THE RETURN OF THE BRISTMAS QUIZ! It’s time for our annual Bristmas Life quiz, kindly compiled as ever by Richard Jones of Tangent Books PEOPLE (AND A BELL)
A statue of a female Black Lives Matter protestor briefly replaced dward Colston in the city centre. hat is her name
2 3 4 5 6
ho is the ord
ayor of ristol
r aul tephenson is well known for being the leader of which protest in 19 ho is the ord ieutenant of the City and County of ristol
ame the ristol overs manager who was sacked in ovember 2000.
hich ristol ears rugby player scored the fi rst try ust 1 seconds into this year’s uropean Challenge Cup fi nal the uickest try in the Cup’s history in ctober
hat is the name of the bell in the tower of the ills emorial uilding at the top of ark treet
hich player has played the most games ever for ristol City and which player is ust one appearance behind him
9 10
2020 marked the 0th anniversary of the release of which top 10 hit by red edlock
hich ristol band topped the album charts in 2020, and what was the name of the album
ame the two ristol members of ananarama who released their book Really Saying Something in 2020
2020 is the 0th anniversary of the death of a famous musician who died in a car crash after playing the ristol ippodrome. ho was he
13 14
2 years ago in 199 , ricky released his debut album. ame the album.
2020 is the 20th anniversary of the death of a ristol musician who sold more than 0 million records and had 1 consecutive top 20 hits. ho was he
ame the book set in ristol in 1 ; written by hilippa regory; set against a background of trading in sugar, rum and enslaved fricans.
hich ristol author currently en oying a critical revival wrote books including The Bloody Chamber
ame the novel by erome erome that was fi rst printed in ristol by rrowsmith in 1 9.
2020 is the 2 0th anniversary of the death of which ristol poet
n 19 rank and ldo erni opened the world’s fi rst erni nn in a ristol pub. ame the pub.
20 21
adlands, ndependence and nfi nity are beers from which ristol brewery
hich ristol superchef started out working at Crispie’s chip shop on andy ark oad, rislington
22 called
rislington is also home to ristol’s longest established ice cream maker. hat’s it
23 24
hich part of ristol has the nickname the eermuda riangle’
ame the long standing aston shop founded by assam a othi in 19 .
25 26 27
here in ristol were the head uarters of the ouglas motorcycle factory
here in ristol were the fi rst council houses built, and when
hat is the name of the proposed residential redevelopment of Cumberland asin championed by ayor arvin ees
elen unmore’s fi nal novel was named after a famous ristol beauty spot. hat is it called
ANSWERS 1 en eid 2 os Clark 3 ristol us oycott 4 eaches olding 5 en arner 6 arry andall 7 reat eorge 8 ouis Carey , ohn 9 Oldest Swinger In Town 10 dles, Ultra Mono 11 ara allin, eren oodward 12 ddie Cochran 13 Maxinequay 14 uss Conway tyeo 15 A Respectable Trade 16 ngela Carter 17 Three Men In A Boat 18 homas Chatterton 19 he ummer 20 ristol eer actory 21 osh ggleton 22 arrs 23 ing treet 24 ristol weet art 25 ingswood 26 eechen rive, illfields in 1919 27 estern arbour 28 Birdcage Walk
90 I BRISTOL LIFE I www.mediaclash.co.uk
Questions loosely based on a selection of Bristol titles, all available at tangentbooks.co.uk. Pop a few in the Christmas stockings!