Mini Annual Report 2010 EN

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Medair in 2010 Medair in 2010 A5_Medair Mini AR10_EN.indd 1

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HAITI • Sudan • (Northern States)

• SOMALIA/ Somaliland




• UGANDA Indonesia •


2010 Medair Summary • 2,241,200 total beneficiaries • 10 country programmes • 9 countries of operation • 1 international headquarters in Switzerland, 63 positions


• 5 affiliate offices in France, Germany, the Netherlands, U.K., and U.S. • 115 internationally recruited staff positions in the field (IRS) • 903 nationally recruited staff positions (NRS) • 34 nationalities represented among Medair staff


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Medair in 2010 Medair brings life-saving relief and rehabilitation in disasters, conflict areas, and other crises by working alongside the most vulnerable in Africa, Asia, and other areas with extraordinary need. In 2010, Medair provided more than two million vulnerable people with a wide range of emergency relief and rehabilitation services: • Health and Nutrition • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) • Shelter and Infrastructure Medair’s work focuses on providing practical solutions for communities, and investing in people to build long-lasting capacity that will safeguard against future crises. When people have recovered from crisis, we hand over projects to the communities or to other

agencies, and we move on to new areas with unmet needs. In 2010, Medair successfully completed work in Indonesia and Uganda, and began new life-saving programmes in Zimbabwe and Haiti. Our teams continued to work tirelessly to bring relief and rehabilitation to D.R. Congo, Sudan (Northern States), Southern Sudan, Madagascar, Somalia/Somaliland, and Afghanistan. These next pages offer a small window into our work in 2010, with stories of the lives we touched and the life-changing impact we made for more than two million people.

Photos, left: Medair team in Melut, Southern Sudan. right: Medair staff conduct a hygiene

promotion session in Madagascar.


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Total beneficiaries: 12,277 Internationally recruited staff positions: 12 Nationally recruited staff positions: 84






0 0

On 12 January 2010, one of the deadliest earthquakes in history struck the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. In one terrible moment, 222,570 Haitians died and more than 1.5 million people lost their homes. Medair was on-the-ground just days after the earthquake. After assessing the most severe unmet needs, we began building emergency shelters in the badly affected city of Jacmel and in the surrounding rural area. After an initial emergency phase of shelter construction, Medair began using an innovative design, building durable transitional shelters that could be upgraded into permanent homes. These shelters withstood the fierce winds and rain of Hurricane Tomas without incident.

20 40 km 20




40 mi

In total, Medair built or repaired 1,862 shelters in 2010, providing safer housing for more than 11,000 Haitians. “Medair has changed the lives of the people in Jacmel and the surrounding area,” said Florance, a Haitian translator working for Medair. “Medair has provided shelter to people sleeping in the streets, and people who could never afford to build a new house now have a new home. It is hard to start again, but because of Medair, people have hope.”

“Medair took a leading role in the shelter sector in Jacmel, and had the clearest vision of post-emergency shelter issues of any agency working in the region.” - USAID

Photos, left: Medair trains local staff in good

construction techniques.

right: The Gideon family sits in front of their new

transitional shelter. © Medair/Colin O’Connor 4


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Safe Haven Gideon was sitting in his hillside home in the remote southern village of La Croix when it began to shake violently. He grabbed his cane, fled outdoors, and moments later, saw his house collapse before his eyes. “Now I am sleeping outside, and I have so many kids,” said Gideon a month later, speaking to us at a community meeting about La Croix’s urgent need for shelter. After the earthquake, Gideon and his wife had moved into a small tent along with four of their children and three grandchildren. The space was so crowded that Willianna, their pregnant daughter, had to move away from home to live in another city. Our team assessed the damage and decided to make the Gideon family the first recipients of a transitional shelter in La Croix. We constructed the shelter with a solid foundation, a roof,

timber-framed walls, and durable plastic sheeting secured tightly to the frame. “I am so happy to have this,” said Gideon. “Because I am disabled, I have no easy way to earn enough money to build anything like this. What I like most about the house is the metal sheets on the roof. They are good quality, so when it is raining we don’t get wet inside.” Once the shelter was built, Willianna returned home so they could all live together again. “I like everything about the house,” a smiling Willianna told us, holding her newborn baby Miriam in her arms. “I gave birth here. I wanted to have the child here.” Just three days after Miriam’s birth, Hurricane Tomas crashed into Haiti’s south coast. With winds howling outside, the Gideon family calmly took shelter in their new house. “We were not afraid,” said Madame Gideon. “I know my house is strong.” 5

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D.R. Congo


Doruma Congo



Equato r

Isiro Bunia Kisangani





Dem. Rep. of Congo




Total beneficiaries: 1,046,897 Internationally recruited staff positions: 13 Nationally recruited staff positions: 90




0 0

Deadly conflict continues to destabilise northeast D.R. Congo. Millions of Congolese died during the last decade either at the hands of militia or from preventable disease because they could not access health care during the conflict. In 2010, fierce attacks from multiple militia groups took place in the regions where Medair works. With hundreds of thousands displaced from their homes, health care remains the most urgent need.


400 km 200

ZAMBIA 400 mi

In May, Medair launched a major new project in remote parts of Bas-Uélé and Haut-Uélé districts to prevent and treat malaria—the single largest cause of illness and death in this region, accounting for up to 35 percent of all health clinic visits. “Without Medair’s intervention in fighting malaria, the situation here would have been catastrophic,” said Dr. Eugene Kumbodimo, District Medical Officer, Isiro District. Medair also repaired springs and hand-pumps, dug new wells, and built latrines for two schools and a hospital.

From far-reaching bases in Bunia, Dungu, and Isiro in Orientale Province, Medair supported 278 health structures and vulnerable areas all year, training health staff, providing essential medical equipment, and ensuring a good supply of medicines. We provided free or subsidised health care for displaced people and vulnerable host populations. 6

“We can already see the benefit of having a functioning well in the hospital,” said Dr. JeanPaul Atibu, Hospital Medical Director. “Now, the hospital is a lot cleaner because it is washed everyday, and the patients and caregivers have access to clean drinking water. From a medical perspective, there is bound to be a decrease in the spread of waterborne diseases.”

Photo: S usana Akemani receives an insecticide-

treated mosquito net to help prevent malaria.


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Sudan (Northern States) Total beneficiaries: 378,600 Internationally recruited staff positions: 24 Nationally recruited staff positions: 203



Northern States CHAD

Khartoum Geneina


0 0

Medair has earned the trust of local communities and authorities due to our long-term engagement in the region, our sustainable approach to delivering humanitarian aid, and our proven capacity to respond effectively to emergencies when they arise. Our work places a strong emphasis on training and capacity building. Medair is the longest serving international agency present in West Darfur. In 2010, we supported 27 primary health clinics in West Darfur, improved access to safe water and latrines, promoted proper hygiene practices, and responded to numerous disease outbreaks.



West Darfur


Southern Sudan


Sudan’s northern states are recovering from years of conflict with the south, while persistent violence in Darfur continues to threaten the health and well-being of people living there.


300 km 300 mi





Meanwhile, in South Kordofan we expanded our health programme to add support for primary health care, in addition to our public health and reproductive health projects. Our WASH team improved water access, promoted good hygiene, and successfully implemented “CATS” (Community Approaches to Total Sanitation), an innovative project where local communities come up with their own solutions for their sanitation needs. In May, a Medair-supported nomadic midwife in South Kordofan shared an encouraging story with us. “Yesterday, I was called to a delivery where I found that the cord was prolapsed,” said Eran. “This is a very high-risk obstetric emergency. When the cord is prolapsed, oxygen supply to the baby often decreases and many babies die.” Thankfully, Eran recalled what she had learned at Medair’s five-day course: “I remembered what was taught at the last refresher training where we discussed obstetric emergencies and we acted them out,” she said. “I followed these instructions and both the mother and baby survived and are now doing well!” Photo: A sha, Sudanese midwife supported by Medair,

examines a patient. © Medair/Odile Meylan


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Southern Sudan



Total beneficiaries: 234,266 Internationally recruited staff positions: 29 Nationally recruited staff positions: 284


Northern States


Sudan Aweil





Manyo Melut Malakal

Southern Sudan C.A.R

Juba 0 0

Decades of civil war have devastated Southern Sudan’s essential services, including health care, access to water, and education. Today, outbreaks of preventable disease are common and malnutrition rates are high. But major changes are underway in this long-suffering region. Elections were held in 2010 and excitement grew as 9 January 2011 drew closer—the referendum date on whether to separate from the north. Huge numbers of former residents returned “home” but they arrived with nowhere to arrive to. Emergency needs rose sharply due to the high number of displaced people, along with a major outbreak of kala-azar, and an increase in malnutrition. In 2010, Medair maintained emergency response capacity throughout all 10 states of Southern Sudan, while also engaging in longer term projects to support a people fully dedicated to launching the Republic of South Sudan as a successful new nation.

300 km 300 mi




Medair provided latrines and hand-washing facilities in schools and promoted good health and hygiene with students and teachers. Our emergency teams rehabilitated boreholes, installed latrines, distributed essential supplies, and treated thousands of people for kala-azar and malnutrition. Our health team also rehabilitated three primary health clinics and vaccinated more than 5,000 children.

“It’s a privilege for us to be present at such a turning point in the history of this part of Africa. We really want to help the people of Southern Sudan make that transition into a peaceful new country.” - Caroline Boyd, Medair Country Director.

Photo: M edair’s Dr. Joy Lomole examines a young

kala-azar patient in Jonglei state.



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Healing in their Hands In 2010, a deadly outbreak of kala-azar swept through Southern Sudan’s Jonglei state. Medair’s Health Emergency Response Team (ERT) responded, often treating afflicted patients for malnutrition at the same time. Nyajang was on the brink of death when her mother carried her into the Medair clinic, malnourished and suffering from kala-azar. We tried to feed her, but with painful sores in her mouth, she was unable to eat. Nyajang, just two years old, soon lost even more weight and grew listless. There was only one chance of her survival: a feeding tube. “I had a long discussion with her mother about it, but she was very unsure,” said Dr. Lea Lauridsen, Medair Medical Manager. “People here have never seen feeding tubes and don’t know how they work.” Nyajang’s mother had given up hope. She just wanted to take her child home. But with the

encouragement of our local staff, she agreed to the feeding tube. For five days, the ERT fed Nyajang through the tube and treated the sores in her mouth. When we removed the tube, Nyajang started eating normally and gaining weight at a healthy pace. Over the next weeks, Nyajang made a full recovery from her illnesses and was discharged in good health. Her mother expressed great thanks to Medair for saving her daughter’s life. “This child was already dead when you brought her here, but now she’s alive,” remarked an elderly women in the neighbourhood. “These people have healing in their hands.” In 2010, Medair provided more than 4,000 people in Jonglei state like little Nyajang with life-saving treatment for kala-azar and/or malnutrition. 9

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Total beneficiaries: 153,720 Internationally recruited staff positions: 4 Nationally recruited staff positions: 37




Mogadishu KENYA 0 100 200 km 0

One of the world’s worst humanitarian crises continues to take a deadly toll in Somalia and Somaliland. Approximately 2.4 million people need emergency assistance because of violent conflict in Somalia and chronic drought throughout the region.


400 mi

fleeing from the violence in south-central Somalia. Severe drought and an influx of new arrivals near Burao have led to a scarcity of resources and caused a serious food and water shortage. Until recently, Medair was one of the only international NGOs with a permanent presence in Burao. In 2010, Medair treated more than 8,000 malnourished children under five—the group most at-risk from malnutrition. We also vaccinated more than 4,000 children, promoted good health and hygiene, and improved WASH with new latrines, hand-washing stations, water filters, and rehabilitated cisterns.

Working through a local NGO in Cadale district, we treated more than 3,000 malnourished children, provided health care to vulnerable residents, rehabilitated 20 wells, and ran health education sessions for more than 45,000 people. At the end of 2010, we closed our Cadale programme and focused our efforts on Burao, Somaliland. Somaliland is a relatively stable area in an otherwise volatile region, but this has made it a destination for tens of thousands of people 10

“The people living in Burao are very proud of the activities that we are doing here,” said Abdullahi Abdi Ahmed, a local resident working for Medair. “Before Medair was here, things were very different. There were many children who were severely malnourished and people who were coming from other regions were not getting any assistance, like the assistance they are getting now.” Photo: M aryam Ahmed, 19, with her baby being

treated in the Burao nutrition programme.


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Madagascar Maroantsetra


Total beneficiaries: 197,597 Internationally recruited staff positions: 7 Nationally recruited staff positions: 67

Fénérive-Est Toamasina



0 0

Cyclones regularly hit the island of Madagascar, causing widespread flooding and destruction. When people need to rebuild their communities as often as the Malagasy do, it’s an uphill battle for them to improve their living conditions. Medair provides life-saving emergency relief when cyclones strike, while also partnering with communities throughout the year to protect their water sources, promote good hygiene, and reduce risks from future cyclones.

100 200 km 100

200 mi

risk reduction” (DRR) projects including cyclone simulations and the formation of DRR committees in 45 villages. When Medair began working in remote, floodprone Ankadibe village in 2008, we discovered a community committed to reducing their risks from future cyclones. Ever since, Ankadibe’s residents have been active in the work, making decisions, eagerly learning new skills, taking ownership of their cyclone shelter, and managing their new water infrastructure. In 2010, we installed two elevated water pumps in Ankadibe to provide safe water even if the community floods, and we attended the inauguration of their new cyclone shelter, school latrines, and hand-washing system.

Thankfully, no cyclones struck the island in 2010, a welcome respite for Madagascar. Medair drilled more than 200 new boreholes, installed hundreds of latrines, and reached at least 70,000 people with hygiene education. Medair also worked on numerous “disaster

“We thank God that Medair is working in our village and partnering with us,” said Pierre Malaza, president of the cyclone shelter association. “Although we will be sad to see you go, we are now ready to face a cyclone with confidence and we thank you.”

Photo: M edair teaches healthy hygiene behaviour in

a Malagasy classroom.


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Bamian Waras








Total beneficiaries: 89,127 Internationally recruited staff positions: 15 Nationally recruited staff positions: 85




Crippling poverty and more than 30 years of conflict have severely stifled Afghanistan’s development, threatening the lives and livelihoods of its people. Frequent natural disasters only make matters worse, particularly in isolated communities. Many of these villages endure long, harsh winters, unreliable crop harvests, minimal access to health care, unclean water, and poor sanitation.


100 200 km 100

INDIA 200 mi

“I never thought Medair would do all this,” said Haji Solaiman, Governor of Waras, commenting on a flood-rehabilitation project that employed local residents. “The people now have a good road which gives them access to the clinic and access to the markets. I am very happy. I see people planting their wheat, and they have irrigation again.”

With so many people facing so many urgent needs, Medair provided a wide range of essential services in remote Bamyan and Badakhshan provinces, including health and nutrition, WASH, food aid, disaster risk reduction, and emergency response when disasters struck. In 2010, Medair opened nine nutrition centres in areas with high malnutrition and built a health clinic that will serve 10,000 people. Our WASH team provided safe drinking water in dozens of small villages, along with latrines and hygiene education. To improve food security, we taught farmers new ways to increase their harvest, and we also helped disaster-affected people by providing them with short-term employment to work on beneficial community projects. 12

Photos, above: Lesley Stathis, Medair nurse, comforts

a child being treated for malnutrition.

right: Yusif Habib (far right) helps build a water

reservoir to supply safe water to his village.


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Life-Giving Water High in Afghanistan’s mountains, Yusif Habib, a father of five, lives in the remote village of Zermod-Payan. “Every day, I make seven trips to the river with two 20-litre jerry cans,” says Yusif. “And it is a long walk from the river, up the steep hill. It is very difficult in winter.” But Yusif knows the water isn’t safe to drink. “Because of the unclean water, at least one of my children is sick every month,” he says. “And I am always sick. Sometimes it is diarrhoea, sometimes vomiting.” A Medair survey of rural villages in Bamyan province’s Kohistan district revealed the grim reality that 96 percent of the population rely on unsafe water sources. “Life without clean water especially affects children,” says Osman, the principal of a school in Kohistan. “I have seen children dying because of the water. When a child gets diarrhoea here, there is no doctor to help... and some children lose their lives.”

In June, Medair completed a WASH project in Kohistan that provided safe water to more than 25,000 people, and then began a new project in July for 17,000 more beneficiaries in Badakhshan and Bamyan provinces, including Yusif and the village of Zermod-Payan. “Our village has always wanted clean water, but we have had no money to do so,” says Yusif. “No one else has helped us... There is no one else who has come to our village.” When Medair’s Patrick Galli paid a visit to Zermod-Payan in October, he was amazed to see how quickly the project had progressed. “The reservoir is almost complete,” said Patrick. “I’m so impressed with how hard these men are working, and how enthusiastic they are to build this water reservoir for their community.” “We are so thankful for Medair and the people who helped us,” says Yusif. “We really needed clean water. We are all very happy.” 13

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Financial Statistics Operating Expense 2010 Humanitarian Expense (direct) 81% Humanitarian Expense (indirect) 6.6%

Administration 5.5%

Fundraising 6.9%

Operating Income 2010 Gifts-in-Kind 4.7%

Other Income 1.1%

Private Donations 19%

Foundations and NGOs 4.1% Government, E.U., U.N. 71%

Programme Expense by Sector 2010 Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene 25.1%

Agriculture and Food Security 6.2%

Shelter and Infrastructure 33.8%

Nutrition 1.8%

Health Services 31.8%

Disaster Risk Reduction 1% Livelihoods 0.3%



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Funding Partners

Listed within each category in descending order of donation size (≥ USD 15,000).

Multi-Donor Partnerships • Basic Services Fund (inc. Department for International Development, U.K.) • Multi-Donor Trust Fund (inc. World Bank) • Pooled Fund, D.R. Congo (inc. U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) • Global Fund, D.R. Congo United Nations and Intergovernmental Partners • E.C. Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection • United Nations Development Programme • United Nations Children’s Fund • World Health Organization • United Nations Population Fund • World Food Programme Government Partners • United States Agency for International

Development • Department for International Development (U.K.) • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation • Swedish International Development Cooperation • EuropeAid Cooperation Office of the

European Commission • E.C. Northern Uganda Rehabilitation Programme Institutional Partners • Swiss Solidarity • Canadian Foodgrains Bank • BMB Mott Macdonald (NLD) • TEAR Fund (N.Z.) • Mennonite Central Committee (U.S., CAN) • Mercy Corps (U.S.) • Läkarmissionen (SWE) • EO-Metterdaad (NLD)

Private Sector Partners • Demaurex & Cie SA – Marchés Aligro (C.H.) • Oak Foundation (C.H.) • Pierre Demaurex Foundation (C.H.) • The National Christian Foundation (U.S.) • Mission to the World (U.S.) • ICAP Charity Day (U.K.) • The Christian Reformed Churches in

the Netherlands • UBS Foundation for Social Issues

and Education (C.H.) • Miss S.F. Morfield Charitable Trust (U.K.) • Georges Wick Foundation (C.H.) • The Reed Foundation (U.K.) • Emeraude International (FRA) • Reformed Church Liberated Ten Boer (NLD)

Gift-in-Kind Partners • United Nations Children’s Fund • World Food Programme • International Organization for Migration • World Vision

Photo: S udanese child learns to wash her hands

during a hygiene promotion lesson.


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Medair Chemin du Croset 9 CH-1024 Ecublens Switzerland Tel: +41 (0) 21 695 35 00

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ARMV2011 Published June 2011

Photos,  front cover: Guesner, Haitian Medair staff, constructs a transitional shelter in La Croix, Haiti. ©Medair/Colin O’Connor back cover: Medair staff in Somaliland weigh a child at the supplementary feeding programme site.

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