The 3 most Common Shoulder Injuries Treatment in Abbotsford Medela Rehabilitation offers the best complete shoulder injuries treatment in Abbotsford at an affordable price. Shoulder pain is one of the most common reasons people visit the clinic, and it can be extremely debilitating, causing you to miss out on your gym workouts. We treat a lot of gym-goers, so we have a good understanding of gym injuries. In the worst-case scenario, you may need to completely stop lifting weights and rest the injury. It's crucial to figure out what's wrong with your shoulder before deciding how to treat it. When you know this, you'll be able to figure out exactly what you can do in the gym to avoid aggravating your pain while also improving your form. These are the most common shoulder injuries in Abbotsford we see in the clinic in order of frequency:
1) Shoulder impingement. Shoulder impingement is a general term for shoulder pain that worsens when your arm is raised above 70 degrees. Pain is most commonly caused by a painful arc of 70-120 degrees in which the supraspinatus tendon (rotator cuff), joint capsule, bursa, ligament, or biceps tendon are pinched under the acromion (side of the shoulder blade). It's usually the Supraspinatus tendon that's impinged when you're told you have a shoulder impingement. Causes can include repetitive pushing motions like push ups, bench press, overhead press, lateral and front raises, dips, lat pull downs and chin-ups. Instability in the shoulder girdle, muscle imbalances (tightness in the pectoralis major and minor pulling the scapula forward, weakness in the stabilises and the rhomboids mid trapezius), winging scapula, or poor posture are all common causes of pain when performing these actions. It's crucial to have good form, set the shoulders, and make sure the shoulder doesn't come forward when lifting because this forward movement causes the humerus to come into a position where the tendon can get pushed up against the acromion. Poor posture Sitting at a desk can also cause shoulder impingement because if your shoulders are forward and rounded, your humerus will pinch against the acromion when you lift your arm above your head. Try it out for yourself. Slump your shoulders forward and try to lift your arm above your head, to the side, or in front of you. You should notice a pinching sensation in your shoulder. If your shoulders are forward and you're lifting weights above your head, the tendons and other soft tissues against the acromion will be constantly pinched. Stretching out the chest, concentrating on having the shoulders set (back and down), and working on shoulder stability exercises are your best bets for recovering from shoulder impingement and preventing it in the first place. The acromion, like a bone spur, can become hooked as we age, narrowing the space in the shoulder joint and putting more pressure on the supraspinatus tendon. As a result, after the age of 40, we are much more likely to develop a shoulder impingement and must exercise greater caution when using our shoulders, particularly when lifting over our heads. For more information available on our website visit us!
2) Rotator cuff tear A tear in the rotator cuff tendon can cause pain in the shoulder. The pain is usually felt on the side of the shoulder joint. Trauma to the rotator cuff muscles, such as falls onto an outstretched arm or shoulder, can cause a tear. A tear can also be caused by excessive use or lifting heavy weights with poor form. When lifting something heavy, you will usually feel your shoulder "go." This usually manifests as a dull ache in the back/side of the shoulder, accompanied by pain when moving above the head or rotating the shoulder. If a shoulder impingement is left untreated, it can result in a supraspinatus tendon tear. Improvement of posture, form, stability of the shoulder and releasing tension in the soft tissues can help this injury recover. 3) Long head biceps tendonitis The long head tendon of the biceps brachii muscle is frequently the source of pain in the front of the shoulder. The biceps tendon attaches to the labrum and runs up into the bicipital groove of the humerus and into the shoulder joint. The biceps tendon can be irritated by repetitive elbow flexion in actions like heavy biceps curls, as well as deep bench press and dips. Any pain in the front of the shoulder should be evaluated as soon as possible, as continuing to train on an inflamed tendon can cause permanent damage. Avoiding heavy bench press, especially deep bench press, will help prevent biceps tendonitis from worsening. The biceps tendon will be put under a lot of strain during a deep bench press. It's important to maintain good shoulder stability and avoid rounding your shoulders to avoid aggravating the biceps tendon. Other more chronic shoulder injuries Subacromial Bursitis Bursae are fluid filled lubricating sacks that live between tendons and bones to protect the tendon from friction. Overuse can lead the bursa to become inflamed. “itis” means inflammation so Bursitis is inflammation of the bursa. There are multiple bursae in the shoulder such as the subacromial bursa, sub deltoid bursa, subcoracoid bursa and subscapularis bursa. Pain from bursitis can be felt as a dull ache in the shoulder that won't go away. Pain can be felt with overhead movements of the shoulder or internal/external rotation of the shoulder. If you have had pain in the shoulder for a long period of time then this may be bursitis. The most common bursitis in the shoulder is the subacromial bursitis. This lives between the supraspinatus (rotator cuff) tendon and the acromion. When this bursa is inflamed it can also increase the chances of the supraspinatus tendon becoming more inflamed as it will create less space in the shoulder for the tendon the glide. Usually a scan on the shoulder will show bursitis. Bursitis is also more common in people over the age of 40. Labral Tear The labrum is a cartilage cup that sits inside the shoulder socket (glenoid fossa). It allows the ball of the humerus to join in a deeper joint. The labrum also gives the joint some cushioning. If you fall on your shoulder or on an outstretched arm, the labrum may be damaged or torn. Overuse, especially with overhead weights, can harm the labrum.
A labral tear will be experienced as clicking or catching in the shoulder especially lifting the arm up and rotating it. Note that there is also a labrum in the hip joint that can also be damaged. As you can see, the majority of these shoulder injuries have similar pain symptoms. Shoulder impingement injuries are much easier to treat and have better treatment outcomes than shoulder bursitis injuries. The most important aspect of getting better is receiving the proper diagnosis and treatment.