Message from the Director To be fully human we need to develop the faith and spiritual dimensions of the people who work in Catholic schools. The faith and spiritual formation of our staff is paramount to continuing the Catholic Ethos of our schools, and in Catholic Education, we are committed to this search for the mystery of God that can be found revealed in creation. Townsville Catholic Education invites all staff within the system to cultivate a spirit that directly influences the style and manner by which one leads their life. A commitment to good formation and learning experience requires that we are awake and aware of our experience by attending in a way that discloses meaning and allows wisdom to arrive within and without. The development of these formation programs builds on the good work already in evidence across our schools and allows individuals to grow and develop within the context of their own spiritual journey. Christian Spiritual formation is deeply personal and radically communal in its vision and praxis We live, work and teach in a different and changing world that sees us connecting with philosophical and cultural influences that present new challenges for the effective nurturing of our spirituality in a Catholic educational context. There is a challenge for our schools and system to engage all staff in positive ways in the mission of the Church, to proclaim the Good News of Jesus within the spiritual heritage of Catholicism. This is done through a Spirituality Retreat Program that is both connective and respectful of individuals and relates meaningfully to their contexts and backgrounds. I invite and encourage you to engage in the faith and spirituality formation and retreat opportunities in support of your professional learning plans for 2022. Details of all programs, prerequisites, and conditions are included in the following pages.
Louise Vella-Cox Director Catholic Identity & Indigenous Education Services