Marine Turtle Conservation in the Mediterranean
Loggerhead Nesting Beaches of BELEK (Turkey) Report for the 20th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention) Report prepared by MEDASSET The Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles September 2000
For the past 10 years Belek has ignored recommendations made by sea turtle experts, NGOs, and in particular the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern) Standing Committee (Recommendation No 66 dated 4th December 1998 on the conservation status of some nesting beaches for marine turtles in Turkey). According to an assessment by WWF carried out in 1988 there are 17 important beaches for turtle nesting in Turkey, five of which were stated to be supremely important. Belek was one of the five. Detailed WWF recommendations have never been implemented. A horrific video was shown to the Standing Committee in 1998, and pictures of the beach being bulldozed, tennis courts, strong lights, beach furniture and structures on the beach appear in a University report for the Turkish government. Research by a MEDASSET contracted expert in summer 2000 revealed that the situation is worse than ever: • 4 new mass tourist hotels are being constructed together with a large municipal recreation area, and more are being planned. • Lights still affect the beach. • Beach areas in front of all the hotels are covered with permanent sun umbrellas and sunbeds. • The whole range of speedboat activities are taking place along the shore. • 800 metres of beach at Tasliburun has recently been destroyed by sand extraction. • At Kumkoy some of the beach huts are now illegally constructed of concrete. • The Court case brought by one of the Belek investors for the removal of protected status goes on. The situation is just as you would expect in a mass tourism development area. Starting from the east of the beach: Acisu beach was a Specially Protected Area (SPA) where at least four hotels were built behind the beach. A Ministerial Council decision two years ago, removed the protected status of the beach. Now, it has been covered with sun beds and parasols, and common tourism activities go on including jet ski and speedboats.
MEDASSET: Loggerhead Nesting Beaches of BELEK, Turkey (2000)