Thank you to all our generous supporters!
Donor Roll
Report of Philanthropic Giving 2020-21
This list reflects gifts to Medaille College from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. Every effort has been made to publish a complete and accurate list of our donors and their contributions. We apologize for any errors in spelling or accidental omissions of names. Please contact the Office of College Relations at (716) 880-2209 if you would like to provide comments on the 2020-2021 Annual Report. Thank you to all our generous supporters! * Board of Trustees ~ Alumni Board of Directors + 3 Year Consecutive Donor
$50,000 and over
Anonymous The Sunshine Lady Foundation, Inc. +
$10,000 to $49,999
The Baird Foundation Chur Family Foundation Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo The James H. Cummings Foundation, Inc. Eastman Machine Foundation/Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stevenson + The Carlos and Elizabeth Heath Foundation Drs. Kenneth and Franziska Macur * + Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. McFarland * + Mulroy Family Foundation + The Vincent & Harriet Palisano Foundation +