1 minute read
Scene 1: The Court of Prince John: by J.M. Martin –horogoo
Scene 2: The Village of Nottingham trings babeL by gustavo bravEtti all star English MaDrigal by g. caMP arr. n. howE – choir you by b. aDaMs, n – arr. P. Martinuitars & cha, M.Martin & hoir rr rs - all
Scene 9: Camp Attack baTTLe of The boWs by c thoMas – strings laKErE bala arr. a. vEivErs - guitars
Scene 10: Back at the Castle game of Thrones by r. DJawaDi arr. a. vEivErs - guitars
ZooT suiT rioT by s. PErry arr. P. Murtha –banD & choir
Scene 11: Prince John’s Chambers baD guY by b. Eilish o’connEll & f. o’connEll arr. K. McMillEn – strings noThin’ buT a gooD Time by b. Dall, b. MichaEls, b. JohannEsson & r. rocKEt. arr. t. watErs, s. frEwEn-lorD & a. vEivErs - all