Annual Report 2020 - Médecins du Monde

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Médecins du Monde is committed to the following principles of financial management.

RIGOROUS MANAGEMENT AND FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY Médecins du Monde is accredited by the International Committee on Fundraising Organisations (ICFO) and operates in strict compliance with the ICFO Charter, which includes the principles of rigorous management and financial transparency.

AUDITS BY EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONS Médecins du Monde is subject to controls by the French public audit office (Cour des Comptes). Our accounts are certified by our statutory auditors (Mazars firm since 2020). Other in-depth audits are carried out by public funding agencies, whether French (in particular, the French Development Agency), European (especially ECHO, the European Commission’s humanitarian agency) or international (such as the United Nations).

DONORS’ COMMITTEE An independent donors’ committee regularly analyses and examines Médecins du Monde's work.

AUDIT COMMITTEE In order to improve the efficiency of our organisation, an Audit Committee and an Internal Audit Department were created in 2019. The committee consists of members of the Board of Directors, including the president, and two qualified external experts. It assists the Board of Directors with decision-making and issues opinions on the quality of the organisation’s financial information, risk management, internal controls and the internal audit.


FINANCIAL SCOPE The financial results of Médecins du Monde France include transactions with the other members of Médecins du Monde's international network: MdM Germany, MdM Belgium, MdM Canada, MdM Spain, MdM United States, MdM Japan, MdM Netherlands, MdM United Kingdom, MdM Sweden and MdM Turkey. The full version of our financial report is available on our website:


83,2 % 11,7 % 5,1 %

social programmes fundraising operating costs

Income *

52,2 %

private fundraising

38,7 %

grants and other public subsidies

9,1 %

private grants and other private funds

The 2020 ratios were strongly impacted by the sale at the end of December of the organisation's headquarters on rue Marcadet in Paris. 74% of the proceeds were recorded as private fundraising and the remainder as other private funds. * Excluding changes in provisions, corporate tax and designated funds

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