke and four speed, single cylinder engine-equipped Superpullman could achieve a top speed of 75 km/h. The riding stance was more full-sized bike than glori " X the list price was just 145,000 Lire, less than the Pullman. Yet sales on the scale of the “Pullman� didn’t materialize. Only 3,000 Superpullman’s were built, well below MV’s estimates. Production was stopped in 1957.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ ] 6F/ H W � _ ] H/ � H‡

Compression ratio: 6:1 Z Š ˆ ] ‡ jZ ˆ HFJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ]

3 ] 60

Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: 5% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Pressed steel beam frame Front suspension: leading link Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: lateral 125 mm drum Rear brake: lateral 125 mm drum  ] F 0H�6^+ Y ] F 0H�6^+ Wheels: spokes _] 68 Length: 1880 mm Width: 620 mm Wheelbase: 1245 mm Weight: 82 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 0H “ ˆ 3 ] 8J “ ˆ


1957 175cc Turismo CSTE AB Serial # 921472

Engine # 921396


HJ "# \ 60H B 67H0 60H "# 8 prodotte in serie. Dall’apparenza sportiva, a queste moto mancava però la scintilla delle "# Q T $ mico aveva una sospensione anteriore a forcella telescopica e un forcellone posteriore oscillante semplice. La MV immaginava che gli appassionati di moto di questa cilindrata non avrebbero dato peso al fatto che le sue performance erano piuttosto scarse proprio a causa del motore ad aste. Il motore con camma sulla testata, pur incrementandone 3 60H avrebbe attirato una clientela piĂš ampia. Il prezzo variava da 200.000 a 250.000 Lire, a seconda del modello.

MV built three versions of the 175 with the pushrod engine in the late 1950’s. Rolling into showrooms in 1957, the 175’s were the ;? %&E tion. Sporty in appearance, but lacking the sparkle on the road of more thoroughbred MV’s, the Turismo Economico model used a swingarm rear suspension. MV felt that enthusiasts of lightweight motorcycles wouldn’t mind if the bikes performance was a bit tepid due to the engines pushrod design. Overhead cam engines, while raising the output of an engine, could be fragile and temperamental. By using the pushrod design, it was hoped that the 175 would appeal to a wider audience. Prices ranged from 200,00 to 225,000 Lire, depending on the model.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 60F / Bore x stroke: 59.5 x 62 mm Compression ratio: 6.5:1 Z Š ˆ ] ^ jZ ˆ HFJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: single overhead cam Carburettor: 18 mm carburettor Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 158 mm drum Y _ ] 6/‡

 ] F 0H�67+ Y ] F 0H�67+ Wheels: spokes _] 68 Length: 1895 mm Width: 620 mm Wheelbase: 1280 mm Weight: 110 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 6JH “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ


1957 175cc Turismo Monoalbero CSGT Serial # 419865

Engine # 415571

Z 67H0 versione superiore di un modello molto popo ] 3*ˆH0 B 3*& >& @ 3* 3* B > B @ a molle elicoidali e carburatore Dellorto MA 20B. Il silenziatore era a doppio tronco di % ] 3*& con commutatore. Il singolo albero a camme del motore generava 8 CV di potenza a 8.800 giri al minuto, alimentati da una trasmissione a 4 rapporti e la velocitĂ massima raggiunta 6JJ _ ˆ Q 3*& combinazione di tubi e di elementi in lamiera stampata. La sospensione anteriore era una forcella idraulica telescopica mentre quella posteriore era un forcellone oscillante con una coppia di ammortizzatori idraulici.

Offered only in 1957, this model was an upscale version of a very popular model, the CS/57. The CSGT (Gran Turismo) was with the CS engine, but the head from the CSTL (Turismo Lusso) was used, including that engine’s helical valve springs, a Dellorto MA 20B carburetor and truncated double cone silencer. The electrical system was

\*( and commutator ignition system. The singleoverhead camshaft engine generated 8 HP at 8800 rpm, and power was fed through a four-speed transmission, pushing the CSGT to a top speed of 100 Km/h. The CSGT used a frame built from a combination of tubular and pressed steel parts. The front suspension was a telescopic hydraulic shock affair, while the rear suspension consisted of a swingarm with a pair of hydraulic shock absorbers.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 60F / Bore x stroke: 59.5 x 62 mm Compression ratio: 6.5:1 Z Š ˆ ] ^ jZ ˆ H‡JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: single overhead cam Carburettor: 18 mm carburettor Ignition: dynamo and commutator Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 180 mm drum Rear brake: 150 mm drum  ] F 0H�67+ Y ] F 0H�67+ Wheels: spokes _] 68 Length: 1895 mm Width: 620 mm Wheelbase: 1280 mm Weight: 110 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 6JJ “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ


1958 125cc Turismo Rapido America (TRA) Serial # 625392

Engine # 627665

B 6FH Y ricca di versioni interessanti tra le quali la Y % > Y%@ dal serbatoio piÚ gibboso e dalla forcella di diverso disegno. Le sospensioni, sia anteriori che posteriori, erano tubolari e la vernicia 3 Rapido, utilizzava una testata a due valvole, comando ad asta e un rapporto di compressione 8,5:1 che permetteva di ottenere 6.5 CV di potenza dai 125cc. Il carburatore Dellorto MA 18B preparava la miscela di aria e carburante e la trasmissione a quattro velocità permetteva una guida comoda senza la preoccupazione che il motore si spegnesse. Il telaio era a doppia culla aperta, in tubi nella parte anteriore e in lamiera stampata nella parte posteriore. Il risultato era un telaio robusto e facile da costruire che ben si adattava alle strade di periferia dell’Italia del 1950.

8>< R

with interesting sub-models, such as the Turismo Rapido America (TRA). It is iden " " unique front fork design. Tubular shocks were used front and rear, and it was usu

` other Turismo Rapido’s, it used an overhead two-valve, pushrod design, and an 8.5:1 compression ratio to extract 6.5 HP from its 125cc’s. A Dellorto MA 18B carburetor handled air/fuel duties, and the four-speed transmission allowed carefree riding without winding up the engine. The frame was made up by an open duplex cradle, made up with tubes at the front, and pressed-steel components at the rear. The result was a sturdy, easy to manufacture frame that could cope with the marginal roads of mid-1950’s Italy.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 6F/ ‡ Bore x stroke: 54 x 54 mm Compression ratio: 8.5:1 Z Š ˆ ] ‡ H jZ ˆ ‡JJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 16 mm carburettor Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic mechanical fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks  _ ] 6F/ H

Y _ ] 6F/ H

 ] F 0HÂ?6^+ Y ] F 0HÂ?6^+ Wheels: spokes _] 6F Length: 1860 mm Â’ ] H/J

Wheelbase: 1285 mm Weight: 102 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 7J “ ˆ 3 ] 8^ “ ˆ


1958 175cc CS “Disco Volante� Serial # 419509

Engine # 415300

B 60H 1952 ed entrata in produzione nel 1954 fu di importanza fondamentale per l’evoluzione della MV Agusta sia dal punto di vista tecnico ma anche commerciale e sportivo. Per 60H 3* "# motore a quattro tempi ad essere inserita nella produzione di serie. Ebbe particolare successo poichÊ il manubrio abbassato e la sella lunga conferivano alla moto un assetto di guida piÚ sportivo. Con un prezzo

F/H JJJ /JJ JJJ B buon punto di partenza per un approccio alle competizioni. La moto pesava 110 kg e 66H _ ˆ grazie ad una potenza di 11 CV. La trasmissione a quattro tempi utilizzava una frizione a dischi multipli in bagno d’olio per trasmettere potenza alla ruota posteriore. Durante i tre anni in cui fu prodotta, ne furono immesse sul mercato circa 4.500 unitĂ .

The single-cam 175, introduced in November 1952 and put into production in 1954, was of fundamental importance to the technical, commercial, and sporting evolution of MV Agusta. From an engineering point of view, the 175 CS was important because it was ? %&

production. It was particularly well accepted thanks to its sporty riding position, lowered handlebar, and long seat. With its affordable price ranging from 235,000 to 300,000 Lira ($376-$480), this model was a good basis for competition use. The bike weighed 110 Kg, and had a top speed of 115 Km/h, thanks to the engine’s massive 11 horsepower. Its four-speed transmission used a wet multiple plate clutch to feed the power to the rear tire. During the three-year production run, approximately 4,500 were built.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 60F / Bore x stroke: 59.5 x 62 mm 3 ] 0]6 Z Š ˆ ] 66 jZ ˆ 0JJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: single overhead cam Carburettor: 22 mm carburettor Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic mechanical fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 180 mm drum Rear brake: 150 mm drum  ] F 0H�67+ Y ] F 0H�67+ Wheels: spokes _] 68 Length: 1895 mm Width: 620 mm Wheelbase: 1280 mm Weight: 110 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 66H “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ


1959 Raid 250cc Serial # 250486

Engine # 250491

In Italia, verso la metĂ degli anni ’50, moto di 6HJ 60H media cosĂŹ, quando la 250 Raid (che doveva il suo nome alle lunghe e avventurose spedizioni in auto o moto che ovviamente evocava) fu presentata alla Fiera Campionaria di Milano nel 1956, riscosse subito un notevole successo. Con i suoi 250cc la Raid era considerata una moto con grandi possibilitĂ e capace di attraversare il paese senza troppi problemi. Il motore era monocilindrico a 4 tempi, la potenza era di 14 CV a 5.600 giri al minuto e la velocitĂ massima raggiunta 66H _ ˆ B tradizionale della MV: una forcella anteriore a sistema idraulico e un forcellone oscillante posteriore con ammortizzatori idraulici. Considerando il peso di 145 kg, i freni vennero implementati con tamburi di 220mm sia anteriori che posteriori. Il prezzo di vendita era di 290.000 Lire; la produzione fu interrotta nel 1962.

Within Italy in the mid-1950’s, a 150 and 175cc motorcycle was considered a mid-sized bike. So when the 250cc Raid (an Italian word describing a long, fast, and adventurous trip by motorcycle or car) debuted at the 1956 Milan Trade Show, it generated considerable interest. With a displacement of 250cc, the Raid was considered a large capacity bike, able to cross the Continent with ease. With its 4-stroke, single-cylinder engine rated at 14 HP at 5600 rpm, the Raid could top out at 115 Km/h. The suspension was %&

shocks, and a rear swingarm with hydraulic " " R # 8;< the brakes were upgraded, with both front and rear drums measuring 220 mm. Priced upon release at 290,000 Lire, production ended in 1962.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ Displacement: 246.6 cc Bore x stroke: 69 x 66 mm 3 ] 0 F]6 Z Š ˆ ] 66 jZ ˆ HHJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 24 mm carburettor Ignition: dynamo - commutator Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 200 mm drum Rear brake: 200 mm drum  ] / JJÂ?67+ Y ] / FHÂ?67+ Wheels: spokes _] 60 Length: 2040 mm Width: 590 mm Â’ ] 6/8J

Weight: 160 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 66H “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ


1959 “Ottantatre� Turismo Serial # 553131

Engine # 83-553062

La “Ottantatreâ€? uscĂŹ nel 1958 con un mo ^/ " le motociclette odierne seguono la formula “piĂš grossa è meglio èâ€?, nel 1958 le persone erano alla ricerca di un mezzo di trasporto che non fosse troppo costoso, sia in termini di prezzo di acquisto che di consumi. La MV sperimentò quindi questo tipo di motore ^/ per trasportare due persone garantendo comunque un risparmio nei consumi. Della “Ottantatreâ€? furono disponibili due versioni: * Q 8 $ nerava una potenza di 4,2 CV a 6.400 giri. Una forcella idraulica anteriore sorreggeva un semplice ma robusto telaio monotrave mentre la sospensione posteriore era un forcellone oscillante. Nel 1960 questa versione 6/H JJJ B

Introduced in 1958, the “Ottantatre� (Eighty-three) used an unusual engine displacement, 83cc. While motorcycles today tend towards the bigger is better formula, in 1958, buyers were looking for transportation that wouldn’t break the bank, either "

tank. MV experimented with engine dis =[ to power a motorcycle that could carry two people and still deliver acceptable fuel economy. Two versions of the “Ottantatre� were available, Turismo and Sport. The diminutive 4-stroke engine puffed out 4.2 HP at 6400 rpm, enough to propel the bike to 80 Km/h. A front hydraulic fork held up a simple, sturdy, tubular beam frame, while the rear suspension was a swingarm design. This version cost 135,000 Lire in 1960.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] ^/ F Bore x stroke: 46.5 x 49 mm 3 ] 0 H]6 Z Š ˆ ] 8 F jZ ˆ ‡JJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 15 mm carburettor Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch & �] / Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 118 mm drum Rear brake: 118 mm drum Front tire: 2.50x19� Rear tire: 2.50x19� Wheels: spokes _] 6F Length: 1905 mm Width: 620 mm Wheelbase: 1245 mm ’ ] ^/ “

Prestazioni / Performance ] ^J “ ˆ 3 ] HH “ ˆ


1960 Chicco Scooter

Al Motosalone di Milano del novembre 1959 la MV presentò lo scooter Chicco, un mezzo che divenne subito popolare e che rimase in 67‡8 B quelle di uno scooter tradizionale ma sotto la scocca si celava una meccanica ingegnosa. Il motore monocilindrico a 2 tempi di 155cc che sviluppava 5.8 CV aveva un cilindro orizzontale e trasmissione primaria a catena. La ruota motrice era montata a sbalzo sull’albero di uscita del cambio. Questo motore non aveva alcun legame con altri modelli MV ed era stato concepito espressamente per questa moto. Il raffreddamento forzato ad aria manteneva il motore in un unico pezzo. La struttura era una monoscocca in lamiera [ 67‡J 6H0 HJJ B [ ”

* B 3 ˜

At the Milan Motorcycle Show in November 1959, MV introduced the Chicco Scooter, and it was a popular addition to the MV lineup, staying in production until 1964. While the bodywork was a clever powerplant. The diminutive, 5.8 HP 155cc single-cylinder, 2-stroke engine had a horizontal cylinder and primary drive via a chain. The driven wheel cantilevered directly onto the gearbox output shaft. This engine had no relation %& cally intended for this bike. Forced air-cooling kept the engine in one piece. The body used monocoque pressed-steel construction with ! X 8:B 157,500 Lire. It’s not hard to picture Sophia Loren riding past Rome’s Trevi Fountain on a Chicco‌


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ Displacement: 155.6 cc W � _ ] H0 � ‡6

3 ] 0]6 Z Š ˆ ] H H jZ ˆ 8^JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ] >Š 50 units) 3 ] 60

Q ] `Š Lubrication: 5% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: direct

Ciclistica / Chassis Pressed steel monocoque frame Front suspension: trailing link and telehydraulic shocks Rear suspension: swingarm integrated with engine; hydraulic shock Front brake: 150 mm drum Rear brake: 150 mm drum  ] / HJÂ?6J+ Y ] / HJÂ?6J+ Wheels: disc _] ^ Length: 1980 mm Width: 690 mm Â’ ] 6F0J

Weight: 120 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 0H “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ


1960 Tevere 235 Serial # MV.T*235168*

Engine # 235356

A volte, piĂš ce n’è, meglio è. Questa doveva "# 67H7 Q

60H %W F/H aumentata la cilindrata nel tentativo di attirare il mercato di quei motociclisti che pretendevano • 60H Q F/H 60H ma l’alesaggio era stato aumentato. Il risultato 6/ 3# 66J _ ˆ B 60H %W F/H ] dell’aria erano nascosti da una scatola e vi era * per MV, questo approccio al “voglio di piĂšâ€? non si rivelò vincente poichĂŠ molti dei motociclisti 60H piĂš potente, non si accontentavano di una moto che somigliava a quella che giĂ avevano. Le F/H \ la moto rimanesse in produzione solo due anni.

In many instances, more is better. This was certainly on the minds of MV when the Tevere 235 was unveiled in 1959. Based on the popular 175 AB engine, the Tevere 235 used a larger displacement in an attempt to appeal to buyers wanting more power than the 175 could deliver. The Tevere 235’s engine used the same stroke as the smaller powerplant, but the bore was increased. The resulting 13 HP could move the Tevere 235 to a top speed of 110Km/h. Visual differences between the 175 AB and the Tevere 235 were minimal: a " ! " upper engine breather pipe. Unfortunately for MV, this approach to “more� didn’t pan out, as most buyers wanting to step up from the 175 didn’t want a bike that looked like the one they just had. Instead, they opted for the Raid. Soft sales for the Tevere 235 doomed the bike to a life span of only two years.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] F/6 0 Bore x stroke: 69 x 62 mm 3 ] 0 F]6 Z Š ˆ ] 66 jZ ˆ HHJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 22 mm carburettor Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks  _ ] 60^

Rear brake: 150 mm drum  ] F 0HÂ?67+ Y ] / JJÂ?67+ Wheels: spokes _] 60 Length: 2020 mm Width: 620 mm Â’ ] 6/HJ

’ ] 6/F “

Prestazioni / Performance ] 6JH “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ


1960 125 TREL “Centomila� Serial # 639164

Engine # 640024

La MV non ebbe mai paura di immettere sul mercato diverse versioni di uno stesso mo 6FH Y non fu certo un’eccezione. Il sistema di lu e la MV si sentiva abbastanza ottimista da YTB > Y TÂ? Lusso) “Centomilaâ€?, con riferimento alla da questa moto. Il motore monocilindrico a 125cc era a 4 tempi ma non velocissimo. Y 7H _ ˆ conseguenza la moto non era progettata per lunghi viaggi in autostrada. Divenne tuttavia una moto popolare, della quale ne furono costruite 14.105 unitĂ . La MV lanciò i modelli R.A. e E.L. poco prima di interromperne la 67‡/

MV was never shy about releasing various and the 125 Turismo Rapido was no exception. With its advanced lubrication system, %& TREL (Turismo Rapido Extra Lusso) the “Centomila� (One-Hundred-Thousand), referring to the expected longevity and reliability. With its 4-stroke, single-cylinder, 125cc engine, blazing speed was not part of the equation. A top speed of 95 Km/h meant that long-distance traveling on the highway probably wasn’t in the cards. Yet it was a popular bike, with 14,105 units built. MV released the R.A. and E.L. models before production stopped in 1963.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 6F/ ‡ W � _ ] H/ � H‡

3 ] 0]6 Z Š ˆ ] ‡ H jZ ˆ H^JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 18 mm carburettor Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 150 mm drum Y _ ] 6F/ H

 ] F 0H�6^+ Y ] F 0H�6^+ Wheels: spokes _] 6/ Length: 1900 mm Width: 620 mm Wheelbase: 1285 mm Weight: 102 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 7H “ ˆ 3 ] 8J “ ˆ


1961 150cc “Centauro� 2a serie Serial # RFB754517

Engine # RF755572

Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ Displacement: 150.1 cc Bore x stroke: 59.5 x 54 mm 3 ] 0]6 Z Š ˆ ] 0 jZ ˆ HHJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: forced air with fan Distribution: push rod Carburettor: 18 mm carburetor Q ] `Š Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch & �] 8 ? Final drive: shaft with differential

Ciclistica / Chassis

Il mercato dei veicoli commerciali non ebbe mai grande rilievo per MV Agusta anche se non venne completamente ignorato dalla Casa. Il pri \ 6780 veicolo in apparenza un po’ strano con un vano di carico anteriore. Nel 1959, con il “Centauroâ€?, l’azienda si allineò ad un design piĂš ortodosso. Il motore di 150cc era monocilindrico a 4 tempi, aveva un cambio in blocco a 4 rapporti con in Q 0 3# sotto il sedile ed era accessibile sollevando il cuscino. Il telaio, decisamente robusto, era una combinazione di tubi e lamiera stampata. Il peso F0J _ /HJ _ 3 ‡J _ ˆ poteva certo essere considerato un razzo. Le / 0Â?^


Though MV Agusta didn’t have a large presence in the commercial market, they didn’t ignore it. " 8:;~ was an odd-looking device with a front-loading bed. In 1959 the company unveiled a more orthodox design, the “Centauro�. With a 150cc, single-cylinder 4-stroke engine, it used a 4-speed gearbox with a separate reverser. The 7 HP engine was located beneath the operators seat, and was accessed by lifting the seat cushion. A beefy frame was a combination of tubular and pressed steel, and while it had a dry weight of 270 Kg, its loaded weight capacity was 350 Kg. Not exactly a road rocket, it had a top speed of 60 Km/h. Being a utility vehicle, the wheels were 3.75x8� steel discs.

Pressed and tubular steel frame Front suspension: trailing links & telehydraulic shocks Rear suspension: leaf spring  _ ] 60^

Rear brake: two 180 mm hydraulic drums Front tire: 4.00x8� Rear tire: 4.00x8� Wheels: disc Gas tank: 12 litres _] 6J‡J

Wheelbase: 1884mm Max width: 1440mm " Â? ] F07J

’ ] F0J “ B `] /^J_

Prestazioni / Performance ] ‡J “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ

*[ *Not available at time of photography.


1961 99 Checca “Gran Turismo� Serial # 581394

Engine # 583842

!3 ^/+ potenziamento del motore a 5.5 CV acquista

B tica rimane invariata e si contraddistingue !^/+ Q !^/+] parte anteriore e in lamiera stampata nella parte posteriore. Il motore era alloggiato in una doppia culla aperta e la scatola del motore era parte integrante del telaio. Fu 67‡7 6 700 [ 1962 viene presentata la versione maggiorata a 124cc con una potenza di 6.5 CV.

Derived from the “Checca 83�, the 99 used the 5.5 HP single-cylinder engine that had been improved to give the bike a better smoothness on mixed tracks. The frame =[ tubular front end and a pressed-steel rear portion. The engine was nestled in an open duplex cradle, and the engine case acted as a structural member. Besides the change in displacement, the only difference in the 99 \ =[ Total build was 1,977 units, and production ended in 1969. In 1962, a 124cc version was released with the engine developing 6.5 HP.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ Displacement: 98.9 cc W � _ ] HJ 0 � 87

3 ] 0 H]6 Z Š ˆ ] H FH jZ ˆ ‡JJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 16 mm carburettor Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Open double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks  _ ] 6F/ H

Rear brake: 118 mm drum  ] F HJ�60+ Y ] F HJ�60+ Wheels: spokes _] 68 B ] 6^0J

Width: 620 mm Â’ ] 6F/J

Weight: 90 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] ^J “ ˆ 3 ] HJ “ ˆ


1961 300 Raid “Militare� Serial # 250856

Engine # 250914

™ 67H0 Y FHJ era considerata una moto di grossa cilindrata. Era un superbo veicolo adatto alle lunghe distanze e la MV sperava di migliorarne /JJ 1959. Le differenze estetiche tra la 250 e la /JJ scarichi e nei parafanghi. Sfortunatamente, il pubblico non reagĂŹ con entusiasmo alla /JJ B "# – che ne acquistarono un limitato numero di esemplari. Il motore a 4 tempi generava una potenza di 14 CV e raggiungeva una velocitĂ

66H _ ˆ 3 prodotte in quel periodo, la sospensione era semplice e robusta e garantiva una guida confortevole. Grazie alla forcella anteriore teleidraulica e a quella posteriore, oscillante


dopo ora.

When the 250 Raid was introduced in 1957, it was considered a large-capacity motorcycle. It was a superb long-distance cruiser, and MV hoped to increase its appeal by enlarging the engine to 300 cc for 1959. Visual differences between the 250 and the 300 included the fuel tank, exhaust, and fenders. Unfortunately, the public gave the 300 Raid a collective yawn. MV pitched the bike to law enforcement and the armed forces. The military bought some examples, but in limited numbers. The 4-stroke single generated 14 HP, and it could reach a top speed of 115 Km/h. In the vein of the times, the suspension was simple, rugged, and gave a comfortable ride. With a telescopic hydraulic front fork and a rear swingarm with a pair of shock absorbers, the 300 Raid Military could give its rider a smooth ride, hour after hour.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] /J6 W � _ ] 08 � 0J

3 ] 0 F]6 Z Š ˆ ] 68 jZ ˆ HHJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 22 mm carburettor Ignition: dynamo - commutator Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 200 mm drum Rear brake: 200 mm drum  ] / JJÂ?67+ Y ] / FHÂ?67+ Wheels: spokes _] 60 Length: 2040 mm Width: 590 mm Â’ ] 6/8J

Weight: 160 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 66H “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ


1962 Checca 124 GTL Serial # MV GTE S 582879

Engine # MV S 582961

™ 6F/ 3 7^ & T* duzione nell’ottobre del 1962. Mantiene la 77 3 aggiungendo l’incremento di potenza e donando una maggiore brillantezza sui percorsi misti. Grazie al favorevole rapporto qualità prezzo (costava 185.000 Lire), ottiene un buon risultato commerciale con una produzione di 1.500 esemplari.

The displacement of this model, derived from the Checca 98 GTES, had been increased to 123cc. Production started in October 1962. It was essentially the same bike as the Checca 99, but with the increase in power, the race results on mixed tracks were stellar. Because the bike successfully mixed high quality with a low price (185.000 Lire), 8 < "


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ ] 6F/ J^ Bore x stroke: 56 x 50 mm Compression ratio: 6.5:1 Z Š ˆ ] H H jZ ˆ 8^JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ] >Š 50 units) Carburettor: 16 mm carburettor Q ] `Š Lubrication: 5% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: direct

Ciclistica / Chassis Pressed steel monocoque frame Front suspension: trailing link Rear suspension: swingarm integrated with engine; hydraulic shock Front brake: 150 mm drum Rear brake: 118 mm drum  ] F HJ�60+ Y ] F 0H�60+ Wheels: disc _] ^ B ] 6^0J

Width: 690 mm Â’ ] 6F/J

Weight: 95 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 0H “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ


1962 Liberty Sport Serial # MVL811677

Engine # 811795

Era giĂ da qualche anno che MV aveva smesso di produrre moto di piccola cilindrata quando, nei primi anni ’60, si cominciò a pensare che fosse ora di tornare nel settore. Mentre molte case si limitavano a disegnare motorini che avevano tutta l’aria di essere delle moto-giocattolo, la MV entrò in questo mercato di nicchia con un veicolo che era la copia esatta di quella che usavano “i grandiâ€? per andare a lavorare, solo in scala ridotta: la moto ideale per i giovani che ancora non avevano la patente. Nonostante il motore 80 0

8H _ ˆ sembrava una vera moto. Appena fu introdotta il cambio era a tre marce e le ruote da 16â€?. Man mano che la produzione andava avanti il diametro delle ruote diventò di 18’’. Il B ` * 67‡^ / /JJ unitĂ .

It had been a number of years since MV had built a small-capacity cycle, yet in the early 1960’s, they felt that the time was right for a return to making a diminutive motorcycle. Where many competitors constructed small bikes that looked toy-like, MV approached the niche with a motorcycle that looked just like the bike Dad rode to work on, just at a smaller scale. It was ideal for youth that didn’t have their license yet. The engine displaced just 47.7cc, and its top speed was only ;< Œ ‘ ’ was a bigger bike. When introduced, it used a three-speed gearbox, and 16-inch wheels. As production moved forward the wheels were increased in diameter to 18-inches. The Liberty Sport continued in the marketplace until 1968, and production was just a shade under 3300 units built.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 80 0 W � _ ] /7 � 8J

3 ] 0 H]6 Z Š ˆ * ] 6 jZ ˆ /6JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 14 mm carburetor Q ] `Š Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch & �] / Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Open double cradle and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with telescopic units Front brake: drum 104 mm Rear brake: drum 104 mm Front tire: 2.00x16� (18�) Rear tire: 2.00x16� (18�) Wheels: spokes Gas tank: 9 litres B ] 607J

Â’ ] 06J

Wheelbase: 1110 mm Weight: 58 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 8H “ ˆ 3 ] ‡H “ ˆ


1963 99 Checca Sport Serial # MVGTES583753

Engine # 583801

Presentata nel 1960, la motoleggera Checca ] ^/ 77 [ ] &

^/ & TÂ? ^/ * & aumentarne la potenza. Il motore monocilindrico a 4 tempi di questo modello aveva una potenza di 5.15 CV a regime di 6.000 giri al minuto. Il telaio era disegnato secondo la struttura classica della Casa: una combinazione di tubi nella parte anteriore e in lamiera stampata nella parte posteriore mentre il motore era inserito una doppia culla aperta. B & TÂ? 687 JJJ B B produzione fu interrotta nel 1969.

Debuting in 1960, the Checca was a lightweight motorcycle that was available in two displacements, 83 and 99cc. Three models were offered, the GT with a 83cc engine, the GT Extra, which used a bored out version of the 83cc engine, and the Sport GT, whose engine tuned to deliver slightly more power. This example’s single-cylinder, 4-stroke engine was rated at 5.15 HP at 6000 rpm. The frame followed MV practice, being a mix of a tubular front, and pressed steel in the rear, as well as the engine being mounted in an open duplex cradle. The GT Extra sold for 149,000 Lire. Production ended in 1969.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ Displacement: 98.8 cc W � _ ] HJ 0 � 87

3 ] 0 H]6 Z Š ˆ ] H FH jZ ˆ ‡JJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 16 mm carburettor Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Open double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks  _ ] 6F/

Rear brake: 118 mm drum  ] F HJ�60+ Y ] F HJ�60+ Wheels: spokes _] 68 B ] 6^0J

Width: 620 mm Â’ ] 6F/J

’ ] 7/ H “

Prestazioni / Performance ] 7J “ ˆ 3 ] 8J “ ˆ


1964 Germano Turismo G Serial # 581574

Engine # 351

Fu il primo e ultimo ciclomotore utilitario prodotto da MV e realizzato per gran parte in subappalto da altre Case. Rimasto in produzione per circa cinque anni, il Germano era la risposta all’esigenza di MV di immettere sul mercato un prodotto nel minor tempo possibile e per questo motivo diversi pezzi del Germano venivano realizzati da industrie emiliane. Il motore, costruito nella Germania dell’Ovest dalla Casa DKW, aveva una potenza di 1.5 CV. Il peso a secco era di 50 kg 8J _ ˆ B * un telaio monotrave in lamiera stampata,

& Sport e America avevano un telaio in tubi. I prezzi variavano dalle 115.000 alle 120.000 Lire.

" %& " "? ƒ ( mano (Mallard) moped was MV’s effort to release a bike for a little as possible. Many of the parts for the Germano were sourced from companies in the Emilia region of Italy. The engine was built by the West German /Œ “” 8 < {X The moped’s dry weight was 50 Kg, and it could reach a top speed of 40 Km/h. Early Turismo and Sport versions were built with a pressed-steel beam frame, while later Gran Turismo, Sport, and America’s used a tubular frame. Prices ranged from 115,00 to 120,000 Lire.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ ] 80 0 W � _ ] /7 � 8J

3 ] 0]6 Z Š ˆ * ] F jZ ˆ 8HJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ]

Carburettor: 12 mm carburetor Q ] `Š Lubrication: 5% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch & �] / Š selector Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Pressed-steel beam frame Front suspension: telescopic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with telescopic elements Front brake: drum 104 mm Rear brake: drum 104 mm Front tire: 2.00x18� Rear tire: 2.00x18� Wheels: spokes Gas tank: 4 litres B ] 600J

’ ] ‡0J

Wheelbase: 1150 mm Weight: 50 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 8J “ ˆ 3 ] ‡J “ ˆ


1964 125 Gran Turismo Lusso Serial # TRE655018

Engine # 653476

Nelle intenzioni di MV questa motocicletta doveva essere l’erede della “Centomilaâ€?. A parte alcune differenze nella verniciatura, era in pratica la stessa moto, con il medesimo cambio a 4 rapporti. Il telaio era quello tradizionale della Casa: in tubi nella parte anteriore e in lamiera stampata in quella posteriore. Non ci volle però molto per assistere ai primi cambiamenti, sia in campo estetico che meccanico, che trasformarono 6FH & B [ 1965 il cambio fu sostituito con uno a 5 rap

divenne piĂš elegante, cosĂŹ come l’attenzione al dettaglio contribuĂŹ a creare un look piĂš sportivo con una meccanica ancorchĂŠ mo B 66H _ ˆ peso a secco di 105 kg la rendevano una moto agile, ideale per strade urbane e di campagna.

MV intended this bike to succeed the popular “Centomila�. Under a few changes in the paint, it was essentially the same bike, complete with 4-speed gearbox. The frame was %& "

? rear. But it didn’t take long for big changes, both stylistically and mechanically, to turn the 125 GTL into a virtually all-new bike. A <? " ! 8:B< " the end of the decade, a sleeker fuel tank and attention to details created a very sporty look with modest mechanicals. With its top speed of 115 Km/h and a dry weight of 105 Kg, it was a nimble bike, ideal for both urban and rural roads.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 80 0 W � _ ] /7 � 8J

3 ] 0 H]6 Z Š ˆ * ] 6 jZ ˆ /6JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 14 mm carburetor Q ] `Š Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch & �] / Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Open double cradle and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with telescopic units Front brake: drum 104 mm Rear brake: drum 104 mm Front tire: 2.00x16� (18�) Rear tire: 2.00x16� (18�) Wheels: spokes Gas tank: 9 litres B ] 607J

Â’ ] 06J

Wheelbase: 1110 mm Weight: 58 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 8H “ ˆ 3 ] ‡H “ ˆ


1964 Germano Sport 1a serie Serial # MVG0571289

Engine # 195

La versione “Sportâ€? del Germano ha un assetto di guida piĂš basso che, associato alla sella piĂš lunga, conferisce alla moto un aspetto piĂš aggressivo. Fu prodotto in due ver modelli da cui derivavano. La prima versione aveva un telaio monotrave in lamiera stampata e non era certo adatto a grandi performance. La versione, qui rappresentata, era destinata ad un pubblico piĂš giovane. La MV aveva intuito che presentare i propri prodotti a motociclisti in erba avrebbe contribuito a plasmare un buon numero di clienti per il futuro. Il motore DKW aveva una potenza di tutto rispetto: 1.5 CV che spingevano il Ger 8J _ ˆ

The “Sport� version of the Germano has a lowered setup and a longer seat, giving the bike a more aggressive appearance. It came # " had a single beam frame in pressed steel and didn’t exactly exude performance. The version seen here, appealed to the younger public. MV felt that introducing their prod #

pool of buyers in the future. The DKW-built engine was rated at a lofty 1.5 HP, hurling the Germano Sport to 40 Km/h.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ ] 80 0 W � _ ] /7 � 8J

3 ] 0]6 Z Š ˆ * ] / jZ ˆ HHJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ]

3 ] 60

Q ] `Š Lubrication: 5% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch & �] / Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Pressed-steel beam frame Front suspension: telescopic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with telescopic elements Front brake: drum 104 mm Rear brake: drum 104 mm Front tire: 2.00x18� Rear tire: 2.00x18� Wheels: spokes Gas tank: 4 litres B ] 600J

’ ] ‡0J

Wheelbase: 1150 mm Weight: 50 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 8H “ ˆ 3 ] ‡J “ ˆ


1965 150 RS Serial # RS850064

Engine # 850064

[ 67H7 venne introdotto il divieto di transito sulle autostrade per i veicoli di cilindrata inferiore 6HJ B "# fu una moto con motore di 150,1cc. Il telaio a doppia culla in tubi e lamiera, il serbatoio che nascondeva la testa del cilindro e il sellone lungo, la rendevano di fatto molto simile alla “Centomila� 125cc. L’unica differenza che spiccava all’occhio era la coppia di tubi di scarico. La MV utilizzava questo sistema per ridurre la pressione di ritorno alla testa e aumentare la potenza. Questa Rapido Sport 150 aveva una potenza di 10 CV a 6.400 giri al minuto e il motore a 4 tempi aveva un rapporto di compressione 8:1, un carburatore Dellorto MB 20B e un cambio a 4 rapporti. La 150 ebbe vita lunga e ricca di successi

š – 670Jƒ

In 1959, the Italian Highway Code was revised, prohibiting motorcycles with a displacement less than 150cc from using the motorway. MV answered the challenge in 1959 by rolling out a motorcycle that displaced 150.1cc. With its duplex cradle frame built up from tubes and pressed steel, a fuel tank that hid the top of the cylinder, and a dual seat, it closely resembled the “Centomila� 125cc. The most obvious visual difference was the 150’s dual exhaust tips. MV used the system to reduce back pressure and increase power. Speaking of power, this Rapido Sport 150 was rated at 10 HP at 6400 rpm, and its 4-stroke engine used an 8:1 compression ratio and a Dellorto MB 20B carburetor to feed power to the 4-speed gearbox. The 150 had a very long and commercial successful

8:~ •


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ Displacement: 150.1 cc Bore x stroke: 59.5 x 54 mm 3 ] 0]6 Z Š ˆ ] 7 jZ ˆ ‡JJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 20 mm carburettor Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 4 speeds - 5 speeds from 1966 Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 150 mm drum Rear brake: 125 mm drum  ] F 0H�6^+ Y ] F 0H�6^+ Wheels: spokes _] 6/ Length: 1900 mm Width: 620 mm Wheelbase: 1280 mm Weight: 110 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 66H “ ˆ 3 ] /8 “ ˆ


1965 235cc Trasporto Tevere Serial # TTC263989

Engine # TT264428

Per soddisfare esigenze di maggior robustez 67H7 "# 3 “Centauroâ€?, la struttura era convenzionale, con la cabina guida anteriore ed esterna al vano di carico. Il motore monocilindrico a 4 tempi era posizionato davanti ed era accessibile sollevando il sedile a cerniera. La ca HFJ _ FJJ Kg maggiore rispetto a quella del “Centauroâ€?. Mentre la sospensione anteriore rientrava negli standard delle moto MV – a forcella con ammortizzatori idraulici – la sospensione posteriore era del tipo a doppia balestra. PoichĂŠ il motore era alloggiato in uno spazio chiuso, il raffreddamento avveniva per mezzo di una ventola. Il prezzo di questo veicolo da 80J JJJ B # nere vengono utilizzati ancora oggi in Italia.

For more robust commercial needs, MV released the 235cc Trasporto Tevere in 1959. Like its little brother, the “Centauro�, it employed a conventional layout, with the operator sitting out of the elements in the front, and a sizable bed behind. Access to the 4-stroke, single-cylinder, 10 HP engine was straight } Tevere’s load capacity was upgraded from the $\ +

520 Kg. While the front suspension was pret %& }

} rear suspension was a live axle and a pair of longitudinal leaf springs. Due to the engine’s enclosed design, a fan forcing air over the engine handled cooling. The price for all of this cargo carrying was 470,000 Lire. Vehicles like this are still in use in Italy today.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] F/6 0 Bore x stroke: 69 x 62 mm Compression ratio: 6.5:1 Z Š ˆ ] 6J jZ ˆ HHJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: forced air with fan Distribution: push rod Carburettor: 22 mm carburettor Q ] `Š Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch & �] 8 ? ? Final drive: shaft

Ciclistica / Chassis Pressed and tubular steel frame Front suspension: leading links and telehydraulic shocks Rear suspension: leaf spring  _ ] 60^

Rear brake: two 180 mm hydraulic drums Front tire: 5.00x10� Rear tire: 5.00x10� Wheels: disc Gas tank: 15 litres ’ ] 67/‡

Â’ ] /^J _ B ` 0JJ _

Prestazioni / Performance ] HH “ ˆ 3 ] 6^ “ ˆ


1966 Germano Sport 2a serie Serial # 572631

Engine # 148

Il Germano fu lanciato nel 1964 e prodotto per circa 5 anni. Era la prima volta nella storia dell’azienda che venivano utilizzati fornitori esterni per la produzione di un gran numero di pezzi, incluso il motore DKW. Ciò permise alla MV di immettere sul mercato una nuova moto in modo molto veloce ed economico. La Sport fu una delle versioni di questo modello e aveva un telaio in tubi di acciaio a doppia culla chiusa con tutte le proporzioni di una vera motocicletta. Versioni successive erano & % Q motore monoclindrico a due tempi generava una potenza di 1.5 CV, abbastanza per portare questa moto di 50 kg ad una velocitĂ 8J _ ˆ Q dalle 115.000 alle 120.000 Lire, a seconda delle versioni.

The Germano (Mallard) moped was intro 8:B; E history that they utilized outside suppliers for a large number of components, including /Œ “” ? lowed MV to market the new bike as quickly and economically as possibly. The Sport model was one of the versions built on this platform and had a tubular steel duplex cradle frame and the proportions of a real bike. Other iterations included the Turismo, Gran Turismo, and America. The single-cylinder, 2-stroke engine generated 1.5 HP, enough to coax the 50Kg bike to 40 Km/h. Prices were modest too, with a range of 115,00 to 120,000 Lire depending on the version.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ ] 80 0 W � _ ] /7 � 8J

3 ] 0]6 Z Š ˆ * ] / jZ ˆ HHJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ]

3 ] 60

Q ] `Š Lubrication: 5% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch & �] / Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with telescopic elements Front brake: drum 104 mm Rear brake: drum 104 mm Front tire: 2.00x18� Rear tire: 2.00x18� Wheels: spokes Gas tank: 4 litres B ] 600J

’ ] ‡0J

Wheelbase: 1150 mm Weight: 50 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 8H “ ˆ 3 ] ‡J “ ˆ


1966 Ciclomotore Germano Turismo 2a versione Serial # 5733571

Engine # 500094616

Con il telaio in acciaio stampato, l’aspetto di 80 0 tore Germano non avrebbe mai oltrepassato i limiti di velocitĂ , il che non dispiaceva ai genitori di molti ragazzini. Il Germano veniva costruito ricorrendo a produttori esterni per tenere bassi i costi, pur mantenendo lo stile MV. Il piccolo motore DKW, costruito nella Germania dell’Ovest era monocilindrico a due tempi; la potenza era di 1.5 cavalli, quello che bastava per raggiungere i 40 _ ˆ Â

0F JJJ B portare la produzione a 4.508 unitĂ durante il periodo dal 1964 al 1968.

With its pressed steel frame, bicycle-like styling, and 47.7cc engine, the Germano (Mallard) moped was not going to break many speed limits, and the parents of many teenagers were more than happy about that. Built using many outsider suppliers, the Germano was built to a price-point, yet it was infused " %& # German DKW sourced engine was a singlecylinder, 2-stroke affair, belting out 1.5 HP, # ; Œ ‘ –>; mph). Prices started at 72,000 Lire, and the marketplace reacted by snapping up 4,508 of these stylish rides during the production 8:B; } 8:B=


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ F _ ] 80 0 W � _ ] /7 � 8J

3 ] 0]6 Z Š ˆ * ] F jZ ˆ /6JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air ]

Carburettor: 12 mm carburetor Q ] `Š Lubrication: 5% mixture Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch & �] / Š selector Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Front suspension: telescopic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with telescopic elements Front brake: drum 104 mm Rear brake: drum 104 mm Front tire: 2.00x18� Rear tire: 2.00x18� Wheels: spokes Gas tank: 4 litres B ] 600J

’ ] ‡0J

Wheelbase: 1150 mm Weight: 50 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 8J “ ˆ 3 ] ‡J “ ˆ


1966 Liberty Turismo 2a versione Serial # MVL815034

Engine # 815103

PerchĂŠ le moto dovevano essere solo per “i grandiâ€?? Questa fu la domanda che ci si pose quando, nel 1962, fu lanciato il Liberty 50cc. Pensato per un pubblico di giovani non ancora in etĂ da patente, era una vera moto, solo di dimensioni piĂš ridotte. Il motore monoclindrico a 4 tempi con comando ad aste e bilancieri non generava piĂš di 1.5 CV ma, montato su una motocicletta di soli 58,5 _ 8J _ ˆ ™

/ comando a manopola. I numeri di produzione erano importanti: ne furono infatti costruite 5.292 unitĂ .

Why should Dad be the only one to ride a motorcycle? This was the question posed when the 50cc Liberty debuted in 1962. Aimed at youngsters not old enough to acquire a driver’s license, it was truly a scaled-down motorcycle that looked like a bigger bike. The diminutive single-cylinder, 4-stroke, pushrod engine only produced 1.5 HP, but in a bike weighing only 58.5 Kg, it would top out at 40 Km/h. This example uses a 3-speed gearbox with a twist-grip gear change. Production numbers were impres < >:> "


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 80 0 W � _ ] /7 � 8F

3 ] 0 H]6 Z Š ˆ * ] 6 jZ ˆ /6JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 14 mm carburetor Q ] `Š Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: Gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch & �] / Š selector Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Steel open cradle frame Front suspension: telescopic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with telescopic unit Front brake: drum 104 mm Rear brake: drum 104 mm Front tire: 2.00x16� (18�) Rear tire: 2.00x16� (18�) Wheels: spokes Gas tank: 9 litres B ] 607J

Â’ ] 06J

Wheelbase: 1110 mm Weight: 58 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 8J “ ˆ 3 ] ‡H “ ˆ


1967 125 RegolaritĂ 1a serie Serial # 657431

Engine # 655571

Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 6F/ H W � _ ] H/ � H‡

Compression ratio: 10.5:1 Z Š ˆ ] 6J jZ ˆ ^JJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 22 mm carburettor Q ] `Š $ Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 5 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis

B 6FH Y per le competizioni. La MV aveva oramai capito che le vittorie della domenica avrebbero portato nuovi clienti il lunedĂŹ. Questo modello, fabbricato appositamente per le gare, venne messo a disposizione dei corridori privati. Era una moto robusta e allestita con forcelle Ceriani a lunga escursione, le migliori per Q B $ ne del gruppo accensione era stata parzialmente asportata, il che permetteva l’accesso al pignone della catena. Nella parte inferiore si trovava la protezione della coppa dell’olio. Il motore monocilindrico a 4 tempi sviluppava 10 cavalli a 8.000 giri al minuto; 6JJ _ ˆ Z grossi tasselli montati su ruote QD, un parasassi sul faro e un poggiapiedi pieghevole, facevano il resto.


8>< R ˜

%& on Sunday brought buyers in on Monday. This purpose-built model was available to privateers. Ruggedly built, it was equipped with long-travel Ceriani forks, state-of-the-art at the time. The was mounted below it. The crankcase cover was partially cut away, allowing access to the chain sprocket, and below it was a sump guard. The single-cylinder, 4-stroke engine developed 10 HP at 8000 rpm, good for 100 Km/h. Knobby tires on QD wheels, a stone guard over the headlight, and folding footrests spoke to the task at hand.

Open double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 180 mm drum Rear brake: 150 mm drum  ] F 0HÂ?67+ Y ] / FHÂ?67+ Wheels: spokes _] 6/ Length: 2060 mm Width: 640 mm Â’ ] 6//J

Weight: 98 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 6JH “ ˆ 3 ] /J “ ˆ

*[ *Not available at time of photography.


1968 600 Roadster Four Serial # 199051

Engine # 199-051

Quando la rivista “Cycle Worldâ€? testò la 600 Roadster Four (marzo 1968) scrisse che si trattava “forse della piĂš importante roadster al mondoâ€?. Con il motore a 4 tempi da 600cc raffreddato ad aria a 4 cilindri in linea, era una delle moto da turismo migliori al mondo. Con un cambio a 5 velocitĂ e la trasmissione tita. La potenza era di 52 CV a 8.000 giri al

6‡H _ ˆ La 600 Roadster Four fu una delle uniche MV vendute negli Stati Uniti. Fu prodotta dal 67‡^ 670J 6F0 Q prezzo di 1.160.000 Lire era alla portata solo di compratori benestanti.

When Cycle World magazine tested (March 1968) the 600 Roadster Four, it said that it was “perhaps the premier roadster of the world.� With its air-cooled 600cc, fourcylinder, 4-stroke inline engine, it was a cross-continent capable machine that was ? ? " ! ? given. Rated at 52 HP at 8000 rpm, it could touch 165 Km/h. The 600 Roadster Four was one of the few MV’s sold in America. It was produced from 1968 to 1970 in 127 units. The price of 1.160.000 Lire was rather high and only well-to-do customer could afford it.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] 8 ˆ 8 _ Displacement: 591.5 cc Bore x stroke: 58 x 56 mm x 4 Compression ratio: 9.2:1 Z Š ˆ ] HF jZ ˆ ^JJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: double overhead cam Carburettor: 24 mm carburettor x 2 (later models x 4) Ignition: distributor Lubrication: wet sump Starting: electric Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 5 speeds Final drive: shaft

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: double 216 mm mechanical discs Rear brake: 200 mm drum  ] / HJÂ?6^+ Rear tire: 4.00x18â€? Wheels: spokes _] FJ Length: 2210 mm Width: 620 mm Â’ ] 6/7J

Weight: 224 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 6‡H “ ˆ 3 ] FJ “ ˆ


1969 250 B Serial # 250B2110581

Engine # 2110572

Verso la metĂ degli anni ’60 le motociclette iniziarono a guadagnarsi spazio anche tra le persone di ceto elevato ma a questo punto • Q mercato richiedeva moto piĂš potenti e piĂš comode, come quelle di stampo britannico. La MV si lanciò in questo settore con un modello moderno, alla portata di tutti e con motore bicilindrico, la 250 B, che si insinuò senza problemi tra le moto piĂš piccole della Casa ma non nel campo di quelle di grossa cilindrata. Molti spunti per questa moto furono presi dalla MV 600. Il motore della B a 4 67 3# 0 ^JJ e il cambio aveva 5 velocitĂ . La velocitĂ

6/H _ ˆ Q /FJ JJJ 808 JJJ B B – 67‡7 2.654 esemplari.

In the mid-1960’s, motorcycles began to acquire an aura of acceptance in social circles, but little mopeds wouldn’t do. They wanted bigger, more comfortable bikes, in the British mold. MV jumped quickly into the market with a stylish, affordable twin-cylinder model, the 250 B, which slotted neatly above MV’s smaller bikes, but not in bigbike territory. Many of its styling cues were “borrowed� from the MV 600. The 250 B’s 4-stroke engine generated 19 HP at 7800 ? speed gearbox. Top speed was 135Km/h. Prices ranged from 320,000 to 474,000 Lire. Production ran until 1969 to 1971, and 2,654 250 B’s were built.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] Š ˆ 8 _ Displacement: 246.6 cc W � _ ] H/ � H‡

� F Compression ratio: 10:1 Z Š ˆ ] 67 jZ ˆ 0^JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 22 mm carburettor x 2 Ignition: dynamo Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 5 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Single beam tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 180 mm drum Rear brake: 158 mm drum  ] F 0HÂ?6^+ Y ] / FHÂ?6^+ Wheels: spokes _] 6/ Length: 1960 mm Width: 620 mm Â’ ] 6/JJ

Weight: 142 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 6/H “ ˆ 3 ] 6^ “ ˆ


1969 250 Bicilindrico B Scrambler Serial # MV250B*2110725

Engine # 2110715


‡J moto capaci di affrontare tracciati fuoristrada non eccessivamente impegnativi, conosciute con il nome di Scrambler. La maggior parte delle Case motociclistiche sviluppò la propria versione partendo da modelli da strada giĂ in produzione. La MV seguĂŹ quindi questa formula disegnando la 250cc Scrambler. Era caratterizzata da un allestimento adatto al fuoristrada, con il manubrio rialzato e gli scarichi sul lato destro. I 19 CV facevano balzare la lancetta del contachilometri a 125 _ ˆ di queste moto era quella di divertirsi sui percorsi da fuoristrada. I motociclisti erano però riluttanti all’acquisto di una Scrambler perchĂŠ montava gomme da strada e cosĂŹ la produzione terminò dopo solo 52 unitĂ .

In the latter half of the 1960’s, motorcycles capable of light off-road duty became popular. Know as Scramblers, most motorcycle manufacturers developed their versions around existing street models. MV followed this formula when designing their 250cc Scrambler. It was characterized by an on-off " sump guard, special front fork, headlight guard, and raised twin exhaust pipes on the right. Its 19 HP could swing the speedometer’s needle to 125 Km/h, but chasing down trails was the bike’s reason for being. Due to MV’s use of street tires on the Scrambler, Italian buyers were reluctant to buy, forcing production to end after just 52 built.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] Š ˆ 8 _ Displacement: 246.6 cc W � _ ] H/ � H‡

� F Compression ratio: 10:1 Z Š ˆ ] 67 jZ ˆ 0^JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 22 mm carburettor x 2 Ignition: dynamo Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 5 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Single beam tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 180 mm drum Rear brake: 158 mm drum  ] F 0HÂ?6^+ Y ] / FHÂ?6^+ Wheels: spokes _] 6/ Length: 1960 mm Width: 620 mm Â’ ] 6/JJ

Weight: 142 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 6FH “ ˆ 3 ] 6^ “ ˆ


1971 125 Sport GTL-S Serial # MV GTL*659865*

Engine # 657585

La versione Sport della 125 era una moto superba disegnata per giovani appassionati. Le performance erano buone (velocitĂ mas 66H _ ˆ @ – ferenza era il design: un deciso passo avanti la distanziava dai modelli precedenti. Il layout era sportivo, grazie al manubrio piĂš basso e i poggiapiedi piĂš arretrati che conferivano alla moto l’apparenza di un veicolo per i tracciati sportivi. Il serbatoio era di forma slanciata e la sella aveva un’imbottitura verticale. Il motore, monocilindrico a 4 tempi con comando ad asta, sviluppava una potenza di 9.5 CV e aveva un cambio a 5 velocitĂ . Il prezzo era //J JJJ B F JF/ persone la ritennero un buon prodotto.

The sport version of the 125 was a superb motorcycle designed for young enthusiasts. – } 88< Km/h), but the design is what was most ap to previous models. The layout was sporty, thanks to lowered handlebars and footrests that were mounted further back than normal, giving the bike a “track-ready look. The fuel tank had a graceful elongated shape, and the seat had an upright pad. The singlecylinder, pushrod, 4-stroke engine developed : < {X ? " ! X at 330,000 Lire, this wasn’t a cheap bike, but 2,023 buyers felt it was good value.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 6F/ H W � _ ] H/ � H‡

Compression ratio: 10.5:1 Z Š ˆ ] 7 jZ ˆ ‡HJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 22 mm carburettor Q ] `Š Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 5 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Open double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 158 mm drum Y _ ] 6F/ H

 ] F 0H�6^+ Y ] F 0H�6^+ Wheels: spokes _] 6H Length: 1920 mm Width: 620 mm Wheelbase: 1280 mm Weight: 105 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 66H “ ˆ 3 ] 8J “ ˆ


1971 350 B Twin Sport 1a serie Serial # MV350B 2130379

Engine # 2130372

FHJ W /HJ W * ciata nel novembre 1969 al Salone di Milano e fu ben accolta dagli appassionati. Per la prima volta un motore MV bicilindrico di media cilindrata, combinava un assetto sportivo a grandi performance che soddisfacevano anche i fan delle alte velocitĂ . Il motore bicilindrico a quattro tempi con cilindri in lega leggera generava una potenza di 28 CV e 6HH _ ˆ Q bio era a 5 rapporti. La velocitĂ non era però l’unica caratteristica di questa moto di media cilindrata: era un veicolo agile che poteva competere con moto anche piĂš potenti.

Derived from the 250 B, the 350 B Sport debuted in November 1969 at the Milan Motorcycle show, and was well received by Š ? ? der, medium-displacement MV combined a sporty riding position with high performance ? ? fans. Its 4-stroke alloy twin-cylinder engine was rated at 28 HP, giving the 350 B a top 8<< Œ ‘ ? " ! was used. But speed wasn’t the only thing ? U " machine that could run with much bigger motorcycles.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] Š ˆ 8 _ ] /8^ 7 W � _ ] ‡/ � H‡

� F Compression ratio: 9.2:1 Z Š ˆ ] F0 jZ ˆ 0‡JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 24 mm carburettor x 2 Ignition: dynamo Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 5 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Single beam tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 200 mm drum Rear brake: 200 mm drum  ] F 0HÂ?6^+ Y ] / FHÂ?6^+ Wheels: spokes _] 6/ Length: 1960 mm Width: 620 mm Â’ ] 6/JJ

Weight: 150 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 6‡J “ ˆ 3 ] FJ “ ˆ


1971 750 Sport 4C75 1a serie Serial # MV4C75 214054

Engine # 214-047

Quando fu presentata in tutto il mondo, la 0HJ * 830H sionato motociclista: 4 grossi cilindri e stile italiano. Nonostante ciò gli entusiasmi si af non si rivelarono all’altezza delle aspettative. I freni a tamburo anteriori erano al di sotto degli standard e la trasmissione ad albero non prometteva grandi prestazioni. Con i ‡7 0 7JJ moto da turismo adatta a percorrere lunghe distanze. Secondo il design standard delle

0HJ motore a camme sulla testata e carburatori multipli. Il dinamotore funzionava come avviatore e generatore. Averne una in garage richiedeva una grande disponibilitĂ di fondi: il prezzo era di 1.950.000 Lire.

When it was presented to the world, the 750 Sport 4C75 was the dream of every motorcy " good looks. However, the enthusiasm soon died down when the effective performance failed to meet expectations. The front drum brakes were below standard and the shaft drive did not allow great performance. With its 69 HP at 7900 rpm, it was a comfortable long-distance touring bike. Per standard large bike design, the 750 used overhead camshafts and multiple carburetors. A forward-thinking feature was the dynamotor, which acted as both a starter and generator. To put one in your garage required deep 8 :< `


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] 8 ˆ 8 _ ] 08F 7 Bore x stroke: 65 x 56 mm x 4 Compression ratio: 9.5:1 Z Š ˆ ] ‡7 jZ ˆ 07JJ ˆ ] H ^ _ ˆ 0HJJ Cooling: air Distribution: double overhead cam Carburettor: 24 mm carburettor x 4 Ignition: distributor Lubrication: wet sump Starting: electric Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 5 speeds Final drive: shaft

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks  _ ] F/J

Rear brake: 200 mm drum  ] / HJÂ?6^+ Rear tire: 4.00x18â€? Wheels: spokes _] F8 Length: 2210 mm Â’ ] 0FJ

Â’ ] 6/7J

Weight: 224 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] FJJ “ ˆ 3 ] FJ “ ˆ


1972 125 GTL-S Carenata Serial # GTL660204

Engine # 657829

Questo modello, nella versione in produzione, presentava una linea sportiva che era stata apprezzata dalla clientela giovane. L’aggiunta della carenatura, che riprendeva della moto MV da Gran Premio, conferiva un aspetto ancora piĂš accattivante. Il contagiri design. Il motore a 4 tempi con 9.5 CV e un cambio a 5 rapporti per una velocitĂ di 115 “ ˆ per percorsi sportivi.

This model, in the version that was produced, had a sporty design that was appreciated by young customers. The new faring, same colors as the Grand Prix MV racer, gave the bike an aggressive and appealing air. The tachometer, mounted next to the speedometer, completed the competitioninspired design. With a tubular front and pressed steel rear frame, it was a strong, durable machine, good for a wide range of road surfaces. The single-cylinder, 4-stroke engine generated 9.5 HP, and with a 5-speed gearbox, the motorcycle would reach a top speed of 115 Km/h, making the bike good for sport tracks.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 6F/ H W � _ ] H/ � H‡

Compression ratio: 10.5:1 Z Š ˆ ] 7 jZ ˆ ‡HJJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 22 mm carburettor Q ] `Š Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 5 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Open double cradle tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 158 mm drum Y _ ] 6F/ H

 ] F 0H�6^+ Y ] F 0H�6^+ Wheels: spokes _] 6H Length: 1920 mm Width: 620 mm Wheelbase: 1280 mm Weight: 105 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 66H “ ˆ 3 ] 8J “ ˆ


1972 750 4C75 2a serie Serial # MV4C75 v214075

Engine # 214-083

8 0HJ 3 3 0HJ 830H minor numero di esemplari. Fu anche, però, quella piĂš adatta alla trasmissione ad albero grazie al suo allestimento turistico. Era una motocicletta spettacolare e fu l’erede della ‡JJ 67‡0 • T paggiata con 4 silenziatori singoli, emetteva buro sia anteriori che posteriori, era troppo pesante per il turismo e troppo leggera per le competizioni. Con una potenza di 66 CV a 8.000 giri al minuto e dotata di un cambio a 5 velocitĂ inserito in un telaio in tubi con 0HJ 830H non era per nulla a buon mercato: il prezzo di vendita era di 1.960.000 Lire.

Among all the 4-cylinder 750s produced in Cascina Costa, the 750 4C75 had the lowest production volume at 33 units, but was also the one best suited to the shaft drive con spectacular motorcycle and was the successor of the 600 of 1967, although far more elegant. Fitted with four single silencers, it gave off a glorious sound, but with drum brakes front and rear, it was heavy on touring and light on sport. Rated at 66 HP at 8000 rpm, and ? " ! " lar frame with a double cradle for the engine, the 750 4C75 was not an inexpensive ma

" 8 :B `


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] 8 ˆ 8 _ ] 08F 7 Bore x stroke: 65 x 56 mm x 4 Compression ratio: 9.5:1 Z Š ˆ ] ‡7 jZ ˆ 07JJ ˆ ] H ^ _ ˆ 0HJJ Cooling: air Distribution: double overhead cam 3 ] F0

Â? 8 Ignition: distributor Lubrication: wet sump Starting: electric Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 5 speeds Final drive: shaft

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: double 280 mm hydraulic discs F/J

Rear brake: 200 mm drum  ] / HJÂ?6^+ Rear tire: 4.00x18â€? Wheels: spokes _] F8 Length: 2210 mm Â’ ] 0FJ

Â’ ] 6/7J

Weight: 224 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] F6J “ ˆ 3 ] FJ “ ˆ


1972 350 Scrambler Serial # 350B21305693

Engine # 21305729

Come la maggior parte delle grandi Case motociclistiche, la MV cercava di produrre veicoli adeguati per ogni categoria o quasi, B /HJ * 6706 utilizzava la formula scrambler nata negli Stati Uniti (scarichi rialzati, sospensioni a lunga escursione, motore piĂš basso e protetto, pneumatici aggressivi) ma impregnata del tipico fascino MV. Il motore bicilindrico con cilindri in lega utilizzava un rapporto di compressione di 9.5:1, carburatori Dellorto UB 24 B2, e valvole in testa che generavano /F 3# 0 ‡HJ Q a 5 velocitĂ e la potenza era trasmessa alla ruota posteriore da una catena. La velocitĂ

68H _ ˆ B "# \ F60

/HJ *

Like most volume motorcycle manufacturers, MV worked to have suitable machines in most categories, including off-road. The 350 Scrambler was released in November 1971, and used the scrambler formula born in the United States (upswept exhaust, long-travel suspension, protected lower engine, aggres š " " %& # The twin-cylinder, alloy engine used a 9.5:1 compression ratio, dual Dellorto UB 24 B2 carburetors, and overhead valves to generate 32 HP at 7650 rpm. Power was fed through a 5-speed gearbox to the rear tire via a chain drive. Top speed was 145 Km/h. MV built 217 350 Scramblers.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] Š ˆ 8 _ ] /8^ 7 W � _ ] ‡/ � H‡

� F Compression ratio: 9.2:1 Z Š ˆ ] F0 jZ ˆ 0‡JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 24 mm carburettor x 2 Ignition: electronic Lubrication: wet sump Starting: electric Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 5 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Single beam tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 200 mm drum Rear brake: 200 mm drum  ] F 0HÂ?6^+ Y ] / FHÂ?6^+ Wheels: spokes _] 6/ Length: 1960 mm Width: 620 mm Â’ ] 6/JJ

Weight: 150 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 68H “ ˆ 3 ] FJ “ ˆ


1972 350 Twin Sport Elettronica Serial # MV350B2130997


/HJ Š Uno dei piÚ importanti fu l’introduzione dell’accensione elettronica nella prima 670F ™ – Q cilindrico con comando ad asta a 4 tempi, F0 3#š bile una versione con il look di una moto da competizione, che manteneva comunque il fanale per adeguarla al codice della strada. Di questo modello ne fu prodotta una versione per la Polizia, completa di tubi paracolpi, parabrezza, borse laterali, sirena e indicatori di direzione.

? [< was the recipient of constant improvements. One of the most notable was the introduction of electronic ignition in the spring of 1972. This upgrade improved the reliability of the motorcycle. The pushrod, 4-stroke twincylinder engine still generated 27 HP, and for the boy-racer, a fairing that resembled a competition setup was available, but it did have a headlight to keep it street legal. There was even a police version of this model, complete with crash bars, windscreen, pannier bags, siren, and direction indicators.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] Š ˆ 8 _ ] /8^ 7 W � _ ] ‡/ � H‡

� F Compression ratio: 9.2:1 Z Š ˆ ] F0 jZ ˆ 0‡JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 24 mm carburettor x 2 Ignition: electronic Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 5 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Single beam tubular and pressed steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: 200 mm drum Rear brake: 200 mm drum  ] F 0HÂ?6^+ Y ] / FHÂ?6^+ Wheels: spokes _] 6/ Length: 1960 mm Width: 620 mm Â’ ] 6/JJ

Weight: 150 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 6‡J “ ˆ 3 ] FJ “ ˆ


1973 Phil Read Inspired Minibike

E ora qualcosa di nuovo: una minibike MV, [ 670/ campione mondiale del team MV Agusta Phil Read fece costruire alla Casa motociclistica la replica in scala ridotta e in un unico esemplare di una MV Agusta Grand Prix. Fu lo stesso anno in cui Read era diventato campione del mondo con la 500cc. La moto suscitò tanta attenzione che la MV diede inizio T che divenne oggetto da collezione. Questa moto ha un motore a due tempi monocilindri  " 80 ‡ di trasmissione. Fu prodotta nella versione da 8 e 10 pollici.

Now for something different: an MV minibike that copies a full-sized motorcycle. In 1973, MV Agusta World Champion Phil Read had the company build a one-off children’s replica of an MV Agusta Grand Prix motorcycle. This was the same year that Read had become the 500cc World Champion. The bike attracted so much attention, MV started building them in limited numbers. Needless to say, they are now collector’s items. The bike has a 47.6cc Franco Morini single-cylinder, 2-stroke engine with a variator transmission, and was built in 8 and 10-inch versions.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] X ˆ F$ _ ] 80 ‡ Compression ratio: 6.5:1 Cooling: Air Fuel delivery: Carburetor Lubrication: Wet sump Starting: Kick-start Gearbox: Variator transmission Final drive: Chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Frame: Steel tubular Front suspension: Hydraulic telescopic forks Rear suspension: Swingarms with dual hydraulic shock absorbers Front brake: Drum Rear brake: Drum  ] / JJ � 6J Y ] / JJ � 6J Wheels: Wire


1973 750 GT Serial # MV4C75 2140302

Engine # 214-0272

* 0HJ & zava un assetto leggermente meno sportivo per differenziarsi esteticamente dalle sorelle piĂš aggressive. La colorazione era un abbinamento avorio-marroncino. Come il 0HJ % 08F 7 a 4 cilindri in linea, DOHC, e carburatori multipli. Questo motore, raffreddato ad aria, ‡7 3# 0 7JJ spingeva questa moto da 224 kg ad una ve F6J _ ˆ Q era l’unica moto italiana a 4 cilindri e il prezzo di vendita di 1.950.000 Lire contribuiva ad aggiungere prestigio. I numeri di produzione ] //

Second in the 750 series, the GT used slightly less sporting trim to visually differentiate it from its more aggressive brethren. It was painted white and bronze. Like the rest of the 750 line, with the exception of the ' ~;> : 4-cylinder engine, DOHC’s, and multiple carburetors. This air-cooled engine developed 69 HP at 7900 rpm, and could propel this 224 Kg of motorcycle to a top speed of 210 Km/h. It was the only 4-cylinder Italian motorcycle in its day, and its 1,950,000 Lire price tag only helped to add to its cachet. It " " } 0 [[ constructed.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] 8 ˆ 8 _ ] 08F 7 Bore x stroke: 65 x 56 mm x 4 Compression ratio: 9.5:1 Z Š ˆ ] ‡7 jZ ˆ 07JJ ˆ ] H ^ _ ˆ 0HJJ Cooling: air Distribution: double overhead cam Carburettor: 24 mm carburettor x 4 Ignition: distributor Lubrication: wet sump Starting: electric Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 5 speeds Final drive: shaft

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks  _ ] F/J

Rear brake: 200 mm drum  ] / HJÂ?6^+ Rear tire: 4.00x18â€? Wheels: spokes _] F8 Length: 2210 mm Width: 660 mm Â’ ] 6/7J

Weight: 224 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] FJJ “ ˆ 3 ] FJ “ ˆ


1975 350 Sport Ipotesi Serial # MV350BE2160166

Engine # 216005

La Ipotesi era una motocicletta presentata inizialmente come “esercizio di stile� e fu lanciata al Salone di Milano nel novembre 670/ Q & & spigolati. Il motore era derivato dal pre /HJ elettronica, ma risultava completamente nuovo grazie al massiccio impiego di spigolature. Ruote a razze in lega leggera e freni a disco completavano questa moto dal look estremamente moderno. Fu prodotta dal 670H 6700

The Ipotesi (Hypothesis) was a motorcycle presented as a styling exercise and was introduced at the Milan Motorcycle Show in November 1973. The design was penned by Giorgio Giugiaro, and was based on strong horizontal lines and very angular shapes. The engine was based on the previous 350 twin with electronic ignition, but it looked completely updated due to the squarish outer casings. Cast alloy wheels and disc brakes completed this extremely modern looking motorcycle. It was produced from 1975, until 1977.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] Š ˆ 8 _ ] /8^ 7 W � _ ] ‡/ � H‡

� F Compression ratio: 9.2:1 Z Š ˆ ] F7 jZ ˆ 0‡JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 24 mm carburettor x 2 Ignition: electronic Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 5 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Single beam tubular steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks  _ ] F/J

` Y _ ] F/J

` Â ] F 0HÂ?6^+ Y ] / FHÂ?6^+ Wheels: alloy _] 67 B ] 670J

Width: 620 mm Â’ ] 6/6J

Weight: 160 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 60J “ ˆ 3 ] FJ “ ˆ


1975 125 Sport “E� Serial # 125S

Engine # 21801662

Q Q /HJ 670H 125. Il motore monocilindrico era ad aste e bilanceri e sviluppava 12 CV. La moto era disponibile anche in una versione munita di Q 6FH completamente in tubi. Quando fu messa in 670H 0^8 JJJ B 6700 era salito a 840.000 Lire. Fu, per cosÏ dire, il canto del cigno di MV Agusta, poichÊ la Casa di Cascina Costa cessò la sua attività 6700

The strong angular design aesthetic seen on the 350 Ipotesi was carried over to the 125 in 1975. The engine was a pushrod single-cylinder affair that developed 12 HP, and could be purchased with or without a dolphin fairing. The 125 utilized a full tubular frame. When it went on sale in 1975, the cost was 784,000 Lire, but at the close of production in 1977 the price had risen to 840,000 Lire. This was essentially MV Agusta’s swan song, 8:~~


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 6F/ H W � _ ] H/ � H‡

Compression ratio: 10.5:1 Z Š ˆ ] 7 jZ ˆ ‡‡JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 22 mm carburettor Ignition: electronic Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 5 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks  _ ] F/J

` Y _ ] 6/‡

 ] F 0HÂ?6^+ Y ] F 0HÂ?6^+ Wheels: spokes _] 67 Length: 1940 mm Width: 620 mm Â’ ] 6/JJ

Weight: 110 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 66H “ ˆ 3 ] 8J “ ˆ


1975 750 S America Serial # 221045

Engine # 221-005

B % delle moto da strada MV a 4 cilindri. L’estetica • ] era ricoperta, gli scarichi erano neri, il mo 0H 3# • > 07J @ ruote in lega. Come per i modelli precedenti della stessa serie, era pesante e dotata di trasmissione ad albero, il che lasciava i motociclisti sportivi all’angolo. Nonostante ciò, l’attenzione per questa moto sportiva italiana fu alta (ne furono costruite 540) e rimane una delle moto piĂš importanti del decennio. % 6700 4.110.000 Lire.


tion of the 4-cylinder road-going MVs. The a tail cover, the exhausts were black, the 75 HP engine was more powerful (the displacement went up to 790cc) and it was available with cast alloy wheels. Like the previous models in the series, it was heavy and was equipped with a shaft drive, thus putting sports riding on the back burner. However, the attraction towards this Italian sports bike was high (540 built), and it remains one decade. At the end of production in 1977, it cost 4,110,000 Lire.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] 8 ˆ 8 _ ] 0^7 W � _ ] ‡0 � H‡

� 8 Compression ratio: 9.5:1 Z Š ˆ ] 0H jZ ˆ ^HJJ ˆ ] H 7 _ ˆ 0^JJ Cooling: air Distribution: double overhead cam Carburettor: 26 mm carburettor x 4 Ignition: distributor Lubrication: wet sump Starting: electric Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 5 speeds Final drive: shaft

Ciclistica / Chassis Double cradle tubular steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks Front brake: double 280 mm hydraulic discs Rear brake: 200 mm drum  ] / HJÂ?6^+ Rear tire: 4.00x18â€? Wheels: spokes _] F8 Length: 2210 mm Â’ ] 0FJ

Â’ ] 6/7J

Weight: 224 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] F6H “ ˆ 3 ] FJ “ ˆ


1976 350 Ipotesi GT Serial # GT2160205

Motore / Engine

Engine # 21601911

3` ˆ 3` ] Š ˆ 8 _ ] /8^ 7 W � _ ] ‡/ � H‡

� F Compression ratio: 9.2:1 Z Š ˆ ] F0 jZ ˆ 0‡JJ ˆ ] [% Cooling: air Distribution: pushrod Carburettor: 24 mm carburettor x 2 Ignition: electronic Lubrication: wet sump Starting: kickstart Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet multiple plate clutch Gearbox: 5 speeds Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis

Rinnovare un design convenzionale è stato un

B "# – ad uno dei maggiori stilisti industriali, Giugiaro, il compito di migliorare l’estetica della popolare /HJ W 3 8J telaio che incoraggiava lo spirito competitivo, la moto era intuitiva da guidare. Ma MV voleva aggiungere un’apparenza di stile e Giugiaro riuscĂŹ nell’intento, aggiungendo alette orizzontali sui lati del motore che richiamavano le alette di raffreddamento del cilindro. All’interno però, il motore /HJ

" "# 6700 /HJ Q & –


Freshening an established design - it’s a concept that has been used for decades. MV tapped the (

popular 350 Twin. With 40 HP on tap, and a chassis that encouraged spirited riding, the “bones� of the bike were user friendly. But MV wanted to push the styling envelope, and Giu 0 U side cover and engine casing echoing the cylin the same components as the prior 350, which was " ƒ %& 8:~~ the 350 Ipotesi GT slipped into history.

Single beam tubular steel frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear suspension: swingarm with hydraulic shocks  _ ] F/J

` Rear brake: 200 mm drum  ] F 0H�6^+ Y ] / FH�6^+ Wheels: spokes _] 67 B ] 670J

Width: 620 mm Â’ ] 6/6J

Weight: 160 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] 6HJ “ ˆ 3 ] FJ “ ˆ

*[ *Not available at time of photography.

1977 Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] X ˆ F$ ` ] 80 ‡ W � _ ] 8F � /^ Compression ratio: 6.5:1 Z Š ˆ ] 6 H jZ ˆ H JJJ Cooling: Air Fuel delivery: Carburetor, Dellorto Ignition: Flywheel magneto Lubrication: Wet sump Starting: Kick-start Primary drive: Gear Clutch: Centrifugal Final drive: Chain

MV/Omer City Pit Bike Serial # DG15514

Ciclistica / Chassis Frame: Steel tubular Front suspension: Hydraulic telescopic forks Rear suspension: Solid Wheels: Wire

Prestazioni / Performance ] 8J “ ˆ 3 ] 6 F ˆ 6JJ “

Questo ciclomotore non era di costruzione % "# sui circuiti come mezzo per spostarsi. Questo veicolo poteva essere piegato per rispondere ad esigenze di spazio ed era dotato di un motore

80 ‡  Morini Motori che sviluppava 1.5 CV.

This small-displacement motorcycle was not built by MV Agusta, but was used only by the MV Team on the race circuits for zipping around the pits. The bike folded for compact storage, and was powered by a Franco Morini Motori single-cylinder, 2-stroke, 47.6cc aircooled engine that churned out 1.5 HP. Omer built this bike, which was also marketed, sans MV decals, as the Omer Tanga.


1999 F4 750 Oro Serial # ZCGF400AAXV000285

Engine # 216005

Quando la MV riprese la produzione nel 1998, fece un ritorno “col bottoâ€?. Il primo modello della F4 presentato al pubblico fu  8 0HJ * X 6777 " /JJ $ plari. Diverse parti, come le piastre laterali del telaio, le ruote e il forcellone oscillante, erano costruite in lega leggera di magnesio e anodizzate in oro (da cui il nome). Quasi carbonio, il che contribuiva a mantenere il peso della moto sotto i 190 kg. Il motore 4 Xj3 6F8 0 3# 6/ /JJ B F0/ _ ˆ ^/ 8^8 JJJ B

When MV re-started production in 1998, it " " Š; released to the public was the F4 750 Serie Oro in May 1999. Just 300 were built. Designed by the brilliant Massimo Tamburini, many of its parts, such as the frame side plates, wheels, and swingarm were made from lightweight magnesium. These parts were anodized gold in keeping with the name “Oro� (gold in Italian). Much of the remain " " helping to keep the bike’s weight below 400 lb. The 4-cylinder, DOHC engine generated 124.7 HP at a screaming 13,300 RPM. Top speed is 170 mph, and the price was $57,000.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 087 8 W � _ ] 0/ ^ � 8/ ^

Compression ratio: 12:1 Z Š ˆ ] 6F‡ jZ ˆ 6F FJJ ˆ ] H/ $ ˆ 7 JJJ Cooling: liquid Distribution: DOHC, radial valve  `] ‚

Ignition: electronic Lubrication: wet sump Starting: electric Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet, multi-disc Gearbox: 6 speed

Ciclistica / Chassis Steel tubular trellis frame. Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear Suspension: swingarm, single shock absorber  _ ] /6J

` Rear brake: 210mm hydraulic disc  ] 6FJˆ‡H$ÂœY60 Y ] 67JˆHJ$ÂœY60 Wheels: alloy spoke _] FF Length: 2,026mm Width: 685mm Wheelbase: 1,412mm Weight: 180 Kg dry

Prestazioni / Performance ] F0H “ ˆ 3 ] 66/ˆ“


2002 F4 750S Serial # ZCGAGFLJB1V100251

B  8 0HJ* >* @ lanciata nel 1999 ed era in pratica la stessa moto della F4 Oro e differiva per l’impiego di materiali meno pregiati. Entrambe queste

6F8 0 3# 6J6 0^ 6/ /JJ

B F0/ _ ˆ e percorreva 400 metri in 10,98 secondi alla F6J _ ˆ Z J 6JJ _ ˆ / 6 B  8 0HJ forcella anteriore Showa da 49mm e una sospensione posteriore Sachs. Il prezzo di li  8 0HJ* 68 /JJ T

The mass production model, the F4 750S (S for “Strada�), was released in 1999, and was essentially the same bike as the F4 750 Oro, but with aluminum pieces in place of the magnesium bits. Both of these bikes generated 124.7 HP, 101.78 at the rear wheel, with a redline of 13,300 RPM. Top speed was 170 mph (273 Km/h), and delivered a quartermile performance of 10.98 seconds @ 131 mph. 0-100 Km/h was tackled in just 3.1 seconds. The F4 750 used a 49 mm Showa front fork and a Sachs rear suspension. List price for the F4 750S was $18,895.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ] ˆ 8 _ ] 087 8 W � _ ] 0/ ^ � 8/ ^

Compression ratio: 12:1 Z Š ˆ ] 6F‡ jZ ˆ 6F FJJ ˆ ] H/ $ ˆ 7 JJJ Cooling: liquid Distribution: DOHC, radial valve  `] ‚

Ignition: electronic Lubrication: wet sump Starting: electric Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet, multi-disc Gearbox: 6 speed

Ciclistica / Chassis Steel tubular trellis frame Front suspension: telescopic hydraulic fork Rear Suspension: swingarm, single shock absorber  _ ] /6J

` Rear brake: 210mm hydraulic disc  ] 6FJˆ‡H$ÂœY60 Y ] 67JˆHJ$ÂœY60 Wheels: alloy spoke _] FF Length: 2,026mm Width: 685mm Wheelbase: 1,412mm Weight: 180 Kg dry

Prestazioni / Performance ] F0H “ ˆ 3 ] 66/ˆ“


2003 Brutale Serie Oro 750 Serial # ZCGAJFLJ04V000201

Presentata al Salone di Monaco del 2000, la Brutale Oro in edizione limitata era prodotta /JJ nato dalla meccanica in bella vista e dallo il forcellone color oro anodizzato, i cerchi e le piastre sterzo tutti realizzati in magnesio. La Brutale Oro era in grado di offrire perfor 3 6F0 3# DOHC a 4 cilindri in linea, la velocitĂ massima veniva limitata elettronicamente a 250 _ ˆ ™ ” FJ6 /JJ

The Limited Edition Brutale Oro (Gold) debuted in 2000 at the Munich Intermot show. Production of the Brutale Oro was limited to 300 bikes, each one dominated by exposed mechanicals and aggressive styling. With their signature gold anodized magnesium swingarm, wheel rims and steering head plates, the Brutale Oro was capable of savage performance. With 127 HP from the DOHC inline four-cylinder engine, top speed was electronically limited to 250 Km/h. This particular motorcycle is #201 of the 300 built.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ]  ˆ 8$ _ ] 087 8 W � _ ] 0/ ^ � 8/ ^

Compression ratio: 12:1 Z Š ˆ ] 6F0 jZ ˆ 6F HJJ ˆ ] H7 $ ˆ 6J HJJ Cooling: Liquid Distribution: DOHC  `] ‚

Ignition: electronic Lubrication: wet sump Starting: electric Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet, multi-disc Gearbox: 6 speed Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Steel tubular trellis and alloy plates frame. Front suspension: hydraulic telescopic forks Rear suspension: swingarm with single hydraulic shock absorber  _ ] /6J

Rear brake: 210mm disc  ] 6FJˆ‡H$ÂœY60 Y ] 67JˆHJ$ÂœY60 Wheels: alloy spoke _] 67 Wheelbase: 1414mm Weight: 185 Kg dry

Prestazioni / Performance ] FHJ “ ˆ 3 ] ^ ˆ6JJ _


2004 F4 1000 Tamburini Serial # ZCGF511AB5V000269

Z /JJ 6 JJJ pio dello stato dell’arte della tecnologia. E "# * che faceva variare la lunghezza dei condotti di aspirazione a seconda della velocitĂ e del a raggiungere la velocitĂ massima senza B 60F ^ 3# 66 0HJ /JH _ ˆ % 6^0 _ ™ ” F‡7 /JJ costruite.

Limited to 300 pieces, the 1000 Tamburini was a stunning example of state-of-the-art technology. Fitted with MV’s exclusive TTS system, which varied the length of the intake runners depending on engine speed and load, the Tamburini delivered a silken rush of power across the entire span of the tachometer. Rated at 172.8 HP at 11,750, it had a claimed top speed of 190 mph. With the exception of the fuel tank, the entire " " " the Tamburini a dry weight of just 412.3 lb. This example is #269 of the 300 built.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ]  ˆ 8$ _ ] 770 H W � _ ] 0‡ � HH

3 ] 6/]6 Z Š ˆ ] 60F jZ ˆ 66 0HJ ˆ ] ^/ / $ ˆ 7 FJJ Cooling: Liquid Distribution: DOHC  `] ‚

Lubrication: wet sump Starting: electric Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet, multi-disc Gearbox: 6 speed Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis Steel tubular trellis and alloy plates frame. Front suspension: hydraulic telescopic forks Rear suspension: swingarm with single hydraulic shock absorber  _ ] /6J

Rear brake: 210mm disc Wheels: alloy spoke _] F6 Length: 2,024 Width: 685mm Wheelbase: 1,408mm Weight: 198 Kg, wet

Prestazioni / Performance ] /J0 “ ˆ


2006 F4 1000R “Bonneville� Serial # ZCGAKFGM48V100728

La F4 1000R, uscita nel 2006, è la seconda F4 1000 ad essere prodotta in serie. La po ” 608 3# 66 7JJ componentistica è quanto di meglio disponibile sul mercato, inclusi l’impianto frenante W Z8ˆ/8 /FJ

Brembo, forgiate in alluminio con razze a Y, forcella Marzocchi da 50 mm con steli trattati con nitriti di carburo e ammortizzatore posteriore idraulico Sachs Racing. La camera di combustione del motore DOHC 998cc a 4 cilindri era stata ridisegnata e l’inclinazione gliore respirazione del motore ai vari regimi di rotazione. Nell’agosto del 2006, Roosevelt “Roseyâ€? Lackey in sella a questa F4 1000R stabilĂŹ il record di velocitĂ su terra per motori di produzione classe 1000cc raggiungendo 6^0 0 >/JF _ ˆ @

The second mass-produced F4 1000, the F4 1000R was released in 2006 and packed 174 HP at 11,900 rpm. This motorcycle utilized race-bred components, including Brembo Monobloc radial P4/34 brake calipers, Brembo 320mm aluminum front discs, forged 17-inch Brembo forged aluminum wheels with Y spokes, a carbon-nitride coated Marzocchi upside-down 50mm fork, and an upgraded Sachs Racing rear shock absorber. The four-cylinder, DOHC 998cc engine received a new combustion chamber, with revised intake valve angles, improving #

' > B R “Rosey� Lackey rode this F4 1000R to a land speed record for 1000cc production class motorcycles of 187.7 mph.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ]  ˆ 8$ _ Displacement: 998cc W � _ ] 0‡ � HH

3 ] 6/]6 Z Š ˆ ] 608 / jZ ˆ 66 7JJ ˆ ] ^6 7 ˆ 6J JJJ Cooling: Liquid Distribution: DOHC  `] ‚

Ignition: electronic Lubrication: wet sump Starting: electric Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet, multi-disc Gearbox: 6 speed Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis CrMo Steel tubular trellis frame Front suspension: hydraulic telescopic forks Rear suspension: swingarm with single hydraulic shock absorber  _ ] /6J

Rear brake: 210mm disc  ] 6FJˆ0J$ÂœY60 Y ] 67JˆHH$ÂœY60 Wheels: alloy spoke _] F6 Â’ ] F JJ0

Weight: 192 Kg

Prestazioni / Performance ] /JF _ ˆ


2007 F4 1000 312R “Bonneville� Serial # ZCGAKFGM07V100563

La MV Agusta mise in gioco la propria credibilitĂ quando diede il nome a questa versione  8] /6F Casa sosteneva essere la velocitĂ massima della moto espressa in chilometri. La cilindrata del motore era stata portata da 998 6J0^ 0‡ 07

% inclusa la lunghezza del coni di aspirazione (10mm). Questi accorgimenti aumentarono 67J 3# Q 60 FJJ0 Y !Y `+ B _ ` /6F _ ˆ B quelle di ogni tecnico MVAgusta che prese parte alla costruzione della moto.

MV Agusta put their credibility on the line Š; 312 refers to what the company claimed was the motorcycle’s top speed in kilometers. Engine displacement was increased from 998 to 1078cc by boring out the cylinders from 76 to 79mm. The cylinder head was modi

horns by 10mm. All of this work resulted in a rated output of 190 HP. On August 17, 2207, Roosevelt “Rosey� Lackey reached 193.456 mph (312 Km/h) on this particular machine. The signatures on it are those of every MV Agusta employee involved in its manufacture.


Motore / Engine 3` ˆ 3` ]  ˆ 8$ ` ] 6 J0^ W � _ ] 0‡ � HH

3 ] 6/]6 Z Š ˆ ] 67J jZ ˆ 66 7JJ ˆ ] ^6 7 ˆ 6J JJJ Cooling: Liquid Distribution: DOHC  `] ‚

Ignition: electronic Lubrication: wet sump Starting: electric Primary drive: gear Clutch: wet, multi-disc Gearbox: 6 speed Final drive: chain

Ciclistica / Chassis CrMo Steel tubular trellis frame Front suspension: hydraulic telescopic forks Rear suspension: swingarm with single hydraulic shock absorber  _ ] /6J

Rear brake: 210mm disc  ] 6FJˆ0J$ÂœY60 Y ] 67JˆHH$ÂœY60 Wheels: alloy spoke _] F6 Â’ ] F JJ0

Weight: 182 Kg dry

Prestazioni / Performance ] /6F “ ˆ


La storia di questo leggendario marchio è la perfetta rappresentazione dell’evoluzione della motocicletta, da quando fu introdotta per rispondere al crescente circuiti di gara. Divenne poi simbolo di anticonformie meccanica hanno fatto sĂŹ che la moto MV Agusta rimanesse sempre espressione di bellezza. The history of this famed marque is a perfect representafor the masses, then b ringing victory on t he r acetrack. objects of d esire. T hrough i t all, t he M V Agusta m otorcycle h as r emained an e xpression o f beauty t hrough design and engineering.

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