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LANDSEASKY venue profles
OCAT – OCT Contemporary Art Terminal
was established in 2005 under the direction of the well-know art historian and critic Huang Zhuan. Actively Involved in the project are the Chicago based curator Wu Hung, Tate curator Marko Daniel, and the artists Sui Jianguo, Wang Guangy, Wang Jianwei, Zhu Jia. OCAT Shanghai was set up as the Shanghai branch of OCAT in the Suzhou Creek area. With the opening of Yang Fudong’s solo exhibition “Quote Out of Context” in September 2012, it offcially started its autonomous activity as a space for display and research of Chinese and International Multi-media Art. www.ocatshanghai.com
OCAT(OCT 当代艺术中心) 于2005年在著名 艺术史学家兼评论家黄专的指导下成立。目前积 极参与OCAT建设的包括策展人巫鸿、英国泰特 美术馆策展人马科·丹尼尔、以及艺术家隋建 国、王广义、张培力、汪建伟和朱加。OCAT上 海馆位于上海苏河湾区块,是OCAT在上海的分 馆。2012年9月,OCAT上海馆以“断章取义-杨福 东作品展”为开馆展,正式开启了对于中国和国 际多媒体艺术的展示和研究。
MAAP SPACE features regular curated exhibitions of media art from Australia and the Asia Pacifc regions. MAAP has supported, generated, exchanged and collaborated on hundreds of projects with major international partners in Australia and abroad. MAAP was conceived as a not-for-proft cultural organisation and was registered as Incorporated Association in 1998. Between 1998 and 2006, MAAP cultivated an international reputation for annual and biannual media art festivals. In all, MAAP produced 7 international media art festivals across Brisbane, Beijing and Singapore, encompassing collaboration and representation from 14 countries. MAAP explores media art through critical exhibitions and research initiatives that engage the region’s major and emerging practitioners and producers. www.maap.org.au
MAAP 空间常期举办为澳大利亚以及亚太地区 媒体艺术所策划的展览。成立至今,MAAP已与 国内外多家重量级合作机构一同支持、出产了数 百件项目,并相互交流展出。MAAP起初被构思 为一家非营利性文化机构,于1998年正式登记成 立。1998年至2006年间,MAAP通过承办每年或 半年一次的媒体艺术节博得国际知名度,共出产 了七届国际媒体艺术节,分别于布里斯本、北京 以及新加坡举行,展现了与十四个国家的合作成 果。通过高质量的展览,以及与本土资深和新锐 艺术实践者、生产者的合作研究,MAAP毅然坚 持着对媒体艺术的探索。
The Art Sonje Center, founded in 1998, is a private art museum, which supports current and experimental contemporary art. With an open attitude and the spirit to experiment with exhibition methods, the Art Sonje Center shows art from “here and now.” Actively searching for the opportunity to collaborate with those in the felds of music, literature, architecture, dance and fashion. The Art Sonje Center also has the mandate to provide radical exhibition planning to support new projects. Through networking with major art museums and artists especially in other Asian countries, the Art Sonje Center is becoming an important center for Asian cultural exchanges. www.artsonje.org
艺术善载中心是一家成立于1998年的私营艺术博 物馆,常期支持极具实验性的当代艺术。秉承着 开放的态度和对展览手法的实验精神,艺术善载 中心致力于展现“此时此地”的艺术。在积极与 音乐、文学、建筑、舞蹈和时尚领域的才能跨界 合作之余,艺术善载中心的另一目标便是以激进 的展览规划支持新锐项目。通过与各大艺术博物 馆以及来自其他亚洲国家的艺术家的频繁合作, 艺术善载中心正日益演变为亚洲文化交流的重 要枢纽。
Gallery IHN was established in April 1989 and promotes, represents, supports and exhibits the new and innovative works of major Korean artists. The gallery aims to develop relationships between the art, the artists, the audiences, and the collectors. The gallery has been dedicated to contemporary Korean art, bringing together artists from different generations, whose names are widely represented in Korea as well as in the international art market. Gallery IHN has obtained its reputation in organising ambitious and innovative exhibitions of leading artists. The gallery acts as a consultant to major museums and public art institutions and as a precursor to Korean contemporary art. Gallery IHN has held exhibitions specialized in contemporary Korean art including painting, sculpture, photography, mixed media and installations. www.galleryihn.com
IHN 画廊成立于1989年4月,通过代理、展出来 自著名韩国艺术家的新锐作品以宣传并支持他们 的革新思维。画廊旨在促进艺术、艺术家、受众 和藏家间的沟通交流。画廊专为当代韩国艺术而 设,将名声享誉韩国以及国际艺术市场的不同年 代的艺术家汇集一堂,并以其举办的创新、大胆 的展览而闻名。画廊为著名博物馆和公共艺术机 构扮演着顾问的角色,对韩国当代艺术的发展起 到了推动作用。IHN画廊迄今举办的展览涵盖了 绘画、雕塑、摄影、多媒体、和装置等多种媒介 的当代韩国艺术佳作。
ONE AND J. Gallery was founded in September 2005 in Seoul as one of the frst galleries to focus primarily on young contemporary Korean artists. Currently, the gallery represents a strong lineup of emerging and mid-career artists and has begun to show non-Korean artists in Seoul on a regular basis. Artists represented by the gallery have participated in an impressive array of group and solo exhibitions and works included in international and national collections since the inception of the gallery. In 2015, the gallery launched a night program titled 1NJ629 focusing on flm, video art, performance, music and design. The program allows the gallery to present a diverse array of artists that are not formally a part of the gallery program but provides a platform for a community of compelling appreciators of the creative process. www.oneandj.com
One and J 画廊在2005年9月成立于首尔,是城内 首批聚焦于年轻当代韩国艺术家的画廊之一。目 前,画廊代理着一批备受瞩目的新锐艺术家,并 已开始定期展出来自其他国家艺术家的作品。 所代理艺术家参与过数量惊人的群展和个展, 作品多次选入国际、国内外馆藏。2015年,画廊 发起了名为1NJ629的夜间项目,呈现电影、录像 艺术、行为艺术、音乐和设计作品。通过该项 目,画廊得以呈现一系列未被其正式代理的艺 术家之作,为艺术创作鉴赏群体提供了一个绝佳 的平台。
LEEHWAIK Gallery opened in 2001 and representing leading fgures in Korean contemporary art, presenting exhibitions and promoting artists to galleries and dealers worldwide. At the same time, it unwearyingly discovers and supports rising artists in Korea. LEEHWAIK Gallery continuously participates in the international art fairs such as Art Stage Singapore, Abu Dhabi Art and KIAF, also in the auctions by Christie’s and Sotheby’s in order to promote Korean artists to international viewers. Such opportunities enable artists to enter the international art markets and eventually contribute to the advancement of the Korean contemporary art market. LEE HWAIK Gallery will spare no efforts to increase public understanding and appreciation of the contemporary art. www.leehwaikgallery.com
LEEWAIK 画廊成立于2001年,在之后的十年中 一直注心于代理韩国当代艺术界的领军人物,举 办展览,并向全球范围的画廊和艺术品商人宣 传旗下的艺术家。同时,该机构亦孜孜不倦地挖 掘、支持韩国新锐艺术家。LEEWAIK画廊一直 踊跃参与包括艺术登陆新加坡、阿布扎比艺博会 和韩国国际艺博会在内的国际艺博会,以及佳士 得和苏富比拍卖会,以便向国际受众宣传韩国艺 术家。此般契机让艺术家们得以进军国际艺术 市场,最终为韩国当代艺术市场的发展做出贡 献。LEEWAIK画廊将为提高公众对当代艺术的理 解和鉴赏而全力以赴。
OPSIS ART is a new and energetic gallery that opened in 2012. Representing both young and experienced artists, the gallery specialises in conceptual art practice in domestic and international spheres. The gallery embraces challenging art works across media and interdisciplinary practice. The gallery is located in the center of the cultural district, with a number of art galleries, museums including the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, and the historic Kyungbok Palace in close proximity. In its short history, Opsis Art has developed a strong and consistent reputation for its high-quality exhibitions, and is now seen amongst the most infuential art spaces in Korea. www.opsisart.co.kr
OPSIS ART 于2012年开张,是一家全新的、充满 活力的画廊。画廊聚焦于国内外的概念艺术实 践,既代理年轻艺术家,又代理经验丰富的艺术
家。它坐落于首尔文化区中心,毗邻包括现当 代艺术博物馆在内的多间艺术画廊和博物馆, 以及历史悠久的景福宫。在成立后的短短三年 内,OPSIS ART因其高质量的展览博得了一贯好 评,现已被誉为韩国影响力最深远的艺术空间 之一。
Gallery SKAPE, with aim of appreciating multiformity and perceiving the landscape of today’s art scene, Gallery SKAPE opened its doors in September 2004. Actively promoting contemporary Korean artists, the gallery has been quickly positioned as a platform of the ‘newness’ within Korean art scene. Furthermore, by its distinctive taste of contemporary art, Gallery SKAPE has become a forefront of discovering and promoting Korean artists. Participation in international well known art fairs is also an important activity for Gallery SKAPE to promote Korean contemporary art. Gallery SKAPE is progressively gaining international recognition along with the representing the most promising contemporary artists in Asia. www.skape.co.kr
SKAPE 画廊于2004年9月成立,致力于鉴赏艺术多 样性和洞察当下艺术界之景象。画廊一直踊跃宣 传当代韩国艺术家,成立不久即被定位为韩国艺 术界中的一个新锐平台。此外,凭借着对当代艺 术的独到眼光,SKAPE画廊已成为挖掘、宣传韩 国艺术家的领军机构。SKAPE画廊亦十分重视参 与国际知名的艺博会,以此宣传韩国当代艺术。 通过代理亚洲最具潜力的艺术家,画廊正逐渐获 得世界范围的瞩目。
The National Art School (NAS) Gallery
encourages appreciation and critical perspectives of art and its role in society through direct engagement with artists and innovative art practices. The program consists of research, publications, public programs, artist residencies, and exhibitions featuring multi-discipline group and solo projects by Australian and international artists, including the end of yearshowcase of graduating students. The NAS Gallery is housed in the former A-Wing of the old Darlinghurst Gaol. Originally built between 1836–41, the building was refurbished and opened to the public in 2006. www.nas.edu.au/nasgallery
国立艺术学院画廊 (NAS) 通过与艺术家的紧密合 作和对革新艺术实践的大力支持,激发公众对艺 术的鉴赏、锐化艺术视角,并促进公众对艺术的 社会角色的认识。画廊常期致力于研究、出版、 公共项目、艺术家驻留项目,并举办国内外艺术 家云集的群展和个展,包括毕业生年终展。国立 艺术学院画廊栖于一座始建于1836-41年的建筑的 A翼中,该建筑的前身是达令赫斯特监狱,经重 修后于2006年向公众开放。
Griffth University Art Gallery is a free public gallery at the Queensland College of Art’s South Bank campus. A diverse and rigorous range of exhibitions are generated in-house, or toured with regional, state or national galleries in a bid to focus attention on contemporary practices and their historical contexts. www.griffth.edu.au/visual-creative-arts/ griffth-artworks/griffth-university-artgallery
格里菲斯大学艺术画廊是一家坐落于昆士兰艺术 学院南岸校区内的公共画廊,免费向公众开放。 画廊常举办多样且策划考究的展览,并常与当 地、州内、以及国家范围内的画廊一同巡展,让 公众聚焦于当代艺术实践及其历史语境。
Guangdong Museum of Art is a major cultural establishment in the province and the largest of its kind in China. Equipped with modern facilities, this museum, like the best art museums in advanced countries, is a place where works of art are preserved, studied and displayed. The museum also promotes education and cultural exchange. With a total area of 20,000 square meters and a display area of over 8,000 square meters, the Guangdong Museum of Art consists of twelve exhibition halls, in which exhibitions of both large- and small-scale work may be shown. The 300-seat auditorium has an advanced projection and video facilities. www.gdmoa.org
广东美术馆是位于广东省内的一家顶尖文化机 构,是国内同类博物馆中最大的一所。馆内设备 先进优良,堪比发达国家中的优秀艺术博物馆, 是保存、学习、展示艺术品的圣地。博物馆同 时重视宣传教育和文化交流。全馆占地20,000平 方米,展馆面积超过8,000平方米,内有十二间 展厅,展出各种规模的艺术品。此外,馆内还有 间可容三百人入座的礼堂,内有高端投影和录 像设备。