6 minute read
The Rotary Club Fano offered cash prizes for the top 3 winners Thanks to all the participating artists and the jury who selected the winning works. Thanks to the Regional Association Stefano Aguzzi for having participated and bringing the proximity to Fortunarte of the Marche Region.
THE ARTIST: this strange individual who lives between reality and fantasy!
By Roberto Sironi.
“In this society, now projected into a future that sometimes seems impossible but which becomes more and more feasible, there is a character who gravitates between a reality that has been established for centuries and a fantasy that has in all probability been present for millennia but which, being precisely fantasy, it struggles to impose itself on its contemporaries! Fantasy has always been stuff for the mad, the poets, the dreamers, and sometimes even the deluded, yet this bizarre form of imagination, this faculty of the human mind to create images, things, or facts that seem not to exist in reality, is the noblest of attitudes because it is universal in its origins which are hidden in thought: human thought!
THE ARTIST: this strange individual who lives between reality and fantasy!
By Roberto Sironi.
But let’s go back to that character I was talking about earlier: the artist! Who is this only human character, with origins unknown to most people, and who has little to do with the human race? He is not inhuman, humanoid, or Martian; he is only the least educable part of humanity!
Of course, he has two legs, two arms, two eyes and two hands, a face, and a body, yet the distance between him and the others is sidereal! The world of an artist is not the world of all the others; it is different and does not have the same characteristics. His visions, from simple dreams, become visionary, therefore a willingness to enter utopian and fantastic worlds with the relative ability to capture images, ideas, and insights beyond the present!
But what does our artist feed himself?
Certainly of fantasy, a fantasy that can be served in all imaginable and possible ways, therefore of a musical, artistic, dancing, literary, cinematographic fiction, without forgetting the story of passions, the sentimental one, the fantasy of intuitions, and even that of faith! This character, which could be mistaken for a shaman, a wizard, a sorcerer, a soothsayer, or sometimes even a healer, is just a child, a human being who has remained, in a sense, a child with his inventive games. His imaginations, his improbable constructions of a world that do not exist in that “there is,” and how!
So the artist, indeed, is a character in himself, unique; he is a protagonist apart from everyday life, a comedian who plays his part off the cuff, without a script, and always balanced on the wire. Of the reality that he interprets as pure creation!

That reality reduces it to a simple exemption of obviousness, therefore no obviousness but only beauty everywhere, in anything, around every corner!
In this modernist and non-modern society, a great theme that should be developed and which is of no interest to anyone, the artist is increasingly struggling to resist in his role, defending his works tooth and nail. Still, at the same time, those works are dispersed in general indifference, in inattention. Paradoxically the more one is an artist, the more he will encounter difficulties of all kinds in everyday life, such as paying the rent of the house, buying a car, and having, in short, a decent, dignified life! There is a strange belief that artists want to be beautiful, rich, and famous, but that’s not the case! It is the market that changes their lives, and then there are not only rich artists! Those are a tiny minority, nothing compared to the thousands and thousands of artists who frequent this planet Earth! The old figure of the bohemian artist has disappeared into the maze of a historical and cultural past that will never return! Today that figure has been replaced, I would say vulgarly, by thousands of advertising silhouettes and characters totally devoid of personalities that fill televisions, newspapers, social networks, allegories of a time that was!
It would seem that disguise is in fashion today; if you don’t dress up, you are not visible, and if you are not visible, what artist are you? It means that you are worth nothing! No, it does not! What is certain is that today the value of Art is conditioned by the purchasing power that very everyday products such as soap, toilet paper, and condoms can have ...! The art market, of all Art, is a market that requires crowds, masses, and multitudes. But Art is not for everyone, no matter what people say! Art is a language that needs to be studied, investigated, and investigated! It is a market that has the task of devising ideas, stirring up consciences, proposing, if we like, even though scandals! Art is not supermarket stuff; from discounts, buy three, pay two. In Art, one plus one does not exist; it cannot coexist with the exact origins of Art that are more archaic, remote, and ancient than the market itself. In all likelihood, Art is the first human expression of intelligence to appear on Earth! And our artist? What happened to it? He continues undaunted on his way, knowing perfectly well that the rules of the game have changed, and perhaps even the game has changed!
Moreand more artists retreat to the peripheries of the world as if in those peripheries they could finally find their proper and renewed social position, which almost always works! It is more likely to visit an artist’s studio lost in the mountains than an atelier in the center of a metropolis!
The artist reproduces himself, sheds his skin, puts on make-up, and removes make-up for every occasion in which he can make his Art known; he seeks solutions and resolutions everywhere. When he does not find them, rightly so, he invents!
As a true gypsy of the time, he runs in all directions and travels. He retraces all the imaginable and possible roads through which to satisfy his ancient desire to create. Even knowing that he is not a Serie A citizen in this society, he fights with all his strength to assert his independence and, above all, the freedom of thinking! A true artist never becomes someone; a true artist is already born “someone” even if his contemporaries do not notice him or, worse still, have rejected him, put him aside, ridiculed him! History is full of colossal blunders, indescribable forgetfulness, and fashions that have made a dreadful selection in the world of Art. It is no coincidence that the extraordinary in an ordinary environment does not shine; it is neglected, underestimated. But then, sometimes and suddenly, for mysterious reasons or reasons, it turns out that with Art you can create an economy, make money, even improve a country, educate it, make it more intelligent and cultured! In that case, Art becomes, as they say, today, a brand! Then, in that case, Art becomes indispensable. Dogs and pigs pounce on those apparent scraps of society. When these professional hyenas take possession of an idea, at that exact moment, the idea dies in a specular amateur ignorance!
Here the artist discovers, in a certain sense, that he is also a warrior; more precisely, he had to become a warrior; therefore, even if there is no ascertained dynamic, the thought becomes common and is compacted into a significant force, which rightly is the force of destiny! Musicians, painters, writers, dancers, sculptors, singers, and all the other artists all together day after day, work after work, creation after creation, are the grand army of Art that, knowing that they are going to meet defeat, they do not retreat by a single step, heroically immolate themselves on the altar of stupidity that never ceases to amaze for its astonishing ignorance! In this modernist and non-modern society, the artist becomes the instigator and automatically also the killer of ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, indecency, rudeness, coarseness, and incivility! His experiences lasting thousands and thousands of years mean that the skin of our or our heroes is more complicated than steel and more malleable than wood. In short, the artist has become, in a metamorphosis that is difficult to describe, a true genius of himself projected towards the thing that is most sought after and coveted by the entire human race: eternity! Those who are already born someone hardly goes back to being nobody, and this is it! Everything else is talk! And in any case, let it remain between us: but a world without artists, what world would it be? I tell you, it would be dull, boring, monotonous, unbearable and annoying! Is it a world without Art? Well, this would be a universal disaster! Can you imagine, for example, all the churches without frescoes? All the walls in every house without paintings? All the notes of the music that embellish our existence? In short, it would be the end of all beauty without artists and without Art! So let’s love these fantasy travelers a little! They will always bring us something from their travels, even if it were just an idea!
Really good but messy!
Reviewed in the United States on August 31, 2022
Flavor Name: Takis FuegoVerified Purchase
I’ve been eating sunflower for decades now and for many years I only had the Ranch flavor but after trying these I’ve found a new favorite. My kids are obsessed with Takis so I saw these and had to try them. They’re surprisingly good!