Marine Turtle Conservation in the Mediterranean: Update on Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) Conservation Monitoring in Fethiye, Turkey MEDASSET - The Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles March 4th 2011 Submitted to The Bureau Meeting of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention) The Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry - Environmental Protection Agency for Special Areas
MEDASSET hereby submits its comments on the document “Monitoring and Conservation Project (Caretta caretta, Chelonia mydas) and Nile Turtle (Trionyx Triunguis) Population” distributed by the Turkish Delegation at the 30th Standing Committee Meeting of the Bern Convention (6-9 December 2010, Strasbourg) in light of the discussion on item 6.5 of the Meeting’s Agenda: Follow-up of previous Recommendations: Implementation of Recommendation No. 66 (1998) on the conservation status of some nesting beaches for marine turtles in Turkey”. The Turkish Delegation document is annexed to this short report. The below comments to the report concern information regarding Fethiye nesting beaches only. Several nesting records on Fethiye reported in the table “Number of nesting areas of Caretta caretta by years” of the abovementioned report are totally incorrect (in red and bold). The below table provides the correct numbers as per the 2010 IUCN report (in bold italics). NESTS RECORDED IN FETHIYE 2010 Turkish Delegation 2010 IUCN Year Report to Report the Standing Committee 1993 122 118 1994 281 158 1995 697 191 1996 147 88 1997 196 95 1998 97 93 1999 273 100 2000 248 110 2001 123 114 2002 84 84 2003 106 106 2004 85 58 2005 80 80 2006 72 72 2007 106 106 2008 79 79 2009 90 90 2010 93 93 Mean value 165.5 102