concepts but seldom seem inclined to implement any actual measures. This has led to consumer accusations of “green-washing.” With the footage in hand, operators’ assertions and green credentials can be more easily challenged. The further filming planned, and the suggested interviews, aim to create a “DVD dialogue” that will follow up on the situation on the beaches and offer an opportunity to businesses to express their perspectives on the issue. It may prove that media, such as short films, together with the unlimited communication opportunities the internet offers, will become a key ingredient in environmental campaigns, especially where NGOs are experiencing difficulties in getting companies and authorities to react. Directly targeting the offender businesses - those that have a direct impact and that can make a difference - through a film-based campaign, complements the traditional means of demanding action on conservation from national authorities, international treaties and conventions. BARAN, I & M. KASPAREK. 1989. Marine Turtles in Turkey. Status Survey 1988 and recommendations for conservation and management. WWF, Max Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg. 123pp. ILGAZ, C., O. TURKOZAN, A. OZDEMIR, Y. KASKA, & M. STACHOWITSCH. 2007. Population decline of loggerhead turtles:
two potential scenarios for Fethiye beach, Turkey. Biodiversity and Conservation. 16: 1027-1037. MARGARITOULIS, D., R. ARGANO, I. BARAN, F. BENTIVEGNA, M.N. BRADAI, J.A. CAMINAS, P. CASALE, G. DE METRIO, A. DEMETROPOULOS, G. GEROSA, B.J. GODLEY, D.A. HADDOUD, J. HOUGHTON, L. LAURENT, & B. LAZAR. 2003. Loggerhead turtles in the Mediterranean Sea: Present knowledge and conservation perspectives. In: A.B. Bolton & B.E. Witherington (Eds.). Loggerhead Sea Turtles. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. pp. 175-198. ORUC, A., O. TURKOZAN, & H. DURMUS. 2003. In the Tracks of Marine Turtles: Assessment of Marine Turtle Nesting Sites 2003. WWF, Istanbul. 96pp. TURKOZAN, O. 2000. Reproductive ecology of the loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta, on Fethiye and Kızılot beaches, Turkey. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 3: 686-692. TURKOZAN O., E. TASKAVAK, & C. ILGAZ. 2003. A review of the biology of the loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta, at five major nesting beaches on the southwestern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Herpetological Journal. 13:27-33. YILMAZ, C., O. TURKOZAN, & F. BARDAKCI. 2008. Population genetic structure of loggerhead turtles, Caretta caretta, in Turkey based on mtDNA sequences. Book of Abstracts for the Third Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles, Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia 20-23 October 2008, p. 21.
Monitoring an Important Sea Turtle Foraging Ground in Drini Bay, Albania Michael White, Liza Boura & Lily Venizelos
MEDASSET - Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles 1c Licavitou St., 106 72 Athens, Greece (E-mail:
Information concerning sea turtles in Albania has, until recently, been sparse. Groombridge (1990) wrote that nesting had not been reported, but that turtles were likely to be present in Albanian waters. Sea turtles were first studied in recent years by Prof. Idriz Haxhiu (former Tirana University) who worked mostly with local fishermen that caught turtles in their nets in Drini Bay (Haxhiu & Rumano 2005). In 2002-2003 a basic population study was undertaken at Godull using 200 Dalton’s Roto-tags that were provided by the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA) of the UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP). In 2005 the Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles (MEDASSET) conducted a coastal survey to assess the current status of sea turtles and the critically-endangered Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) in Albanian waters (White et al. 2006). During the month-long voyage all caves and potential reproductive sites for seals were visited; but no seals or signs of them were encountered. At each port fishermen were interviewed about their bycatch and sightings of marine megafauna. It became clear that sea turtle bycatch and sightings were greatest in sea areas north of Durres, especially in Drini Bay, at Godull and Patok (Fig. 1). With the aims to identify Drini Bay and the wider Patok area as a feeding ground and to build local sea turtle monitoring capacity, MEDASSET launched the 3-year project entitled: Monitoring and Conservation of Important Sea Turtle Feeding Grounds in the Patok Area of Albania 2008-2010.
In 2008, the project developed a suitable method for studying turtles and bycatch from Drini Bay and raised awareness locally. In 2009, in parallel to monitoring the sea turtle population and bycatch, the principal objective of the project was to build capacity in Albania that was currently lacking. This included: developing organisational capacity (e.g. CITES export permit process for DNA samples); initiating project management practices in an NGO (Herpetofauna Albanian Society); educational awareness; and most importantly to train university students as field researchers. DNA skin samples were collected and are being analysed by Dr Oguz Turkozan (Adnan Menderes University, Turkey). The first, 2-year, satellitetelemetry programme in Albania was also launched, monitoring the movements of two male and one female loggerhead turtles. The third and final year’s aim (2010) was to continue monitoring, tagging and DNA sampling, while focusing on training more of Albania’s future researchers, and deepening the knowledge and skills of those already trained. Two MSc biology students from Tirana University are using the project data for their dissertation studies. The most important task however, was to draft and deliver recommendations to the Albanian National Authorities, so that a strategy protecting sea turtles and their habitats throughout Albania and its territorial waters can be adopted and implemented; there is no existing management plan or specific sea turtle protection legislation. Results from the 2008-2009 period are presented here. Extensive fishing occurs in Drini Bay, with artisanal fishing
Marine Turtle Newsletter No. 131, 2011 - Page 34