2 minute read
Passion and betrayal under the Christmas tree.
(Who has sex on New Year’s Eve has sex all year round.)
It has always been the most propitiatory superstitious ritual for the new year, something we like to believe along with the midnight lentils and red underwear. But surprisingly, it is during the Christmas holidays that sexual activity undergoes a significant increase. Many researches on this topic argue that kisses, hugs, cuddles and more thrilling fantasies are the most sought-after gift under the tree. We can say that the saying "at Christmas we are all better off" can be overcome by the truth that "at Christmas we are all more hungry for sex". Why does Christmas not only bring so much joy but also a great desire to have sex? The Huffington Post interviewed British couples on the subject and half confirmed that sex is better during the holiday season. Perhaps it will be the spicy temptation to transgress that arises at a time when religion predominates? Or does the celebration of the birth rate encourage couples to expand their family?
Shopkeepers of erotic items report an increase in sales of vibrators, red plush handcuffs, whips, fruit lubricants, Christmas underwear and perfumed
susanna casubolo @susannacasubolo

condoms during the first week of Christmas and New Year’s, a sign that many packages under the tree represent an invitation to experimentation. But one of the most traditionalist transgressions remains linked to the Santa Claus costume hat, in fact a Durex survey showed that 10% of couples use it for sex during the Christmas holidays. That at Christmas you have more sex is also proven by the increase in condom sales recorded during the holidays, but despite this Christmas it remains the most fertile time of the year for conception, in fact, according to ISTAT, the peak is recorded in September of highest birth rate of the whole year and therefore the maximum of sexual activity occurs nine months earlier, just in correspondence with the Christmas holidays.
On social networks at this time of the year the frequency of the use of words such as sex, sexual, desire, eroticism is growing, according to a study conducted by the University of Indiana carried out on people from 130 different countries. Whether it is sex or love, stopping everyday life and routine thanks to parties grants the desire to make your way through the thousand things to do, bombarded with ultra-sugary films, gorged on good food and good wine, in a sort of enjoyable euphoria looking only for positive feelings. So after the hundredth time that the voice of Mariah Carey reaches us singing “All I want for Christmas is you” we begin to feel hungry for more and puckish turns into desire, perhaps in the wake of the passion red color that distinguishes the period or perhaps even to reduce the calories we have in our body after the colossal eats. to Facebook during the Christmas period many users break up, removing the classic fiance from their wall. The site “Incontri-ExtraConiugali.com” has
Shopkeepers of erotic items report an increase in sales of vibrators, red plush handcuffs, whips, fruit lubricants, Christmas underwear and perfumed condoms during the first week of Christmas and New Year’s, a sign that many packages under the tree represent an invitation to experimentation. But one of the most traditionalist transgressions remains linked to the Santa Claus costume hat, in fact a Durex survey showed that 10% of couples use it for sex during the Christmas holidays. That at Christmas you have more sex is also proven by the increase in condom sales recorded during the holidays, but despite this Christmas it remains the most fertile time of the year for conception, in fact, according to ISTAT, the peak is recorded in September of highest birth rate of the whole year and therefore the maximum of sexual activity occurs nine months earlier, just in correspondence with the Christmas holidays.