Dalyan nesting beach: Looking back to move forward.

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DALYAN NESTING BEACH: LOOKING BACK TO MOVE FORWARD Lily Venizelos MEDASSET-Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles As the title suggests, this original poster (1996) looks back at the situation on Dalyan nesting beach between 1987 and 1996 to determine where future management strategies should be directed now. The poster contains a number of photographs that give the impression of an unspoilt and ideal habitat for nesting sea turtles; but in fact a number of factors for future survival relied upon immediate and urgent action. Aerial photographs of the (Iztuzu) eastern end of the beach show excavations and foundations for the the construction of a large Hotel in 1987 to 1988. Although the project was aborted after considerable lobbying pressure, scars remain with geomorphological changes to the beach. The intensive tourist activity on the beach up to 1996 with the associated beach furniture also threatened the sustainability of the beach when few management measures were implemeneted. This poster, a glimpse back in time, aims to be a catalyst for redressing issues faced today on nesting beaches in Turkey.

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