TURNER Sustainability Action Plan

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Sustainability Action Plan

TURNER acknowledges First Nations peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the many lands upon which we gather, work and journey across. We recognise their ongoing connections to land, sea and community and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.

Artwork by Yukupin.

The Practice

Our commitment



Across the broader construction sector, there's a noticeable shift in the way urban spaces are designed, delivered, and maintained. Spurred by both governmental initiatives and consumer demand, our conventional methods of delivery are becoming outdated or inadequate

The Australian government has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by over 40% by 2030, with an aim to be Net Zero by 2050. Quickly changing legislation means building design must adapt urgently to meet this challenge. Achieving compliance with updated codes demands innovative approaches. Energy efficiency standards are tightening, requiring smarter, greener designs. Embracing these changes is crucial for sustainable and compliant construction practices.

Greater emphasis is being placed on circularity, with materials chosen for their renewable, recyclable, and low-impact properties. Biophilic design principles are gaining traction, integrating nature into built environments for enhanced well-being. Passive design strategies such as shading, and thermal qualities of materials, are becoming standard for energy efficiency. Additionally, there s a growing focus on community engagement and resilience in the face of climate change. These trends reflect a commitment to creating environmentally responsible and resilient spaces.

As we embark on projects moving forward, there is an increased onus on all involved to find alignment with these progressive principles. The opportunity of today is to create future places that are prosperous, thriving and long-term.

The Australian built environment accounts for

*Source: Green Building Council, 2024 of landfill of energy use* of CO2 emissions and 50% 40% 25%


Navigating thestrategic framework

As architects, we need to have a comprehensive understanding of the complex legislation that guides the design of our projects. We need to be fully informed as an industry-leading practice and proactively lead the conversation with our clients and consultants.

Paris Agreement
Apartment Design Guide (ADG)
Local Councils adopting FSR & other bonuses to facilitate sustainable design
Legislative considerations
Architects Declare AIA Climate Action Sustainabi ity Taskforce (CAST)
Greener Places Design Guide (NSW)
Carbon Active Certification Green Star
Advocacy and certification considerations


TURNER acknowledges that the built environment is a leading contributor to climate change and that we as architects, urban, interior, and experiential designers have a critical role in restraining global warming and alleviating climate degradation. More than simply mitigating negative impacts, however, we believe we must be brave and agile; empowered to create a positive change. We believe that design is for everyone, in both practice and realisation That we can make positive changes for people and places, and ultimately, make living better.

Through our suite of sustainability drivers, TURNER is engaged in a journey of continued learning A journey that is improving the sustainability outcomes of our projects to the mutual benefit of the client, community, and place. We are committed to our role in fostering and guiding clients and consultants towards net-zero carbon for all new projects As part of our journey, we have become signatories of Australian Architects Declare and will endeavour to support its founding principles.

We will also seek opportunities to partner with fellow signatories and other like-minded organisations to elevate sustainability in the built environment through advocacy, education, knowledge sharing and collaboration. In concept, design, and delivery we will strive to be a leading voice, creating places that inspire, surprise and delight. We believe future generations have a right to the long-term enjoyment, beauty and sustainability of the places we create. Through these efforts, we will make this vision a reality. This is our commitment as custodians of place and as a responsible, forward-looking architectural practice.

ThePractice Ourvision

For us at TURNER, sustainable design is about understanding ambition and long-term thinking. It is about ensuring prosperity and designing beautiful and enjoyable places for everyone in an appropriate manner.

Our Review SAP represents the start of the conversation and a process of continued learning. It is designed to aid in realising sustainable development, and facilitating discussion with clients and key stakeholders to best understand how TURNER can tailor specific project strategies.

We create living, working and leisure spaces that energise communities and drive positive change. Join us in making living better through sustainable design.



Firms can develop their action plan from Review, Extend, Amplify and Shine starting points, each defining a level of progress towards a future where we have addressed the fundamental concerns of the Architects Declare Movement and in so doing shifted society.


Reconciliation ActionPlan

In parallel with the establishment of our Sustainability Action Plan, we are pleased to have launched our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Reflect at the beginning of 2024. Our RAP represents the practice’s collective commitment towards reconciliation and seeks to embed a deeper understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritages and cultures within the built environment industry.

TURNER recognises our opportunity to include First Nations cultures, principles and communities in our processes and projects. We believe building and nurturing respectful relationships and meaningful engagement will help us to create a stronger, more sustainable and more inclusive society.

This phase of review and reflection represents a maturity of thinking within the practice as we further elevate the quality and depth of our design.

View our full RAP



Who is driving our commitment?

TURNER has an in-house sustainability team who are passionate advocates for eco-conscious design. They drive sustainability through proactive design reviews, active participation in industry events, and continuous knowledgesharing both internally, and with our clients. Committed to staying ahead, they navigate the ever-evolving landscape of legislation and emerging trends, shaping a greener future for our projects.

Our Green Team is composed of representatives from a range of teams within the studio. This ensures that the research and knowledge are distributed throughout every team and project

James McCarthy Director
Emily F eming Marketing & Comms Executive
Angus Henson Senior Pro ect Architect
Juan Lu s Cano Senior Project Des gner
Tasmin Brunette Senior Designer
Stephanie Vlahos Assistant to Principal & MD
Cr st an Behrmann Project Designer
Tiffany Kuo Senior Pro ect Designer
Tonina March Sen or Designer
Monica Percudani Des gner Rebecca George Designer
Jakub Svaton Project Designer



August 2019 Early 2006 January 2001

March 2020 March into Green 2020

Apri 2020

Late 2020 Apr l 2021

September 2021

August 2022

December 2021

TURNER founded The Pract ce is estab ished in the context of some of the largest urban renewa projects in Sydney, such as Victor a Park and Green Square, and nvo ved in a new wave of apartment des gn that pushed for greater amen ty and quality aligned with new emerging egislation such as SEPP65

seed>S (social economic, environmental design towards sustainabi ity) s ntroduced to the o fice as a guid ng framework specif c to TURNER that covers ssues re ated to society, economy and ecology

TURNER staff member outl nes a greener vis on for Turner and re eases ‘Gold to Green: A Sustainable Turner’

TURNER establ shes Susta nabi ity Pane and annua focus month ‘March into Green’ Staff representatives part c pate n the Clean Up Austra ia Day Wa k Susta nabil ty pane discussion ft Ian Van Eerden Ryan Coll ns and M chael Mobbs

TURNER s a s gnatory of Architects Declare Carbon audit conversation in tiated and pr c ng structures investigated

Launch of external sustainab lity survey w th key c ients

TURNER participates in the Arch tects Declare embodied carbon p lot project

Green Star Tra ning Adr an Godfrey & Megan Lim

Green Star Buildings’ framework s ntroduced to off ce by green star panel Turner staff attend annual sustainabi ity summ t and other key industry events

Var ous off ce talks nc uding: Urban Areas and Eco ogy Passivhaus Operational Net Zero Carbon Vert cal Gardens

Investigation into Arch CAD carbon calculator in tiated

Launch of TURNER SAP

Commitment & Goals

Architects Declare

Commitment&Goals ArchitectsDeclare

We will seek to engage with the key goals of the Australian Institute of Architects and Architects Declare via:

1. Raise awareness of the climate and biodiversity emergencies and the urgent need for action amongst our clients and supply chains.

2. Advocate for faster change in our industry towards regenerative design practices and a higher Governmental funding priority to support this.

3. Establish climate and biodiversity mitigation principles as the key measure of our industry’s success: demonstrated through awards, prizes and listings.

4. Share knowledge and research to that end on an open-source basis

5. Evaluate all new projects against the aspiration to contribute positively to mitigating climate breakdown, and encourage our clients to adopt this approach.

6. Upgrade existing buildings for extended use as a more carbon-efficient alternative to demolition and new build whenever there is a viable choice.

7. Include life cycle costing, whole-life carbon modelling and post-occupancy evaluation as part of our basic scope of work, to reduce both embodied and operational resource use.

8. Adopt more regenerative design principles in our studios, with the aim of designing architecture and urbanism that goes beyond the standard of net zero carbon in use.

9. Collaborate with engineers, contractors and clients to further reduce construction waste

10. Accelerate the shift to low-carbon materials in all our work.

Minimise wasteful use of resources in architecture and urban planning, both in quantum and in detail.



Relevant Architects

Declare Principles Practice Goals & Objectives

3, 6, 8, 9, 10

Current Practice Actions (2024)

We have an active Susta nab lity Panel w thin the off ce known as the Green Team, who attend des gn rev ew sess ons and other office forums and are active advocates of susta nab e des gn princ ples.

Every TURNER project a ms to have a posit ve impact on the env ronment

We are an industry- ead ng practice that has been recogn sed through various sustainabil ty awards as per the awards sect on of th s SAP

The Ind genous Country of each project s ident fied and acknowledged in capabi ity statements, EO ’s and on the webs te project pages

We are actively de ivering several Green Star Projects.

Incorporate a review of the SAP Austra ian Architects Declare pr nc ples and AIA Awards Susta nab lity Check ist nto office processes to inform projects at all stages.

Incorporate sustainabi ity as a focus topic during week y des gn p n-ups and other internal reviews

Further encourage thought leadership by ndividuals n the of ice, to be publ shed nternal y and externa ly

Establ sh a more cons stent approach to the responsib e spec fication of materia s.

Have a known ist of external websites and resources to avai of knowledge regard ng susta nab e mater a s and products

Create a TURNER benchmark for susta nab e design for pro ects so that teams have c arity on preferred standards and outcomes.

Col aborate with consultants, contractors and clients to reduce waste through des gn

Acce erate the shift to ow embodied materials in our work.

Investigate other green cert ficat ons to be used on future pro ects, includ ng Living Bu ld ng Chal enge & Passive House

Define TURNER's regenerative design pr nciples to design architecture and urbanism that goes beyond the standard of net zero carbon in use

Be recogn sed as an industry-lead ng practice concern ng Sustainab l ty and nnovative Des gn.

Evaluation&Reporting Commitment&Goals


Practice Actions (2024)

Env ronmental considerat ons are part of the TURNER MS reporting system

TURNER DA des gn Reports and ADG comp iance table are genera ly the current benchmark for eva uat on and reporting of sustainabil ty with n projects Otherwise, we are dependent on externa ESD and BAS X consultants for direction and advice

Embodied Carbon measurement systems are being investigated v a p ug-ins to our software systems, but no viable opt ons have been agreed upon for off ce-wide use.

Green Certif cations: Green Star, Bas x and Nabers are common y used on pro ects to eva uate and report on env ronmental performance

ncorporate susta nab l ty reporting through our SAP, to be shared through our webs te and soc al med a

Restart the review of a carbon audit

Continue learning about net zero carbon and dentify how to achieve it on TURNER projects.


dentify Carbon Footprint industry case studies to use as benchmarks aga nst TURNER projects.

dentify and define goa s and targets regard ng regenerat ve design

Determine the most effect ve embodied carbon design and verif cat on too s which could be implemented off ce w de to accelerate TURNER capab l ty to des gn towards zero carbon, or mp ement effect ve methods of co laborat on w th other consu tants to ach eve this goal for our pro ects and c ients

Eva uate and report on operat ona energy usage on TURNER bu ld ng post-occupancy dentify more effect ve ways to share this w th the w der office, and nform future pro ects

TURNER to have the know edge, abi ity and track record regard ng consistent eva uat on and report ng as advocated by the AIA Austra ian Architects Declare and s m lar ndustrywide organisations


Relevant Architects

Declare Principles Practice Goals & Objectives

1, 2, 4

Current Practice Actions (2024)

Client surveys have previous y been issued for sustainabi ity, prov ding useful feedback and helping to better inform cl ents about susta nab lity.

Representing TURNER at industry events and seminars such as Arch tects Declare

Incorporate a sustainabi ity sect on’ into quarter y c ient EDM.

Share SAP with cl ents post-launch v a webs te, socia media and persona ised commun cat on Ident fy the most ef ect ve ways of sharing for future SAP vers ons

Inform c ients of the industry awards mandatory requirements for sustainabi ity, as a way of encouraging sustainable des gn princip es in a l projects

Green Team and wider off ce to attend more external ESD-re ated events

Green team to dentify opportun ties for further nvolvement n Arch tects Declare, Industry Comm ttees, and the wider susta nab e design commun ty

Establ sh a consistent c ient susta nab l ty survey to gain a better understand ng of industry know edge and views on sustainabi ity

Encourage regu ar thought eadersh p by TURNER staff for pub ication both nternal y and externa ly

Investigate the potent a for a recognised ro e of ESD Lead at TURNER w th spec fic KPAs and del verab es, to push for innovation and des gn exce lence

Training&Education Commitment&Goals

Regular meetings of the Green Team

Attendance at sustainabi ity ta ks and events nformat on s then shared w th the w der office

March into Green was a successful annual event that raised awareness about sustainabi ity across the off ce with talks and act v ties.

A group of four staff received Greenstar accred tation train ng wh ch was he pful w th effective pro ect delivery

Incorporate urther susta nab lity ta ks and events w thin the office.

Re aunch the equiva ent of the March into Green’ annua event

Use the newsletter susta nab l ty section to educate a l staff with b tes ze information that can then direct them to information resources on the server or onl ne.

Prepare a Greenstar Credits template for the office, and a scope of work w thin the fee proposa Tra n staff on how to discuss this with c ients at the appropr ate t me

Incorporate the SAP as part of our new staff nduct on and train ng.

Ident fy opportunit es for sustainabil ty train ng around l fe cycle costing who e-life carbon mode l ng, post-occupancy evaluation and energy modell ng

Faci itate Greenstar Accred tation train ng for the next generation of staff joining the Green Team.

Have a cons stent approach to staff train ng that adequately faci itates our desire to be Industry Leaders for innovat ve, future-th nk ng, high qua ity projects that best meet our c ient s needs and aspirat ons.


Relevant Architects

Declare Principles

Current Practice Actions (2024)

The Reconc liation Action P an (RAP) was launched in early 2024.

S gnatory of Architects Declare

Electr c ty Power is currently from 68% renewab e sources

Waste To min m se landfi l waste bins have been provided for organic, paper and coming ed recycl ng

Encouragement o electronic communication over pr nting where appropriate Due to postpandem c behavioural changes there has been a dramatic reduct on n print ng.

Conducting meetings onl ne where possib e to min m se transport costs

Carbon Audit TURNER has previous y investigated the carbon audit process

Practice Goals & Objectives

Ident fy ways to further improve how we dea with waste.

Inform the who e office about how susta nab l ty s cons dered in TURNER operations

Establ sh the TURNER Modern Slavery Pol cy for the office.

Update the TURNER Susta nab lity pages with n the Turner EO temp ate Capabi ity Statement and Fee proposal temp ate

Assist the MS eaders in the off ce with better methods of eva uat ng and report ng sustainabi ity systems and nit atives with n the pro ect designs, and our of ice operations

Electricity: move to 100% accred ted Green Power.

Further investigate a third-party Carbon Audit that wou d lead to a carbon-neutral certif cation

Investigate the mer ts of the B Corp certif cation

Reduce TURNER's carbon footprint and ncrease its handprint Assisted by e ther a Carbon Audit or BCorp type rev ew and assessment.

Case Studies

Exemplary Projects





Energy/ Materials

Thermal performance

Optimising building performance through building envelope efficiency.

Urban heat island effect

Enhancing energy efficiency by reflecting heat through the use of light coloured or reflective materials.

Responsible materiality

Integrating environmentally friendly, ethical choices including embodied carbon and Low-VOC materials.

Ethical suppliers

Engaging companies that provide building materials and products while adhering to ethical practices.

Green cover - Biophilia

Incorporating vegetation to promote biodiversity, mitigate heat, and enhance aesthetics.


Designing transport-orientateddevelopments (TODs) and green transport infrastructure.

Community engagement

Encouraging diverse voices from the community and integrating local needs and values.


Water recycling

Collecting, treating, and re-using wastewater or rainwater within a building to reduce waste.

Construction waste

Collaborating with contractors, clients and engineers to minimise waste on site and landfill impact.

Recycling made easy

Integrating recycling into the design to encourage all residents to actively recycle on a daily basis.


Rethinking energy sources via new streams of technology such as photovoltaic cells and geothermal.

Carbon measurement software

TURNER actively assessing carbon measurement via software plug-ins and other emerging methods, or engaging with the appropriate consultant.

Technology game-changers

Understanding current and future innovations to allow for flexibility in our designs such as the increased use of EV cars.

Positive behavioural change

Encouraging widespread sustainable habits through embedded networks and easily accessible data for the community.

Habitat/ Community
Innovation/ Technology



A Net Zero Embodied Carbon building achieves the highest level of material efficiency through the rigorous application of circular economy principles, with all residual annualised emissions being offset to achieve Net Zero across a defensible design life span.

TURNER’s sustainable design principles are actively considering how best to facilitate Net Zero and beyond. Examples may include the specification of low-embodied carbon products at the design and construction phase, and renewable energy generation on and off-site during project occupation/ operation.


The world’s first carbon-neutral resort, Wolgan Valley provides six-star accommodation, a day spa and bespoke bar and dining offerings, set amongst acres of National Parks.







This emerging masterplanned community, located around the new Showground Metro Station, will deliver a vibrant mixed-use precinct based on a Carbon Neutral design criteria.


“Sustainabilityisbestachievedthroughgood passivedesignsuchaslocation,orientation, materialchoice,facadeshading,andgenerous landscaping.Theseelementscansimplyand effectivelydelivermanyofourgreengoalsand aspirations,withouthavingtoreverttocostly add-onsandafterthoughts.”



What is social sustainability?

A focus on designing spaces that foster inclusivity, accessibility, and community well-being. It involves engaging communities in the design process, creating mixed-use developments, and promoting housing diversity to prevent social segregation. Public spaces and amenities play a crucial role in encouraging social interaction, while adaptability ensures long-term relevance. Cultural preservation and connection to Country is integrated to respect and celebrate local heritage.

Westmead Lot 4

Worker Housing

Illoura Place




diversity.Affordablehousingcelebrates theverybestpartsofthatdiversityand embedsitintoourcity.”


Thought Leadership

PR & Media Highlights

ThoughtLeadership Afterthefires

Habitus Issue #55 - Sustainability

Architect and urban designer Nick Turner, principal of Sydney-based practice

Turner, has the exact time of day in his mind when the ferocious fires came through his property, Palmyra: 7.48pm on 4 January 2020.

His property on the western edge of Kangaroo Valley, a two-hour drive from Sydney and encompassing a contemporary home on 40 hectares, was facing impending destruction

Turner was anticipating a major fire given the extreme drought of the previous years. And while both wings of the house were saved, the experience left him with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)...

View full article

Social Housing: in brief

Architecture Bulletin ‘Housing for all’

Social housing is life-changing for residents. The stability of a permanent home is a significant factor in the ability of residents to access employment, and health care, and reduce personal stress. In our interactions with residents of our projects, we have been touched by the success stories and changes to the lives of many. These interactions greatly encourage us in the design and creation of future social housing projects and help us to seek further refinements and improvements

‘Social housing: in brief’, is a contribution by Stephen Cox and Dan Szwaj to the Australian Institute of Architect’s latest Bulletin. The piece explores the practice’s key design principles for designing successful social and affordable housing.

View full article

Res dents of Bigge Street Sydney Morning Herald 2023

Get in touch

James McCarthy, Director


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