Environment and Energy in Bavaria
Dr. Markus Söder MdL
Dr. Hans G. Huber
8 9 10
KUMAS Kompetenzzentrum Umwelt.e.V.
Industriepark Gersthofen Servicegesellschaft
UTG-Umwelt-Technologisches Gründerzentrum Augsburg GmbH
Table of contents
2. CP
Bayern Innovativ
Metropolitan Area
Kraftanlagen München
BSH Bosch und Siemens
Hausgeräte GmbH
39 40
Energy-Efficient home appliances by BSH benefit the environment and your wallet
Autor: Dr. Peter Böhm, Manager Energy Excellence Initiative, BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH
bifa Umweltinstitut Drinking Water
42 44
Clean drinking water – Resource of the future
Author: Dipl.-Kfm. (Univ.) Dominic John Venturetec GmbH & Co. KG
Urban Mining – Raw Materials for the Future Authors: Dr. M. Mocker, Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. F. Stenzel, Dipl.-Ing. I. Löh, Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Faulstich ATZ Entwicklungszentrum
Combined heat and power units Wolf GmbH
Will the future of drive come from Bavaria? Contact: Elmar Grandy GRANDY MOTOREN Deutschland GmbH
Grünbeck - Water is our passion
Contact: Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
Biomass and
Geothermal Energy
Biomass and Geothermal Energy – The ideal combination for supplying heat
Authors: Dr. rer. pol. Thomas Reif, [Gaßner, Groth, Siederer & Coll.] Dipl.-Ing. Werner Seichter, IB NEWS GmbH
Wind Industry
Wind Power by Wind Tower
Author: Dipl.-Kfm. (Univ.) Ville Dollhofer venturetec GmbH & Co. KG
Muhr – engineering that combines ecology with economy Author: Florian Kufner, Technical Editor, MUHR, Gesellschaft für Planung, Maschinen- und Mühlenbau, Erhard Muhr GmbH
Water is Life
Contact: HUBER SE, Berchingen/Germany
Advert Advert
MVV Enegiedienstleistungen media mind GmbH & Co. KG
3. CP 4. CP
Turning the crisis into an opportunity for Bavarian environmental and energy technology
Climate change, conservation of resources and increasing competition for diminishing raw materials are presenting us with enormous challenges. These global problems can only be solved by a concerted effort on the part of the international community. One important step would be to update the Kyoto Protocol with an ambitious follow-up agreement. Because, as experts are quite rightly warning: in the long run the consequences of failing to protect the climate would be far more expensive than the consequences of the economic crisis. If we want to secure our prosperity in the long term, we must drastically reduce the emission of climate-relevant greenhouse gases and the use of resources, while maintaining the current level of economic output. What it comes
down to is more efficient stewardship of energy, natural resources and water – in short “eco-efficient management”. Three quarters of Germany‘s greenhouse gas emissions are energy-related. Energy policy therefore plays a vital role in effective climate protection. Our aim must be to cut energy consumption and generate energy with no or as low CO2 levels wherever possible, by saving resources in an intelligent and innovative manner or improving efficiency. In June 2008, the Bavarian Council of Ministers adopted new and ambitious climate protection targets. By 2020, for instance, energy productivity is to be increased by 30% and the share of renewable energies in ultimate energy consumption doubled to a level of 20%. The Bavarian Climate Programme 2020 is providing additional
funding of € 350 mill. for the period from 2008 to 2011. Bavaria is thus setting standards nationwide. Its environment industry will benefit significantly from the Climate Programme. In terms of climate-friendly energy supply, the Bavarian Energy Atlas will provide a major keystone by stepping up input of regional and local potential in the field of renewable energies. The question of efficiency must also be solved comprehensively in the water sector, because water will be the medium, where the impact of climate change will be most felt in industry and society. “The water source offering the greatest long-term security is efficient use”; this motto is derived from the results of the 2009 World Water Week in Stockholm. It is our responsibility to work towards this goal
7 by means of transfer of knowhow on integrated water management and to contribute the appropriate technologies. In 2006, Germany was once again the world‘s largest exporter of potential environmental protection goods with a 16.1% share of global trade (USA 14.9%, Japan 9.2%). One in twenty jobs in Germany today is in the sector of environmental protection, one in twenty industrial products made in Germany serves environmental protection. One fifth of all German environmental goods exported abroad come from Bavaria, and we intend to increase this share even further. Bavaria‘s approx. 2,000 mostly medium-sized companies are excellently positioned to continue capitalising on the predicted growth in the future as well. Bavaria is not only the home of environmental technology, but also of environmental management. Bavaria has the highest number of enterprises undertaking voluntary environmental commitments that go beyond statutory requirements. The platform for these enterprises is the Environmental Pact of Bavaria, which has around 5,400 Bavarian companies as official members. More than 4,000 firms in Bavaria also operate a certified environmental management system in compliance with
EMAS, ISO 14.001, Ökoprofit or QUB (Quality-Conscious and Eco-Friendly Enterprise); that is one of the highest percentages in all the European regions. The current Environmental Pact III will expire at the end of 2010 and it is already clear that the State Government and industry intend to continue their success model for another five years. Key topics for the Environmental Pact IV will be increasing energy efficiency and climate protection as well as the elimination of contamination. With regard to product-related environmental protection, Bavaria has been pursuing a comprehensive, holistic approach for over ten years now with the Integrated Product Policy (IPP) initiative of the State and industry forming an integral part of the Bavarian Environmental Pact. The aim of IPP is to continuously reduce any detrimental environmental impact of products along their entire life cycle while taking account of economic and social aspects. Major criteria are climate protection and conservation of resources, resulting in more environmentally friendly, innovative products as well as a better competitive situation. With a large number of exemplary, practice-oriented IPP cooperation projects in a wide variety of sectors, Bavaria can draw on an extensive pool of
experience and is considered to be a “model IPP region” in Europe. Environmental technology “Made in Bavaria” has for many years played a leading role worldwide. Besides such traditional environmental sectors as waste management, air pollution control, waste water purification or water treatment, great opportunities are opened up for an exportoriented high-tech state like Bavaria by the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in particular. Bavaria will establish its profile in Germany and worldwide as a strong economic location offering excellent facilities for research and innovation in developing climatefriendly technologies. This will benefit all parties: while reducing risks posed by climate change and competition for natural resources, Bavaria can make a significant contribution to stimulating the economy.
Dr. Markus Söder MdL Bavarian State Minister of the Environment and Public Health
The Global Environmental Protection Challenge The Future Market for Bavarian Environmental Technology
The new report from the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) which was published in October 2007, speaks a clear language: more than 60 percent of all ecosystems are damaged and are being over used. Three million people die in the world each year of diseases caused by dirty water. If the current development continues, according to the UNEP, in less than 20 years, 1.8 billion people will be living in areas that suffer from considerable water shortages. In order to maintain a natural basis of life for people, we won’t just have to use the best technologies and procedures currently available, we will also have to develop new ideas and find innovative solutions. The world-wide demand for efficient and effective environmental protection technologies is enormous. The management consulting firm Roland Berger estimates the world market volume for 2005 to be around 1,000 billion Euros. By 2020, the total turnover of the environmental industries will have more than doubled to 2,200 billion Euros. The Bavarian environmental technologies sector is in a good starting position for being able to
serve the global markets. In Bavaria, depending on the classification, up to 7,000 companies currently offer products and services for the environmental market – ranging from planning, development and engineering services to the construction of systems. However, the systems in this country are often tailored to German conditions and are not generally transferable. In order to be able to achieve success with regard to the international competition, Bavarian companies will have to use all their energies to develop marketable products for world markets. They will be able to achieve this more rapidly and effectively if they develop their own cooperations and strengthen their links and contacts with higher educational institutions and centres of research. Within the scope of the Allianz Bayern Innovation, the Bavarian state government is supporting the Umweltcluster Bayern, which is driving forward the cross-linking of business and science in the area of environmental technology. The organisational framework is being provided by the incorporated society UmwelttechnologieCluster Bayern e.V., which is supported by all Bavarian Chambers
of Commerce and Industry and two Chambers of Crafts. The cluster provides a platform of exchange between manufacturers, planners, operators, higher educational institutions, centres of research, providers of capital, authorities and associations. In this way, the potential which is generated by the worlds of business, science and research can be brought together in the area of environmental technology, thereby strengthening the competitiveness of the whole sector in Bavaria. The success of the Umweltcluster Bayern will grow through the participation of many different actors. Use your chance to reach your goals more effectively and efficiently and to secure your business and commercial success. Join in with the Umweltcluster Bayern!
Dr. Hans G. Huber Spokesman of the Cluster Umweltcluster Bayern
Umweltcluster Bayern
Umweltcluster Bayern
Like the old Creek said, the whole is more than the sum of its parts. Nowadays modern economic politics picks up this theorem again. In 1998, the Harvard Professor Michael E. Porter publicized a book titled “The competitive Advantage of Nations” in which he analyses the advantages of a geographical accumulation of enterprises located in the same sector – in technical terminology named Cluster. The most famous example of a Cluster is Silicon Valley in California, where all important players in computer technology are assembling since the 70ies. According to Porter such an accumulation results in a lot of advantages for the enterprises and therefore for the location, too. Innovative economic politics use this discovery and try to sti-
Cluster days in the old gas plant in Augsburg with its spectacular ambience
mulate Cluster-formation and to simulate Cluster-effects. For that purpose the Bavarian State Government introduced the Bavarian Cluster Initiative in 2006 and choose 21 sectors in which clustering should be promoted.
Tour through the factory of Endress+Hauser Wetzer located in Nesselwang
Joint project of all Bavarian chambers of commerce and industry (CCI) and two chambers of crafts In the field of environmental economics the Umweltcluster Bayern took this challenge. All Bavarian CCIs and two chambers of crafts allied and carry this project as an incorporated society named Trägerverein UmwelttechnologieCluster Bayern e.V. The head office of the Umweltcluster Bayern is located in Augsburg with additional offices in Munich, Nuremberg, Straubing and Hof. Dr. Hans Huber, chairman of the supervisory board of Huber SE, acts as Cluster spokesman and decides about the strategic direction. He is assisted by the advisory board and the Cluster-management. Basically the Cluster focuses on the sectors waste and recycling management, water and wastewater treatment and alterna-
Umweltcluster Bayern tive energy production – especially energy from biomass and waste.
The Cluster as caretaker in all interests The range of services offered by the Cluster for enterprises, scientific institutions and local authorities is comprehensive. The Cluster informs via professional events and conferences about new technological developments and topics from different sections like funding and internationalization. In its workshops like “energy from waste” for example, experts meet continuously to exchange experiences and to discuss pro-
Mobile water treatment plant from Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
jects. In the starting phase of projects, the Cluster-management not only brings partner together but is consulting about funding and proposal writing. Furthermore the Cluster is successful in fundraising on local, national and EU level. It is member of an European network of Clusters all located in environmental technology and therefore has contacts to over 3.500 enterprises and 430 scientific institutions in 10 different EU countries. These contacts are available to the Cluster members for cooperation. In return demands for projects from foreign countries are transferred to the members.
Jobmotor environmental technology. Source: Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien
Investing the right way with the Umweltcluster Chancenkompass The Umweltcluster Chancenkompass is a scientific method created for local authorities, to help them to discover potentials for cost-effective investments in environmental technologies. This tool, which was developed by the Georg-Simon-Ohm-University, provides an extensive analysis of the environmental profile of a region. Within the bounds of an empiric research, data is collected and summarized into key figures. In comparison with a rating matrix these figures provide concrete recommendations for action. Individual aspects like environmental goals of a region, the current state of technical knowledge or legal demands are considered. District administrator Albert Löhner from the district Neumarkt i.d.OPf that is already evaluated voices enthusiastically: “For more than 10 years we are already striving to become an environment region. The Umweltcluster Chancenkompass now shows the fruits of our labor and establishes new perspectives!”
Bavarian Beacons Environmental technology from Bavaria is an international accepted branch standing for innovative, high quality, individual solutions. Environmental technology is High-Tech - not off-the-shelf but always confirmed to the social, economical and ecological conditions of the location. A prime example comes from Grünbeck
11 Wasseraufbereitung located in Höchstädt an der Donau. In response to supply problems in rural areas, the engineers of Grünbeck developed a mobile water treatment plant which is now used in Brazil. It is a solution consisting of several, easy to transport modules, which operate selfsustaining with remote monitoring even far away from urban areas. This technology is an important part in the progress of upgrading the life circumstances of the people in those areas and was honored as a beacon project by the Umweltcluster Bayern. Only few projects are awarded by the Cluster as beacon projects. These projects represent notably the innovativeness of the Bavarian environmental technology.
Contact: Dr. Manuela Wimmer CEO
Peter Herzog Manager International
Umweltcluster Bayern Am Mittleren Moos 48 86167 Augsburg/Germany Phone+ 49 821 455798-0 Fax +49 821 455798-10 info@umweltcluster.net www.umweltcluster.net
Umweltcluster Bayern Am Mittleren Moos 48 · 86167 Augsburg
12 Informationsstand:15.01.2010
Extensive service and commitment for the environment
Biomass and waste energy
Contact: AGU Arbeitsgemeinschaft Umwelt GmbH Ottmar Hofheinz Schrämelstraße 90 81247 München FON: +49 89 6136473, FAX: +49 89 6133704 info@oekodil.de www.oekodil.de
Contact: ATZ Entwicklungszentrum Gerold Dimaczek An der Maxhütte 1 92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg FON: +49 9661 908-400, FAX: +49 9661 908-401 info@atz.de www.atz.de
Waste heat recovery from sewage water for heating and cooling systems of buildings
Water, soil and air purification, treatment and decontamination
Contact: AIP - Aktuelle Innovative Produkte Hans-Peter Neuenhoff Veldener Straße 98 84036 Landshut FON: +49 871 9750-743, FAX: +49 871 43019-228 info@neuenhoff.de www.rabtherm.com
Contact: BAUER Umwelt GmbH Johann Mesch In der Scherau 1 86529 Schrobenhausen FON: +49 8252 97-0, FAX: +49 8252 97-3111 BUG@bauerumweltgruppe.com www.bauerumweltgruppe.com
Entire service package of a modern attendance laboratory
Custom-made financial services for individual requirements
Contact: Analytik Institut Rietzler GmbH Arthur Hofmann Schnorrstraße 5a 90471 Nürnberg FON: +49 911 8688-20, FAX: +49 911 8688-222 info@rietzler-analytik.de www.rietzler-analytik.de
Contact: Bayerische Landesbank Wolfgang Kugler Brienner Straße 18 80333 München FON: +49 89 2171-01, FAX: +49 89 2171-23578 Wolfgang.Kugler@bayernlb.de www.bayernlb.de
Associated engineers of structural and civil engineering
The central technical authority for environmental protection
Contact: Arnold Consult AG Dipl.-Ing. Thorsten Schüürmann Bahnhofstraße 141 86438 Kissing FON: +49 8233 7915-0, FAX: +49 8233 7915-16 info@arnold-consult.de www.arnold-consult.de
Contact: Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt Dr. Thomas Henschel Bürgermeister-Ulrich-Straße 160 86179 Augsburg FON: +49 821 9071-0, FAX: +49 821 9071-5556 poststelle@lfu.bayern.de www.bayern.de/lfu
Umweltcluster Bayern Am Mittleren Moos 48 · 86167 Augsburg
Putting ideas in perspective Contact: Bayerisches Laserzentrum GmbH Prof. Dr. Michael Schmidt Konrad-Zuse-Straße 2-6 91052 Erlangen FON: +49 9131 97790-0, FAX: +49 9131 9779011 info@blz.org www.blz.org
Energy-efficient wastewater treatment with high-performance textile fixed bed – for municipal and industrial wastewater Contact: Cleartec Water Management GmbH Dr. Jörg Kegebein Großvichtach 2+4 96364 Marktrodach FON: +49 9261 96725, FAX: +49 9261 96762 info@cleartec.de, www.cleartec.de
Turning waste into precious energy
Alternative for piles of nonreturnabel rubbish and treatment effort
Contact: BENC Bioenergiecentrum KG Paul Schweihofer Zur Königsmühle 4 86690 Mertingen FON: +49 9078 968550, FAX: +49 9078 968551 info@benc-kg.de www.benc-kg.de
Contact: Coburger Handtuch + Matten-Service CHMS Joachim Krause Coburger Straße 19 96472 Rödental FON: +49 9563 30990, FAX: +49 9563 3706 info@chms.de www.chms.de
Climate protection in the waste industry
Generation of Living Space
Contact: bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rommel Am Mittleren Moos 46 86167 Augsburg FON: +49 821 7000-0, FAX: +49 821 7000-100 marketing@bifa.de www.bifa.de
Contact: COPLAN AG Dr.-Ing. Martin Theodor Steger Karl-Rolle-Straße 43 84307 Eggenfelden FON: +49 8721 705-0, FAX: +49 8721 705-105 info@coplan-online.de www.coplan-online.de
Market, technology and charge position improvement
Online Corrosion Monitoring in Combustion Plants
Contact: Büchl Consult GmbH Reinhard Büchl Am Pulverl 3 85051 Ingolstadt FON: +49 841 96828-20, FAX: +49 841 96828-79 info@buechl-consult.de www.buechl-consult.de
Contact: Corrmoran GmbH Dr. Barbara Waldmann Am Mittleren Moos 48 86167 Augsburg FON: +49 821 747-2525, FAX: +49 821 747-2531 info@corrmoran.de www.corrmoran.de
Umweltcluster Bayern Am Mittleren Moos 48 · 86167 Augsburg
Advertisement, marketing, environmental communication, business publication
Automation of Machinery and Plants
Contact: DAS AGENTURHAUS Tobias Kantenwein Arabellastraße 4 81925 München FON: +49 89 9222-3195, FAX: +49 89 9222-3193 muenchen@agenturhaus.com www.agenturhaus.com
Contact: elektro Franz Spangler GmbH Tina Spangler Altmühlstraße 13 92345 Töging FON: +49 8464 651-135, FAX: +49 8464 651-195 st@elektro-spangler.de www.elektro-spangler.de
Engineering company for watermanagement, environment and civil engineering
Automation solutions, excellent products and trendsetting services
Contact: Ingenieurbüro Dippold & Gerold Beratende Ingenieure GmbH Josef Waldinger Sembdner Straße 7, 82110 Germering FON: +49 89 894143-0, FAX: +49 89 894143-34 info@ib-dug.de www.ib-dug.de
Contact: Endress+Hauser Messtechnik GmbH + Co. KG Technisches Büro Umwelt Süd Mittlerer Pfad 4, 70499 Stuttgart FON: +49 711 13 86-107 FAX: +49 /711 13 86-210 vertriebumwelt-sued@de.endress.com www.de.endress.com
The right solution for all rehabilitation challenges
Extensive course offer of more then 50 current degree courses
Contact: DIRINGER & SCHEIDEL ROHRSANIERUNG GmbH & Co. KG Jochen Bärreis Klingenhofstraße 50c, 90411 Nürnberg FON: +49 911 51986-00, FAX: +49 911 51986-39 jochen.baerreis@dus.de www.dus-rohrsanierung.de
Contact: Fachhochschule Giessen-Friedberg Labor für Entsorgungstechnik (LET) Prof. Dr. Ernst A. Stadlbauer Wiesenstraße 14, 35390 Gießen-Friedberg FON: +49 641 309-2322, FAX: +49 641 309-2377 Ernst.A.Stadlbauer@mni.fh-giessen.de let.mni.fh-giessen.de
International sales of environmental technology and power engineering
Environmental engineering and process design AD plants and landfill reclamation
Contact: eco2business Thomas Dillig Wurzelbauer Straße 33, RG 90409 Nürnberg FON: +49 911 58055-69, FAX: +49 911 580-5573 t.dillig@eco2business.com www.eco2business.com
Contact: Finsterwalder Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co. KG Tobias Finsterwalder Mailinger Weg 5 83233 Bernau / Hittenkirchen FON: +49 8051 965910-0, FAX: +49 8051 965910-20 info@fitec.com www.fitec.com
Umweltcluster Bayern Am Mittleren Moos 48 · 86167 Augsburg
Maximum dehydration of clearing sludge
The OHM creates… careers
Contact: Flottweg AG Karl Butzmann Industriestraße 6-8 84137 Vilsbiburg FON: +49 8741 301-0, FAX: +49 8741 301-300 mail@flottweg.com www.flottweg.com
Contact: Georg-Simon-Ohm-Hochschule Nürnberg Fakultät Angewandte Chemie (AC) Prof. Dr. Eberhard Aust Prinzregentenufer 47, 90489 Nürnberg FON: +49 911 5880-1571, FAX: +49 911 5880-5500 Eberhard.Aust@ohm-hochschule.de www.ohm-hochschule.de
Capable partner for automation engineering
GFM consulting engineers GmbH
Contact: Fürst Engineering GmbH Gerhard Fürst Am Dorfanger 1 86688 Marxheim FON: +49 9097 9692-40, FAX: +49 9097 9692-41 gerhard.fuerst@fuerst-engineering.de www.fuerst-engineering.de
Contact: GFM Beratende Ingenieure Dr.-Ing. Oliver Christ Akademiestraße 7 80799 München FON: +49 89 380178-23, FAX: +49 89 380178-30 christ@gfm.com www.gfm.com
Excellent accomplishment in research and development
Natural and Sustainable: Biomassheating and energy efficiency
Contact: Georg-Simon-Ohm Hochschule Nürnberg Prof. Dr. Michael Braun Kesslerplatz 12 90489 Nürnberg FON: +49 911 5880-4225, FAX: +49 911 5880-8269 praesident@ohm-hochschule.de www.ohm-hochschule.de
Contact: GMH-Umwelt HuD GmbH Volkmar Göldner Buchenweg 4 86573 Obergriesbach FON: +49 8251 8862-30, FAX: +49 8251 8862-29 info@gmh-umwelt.de www.gmh-umwelt.de
The OHM creates… future
Water is our passion
Contact: Georg-Simon-Ohm-Hochschule Nürnberg Fakultät Verfahrenstechnik Prof. Dr. Ulrich Teipel Wassertorstraße 10, 90489 Nürnberg FON: +49 911 5880-1471, FAX: +49 911 5880-5475 ulrich.teipel@ohm-hochschule.de www.ohm-hochschule.de
Contact: Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH Walter Ernst Industriestraße 1 89420 Höchstädt FON: +49 9074 41-0, FAX: +49 9074 41-100 info@gruenbeck.de www.gruenbeck.de
Umweltcluster Bayern Am Mittleren Moos 48 · 86167 Augsburg
Integrated system solutions for water and waste water treatment
Exciting perspectives on engineering and environment
Contact: Hans Huber GmbH Thüringen Gerhard Kerl Eisenberger Straße 17/1 7619 Schkölen FON: +49 36694 4910 ke@huber.de
Contact: Hochschule München Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen Prof. Dr. Robert Freimann Karlstraße 6, 80333 München FON: +49 89 1265-2640, FAX: +49 89 1265-2699 robrt.freimann@hm.edu www.bau.hm.edu
Knowledge for Healthy Groundwater Ressources of Tomorrow
Distinctive acquisition of exercise and manageable course set-up
Contact: Helmholtz Zentrum München Institut für Grundwasserökologie Ingolstädter Landstraße 1 85764 Neuherberg FON: +49 89 3187-2560, FAX: +49 89 3187-3361 rainer.meckenstock@helmholtz-muenchen.de www.helmholtz-muenchen.de
Contact: Hochschule Rosenheim Fakultät für Holztechnik Prof. Dr. Horst Kreimes Hochschulstraße 1, 83024 Rosenheim FON: +49 8638 887944, FAX: +49 8638 887943 ober@fh-rosenheim.de www.fh-rosenheim.de
Foster - Guide - Inspire
Green, innovativ, practical – an incomparable range of subjects
Contact: Hochschule Amberg-Weiden Fakultät für Maschinenbau/Umwelttechnik Prof. Dr. Franz Bischof Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 23, 92224 Amberg FON: +49 9621 482-206 f.bischof@haw-aw.de www.haw-aw.de
Contact: Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf Fakultät Umweltingenieurwesen Prof. Dr. Gert Lautenschlager Steingruberstraße 2, 91746 Weidenbach FON: +49 9826 654-100, FAX: +49 9826 654-4100 info@hswt.de www.hswt.de
Manageability and a vivid profile of a young academy
Thinking ahead. Acting sustainable. To us it’s tradition.
Contact: Hochschule Deggendorf Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen, Wasser und Umwelt Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Rudolf Metzka Edlmairstraße 6 + 8, 94469 Deggendorf FON: +49 991 3615-0, FAX: +49 991 3615-297 info@fh-deggendorf.de, www.fh-deggendorf.de
Contact: HÖGL Kompost- und Recycling-GmbH Franz Högl Dietrichsdorf 5 84106 Volkenschwand FON: +49 8754 9609-0, FAX: +49 8754 9609-60 mail@hoegl.de www.hoegl.de
Umweltcluster Bayern Am Mittleren Moos 48 · 86167 Augsburg
Upgrading, construction and service of small sewage plants
The agency for civil infrastructure plans
Contact: Huber DeWaTec GmbH Dr. Ingo Töws Brassertstraße 251 45768 Marl FON: +49 2365 696-500, FAX: +49 2365 696-539 dewatec@huber.de www.huber-dewatec.de
Contact: Ingenieurbüro Robert Hossfeld GmbH Dierk Bauer Pfarrer-Klug-Straße 2 85567 Grafing FON: +49 8092 310-21, FAX: +49 8092 841-42 grafing@r-hossfeld.de www.r-hossfeld.de
Innovative water and waste water treatment
Innovative Environmental Solutions
Contact: HUBER SE Dr. Hans G. Huber Industriepark Erasbach A1 92334 Berching FON: +49 8462 201-0, FAX: +49 8462 201-810 info@huber.de www.huber.de
Contact: inocre Umwelttechnik GmbH Ursula Fritzmeier Dorfstraße 7 85653 Aying-Großhelfendorf FON: +49 8095 87339-0, FAX: +49 8095 87339-402 u.fritzmeier@inocre.com www.inocre.com
Partner for urban and international wastemanagement
Software and services for environmental protection
Contact: ia GmbH Wissensmanagement und Ingenieurleistungen Werner P. Bauer Gotzinger Straße 48/50 81371 München FON: +49 89 18935-0, FAX: +49 89 18935-199 info@ia-gmbh.de www.ia-gmbh.de
Contact: INPLUS GmbH Ulrich Schaaf Therese-Giehse-Platz 6 82110 Germering FON: +49 89 8006588-0, FAX: +49 89 8006588-20 vertrieb@inplus.de www.inplus.de.
Partner to buildup capacity of organisation and innovation-coaching
Satellite earth observation and monitoring of the environment
Contact: imu augsburg GmbH & Co. KG Thomas Strauß Gratzmüllerstraße 3 86150 Augsburg FON: +49 821 34366-21, FAX: +49 821 34366-39 strauss@imu-augsburg.de www.imu-augsburg.de
Contact: Institut für Geographie, Lehrstuhl für Fernerkundung Dr. Christopher Conrad Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg FON: +49 931 888-4960 christopher.conrad@uni-wuerzburg.de www.geographie.uni-wuerzburg.de/arbeitsbereiche/ fernerkundung
Umweltcluster Bayern Am Mittleren Moos 48 · 86167 Augsburg
Modern information technology and future perspectives
Advantages of a location in an environmentfriendly county
Contact: Institut für Wirtschaftsökologie (IWÖ) Dr. Dr. Karl Heinz Marquardt Badstraße 8 95138 Bad Steben FON: +49 9288 925-440, FAX: +49 9288 92544-44 info@iwoe.de www.iwoe.de
Contact: Landratsamt Neumarkt i.d.OPf. Michael Gottschalk Nürnberger Straße 1 92318 Neumarkt i.d.OPf. FON: +49 9181 470-210, FAX: +49 9181 470-320 landratsamt@landkreis-neumarkt.de www.landkreis-neumarkt.de
Planning, crafting and mounting of complex special machinery and constructions
Expert in waste air treatment
Contact: JP-Industrieanlagen GmbH Johann Paulus Schlesische Straße 249 94315 Straubing FON: +49 9421 96 35 0-0, FAX: +49 9421 96 35 0-10 info@jp-industrieanlagen.de www.jp-industrieanlagen.de
Contact: Lufttechnik Bayreuth GmbH & Co. KG Dr.-Ing. Bernd Schricker Markgrafenstraße 4 95497 Goldkronach FON: +49 9273 500-0, FAX: +49 9273 500-111 info@ltb.de www.ltb.de
Extensive facilities for students and enquiring ones
Retrenchment of water and energy as type of business
Contact: Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt Lehrstuhl Tourismus Prof. Dr. Harald Pechlaner Pater-Philipp-Jeningen-Platz 2, 85072 Eichstätt FON: +49 8421 93-1185, FAX: +49 8421 93-2185 info@ku-eichstaett.de www.ku-eichstaett.de
Contact: Mensch & Wasser Manfred Stoffl GmbH Manfred Stoffl Bergfeldstraße 20 84435 Lengdorf FON: +49 8083 54401, FAX: +49 8083 546633 info@spare-wasser.de www.spare-wasser.de
KUMAS – Center of Competence in Environmental Affairs
OTTI-know-how transfer and networking
Contact: KUMAS - Kompetenzzentrum Umwelt e.V. Egon Beckord Am Mittleren Moos 48 86167 Augsburg FON: +49 821 450781-0, FAX: +49 821 450781-11 beckord@kumas.de www.kumas.de
Contact: Ostbayerisches Technologie-Transfer-Institut e.V. (OTTI) Dr.-Ing. Thomas Luck Wernerwerkstraße 4 93049 Regensburg FON: +49 941 29688-11, FAX: +49 941 29688-16 thomas.luck@otti.de www.otti.de
Umweltcluster Bayern Am Mittleren Moos 48 · 86167 Augsburg
Pioneer of wind power
Product purity – More reliability adding value
Contact: Ostwind-Gruppe Christoph Markl-Meider Gesandtenstraße 3 93047 Regensburg FON: +49 941 555-16 , FAX: +49 941 555-26 info@ostwind.de www.ostwind.de
Contact: S + S Separation and Sorting Technology GmbH Peter Mayer Regener Straße 130 94513 Schönberg FON: +49 8554 308-0, FAX: +49 8554 2606 info@se-so-tec.com www.se-so-tec.com
Leading provider of engineerer and consulting services
Key to the optimum bustle of technical equipment and constructions
Contact: R & H Umwelt GmbH Peter Swoboda Schnorrstraße 5a 90471 Nürnberg FON: +49 911 8688-10, FAX: +49 911 8688-111 info@rh-umwelt.de www.rhumwelt.de
Contact: sbs-system.de GmbH Stefan Schneider Metzstraße 22f 86316 Friedberg FON: +49 821 65056-231, FAX: +49 821 65056-251 info@sbs-systeme.de www.sbs-system.de
Innovative products for appendix and pipeline constructions
Energy from biomass for industrial consumers. We minimize your costs and your carbon footprint.
Contact: RAM Verwaltungs GmbH Roland Piuk Carl-Hahn-Straße 5 85053 Ingolstadt FON: +49 841 622-15, FAX: +49 841 626-76 rp@ram-kunststoffe.de www.ram-kunststoffe.de
Contact: Schmidmeier NaturEnergie GmbH Thomas Schmidmeier Zum Weinberg 3a, 93197 Zeitlarn FON: +49 941 69669-0, FAX: +49 941 69669-60 tsc@schmidmeier.com www.schmidmeier.com
Sustainable mobility and biogenic fuels
Effective and economic technologies for highest water quality
Contact: regineering - Duft & Innerhofer GbR Stefan Innerhofer Alemannenstr. 25 85095 Denkendorf FON: +49 8466 90414-0, FAX: +49 8466 90414-29 s.innerhofer@regineering.com www.regineering.com
Contact: Seccua GmbH Michael Hank Krummbachstraße 8 86989 Steingaden FON: +49 8862 91172-0, FAX: +49 8862 91172-19 mhank@seccua.com www.seccua.de
Umweltcluster Bayern Am Mittleren Moos 48 · 86167 Augsburg
Legal security and economic utilization of innovative ideas
Full energy at stabil costs
Contact: SIGNO-Erfinderverein Sachsen e.V. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Gerold Seyfarth Postfach 460220 04167 Leipzig FON: +49 341 240 53 83 gs@aqinergy.com www.aqinergy.com
Contact: Stadtwerke Amberg Versorgungs GmbH Dr. Stephan Prechtl Gasfabrikstraße 16 92224 Amberg FON: +49 9621 603-555, FAX: +49 9621 603-499 poststelle@stadtwerke-amberg.de www.stadtwerke-amberg.de
Entering the future in partnership
Interessting products and attractive services
Contact: Spanner RE2 GmbH Thomas Bleul Niederfeldstraße 38 84088 Neufahrn FON: +49 8773 70798-22, FAX: +49 8773 70798-20 thomas.bleul@spanner.de www.spanner.de
Contact: Stadtwerke Rosenheim GmbH & Co. KG Reinhold Egeler Bayerstraße 5 83022 Rosenheim FON: +49 8031 36-2230, FAX: +49 8031 3620-25 reinhold.egeler@rosenheim.de www.swro.de
On the top of bavaria
Research with economic, natural science and engineering focus
Contact: Stadt Hof Kompetenznetzwerk Wasser Hof Günter Eckart Klosterstraße 3, 95028 Hof FON: +49 9281 815-660, FAX: +49 9281 815-67-660 guenter.eckart@stadt-hof.de www.stadt-hof.de, www.wasser-hof.de
Contact: Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftslehre des Landbaus Prof. Dr. Alois Heißenhuber Alte Akademie 14, 85350 Freising FON: +49 8161 71-3410, FAX: +49 8161 71-4426 heissenhuber@wzw.tum.de www.wzw.tum.de/wdl
Primed for the future Contact: Stadt Neumarkt i.d.OPf. Oberbürgermeister Thomas Thumann Rathausplatz 1 92318 Neumarkt i.d.OPf. FON: +49 9181 255-123, FAX: +49 9181 255-195 info@neumarkt.de www.neumarkt.de
Institute of Water Quality Control Contact: Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Prof. Dr. Harald Horn Am Coulombwall, 85748 Garching FON: +49 89 289-13700, FAX: +49 89 289-13718 wga@bv.tum.de www.wga.bv.tum.de
Umweltcluster Bayern Am Mittleren Moos 48 · 86167 Augsburg
Integration of research and science
Innovative thinking and professional experience
Contact: Technische Universität München Competence Pool Weihenstephan Dr.-Ing. Karl Glas Weihenstephaner Steig 23, 85354 Freising FON: +49 8161 71-2357, FAX: +49 8161 71-5362 cpw@wzw.tum.de www.wzw.tum.de/cpw
Contact: U.T.E. Ingenieur GmbH Claudia Scharnagl Ludwig-Eckert-Straße 8 93049 Regensburg FON: +49 941 464487-40, FAX: +49 941 464487-44 info@utegmbh.de www.utegmbh.de
Future of renewable energies
Sanitary environmental engineering and waste engineering
Contact: Technische Universität München LS für Rohstoff- und Energietechnologie Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich Petersgasse 18, 94315 Straubing FON: +49 9421 187-0, FAX: +49 9421 187-111 daniela.wagner@wzw.tum.de www.rohstofftechnologie.de
Contact: Univ. d. BW München, Inst. f. Wasserwesen Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik Prof. Dr. F. Wolfgang Günthert Werner- Heisenberg-Weg 39, 85579 Neubiberg FON: +49 89 6004-3484, FAX: +49 89 6004-3858 wolfgang.guenthert@unibw.de www.unibw.de/ifw/swa
Chair in thermodynamics
Water Management and Resources Engineering
Contact: Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik Dr.-Ing. Markus Spinnler Boltzmannstraße 15, 85748 Garching FON: +49 89 289-16223, FAX: +49 89 289-16218 spinnler@td.mw.tum.de www.td.mw.tum.de
Contact: Univ. d. BW München, Inst. f. Wasserwesen Wasserwirtschaft und Ressourenschutz Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Disse Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, 85579 Neubiberg FON: +49 89 6004-3491, FAX: +49 89 6004-4642 markus.disse@unibw-muenchen.de www.unibw.de/bauv6/WWR
Geotechnics: the basis for all constructions
Terrestrial ecosystem research
Contact: Technische Universität München Zentrum Geotechnik Dr.-Ing. Dirk Heyer Baumbachstraße 7, 81245 München FON: +49 89 289-27133, FAX: +49 89 289-27189 grundbau@bv.tum.de www.gb.bv.tum.de
Contact: Universität Bayreuth Lehrstuhl Biogeographie Prof. Dr. Carl Beierkuhnlein Universitätsstraße 30, 95440 Bayreuth FON: +49 8161 71-2357, FAX: +49 921 55-2315 carl.beierkuhnlein@uni-bayreuth.de www.bitoek.uni-bayreuth.de
Umweltcluster Bayern Am Mittleren Moos 48 · 86167 Augsburg
Chair Manufacturing and Remanufacturing Technology
Chair in fluid mechanics
Contact: University of Bayreuth Chair Manufacturing and Remanufacturing Technology Prof. Dr. Rolf Steinhilper Universitätsstraße 30, 95448 Bayreuth FON: +49 921 55-7301, FAX: +49 921 55-7305 Sekretariat.LUP@uni-bayreuth.de www.lup.uni-bayreuth.de
Contact: Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Lehrstuhl für Strömungsmechanik (LSTM) Antonio Delgado Cauerstraße 4, 91058 Erlangen FON: +49 9131 85-29500, FAX: +49 9131 85-29503 antonio.delgado@lstm.uni-erlangen.de www.lstm.uni-erlangen.de
Chair in technical thermodynamics and transportation processes
Chair in Engineering Design
Contact: Universität Bayreuth Thermodynamik und Transportprozesse Prof. Dr. Dieter Brüggemann Universitätsstraße 30, 95440 Bayreuth FON: +49 921 55-7161, FAX: +49 921 55-7165 LTTT@uni-bayreuth.de www.lttt.uni-bayreuth.de/home/csrv/base.php
Contact: Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Lehrstuhl für Konstruktionstechnik Prof. Dr. Harald Meerkamm Martensstraße 9, 91058 Erlangen FON: +49 9131 852-7986, FAX: +49 9131 852-7988 mfk@mfk.uni-erlangen.de www.mfk.uni-erlangen.de
Department for thermodynamics
Chair in automated manufactoring and production engineering
Contact: Universität der Bundeswehr München Institut für Thermodynamik LRT-10 Prof. Dr. Michael Pfitzner Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, 85577 Neubiberg FON: +49 89 6004-2118, FAX: +49 89 6004-2116 michael.pfitzner@unibw.de www.unibw.de/thermo
Contact: Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg LS für Fertigungsautomatisierung u. Produktionssystematik Prof. Dr. Jörg Franke Egerlandstraße 7-9, 91058 Erlangen FON: +49 9131 852-7971, FAX: +49 9131 302528 feldmann@faps.uni-erlangen.de www.faps.uni-erlangen.de
Institute of science and technology of metals
Processes in the climate system of our planet
Contact: Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Lehrstuhl für Werkstoffwissenschaften Dr. Stefan Rosiwal, Katharina Bayerlein Martensstraße 5, 91058 Erlangen FON: +49 9131 852-7517, FAX: +49 9131 852-7515 stefan.rosiwal@ww.uni-erlangen.de www.wtm.uni-erlangen.de
Contact: Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Geozentrum Nordbayern Prof. Dr. Reinhold Roßner Schloßgarten 5, 91054 Erlangen FON: +49 9131 852-2615, FAX: +49 9131 852-9295 rossner@geol.uni-erlangen.de www.gzn.uni-erlangen.de
Umweltcluster Bayern Am Mittleren Moos 48 · 86167 Augsburg
Intelligent water and waste water systems
Bundling of ecological science and environmental technology capacities
Contact: utp umwelttechnik pöhnl GmbH Roland Pöhnl Weidenberger Straße 2-4 95517 Seybothenreuth FON: +49 9275 60566-0, FAX: +49 9275 60566-66 info@utp-umwelttechnik.de www.utp-umwelttechnik.de
Contact: Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt Universität Augsburg Dr. Jens Soentgen Universitätsstraße 1a 86159 Augsburg FON: +49 821 598-3000, FAX: +49 821 598-3002 soentgen@wzu.uni-augsburg.de www.wzu.uni-augsburg.de
Association for waste water disposal
Products for the application area water and waste water
Contact: VBA Verwaltungs- u. Beteiligungsgesellschaft des Zweckverbandes zur Abwasserbeseitigung Hubert Achhammer Aukofener Straße 17 93098 Mintraching FON: +49 9406 9414-0, FAX: +49 9406 9414-59 info@lotecotec.de www.azv-pfattertal.de
Contact: Zeolith Umwelttechnik GmbH Peter Kodewitz Am Wirtsberg 36 95652 Waldsassen FON: +49 9632 5694, FAX: +49 9632 5655 info@deutsche-zeolith.de www.zeolith-gmbh.com
A strong network for private and public businesses
The intelligent waste to energy plant
Contact: WILO EMU GmbH Manfred Schaffeld Heimgartenstraße 1-3 95030 Hof FON: +49 9281 974-0, FAX: +49 9281 965-28 wilo@wilo.com www.wiloemu.com
Contact: Zweckverband Müllverwertung Thomas Knoll Alustraße 7 92421 Schwandorf FON: +49 9431 631-0, FAX: +49 9431 631-999 thomas.knoll@z-m-s.de www.z-m-s.de Informationsstand:15.02.2010
Fundamental- and application-oriented Research
Leading provider of process control (SCADA) and telecontrol systems
Contact: Wissenschaftszentrum Straubing (WZS) Prof. Dr. Martin Faulstich Schulgasse 16 94315 Straubing FON: +49 9421 187-0, FAX: +49 9421 187-130 info@wz-straubing.de www.wz-straubing.de
Contact: Schraml GmbH Dr. Stephanie Schraml Herxheimer Straße 7 83620 Feldkirchen-Westerham FON: +49 8062 7071-17, FAX: +49 8062 7071-29 stephanie.schraml@schraml.de www.schraml.de
Umweltcluster Bayern Am Mittleren Moos 48 · 86167 Augsburg
Süd-Chemie - leading in absorbent materials and catalysts Contact: Süd-Chemie AG Gerhard Kummer Ostenriederstraße 15 85368 Moosburg FON: +49 8761 82-615 gerhard.kummer@sud-chemie.com www.sud-chemie.com
Gain your individual benefit as a
Umweltcluster Bayern Am Mittleren Moos 48 路 86167 Augsburg
Umweltcluster Bayern Am Mittleren Moos 48 · 86167 Augsburg
Regular members of the Trägerverein Umwelttechnologie-Cluster Bayern e.V. A pronounced thematically variety and a wide range reaching from provision of services, research and development to production are characteristics for the environmental economies. The enterprises which operate in the field of environmental technology come from different sectors. The chambers of commerce and industry (CCI) started two decades ago to register the providers of goods and services for environmental protection systematically and to present their profiles to demanding enterprises and government authorities. The CCI information system of environment enterprises (UMFIS), which has been developed by the Bavarian CCIs, is today the most extensive and current database of its kind in Germany. So what could be more obvious for the Bavarian CCIs then to take the chance provided by the Bavarian Cluster Initiative to become an active supporter in the networking of the enterprises in this field of technology which is going to be very important in the future. The Trägerverein Umwelttechnologie-Cluster Bayern e.V, which has been initiated by eight CCI from all Bavarian administrative districts in 2006, is the organizational frame of the Umweltcluster Bayern. Meanwhile all nine CCIs, the chamber of crafts for Munich and Upper Bavaria and the chamber of crafts Lower Bavaria-Oberpfalz became regular members of the association. The regular members are responsible for the thematic focus of the Cluster and assure the funding together with the Free State of Bavaria. The Cluster office is being supported with personnel by Bavarian CCIs – not only during the start-up time.
time represent the Cluster. During the numerous events which Umweltcluster and chambers provide together in all Bavarian regions, enterprises can enlarge their cooperation, intensify their cooperation with universities and research facilities and get informed about new developments in fields of technologies with a promising future. The experiences show, that the chambers of economy are a strong foundation for the sustainable and successful work of the Umweltcluster Bayern.
Contact Dipl. Vw. Reinhard Engelmann Geschäftsführer Innovation & Umwelt, Standortpolitik
IHK Aschaffenburg Kerschensteinerstraße 9, 63741 Aschaffenburg Tel.: 06021 880 122, Fax: 06021 880 22122 engelmann@aschaffenburg.ihk.de www.aschaffenburg.ihk.de
Rico Seyd Referent Standortpolitik Innovation & Umwelt, Verkehr
IHK zu Coburg Schloßplatz 5. 96450 Coburg
As organizations of the economy which have their own administrations, the nine CCIs in Bavaria and the two chambers of crafts represent altogether over 900.000 company members of all sizes and sectors: from the global operating corporate group to the owner managed middle-class enterprise or handcraft business. Besides the duty to act as a substitute for the interests of the economy against politics and administration and their sovereign workings, the CCIs and chambers of crafts provide their members several services. It‘s these experiences in consulting for environmental protection, innovation and technology, foreign trade and company foundation, which build a solid basement for the Cluster‘s work. Since they are presented all over Bavaria, the CCIs act as contact points for the Cluster and at the same
Tel.: 09561 7426 46, Fax: 09561 7426 50 seyd@coburg.ihk.de www.coburg.ihk.de
RA Manfred Hoke Stv. Geschäftsführer Umweltschutz, Energie- und Lebensmittelrecht Schriftführer Trägerverein UmwelttechnologieCluster Bayern e.V. IHK für München und Oberbayern Max-Joseph-Straße 2, 80333 München Tel.: 089 5116 472, Fax: 089 5116 8474 hoke@muenchen.ihk.de www.muenchen.ihk.de
Umweltcluster Bayern Am Mittleren Moos 48 · 86167 Augsburg
Contakt Erich Doblinger
Alexander Gundling
Leiter Geschäftsfeld Innovation Umwelt
Leiter Geschäftsfeld Innovation und Umwelt Schatzmeister Trägerverein Umwelttechnologie-Cluster Bayern e.V.
IHK für Niederbayern in Passau
IHK Schwaben
Nibelungenstraße 15, 94032 Passau
Stettenstraße 1 + 3, 86150 Augsburg
Tel.: 0851 507 234, Fax: 0851 507 280
Tel.: 0821 3162 205, Fax: 0821 3162 342
Dr.-Ing. Robert Schmidt
Oliver Freitag
Leiter Geschäftsbereich Innovation | Umwelt
Leiter Geschäftsbereich Innovation Umwelt
IHK Nürnberg für Mittelfranken
IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt
Hauptmarkt 25/27, 90403 Nürnberg
Mainaustrasse 33, 97082 Würzburg
Tel.: 0911 1335-299, Fax: 0911 1335-122
Tel.: 0931 4194 327, Fax: 0931 4194 100
Dr. Wolfgang Bühlmeyer
Gerhard Brunner
Bereichsleiter Innovation.Umwelt
Industrie- und Handelskammer für Oberfranken Bayreuth
Handwerkskammer Niederbayern-Oberpfalz
Bahnhofstraße 25, 95444 Bayreuth
Charlottenhof 1, 92421 Schwandorf
Tel.: 0921 886 114, Fax: 0921 886 9114
Tel.: 09431 885 304, Fax: 09431 885 302
Werner Beck
Günter Puzik
Stv. Abteilungsleiter
Stv. Abteilungsleiter Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern Max-Joseph-Straße 4, 80333 München Tel.: 089 5119 259, Fax: 089 5119 311 guenter.puzik@hwk-muenchen.de www.hwk-muenchen.de
IHK Regensburg für Oberpfalz / Kelheim D.-Martin-Luther-Straße 12, 93047 Regensburg Tel.: 0941 56 94 230, Fax: 0941 56 94 5230 beck@regensburg.ihk.de www.ihk-regensburg.de
HUBER – WASTE WATER Solutions HUBER SE is headquartered in Berching, Germany and worldwide active in water, wastewater and sludge treatment. More than 500 employees work in Berching, develop and manufacture products, and design and implement system solutions for municipal and industrial customers. With over 25,000 products and systems installed, HUBER belongs to the internationally leading suppliers in the water industry, and provides with adapted processes sustainable solutions for our global water challenges. In about 60 countries HUBER, in close cooperation with its subsidiaries, regional offices and sales representatives, supports its customers by sharing extensive experience and providing innovative technology. HUBER provides solutions for its clients, solving their various challenges in fields of water and sludge treatment. The company, family owned for more than 175 years, has at its headquarters a state-of-the-art factory, where highly qualified employees, working with sophisticated design and fabrication technology, manufacture high-quality products for the global market.
As a result of ongoing improvement of proven products and solutions, and of continuous innovation, HUBER SE offers a wide and extensive range of technology for the water industry and for use in the global market. Together with its local partners, HUBER provides “Global Service” to ensure long-term support of its customers, which guarantees smooth and reliable operation of their equipment and systems. HUBER has not only long-term experience in design and supply of equipment for centralized wastewater treatment plants, but is also a competent partner for the implementation of semi-centralized and decentralized wastewater and sludge treatment concepts. Sustainability in the area of water use is of specific concern to HUBER, and is reflected in various HUBER SOLUTIONS for water reuse and recovery of nutrients and energy from wastewater and sludge. HUBER makes wastewater a resource.
HUBER products
HUBER solutions for
➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤
➤ Central Sewage Treatment Plants ➤ Semi- and Decentralized Wastewater and Sludge Treatment ➤ Stormwater und Sewers ➤ Wastewater Reuse ➤ Heat Recovery ➤ Small Decentralized Water and Energy Loops ➤ Industrial Wastewater Treatment ➤ Treatment and Utilisation of Residual Materials ➤ Drinking Water Treatment ➤ Drinking Water Supply
Screens Micro- and Ultra-Fine Screens Screenings and Grit Treatment Sludge Thickeners Sludge Dewatering Machines Sludge Dryers, Sludge Utilisation Membrane Systems Clarifier Equipment Filtration and Flotation Wastewater Heat Exchangers Manhole Equipment Technical Doors
HUBER SE · Industriepark Erasbach A1 · 92334 Berching Phone: +49 (0) 8462 201-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 8462 201-810 email: info@huber.de · www.huber.de
Network of Environmental Competencies – KUMAS Coordinates and Promotes Environmental Activities In eleven years since its foundation the KUMAS Center of Competence in Environmental Affairs located in Augsburg, Germany, has established an extensive environmental network in Bavaria which has continually been extended through the involvement of numerous environmental institutions and the activities of business companies.
Technology Environment“ helps to create new jobs and secure existing ones. Based on a wide range of competencies, KUMAS is focusing on such topics as
Institutions and Companies Strengthen Environmental Network In 1998 the KUMAS Center of Competence in Environmental Affairs laid the foundation for the continuous development of environmental technology in Bavaria and has since contributed to strengthening the whole region. One of KUMAS's main concerns is the support of environmental activities in harmony with politics, administration, science, research, development, education and economy. Meanwhile, over 200 active partners within the KUMAS network form a strong network of environmental competence. Merging and promoting the knowhow of environment-related institutions and companies poses a great challenge for KUMAS. Such a large spectrum of interests offers all participants great opportunities and significant advantages, since KUMAS aims to help
KUMAS – Competence center for the environment – is located in Augsburg
young and small companies during their launch phase, to support existing companies in an environment of increasingly fierce competition, both nationally and internationally, and to make Bavaria a location as lucrative as possible for attracting of new companies. Thus, the concept „Future
Environmental education Setting up businesses Environmental economy Sustainable management Environmental medicine Renewable energies Resource efficiency Environment – traffic and logistics Export of environmental technology Due to intensive measures and direct project promotion by the Bavarian Government, numerous activities have been launched and the frame conditions for the region improved. The Bavarian Environmental Protection Agency (LfU) which was originally Munich-based but
KUMAS moved to Augsburg two years ago, has intensified environmental know-how and simultaneously expanded its services for local companies by merging the state offices for environmental protection, water management and geology. The Training Center of the Bavarian School of Administration at Lauingen (BVS) trains specialized staff in the fields of supply and disposal, thus providing a large pool of specialists. The Environmental Institute (bifa) has been successfully cooperating with the Bavarian economy for many years. Putting into operation the waste-fired power station of Abfallverwertung Augsburg GmbH (AVA) has set new standards in European waste disposal. The competencies of Swabian environmental companies are bundled by the CCI for Swabia and, together with all German Chambers of Commerce and Industry and a further 10,000 environmental companies, presented in the internet portal www.umfis.de. Expert advice and further training measures offered by the Center for Energy and Environment at Kempten (eza!) focuses on the economical use of energy and the development of regenerative energy resources.
KUMAS' joint stand at „Woche der Umwelt 2007“ in Berlin, Bellevue park
Science Strengthens Economy The rapid implementation of new ideas and developments can only be guaranteed by practical research and scientific institutions which are closely connected to the economy. The development of saleable products and services ensures the rapid technological advance of the Bavarian environmental economy. Important components of the KUMAS network are, for example, the Center for New Materials and Environmental Research (AMU), the Environmental Science Center (WZU), both at the University of Augsburg, the Department of Environmental Technology at the University of Applied Sciences of Augsburg or the Department of Energy Tech-
Center of Karlsruhe at GarmischPartenkirchen, or C.A.R.M.E.N. e.V. with the network of regrowing raw materials in Straubing.
New Companies Create New Jobs As it is exemplified by the Environmental Technology Business Incubation Center, Augsburg (UTG), funded by the Swabian Chambers of Economy, over 100 new environmental companies were attended to and a large number of new jobs created, starting from regenerative energy to classic environmental technologies such as waste, sewage water, noise, contaminated waste and environmental biotechnology. Presently, almost 40 companies with about 200 staff participate in the activities of the Incubation Center.
The „Bayerische Abfall- und Deponietage“ are taking place at Augsburg for the 10th time already
nology at the University of Applied Sciences of Kempten. The environmental network is further strengthened by the Development Center (atz) at SulzbachRosenberg, the Chair for Water Quality and Waste Management at the Technical University of München at Garching, the Weihenstephan Competence Pool (cpw) at the Research Center for Brewing and Food Quality at Weihenstephan, the Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research (BayCEER) at the University of Bayreuth or the Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research – Atmospheric Climate Research (IMK-IFU) of the Research
Attractive Locations for Trade Fairs and Conferences In this way, Augsburg has succeeded in building up a good reputation as a location for environmental congresses and environmental trade fairs with the aid of KUMAS and its active network partners, not only on a national but also on an international scale. Existing offers for trade fairs and congresses have been expanded and new ones introduced. Over 300 waste experts from all over Germany meet annually at the Bavarian Environmental Agency (LfU) to participate in the Bavarian Congress on Waste and Landfill (Bayerische Abfall- und Deponietage).
The conference on water law, waste water treatment, water protection and related issues (Bayerische Wassertage) has attracted numerous specialists since 2005. From its very start the Immissionsschutztage (Bavarian Conference on Immision Control) taking place since 2009 has succeeded in attracting experts from all over Germany. The annual trade fair RENEXPO® international specialized fair for regenerative energies and energyefficient building&renovating has achieved a leading position Germany-wide in the sector of renewable energies. In 2009 alone, approx. 350 exhibitors presented new products and services to more than 11,000 visitors at the Trade Center of Augsburg. Geofora, a trade fair for drill rig technology, well drilling and geothermics was successfully established at Hof in 2007 and constituted an important component in the WASSER BERLIN 2009.
sewage, refuse, recycling). At its joint stand at the IFAT in 2010 KUMAS will be presenting the latest products and services in this field to an interested international audience.
Ministers for the Environment attend the KUMAS stand at the IFAT 2008 in Munich: (from left to right): KUMAS managing director Egon Beckord, the Bavarian Minister for the Environment Dr. Otmar Bernhard and the Federal Minister for the Environment Sigmar Gabriel
Due to an agreement on environmental cooperation between KUMAS and SISC (Shiga Industrial Support Center) in Otsu, Japan, KUMAS has for many years established its presence together with the City of Augsburg at EnviroShiga
Prominent visitors at the joint stand „Job and education“ at „KUMAS Forum“ during the RENEXPO ® 2009 in Augsburg
The Allgäu Center for Energy and Environment (eza!) provides expert advice in the field of the economical use of energy in refurbishing old buildings. The annual “Kemptener Altbautage” is a magnet for thousands of visitors.
KUMAS Participates in International Trade Fairs Together with member companies KUMAS visits numerous international environmental trade fairs. For example, KUMAS is represented at the WASSER BERLIN as well as at IFAT, Munich (Trade fair for water,
research results particularly suited to demonstrate environmental competence. For over 11 years KUMAS has awarded this environmental prize and in December 2009 the already 40th honoree received this greatly sought-after acknowledgement. “In the few years of its existence KUMAS has been doing extremely well thanks to the intensive cooperation of its network partners and the support by the Bavarian Government. KUMAS has made great efforts to further improve the frame conditions for domestic companies, to strengthen the network and to increase international contacts. Our region will greatly benefit from these activities. KUMAS counts on the successful future cooperation with the Bavarian Government and benefits from the cooperation with further environmental networks. It is a well-known fact that successful cooperation is based on the pooling of all resources from politics, administration, science, research, training and, above all, the economy. We appeal to all institutions and companies to support the KUMAS environmental network by their active cooperation, since continuous success in global competition can only be ensured by joining our forces”, says Egon Beckord, KUMAS‘s Managing Director.
Egon Beckord International guests such as a Japanese delegation from our partner region of Shiga are always welcome at KUMAS
KUMAS’s Managing Director
in Nagahama, an important Japanese trade fair.
KUMAS Honors Innovations KUMAS makes innovations visible in the form of the environmental prize „KUMAS-Leitprojekte“ which is annually awarded to innovative procedures, processes, services, plants, concepts, developments or
KUMAS - Kompetenzzentrum Umwelt e.V. Am Mittleren Moos 48 86167 Augsburg, Germany Phone: +49 821 450781-0 Fax: +49 821 450781-11 E-Mail: info@kumas.de www.kumas.de
From the product concept to waste disposal At an industrial site like the Gersthofen industrial park, where predominantly chemical products are manufactured, safety at work and environmental protection are important defining elements. The site operating and service company, IGS (Industriepark Gersthofen Servicegesellschaft), offers an extensive portfolio of services in these areas. Research, production and environmental protection are inextricably bound together. No procedure is complete unless issues arising from residual materials, by-products, waste, effluents, emissions or noise have also been properly dealt with. In the Gersthofen industrial park our approach to protecting people and the environment rests on many years of experience in dealing with chemical products. Chemicals have been manufactured here ever since 1902, when production was begun in what was then a branch of Farbwerke Hoechst AG. Four globally active chemical companies (Arizona Chemical, CABB, Clariant and INVISTA) have been consistently applying state-of-the-art environmental and safety technology for decades in their production plants. IGS offers a wide range of services to manufacturers of speciality chemicals in the field of ESHA (Environment, Health and Safety Affairs), from which each company can create its own All-Round Worry-Free Package. Backed by a broad spectrum of technical skills and many years of experience, specialists support companies so that they can manufacture
their products, paying heed to safety and the environment. A sophisticated programme of training in this specialised area completes the services on offer.
Environmentally Sound Production Three forms of industrial environmental protection are practised in the Gersthofen industrial park. First there is the classic form of environmental protection, where unwanted by-products are disposed of, for example, by breaking down constituents of waste water in on-site purification plants or by using filtration plants. Then in the chemical industry environmental protection which is integrated into production processes is particularly important, too. The focus here is on protecting resources by avoiding the creation of by-products. And finally, with all measures of production-integrated environmental protection there is intense discussion about whether and how the materials produced might affect people, animals, plants, ecosystems or material goods. The most important task here is to re-
place products which are harmful to the environment with newly developed ones which are not, and which serve the same areas of application. For many years IGS has been looking after the twelve companies located in the Gersthofen industrial park in the areas of waste disposal, prevention of air pollution, waste water consultation and analytics, management of hazardous materials and substances, health and safety at work and plant safety, and communicating with the authorities. From the opening of the chemical factory right up to the industrial park, IGS has also offered its know-how to interested clients or local authorities in the surrounding area. Author:
Ingrid Knรถpfle Head of Marketing & Communications
Industriepark Gersthofen Servicegesellschaft mbH Phone: 0821 479-2444 ingrid.knoepfle@mvv-igs.de www.mvv-igs.de
Safety at work and environmental protection
An All-Round Worry-Free Package for Environmentally Sound Production
The environmental competence region’s center for ideas
Company in the center of UTG
The Environmental Technology Business Incubation Center Augsburg (UTG) All over the country, „networking“ is being praised to the skies. The UTG Augsburg is the Environmental Technology Business Incubation Center Augsburg - in German, the Umwelt-Technologische Gründerzentrum Augsburg, thus UTG. It is the heart of the Augsburg environmental competence region, and it doesn’t just talk about networking, it lives it. Young entrepreneurs and founders of new businesses discover an outstanding infrastructure here that gives them a successful start into their business future. The Business Incubation Center profits from the intense commitment of the Free State of Bavaria, the Chamber of Handicrafts for Swabia, the Swabian Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the City of Augsburg. In modern buildings close to the autobahn and airport on the „Augsburg environmental mile“,
Company in the center of UTG
35 und 30 patents and other property rights. Almost half of the firms are active internationally. The center’s firms are thus extremely interesting, innovative and capable business partners! The focus of the UTG Augsburg is targeted at environmentally-oriented young entrepreneurs and founders of new businesses in the production, skilled trades and service sectors. National and international businesses are establishing companies in the Augsburg region as a result. At this time, for example, firms from Austria, Switzerland, Canada and the USA work in the UTG.
the entrepreneur can take advantage of a flexible space offer that starts at 16 m2, attractive rental conditions and the support of the UTG service team, with its many years of success. As a distinct extra advantage, the UTG offers a supplementary package of services, such as central secretarial service, diverse consulting services, a canteen and presentation areas with modern data, print and media technology for shared use. In addition the UTG has proven that it is both a diverse cooperation network and an interesting communications platform for launching mutual activities among the center’s firms, such as use of shared laboratories, job sharing and combined projects. These are substantial and noticeable economical advantages for the entrepreneur. Currently, around 40 firms with roughly 180 employees are active in the center. Many companies aretechnological leaders in their field, and the
founding team usually has many years of experience in the branch. The young companies hold aro-
In addition to useful services such as EDP and marketing, various areas of environmental technology have found a home in the UTG Augsburg: Recycling of contaminated soils Passive house construction Energy-efficient heating systems Renewable raw materials Environmental laboratories Water treatment Sewage treatment technology Environmental gene technology Water and food technology Geothermal energy You can find additional information at www.u-t-g.de! Contact:
Dipl. oec. Wolf Hehl UTG Zentrumsmanager
UTG-Umwelt-Technologisches GrĂźnderzentrum Augsburg GmbH Am Mittleren Moos 48 D-86167 Augsburg/Germany Phone: +49 (0)821-7493-0 Fax: +49 (0)821-7493-111 E-mail: info@u-t-g.de www.u-t-g.de
The Nuremberg Metropolitan Area – Energy and Environmental Technology for the Global Market
Nuremberg Metropolitan Area
With a population of 3.5 million and a gross domestic product of more than 100 billion euros, the Nuremberg Metropolitan Area is one of Germany‘s ten largest economic regions. It offers great potential for business and science in “Information and Communication”, “Transportation and Logistics”, “Medicine and Healthcare”, “New Materials”, “Automation“, “Industrial Engineering” and particularly in “Energy and Environmental Protection.“
In the power industry, the center of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Area occupies a top position in Europe with approximately 500 companies and over 50,000 jobs. It has a long tradition of technologies for thermal power plants, with this region covering the entire value added chain, ranging from planning and development to engineering and manufacturing all the way down to commissioning, monitoring, maintenance, modernization and dismantling. Regional production includes steam generators, turbines, generators and waste gas treatment facilities. Siemens AG‘s location in Erlangen with its roughly 5,500 employees is considered the global center of its energy sector where all decisions are made and where projects around the globe are managed. Erlangen is also where the German headquarters of Areva NP, a global market leader in nuclear power utilization, is located. Companies based in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Area equip the energy industry worldwide with state-ofthe-art technology for efficient network infrastructures. Examples include high-voltage direct-current transmission systems as well as „Smart Grid“ and „Smart Metering“ systems. Siemens also manufactures
Andasol 1, a solar thermal parabolic trough power plant in Andalusia in southern Spain. Europe‘s first parabolic trough power plant and the world‘s largest solar power plant, it was developed by Solar Millennium AG (Erlangen) and constructed from 2006 to 2008. This 50 megawatt power plant supplies up to 200,000 people with climate friendly electricity. (Source: Solar Millennium AG / Paul-Langrock.de)
the world‘s largest high-power transformers in Nuremberg. In the wind power industry, regional companies supply key components for plant engineering and construction. Wellknown companies in this field are Bosch Rexroth, IMO Energy and Schaeffler Technologies. The metropolitan area employs several thousand people in the production of large gearboxes, large rolling bearings, azimuth and pitch dri-
ves as well as power inverters. Expertise in the utilization of biomass is concentrated in rural areas of our region, such as Upper Palatinate and the western part of Central Franconia, which has the country‘s greatest density of biogas facilities. Experts in this field include the technical college („University of Applied Sciences“) at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf and the Renewable Energies Network of Western
Nuremberg Metropolitan Area Franconia. In ground level geothermal energy, Upper Franconia has a 30 percent share of the European market for heat pumps and relevant units. In June 2009, Germany‘s largest geothermal power plant with systems engineering supplied by Siemens (Erlangen/Nuremberg) began its operation in Unterhaching near Munich. The Nuremberg Metropolitan Area provides the expertise for the world‘s largest thermal solar power plants (Andasol I, II and III in Spain), primarily including Solar Millennium AG (project development and engineering), Siemens (steam turbines), Flabeg (concave mirrors) and Schott Solar (parabolic trough collectors), a manufacturer located just outside our metropolitan area. Several regional companies are also involved in the DESERTEC initiative for the construction of solar thermal power plants in Northern Africa. The Nuremberg Metropolitan Area is a European leader in the development and manufacture of power electronic systems. Examples include power inverters for photovoltaic or wind power plants, frequency converters to regulate electric drives in industrial applications or electric vehicles as well as efficient power supply units. Siemens AG, Semikron GmbH and Baumüller GmbH are important companies in this field. Fraunhofer IISB and its Center for Power Electronics and Mechatronics (ZLKM) are global leaders in application-based research. Examples of important higher education institutions include the Institute for Electronic Systems (ELSYS) and the efi department of Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences in Nuremberg. With its European Center for Power Electronics (ECPE e.V.) and the Bavarian Power Electronics Cluster, the metropolitan area has some excellent networks linking companies and research institutions that work in this field.
Following a successful final inspection at the Siemens transformer plant in Nuremberg, the world‘s first 800 kilovolt ultrahigh voltage power converter transformer is ready for delivery. The transformer is going to be used in the YunnanGuangdong high-voltage DC transmission system“ in China, currently one of the two HVDC systems with the highest rated capacity in the world. (Siemens press photo)
Besides cost effectiveness and reliable supply, innovative energy technology also provides a basis for solutions in energy efficiency and environmental protection. More than 1,000 companies and institutions provide approximately 25,000 jobs, primarily in water technology, air pollution control and recycling as well as in product and production integrated environmental protection. Examples include the Siemens devision Industrial Solutions in Erlangen, which is the global center of expertise for water recovery and water treatment in the metropolitan area, and Huber SE in Berching, an important international system supplier for water technology.
37 Most of the research on energy and environmental protection is performed at the universities of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Bayreuth and Würzburg, the technical colleges in Ansbach, Amberg-Weiden, Coburg, Hof, Nuremberg and Weihenstephan-Triesdorf as well as at the Fraunhofer Institutes of Integrated Circuits (IIS) and of Integrated Systems and Device Technology (IISB, both located in Erlangen) and of Silicates Research (ISC in Würzburg). These are supplemented by numerous other technology-oriented facilities, e.g. the Center for Applied Energy Research (ZAE Bavaria), which focuses on thermal insulation, photovoltaic and thermal sensor systems in Würzburg and Erlangen, the ATZ Development Center in Sulzbach-Rosenberg as well as the EBA Center in Triesdorf (with a focus on biomass energy utilization), the Southern German Plastics Center (SKZ) in Würzburg (energy efficiency in plastics processing), the Energy Technology Center (etz) in Nuremberg for supporting start up companies in this field, Ohm University of Applied Sciences‘ Environmental Institute in Neumarkt, the Development Center for eco-industries (ProFES) in Schwabach as well as the Solar Energy Informa-
A large number of key components for wind turbines are manufactured in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Area. (Siemens press photo)
Nuremberg Metropolitan Area
Energy from biomass and waste. Combustion laboratory at ATZ Development Center (www.atz.de). Different types of combustion plants (30 - 440 kW) and fluegas cleaning according to ambitious german law (17. BImSchV)
tion and Demonstration Center (solid) in Fürth and two energy agencies for Upper and Central Franconia. Given the double-digit growth rates, particularly in the renewable energy sector, ensuring the regional supply of specialists is essential. The Nuremberg Metropolitan Area has a unique density of relevant university degree programs and professional training courses. Some examples of degree programs include „Energy and Environmental Systems Engineering“ in Ansbach, „Environmental Engineering, „Hydro Engineering“
Discussions, experience exchange and networking at the Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry
and „Renewable Energy Engineering“ in Weihenstephan-Triesdorf and „Mechanical Engineering/ Environmental Engineering“ in Amberg-Weiden. The Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry has developed the „European Energy Manager“ qualification program that provides practical training and networking opportunities in 13 countries of the European Union and is now also used in China, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Tunisia and Egypt. The city of Nuremberg uses effective platforms for international marketing activities, including trade shows such as Chillventa, an international show for refrigeration, air conditioning, ventilation and heat pumps, BioFach, an organic food products trade show, as well as the world‘s leading power electronics show, PCIM. Innovative processes in energy and environmental engineering are often based on the interdisciplinary cooperation between manufacturers, users and research institutions. This is reflected in a unique density of regional networks, some of which work very closely together. Examples include the Bavarian Environmental Cluster (www.umweltcluster.net), the Bavarian Energy Technology Cluster and the Bavarian Power Electronics Cluster (both based in Nuremberg), Energieregion Nürnberg e.V., the Environmental Expertise for Northern Bavaria (Umweltkompetenz Nordbayern (www.umweltkompetenz.net)),
the Power Electronics Center (ECPE), user clubs and the energy and environmental committees of Northern Bavaria‘s chambers of commerce, the international Energy Manager Network of the Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry (www.energymanager.eu) as well as the Renewable Energy Network for the western part of Central Franconia (www.eewmf).
Dr.-Ing. Robert Schmidt Division Manager
Dr. rer. nat. Ronald Künneth Specialist
Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK | CCI) Innovations & Environmental Protection Division Hauptmarkt 25/27 D-90331 Nürnberg/Germany E-Mail: iu@nuernberg.ihk.de www.ihk-nuernberg.de
Our technologies for a clean environment
Kraftanlagen M端nchen (KAM) has around 2,500 employees, making us one of the leading companies in the power plant construction sector. Our competence contributes to the best possible conservation of resources and to the development of sustainable technologies. Our scope of services as general contractor includes the construction of gas turbine and steam turbine power plants, biomass cogeneration plants, solar thermal power plants as well as energy systems for waste incineration plants. Would you like to find out more about us?
BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausger채te GmbH
Energy-Efficient home appliances by BSH benefit the environment and your wallet Between now and 2030, the International Energy Agency (IEA) projects an increase in global energy use by more than 50 per cent. Such a drastic growth of the energy demand will result in rising electricity prices, significant further global warming and serious threats to global energy security. Energy has to be regarded as a very rare resource which needs to be dealt with efficiently.
This especially applies to electric domestic appliances. On the one hand, because electric domestic appliances cause approximately half of the domestic energy consumption and because the private household sector takes up almost 30% of the entire energy consumption in Germany. Secondly, because more than 90 per cent of the environmental impact happens in the usage time,
caused by electricity and water consumption (and by added cleaning agents). This is due to the fact that electric home appliances have by far the longest lifetime of all technical consumer goods. Thus, for instance, freezers in German households reach an average age of 17 years. This despite the fact that a replacement would be worthwhile after 10 years, since the daily operation of
BSH Home Appliances: Significant savings in energy and water consumption over the past 15 Years
BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH
BSH Home Appliances: Significant savings in energy and water consumption over the past 15 Years
the old one produces enormous electricity costs. An average household can save up to 300 Euro per year just by replacing out-dated appliances with new super-efficient models. It is surprisingly little-known and underestimated how significantly energy-efficient home appliances can contribute to the environment and climate protection. In German households alone, for instance, there are approximately 25 million refrigeration appliances that are older than ten years. They consume five times more energy than a comparable new appliance - around the clock. Simply by replacing these old appliances with new energy-efficient ones, up to eight billion kilowatt hours of electricity could be saved per year. This corresponds to the capacity of a large power plant (around 1 gigawatt) or to approximately 1.6 billion Euros of annual savings for private households. The environment would profit from an annual reduction of 4.7 million tons of climate-damaging CO2 emissions. The Bosch and Siemens Home Appliances Group (BSH) as the leading home appliance manufacturer in Europe has made enormous progress in the energy-efficiency of home appliances. Thus,
a current refrigerator-freezer combination with the highest energy efficiency class A++ consumes up to 74 per cent less energy than comparable models from 15 years ago. With washing machines, the energy savings can reach up to 50 per cent and with dryers even up to 62 per cent. BSH has just released two new products to the market that are veritable world champions in terms of energy efficiency: The heat-pump tumble dryer and the dishwasher with Zeolite® drying technology. Thanks to the new heat-pump technology and a condenser which cleans itself to keep its high energy-efficiency, the dryer is 50 per cent more economical than the limit value for qualifying for the best energy efficiency class A. Thanks to the innovative use of the natural mineral Zeolite, which can absorb moisture and release the storedup heat, the new dishwasher is 20 per cent more efficient than a common one with energy efficiency class A. BSH has also worked on reducing the water consumption of appliances. The new dishwasher needs as much as 66 per cent less water than 15-yearold appliances. The water consumption per wash cycle has been reduced to seven liters.
These product innovations show that the current classification system of the EU energy label can no longer adequately illustrate the efficiency benefits that can be reached with our advanced appliances. Energy Efficiency Class A is no longer sufficient! The end consumer should take this into consideration when purchasing a new appliance to the benefit of the environment and the own wallet.
Dr. Peter Böhm Manager Energy Excellence Initiative
BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH Phone: +49 (0) 89 / 4590-2206 Fax: +49 (0) 89 / 4590-4490 Mobile +49 (0) 160 90716119 E-mail: peter.boehm@bshg.com www.bsh-group.com
Climate protection in the waste management and implementation of a regional energy network
bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH
A guideline for investment projects abroad In particular, incentives for exports in the waste industry are attributed to project-based instruments of the Kyoto Protocol Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI). Within the export initiatives recycling technology & energy efficiency technology as well as CDM/JI, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) engaged bifa environmental institute (bifa) to identify the potentials of flexible mechanisms for the promotion of technology exports in selected threshold and developing countries, and to work out the necessary measures for the opening up of markets for waste treatment technologies. The result is a guideline (www.retech-germany.net) presenting possibilities for an enhanced use of advanced waste treatment technologies. It provides information on potential project developers, technology providers as well as decision-makers by authorities. Opportunities and options for action for a better utilization of project-based instruments of the Kyoto Protocol for modern waste treatment technologies are identified. bifa supports the objectives of the initiatives by design-
Sorting technology in use (Haase Energietechnik GmbH)
ing a platform for the promotion of the transfer of waste treatment technologies (best practice platform) and for the strengthening the international cooperation, for example with Serbia. As part of the ongoing negotiations on the post-Kyoto agreement and on behalf of BMU, bifa copes with the design of sectoral approaches in order to support the development of modern and sustainable waste management in threshold and developing countries even after 2012. In carrying out these
tasks, the instruments of the international climate change policy and emission trading will play an even greater role.
Networking energy producers and consumers Low calorific waste heat being produced during many industrial processes only is used in rare cases. In areas of dense population, energy producers and energy consumers can be linked intelligently by means of a regional energy supply system. The star-
bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH
bifa environmental institute bifa environmental institute was founded in 1991 as the Bavarian Institute for Waste Research GmbH by the Bavarian state, the City of Augsburg and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Swabia. As an application-oriented scientific institution, bifa initially developed new measures and procedures for waste avoidance, waste reduction and waste recycling. Today, bifa offers a wide range of services around the technical environment. It has extensive experiences in design, engineering and consulting services. Therefore, bifa is the contact for complex environmental issues. bifa offers solutions in the area of chemical engineering, Biomass power plant in Augsburg (T. Hosemann / Stadtwerke Augsburg)
ting point of all considerations is the waste incineration plant of AVA GmbH as well as the two power plants of Stadtwerke Augsburg Energie GmbH. Moreover, it is expected that a new waste-toenergy power plant of MVV-IGS GmbH will remove low calorific waste heat unused. This also applies to other power generation systems, no matter whether geothermal plants or biogas plants. Furthermore, waste heat with a relatively low temperature level is produced in several production processes. Both, the supply side and the demand side are recorded by means of a comprehensive regional inventory. On the basis of this documentation, a concept of the technical feasibility with the ecologic advantage as the main criterion for optimization is developed. In this connection, the region of Augsburg will play an important pioneering role. If this approach should not be feasible immediately, the next steps will be the identification of restrictions and the development of an alternative approach. The feasibility study is promoted by the Bavarian State Ministry for Environment and Health and accompanied by the State Office for the Environment.
microbiological technologies and test procedures, integrated internal environmental protection, development of software and database, sustainable waste management, system and process analysis, strategy development and policy consultations, process technology and chemical analysis. An interdisciplinary team of engineers, economists and social scientists, chemists and biologists is available for the handling of projects. bifa has a powerful infrastructure such as laboratories, a large pilot plant as well as an experimental facility in Augsburg.
bifa environmental institute in Augsburg (bifa)
Contact: bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH Am Mittleren Moos 46 86167 Augsburg/Germany www.bifa.de
Clean drinking water – Resource of the future
Drinking Water Treatment
VENTURETEC is a consulting and service company for small and medium sized enterprises in the manufacturing industry. The main aim of VENTURETEC is the market introduction of high technologies as well as the extension and conversion of existing technologies into new industries and markets. In addition, VENTURETEC takes responsibility for marketing and sales of high-tech products, if appropriate in the form of a sales agency, and supports their customers in capital funding. Based on the latest technological megatrends VENTURETEC is focused on the industrial sectors namely medical technologies, security, industrial automation and environmental technologies.
Currently, the world population rises every year by 80 million people. The biggest increase is expected to be in the developing countries, mainly in regions which already do not have access to clean drinking water and adequate sanitary facilities. Due to the population growth the annual demand for freshwater increases by about 64 billion cubic meters. At the same time one sixth of the world population, approximately 1.1 billion people, do not have access to clean drinking water today. So the demographic change is an important factor for the increasing shortage of drinking water because resources are limited. Sufficient supply of clean drinking water is not only essential in the nutritional perspective, in fact clean water protects health. All around the world approximately 2.2 million people die of diseases, which are water-borne. Even in Germany around 1.000 people are expected to be affected every year.
Scores of researches have proven that polluted drinking water can be the reason for epidemics or
diseases. Illnesses, which are caused by the norovirus or escherichia coli bacteria, are often trig-
Fig. 1: Options for mortification, deactivating or elimination of microorganisms. (Bayerisches Landesamt fĂźr Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit)
gered by contaminated drinking water. Also pharmaceutical residues, fertilizers and other toxic substances within the water are a growing threat for human health. To purify drinking water different physical and chemical treatments can be employed. However, the relevant method is selected based on the type of microorganisms within the water. Fig. 1 shows the effectiveness of diverse cleaning procedures. The most efficient method for drinking water purification is the ultra-filtration. This technology was introduced to standardized, small-scale systems by SECCUA, located in Germany, and is distributed globally in cooperation with VENTURETEC. Via ultra-filtration turbid, contaminated water can be turned into drinking water. The polluted water is pressed through a membrane filter, where the pores are smaller than 20 nanometers (By comparison: A human hair has a 5.000-times magnified diameter) – even with very low pressure. As the pores are smaller than all micro-bacterial components within the water, they get caught up in the membrane. Hence, the patented nanotechnology of SECCUA can remove all pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites, legionella, worms and spores) as well as turbidity materials within water in one step. To permanently ensure a high quality of drinking water, the system checks automatically the pollution degree of the filter and makes autonomous filter
Phoenix® 10
Virex® Pro
X-Spot® Pro
Drinking Water Treatment
flushes in optimized intervals. The control mode adapts the gaps between the filter cleaning processes and the endurance of the filter flushes to the changing water quality. Thus, this system is easy to handle and operating costs are reduced to the minimum. Even the risk of a membrane failure, which is often the main argument against the application of an ultra-filtration as sole system for water treatment, is eliminated by the patented, fully automated membrane integrity test. This test checks the membranes continuously for damages and stops the system if necessary. The sterility of the drinking water and a constantly high water quality can be assured due to this innovative technology. The water quality conforms to the guidelines of the Federal Environment Agency and the German drinking water regulation DIN 2001. SECCUA’s ultra-filtration systems can treat up to 30.000 liters of water per hour. Extensive studies have proven the reliability of the ultra-filtration technology as a method to eliminate pathogens: more than 99.99% of all viruses, bacteria and parasites as well as turbidities and red colorations are removed out of the water in one single step. After this procedure the water is micro-bacterially wise in a proper state. The purification is done without UV irradiation or the use of chemicals and other disinfectants. To sanitize drinking water by chlorination is not possible for
many spring and well waters because of emerging carcinogenic fall-outs. Besides, pathogens like parasites and spores are often chlorine resistant. So a chemical treatment of the water is inefficient in these cases. Water treatment via UV irradiation leaves contamination respectively parasite infestation in plenty of systems. The reason for this is turbidities caused by suspended substances, which are contained in the raw water extracted from surface waters or near to surface springs. These aerosols are blocking an effective sterilization by UV rays. SECCUA’s ultra-filtration systems are characterized by a high performance and an easy, cost-saving installation. Furthermore, the units offer an excellent opportunity for a decentralized water treatment operation due to their self-cleaning mode and their fully automated membrane integrity test. Moreover, the deployed ultra-filtration technology is compatible with other treatment processes like the reverse osmosis for water desalination. Did we arouse your interest? We would like to invite you to contact us regarding this innovative ultrafiltration technology for drinking water treatment.
Dominic John Dipl.-Kfm. (Univ.)
Venturetec GmbH & Co. KG Am Fuchsbogen 7 82256 Fuerstenfeldbruck/Germany Phone.: +49 (0)8141/82960-15 Fax : +49 (0)8141/82960-45 Email: djohn@venturetec.de Web: www.venturetec.de
Urban Mining
Urban Mining – Raw Materials for the Future The use of urban areas as a mine for raw materials is called “urban mining�. It is a term which became more important in the last few years, although several materials have been mined from urban areas for a long time. For example scrap metal is converted again to new metal since decades. Thereby nowadays for metals 20% of the costs for raw materials and 3 % of the costs for energy are reduced. Even from demolition waste new materials are made for other functions. In the recent past the focus was concentrated on the protection of energy supply. The necessity to develop renewable energies was born from the knowledge that fossil energy sources will be available only for a short time. In the meantime it turned out that the atmosphere as a carbon sink will be the limiting factor for a save energy supply in the future and not the energy feedstock. To other raw materials like minerals and metals which are lead to a material utilisation only little attention was payed since a short time. Based on increasing demand on upcoming developing countries, as there is for example China, and outcoming of this the rapid increase of price they became interesting. Beside this, many raw materials which have an availability of a few decades are concentrated on a few countries or companies and so the scarcity
of the materials could be enhanced. Urban Mining thus reduces the dependency on rising raw materials prices and imports. Besides it also saves money. According to an estimate by the Cologne Institute for Economic Research, 3.7 billion euros were saved through the use of recycled materials in 2005. Garbage and waste products are therefore increasingly becoming a popular source of raw materials. Separate collection systems are now standard. For decades companies have developed the recycling industry and use now modern processing techniques. While today metals, plastics, paper, wood, organic waste and minerals are separated and recycled, this was not the case in the past and everything was deposited in landfills and garbage dumps. These resources can also be recovered by urban mining.
Reserves and Resources As shown below, the availability of some fossil energy sources, metals and minerals from natural sources is limited to a short time period. In addition the existences of these lie often in the hand of few countries or companies. Due to a beginning scarcity of single resources and a drastically rising consumption, particularly in the developing countries China and India, resources underwent an immense price augmentation at
international markets. In the last years, the prices have fluctuated a lot. Neither high price phases originated from various speculation strategies nor the dramatic price decline in the past months can be seen as representative. Given the market situation, but also because of environmental degradation and social aspects of extraction from natural sources, the considerations go towards more efficient use of the valuable materials. Thereby waste management becomes the focus of interest for future raw material strategies. The history of waste management shows that before the coming into force of the German waste law in 1972 no uniform rules existed in Germany. Back then, almost everything was deposited on small dumps and just a small fraction was landfilled. With the Waste Management Act of 1986 a comprehensive introduction to the recovery of waste (glass, paper and metals) took place in Germany. From 1994 the waste prevention comes to the fore and a resource saving production became obligation due to the introduction of the recycling and waste management act. Since 2005, untreated waste may no longer be land filled. Currently, Germany takes a leading position in waste management in Europe and the recovery rates have risen up to 70 %. Urban Mining focuses on two fundamental objectives. First, to
Urban Mining
reuse the currently used recyclable materials as much as possible and, second, to reactivate the potential of former land filled recyclables. Because of this historical background, mainly old landfills are a possible source of raw materials. Interesting to recover are the wood and plastic as energy raw materials, metals (scrap iron, aluminium, electronic scrap, copper cable) and possibly certain minerals. Energy Raw Materials The static life time of energy raw materials was determined both regarding the reserves and the total resources (sum of reserves and resources) from data of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources and is shown in Fig. 1. The figure shows that the limitedness of Germany‘s most important energy sources, crude oil and natural gas, is the most critical, while the different coal sorts last still far into the future. However, the main restriction is not only given by the availability of the raw material itself, but also by the climatic problems related to the incineration of fossil fuels. Despite the current decrease of raw materials prices, long-term price augmentation should be expected. Thus, at the same time, energy savings as well as the production of alternative fuels from renewable sources should be pushed. Under these criteria the unused energetic potential of wood and plastics in old waste dumps becomes especially interesting. Furthermore wood, paper and textiles belong to renewable sources of energy. Metals For many years the public discussion was exclusively focused on the availability of the energy raw materials. However, the strong economic development and
Fig. 1: Static life time of non-renewable energy resources (up), selected materials (middle), and metals (bottom)
rapid growth of large national economies in Asia has brought other raw materials into discussion, too. Fig. 1 shows the static life time of the reserves of selected metals. Many of these chemical elements, with a static life time lower than 50 years, are applied as pure metals or as alloy metals in the electronic, machine and equipment construction industries. For example, the world-wide copper reserves are estimated to be approximately 470 million Mg and
are located mainly in Chile (30 %). In the meantime German copper resources have been completely exhausted, meaning that copper has become an exclusively imported good. In addition, the average ore grade of the mined copper has declined in recent years to less than 1 %, whereby the energetic expenditure and the quantity of ecologically problematic residues rose, making copper one of the ten most environmental intensive materials in the world.
Urban Mining
48 Industrial Minerals Seven technically important minerals with short life times are shown also in Fig. 1, again related to the reserves. Fertilization-related elements (e.g. phosphorus, potassium), which cannot be substituted with other substances, are included in this list. Here the realization of an efficient closed loop recycling is indispensable. Despite comparatively long life times, long term procedures which ensure the return of these elements to the agriculture must be developed. Furthermore, stronger restrictions for the exploitation of natural phosphate are foreseeable due to its association with cadmium and uranium. In Germany, more than 240 million Mg of mineral waste is produced annually. This corresponds to about 60 % of the entire waste stream. Particularly interesting for the recovery of metals and minerals are the 15 million Mg of ash and slag from power stations and incineration plants for waste, biomass and sewage sludge, as well as 15 million Mg of slag and dust from the metal production. The biggest quantity of the mineral waste consists of 140 million Mg of soil and stones as well as the 73 million Mg of inert construction waste and roadway rubble.
Fig. 2: Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (www.taz.de)
This estimation can serve as basis for a rough quantitative determination of dumped materials. For the results shown in Fig. 3, waste analyses in different eras were carried out and taken into consideration. Because before 1975 dumped wastes have not been registered and documented at the landfills, the calculated quantities have to be understood rather as of lower delimitation. The recovery of metals from old landfills seems also reasonable in respect to the strongly increasing prices of raw materials. For example, between 2002 and 2007 the price for copper had quadrupled. In a similar way, in the meantime, the scrap metal price has also increased. The scrap metal price in 2008 was around 5,000 â‚Ź/Mg for copper and up to 1,700 â‚Ź/Mg for
aluminum. For scrap steel in 2008 up to 420 â‚Ź/Mg were paid Furthermore, 2.3 million Mg DM of municipal sewage sludge and 1.4 million Mg DM of industrial sludge were produced in Germany in 2006. From it the majority was disposed of in landscaping and agriculture, as well as in combustion plants. Since 2005 sewage sludge may not be deposited untreated in landfills, thus only minor parts of the sludge have been dumped at landfills since 2005. However, in the past, about half of the municipal sewage sludge has been landfilled. From this it can be measured that more than 10 million Mg were disposed in landfills, and with it more than 1 million Mg of phosphate (converted to P2O5) have been withdraw from the material cycle.
Landfills Before 1972, i.e. before the date of the first waste disposal law, almost all waste was disposed of in landfills (see Fig. 2). Together with household waste, ash, sludge and industrial waste have been landfilled too. According to the Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt), approximately 106,000 old landfills exist in Germany, from which the majority were closed before 1975. Based on literature data and after a first estimation, since 1975 about 2.5 billion Mg of municipal, construction and commercial wastes were landfilled.
Fig. 3: Estimation of quantities of individual groups of materials on landfills in Germany
Urban Mining
Tab. 1: Chemical analysis of different ironworks slag
Ironworks Dump During the production of iron, steel and non-ferrous metals a part of the metals remains in the form of metallic inclusions, agglomerates of various alloys or in its oxidic form in the mineral slag. In Germany, over 16 million Mg of metallurgical slag is produced annually in the form of blast furnace slag and/or granulated blastfurnace slag (8.35 million Mg), LD-slag (3.62 million Mg), electrical furnace slag (1.91 million Mg), secondary metallurgical slag (0.98 million Mg), stainless steel slag (0.62 million Mg) and smeltery slag (1.44 million Mg). The blast furnace slag and the granulated blast-furnace slag are used meanwhile to more than 100 %, i.e. previous stock levels are also regenerated again. Currently steelwork slag is deposited at a rate of about 10 %. Thus, it can be assumed that the deposited portion in earlier decades is clearly higher. Hence, smeltery dumpsites offer an interesting valuable material potential. Tab. 1 shows the typical compositions of selected ironworks slag. Apart from the appreciable phosphate content, other elements like chrome and manganese are found in particular in the steelworks slag (OBM, LD and E-furnace slag). In addition the utilization of the wastes from metallurgical processes takes place to a large extent in the construction material industry,
where no specific recovery from metallic recyclable fractions takes place. Calculations to determine the resource content in the deposits from the metallurgy are in progress. Certainly the current prices of raw materials and scrap metals are a long way from reaching their top. Additionally, in the above mentioned examples, the most interesting elements and compounds are often found in very low concentrations. If an economic recovery takes place, it will signify in a raw material shortage and again urban mining will acquire more importance. In the following is shown the exploitation of such resources by the example of slag dump in Sulzbach-Rosenberg. The slag dump in SulzbachRosenberg (Fig. 4) was used since the end of the 19th century as the
disposal site of waste generated from Maxh端tte. Until the closure of the steelworks in 2002, 4.8 million m3 metallurgical residues were deposited on 31.5 ha. Assuming an average density of 1.5 Mg/m3, this is equivalent to approximately 7 million Mg. The slag dump consists essentially of the following groups of materials: About 4.6 million Mg granulated slag, which accrue concurrently with furnace gas dust during the blast furnace process Metallurgical works rubble from blast furnace and steelworks field About 1.24 million Mg steelmaking slag, which accrue as phosphoric slag
Fig. 4: Photo of the slag dump during the renovation, April 2009
Urban Mining
Tab. 2: Amounts of selected recyclables in the slag dump of Sulzbach-Rosenberg
About 0.28 million Mg blast furnace slag – it was accrued since 1988 instead of granulated slag sand because of changeover of the blast furnace process Furnace gas dust and converter dust Oleaginous sludge Applying the known amounts and compositions of the granulated slag, OBM based slag and HO based slag, which constitutes the main components of the slag dump, the theoretical potential of Table 2 is obtained. Because of the very high iron content in blast furnace gas and converter fractions the real potential is significantly higher.
Infrastructure by the example of copper The demand of copper in Germany is 1.7 million Mg/a. Copper
is produced from ore and scrap metal and used as a so-called refined copper in Germany. Because of its good conductivity it is specially used in the electrical (36 %) and in the automotive (6 %) industries, and because of its corrosion resistance it is popular too in the construction industry (16 %) as well as in the machine building industry (40 %). As the German copper deposits are already exhausted, the secondary industry has gained importance. Currently more than 50 % of the German copper production is possible thanks to the recycling industry. Copper containing products are mainly used in long life cycle goods, for example in electronic and construction industry, thus they are removed from cycle of resources. Estimates have shown that this stock is about 10.5 Mg of copper in Germany. Although the
technically recoverable amount of copper in these products is above 90 %, the actual recycling rate in Germany is only 54 %, this in spite of having good technical standards. With the consistent use of these anthropogenic copper deposits, the environmental pollution caused by primary production of copper could be reduced significantly. Fig. 5 shows the CO2 savings by using recycled material in comparison to the primary production. In the past, in Germany, these copper-containing products were usually disposed of in landfills and only in the last 30 years they have been more consistently separated and recycled. However, even today around 36,000 Mg of copper still end in the landfills and thus removed from the economic cycle. The Research Center of Waste and Resource Management of the
Fig. 5: CO2 emissions of primary and recycling processes in comparison [according to Fraunhofer UMSICHT]
Urban Mining TU Vienna examined the raw material situation in Styria and the results have shown that the copper in anthropogenic deposits will double in the next 25 years and the copper in landfills will double in the next 55 years. This means, that anthropogenic deposits grow faster than the landfills. Thus future resources will be held more by the households, infrastructure and industry and less in the landfills. In the latter, its potential should not be underestimated as many old landfills have accumulated valuable resources in the last century. Since the entry of copper into the environment is low, the Research Center of Waste and Resource Management of the TU Vienna expects a solution potential of 20 % copper for the next 10,000 years – and old landfills are in a retreat condition and with new separation processes significant amounts are possible to recover. An important loss of resources exists in outflow of metals within end of lifecycle products like old cars. From the yearly more than 3.2 million vehicles removed from the market, only around half a million is recovered in Germany. A large part goes as used cars for export to EU countries, but also to West Africa (100,000 – 130,000 vehicles per year), Eastern Europe or in other states (Middle East
Fig. 6: Slag discharge of the Landshut waste incineration plant
and South America). Because of the car-scrap bonus more cars will be recycled inland, so important resources stay in Germany. Regarding the amounts of copper, which can be found in anthropogenic reservoirs, no reliable data is available. In this respect, investigations are taking place to a greater extent in Germany.
Waste incineration slag In 2007, around 4.45 million Mg of slag were produced in German waste incineration plants (Fig. 6) – which represents an average of 250 kg of slag per Mg of waste – and about 740,000 Mg of fly ash. In the latter, the reaction products from flue gas cleaning are included. Around 85 % of the slag
volume is recovered and only a small part, approximately 670,000 Mg, was disposed of. For example the recycling of iron scrap is one of these kinds of utilization. Around 330,000 Mg of them were separated from the slag – which is about 8 % of tap cinder. However, since the scrap fraction is expected to be about 50 % impurities, the yield of the pure quantity of iron is only about 165,000 Mg and 10 kg/Mg waste input. Some of the non-ferrous metals are also recovered from the waste incineration slag. Figure 7 shows the allocation of different kinds of slag utilization. It is based on a survey on operators of waste incineration plants where the amounts of residues were identified. Besides the use of slag in road construction, the slag is used in landfill construction, for the mine filling or disposed of in landfills. The use of slag as aggregate for asphalt production and recycling of glass from recycled waste products is still under investigation. The fly ash, however, because of its high level of environmental pollutants, requires special supervision. In 2003, 93 % were recovered in the mine filling and 7 % was disposed of in landfills. If these figures are allocated to the year 2007, then around 688,000 Mg were recovered in mine filling
Fig. 7: Waste incineration residues in Mg: annual amounts of 2007 (left) with indicating the slag utilization methods (right)
Urban Mining
52 and the remaining 52,000 Mg were landfilled. With legal validity of ordinance for the utilization of waste on landfills pertaining new limit values for harmful substances were appointed. But these limit values are often exceeded by filter dusts. Thus, the fly ash should now be exclusively used in the mine filling. Filter dusts are used for filling former adits or they are added to construction material, which is used in mining to reinforce and face adits. But at this unspecific utilization, resources get lost in the underground.
Summary The recycling of valuable raw materials will become increasingly important in the following years. The “mine: urban area” brings unused opportunities. While the recycling potential of waste has been largely developed and included in today‘s opportunities, urban mining increases this potential by recovering already discarded materials in old landfills. Large amounts of wood and plastics, as well as metals (iron, aluminium, copper) and possibly certain minerals are found in old municipal waste landfills. Estimates of the amounts produced since 1975 show that about 178 million Mg of plastics, 83 million Mg of iron, and 13 million Mg of non-ferrous metals are found in German landfills. Until 1975 a much lower amount of
waste was collected separately, thus the estimate for older landfills is much greater. In the example of copper, it is shown that in spite of today‘s technologically advanced and intensive waste separation and recycling, only 54 % of it is recycled. With the household waste only about 36,000 Mg of the material is lost each year. In this sense, the current recycling rate can be improved by regeneration of old landfills and more efficient recycling methods. Wastes from the iron and steel production are now largely recovered. Old ironworks dumps contain, however, large amounts of metals. Here the residue from the stainless steel production results of special interest because it contains many valuable alloy elements such as chromium and manganese. According to preliminary assessments, at least 251,000 Mg of iron, 33,000 Mg manganese and 15,000 Mg of chromium oxide are buried in the slag dump in SulzbachRosenberg. The waste incineration slag as a residue of the thermal treatment of waste also offers a large resource potential. Currently about 85 % of it is already being recovered in Germany. In contrast, the filter and flue gas cleaning residues can exclusively be deposited in mine filling because of the current legal requirements. But this is only an unspecific kind of utilization of raw materials.
Authors: Dr. Mario Mocker Head of Materials and Residues Department
Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Fabian Stenzel Researcher, Department Thermal processes
Dipl.-Ing. Ingrid Löh Researcher, Department Materials and Residues
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Faulstich Chairman of the Board of Management
Contact: ATZ Entwicklungszentrum An der Maxhütte 1 92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg Phone: 09661 908-400 Fax: 09661 908-469 E-Mail: info@atz.de Web: www.atz.de
As a result of the takeover of CHP manufacturer Kuntschar + Schlüter, Wolfhagen, founded in 1978, Wolf has been able to expand its product range of effi cient energy saving systems to include an additional future-orientated product group. These CHP units can be used with renewable fuels such as biogas or sewer gas, and have an output range of 50 to 2000 kW. A CHP unit essentially consists of a combustion engine, a generator and heat exchangers. The primary energy source may be natural gas, sewer gas or biogas. The gas combustion engine drives the generator. With this generator, a proportion of the energy used is converted into power. The power is fed into the public grid or transferred directly to the power supply utility. The current construction and quality of the Wolf CHP units are the result of joint product development, as well as Kuntschar + Schlüter’s 30 years of experience. In conjunction with the service departments, products have been created that feature high reliability and good accessibility, and that can truly be called „compact“ modules.
Refernce: Combined heat and power generation at Mainburg sewage works Since early 2007, the „Betriebsund Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH Mainburg“ (Mainburg Operating & Development Company – BEM),
Aerial view of Mainburg sewage works
as the operator of the Mainburg sewage works, has been producing part of its operating power itself and uses the waste heat from the CHP unit to heat the digestion tank and the company premises. Prior to this, the sewage works underwent general renovations between 2000 – 2002, in conjunction with an extension of capacity and installation of a third cleaning stage. As part of the renovations, the old boiler that had been installed in 1967 to heat the digestion tank and company premises was replaced. Digestion tanks are used to „settle out“ the sludge from the biological stage and the preliminary settlement tank at a temperature of approx. 35 °C. This process creates energy-rich gas with a composition of approx. 70% methane and 30% CO2. The operator no longer wanted the sewer gas to be combusted in the boiler or for the excess to be burnt off, but rather requested a CHP unit. However, due to the pricing structure of fuel oil (for emergency heating
of the digestion tank) and electricity at the time of the renovations, this was not economically viable. Once the digestion tank had been modernised, i.e. the new heater bank, new pipework and completely new thermal insulation had been installed, it transpired that the yield of sewer gas had risen signifi cantly. This could partly be traced back to the additional drain line from previously unconnected neighbouring boroughs, but also to the optimisation of the digestion process. In the meantime, prices for fuel oil and electricity rose far enough that the installation of a Wolf CHP unit became worthwhile from an economic perspective. The combined heat and power unit is driven by a MAN engine and comes installed readywired in a container. It produces 52 kW electrical output and 80 kW thermal output, and therefore perfectly suits the predicted rise in digested sludge. To reduce emissions, the engine is operated with a lean fuel/air ratio with an air excess of Lambda = 1.3 to 1.5.
Wolf GmbH Industriestraße 1 D-84048 Mainburg Tel.: +49(0)8751/74-0 Fax: +49(0)8751/74-1600 info@wolf-heiztechnik.de www.wolf-heiztechnik.de
Combined heat and power units
Wolf tops its range of systems with CHP units from 50 kW to 2000 kW
Will the future of drive technology come from Bavaria?
Great German inventors such as Philipp Reis, Konrad Zuse, Carl Benz, Rudolf Diesel and Hugo Junkers not only left their mark on their epoch but changed and shaped the world with lasting effect with their developments and ideas. Significant technical achievements, from which we still profit today, were mainly conceived by committed individuals and small teams and were often realised against great resistance and difficulties. Today, there is a widely spread opinion that the time of great individual inventors has passed and that only large groups of companies are still successfully making pioneering inventions, with their financial influence and their large research teams. Nevertheless, there continue to be innovative inventors of patents and companies supported by creative personalities who have the potential to influence our future significantly with their ideas and developments. This includes also the company
The TEGRAN engine offers many advantages compared to reciprocating piston engines, but also with other rotating or planetary piston engines. The most important advantageous characteristics are: The rotational movement enables a complete mechanical alancing in the engine. Lower installation volume and also less weight than other engines High performance, even in the case of small cubic capacity A simple principle realized with few components No loss of performance by the conversion of a linear piston stroke to a rotating movement Superlative concentricity characteristics; thereby high smoothness of running Even distribution of the thermal load Any number of modules can be combined with and added to a drivetrain
Grandy Motoren Deutschland GmbH in Neubeuern near Rosenheim in Germany. The Company is concerned with the development and construction of energy-saving and efficient engines. A patented, completely novel engine principle, called the TEGRAN engine, forms the central focus of the Company. The TEGRAN engine is a rotation segment piston engine that is run with fossil or renewable fuel, as an internal-combustion engine. Its operation with hydrogen gas has also been planned as an option for the future. The uncomplicated structure, where the number of moving parts has
been reduced to a minimum, and the fact that all moving parts make rotating movements exclusively ensure a significantly improved level of effectiveness of the TEGRAN engine in comparison with the principles of engines known up to now. The TEGRAN principle enables different variants, as a 2-stroke, 4-stroke or even a 6-stroke engine (4-stroke plus two cycles of rinsing the combustion chamber). The principle of the structure, the sequence of movements and the operating principle of the TEGRAN engine are explained graphically by a computer animation on the website of the Company (www.grandy-motoren.de).
TEGRAN-engine The significantly better effectiveness of the TEGRAN engine can mainly be explained by the fact that this principle unites the specific advantages of reciprocating piston engines and planetary piston engines. In principle, it is possible to say that the TEGRAN engine works in accordance with a modified reciprocating piston principle and therefore does not have to cope with the disadvantages of a Wankel engine. The distribution of heat within the engine is even significantly better than that of reciprocating piston engines, because it is almost evenly distributed in the case of the TEGRAN engine. In all internal combustion engines, forty-five per cent of the energy used is released as heat, even in the ideal process. For this reason, an additional patent for a subsidiary drive that additionally converts this heat into momentum, instead of conducting it away unused through the engine cooling as has been the case up to now, was registered. A special fluid, the boiling point of which is lower than 75 째C but above 50 째C in the pressure ratio selected, is used for this. The engine heat can thus be converted into momentum and made useful to the propulsion by means of a steam motor working in accordance with the TEGRAN principle. The TEGRAN engine can be used both as an individual component and can be combined to a drivetrain on a joint axle by an angularly displaced combination of TEGRAN components in any number. At the same time, the special construction of the drive axle proves to be an additional, wide-ranging advantage. The drive axle can be rotated in the working direction almost loadfree, as during free-wheeling, if the engine is not running. This makes it possible to switch individual TEGRAN components on the drivetrain on or off easily.
With a drivetrain consisting of three TEGRAN components, it is, e.g., possible to switch off up to two components, in order to maintain the speed reached after a phase of acceleration, and to switch them on again for increased acceleration. In addition, the free-running axle enables the operation of the subsidiary drive on the same axle, which, depending on the waste heat arising, additionally provides for propulsion in a fuel-saving manner.
The TEGRAN drivetrain can additionally be expanded by an electric motor or a generator. This combination will form an ideal hybrid drive unit, because it is possible to switch between electric drive and combustion operation easily, without additional clutch or transmission. From the ecological and economic point of view and with regard to resources that are becoming more and more scarce and increasingly
56 expensive, the TEGRAN engine will be a suitable drive technology for the future. In order to achieve a fast and comprehensive distribution of his engine for vehicles, ships and aeroplanes, Mr Grandy is looking for suitable licence partners from the respective industrial sectors. Production costs, reliability and fuel consumption are decisive factors for success in the current competitive situation of car manufacturers. The company that recognizes and uses the potential and the opportunities of this novel concept early enough will be able to exploit them to its advantage. Apart from this, the optimizations of combustion, such as direct injection, stratification and combustion control, which have to date been developed for the fourstroke engine and the current exhaust treatment, including the controls developed for it, can be transferred to the TEGRAN engine because of the maintenance of the piston principle. The Grandy Motoren Deutschland GmbH Company itself, with its highly motivated team, is concentrating on the construction of the TEGRAN engine as a steam engine, the so-called TEGRAN Steamer. Steam engines are in demand everywhere where it is important to convert heat into movement and thus also into electrical energy. This can be either waste heat arising from industrial processes or, for example, during the waste incineration, or even the use of steam arising from geothermic plants, from conventional steam power stations or co-generating plants operated with renewable raw materials. Steam engines are also a particularly efficient alternative to steam turbines in solar power stations. In principle, the TEGRAN Steamer is significantly more economical and efficient than the steam turbines and can be used any-
where where turbines are still being used up to now. Apart from this, turbines are only practical from a certain size on, due to their design. The TEGRAN Steamer can be built in any size and can therefore also be used where turbines are not practical. In addition to this, the TEGRAN Steamer can, based on the same principle as the subsidiary drive described above, use and efficiently convert significantly lower heat potential that would, however, not be sufficient to operate a turbine. The most important advantages of the TEGRAN Steamer compared to the turbine are: The TEGRAN Steamer, as a gas pressure engine, does not have a minimum rotational speed. By using a piston principle, a massive load uncoupling independent of the rotational speed is possible. In the TEGRAN Steamer, there will not be any slipping problems or unused pressure gas, because of the over-streaming across blade wheels. The necessity of rotating fast does not exist in the case of the TEGRAN Steamer; bearing loads and friction losses are thereby reduced. The TEGRAN Steamer can be operated directly with the rotational speed of the generator to be driven. Therefore, no additional drive is necessary. Thus, the friction losses are also reduced. The TEGRAN Steamer does not have to be manufactured with extreme precision, as is the case with a turbine; to this extent, it can be offered at a more favourable price. The fact that the TEGRAN Steamer is smaller than a turbine corresponding in performance and also consists of fewer moving parts reduces the susceptibility to repairs and lowers maintenance costs.
Under the umbrella of the Arabian company INGENIUM GLOBAL ENTERPRISES Limited, the Grandy Motoren Company developed an overall concept and a modular design for the realization of different types of power stations for the highly efficient use of solar energy and other alternative forms of energy, in co-operation with other innovative companies, such as SOLAR CONVEX GmbH. This concept is not only distinguished by the modular design but in particular the conclusive overall solution up to the storage and transportation of the electrical energy generated. May be the hydrogen generated by solar energy in this type of power plants will be the boundlessly available, environmentally-friendly fuel that propels the TEGRAN engines in our vehicles in the future. We can only hope that Mr Grandy will succeed, like my grandfather, Hugo Junkers, in realizing his visions single-mindedly, with personal commitment and determination and, in particular, in bringing the TEGRAN engine into use in mass production with the help of suitable licensing partners, in the interest of our environments and to the benefit of the public at large. Author: Yvo Junkers
Contact: Elmar Grandy GRANDY MOTOREN Deutschland GmbH Georg-Wiesbรถck-Ring 9 D-83115 Neubeuern Phone: +49(0)8035/965 400 Fax: +49(0)8035/965 444 E-Mail: info@grandy-motoren.de
Grünbeck – Water is our passion management system DIN EN ISO 14001:2004. Water is our most important food. With our performance, we at Grünbeck want to impress our customers and offer them the customised solution they need for their water. This includes products and processes that are scientifically verifiable and proven, a high quality consciousness in all areas and satisfied partners and employees.
Brief profile: Supplier of products and processes for water treatment Founded in: 1949 More than 700 employees in the Grünbeck group of companies Turnover of approx. 100 million Euros
The innovation in the softening technology for trade and industry: Delta-p
some of which are registered in several countries – as well as 27 patents/utility models underline this fact. Our utmost objective is to offer our customers the best product quality technically feasible. The certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 as well as numerous country-specific quality certificates corroborate Grünbeck‘s philosophy. Ecological aspects are important to us as well: the company is certified according to the environmental
Certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2000 and numerous country-specific quality certificates as well as DIN EN ISO 14001 : 2004 Main fields of activity: residential applications, swimming pool technology, hygiene/health industry, food and beverage industry, power stations, water supply
Contact: Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH Industriestr. 1 89420 Höchstädt a. d. Donau/Germany Phone.: +49 9074 41-0 Fax: +49 9074 41-100 E-Mail: info@gruenbeck.de www.gruenbeck.de
Water Treatment
For many years, Grünbeck has been one of the most successful and most renowned companies in the water treatment business in Europe. With a highly motivated staff, innovative technology and a world-wide distribution network, we offer a comprehensive performance portfolio in nearly all areas related to the improvement of water quality and water treatment. As an independent, medium-sized company with yearly external sales of almost 100 million Euros, Grünbeck provides highest expertise with regard to planning, designing, constructing and maintaining technical water treatment systems – no matter whether household, trade or industry is concerned. Grünbeck‘s history began 60 years ago in Hoechstaedt on the river Danube when Loni and Josef Grünbeck founded the company ”Wasserchemie und Apparatebau“. Since then Grünbeck has enjoyed continuous growth in turnover, employees and production capacity at the company‘s headquarters. 25 locations in Germany and a world-wide presence in all important markets ensure the close contact with our customers. Highly qualified teams of the Grünbeck group of companies are successfully dealing with country-specific requirements and the most different water qualities all over the world. Innovation and research are the driving motors of Grünbeck‘s development. 49 trademarks –
Biomass and Geothermal Energy – The ideal combination for supplying heat
Biomass and Geothermal Energy
What's special: base load from renewables With biomass and deep geothermal sources, Bavaria possesses a considerable potential of two renewable sources of energy, both of which can be used for base-load supply. Energy is used in Bavaria – as in the rest of Germany – mainly for heating homes and hot water. The potential for reduction of carbon-dioxide emissions is especially large here. High temperatures can be generated from biomass. However, it is scarce and the prices for raw materials are rising. Geothermal energy is present in relative abundance, expensive and time-consuming to develop, but then available at stable prices – but often at a very low temperature level. Therefore, a forward-looking approach is to use biomass and geothermal energy in combination – optimized with storage technology, where applicable – for heat supply, so as to bundle their respective technical and economic advantages.
The technology: supplying base, intermediate, and peak load Regenerative sources of energy such as biomass are employed for heat supply in large facilities, and in district-heating systems, for covering the base load (the demand that is uniform almost all year round) when possible. This is for economic reasons. The equipment for utilizing renewable energy is considerably more expensive than the equipment for utilizing fossil energy media, causing high capital costs. On the other hand, the costs of the fuel are lower than for fossil fuels. In order to operate renewable heating systems pro-
fitably and competitively, their expensive technology must be employed with an optimum load factor, in other words, in a base-load operation. A conventional peak-load boiler only needs to fill in if there is an an outage or on cold winter days. In the case of a wood-chip heating plant that is used purely for space heating, one would dimension it so that about two-thirds to three-quarters of the maximum demand is covered by the base load, for an economic optimum. The result is that more than 90% of the annual quantity of heat can usually be provided by the base-load facility. The fullutilization hours (Vbh) as a characteristic parameter of the ratio of heat generated to heating capacity then amount to 2,500 to 4,000 hours per year, as a rule. With respect to the entire year of 8,766 hours, this means a utilization factor of about 30% to 45%. A geothermal-energy based heating supply is considerably different. Because of the high costs of the geothermal wells, it is even more capital-intensive than, say, a woodchip-fired boiler. For this reason, more intensive utilization of 6,000 Vbh/a, better yet over 7,000 Vbh/a, should be achieved. This corresponds to a utilization factor of 70% to 80%. So, for an economic optimum, the geothermal base load must not amount to more than 30% to 50% of the maximum demand. Despite this, the optimization process in a geothermal project must proceed in the opposite direction. The thermal output is neither known before drilling, nor can it be chosen freely according to the plan-
ned connected capacity, in the way a conventional base-load boiler is dimensioned. Thus, in an economically optimized geothermal project, the connected capacity must be adjusted to the result of the drilling, in the context of the potential customer structure, and increased until the maximum demand amounts to about two or three times the geothermal output. In the residential structures common in Bavaria, this is only possible with a district-heating network and only in supply areas with about four to six thousand inhabitants. As energy prices continue to rise, this limit drops, so that smaller supply areas can also be supplied renewably by means of geothermal energy.
A forward-looking concept: hybrid projects A heat supply from a geothermal district-heating grid is becoming less and less expensive compared to conventional heating. The more and the faster the price gap between geothermal and fossilfuel heating widens, the more and the faster heat consumers in a locality with a geothermal supply will wish to convert to the novel source of energy, until there is complete coverage in the whole area. Depending on the thermal capacity of the double well, it has to be decided how the output of the project can be increased to meet the rise in demand. This is where biomass comes in: biomass is considered the ideal supplement for increasing the total capacity of a geothermal project, because it is perfect for interme-
Biomass and Geothermal Energy diate-load coverage, due to its modest specific capital costs. A biomass-fired intermediate-load boiler already makes economic sense in a heating system at a lower number of full-utilization hours than the geothermal double well in base-load operation. For this reason, the overall economic viability of a local or district heating scheme is improved if a wood-chip heating plant is employed as am intermediate-load component, in addition to the geothermal base-load facility. In addition, there is the environmental effect: since in a larger project, more fossil-fuel heating systems are replaced by a connection to the district-heating grid, the reduction in carbon-dioxide emissions is larger. Thus economical and ecological benefits go hand in hand. Biomass in the form of wood chips and geothermal energy are the ideal combination for comprehensive area heat supply from renewables. The diagrams illustrate this development for an imaginary example with a geothermal capacity of 6 megawatts. The optimum for the actual use of biomass is about three to eight years after the launch of the geothermal project, depending on the speed of expansion and percentage of connection to the district-heating grid. The use of this intermediate-load component must be provided for in the supply concept and the construction of the plant. But before implementation, it will be necessary to check again exactly under the circumstances then existing, on the base of which fuel and in what scope this intermediate-load system is to be implemented. Under present conditions, the use of wood chips makes particularly good sense. On the one hand, wood as a fuel generates added value for farming, and especially for forestry; and on the other hand wood chips — in contrast to
When the grid is only partly built, all the thermal energy can be provided by the geothermal source (except during maintenance and outages) (1). As the grid is extended, it is necessary to provide supplementary heating on cold days in winter with conventional fuels (2). The economic optimum for supplementary heating has been exceeded (3). The wood-chip heating plant as an intermediate-load component is worth having (4).
Biomass and Geothermal Energy
60 plants such as maize — are not competing with food production. This reduces problems of acceptance and the risk of a multiple demand for biomass as a source of energy, for heat, biogas, biodiesel, etc. Here too, however, only untreated wood from forestry and sawmill scraps should be utilized as fuel, so as not to risk the environmentally sound heating supply from geothermal and biomass energy being maliciously discredited as a disguised “incinerator”.
The economics: hybrid projects are profitable At least two hybrid heating projects will be implemented near Munich with drilling starting in 2008. The feasibility studies have shown that the profitability of each project is substantially improved by the combination of the two sources of energy. In addition, dependence on one of the two is reduced. In one aspect, all the projects, whether already being implemented or still in planning, are the same: the construction of a heat-supply infrastructure is capital-intensive, and cannot be realized without several years of losses. They start making money about eight to fifteen years after the start of the project. The initial losses are made up for — calculated at nominal or cash values — 15 to 25 years after the start of the project, when the project is amortized.
A special application: biomass and low temperature geothermal To date, biomass and geothermal energy have been combined in order to optimize a supply project; they must be combined if low-temperature geothermal supplies — below about 70°C — in the northern part of the Bavarian molasse basin are to be exploited economically. Here, neither the thermal capacity of the geothermal double well, nor the temperature of the water is sufficient to
establish a district-heating supply. Only the additional installation of a wood-chip boiler supplies the necessary thermal capacity for an economically viable project. The biomass boiler also ensures an advance-leg temperature of 8090°C for the district-heating grid, so that fossil-fueled reheating is not necessary. This approach can also be reversed: an expanding purely biomass-based heating project can be optimized financially, if biomass prices continue to rise, by integrating a low-temperature base-load band from geothermal energy into the utility's concept. Due to the lesser depths for exploitation, the drilling costs are lower. The project simulations show that more rises in energy prices will be needed for hybrid low-temperature geothermal projects to experience a boom comparable to the current projects in and around Munich. But a further increase of 10-20% in energy prices would already be sufficient for this.
hermore, with these hybrid heating projects, regional or local added value replaces energy imports. It should also be emphasized that here an efficient and environmental — and base-loadcapable! — energy supply grid is being established without subsidies. For district heating can and must hold its ground in a competitive environment against other sources of energy such as oil and natural gas.
Dr. rer. pol. Thomas Reif Dipl.-Volksw., Rechtsanwalt, FAfStRt
[Gaßner, Groth, Siederer & Coll.] Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten
Berlin · Köln · Frankfurt (O) · Augsburg
The construction of a combined biomass-geothermal district-heating grid is sustainably profitable in an environment of rising oil and gas prices, provided a certain minimum consumption is assured. As primary-energy prices continue to rise, such heating projects can be implemented economically at locations with lower and lower thermal-water temperatures. The project initiator must have plenty of staying power, in view of the lengthy amortization period and the eight to fifteen years until the break-even point is reached. Thus it is mainly municipalities at present which are devoting themselves to this infrastructure, for whom the idea of making a profit only plays a secondary role besides the objectives of a permanently affordable energy supply for their population and avoidance of carbon-dioxide emissions. Furt-
Büro Augsburg Provinostrasse 52 86153 Augsburg Tel.: 0821/74 77 82-0 Fax: 0821/74 77 82-10 reif@ggsc.de www.geothermiekompetenz.de
Dipl.-Ing. Werner Seichter
IB NEWS GmbH Ingenieurbüro für Neue Energietechnologien Meilerstr. 14 D-83607 Holzkirchen Phone: 08024/479333 Fax: 08024/479311 E-mail: Biomasse@IB-NEWS.de www.IB-NEWS.de
Wind Power by Wind Tower
Viewed worldwide, the wind industry is one of the fastest growing branches of the economy. Statistical surveys of this industry confirm that since the year 2000, its global sales have increased at an average of 30 percent per year1. It is thought that this economic trend will not be greatly affected in the year 2009 by the current financial crisis. Forecasts of the German Wind Energy Institute (DEWI) predict a continuous annual growth of 20 percent by the year 2015. These estimates are mainly supported by the general political effort protecting the climate. A decision from the European Union (EU) provides an EU-wide binding target of a 20 percent share in energy supply (electricity, heat, traffic) for renewables by 20202. 1
Vgl. Pullen et al. (2009), S. 10. Vgl. VDMA Power Systems Bundesverband Windenergie (Hrsg.) (2009), S. 7.
Wind Industry
VENTURETEC is a global acting consulting and service company for small and medium-sized businesses. Apart from the industrial sectors medical technology, security and industry automation, VENTURETEC is concentrating mainly in the field of environmental technology including renewables. The main activities for these areas are the market introduction of future development of technology and the extension of the current systems. Moreover, VENTURETEC operates as a commercial agency for high-tech products and supports companies in procuring capital. At the moment, VENTURETEC is taking part in the development of an innovative wind power station which is called „Wind Tower“. The system brings an extremely high efficiency already at low wind speeds which will lead to great potential for the onshore markets.
Wind Industry
Comparsion between the Wind Tower and Horizontal Axis Plants
These days, modern wind turbines use lifting forces instead of resistant forces. The passing wind
generates a lift at the wings which rotates the plant. In years to come, the industry‘s main research inte-
Concept design of the Wind Tower (Graphic: red-light-design)
rests are geared to reducing costs, increasing plant availability and improving the environmental performance. Moreover, the increasingly powerful plants maximize the general network conditions. The basic advantages of wind energy are obvious. During operation, the plants are not wasting any fossil fuels and are not emitting climatedamaging gases. Beyond that, the input energy for the production of a plant lasts on average of three to six months and the economic benefits are also obvious. The rural areas of Germany are benefiting especially from the reduction of the raw material imports eradicating the extra outside costs and creating new jobs. As well as the considerable advantages of this innovative techno-
Wind Industry
63 modular construction, the low weight, the easy transportation and the easy installation bring very low costs and at the same time, the “Wind Tower” features a number of positive soft factors such as very low noise emission and hardly any visible movement. After a successful testing, the project team wants to reach serial production in two years at the latest and, ties with universities, engineering offices and production plants have been established. Moreover, we invite interested partners and investors to contact VENTURETEC.
Literature Wind tunnel measurements with a Wind Tower Module (Graphic: red-light-design)
logy, there is still great scope for improvement. First and foremost, the installation of wind wheels leads to massivee landscape changes. The people living nearby are also disturbed by the shadow cast and acoustic emission of the rotating plants, extra problems arise from the general effects of wind, which blows internmittently and cannot be stored. It is impossible to make an exact prediction of the wind forces and corresponding amounts of energy and neither is it possible to store the kinetic energy of the wind and convert it into electric current at a later time. At present, wind energy could be better used if the wind would blow with a constant strength over longer periods of time. It is an extremely complex task to align the temporary consumption peaks with electricity from wind turbines and other sources of energy are currently indispensable3. A current debate between wind park operators and the German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) highlights one of the unexpected problems of the industry. Points of contention are the so-called 3
Vgl. Wiegand (2009)
„Radar Shadows“, which emerge from rotating wings of closely together standing wind turbines. The Bundeswehr argues that the shadows prohibit the detection of oncoming planes and therefore many wind park projects are blocked. VENTURETEC is a technology consultancy situated in the metropolitan area of Munich/Germany. At the moment, VENTURETEC is developing along with several partners, an innovative wind power station. The required patents have been applied and are awaiting grants. The project called “Wind Tower” is dealing with a special construction for an optimized wind feeding for vertical axis plants. As well as a higher efficiency, the system offers the advantage that it produces energy already at very low wind speeds and this is confirmed by measurements in the wind tunnel. VENTURETEC estimates a steady energy production of up to the time period of 85 percent within one year in onshore regions. These areas are very often difficult to develop but due to the high efficiency of the plant, fast progress can be made. Also, the
Pullen, Angelika; Qiao, Liming; Sawyer, Steve (2009): Global Wind 2008 Report, Brüssel (Global Wind Energy Council), 2009. VDMA Power Systems Bundesverband Windenergie (Hrsg.) (2009): Wachstumsbranche Windindustrie, in: Die Windindustrie in Deutschland – Wirtschaftsreport 2009, 2009, S. 6-7. Wiegand, Ralf (2009): Kampf gegen Windmühlen, in Süddeutsche Zeitung, Ausgabe 15.09.2009.
Author: Dipl.-Kfm. (Univ.) Ville Dollhofer
venturetec GmbH & Co. KG Am Fuchsbogen 7 82256 Fürstenfeldbruck Germany Phone: +49 (0)8141/82960-10/14 Fax : +49 (0)8141/82960-40/44 E-Mail: vdollhofer@venturetec.de www.venturetec.de
Muhr – engineering that combines ecology with economy
Since its foundation in 1959 the Muhr Company for planning and installation of milling and silo facilities was engaged in using waterpower and handling bulk material. Over the years the main scopes of business, Hydropower/Wastewater-/Processing Water Technology and Bulk Material Technology developed from that. Thereby environmental protection and resource management always is a primary objective of each development.
In times of rising environmental awareness hydropower proves to be one of the most efficiently usable sources of energy. To meet the tremendous demand of energy worldwide there will have to be build numerous of new power plants as well as already existing plants will have to upgrade their capacity. A best possible utilisation of the available water pressure is the main objective in this connection. Unlike the turbine technology, which enables only minimal improvements in efficiency in spite of high costs, a consistent cleaning of the bar screens reaches increases of the efficiency factor up to 10% and even more. With more than 800 systems installed worldwide, Muhr is the leading manufacturer of Trash Rack Cleaning Systems and has an important share in producing clean electric energy therefore. In addition to the considerably optimized rate of flow at the bar screens Trash Rack Cleaning Systems care for a reliable function of hydro power plants in general. By avoiding turbine deactivations due to blocked bar screens the annual
Muhr Headquarter in Brannenburg / Germany
production of electric energy gets maximized. Muhr Trash Rack Cleaning Systems always get
HYDRONIC – 3500 at the E.ON Hydroelectric Power Plant Schlüsselburg
adapted to the existent buildings and structures of the power plant which makes them integratable almost everywhere. In addition to the main types of construction (hydraulic or rope system) numerous of versions and combinations are realizable. Depending on the respective requirements the experts of Muhr individually develop the optimum concept for the customer. The series HYDRONIC (hydraulic system) and CATRONIC (rope
2x CATRONIC SV at New Naga Hammadi Barrage (Egypt)
system) are fully automatic systems which makes them highly economic for the operating company. Muhr generally emphasizes a very robust kind of design for reaching maximum reliability with minimum maintenance. Muhr Trash Rack Cleaners achieve cleaning depths of more than 60m and allow operating at nearly unlimited bar screen breadths in mobile version. In addition to these power-plantspecific applications Muhr Trash Rack Cleaning Systems also fulfil important ecologic duties: Any sorts of waste and floating debris get removed from waters which
HYDRONIC TD-260 at the Wastewater Treatment Plant Richardson (USA)
has positive effects on water quality as well as on flood control. This quite designated side effect
Dust-free, closed bulk loading into a silo-truck
turns into a main application in water-supply- and disposal-facilities. In this area Muhr offers fully automatically operating cleaning systems for coarse and fine racks in wastewater treatment plants, rain spillway basins, pumping stations and so on. These systems save machineries as well as nature. Cost- and labour-intensive failures like clogged stirring units or pumps, etc. become a thing of the past. In order to avoid environmental impacts due to the cleaning machine itself, Muhr uses a design that eliminates a possible contact between waters and greasy or oily machine parts. The second big expertise of Muhr is the development of high quality bulk loading solutions. Thereby Muhr made it their business to
realize loadings in a dust-free way. Dust, whether toxic or not, which arises during loading eventually represents a substantial environment pollution. All the more Muhr is proud of being able to provide even several solutions for closed bulk loading into tank trucks or the like. Those not only offer optimal working conditions for the operating personal concerning health and safety but also work very economic because of the high efficient aspiration and the automatic filter cleaning. Beyond Muhr holds a diversified selection of further loading systems – closed or open loading (onto ships, wagons, dumps, etc.), or combined as well. A very common problem of many loading systems is the too concentrated product amassment which leads to an unsatisfying utilization of the transporting capacity. Muhr solved this problem in terms of a product spreader which increases the filling ratio up to 30% and decreases transport costs accordingly. In short – a plus of economy, a plus for environment. Development and Production of Systems for Hydroelectric Power Plants Water- and Wastewater Treatment Bulk Material Handling
Florian Kufner Technical Editor
MUHR Gesellschaft für Planung, Maschinen- und Mühlenbau Erhard Muhr mbH Grafenstr. 27 83098 Brannenburg/Germany Phone: +49 (0) 8034 9072 0 Fax: +49 (0) 8034 9072 24 E-mail: info@muhr.com www.muhr.com
Water is Life Globally Active – at Home in Bavaria Tradition and Progress In 1872 the HUBER SE family acquired a coppersmith business that had existed since 1786 in the Bavarian town of Berching. Today the HUBER SE, still owned by the family, is an engineering company with worldwide more than 700 employees and revenues of over 110 million Euros.
Range of Activities HUBER has been active in the water and wastewater industry for many decades. In Berching the company manufactures machinery and equipment from high-quality stainless steels for water & sewage systems and for solid/liquid separation. HUBER SE also and increasingly supplies integrated solutions and systems for the treatment of municipal and industrial water and wastewater, including the treatment of thereby generated sludge and solid waste, as well as for material and energy recovery.
Global Water Challenges Not only oil, but also clean water resources are becoming depleted. 5,000 people, most of them children, die every day because they have no access to clean drinking water. Kofi Annan, General Secretary of the UN, stated: “Nothing would do more to reduce disease and save lives than bringing safe water and adequate sanitation to all.”
Membranes produces service water from wastewater
from bathrooms and kitchens (grey water) are separately collected and treated in demonstration plants. Grey water is transformed into disinfected service water for irrigation of the company park and for toilet flushing. Urine is concentrated to fertilizer. Brown water is turned into energy-rich biogas and bio-solids for soil improvement.
Wastewater is Resource
Freshwater, fertilizer and energy can be recovered from wastewater. HUBER SE engineers are convinced that decentralized reuse solutions are most promising for sustainable development.
With dogged pioneering spirit HUBER SE developed, tested and introduced many innovative technologies that later became the globally accepted state of the art. Many national and international patents were granted for Huber inventions.
Awards und Honours
Huber-machines in China
They have developed a number of processes and systems that could and should be used to mitigate or even solve the global water challenges, e.g. so-called membrane bio-reactors for the production of service water from wastewater, whereby the generated service water is even in compliance with the EU bathing water directive. In the HUBER SE office building in Berching, urine (yellow water), toilet flush water containing faecal matter (brown water) and effluent
Hans Huber was awarded the 2006 German Environment Prize honouring the company‘s development of efficient and robust technologies for wastewater treatment and freshwater processing that are especially beneficial for developing and emerging countries. He was also awarded with the Bavarian Order of Merit and granted an honorary doctorate by the Technical University of Munich. But Huber does not only receive honours and awards, the company in return awards prizes to young scientists. Contact: HUBER SE Industriepark Erasbach A1 92334 Berching/Germany Christian Stark Phone: +49 (0) 8462/201-380 E-Mail: christian.stark@huber.de
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