Marine Turtles nesting at El_Mansouri, South Lebanon.

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Proceedings of the Second Mediterranean Conference on the Sea Turtles, Turkey 4-7 May 2005 (in press) MARINE TURTLE NESTING AT EL MANSOURI, SOUTH LEBANON Mona KHALIL (1), Habiba SYED (1), Monica AUREGGI (2), Lily VENIZELOS (3) (1) P.O. Box 19, Sour, Lebanon – MEDASSET Representative email: (2) NAUCRATES, Via Corbetta, 11 – 22063 Cantu’ (CO) – Italy. (3) MEDASSET: 1c Licavitou st., 10672 Athens – Greece. INTRODUCTION The importance of Lebanon's coasts for sea turtle nesting was discovered in 2001 when a first survey to assess nesting potential was undertaken (Demirayak et al, 2003) within the framework of MEDASSET's ongoing conservation programme in the Eastern Mediterranean. A further survey of the entire coast took place in 2004 (Kasparek, 2004). MEDASSET surveys at El Mansouri were conducted in 2002 (Newbury et al, 2002), 2003 (St John et al, 2004) and 2004 (Aureggi et al, 2005) as well as a preliminary monitoring programme at the Tyre Coast Nature Reserve (TCNR) in 2004 (Aureggi et al, 2005). Results show that there is sparse nesting along parts of the northern coast, scattered on several developed beaches, while southern nesting sites are more important both nationally and regionally. Southern Lebanon has been under considerable socio-economic strain since the end of the Israeli occupation in 2000. Along a 20 km stretch of coast, near Tyre town, three assessed nesting sites have been deemed important for both Mediterranean nesting species, Caretta caretta (Cc) and Chelonia mydas (Cm): El Mansouri beach (fig.1), El Abbassiyeh beach and Tyre Coast Nature Reserve (TCNR). This paper reports on the results of the 2004 survey at El Mansouri in the context of findings from previous monitoring surveys. A training programme for local participants was also conducted. The study area (1.4 km) was first described in detail in 2002 (Newbury et al, 2002) (fig.1). The monitoring programme was conducted daily between 01-05 and 30-09-04 by two people. Each nest was examined to confirm the presence of eggs. A one-metre square metal grid with 8 x 10 cm mesh size was placed over the egg chamber of each nest. Each grid was secured at the four corners by metal pegs and covered with sand. The metal grid, not visible to beach users, was left until the nest hatched. Six nests considered threatened by natural inundation, agricultural run off or by tourist disturbance were relocated. On the first day of hatchling emergence, nests were excavated. Incubation success rate was assessed by determining hatching success (number of hatched eggs as a proportion of the number of eggs in the nest). RESULTS During the study period 109 emergences were recorded, of which 49 resulted in nests. The most frequent nesting species was Cc with 43 nests (87.8 %). Cm, with 6 nests, represented 12.2% of nesting effort. Spatial distribution of the 49 nests varied over the 6 sections of beach (Fig.2), with a range of 0-30 nests in each section. Most nests were laid in Sector A (61.2 %) and in Sector F (24.5%).


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