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What You Do Not Know About Mosquitoes
The World Health Organization reports that the most deadly animal on the continent of Africa is not the lion or the crocodile, but mosquitoes. Although tiny, they carry diseases that can have consequences that range from serious to deadly.
Diseases spread by mosquitoes include Malaria, Zika Virus, West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever, Dengue, and several forms of Encephalitis.
in the L owcountry, we are blessed to have the technology to fight these diseases, but we also have the expertise to control mosquito populations.
There are many ways homeowners can help keep down mosquito populations. Anywhere there is standing water should be eliminated. Examples include standing water in puddles, clogged rain gutters, tarps used to cover pools or grills, and smaller, inconspicuous things where water gathers like old tires, flowerpots, buckets, or wheelbarrows.
In our reg ion, even the most diligent home-grown mosquito control efforts will not be totally successful. It takes a pest control professional to maximize the reduction of mosquito populations. Hilton Head Exterminators can help people maintain control of their outdoor areas through a number of successful mosquito control methods.
Hilton Head Exterminators’ mosquito control technicians know where mosquitoes breed beyond the standing water locations previously mentioned. This includes under leaves, within plants, and around any cool, damp and dark areas that plants provide. Technicians can use fogging techniques to effectively control these areas. Another option is their “misting system”, a comprehensive coverage system that periodically sprays to control a broader area.
A newer and more environmentally friendly method Hilton Head Exterminators has begun to distribute
by Brian DeChirico, General Manager, Hilton Head Exterminators
is the “pod” system. Small liquid-filled pods are strategically placed which attract mosquitoes. The water inside stops their ability to reproduce which eliminates the population.
Whichever system is chosen, the objective is the same: families can remain outside without the hassle of mosquitoes, and even the threat of one of the diseases mosquitoes carry becomes far less of a factor.
Brian DeChirico, General Manager of Hilton Head Exterminators, invites anyone who is concerned with aggravating mosquito populations around their yard to call to determine which mosquito control option is the most appropriate for their specific needs.
Hilton Head Exterminators can be reached in Hilton Head at 843-6812590 and the Bluffton Office at 843706-9933. The website address is www. hiltonheadexterminators.com