T-PVS(99)77: Specific sites, Conservation of marine turtles in Dalyan (Turkey)

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T-PVS (99) 77 Marine Turtle Conservation in the Mediterranean

Informal Investigation of Conditions in Dalyan Specially Protected Area Prepared for the 19th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on the Conservation of th th European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention, Nov. 30 - Dec. 4 1999). by MEDASSET The Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles November, 1999

No formal investigation of conditions in the Dalyan Specially Protected Area was carried out this year, however local environmentalist June Haimoff reports: •

Illegal speedboats continue to frequent the Dalyan River, Koycegiz Lake and the approaches to the beach.

A large sign to the effect that speedboats are illegal has been removed.

Water skiing on Koycegiz Lake is said to have been sanctioned by the harbour police.

Fishing nets were observed to be deployed close to the beach at Iztuzu.

Motor vehicles use Iztuzu beach without hindrance.

Heavy boat traffic in the Trionyx triunguis habitat near the Mud Baths

Spear fishing is now a frequent activity close to the beach and in the Dalyan channel.

Thousands of tourists each day visiting from Marmaris and Fethiye have seriously compacted the sand of the beach near Dalyan village (Bogaz).

Holes are dug on the beach, and foot-ball played, and it is strewn with rocks carried onto the beach at Iztuzu by sunbathers for the purpose of stopping their towels being blown away by the wind.

No beach patrols were observed, this year, nor any attempt to familiarise the tourists with the needs of the turtles.

Only two signs in 4.5 Kms of beach give notification of SPA status and rules.

No public awareness leaflets were made available to the tourists.

Overnight activity on the beach includes presence of boats and tourists “to see the turtles”.

Although declared a Specially Protected Area, there is no enforcement, no official presence, and no control.


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