2 minute read

First of all, I would like to contact the psychotherapist. Can we talk about meetings? So let’s start with our discussion. We met a few years ago; I would say several. They say: “People never meet by chance, but they live in our subconscious until the meeting happens; is that true?”
Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, said that we only meet people who already exist in our subconscious. Maybe they may seem like things one says to give meaning, an explanation, to what happens to us. And perhaps we meet people when we need something in our life, maybe they stay until that sort of thing we need happens, and then it’s gone. So we make a journey together with the people we meet in our life. So we meet them when in some way we need them, or they need us, or when we have to do something together, as happened to the two of us.
I don’t remember what we did together because you are so much a part of my life that I don’t even remember what my life was like before; how did we meet?
Well, we started by doing a two-way script. I would say I had put the beginning of a story online, and you had completed it excellently. And then we got to today with the I’M Italian magazine collaboration.
So do you think dating changes people? How important are they in life?
Very, very much. Encounters are the only treasure we have in this life, encounters with others; the only thing we carry with us forever is what we have learned from the other and what we have left to the other, that type of experience. We leave a little of ourselves in any meeting and take a little of the other. There is never a thing that doesn’t happen this way, so encounters make us change, and encounters and going through a period with another person make us change.
How did your encounter with psychology start?
Good question; I always wanted to be a writer; since I was a child, I wrote in notebooks that I then made my friends read. I wrote a sort of serial novel. When I grew up, I chose the faculty of literature and philosophy. Still, I realized that I was missing something. I did everything late because I was working to pay for my studies, and then I saw that there was a faculty of psychology, so I had to take an entrance test. I thought if I passed it, this was the path I had to take; I gave it and started with work in psychology and became a clinic with the psychotherapy school.
What does an occupational psychologist do?
It helps people in the workplace, as a company consultant or with high-level workers who need to improve their work performance. I continued to specialize and dealt with improving peak performance with EMDR in the field and sporty fields. But most of all, I work with the clinic in my private practice, where I meet my patients.
And how did writing develop then?
It’s something that always attracts me. I can’t live without it even though I have practiced it very little in the last period. The stories are inside of me; I have five right now, it’s as if they want to get out, and then you have to write them. During this period, I don’t have much time, the work is absorbing me a lot, but I will make up for it; writing takes time.