Bath Life – issue 438

Page 26



NATURE lovely b nch of florists talk s thro gh the oys of ho seplants and bea tif l bo ets


By Sarah Moolla

ince lockdowns the nat ral world and all its bea ty seems to have grown in significance in o r lives and taken on a vital therape tic dimension. rom a spider plant on a bathroom shelf to a towering cheese plant flo rishing in a once forgotten corner or a vase of c t flowers on a dining room table – they are all bringing vitality, colo r and cheer to these dreary months. t’s not st aesthetics that are pleasing, there’s a science to their val e too. esearch by N S reveals ho seplants can remove p to per cent of air toxins in ho rs, pl s st dies have repeatedly shown indoor flora can red ce stress, and improve concentration and prod ctivity by p to 5 percent. ere we ask o r local experts to help s c ltivate o r blooms and botanicals and ask how to treat them with the respect they deserve. Fiona Haser Bizony, Queen Bee at Electric Daisy Flower Farm which grows organic flowers on their farm just south of Bath, to sell both locally and in their shop based in Highgate, London; f yo are st beginning yo r advent res in gardening as many people are d ring lockdown – apparently, it’s the second most pop lar past time after Netflix – wo ld always s ggest yo begin with a plant or gro p of plants that yo really O . Start with a selection of yo r favo rites like maybe herbs, vegetables or c t flowers. en oy planting a clove of garlic with children and watching that grow, it’s ama ing how ickly yo get res lts in a pot on the windowsill. hese days all the information yo need to get started is available with the flick of a mo se as oogle is the most powerf l tool in gardening.


Kate Bravin of Chapel Farm Flowers on the cutting plot

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