Located in a quiet north-east residential area, close to schools, the McKnight LRT station, grocery stores, drugstore, doctors’ offices, restaurants and banks.
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If you are looking for an experienced property management company that exceeds your expectations in Calgary, Alberta –look no further than Fireside Property Group. With a focus on providing superior, client-focused management services and a commitment to foster win/ win relationships between property owners and their residents, Fireside Property Group embraces and deploys the best practices and highest business standards in the property management industry.
Fireside Property Group has rentals available that offer the perfect combination of accessibility and convenience, in conjunction with local amenities and services that you depend on. As a leader in the property management industry in Calgary, they create an unparalleled renting experience that places a focus on the needs of their tenants and creates a community that provides an excellent experience. Although headquartered in Calgary, Alberta – Fireside Property Group also has available rentals in Edmonton and Sudbury, Ontario.
The properties available to rent under their management team offer nothing but quality residential accommodations and a rental price point you will love. Well maintained and regularly updated, residents can be confident that will they will be renting with a company that knows and understands what they want and need most out of a rental property.
As a licensed Real Estate Broker, a former president of the Calgary Residential Rental Association, and with over 20 years of experience, Fireside Property Group is lead by the president, Keith McMullen, BA. President McMullen has created a company that identifies the needs of renters
and provides an exception high-quality rental experience.
President McMullen was formerly responsible for managing Prestigious Properties growing portfolio of multifamily assets in Western Canada. Before working at Prestigious Properties, Mr McMullen worked and managed for Gateway Property Management, Canada’s largest property management firm. As well as TransGlobe, Canada’s 3rd largest apartment building owner, and Realstar Management Limited, President McMullen carries an impressive level of understanding and knowledge surrounding the property management industry.
Renting an apartment is not just about a place to live – it is about your lifestyle. When you rent from Fireside Property Group in Calgary, you can feel confident that you have picked a company that keeps your needs in mind. With a focus on responsibility and reliability, their business is not just about providing apartments for rent – it is about the people who live in them and providing them with a premium rental experience unlike any other.
Are you on the hunt for your next perfect rental apartment? Choose a property management company that has built their business with you in mind – pick Fireside Property Group. ■
Everyone’s favourite accessory gets a cheap and cheerful makeover as fashionable lighting. This hot decorating trend is creative and versatile, crossing from modern to rustic décor. You can find easy online tutorials for mason jar candle holders, hanging lamps with vintage-style bulbs and wall-mounted lights using antique coat hooks.
Or, try making a mason jar chandelier, the perfect focal point for farmhouse style décor.
Enchant any space with gorgeous, twinkly string lights. Drape them around your patio or balcony, use them to frame your headboard or mirror, or weave them in and around a decorative element you want to stand
out, like a funky vase or coffee table. Use white or black cable to create surprisingly different looks, and experiment with no bulbs, clear globe bulbs, and wicker or wire bulb covers.
Boost your home’s IQ with intelligent lights that do everything from help you fall asleep faster to sync up with your television and automatically
adjust accordingly. Many are app-controlled, helping you direct light when and where you need it.
Transform harsh exterior light by diffusing it, spreading it evenly throughout your room so you can maximize daylight hours and reduce your need for artificial light.
Boost your home’s IQ with intelligent lights that do everything from help you fall asleep faster to sync up with your television and automatically adjust accordingly.
Perfectly illuminate your surroundings with Silhouette window shadings from Hunter Douglas that softly filter out brightness, glare and UV rays.
Decorate your backyard, patio or balcony for a summer party or breakfasts in the open air with outdoor lights.
Modern lighting ideas can help you highlight your landscaping, illuminate your pool and add task lighting for late-night barbecues.
Options like Moroccan lamps, beachy lanterns and romantic fairy lights let create you a unique atmosphere – from mysterious and majestic to bold and contemporary. ■
An eco-friendly lifestyle is anything but selfless, as such a way of life can pay both immediate and long-term dividends, helping men and women in the present day while also contributing to healthier futures for generations to come.
As environmentalists and ecofriendly ordinary Joes no doubt already know, there are myriad ways to go green. Even mealtime at home can be made considerably eco-friendlier with relatively little effort.
Men and women who dread having to hand wash their dishes after a nice meal have an ally in science. A study from researchers in Europe found that people who hand washed place settings for 12 people
used as much as 27 gallons of water, while washing the same amount of place settings in a dishwasher required just four gallons of water. So instead of standing over a sink and washing dishes by hand each night, you can simply load up the dishwasher, making sure only to run it when it’s full so even less water is wasted.
Empty nesters, couples without children or single men and women who want to save energy come mealtime can use toaster ovens in lieu of traditional stoves when preparing small meals. According to EnergyStar®, toaster ovens consume between onethird to one-half the amount of energy as conventional electric ovens when cooking small meals, making them a far eco-friendlier option for those who typically cook small meals for one or two people.
Cooks know that great meals begin at the grocery store, so there’s no reason why eco-
friendly cooking cannot begin there as well. Estimates suggest that as many as 3 billion plastic bags are used in Canada alone each year. Radio Canada reports that such bags are used for an average of 20 minutes, even though their life expectancy is as high as 400 years. By relying on reusable cloth shopping bags instead of single-use plastic bags, shoppers can dramatically reduce the carbon footprint of cooking their own meals.
Glass jars, plastic butter tubs, milk cartons, and other items necessary to prepare meals at home are all recyclable. Many local governments have weekly if not biweekly pickups of recyclable materials, making it easier than ever to ensure these items are given new life after being used. Those who reside in areas without such pickups can go it alone, collecting recyclable materials and periodically transporting them to nearby recycling centers.
Mealtime provides a host of opportunities for eco-conscious individuals to embrace practices that protect the planet. ■
— Metro Creative ConnectionEstimates suggest that as many as 3 billion plastic bags are used in Canada alone
Moving an elderly loved one can be tough. No one wants to upset that person and everyone wants the move to go as smoothly as possible. This can seem like mission impossible.
The children and families of the Baby Boomer generation – people born between 1946 and 1960 – are already helping their loved ones move into downsized or elderly assistance accommodations and often are not emotionally prepared for the task at hand.
Senior loved ones can be very set in their ways and often are not well equipped to express their emotional frustrations in a constructive way as moving day draws closer.
It all can seem like a daunting task.
Over the years, we have packed and moved many seniors and the important thing is to stay organized, be patient, calm and respectful throughout the entire moving process.
If you are moving a senior loved one into a retirement facility or a condo, you should first contact the management to find out what they are allowed to bring in, appropriate moving hours and if they have any tips specific to their facility to help smooth the moving process.
Seniors tend to collect things they don’t need or use. Be sensitive when suggesting to get rid of possessions. Ask if they use the item and if they would mind if you donated it to raise money for the Salvation Army, for example. Start packing early to avoid feeling overwhelmed as moving day draws closer.
When helping sort and pack your senior’s belongings keep in mind that their eyesight and reduced mobility prevents them from doing regular chores and can result in poor housekeeping habits. Instead of commenting, offer to clean as you pack and try not to be judgmental.
for your loved one to read. Make sure to label boxes containing breakable or sentimental items as ‘fragile’.
Otherwise, use low-static bubble wrap when packing these items.
When wrapping fine china and precious items, do not use newsprint because the ink can bleed.
This makes it easier to stack and protect your senior’s belongings.
Invest in dish packs for dishes and wardrobe boxes for clothing. Wardrobe boxes make it easy for seniors to access their clothing on hangers.
If your loved one is moving from a large home to a one-bedroom condo, there will be more furniture than needed. Get a floor plan of the new space and help your senior plan the space with their favourite furnishings, then help them decide what to do with the left overs. If the item is a family heirloom and cannot be accommodated in the new space, suggest giving it to a close family member like a favourite grandchild.
Allow enough time so your loved one doesn’t feel rushed. Sorting through years of stuff is difficult and sometimes emotionally painful. Allow your loved one time to say goodbye. If they take longer to clean out the desk drawer because they found a stack of pictures, let them take the time to walk down memory lane. This is a very important part of the process. Be patient and listen to their life stories, there will come a time you will be glad you did.
This prevents items like knickknacks from becoming lost or mistakenly thrown out.
Make sure to mark the top and sides of boxes as they’re packed and write in large letters to make it easier
It’s a good idea to sort unwanted clothing for donation prior to moving. Before donating any gently worn unwanted clothing, check pockets for valuables. Seniors often hide small valuable items like jewelry or cash in the pockets of suit jackets or shoes and forget where they hid it.
Take pictures and colour samples of the inside of their current home. Try to decorate the new space and place objects in a similar way, so that their new space will feel like the old one. Be as detailed as you can, from arranging the bedroom furniture to placing family pictures on the bureau. This will help make the new surroundings feel like home.
June 9–23, 2023 4Rent.ca
Chuck Resnick is vice-president, marketing and operations at Two Men and A Truck – Canada®Finger foods are universally loved by kids and adults alike for their nofuss, no-muss nature, but they could not exist without their trusty companion: the dip. Canadians may first think of ranch sauce or garlic aioli when asked about our favourite dips, but this staple can be as varied and creative as your imagination allows.
Typically made using local ingredients, dips can contain just about anything including vegetables, grains, dairy, oils and spices, elevating the taste of the foods they’re combined with.
Middle Eastern cuisine sees dips being made with eggplant, chickpeas, yogurt and so much more. Their Indian counterparts are often loaded with veggies and spices, while East Asian cuisine offers a wide array of dips accompanying everything from rolls to edamame to dumplings and everything in between.
Get the full scoop on some of the world’s most delicious cuisines by exploring their local flavours through dips.
Discover more dips and other recipes at tasteadventure.ca.■
Prep time: 5 minutes Serves: 2
• 3 tbsp (45 mL) Patak’s Lime Pickle
• 1/3 cup (100 g) yogurt
• 3 tbsp (45 mL) cream
1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and blend to a smooth dip. Serve with naan bread.
Prep time: 5 minutes Serves: 4
• 1/2 jar (80 g) Al’Fez Natural Tahini
• 4 tbsp (60 mL) cold water
• 1 tsp (5 mL) lemon juice
• 1 garlic clove, crushed
• 1/2 tsp (3 g) salt
• Pepper, to taste
• Parsley, to taste
1. Combine tahini, water, lemon juice, garlic, salt, pepper and parsley in a small bowl and whisk together.
Serves: 2
• 1/2 cup (125 mL) Patak’s Sweet Mango Chutney
• 3 tbsp (45 mL) coconut cream
1. Purée chutney in a blender or finely chop it on a cutting board.
2. Pour into a saucepan and stir in coconut cream. Cook on medium heat until most of the water evaporates.
3. Serve with naan bread.
Prep time: 1 minutes Cook time: 20 min Serves: 4
• 1 camembert wheel (packaged in a wooden box)
• 2 tbsp (30 mL) Blue Dragon Thai Sweet Chilli Sauce
1. Remove camembert from box, remove and discard the waxed paper wrapping the cheese and replace the cheese in its box.
2. With a sharp knife, cut a neat circle into the centre of the cheese to create a well, reserving the rind/cheese that has been removed.
3. Fill hole with sauce, then top with reserved rind (you may need to trim the excess cheese from under the rind to make it fit).
4. Replace wooden lid, place on a baking sheet in a 400°F (200°C) pre-heated oven and cook for 20 minutes or until cheese has melted and sauce can be easily stirred into the molten camembert. Serve with veggie sticks.
There are more one-person households in Canada than any other kind, according to the most recent census.
While living alone might be a choice, it may also be the result of a life change, such as losing a spouse or relocating. But experts say it can be a positive experience that allows us to enjoy our own company.
As the stomach is known as a window to the heart, meal prep offers easy opportunities for self-fulfillment. Here are some tips for helping this happen:
Plan ahead. Take time to review your schedule and understand your needs for the week. Once these details are confirmed, you will be bet-
ter suited to plan. Make note of when you’d like to eat out or order in.
Shop smart. Once you plan your meals, make a list with the required quantities. Shopping smart means buying items that will last all week and just enough to ensure nothing spoils. Keeping a balance of canned, frozen and fresh foods will help you get the most out of your food.
Prep ahead. Pick one day to prepare core meal items for the week.
Investing time up front greatly cuts down the overall time needed. For example, if you’re a dessert lover, make cookie dough in advance and freeze single cookie-sized portions.
Treat yourself. Pick a day each week to create an experience. Make your meal an event and create a beautiful place-setting with your favourite flowers and music. You could treat yourself and order in.
Invite a friend. Plan a get-together with friends and family. Much like eating a balanced meal is good for your body, finding a balance between the joys of eating alone and with others is good for your emotional health. Look for opportunities to share the experience. ■
Finding a balance between the joys of eating alone and with others is good for your emotional health
Who hasn’t, at one point in their lives, lamented a lack of space and organization at home? A lifetime’s worth of items have to be kept somewhere, and without the right organizational strategy, clutter can quickly take over.
The home improvement site Home Therapy says that, when square footage is limited, tapping vertical walls is the fastest way to maximize and multiply the space available. Hooks, rods, shelving, built-ins; the sky is the limit when it comes to finding ad-
ditional storage and adding a bit of personality to tight quarters. Even homes that may have adequate space can benefit from vertical solutions. Here are some ideas to put vertical and other less-utilized areas to work for you.
1. Hang wire or plastic file organizers on the inside of kitchen cabinets to easily store cookie sheets, trays and cutting boards.
2. Save on counter or cabinet space with hanging spice racks. These can be hung directly on walls or on the inside of cabinet doors.
3. Stack all the stuff you can, including washers and dryers, beds (with storage drawers underneath) and even stacking nesting tables.
4. Choose furniture that is tall rather than wide. This can mean swapping out a dresser in a bedroom for an armoire or vertical chest of drawers.
5. Canvas bags hung on a towel bar on a wall can keep dirty clothes wrangled until it’s time to wash them. This also eliminates clothes hampers on the floor.
6. Add a second rod or shelving to the inside of closets to create more space for clothing and other items.
7. Take kitchen cabinets all the way to the ceiling. Store lesser used items on the uppermost shelves and the items you use each on the most accessible shelves.
8. Install a shelf over the entryway to a room to utilize this seldom-used space. Shelves also can be custom cut and placed in oddly shaped areas, such as in attic rooms under the eaves or on slanted walls.
9. Dowels or curtain rods and some fabric can be used to fabricate slings to hold books or magazines.
10. Invest in some magnetic boards that can hold keys or notes by the front door or store knives on a kitchen wall.
11. Install two towel bars parallel to one another on the wall of a bathroom. These can hold extra toilet tissue or rolled hand towels.
12. Use rope plant hangers to store potatoes or onions near prep areas. The same plant hangers can
wrangle stuffed animals and small toys in kids’ rooms.
Utilizing vertical areas in a home is a great way to increase storage capacity and keep rooms more organized. ■
— Metro Creative Connection
June 9–23, 2023 4Rent.ca
BACHELOR/1 BATH from$1,095
1 BDRM/1 BATH from$1,475
2 BDRM/1 BATH from$1,695
1 BDRM/1 BATH from$1,245
2 BDRM/1 BATH from$1,495
3 BDRM/1.5 BATH TOWNHOMES from$1,595
2 BDRM/1 BATH from$1,445
3 BDRM/1.5 BATH from$1,595
4 BDRM/1.5 BATH from$1,695