T-PVS (98) 49
MARINE TURTLE CONSERVATION IN PATARA, TURKEY. STATUS REPORT AND EVALUATION OF NATURE PROTECTION MEASURES FOR THE 18th MEETING OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE CONVENTION ON THE CONSERVATION OF EUROPEAN WILDLIFE AND NATURAL HABITATS (BERN CONVENTION, Nov. 30th to DEC. 4th) Report prepared by an independent wildlife consultant commissioned by MEDASSET The Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles, with additional information from Pamir Yilmaz of Akdeniz University. October 1998
According to a statement by the Turkish delegate at the UNEP meeting of Experts in Athens (October 1997), “of 2,580 Km of the Turkish coast adjoining the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas, 120 Km have a significant importance for the turtle nesting beach complexes. In accordance with International Conventions and Turkish Environmental Law, 17 nesting sites are under protection�. A WWF survey in 1994 found that only five of these beaches remain fairly viable as sea turtle nesting sites. Patara beach in common with the other 16 sites has little to show to support the claim that it is being protected by the APSA in Turkey, despite international contributions to that organisation. The report is based on an assessment made in August 1998, augmented by information since received from other conservationists.
Introduction. After some anecdotal reports on marine turtle nesting on the Patara beach in 1978 and 1987, the beach was found to be one of the major nesting beaches for Caretta caretta sea turtles in the Mediterranean in 1988 by Baran & Kasparek (1989). It is among the 13 most important nesting beaches along the Turkish coasts. Patara was designated a Specially Protected Area on 2 March 1990 by the Government of Turkey, and is under the responsibility of the Authority for Specially Protected Areas within the Ministry of the Environment (Resmi Gazete No. 20449). In addition, Patara has the status of a 1st degree SIT Area since 8 September 1978 due to its archaeological importance. The Standing Committee of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats recommended in 1988 that the Government of Turkey give appropriate protection to the beaches identified by the 1988 survey (recommendation no. 12), and called specifically for halting construction activities at Patara beach until management plans are drawn up (Recommendation no. 24, adopted 11 January 1991).