1 minute read
Ciane and...
Persephone, daughter of Zeus and Demeter, goddess of vegetation and agriculture, was intent on picking flowers together with some nymphs near the shores of Lake Pergusa (near Enna). Suddenly, from his underground kingdom Hades emerged, in love with the girl, who in order not to waste time in courtship and above all to avoid asking Persephone's hand from her father Zeus, decided to kidnap her.
It was the nymph Ciane who reacted to the kidnapping by clinging to the chariot of Hades in a desperate attempt to restrain it. The angry God struck it with his scepter, transforming it into a double spring with blue waters (cyanos in Greek means precisely blue).
The young Anapo, in love with the nymph Ciane, having seen his fiancée liquefy, was also changed into the river which still today, at the end of its journey, joins the waters of the Ciane, to pour into the Porto Grande.